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January 28 what lunar day

Lunar horoscope - the calendar for today determines favorable or unfavorable days depending on what lunar day it is today, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from troubles

Moon in Gemini

The lunar horoscope for today promises a successful direction of energy. At that time
the person becomes more impulsive. The lunar calendar recommends doing things that do not require special concentration. The Moon in the sign of Gemini promises the development of intellectual abilities: matters related to the extraction of information will be successful. Today is a great day for solving financial matters; the defense of a diploma or dissertation will be successful. Long-term ideas should be postponed until later.

Lunar day today

12th lunar day

Today does not predispose not only to romantic relationships, but also to any interaction with people. There is a high likelihood of conflicts at work and in the family. You can avoid this by showing generosity in the form of unplanned gifts and surprises to others. Also today one cannot refuse help to anyone.

The dream tends to come true on the seventh day after the night on which it was seen. The events that appeared in the dream will exactly happen in life a week later.

This figure at this point is approximate . The exact meaning of the beginning and end of the lunar day for regions in different time zones differs significantly. What lunar day is it today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this you just need to select city ​​name and fill in the time, date, month and year.

Waxing Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The current phase of the moon today is the Waxing Moon. The period has a powerful energy charge that spreads its influence to implement plans. Big things don't take too much physical strength. This happens because the Moon itself is just beginning to grow in height. A great time to bring to life the creative ideas that arose the day before. Space helps in the successful completion of undertakings. Business runs smoothly and without problems, without requiring any special energy expenditure from you.

Plans postponed since last month should be given attention in lunar day Today. This arrangement is conducive to active work not only in the business sphere, but also in personal relationships. Long-term relationships are likely to enter a new stage of their development. If there was no strong couple before, then there is a high chance of making more than one interesting acquaintance. The state of health also depends quite significantly on what lunar day it is today. All your internal organs are preparing for prolonged work, accumulating strength. This may feel like a slight sluggishness in the body.

Lunar horoscope Sunday

Sunday is a planet under the influence of the Sun. The day is saturated with joy, it promises to give the energy of love and kindness. In ancient times, it was believed that Sunday was reserved for mental rest; on this day one should not burden oneself with business.
The lunar horoscope for today promises meetings with friends, fun in a friendly company. Sunday is a time for people to relax, share their impressions, joy and positivity. If you have work to do on Sunday, it should be easy.

A dream from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you see something good, then it’s probably worth waiting for its implementation. If the vision has a negative connotation, it may not manifest itself in real life.
It also assumes the likelihood of dreams coming true, depending on which lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for January 28th

Today, don’t be afraid to admit your feelings to others. This day is perfect for this. Wherein we're talking about not only about love.

Try not to complicate your life any more. Get rid of the feeling of discomfort and learn to look at life a little more simply.

Today something will happen that you have been expecting for a long time. Because of this, you may even have to change your plans. Because it will be the wrong time for this.

The horoscope believes that if you want to get something for nothing, then today you will succeed. However, you may lose out on a few opportunities. Think, maybe it’s worth pushing yourself?

Do you know exactly where your good intentions. But you hardly expect that they will start snapping at you.

Today you will see more than others think. Of course, you will have many questions to which you will want specific answers. Don't be afraid to ask them.

Before you set off, complete any unfinished business. Most likely, your journey will be delayed.

Try to tame your pride today. Pretend that you have come to terms with everything. This will definitely benefit you. Additionally, you will be able to resolve multiple conflicts.

Today you will find yourself extremely talkative and hot-tempered. The horoscope advises you to swallow what is about to roll off your tongue. Otherwise, consequences cannot be avoided.

Today they will want to make a commitment from you, which will seem like complete nonsense to you. The horoscope advises to abandon it. It would be better if they thought you were stubborn.

The horoscope believes that today you can allow yourself to relax. Even if the fun doesn’t last long, you can still have a good rest.

Today you will not be able to fulfill your own obligations. You will constantly be distracted by other things. Try to pull yourself together anyway.

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2 lunar day

The 2nd lunar day has a special energy of action. It is suitable for any endeavor. In its first half, it is advisable to think about plans made on 1 lunar day. You should start acting in the afternoon. Negotiations and meetings, new business contacts during this period will be successful. This is the right time to change jobs. A good time to do any household chores. Financial transactions will be successful. The energy of this day awakens hidden greed and imbalance. Therefore, you need to control yourself to avoid conflicts. Day 2 of the lunar calendar is favorable for trips, business trips, and the beginning of travel.

New moon

The new moon is an unfavorable time for new beginnings. You can solve current routine issues that do not require much effort and energy. You should not communicate with your superiors or move to another job. Is not best time for big things around the house. During this period, it is not recommended to operate with large sums of money. It is better to avoid any contact with people. You can go on a pre-planned vacation trip.

Moon in Aquarius

The Moon in Aquarius is a favorable period for new beginnings. It is advisable to postpone current routine affairs for a couple of days. It is recommended to devote yourself to active activities; you should not sit at home. This is not the best time to communicate with your superiors and move to a new place of work. It's a good time for household chores. Any risky event can be a successful start to a new direction in work or personal life. This favorable days for communication in the company. Not the best time to meet new people. You can plan travel and active recreation on these days.


Saturday is an unfavorable period for new beginnings. I am good at monotonous routine work. The day is suitable for independent activities. This is not the best time to communicate with your superiors or change jobs. A suitable day of the week for household chores, shopping, and self-development.

Today, January 28, 2017, there will be a New Moon. The New Moon in January 2017 will take place in the sign of Aquarius. This means that the next lunar month will be full of bright events, extraordinary actions and surprises from life.

On the New Moon, it is customary to make plans for the coming lunar month, set goals, and dream. On the New Moon on January 28, 2017, you can start planning for the whole next year.

The New Moon in Aquarius gives us the opportunity to express our individuality, expand the boundaries of our lives, gain freedom of thought and indulge in flights of fantasy. The New Moon in Aquarius is a great opportunity to plan new endeavors, create creative ideas, and find like-minded people.

Lunar calendar for January 28, 2017

  • 1st Moon phase, New Moon
  • until 3:05 (GMT +3) - 29th lunar day
  • from 3:05 to 8:27 (GMT +3) - 1 lunar day, New Moon
  • after 8:27 (GMT +3) - 2nd lunar day
  • from 11:36 (GMT +3) - transit Moon in Aquarius

Lunar day today January 28, 2017 until 3:05 (GMT +3) - 29 lunar day b

Symbol of the day: Octopus

Characteristic: The 29th lunar day is the darkest and most dangerous period in the entire lunar calendar. At this time, the Moon is no longer visible in the sky and we are deprived not only of its energy, but also of its protection. Now all the most negative qualities are manifested in people, and evil is intensifying in the world. Negativity and dangers 29 lunar day lead to aggression, irritability and loss of strength.

Nowadays it is very difficult to cope with failures, communication leads to conflicts, and many obstacles appear around. On this day, it is recommended to avoid noisy crowded places and not visit public events and stay home if possible.

The negative energy of the day leads to fears and anxiety, but do not panic. You should be careful on the roads, avoid dark places and crowds, behave calmly and not communicate with strangers. On this day it is useful to cleanse and pray. The 29th lunar day is intended for cleansing before the start of a new lunar month.

Dreams: dreams of 29 lunar days can be scary, but they do not come true.

January 28, 2017 from 3:05 to 8:27 (GMT +3) - 1 lunar dayь, New Moon

Symbol of the day: Candle

Characteristic: From the 1st lunar day, a new lunar period begins - a new lunar month. And it is on this day that we can start everything from scratch. 1 lunar day is intended for planning the entire lunar month. But in order to enter it renewed, you need to continue to cleanse yourself and, if possible, get more rest.

On the 1st lunar day there is still too little energy and strength to be active and start new things, but quite enough to plan and dream. During this period, all our thoughts become letters to the Universe, so it is important to think about what you want and about all the good things and not give in to worries or thoughts about the negative. On the 1st lunar day, our every word and action lays out the direction in which life will move throughout this month. Therefore, you cannot condemn or criticize anyone, much less complain about life. Our thoughts should be pure and kind, and all words and actions should be filled with love.

If there is a need, then you must continue to cleanse the body, soul and space around you. After all, even if we bury something deep inside ourselves, it affects our life, because this is what our inner world. It is important to let go of the past, to live all your negative emotions and leave behind everything unnecessary. On the 1st lunar day we become clean sheets, with new goals, desires and dreams.

Job: The day is not suitable for active work, but you can use this clean, bright period to plan the coming month and engage in creativity. On this day a brilliant idea may come, a special inspiration may awaken. There is no point in starting new things, as there is still too little energy. You can draw up business plans. It is important not to overwork, rest more and prefer solitude.

Communication: on the 1st lunar day there is still too little energy, and communication, no matter how good it may be, takes a lot of energy. Therefore, it is recommended to retire and be in peace and quiet. On this day, it is important to get rid of grievances and worries, to leave negative experiences behind. There must be trust and sincerity in communication.

Mood: quiet, calm, but unstable: sometimes joyful, sometimes sad, sometimes kind, sometimes irritable. The emotional background is unstable, since there is still little energy, so it is recommended to spend more time alone with yourself.

Health: On the New Moon you should cleanse yourself. It is worth giving up alcohol, smoking and heavy food. Diseases come from psychological reasons, so it’s worth understanding the psychosomatics of your diseases. On the 1st lunar day it is useful to cleanse yourself, you can start a diet. The whole body is going through changes, including hormonal ones, so it is better to avoid intimacy.

A haircut: unfavorable, along with a haircut, you can cut off your health and years of life.

Dreams: dreams can indicate what awaits us this lunar month. You cannot take dreams literally; it is important to correctly interpret the symbols of your dreams.

January 28, 2017 after 8:27 (GMT +3) - 2 lunar day b

Symbol of the day: Cornucopia

Characteristic: on the 2nd lunar day we begin to receive the energy and support of the Moon. In the first half of the 2nd lunar day, you need to complete planning, and from the second half, begin to act. On the 2nd lunar day, with our actions we lay the foundation for future affairs and show the Universe the seriousness of our intentions. After all, it’s not enough to dream and think, you also need to do. On the 2nd lunar day, the mechanism for realizing our desires and plans is launched.

The 2nd lunar day symbolizes Abundance. It is on this day that we receive an abundance of energy and power from the Moon, which in the future will be transformed into material wealth and benefits. To attract wealth and various benefits to yourself, on the 2nd lunar day you need to show generosity and mercy, engage in charity and selflessly help people.

On the 2nd lunar day we are still energetically weak, so we should not overexert ourselves, the main thing is to take the first decisive steps towards a new successful lunar month. Each of our wishes, written down or made before the middle of the 2nd lunar day, must be supported by action in its second half.

The energy of the Moon has begun to enter people's bodies, and at the beginning of such changes, inexplicable attacks of irritability and anger may occur. This is normal, but in order to avoid conflicts and quarrels, you need to quickly direct your energy to active actions. Today our lives are filled with the riches of the Universe, so it is important to take care of our body, mind and soul, enriching ourselves on all three levels.

Job : The first half of the day is more suitable for leisurely, quiet time, planning and organizing your work. And from the second half of the 2nd lunar day, you need to start taking active action, working in all directions and taking the first steps towards your success. You can make deals, negotiate, establish contacts with people.

If you act according to your plan, you can spin the wheel of fortune and direct your affairs towards success. It’s a good time to do charity work now. You should not engage in court cases and proceedings - they will not be successful.

Communication: on the 2nd lunar day people are very nervous and irritable. It is recommended to limit your social circle to avoid conflicts and quarrels. Now it is important to show self-control and discipline in order not to succumb to outbursts of anger and aggression. It is especially favorable to do good deeds. On the 2nd lunar day there is a high probability of meeting your love.

Mood: unstable, irritable, determined, joyful, excited, kind, but at the same time uncontrollable. It is difficult to manage our emotions now, because we are filled with energy and this affects the psyche. You should protect yourself by limiting communication and directing energy to action.

Health: on the 2nd lunar day you can start healthy image life, quit smoking, start recovery and treatment. It is useful to run and play sports. What is started on the 2nd lunar day can easily be turned into a habit. Diseases that have begun now are not terrible and are easily curable. The only thing that cannot be treated now is the teeth. It is better to postpone going to the dentist.

A haircut : unfavorable, can attract quarrels in personal relationships.

Dreams: dreams show ways to fulfill your plans and methods of solving life problems.

Transit Moon in Aquarius

Planets: Uranus, Neptune

Element: Air

Characteristic: The transit of the Moon in Aquarius is a time of surprises and surprises, originality and freedom. During this period, no one can sit still, everyone behaves extremely unpredictably and even sometimes crazy. But also during transit in Aquarius, people become sociable, friendly, positive, and cheerful. Nowadays people become more emotional, so some may become more nervous, while others may become more self-confident. During this period, you can search for new original ideas, throwing away old things, creativity.

Job: This time is perfect for work, but not for official meetings and events, but for communication in a more informal setting. This is a time for creativity, extraordinary solutions and new ideas. Also during the transit period in Aquarius, group work and work in partnership will be successful.

Communication: communication will go well. You can find like-minded people and together create something new, original and interesting. During this period, relationships improve. Concerning love relationship, then now it is important to give your partner freedom and respect his wishes. Now nervousness is increasing, there is a possibility of quarrels.

Health: vulnerable nervous system, eyes. The best thing to do is spend time in nature and relax. There is a possibility of electrical failures; caution should be exercised with electrical appliances.

A haircut: very unfavorable time. Hair may begin to fall out.

Dreams: a new idea may come to you in your dreams.

A new moon or the birth of a new moon is always full of surprises, just like the birth of a child. But here everything is more clear: for a person, the influence of the new moon only brings trouble, no matter in what zodiac sign this event occurs. The period is extremely negative for men who suddenly become indifferent to the most exciting activities for themselves. You shouldn't plan anything during the new moon, no matter what it is - the plans will almost certainly end in failure. And this “leads” to unpleasant consequences, both for the body and for the state of mind.

How does the new moon affect the human body:

  • everything is annoying, but the reason for the condition is unclear to the person himself. He believes that fortune has “turned away” from him, that his loved ones have ceased to understand him. As a result, a person may make the wrong decision, which will “cost” him and his loved ones dearly;
  • there is a reluctance to engage in any activities, which relatives and colleagues attribute to fatigue. This often manifests itself in aggressiveness or apathy, and any demand to do something is met with hostility;
  • If you do have to start a new business, all attempts will almost certainly result in failure, which will only fuel the onset of depression. You can plan some things, but don’t start them! In 2-3 days the condition will pass, and you can begin to implement your plans with peace of mind;
  • a person easily “catch” viral or other infections because the immune system fails. Heart problems worsen; the heart rhythm may suddenly and without reason go astray. People with pacemakers are strictly contraindicated for physical activity, flights or long car rides.
  • During the new moon, many people experience melancholy, “heaviness in their souls,” an incomprehensible desire to leave life, but this is all temporary and this must be understood. Depression due to the new moon will go away on its own - there is no need to make any hasty decisions. You need to tune yourself to patience and calm, understanding that this condition is temporary. Cleansing from toxins (vegetable diets, giving up alcohol and tobacco, walking) helps a lot. It is possible to neutralize the impact of the new moon, although it cannot be avoided.

Moon in Pisces

The Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces opens a period of daydreaming and creative activity, when a person is given the opportunity to express his emotions. But, at the same time, there is a risk of becoming a victim of someone’s intrigue.

What is worth doing and what is better to put off?

When the moon is in Pisces, it is not advisable to take on new projects, as well as tasks that require composure, concentration and careful attention. Also, you should not change your job at this time.
But everything related to creativity and inherent in the emotional sphere will go smoothly. For example, drawing, cooking, handicrafts, etc.
In work, this period will be fruitful for everyone whose professional activity associated with creativity - designers, artists, journalists, managers of advertising companies and others. They will need good dexterity to keep up with the flight of thoughts and, at least, have time to record everything that comes to mind.
And for workers in the engineering industry, this period can be a real test.
At this time, trips and trips are great, but the mood of others can be changeable, which is worth remembering in unforeseen situations.

Financial transactions when the moon is in Pisces

This is not the best period for any investment, since a person is psychologically unstable and is not able to concentrate on important tasks. Therefore, the risk of failure due to your own carelessness is quite high. So transfer any risky investments to another period. Well, if it’s really unbearable, then you can make the village happy with small purchases or a game of poker.

Relationships with people

While the moon is in Pisces, romantic relationships with your other half are going well. Communication with loved ones is excellent. There is a high probability of renewing warm relationships, even with those with whom you had quarrels.

Personal care

This is not the best time to visit a hairdresser or cosmetology center. Due to the unstable state of a person, the result of ordinary procedures may bring unpleasant surprises. Hair and skin at this time require additional nutrition, but certainly not stressful situations.

The influence of the lunar day

1 lunar day

Today you should not take on complex matters that require active communication or excessive stress. At home, it is best to do routine work that does not bring drastic changes in everyday life. At work, try to have as little contact as possible with colleagues and superiors.

Do not overload the body on the 1st lunar day physical activity, heavy food. Also try to abstain from sex, as this can significantly weaken you.

The day is not conducive to active communication with others and your significant other. Excessive emotional events will most likely be very tiring and will not live up to expectations. It is best to spend this day alone or in a small company of loved ones.

Influence of the day of the week

By lunar calendar Saturday is under the patronage of Saturn, which determines the energy saving regime for people. In the behavior of others, and in your own, you can observe greater emotional restraint. All desires fade into the background, and the mind focuses on practical tasks.

What to do on Saturday?

On Saturday, you are great at doing work that requires long, monotonous concentration on the task at hand. As an example of such an activity, you can take cleaning the apartment, small repairs, in which all family members should be involved so that nothing is left for Sunday, when you cannot work.
It is best to do the work yourself; it is not advisable to hold meetings with senior management, and even more so, try to prove something to your superiors.
This day will be optimal for shopping or shopping at the market. Since saving energy, caused by the influence of Saturn, also affects the financial sphere, a person is extremely reluctant to waste money on all sorts of trinkets, giving priority to only the most necessary things.
Anything related to self-development will be great - reading books, watching documentaries etc.
On Saturday it is extremely undesirable to start anything new; there is not enough energy on this day to fully start a new endeavor, so it is better to postpone it until later.

Appearance care

If you have planned a trip to the hairdresser on Saturday, then such a haircut will bring not only pleasant changes in your image, but also getting rid of energy dirt and negative information that has accumulated over the past few years. Lately. But it’s better not to do cosmetic work on your nails; put off manicure and pedicure for a more favorable day.
Also, Saturday will help you get rid of everything unnecessary; especially on this day you are good at giving up unnecessary food and bad habits. Therefore, on the day of Saturn, it is advisable to refuse food that requires the body to make excessive efforts to process it. It is worth giving up fatty fried and unhealthy foods filled with preservatives. It is better to fill your diet with healthier vegetables, lean meats, eggs, legumes and other healthy foods.



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