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Affirmations for success and good luck and prosperity by Natalia Pravdina and Louise Hay. Affirmations for material well-being

In this article we will look at two main areas of affirmations for financial success, good luck and prosperity.

The first direction of money affirmations is related to working with human energy centers - chakras. There is a hypothesis that chronic financial difficulties are caused by improper functioning of the chakras, which you can try to correct with the help of affirmations.

It's certainly worth a try. But it must be said right away: this direction of work is simpler, and therefore less effective, than the second - psychological, which we will discuss a little below.

Working with chakras

Sahasrara – crown chakra

I believe that life works with me and it will show me everything I need.

Sahasrara is the center of trust. This also applies to its influence not on your cash flows. It is very important to accept that you can never work alone in this world. There are always some higher forces that work with you. And who will show you everything that you need to see in order to become more successful and richer.

It is important to realize that your money paths are not hidden from you. Those that are hidden are not yours.

Ajna – third eye chakra

I'm wise with money. I spend, save and invest wisely.

Ajna is the center of wisdom. To improve your financial situation, you need to configure Ajna in such a way that it helps you spend money wisely. This affirmation helps to do just that.

For many people, financial problems are associated not so much with low income as with unreasonable spending. Balancing Ajna helps to avoid unnecessary waste of money.

Vishuddha – throat chakra

I'm confident.

Vishuddha is responsible for self-confidence. When it comes to money, Vishuddha complements Sahasrara, that is, it helps to grow confidence in yourself that life is working with you and helping you.

People who are not sure that money can come to them do not come to them. Therefore, it is very important to work hard to balance Vishuddhi.

Before pronouncing an affirmation for the throat chakra, it is good to put on beads or a pendant, made from which are associated with the ability to attract material well-being and at the same time strengthen Vishuddha.

Anahata – heart chakra

I love money and I am a generous person.

Money grows only when it is spent wisely. Greed and stinginess never lead to increased income. Therefore, it is necessary to be a generous person and spend what you earn, and not put it in a box. Another thing is that one should not forget about the correct work of Ajna, because money should be spent wisely.

Manipura – solar plexus chakra

I deeply appreciate everything I have.

Manipura is the chakra of gratitude. You need to set it up in such a way that you feel sincere gratitude to the world for the material wealth that you have now. Even if it's small. If you don't appreciate what you have, you can lose it too. We must never forget about the “old woman at the broken trough.”

Svadhisthana - sacral chakra

I'm balanced. I give easily and receive easily.

A properly balanced person is open to the world. He receives easily, but also gives easily. This is the only way to set up an abundant cash flow. Money should flow freely and then flow out in order to come back again.

In fact, not everyone knows how to joyfully give and easily receive. Some people are unable to part with a penny. Someone feels extremely uncomfortable at the moment when they are offered something that they did not expect to receive.

Both behavior patterns block cash flows. That is why working with Svadhisthana is one of the most important for attracting money and wealth.

Maladhara – root chakra

I'm disciplined. Every day I develop my body, mind and soul.

Maladhara is the chakra of discipline. In terms of money, this means that you need to actively demonstrate your potential in various areas of life. Even those that at first glance are not related to money. And only then the money will come.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. Cash flow even more so.

Rules for pronouncing phrases for chakras

  1. It must be pronounced deliberately, and not mechanically. You can say them to yourself. But it's better to say it out loud.
  2. You need to start by working with the upper chakra – Sahasrara. Moreover, each recitation session should include work with all chakras.
  3. The course of working with chakras should last at least 30 days.

Changing the wrong mental attitude

You can blame the chakras for as long as you like and say that there is not enough money due to their imbalance. However, most psychologists are confident that chronic financial problems in a person’s life are not associated with blockage of the chakras, but with an incorrect mental attitude, irrational thinking, etc., which, fortunately, can be changed with affirmations for every day to attract money, wealth, prosperity.

How to understand that you are thinking incorrectly?

Read the statements below. If you agree with at least one of them, you can be sure that you have a pernicious irrational thinking that is preventing you from getting rich. Just work honestly, don’t prevaricate.

  • Hand on heart, I can say that I am satisfied with my financial situation. Maybe it seems unenviable to someone, but I don’t suffer too much from a lack of money. Basically that's enough for me.
  • I believe that I do not deserve wealth, even if I hide these thoughts from myself.
  • I don't think it's possible to have more money in my life situation.
  • I believe that wealth is evil. It's much more honorable to be poor.
  • To make money, you have to do bad things.
  • If I get rich, I might lose some of my friends.
  • I want to have money, but at the same time I feel that my deepest beliefs contradict this desire.
  • It's my parents' fault that I'm so poor.
  • Wealth does not bring happiness.
  • The only way I could get rich was by marrying a rich man.
  • I don't know how to make more money, and I'm not going to learn it.

25 Powerful Affirmations to Attract Money and Wealth

So, we have established that we have an irrational mindset that is preventing us from achieving financial success there. Now we begin to adjust our thinking. And we will do this with the help of powerful affirmations to attract money and financial success, which work well for both women and men.

  1. I'm a money magnet. Prosperity comes to me on its own.
  2. Money comes to me, both in expected ways and in the most unexpected ways.
  3. I change my poor man's mindset to a rich man's mindset.
  4. I deserve to earn more money.
  5. I am open to the ways of enrichment that life offers me.
  6. I am constantly discovering new ways of financial income for myself.
  7. I am ready to meet and accept the inexhaustible source of wealth in my life.
  8. I free money in my life from the negative energy that may be on it.
  9. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
  10. I use money to improve my life and the lives of others.
  11. Wealth is constantly pouring into my life.
  12. My actions create the foundation for sustainable prosperity.
  13. I walk hand in hand with the energy of abundance.
  14. I constantly attract new opportunities into my life that bring money.
  15. My financial success is growing faster than I could have ever dreamed of.
  16. Money is the root of joy and comfort in my life.
  17. Money and high spirituality can coexist in harmony with each other.
  18. Money and love can be friends.
  19. Money is my servant.
  20. I am the master of my wealth.
  21. I know how to properly manage large sums of money.
  22. I am calm about the fact that I manage a lot of money.
  23. I handle my enormous financial success with ease and grace.
  24. Money expands my life and my life experiences.
  25. Money has a positive effect on my life.

How to pronounce it correctly?

You can combine affirmations for success, luck, happiness and prosperity with meditative practices. For example, use during .

You can combine them with the process of visualizing desires. From this article you will learn all the details about it, including dreams of wealth.

You can say affirmations at any free moment and even not completely free, for example, when you are doing household chores.

This is not the main thing.

The main condition for the success of affirmations is the absence of doubts in what is said. You must ensure that none of the phrases that attract money into your life cause you doubts.

If you pronounce a phrase and at the same time feel that something in your mind opposes it, doubts its truth, it will not work.

Therefore, you need to pronounce affirmations as long as possible and so persistently in order to completely convince your subconscious of the truth of what was said. Only then will your thinking change. And money will come into your life.

When pronouncing affirmations, special attention should be paid to those phrases that cause the greatest internal resistance in you and most go against your inner beliefs.

Are there affirmations for success and good luck, prosperity, happiness and wealth? Many of us dream of becoming successful, happy, having a stable financial situation and not needing anything. But few people know that all this can be easily achieved using simple verbal formulas that, like magic spells, can change our lives.

Probably, the thought has occurred to everyone why someone is constantly lucky, circumstances develop in the most favorable way, while for others, no matter how hard they try, everything goes awry. It turns out that in order to attract success and luck into your life, it is not enough to simply wish for it, to be smart and talented, and a good professional in your work.

First of all, you need to tune your subconscious to the wave of success, happiness and prosperity, make your thinking positive. And that’s why there are affirmations - verbal formulas that contain a powerful positive attitude and help our subconscious to completely rebuild.

It turns out that the Universe has all the necessary resources to make us happy, healthy and successful. But you need to be able to attract all this into your life. And this cannot be done if you do not have positive thinking.

A person makes himself a loser, constantly complaining about his life, failures, lack of money. The Universe, hearing your every word and complaint, continues to answer you in kind. After all, your words and thoughts attract the same energy that you send into space.

Any negative states: phobias, anxiety, anger, envy, ill will, like a magnet, attract unpleasant situations, problems and failures to us. This happens because any negative has great power and emotional overtones. As a result, negative thoughts and feelings are very difficult to get rid of. They spin around in your head for a long time, attracting new problems and troubles.

To tune in to the wave of good luck and success, you need to learn to send only positive thoughts and emotions to the Universe, thank it for the fact that you have everything you need for happiness, you are successful, healthy, loved. When the number of positive mental images reaches a critical point, a wave of success and prosperity will finally open up to you, favorable circumstances, good people and luck in all its manifestations will begin to be attracted.

These changes may not happen as quickly as you expected. After all, if a person has been mentally telling himself all his life that he is a loser, he will never have luck, he needs to invest a lot of positive energy to fix everything. Therefore, do not despair if your first attempts to change your thinking are unsuccessful. This will require a lot of effort.

Affirmations will become a kind of compass that will show your subconscious the path to success and prosperity. These verbal formulas can be short or long, invented independently or taken from the Internet, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that these phrases introduce a mindset of success into the subconscious and set thoughts only to the positive.

How to write affirmations correctly?

In order for a simple verbal phrase to become a real magic spell, you need to follow certain rules when composing it.

  • You can make an affirmation only in the present tense and in the first person: “I am happy and successful.” Do not use phrases in the future tense: “I will become rich.” Try to use more pronouns “I”, “at me”, because you are the one who needs success and prosperity.
  • The statement should be as brief and clearly worded as possible. This makes it easier to convey it to your subconscious and the Universe. The subconscious will perceive phrases that are too verbose as a bunch of words. Use only those words that seem understandable and accessible to you and evoke pleasant sensations.
  • The affirmation should convey a positive attitude and positive emotions, and be to your liking. It should not contain words with a negative meaning.
  • You cannot use the particle "not". That is, to say: “Nothing hurts me” will be wrong. You should say: “I feel great.”
  • Statements should be as specific as possible. A clear image of the desired result should appear in front of you.
  • You should not use the verb “I want”, because it is not perceived by the subconscious as an order. It is better to say “I feel happy” rather than “I want to be happy.”
  • Wish only what can actually come true. Your subconscious is unlikely to accept the attitude “I will become a millionaire.” Say better: “Every day my financial condition is improving.”
  • Believe in positive results and remember that all people who are accompanied by success in life do not even doubt that luck can fail them. For them, being successful is a natural state that does not require proof.

How to use affirmations correctly?

In order for affirmations to be effective, you must adhere to certain rules for working with them:

  • Repeat verbal formulas as often as possible.
  • It is best to say them in the morning and evening hours when you are in bed. The fact is that during this period people are in a transitional state of consciousness, and logical thinking is not as active as during wakefulness.
  • How long should work with affirmations last? It is impossible to give a clear answer here, because this is not a medicine that is used strictly on time. Each person must decide for himself how much time a day to devote to working with affirmations. The main thing is that this activity is enjoyable and exciting for you. You shouldn't do this by force. If you're not in the mood, it's better to do it later.
  • In certain situations, affirmations must be pronounced. For example, if you get stuck in a traffic jam or unexpected difficulties arise. At such a moment, it is definitely worth repeating several times: “Luck always accompanies me. I only attract positive situations.”
  • When pronouncing verbal formulas, you must imagine what you want in bright colors. The brighter and clearer the image, the sooner it will become reality.
  • Remember to repeat affirmations regularly. In order to completely eradicate the self-doubt, doubts and lack of faith in success that have been ruining your life for years, a couple of days or weeks are not enough. If you really want to achieve results, you will need a lot more time. Don’t stop working with affirmations, even if the first attempts are not very successful and the result is not noticeable.
  • Remember your responsibility for every moment of life, every thought, because they create your future. If thoughts about the insults, troubles and hardships caused to you come into your head, stop this flow and start thinking in a positive direction. No matter how much you want to mentally or out loud complain about your life, don’t do it. After all, in this way you tune in to the frequency of low and heavy energy, which will not lead to success and well-being.

Useful recommendation: what is the most convenient way to work with affirmations while lying in bed? After all, as we found out, it is best to pronounce these positive formulas in the morning or evening before bed. Shouldn’t you pull out your notes from the nightstand or run for a book?

The most convenient way is to print your magic formulas for happiness and success on separate sheets of paper and hang them by your bed so that you can read them without getting out of bed. You shouldn’t be ashamed of this, because you won’t surprise anyone with icons hanging at the head of the bed. Everyone has the right to ask for support from the Universe in the way in which they believe. This technique will give you the opportunity to receive a powerful charge of positive energy for the whole day in the first minutes after sleep.

Affirmations for success, luck, prosperity, happiness and abundance

If you want to attract success and luck, wealth and prosperity into your life, and feel happy and loved, we recommend the following effective affirmations:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Do you want to attract luck into your life? Bring the desired success closer, accelerate the acquisition of wealth? Use the practice of affirmations! This method is available to everyone, it does not require much time, physical strength, or special conditions, and can be used at any time and at any age. We have collected the best affirmations for success in this article.

How affirmations for success work

“Words imbued with sincerity, conviction, faith and intuition are like bombs of enormous explosive power that, when released, shatter the stones of difficulties and create the desired changes!”

World teacher Paramhansa Yogananda

Yes, affirmations really work very powerfully, they can change a person’s life for the better. The only condition is that they must be repeated regularly, daily, at least in the morning and evening, and for the fastest possible effect, also during the day.

Affirmations can be spoken out loud, repeated to yourself, written down on paper, in a notepad. All these methods of self-hypnosis work effectively, especially if you also visualize what you want. How many times should I say it? Preferably at least 3 minutes, but if you are in a hurry, how long will it take.

The best affirmations for prosperity, good luck, success. Let's practice!

  • I deserve to prosper!
  • I am rich, I am successful, I am happy!
  • I allow myself to become happy, successful and rich!
  • I get more than I dreamed of, and that amounts to... per month!
  • Every day my income is growing!
  • I know and can do enough to attract a lot of money!
  • I am achieving success in my profession!
  • My ideas bring me prosperity and success!
  • I do what I love and get paid a lot for it!
  • I deserve to receive all the best that is in this life!

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Ways to read affirmations for those who are in a hurry

Try one (or more) of these ways to make the most of your morning time before and after work.

If you actually do this, you will be amazed at the results! Miracles will begin to happen to you that you created yourself, with your own words, thoughts and magical calls.

Another effective way to read affirmations

If you have more free time in the mornings and evenings, we recommend that you use this method of reading affirmations. It is a little longer than the first method, but very effective and useful. It is good to use in the morning, immediately after waking up, or in the evening before bed.

This practice is powerful! The words of the affirmation seem to be “imprinted” into your subconscious and will soon be realized in reality.

Finding wealth through affirmations. Is it possible?

Yes, it is possible, but regular practice and your persistent desire are important! Also, when you start working with affirmations, be open, receptive, follow your intuition, as the Universe will begin to help you in many ways. Don't miss a single chance and you will definitely gain wealth and success!

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5 186 0 Hello, in this article you will find examples of various affirmations for success that will help you direct your internal energy to increase self-confidence, attract good luck, money and success at work into your own life, and you will also learn how to correctly compose affirmations and what affects their performance.

Affirmations, their role and principle of action

Affirmations– mental and verbal statements consisting of positive, stimulating and life-affirming phrases that work only with a positive attitude. This is one of the best means of fighting for purity of thinking, helping to achieve your goals by influencing the subconscious.

Throughout life, we pass through an innumerable stream of negative thoughts and phrases that act in a destructive way. Any word that characterizes something unpleasant carries a corresponding message to our consciousness. Let’s say phrases about lack of money, happiness, health, time naturally deprive our lives of these important components. Therefore, you should not even joke in this vein.

A harmless, at first glance, phrase of surprise "Wow" deprives us of financial well-being, so we should exclude it from everyday life, or better yet replace it with the phrase "All to myself".

To change your thinking to a positive one, it is important to completely free yourself from accumulated negativity and clear your brain of any destructive thoughts. Over time, filtering out such phenomena will turn into a habit, transforming life and way of thinking into something productive, because our emotional background builds the world around us. Therefore, for all the troubles that happen to us, we are solely to blame.

Examples of affirmations for success and good luck

To attract success and good luck to yourself, it is important to focus on the right thoughts - to program yourself for a positive outcome. You can choose a setting from those already available and repeat it daily out loud and to yourself, or you can create a personal formula that is suitable for you.

Examples of affirmations for success and good luck are the following:

  1. Luck follows me wherever I go.
  2. All the accumulated negativity leaves me.
  3. Success is earned by me.
  4. My heart tells me the right path to success.
  5. Life flows in the direction that leads me to success.
  6. Happiness is in every moment of my life, and luck does not leave me even for a moment.
  7. The Universe gave me the opportunity to live in this beautiful reality.
  8. A successful life consumes me daily.
  9. All success is in my hands.
  10. Luck is where I am!
  11. My successful future is a blessing for my environment!
  12. My eyes radiate happiness.
  13. Positivity filled my thoughts.
  14. Luck follows me everywhere.
  15. My loved ones believe in my luck, knowing that success awaits me in any endeavor.
  16. I thank the universe and receive even more positivity, happiness and benefits.
  17. New perspectives are always open to me.
  18. I'm always lucky to find myself in the right places.
  19. I am fortune's favorite!
  20. Miracles are an integral part of my life.
  21. I was born under a lucky star!
  22. Luck is my strong point.
  23. My intuition always helps me achieve success.
  24. I have the ability to be in all areas of my life.
  25. I enjoy every moment of my successful life.
  26. Success is the natural result of my aspirations.
  27. Luck comes where I come.
  28. I am a winner!
  29. My faith in success is unshakable.
  30. I have great potential, so success is just a matter of time.
  31. All goals will be achieved!
  32. My talents will be fully rewarded.
  33. My attitude towards life is positive.
  34. I love my successful and happy life.
  35. The faithful are easily accepted by me.
  36. Everything that happens in my life is always for the better.
  37. Any wish I have will certainly come true.
  38. In any situation I will remain a winner.
  39. My life is full of positivity.
  40. I am confident in myself, so everything I do is doomed to success.
  41. My sincere faith leads me to victories.
  42. Luck reigns in all areas of my life.
  43. My choice is happiness and success.
  44. I am one of those who knows what he wants, so the Universe is on my side.
  45. I am God's favorite!
  46. I am a magnet that attracts and benefits.
  47. I deserve to be happy.
  48. The Lord takes care of me and gives me prosperity.
  49. The Guardian Angel is always there and guides me along the right path.
  50. The positivity that I carry within me gives me pure consciousness and thoughts.

Affirmations to Boost Self Confidence

The complexes that follow us from childhood not only deprive us of the opportunity to feel at ease, but also harm us in all areas of life. Affirmations are incredibly valuable in this regard. Saying them daily will help you completely free yourself from complexes and tightness, which is very important on the path to success.

Examples of affirmations to help you become more confident:

  1. I endlessly believe in myself and my strength.
  2. I love myself from the tips of my toes to the top of my head.
  3. Any of my dreams will come true.
  4. My life is valuable to the Universe.
  5. It costs me nothing to achieve any goal.
  6. My path is right, and I have the opportunity to follow it.
  7. I never give up, and this is my main advantage.
  8. My talents deserve respect.
  9. My path is always the right one.
  10. I bring happiness to this world.
  11. I accept myself this way, because I am not like anyone else.
  12. Confidence in my every move.
  13. I am not afraid of tomorrow, because every day that follows will be filled with joy and success.
  14. My potential is inexhaustible.
  15. I have an iron character.
  16. I am the creator of my life.
  17. I feel the care of the Universe.
  18. My world is more beautiful every moment.
  19. I am confident in every word I say and every action I take.
  20. My awakening is filled with confidence that the next day will be even better.
  21. I am a vessel filled with energy and love for others.
  22. I am worthy to be taken care of.
  23. I'm doing everything right in this life.
  24. All my decisions are made independently.
  25. All my achievements give me incentive to go even further.
  26. I am an amazing person, loved by everyone.
  27. I deserve love and respect.
  28. God created me to benefit this world.
  29. God loves me!
  30. My reflection in the mirror is magnificent.
  31. I am sincere, kind and positive. My surroundings are delighted with me.
  32. I have both external and internal beauty.
  33. I'm a perfect person!
  34. Every little thing about me is perfect.
  35. Harmony reigns within me.
  36. Confidence helps me achieve absolutely everything.
  37. I am calm because I am confident in my abilities.
  38. I am the only one of my kind.
  39. My huge heart is capable of giving love and tenderness to everyone around me.

Examples of affirmations to attract money

If you voice out loud the idea that all you have to do is ask the Universe for a high income, then most people will laugh in your face. But in fact, a huge amount of literature says that we attract what we sincerely want, like a magnet.

Examples of affirmations for money and wealth:

  1. My choice is a rich life, full of happiness.
  2. Money loves me.
  3. I know how to manage money, so it flows to me like a river.
  4. My spiritual and material wealth is growing every day.
  5. I get everything I want.
  6. I'm a money magnet.
  7. Money is my friend, so it is always with me.
  8. I'm fabulously rich.
  9. Material wealth comes to me from all kinds of sources.
  10. I have many talents that constantly bring me money.
  11. I always have money.
  12. I am ready to share my wealth with others, because this is enough for me alone.
  13. Success in everything I touch.
  14. I'm incredibly lucky.
  15. I have a strong intuition that helps me increase my wealth.
  16. I let wealth and happiness into my life.
  17. Money loves me, because I reciprocate it.
  18. My wealth pleases me endlessly.
  19. I'm getting richer every day.
  20. Huge sums flow to me like a river.
  21. I'm a money lover, so I always have the amount I need.
  22. I spend a lot, so everything I spend comes back to me threefold.
  23. I get everything I want without effort.
  24. Any activity that I do brings me huge amounts of money.
  25. I love money because it can give me everything I dream of.
  26. My life gives me delight.
  27. Every day my income is growing.
  28. Making money is my favorite pastime.
  29. The universe gives me a reward in the form of wealth and happiness.
  30. I have financial independence, which helps me be self-sufficient.
  31. I thank the Universe for my abundance.
  32. My pocket is full of money.
  33. My choice is wealth and happiness.
  34. The cash flow is overwhelming me.
  35. I love my job because it brings me great wealth.
  36. I constantly find new sources of income.
  37. I find money for everything I need.
  38. My financial goals are achieved in no time.
  39. My success has already become a reality.
  40. My generosity knows no bounds.

Affirmations for achieving success at work and in business

To achieve success in your work, you first need to reframe them in a positive way. For example, find the advantages in your position and, instead of complaining about low wages, on the contrary, find positive aspects directly in the work itself and believe that continuous development will lead to a promotion and, accordingly, a higher salary.

Examples of affirmations for success at work:

  1. Work helps my talents to reveal themselves.
  2. I am very glad that we have such a friendly team and good management.
  3. My colleagues respect me, and my opinion is very important to them.
  4. I help all my colleagues, and it all comes back to me twice.
  5. My colleagues are my friends.
  6. I am constantly growing as a person, and this is noticeable not only to me.
  7. I go to work as if it were a holiday.
  8. My decisions are always correct.
  9. My work is very interesting.
  10. I'm constantly being poached by competitors.
  11. I receive an impressive salary.
  12. My income is growing and my work is becoming more interesting.
  13. My dream job is almost in my pocket.
  14. Employers will be happy with my candidacy.
  15. I have all the talents for successful career growth.
  16. I'm a workaholic.
  17. Punctuality is my main plus.
  18. Every detail attracts my attention.
  19. I finish any task I start.
  20. Other people are inspired by my work.

Examples of affirmations for business success:

  1. The prosperity of my business is a natural course of events.
  2. My business is growing every day.
  3. My competitors can't keep up with me.
  4. All my talents and intelligence help the business grow.
  5. I always achieve my goal!
  6. I don't stop there.
  7. The services I offer will always be popular.
  8. I think first of all about my clients.
  9. There are only professionals in my team.
  10. I'm always developing.
  11. My company's sales are growing daily.
  12. My success and development depend only on me.
  13. I am an effective leader!
  14. I am a businessman from God.
  15. My faith in business development is unshakable.
  16. My professionalism helps me to be successful.
  17. I love being independent and working for myself.
  18. My path leads to wealth.
  19. I am always the first among competitors.
  20. My financial independence gives me freedom!
  21. The joy of my clients is the main part of my business.
  22. My income comes to me from an abundant source.
  23. Any obstacle in my way turns into ruins.
  24. Luck follows me.
  25. I have unique abilities.
  26. My dreams are made to come true.
  27. I'm happy for any development.
  28. My choice is wealth and happiness!
  29. Business sense is my strong point.
  30. I am a magnet for wealth and prosperity.

It is quite effective to pronounce positive statements from different areas in order to further strengthen internal energy and achieve goals in several directions. For example, you can combine the above phrases with affirmations for happiness, health, affirmations for success for women and men, etc.

How to correctly compose and pronounce affirmations

Permanent repetition of affirmations over time displaces all negative thoughts. Regularity in this case is the main condition for mental and mental cleansing. The more we are filled with positive attitudes, the more pleasant changes will happen in our lives, the main thing is to believe in this with every fiber of our soul.

Rules for writing affirmations

An affirmation must be written correctly, otherwise it will not work. Phrases should be asserting that success has already been achieved; any denials have nothing to do with affirmations. It must be said what you want, and not about what you don’t want. Therefore, you should be more careful with the formulation of your desires. What you ask is what you will receive!

Examples of incorrectly constructed affirmations:

  1. I don't want to receive such a low salary.
  2. I don't want to work far from home.
  3. I don't want to drive a cheap car.

Examples of correct affirmations:

  1. I make a lot of money.
  2. I work two minutes from home.
  3. I am the owner of a premium car.

Using the particle “not” in phrases brings completely the opposite result. Any negative affirmations with the particle “not” or the words “no, never, etc.” ruin plans, causing maximum harm, so they should be avoided.

How and how often to say affirmations

Affirmations must be said out loud every day in a positive manner, feeling every word and sacredly believing in what is said. The best time to say life-affirming phrases is after sleep or before bed. There is an opinion that the transition from reality to dream helps to open communication channels.

The emotional state at such moments is important, so without a positive attitude it is better not to start saying these phrases. Regularity and frequency of pronunciation of phrases is also a prerequisite. The more you say, the faster the signal reaches your brain. It is enough to repeat for twenty minutes up to four times a day.

Not less important. The created vivid image of the desire should be imprinted in your memory so that it emerges every time at the moment of repeating the phrase related to it and enhances the effect of what was said.

Why don't affirmations work? Errors in use

The lack of results always has a reason. In the case of affirmations, there can be a lot of reasons for this, because statements are just phrases, by saying them automatically we are unlikely to achieve anything. In order for your plans to come true, it is important to connect your subconscious.

The main enemy of affirmations is an internal lack of faith and even resistance. When repeating positive statements, you need to want it with all your heart, believe it and definitely strive for it. For water will not flow under a lying stone.

To the mistakes The use of affirmations includes:

  1. A non-serious approach to the process of changing thinking.
  2. Using statements that are inappropriate for a particular person.
  3. Lack of individual working methods of self-hypnosis. You should not rely only on the experience of other people; you should use intuitive thinking.
  4. Using statements that do not inspire confidence.

Affirmations are just a tool that helps us tune in to a positive outcome of our planned goals. Faith, desire and the right attitude will help you achieve success and prosperity. The main thing is to believe and not give up!

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