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Adam's root: beneficial properties and use in folk medicine. Adam's root and its use in folk medicine Medicinal St. Adam's root and tinctures

Adam's root is a fairly common medicinal plant that has both beneficial properties and side effects. It is used in the preparation of lotions, tinctures, ointments, since the effectiveness of treating any disease increases significantly. Positive reviews about the use of Adam's root in folk medicine are fully true. But there are a number of recipes that can really help you.

For many centuries, traditional medicine has been collecting a first aid kit from natural plants that can very quickly heal the human body. Over the past few years, Adam's root has been noted as the leader of the top ten medicinal herbs. People call it as:

  • Thamus vulgaris or Bryonia alba;
  • fire root or snake root;
  • unavailable

You can find such a plant exclusively in the mountain rocky forests of the Caucasus and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

What does Adam's root look like?

The appearance of the fire root is close to a creeping vine reaching a length of up to five meters. Today, you can purchase the presented collection at any pharmacy, but it is best to collect herbs yourself at certain periods of time.

Why is it called such a unique interpretation of “Adam’s Root”? The appearance of the name is directly related to the biblical characters Adam and Eve. The myth tells that Adam, having sprained his ankle, pushed Eve to search for a medicine that could relieve the pain and heal the abrasion. While searching, the girl found the root of a bush from the Garden of Eden and applied it to Adam’s abrasion. So, from time immemorial, traditional medicine has been producing tinctures, poultices and ointments from the Thamus root to help alleviate the resulting illness or wound.

Healing properties of white Bryonia in folk medicine

Each disease causes some discomfort, which may be accompanied by pain, inflammation or bleeding, swelling, bone and soft tissue disorders. To eliminate such ailments, traditional medicine advises using Adam's root.

It is endowed with an incredible amount of useful microelements that eliminate the most severe forms of disease due to:

  1. Carotenoids. Promotes the production of vitamin A, which is responsible for the function of cleaning blood in blood vessels.
  2. Tanning elements. Responsible for relieving inflammation and stopping blood during major bleeding.
  3. Polysaccharides. Helpers control the required level of sugar in the human body. A similar element is necessary for patients suffering from diabetes.
  4. Oxalic acid. Acts as a blocker against harmful microelements entering the body.
  5. Formic acid. A bactericidal agent that helps to cleanse the skin of rashes, abrasions and bruises in the shortest possible time.
  6. Alkaloids. Enzymes that improve brain function.
  7. Fatty oil. It has a beneficial effect on nerve endings.
  8. Kumarinov. Elements that fight against dandruff and relieve the inflammatory effect (acne treatment).

Such a wide range of medicinal properties allows Adam's root to be used in the treatment of ailments of various types, ranging from skin defects to rheumatism and radiculitis. Since the components it contains have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antitumor, tonic, and restorative effects when used.

Application of Adam's root in the field of traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of the fire root are used in traditional and folk medicine. The extensive content of microelements of this plant allows in folk medicine, even at home, to relieve or cure the following diseases:

  1. Varicose veins The disease affects 30% of the population. It is Adam's root that allows you to strengthen the venous vessels, for excellent blood functionality, avoiding problems with swelling of the limbs.
  2. Heart ailments. By consuming snake root tincture, blood pressure is restored, normalizing the functioning of the heart muscle to its normal limit. Restoring the functioning of the circulatory system is of great importance for the human body. Many diseases begin precisely because of such problems. Therefore, regular use of the tincture will allow you to quickly tone all blood vessels.
  3. Hip joint. In case of illness in such an area, taking Adam's root is a must; this plant will relieve inflammation, swelling and pain like no other. Are you prone to rheumatism, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, sciatica? Eliminate problems painlessly by topical or oral use. Positive reviews about the use of Adam's root in folk medicine confirm its effectiveness. If you really want to be treated with this plant, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  4. Respiratory system. When moving from season to season, people are often exposed to acute respiratory infections or colds, accumulating harmful bacteria in the lungs. To remove such microorganisms, traditional medicine recommends taking tinctures from Adam's root. He is also an assistant to patients suffering from pneumonia, tuberculosis, and bronchitis.

Treatment of female diseases

In the modern world, there has been a tendency for the reproductive system to decline in women, for this reason the pregnancy rate has dropped several times. To solve a seemingly hopeless situation, Adam's root is recommended by traditional medicine; you only need daily use to restore hormonal levels.

It is believed that consuming thamus tincture 2 times a day can reduce infertility by several tens of percent. In the practice of traditional medicine, there have been cases where a woman, after a course of Adam’s root, was fertilized without surgery or IVF.

The use of Adam's root in folk medicine is fully confirmed by positive reviews. If you really want to get rid of health problems, then you can choose the best treatment option using the presented herb.

Treatment of complex diseases can be carried out as an additional treatment. That is, you can visit a doctor, take pills and medications, and use tinctures and decoctions as auxiliary components.

Treatment of female diseases is of great importance, especially in modern realities. Many doctors prescribe the use of decoctions and tinctures based on various herbs, and Adam's root is one of them.


Traditional medicine uses Thamus vulgaris exclusively for medicinal purposes. It can be used both externally and orally. For external use, Adam's root is ground to a finely shaped form, mixed with Vaseline or boric ointment. The resulting consistency is used to apply ointment to the affected areas of the skin, making lotions or compresses. The ointment is also suitable for rubbing the body before a massage. Eczema and warts can be cured with this consistency.

The oral version of Adam's root requires special care during use as the plant is poisonous.

To prepare the tincture at home you need:

  1. Place the finished dry root in a dark container.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol-containing drink. The product must be infused for 12 days.

The resulting tincture can be taken orally, but with the recommendation of a doctor. The tincture is also relevant for external use; it is used for rubbing sore joints or in places of bruises.

Following the positive reviews about the use of Adam's root in folk medicine, one can easily note its effectiveness. The most important thing is to prepare the tincture correctly.

In folk medicine, the root was tested in a third processing option - in the form of a poultice. To prepare a similar procedure, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of the root with boiling water and cover the mixture for 5 minutes. After a certain interval, the water is drained, the plant is wrapped in a rag or gauze and applied to painful areas. For quick results, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Almost all traditional medicine recipes involve the use of natural ingredients for the manufacture of medicinal products. Each plant has its own properties and composition rich in beneficial microelements.

Even licensed doctors do not exclude the possibility of combining traditional methods of treatment with homemade medicines. One of the healing components of many remedies widely used to treat various diseases is Adam's root.

Description of Adam's root

The plant belongs to the Dioscoreaceae family. In appearance it is a herbaceous vine, the length of the pagons reaches 4 meters. In medicine, they mainly use the roots, which contain a large number of useful trace elements and minerals.

The plant has analgesic properties, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect. Also, healing products made from the root promote rapid healing of wounds and other damage to the skin.

The unique composition of the cream is a source of important building elements for joints. Effective in the fight against many joint diseases.

Ideal for both prevention and treatment at home. Has antiseptic properties. Relieves swelling and pain, prevents salt deposition.

Preparation and storage of plants

The ideal time for root harvesting is considered to be spring (before flowering) or autumn. Before you start collecting, it is recommended to wear protective clothing and gloves to prevent burns from contact with the leaves.

Digging up the root is quite difficult, after all, it is intertwined with the root system of bushes and herbs growing nearby. The extracted fragments of the underground part of the plant are cleaned of soil residues and cut into small pieces or plates.

For proper preparation, you need to dry it in a well-ventilated, shaded place. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight so that beneficial components do not lose their properties under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

The workpieces are stored in a dry place, equipped with a ventilation system, at room temperature. Air humidity should be within 60%. The ideal storage containers are canvas bags or cardboard boxes.

Dried roots have healing properties for two years, after which most substances lose their properties.

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It has the following properties:

  • Relieves pain syndrome
  • Promotes regeneration of cartilage tissue
  • Effectively relieves muscle hypertonicity
  • Fights swelling and eliminates inflammation

Chemical composition

The aboveground and underground parts of the root contain a huge number of active components, including:

  • saponins and tannins that have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • pectins that activate the blood circulation process;
  • lycopene, which has an antioxidant effect;
  • steroid substances that help cleanse the blood and strengthen blood vessels;
  • treterpene compounds and mucus, stimulating regenerative function;
  • natural acids (oxalic, brinolic, formic);
  • resins;
  • essential oils;
  • nitrogen-containing compounds;
  • starch;
  • coumarin, etc.

The chemical composition of the plant has not been fully studied, but there is no doubt that it is rich in unique and useful microelements

Therapeutic effect

The medicinal properties of products prepared on the basis of Adam's root are explained by a multicomponent composition, including a successful combination of active substances.

Centuries-old use of the plant confirms its healing effect, which consists of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating and analgesic effects.

When used externally the following is noted:

  • increased blood circulation, warming effect;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • relief from pain;
  • regulation of mineral metabolism in joints;
  • stimulation of the regeneration process;
  • reduction of swelling due to diuretic action;
  • restoration of hormonal levels (in women);
  • increase in male potency, etc.

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“I ordered the cream for myself for prevention and for my mother for the treatment of joints. Both were completely delighted! The composition of the cream is impressive, everyone has long known how useful and, most importantly, effective beekeeping products are.

After 10 days of use, my mother’s constant pain and stiffness in her fingers subsided. My knees stopped bothering me. Now this cream is always in our house. We recommend."

Use in folk medicine

Adam's root has long been used in alternative medicine for the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatism, and sciatica.

The effectiveness of the plant is due to the presence of essential oils in the composition, which activate blood circulation, and therefore stimulate all vital processes.

Various infusions, rubs, and decoctions are prepared from the root to relieve inflammation. The beneficial substances contained in the plant promote rapid healing of wounds on the skin and mucous membranes. Recovery of the damaged area occurs quickly (from 5 days to two weeks).

Often the root part is combined with other components to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. For example, in osteochondrosis, the active substances of the plant help restore cartilage tissue. The process is slow, but this is an excellent indicator given the availability of the product.

Adam's root remedies It is advisable to use in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Infusions do a good job of relieving the inflammatory process and reducing pain. The active substances of the plant can prevent the peak phase of the disease, so they are prescribed as a preventive measure.

When using any traditional medicine drug, you should remember that herbal formulations cannot fully replace pharmaceutical drugs, so it is better to use them in complex treatment

Indications for use

The wide range of applications is due to the rich composition and healing properties of the active components.

A number of diseases are treated with tinctures and decoctions from Adam’s root:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal tract disorders;
  • inflammatory process that occurs in the kidneys, appendages, bladder;
  • dropsy;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • otitis;
  • sexual weakness.

Prepared remedies based on the root are used for preventive purposes, for example, to prevent stroke attacks and other disorders of the cardiovascular system.

The plant is used in cooking multicomponent compositions to relieve inflammatory processes in the body. A high effect of using Adam's root in the treatment of joints, gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and radiculitis has been noted.

The active substances of the plant stimulate the metabolic functions of the body and help improve immunity.

Cooking recipes

For self-cooking When using Adam's root medicinal products, remember that the plant contains toxic substances, so it is important to adhere to the proportions and dosage.

When using tinctures internally, you should not increase the course of treatment. After a month's use, a break is required. There are many recipes that can be used to prepare healing compounds at home.

Recipe No. 1: alcohol tincture

The tincture can be used externally and internally, but the proportions of the ingredients will vary depending on the purpose of the product.

For external use you need take 200 g of dried root preparations and pour 500 ml of vodka (without flavorings) into them. For 2 weeks, the composition is infused in a glass container, which is best stored in a closet. At this time, the jar is shaken periodically to stir the components. After settling, you need to strain the resulting product.

If internal use of a medicinal product is intended, then the raw materials are taken in smaller volumes (100 g). Further cooking technology remains unchanged.

Recipe No. 2: universal tincture for oral use

This drug is used for almost all diseases and as a disease prevention. The preparation process itself is very simple, pour boiling water (200 ml) over half a teaspoon of dry root preparations. After 2 hours, the composition is filtered.

The product should be used after meals After 30 minutes, take a tablespoon three times a day. The concentration for external use is low, but the infusion is often used as a lotion to relieve inflammation or quickly heal a wound.

Recipe No. 3: rubbing ointment

This recipe uses fresh root. It needs to be crushed on a fine grater (in the amount of 10 g) and mixed with Vaseline (100 g). The composition should be stored in the refrigerator (on the door).

Recipe No. 4: poultice

The raw materials are poured with 100-150 ml of boiling water and infused for 5 minutes, after which the mixture is laid out on gauze. The prepared bandage will be wrapped around the treatment area. The duration of the poultice is 30-50 minutes.

First procedures for severe pain It is recommended to carry out 2-3 times a day. If the effect of treatment is noted, it is enough to steam once a day.

In the article we tell you what Adam's root is, what it treats and what it is used for. Check out the recipes for compresses, tinctures, decoctions, and lotions based on medicinal plants. You will learn the composition, medicinal properties and contraindications for using the root.

Adam's root is a medicinal plant that has other names: common thamus or fire root. Its peculiarity is the brown root, which has medicinal properties.

The plant is used to treat diseases of the skin, joints, and circulatory disorders. With its help you can get rid of hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, and cure female and male diseases.

The weight of the root of an old plant reaches 15 kg. Adam's root has rough leaves and light yellow small flowers. Deep red, round fruits ripen in mid-summer to mid-autumn.

The fruits are poisonous, consuming them in any form causes severe poisoning.

Medicinal properties of Adam's root

All the power is concentrated in the root of the plant. Tinctures, infusions, ointments, and decoctions are prepared from it. Folk remedies based on Thamus vulgaris:

  • regenerate,
  • relieve pain
  • heal wounds,
  • stop bleeding
  • dilate blood vessels,
  • eliminate constipation,
  • cleanse the blood
  • relieve inflammatory processes,
  • strengthen the body's protective functions,
  • ARVI is treated.

The medicinal plant contains fatty acids, tannins, starch, carbohydrates and other components.


In folk medicine, Adam's root is used to treat a wide range of diseases. The plant affects the functioning of individual organs.

  • Proper use of medicinal properties strengthens the walls of veins, normalizes blood circulation, relieves inflammation, and prevents the formation of nodes.
  • Adam's root normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure. It is used as an additional medicine for people who have suffered a stroke.
  • They treat bruises, muscle strains, inflammation, and reduce pain.
  • Used for indications: liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids.
    The laxative effect of the plant eliminates chronic constipation and normalizes intestinal function.
  • Strengthens the immune system and restores the body after ARVI.
  • Medicines based on medicinal plants remove excess fluid from the body and improve the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

The plant has a positive effect on the female and male body. Indications: ovarian cyst, polyps, hormonal imbalance. In combination with other methods of influence, it treats impotence and restores male strength.

Adam's root is also used for external use:

  • Heals tissue.
  • Treats bruises, contusions, joint dislocations, sprains.
  • Eliminates the manifestations of skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis, pigmentation.
  • Improves well-being in case of joint diseases.
  • Strengthens hair and activates its growth.

Folk recipes

The plant contains active components, so decoctions, tinctures, ointments, balms, etc. are prepared on its basis.

You can prepare the medicine from dry raw materials sold in pharmacies. If you have time, prepare it yourself, then you won’t have to doubt its naturalness.

Dig up the root, clean it from dirt, wash it. Cut into thin slices and dry in a cool place. Dry raw materials retain their beneficial properties in paper packaging for up to 3 years.

Since Adam's root is considered a poisonous plant, you need to use gloves when harvesting it, avoiding getting the plant juice on your skin.

Adam's root tincture for joints


  • Dry raw materials – 1 cup;
  • Vodka – 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour the raw materials into a dark glass container and fill with vodka. Leave for two weeks, shaking the bottle occasionally. Strain.

How to use: Apply alcohol tincture to sore areas, preferably before bed. Put on warm clothes and cover yourself with a blanket.

Indications: Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism.

Poultices with Thamus vulgaris relieve joint pain and inflammation. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 5 minutes. Drain the water and wrap the roots in gauze. Apply the poultice to the sore spot two or three times a day.

The skin will recover faster if you sprinkle the wound or cut with the dry root of the plant. The fresh root has a mild analgesic effect.

A mixture of dry root and 3% boron ointment will help get rid of warts. The remedy is used until complete recovery.

Alcohol tincture for oral administration


  • Dry common tamus – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Alcohol – 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour alcohol over the root. Leave to brew for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. Shake regularly. Strain.

How to use: Dilute 15 ml tincture in 60 ml water. Take after meals 3 times a day. The course is 3 months.

Indications: Joint diseases, ovarian cysts.

Recipe for treating the gastrointestinal tract


  • Dry raw materials – 30 g;
  • Butter – 350 g;
  • Liquid honey – 300 g.

How to cook: Grind the root, melt the butter. Mix the ingredients. Leave it to sit for a day.

How to use: Take a tablespoon 2 times a day half an hour after meals.

Result: Reduces discomfort accompanied by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system, treats sexual dysfunction.


Since common tamus is considered poisonous, it should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

In the cases described below, you will have to refuse treatment with Adam's root.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.
  • Frail children's bodies - children under 3 years of age.
  • Oncological diseases.

An overdose provokes an allergic reaction. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and loss of strength may occur.


Instructions for use:

Prices in online pharmacies:

Adam's root (or, as it is also called, inaccessibility, fire root, thamus vulgaris) is a plant that has wound-healing, analgesic, tonic, anti-inflammatory, blood purifying, and restorative properties. Its root stimulates blood circulation and normalizes metabolic processes occurring in tissues.

The composition of Thamus vulgaris has not been fully studied, but it has been reliably established that it contains:

  • Tannins;
  • Glycosides;
  • Saponins;
  • Alkaloid-like substances;
  • Aromatic polynuclear substances;
  • Organic acids: oxalic, palmitic, brinolic, linoleic, oleic and formic;
  • Polysaccharides;
  • Carotenoids lycopene and lipoxanthin;
  • Steroids (in particular dioscin);
  • Resins;
  • Starch;
  • Coumarins;
  • Essential oil;
  • Methyl acid esters;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Phytosterol;
  • Nitrogen-containing compounds.

Beneficial properties of Adam's root

The saponins and mucus contained in Adam's root relieve inflammation and restore the mucous membrane. Therefore, tinctures and decoctions from this plant are taken orally to treat inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (up to sexual impotence), stomach and intestines, respiratory organs (including pulmonary tuberculosis and pneumonia), inflammation of the kidneys and appendages.

Carotenes, lycopene, lipoxanthin and steroid compounds tone the walls of blood vessels and purify the blood. Therefore, Adam's root has been used since ancient times for heart disease, paralysis, epilepsy, hypertension and diabetes.

Externally, the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic in the treatment of diseases of the joints and bones, and as a rub for rheumatism, radiculitis, bruises and hemorrhages. Pectins and fatty oils, which are part of the fiery root, activate blood circulation in sore areas, thereby stimulating the nerve endings of the skin.

Thamus is an excellent pain reliever that effectively eliminates pain after sprains, fractures and other injuries.

Indications for use of Adam's root

The scope of application of this plant is extensive, which is explained by its rich composition and wide spectrum of action. It can be used to treat:

  • Pneumonia;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Pleurisy;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Ear inflammation;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Dropsy;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, appendages;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Sexual weakness;
  • Stroke.

The fire root is not used in its pure form; powder, decoctions and tinctures are made from it.

One of the main properties of Adam's root is its ability to relieve inflammation. For this reason, the rhizome is added to various preparations intended to eliminate inflammatory processes in the human body.

Adam's root tincture is used to treat ascites, paralysis, epilepsy, gout, constipation and heart disease. It relieves pain after fractures, dislocations and sprains. Take the infusion just like that - in order to stimulate the immune system and improve metabolism.

The powder is used for weeping diathesis, abscesses, ulcers, eczema, wounds, bruises, bruises, warts and age spots.

A high effect has been noted from the external use of Adam's root as a poultice and rub in the treatment of joint diseases, gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, sciatica, polyarthritis and radiculitis.


Most reviews of Adam's root are positive. However, like all medicinal plants, thamus has a number of contraindications. Thus, all products from this plant should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as by all people who are hypersensitive to its components, which is usually manifested by allergic reactions.

Exceeding the dosage when taking the root tincture orally can cause diarrhea and vomiting.

It should also be borne in mind that the berries of the plant are poisonous; they are strictly prohibited from being used externally in any way, as this can cause skin burns, much less be eaten.

Home remedies from adam's root

Recipe for tincture of Adam's root for the treatment of joint diseases, osteochondrosis and radiculitis: place 200 g of crushed dry root in a jar, add 0.5 alcohol, close the lid and leave for 5-7 days. Rub the infusion into the affected areas.

To relieve pain, it is better to use poultices. To do this, the root of the tamus needs to be steamed in boiling water, wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore spot.

For bronchial asthma and peptic ulcers, the following medicine is prepared: the root is ground very finely (preferably to a powder), combined with bee honey or butter in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mixture is taken orally, 1 tsp. three or four times a day before meals.

To treat inflammatory processes, prepare the following tincture: crush 1 tbsp. root, pour 0.5 l. alcohol, infuse for 10 days. Take 1 tbsp. l. solution, previously diluted in 50 ml of clean water, three times a day 30 minutes after meals.

The properties of Adam's root are also used to eliminate the consequences of a stroke. For this, 1 tbsp. crushed root is poured with 300 ml of alcohol or vodka and infused for 7 days. Then the tincture is filtered and taken twice a day after meals, 25-30 drops diluted in half a glass of water.

Recipe for bladder inflammation: pour 100 g of finely chopped root, pour 1 bottle of dry red type. Leave for 3-4 days, strain and drink 1 tbsp. after eating.

The following remedy will help get rid of eczema and warts: mix crushed root and 3% boric ointment in equal proportions, and if possible add a little hellebore powder. The resulting mixture should be lubricated on the affected areas - the more often, the better.

In the article we discuss the Adam's root. You will learn about the beneficial properties that the plant has and how it can be used for medicinal purposes. We will look at recipes for medicinal products based on Adam's root and talk about contraindications for use.

White step

White steppe or Adam's root is a perennial herbaceous vine of the Pumpkin family (lat. Cucurbitaceae). This poisonous plant is also known as white, greasy root. Another plant is called Adam's root - this is the common tamus (lat. Tamus communis).

What does it look like

Appearance of Adam's root. The liana has a curly creeping stem, the length of which reaches 4 meters. The shoots have tendrils that cling to the support.

The petiolate leaves of the plant have 5 lobes and a rough surface. The length of the leaf blade is up to 10 cm.

The pale yellow dioecious flowers of the plant are collected in inflorescences. Most often, Adam's root blooms in May and June.

In mid-summer the fruits ripen - black round berries up to 7 mm in diameter. Unripe berries are red. You cannot eat the fruits, as they are poisonous.

The root of the plant is thick and fleshy and can reach 90-100 cm in length. The outside of the rhizome is dark brown, the inside is pale yellow. The weight of the root of an adult plant reaches 6 kilograms.

Where does it grow

Adam's root grows in tropical and temperate zones. The plant can often be found in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and Crimea, in Western Europe and Central Asia. Less commonly found in northern Africa and in Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine.

Adam's root

In folk medicine, the root of the plant, which contains the largest amount of useful substances, is of great value. Medicinal products based on it have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and restorative effects. Adam's root is prepared in dry form, and fresh raw materials are also used. For example, they make a tincture of raw Adam's root, which is used to treat rheumatism and radiculitis.

Chemical composition

Adam's root contains:

  • fatty acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides;
  • resins;
  • tannins;
  • urea;
  • saponins;
  • essential oil;
  • coumarins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • starch;
  • steroids.

Medicinal properties

Adam's root is used in folk medicine to treat joints. In folk medicine, Adam's root is used as an analgesic and antirheumatic agent, which is effective for joint pain. A poultice with Adam's root decoction helps eliminate articular syndrome. Medicinal preparations based on Adam's root help in the treatment of diseases such as osteochondrosis, rheumatism and arthrosis.

Tincture with Adam's root has a hemostatic effect, so it is often used as a hemostatic agent. In addition, the plant helps increase cell regeneration, which helps in the treatment of skin diseases, such as eczema. An ointment based on Adam's root helps eliminate spider veins and varicose veins. The tincture has a tonic effect, which also helps with varicose veins.

The plant has anti-inflammatory and restorative effects, so it is used to treat diseases such as bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, stomach ulcers, and otitis media. The diuretic effect helps with kidney diseases.

How to collect

As we have already found out, the root of the plant has high medicinal value. The procurement of raw materials begins in early spring or autumn. When digging up the rhizome, you need to wear gloves so as not to burn your hands on the leaves. Often the roots become intertwined with neighboring plants, making it difficult to obtain raw materials. After the root has been dug up, it is cleared of soil and cut into slices.

Dry the plant in the shade or in a room protected from sunlight at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

The plant should be stored in paper or fabric bags for no more than 2 years.

How to use

Medicines based on Adam's root are used both externally and internally. Based on it, you can prepare ointment, cream, tincture, decoction and balm. Externally, these drugs are used for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, injuries, and for wound healing. Adam's root is used to treat skin diseases - eczema, dermatitis.

Indications for oral use:

  • respiratory tract diseases (ARVI, bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system (stroke);
  • diseases of the digestive system (stomach ulcer, liver cirrhosis, colitis);
  • pathologies of bones and muscles (heel spur, radiculitis, vertebral hernia);
  • disorders of the urinary system (inflammation of the kidneys and bladder);
  • diseases of the female genital organs (ovarian cysts, polyps);
  • impotence.

For bronchitis

Due to its active antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, Adam's root tincture is used to treat respiratory diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis, colds). The product has an expectorant effect, so it is widely used to relieve cough.

Cough infusion


  1. Dry Adam's root - 5 gr.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour a glass of boiling water over the raw material, cover with a lid and let it brew for 2.5 hours. Then strain the infusion through a sieve and squeeze out the plant material.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon orally 3 times a day after meals.

Result: The infusion helps to cope with cough, thins mucus and promotes its removal. The recipe is suitable for treating children over 3 years of age.

For radiculitis

To eliminate pain from pain in the joints and spine, alcohol tinctures, medicinal compresses, ointments and industrial creams are used. For example, shark oil in combination with the plant is often used to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Balm for radiculitis


  1. Oregano - 5 gr.
  2. Adam's root - 10 gr.
  3. Mustard - 5 gr.
  4. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Chop the herbs, mix with dry mustard and add vodka. Leave in a dark place for 2 months.

How to use: Rub the balm over the areas of pain 2-3 times a day.

Result: The product relieves pain, deeply warms and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The balm eliminates pain in muscles and joints, improves blood circulation.

When bleeding

Adam's root has a hemostatic effect, so it is often used to stop bleeding, for example, after childbirth or during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Decoction for bleeding


  1. Viburnum bark - 10 gr.
  2. Adam's root - 5 gr.
  3. Nettle leaves - 5 gr.
  4. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Grind the dry ingredients, add water and place in a water bath over low heat. Stir the herbs for 20 minutes, then remove from heat and cool. Strain the finished broth using a strainer.

How to use: Take 2 tablespoons at least three times daily.

Result: The drug increases blood clotting and significantly reduces bleeding. The recipe is suitable for use during heavy menstruation.

For impotence

Adam's root is one of the plants that can increase potency. For this purpose, infusions, decoctions and balms are prepared. Regular use of these products restores potency and enhances sexual activity.

Product for potency


  1. Butter - 10 gr.
  2. Adam's root (fresh) - 10 gr.
  3. Honey - 10 gr.

How to cook: Melt butter and honey, combine and stir. Peel the fresh Adam's root, cut into small pieces and add to the mixture of butter and honey. Place in a cool place and let the product sit for an hour.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon in the morning before meals.

Result: Restores potency. The effect is noticeable after the first use. Suitable for regular use.


The use of products based on Adam's root is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of an allergic reaction;
  • children under 3 years old.

It is necessary to use products based on Adam's root strictly according to the instructions. Remember that the plant is poisonous.

An overdose of Adam's root products when used orally can lead to irritation of the stomach walls, vomiting and diarrhea.

Overdose when applied externally can lead to burns.

Adam's root tincture for joints

Adam's root is often used to treat problems with motor activity of joints and pain during movement. Plant-based products enhance mineral metabolism in bone tissue and help restore motor activity of joints.

Adam's root tincture for joints


  1. Adam's root - 100 gr.
  2. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind the raw materials a little and place in a glass jar. Pour vodka over the roots so that they are completely immersed in the liquid. Place the jar in a dark place for 14 days. Shelf life - 3 years.

How to use: Rub the sore joint with the tincture 1-2 times a day. The main rule is that after the procedure the joint should be warm. To do this, wrap it in a warm cloth.

Result: The tincture relieves pain and helps increase joint mobility.


Adam's root or white Peresupen (lat. Bryonia alba L) belongs to the genus Peresupen, Pumpkin family (lat. Cucurbitaceae). This plant belongs to the order Cucurbitaceae, class Dicotyledonous, division Flowering.


The Peresupen genus contains 12 plant species, all of which are herbaceous vines. The most common of them are: white steppe and dioecious steppepe.

Adam's root infographics

Photo of Adam's root, its beneficial properties and applications Infographics on Adam's root

What to remember

  1. Adam's root is used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, inflammation of internal organs and for external use.
  2. Since the plant is poisonous, it must be used with caution and strictly according to the instructions.
  3. The use of traditional medicine recipes based on Adam's root must be agreed with your doctor. Products based on this plant have a number of contraindications.

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Adam's root is a plant belonging to the Dioscoreaceae family and is a herbaceous vine that can reach 4 m in length. In medicine, the root of this plant is mainly used, which is known for its hemostatic, analgesic and healing properties. This plant is also known as Thamus vulgaris.

Botanical description and composition of Adam's root

Adam's root grows mainly in Asia and Western Europe, as well as in the mountainous Crimea. It has a thick, oblong root of a dark brown color with small roots along its entire length. At the break, it is juicy and fleshy, yellowish in color, and spreads like butter. The leaves of Thamus vulgaris are arranged alternately on the stem and have arcuate veining. The flowers of the plant are small, greenish-yellow, and the berries are juicy, red, and spherical in shape. Adam's root blooms and bears fruit at different times, depending on the region. So, in the southern regions it blooms already in April, and in the northern regions - in May or June. The fruits of the plant appear in some areas by July, and in others in September and October. Thamus berries are poisonous.

Adam's root contains:

  • Formic acid;
  • Oxalic acid;
  • Tannins;
  • Steroids;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Glycosides.

Pectins and fatty oils contained in Adam's root have a revulsive effect on the nerve endings of the skin. Therefore, external use of this plant activates blood circulation. Taking it orally due to saponins acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, while promoting the restoration of the mucous membrane, and the steroids that make up the thamus cleanse the blood well and tone the walls of blood vessels.

Application of Adam's root

The range of uses of Adam's root as a medicine is very wide, since it is used to treat a huge number of diseases and ailments, which include:

  • Bronchitis;
  • Pleurisy;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Bladder diseases;
  • Diseases of the uterine appendages;
  • Cysts on the ovaries;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Polyarthritis;
  • Bursitis;
  • Gout;
  • Sciatica;
  • Sexual impotence;
  • Impotence;
  • Stroke;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Dropsy;
  • Ear inflammation;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Polyps;
  • Bleeding, contusions and bruises;
  • Warts and eczema.

The use of Adam's root for various diseases of the spine is in most cases external. Tinctures are prepared from the plant and rubbed on sore spots. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of thamus during such a massage help relieve pain and inflammation. In addition, external use of Adam's root can be done in the form of poultices. The fresh root of the plant is doused with boiling water, wrapped in gauze and applied to sore spots to relieve pain.

Adam's root treatment

Treatment with Adam's root can be different and directly depends on the disease it is aimed at. Most often, tinctures are made from the root of the plant, both for external use and for oral administration. Let's look at the most effective recipes for Adam's root tinctures used to treat various diseases:

  • For external use for radiculitis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis and joint diseases, 200 g of crushed plant root is poured into 500 ml of vodka and infused for 5 days, after which the sore spots are rubbed with the resulting product;
  • For cysts on the ovaries and inflammation of the uterine appendages, 1 tablespoon of crushed thamus root is poured into 500 ml of 60% alcohol and infused for 10 days. Take the tincture three times a day, half an hour after meals, diluting 1 tablespoon of this medicine in a glass of water. The course involves the use of 3 bottles of tincture;
  • When treating polyps with Adam's root, pour half a teaspoon of the root into a glass of boiling water, leave for about 2 hours and consume after meals 3 times daily;
  • For a stroke, pour a tablespoon of crushed root into 300 ml of vodka, infuse for 10 days and filter. 25 drops of this Adam's root tincture are diluted in a glass of water before taking. Should be consumed twice a day after meals for a month. After a couple of weeks, the course can be repeated;
  • For bladder diseases, 100 g of root is poured into 1 liter of dry wine and left for 3 days. It is recommended to take the tincture three times a day after meals, 1 tablespoon;
  • 100 g of crushed root is poured into 500 ml of vodka and infused for 3 days. Take 1 tablespoon of the tincture three times a day for ear inflammation. In case of hemorrhoids, tampons moistened with this tincture of Adam's root are used;
  • For sexual impotence and impotence, mix the plant root, butter and honey in equal quantities and take 1 tablespoon in the morning before meals.

To treat eczema and warts with Adam's root, the root of the plant is mixed with 3% boron ointment. This medicine is used externally.

Before preparing the tincture for external use, it is necessary to check the skin's reaction to Adam's root. To do this, rub the back of the wrist with fresh plant root. If redness appears on the skin less than a minute later, you should prepare a tincture with vegetable oil.

It is recommended to store fresh thamus root in the bottom of the refrigerator. To prepare the tincture, you need to wash it under running warm water with a brush, removing the thin tendrils on its surface and cutting off the damaged areas. It is necessary to cut the root preferably with a stainless steel knife, since other materials cause oxidation, during which the medicinal properties of the plant are lost. If you need to grate the root, you should do this using a plastic grater.

It is recommended to infuse Adam's root in a dark place at room temperature. It is advisable that the container with the tincture be made of dark glass. You can wrap it in foil. It is important to say that sunlight also deprives the root of its healing properties.

The use of thamus is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to this plant, pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children under 3 years of age.

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For various types of diseases, many people prefer the traditional one. The latter is resorted to only in cases where the people are powerless. The patient wants to find a universal one that can be used to treat various ailments. One of these can rightfully be Adam's root, which has a wide spectrum of action. Therefore, further we will talk about recipes for preparing Adam’s root and methods of treating it.

Description and distribution

This representative of the flora of the dioecious species is called in Latin tamus communis (common tamus). Due to the widespread use of Adam's root in folk medicine, it is called differently, the most recognizable being inaccessibility, leshura, watergon, fire root. Let's figure out what Adam's root is and what it looks like.

It is a perennial vine, consisting of several shoots that are more than 3 m in height. They have thorns and tendrils, thanks to which the thamus rises. The leaves are rough to the touch, bright green in color, and shaped like a heart. They consist of five parts and are no more than 10 cm in length.

At the beginning of summer, white inflorescences with a slightly noticeable shade of yellow appear on the vine; they bloom for about a month. Of these, by mid-summer, first green ones appear, when ripe they have a bright red color, and when they are ripe, they become black with a diameter of up to a centimeter. The plant has a very powerful root system. The rhizome is tuberous, thick and powerful and can reach a weight of up to 15 kg, and the shoots are a meter long. The inside of the root is white-yellow, and the outside is pink-brown.

In nature, it is found in most cases in beech, beech-oak and hornbeam-ash-oak forests and located in foothill and mountainous areas. The habitat is very wide. The plant is often found in Asia and Europe, Iran and Turkey, is well ground in the South Caucasus and Transcaucasia, and is common in Crimea.

Important!The berries of the plant are very poisonous. They should not be eaten under any circumstances.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the plant contains a lot of biologically active substances. A special place is occupied by tannins and brionin (saponin), which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. There are steroids, alkaloids and glycosides that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and circulatory systems - they cleanse the blood and strengthen blood vessels.

Coumarin substances in the plant have an antispasmodic effect, and essential and fatty oils relieve pain and promote skin regeneration by acting on nerve endings. There are carotenoids such as lipoxanthin and lycopene - these are powerful antioxidants.
Adam's root contains a sufficient amount of active natural acids, such as formic, brinolic and oxalic, which have a beneficial effect on the muscular and nervous systems. Thamus is rich in microelements that are necessary for soft tissues and bones, contains substances with histamine, amino acids and polysaccharides.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to the huge amount of beneficial substances that are found in Adam's root, it has been used since ancient times to treat many systems of the human body. Preparations from thamus are used externally and internally to treat diseases:

  • musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis, radiculitis, arthritis in various forms, gout, injuries, rheumatism, bursitis;
  • genitourinary system - cystitis, prostatitis, various diseases of female gynecology;
  • respiratory system - pneumonia and tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy;
  • cardiovascular system - hypertension, post-stroke and post-infarction conditions;
  • circulatory system - thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • skin - bruises, abrasions, wounds, warts, boils, ulcers and eczema.

Application in official medicine

Thamus is not officially a medicinal plant, but nevertheless, in pharmacies you can find several drugs in which it is the main component. This is an alcohol tincture of Adam's root, which is used both externally and internally. In many cases, it is suitable for the treatment of skin diseases and the musculoskeletal system; it is used internally as a broad-spectrum drug.

On sale there is a balm “Adam's root and mustard”, which is used for compresses and rubbing. It is used to treat almost all diseases - the musculoskeletal system, the genitourinary system, the lungs, and the skin. In pharmacies you can buy Adam's Root with Yohimbe capsules, which can be used by men with sexual dysfunction.
Thamus is included in the “Golden Us plus Thamus” balm, which is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, muscles and skin.

Did you know? The first clinical studies of the use of Adam's root in pharmacology took place in the 14th century.

Traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine, there are several recipes for preparing remedies from thamus to treat ailments. The recipe for a tincture for joints with Adam’s root base is as follows. 200 g of roots and 0.5 liters of vodka are placed in a darkened glass container. The mixture is mixed and infused in the dark for five days to two weeks. After this, it is used for rubbing, compresses, and lotions for wrapping sore spots afterward.
There is a recipe for making a vodka tincture with Adam’s root, which, after three courses of administration, is effective for treating heart attacks and strokes. Mix 300 ml of vodka with one tablespoon of roots, leave for at least 10 days, then strain and take 25 drops twice a day after meals. You can add drops to half a glass of water.

It is known that a mixture consisting of half a liter of 50 or 60 percent alcohol and a tablespoon of thamus, infused in the dark for 10 days, is effective in the treatment of diseases of female gynecology. For cysts and other inflammations as a woman, you need to add one tablespoon of tincture to the water and drink it three times a day. It is better to do this after eating 30 minutes. Repeat three courses.

The recipe for treating the bladder is as follows. Add 100 g of root to a liter of wine, preferably dry, leave for three days and drink a tablespoon three times a day.

For endometrial cancer and polyps, pour half a teaspoon of powder from the roots of thamus into a glass of boiling water, leave for three hours and drink three times a day. When you first get sick, after three months of taking it, take a week break. You need to take three courses.
As a pain reliever, you can scald it with boiling water, wrap the root in a cloth and apply it to painful areas. To help any wounds heal faster, you can sprinkle them with thamus powder. By adding it to boric ointment, you can smear eczema and warts until the effect is achieved.

To treat the respiratory system, thamus powder is mixed with honey and butter and eaten a teaspoon three times a day.

Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

Adam's root is collected in places where it grows, before or after the plant blooms, that is, in early spring or late autumn. It is washed well and cut into plates, which are dried in the shade in a warm, ventilated place. When ready, the raw materials are collected and stored in tightly closed glass jars for two years.
You can, after clearing the soil and washing it, grate the root on a plastic grater and, distributing it into portions, store it in the freezer. Then take it out and use it for lotions.



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