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The actor is the ex-husband of Ekaterina Klimova. Actress Ekaterina Klimova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Ilya Khoroshilov now

The green-eyed beauty Ekaterina Klimova manages to do everything: actively act in films, participate in productions, take care of her appearance, and raise four children. It is possible that she is driven forward to the next achievements by her restless character and craving for everything new. The actress is not afraid to ride a motorcycle, fly a paraglider and jump with a parachute. She sings, dances, rides a horse and fences beautifully. Klimova is no stranger to creative experiments on stage and on the set.

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Muscovite Klimova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna was born on January 24, 1978. According to the artist, she owes her explosive character and restlessness to her gypsy great-grandmother. Katya's father was an artist, her mother an accountant. When his daughter was one year old, Alexander Klimov became involved in a drunken brawl, which resulted in the death of a policeman. He was given a long prison sentence. Thus, until the age of 13, Katyusha grew up exclusively in female company - with her mother and older sister Vika. The girl didn’t like going to school, but she enjoyed doing amateur arts, athletics, figure skating, and sewing.

Katya liked to participate in school plays, but she did not seriously think about the acting profession. The girl went to enroll in preparatory courses at the Institute of Cinematography spontaneously, for company. Her friends did not pass the selection, but Klimova was accepted into VGIK. In 1995, Ekaterina entered the workshop of Nikolai Afonin at the Shchepkin School. At the theater university, Klimova studied with excellent marks. The actress’s diploma work was her role in the production of “Romance”.

In 1999, at the invitation of director Boris Morozov, the aspiring artist joined the troupe of the Russian Army Theater. On the TsATRA stage, the girl played Marianne in the play “The Miser,” Countess Kulagina in “The Sevastopol March,” and Beatrice in the production “Much Ado About Nothing.” But Ekaterina Klimova’s most striking work in the theater was Desdemona (“Othello”). For this role, the artist received an authoritative domestic literary and theater award. The actress made her film debut in 2001, starring in the comedy by Karen Shakhnazarov.

For several years, Katya was offered only episodic roles. The artist’s first large-scale television work was “Poor Nastya.” The novella is based on a love story set during the reign of Russian Emperor Nicholas I. The series was produced by the Amedia studio. One of the directors of the production was Peter Stein. It was he who recommended Ekaterina Klimova for the role of the sensual and courageous princess Natalya Repnina. Thanks to her participation in the “Poor Nastya” project, the artist became recognizable and in demand. During filming, she revealed herself not only as a talented actress, but also as a performer of romances.

Military-themed films occupy a special place in the artist’s filmography. In 2008, Klimova played the captain and psychologist Bakhteeva. Her main partner in the film was classmate Pyotr Krasilov. In the same year, the fantasy adventure film “We are from the Future” was released. According to the plot, four friends from the present are transported to the years of the Great Patriotic War. There they will find battles, captivity, meetings with special officers and love. In the film, Ekaterina plays Nina Polyakova, a beautiful and determined nurse, with whom one of the characters falls in love.

Another film with Klimova’s participation, “Match,” is also dedicated to the historical events of the Great Patriotic War. The plot of the drama takes place in Nazi-occupied Kyiv in the summer of 1942. The main roles in the film were played by Sergei Bezrukov and Liza Boyarskaya. Klimov is played here by Olga Kovtun. The film premiered in 2012. Ekaterina Klimova often appears not only in feature films, but also in TV series. Over the past five years, television viewers could see her in the detective story “Mosgaz”, the dramas “Once Upon a Time in Rostov”, “Goryunov”, “Grigory R.”, “Kuprin”. In 2016, the actress was involved in the filming of four films: “Thunderer”, “Guardian”, “Under the Laws of Martial Time”, “Jackal”.

Personal life

Ekaterina Klimova was a difficult teenager who spent a lot of time in courtyard groups. The schoolgirl's relationship with her parents became even more difficult when her father returned from the colony. After spending 12 years separated from loved ones, he tried in every possible way to make up for lost time. In Katya’s perception, he was a stranger, unjustifiably encroaching on her freedom.

The girl ran outside to escape her problems at home. It was there, in the yard, that she met her future husband, Ilya Khoroshilov. The school romance began when Katya was 15. It continued after Klimova entered Shchepka. Ilya didn’t like the idea of ​​his beloved to connect his life with cinema and theater, but he resigned himself and went into business. At the beginning of the 2000s, the couple got married, and in 2002, Klimova and Khoroshilov had a daughter, Lisa.

In 2003, Ekaterina had an office romance with Igor Petrenko. The young people had known each other since their days at drama school, but then they paid little attention to each other. The love between them broke out on the set of the series “The Best City on Earth.” Igor and Katya were irresistibly attracted to each other, they could walk and talk for hours. But both were not free, so they separated for almost a year. Petrenko got divorced during this time, and Klimova tried her best to keep her family together. When the artists met again, they realized that the feeling had not disappeared. Katya packed her things and moved with her daughter to her parents. Then came a painful divorce.

On the last day of 2004, the lovers got married. Two years later, the couple had a son, Matvey, and in 2008, Korney. For a long time, it seemed to fans of the actress that Catherine’s marriage was ideal, but 10 years after the start of the relationship, the couple finally broke up. There were rumors about Klimova's affair with singer Roman Arkhipov, but the actress later denied them. In 2015, Katya married Gela Meskhi and in the same year gave birth to his daughter Bella. She met the actor in 2013 on the set of “Wolf Sun” in Lviv.

– an incredibly charming and beautiful woman, a talented actress with excellent vocal abilities. At 39 years old, she looks beautiful, many young girls follow her example, and men admire and idolize her.

Klimova's new husband is actor Gela Meskhi

Klimova’s personal life interests many fans, but the girl herself tries not to advertise the details. Even the wedding with her new husband was quite modest.

Personal relations with Gela Meskhi

In 2015, the popular actress began dating Gela Meskhi, her partner in the series “Wolf Heart”. The young people played a couple in love, after which the feelings moved into real life. The Georgian actor is 8 years younger than Catherine, and many believed that their relationship would not last long. Despite negative opinions, Klimova and Meskhi decided to get married in the summer of the same year.

After 4 months of marriage, the couple had a daughter, who was named Bella. Ekaterina became a mother for the fourth time (three other children are from previous marriages). The actress continues to work, delighting fans with new roles in theater and cinema. Plus, she is an exemplary wife and a wonderful mother.

Wedding of Ekaterina Klimova and Meskhi

Ekaterina Klimova’s new husband beautifully looked after his chosen one, but by mutual decision the lovers did not organize a magnificent wedding ceremony. In addition, the acting activities of both are very busy, which did not allow them to prepare well for the celebration.

Meskhi proposed several times - in New York and in the most romantic city in the world - Paris.

On June 5, 2015, Ekaterina and Gela got married. Due to the lack of days off, the young people had neither chic outfits, nor balloons, nor a large-scale banquet.

Wedding rings and vows of eternal love were enough for them. Klimova’s children responded adequately to the appearance of a new pope, Meskhi got along well with them.

Video of Ekaterina Klimova’s fiery dances with her husband

Former husbands of Ekaterina Klimova

In 2015, Ekaterina married for the third time. After a sensational relationship with Petrenko, the girl decided to celebrate the wedding in secret. She and her new husband are raising four children together.

Catherine's first husband - Ilya Khoroshilov

While still in high school, Ekaterina Klimova began dating businessman Ilya Khoroshilov. It was he who became her first husband, proposing marriage to the young girl after graduation. After 4 years, they formalized their relationship. In 2002, their daughter was born, who was named Lisa.

As employment and career success increased, scandals occurred more and more often in the family.

The husband tried to smooth out the conflicts by beautifully caring for Katya and giving her luxurious gifts, but the relationship did not improve. A serious impetus for the divorce was the girl’s meeting with a friend from college. It was Igor Petrenko, with whom the actress worked on the sequel to the film “The Best City on Earth.”

Igor Petrenko - history of relationships

Catherine did not want to continue her relationship with, but a year later the young man called her, and it became clear that feelings flared up with renewed vigor.

Photo: Instagram @igorpetrenko77

The actress took her daughter and ran away from her husband, who, in a fit of jealousy, promised to shoot Igor. The young people began to live together, and in 2005, before the New Year, they got married.

The lovers did not celebrate the ceremony, they were late for the painting, forgot their wedding rings, quickly signed and left to celebrate the beginning of 2006.

That same year, Petrenko and Klimova had their first child, whom they named Matvey. Two years later, another boy was born - Korney.

They all lived happily together for almost 10 years. Their union was compared to the relationship between Pitt and Jolie. In 2014, Catherine announced that she was divorcing her husband. Petrenko, like a true gentleman, takes most of the blame upon himself, explaining that it is difficult for a woman to accept when a man is immersed in his inner world and does not open up to anyone.

Children of Ekaterina Klimova

Klimova’s eldest daughter Elizaveta (father – Ilya Khoroshilov) turned 15 this year. Children from Petrenko - boys Korney and Matvey - are 9 and 11, respectively.

In October 2015, Ekaterina gave birth to a daughter, Bella, from Georgian actor Gela Meskhi. The parents did not show their daughter until she was one year old. Now her photo can be seen on her mother’s Instagram page. Catherine believes that the little princess is very similar to her father.

Before the birth of their fourth child, the family moved to Moscow from a house outside the capital. Klimova explained this by saying that it is more convenient for children to go to school and attend sports clubs. The boys go to football and boxing classes, the eldest daughter is actively studying foreign languages, especially French and English.

The popular actress is self-sufficient and happy, despite the fact that many consider her new marriage a mistake. She receives incomparable pleasure from working and raising children, and Gela supports her in all her endeavors.

  • Name: Catherine
  • Surname: Klimova
  • Date of Birth: 24.01.1978
  • Place of Birth: Moscow
  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Eastern horoscope: Horse
  • Occupation: actress
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: 56 cm

Theater and film actress Ekaterina Klimova never tires of delighting fans with more and more new works.. Talented, beautiful, charming, she seems to have time everywhere. On top of that, Ekaterina is also a mother of many children.

Photo by Ekaterina Klimova

Childhood and education

Catherine was born into a complete family, but a year later a tragedy occurred in the family. The head of the family unintentionally committed murder and served his sentence for the next 12 years. Raising Katya and her older sister Victoria fell on the shoulders of mother Svetlana Vladimirovna. Despite the fact that the girls had opposite temperaments and characters, the relationship between them was friendly. As Ekaterina Klimova recalls, they did everything together, right down to the first cigarette they smoked. In the summer they went to camps. There Katya took part in amateur performances and for the first time began to think about becoming an actress.

At school the girl studied approximately. The humanities were easy for her, but the exact sciences were a dark forest for the schoolgirl. But Katya had insight and knew what words to approach the teacher with so that they would meet her halfway. The actress does not like to remember the process of schooling, although her relationships with her classmates were good.

In addition to studying, Ekaterina managed to attend extracurricular activities. She attended figure skating, athletics and enthusiastically participated in school social life.

Already having a general idea of ​​the profession (she received the initial basics of acting at the preparatory courses at VGIK), Klimova decided to enter the Shchepkinsky School. Here she finally felt at ease. In 1999, the aspiring actress’s graduation work was a role in the production of “Romance.” The dress in which Klimova was supposed to play looked unkempt and shabby. But the graduate took everything into her own hands, in the literal sense of the word: she worked on it, decorated it at night, and eventually brought the outfit to splendor.


In 1999, a graduate of the workshop N. Afonina held in her hands a red diploma of graduation from Shchepka. She did not have to think about further employment: the director of the Central Academic Theater of the Army, Boris Morozov, offered the girl the role of Desdemona in Othello. Two years later, Klimova was awarded the first award in her acting career - the “crystal rose”.

Now the actress has more than fifty film roles, many of them very bright and recognizable. Klimova started with episodes, and in 2001 she made her debut in the film “Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning.” In 2003, she was cast in the television series “Poor Nastya,” after which the actress reached a new stage in her creative career. Klimova began to be recognized, she gained fame, and invitations to filming came one after another.

Klimova begins to actively act in films, but the number of fans of her work begins to grow even more actively. Beautiful, bright, with a soft timbre of her voice, Katya is conquering the Russian film industry with great strides. She stars in the series “My Prechistinka” (2005), appears in several episodes of the series “Stormy Gates” (2006), and in “Kamenskaya 4” (2005). In 2008, for her participation in the film “Second Wind,” Ekaterina Klimova was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth.”

Among her many roles, fans especially remember her heroine Nina from the dilogy “We are from the Future.” In 2008, the audience warmly received the first film, and already in 2010 the premiere of the next part of the fantastic story of young guys who found themselves in the past took place.

The number of film projects in which Ekaterina Klimova participates is growing every year. She gets both central roles, for example in “Antikiller” in 2009, and secondary heroines, with which Klimova also copes brilliantly – “Match” (2012), “Love in the City 3” (2013).

The popular Russian actress very often appears in TV series and gets into the character of her heroines so much that it is simply impossible to imagine anyone else in her place. In 2010, she played in the remake of the overseas TV series “Escape”, in 2012 - in its second part, television viewers rejoiced at her appearance in the series “Mosgaz” (2012), “I will never forget you” (2013), “Kuprin. Duel" (2014), "Gregory R." (2014), “A Woman in Love” (2015), “The Jackal” (2016).

Personal life

Ekaterina dated her first husband, Ilya Khoroshilov, from school. Everything went according to script: romance at school, a proposal after graduation, a wedding and, finally, the birth of their daughter Lisa in 2002. By this time, the actress’s popularity was gaining momentum, she worked hard and strived to realize herself. However, the rapid professional rise brought contradictions into the relationship between the spouses.

In 2004, she officially terminated her relationship with her first husband, and a year earlier, Ekaterina had a new lover - actor Igor Petrenko. She had known him for a long time; they were students of Sliver. At first, they had to hide the relationship, since both were legal spouses, the couple even stopped communicating for some time. But in the end, I couldn’t overcome my feelings. So, the divorce from Khoroshilov smoothly flowed into a new marriage: on December 31, 2004, Klimova and Petrenko registered their relationship. They were one of the most beautiful couples in the domestic film industry, they were considered a model of family well-being, and were sometimes compared to the union of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Therefore, when after 10 years of marriage the couple separated, this event was like a bolt from the blue. The artist was already divorced as a mother of many children; two boys were born in the marriage: Matvey and Korney.

In 2015, the actress changed her status as a free woman. Klimova’s third husband was the young actor Gela Meskhi, a colleague in the series “Wolf Heart”. In June, the couple legalized their union, and in October a girl was born with the original name Bella. This couple caused heated discussions: the age difference, the explosive nature of the spouse, and simply their radically different natures became topics of conversation. But Ekaterina Klimova knows how to be happy here and now, and she considers motherhood to be her main purpose.

A little more about Ekaterina Klimova

In life, Ekaterina Klimova is very bright, spectacular, she loves flashy outfits and jewelry. The mother of four children always looks perfect, watches her figure, and plays sports. In addition to her acting talent, Ekaterina has a wonderful voice, which allowed her to become a performer of romances in the series “Poor Nastya” and the film “We are from the Future.”

Despite her gentle romantic image, she is a strong person with a core inside. For many, she is an example of a real woman. Cosmetic and jewelry brands could not ignore the beauty and individuality of Ekaterina Klimova. In 2011, the actress became the face of a line of hair dye, then a cream. She also represents the Spanish jewelry brand TOUS.

Ekaterina Klimova is an actress of Russian cinema and theater. She gained her fame thanks to one of the main roles in the TV series “Poor Nastya”. Later, she again starred in the dilogy “We are from the Future,” which also brought her great popularity among young people.

Behind her are more than 16 performances performed at the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army. Also, a caring mother of many children, and the owner of impeccable vocal abilities. You will learn more about the actress’s life path from the article below.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Klimova?

Having access to the Internet, anyone can find out such information about the actress as height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Klimova, TV viewers often wonder.

So, the actress was born in 1978, which means that with simple calculations we get the answer to the question - at the moment, she is 39 years old. We will also get data such as height and weight, which an ordinary person would be embarrassed to ask a woman, from the network - she has an average height of 169 centimeters and a weight of 56 kilograms. Many people consider this height-to-weight ratio to be ideal. By the way, Catherine’s zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Biography of Ekaterina Klimova

The future actress was born in Moscow. Her family was not an actor - her mother was a simple housewife, and her father was an artist working in a free style. When Catherine was one year old, her father was convicted of manslaughter. The next time he met his daughter was at the age of 13. So it becomes clear that young Ekaterina was brought up in a women's team - her mother and sister. In the family, everyone tried to adhere to Orthodox traditions. In fact, the biography of Ekaterina Klimova was filled with various twists of fate.

She mainly spent her childhood in the company of her sister Victoria. The 4-year age difference, of course, made itself felt, but all disagreements passed quickly and smoothly. They often went to camp together and, as Ekaterina later admitted, they also smoked their first cigarette together. By the way, it was in the camps that the actress developed a craving for theatrical scenes.

School education was difficult. She passed exams with the help of cunning - she knew what approach each teacher needed - flowers, sweets or just a kind word.

After school, I attended preparatory courses at VGIK. She graduated with honors from the acting department of the oldest theater educational institution - the Higher Theater School named after. Shchepkina.

As Catherine admits, she owes her dark skin to her great-grandmother, who was a gypsy. Thanks to it, the skin does not burn under the sun and has a pleasant, warm shade.

Filmography: films starring Ekaterina Klimova

The films that stand out the most are, for example, the duology “We are from the Future” and “Wuthering Gates,” in which she plays strong and self-confident women.

In the spring of 2017, Channel One began broadcasting the promising series “Wolf Sun”. There she plays with her husband, Gela Meskhi. It is noteworthy that upon completion of filming, they had a wedding.

Catherine has 3 marriages behind her, and from each she gave birth to a child. After 2 broken marriages, the actress meets an actor of Georgian origin. Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi, whose wedding took place in June 2015, are raising four children.

Klimova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna personal life - 2016 new husband

The personal life of Ekaterina Klimova is one of the favorite topics for journalists. So, some information is known from the lips of the actress herself. The actress’s first husband was Ilya Khoroshilov, whom they had known since school. The marriage broke up in 2004, and Ekaterina left behind a daughter, Lisa.

The second husband, Igor Petrenko, started an affair with her when the actress was still married. After the divorce, they began to live together for several years. During this time, two sons appeared - Matvey and Korney. The marriage broke up in 2013.

Klimova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna personal life - 2016 new husband photo

After a high-profile divorce from Igor, Ekaterina and her daughter flew to Bali. As she admits, she felt good and “wouldn’t trade this time spent with Lisa.” It’s not surprising that you can find a lot of spy work for the query “Ekaterina Klimova photo in a swimsuit while vacationing in Bali.” After all, many paparazzi are hunting for the actress’s impeccable figure.

Family of Ekaterina Klimova

From an interview with the actress herself, many know that Ekaterina Klimova’s family takes first place in her life. And only then does she choose a career and a stage. Currently, she lives with her children and husband.

The father, A. Klimov, as mentioned earlier, took almost no part in raising his daughter, but the actress speaks extremely positively about him. Died in 2010. Thus, Ekaterina visits her mother Svetlana Klimova. And of course, he doesn’t forget his sister Victoria, with whom he remembers his childhood with a smile.

Children of Ekaterina Klimova

Despite the fact that both marriages were not the most successful, Catherine was still lucky enough to give birth and successfully raise children. After the divorces, Ekaterina Klimova’s children remained with her, and her second husband left the apartment in Moscow for her and the children.

Because The former spouses are trying to support the upbringing of their children; Catherine decided to leave each child his father’s surname. The actress always tries to find time for her family and children, while achieving great success on film sets. It's not easy, she says, but it's hard to earn "a perfect score in two mutually exclusive categories."

The first son of Ekaterina Klimova - Matvey

The first son of Ekaterina Klimova, Matvey, was born in 2006, already married to Igor Petrenko. This was their firstborn. As you know, after the divorce proceedings, he stayed to live with Catherine, but kept his father’s surname. Now he is 11 years old.

On her Instagram, the actress posts photos from family dinners that she hosts in honor of his birthdays. As she says in an interview, she has to balance between a busy schedule at work and family. Sometimes, of course, this is difficult, but she always finds solutions to remain a caring mother and be successful in her career.

The second son of Ekaterina Klimova - Korney

The second son of Ekaterina Klimova, Korney, was born 2 years later than his brother, in 2008. Both sons currently live with their mother and bear the surname Petrenko. They are inseparable from their older brother, and are present together at all photo shoots.

Recently, on a social network, she published a video in which both sons are preparing dinner for their star mother while she is relaxing on a swing and looking after them. In addition, Ekaterina says that her sons love to help her raise her younger sister.

The first daughter of Ekaterina Klimova - Elizaveta

From her first marriage to Ilya Khoroshilov, Ekaterina Klimova’s first daughter, Elizaveta, survived. She was born in 2002. After the divorce, she stayed with her mother, but it was decided to keep her father’s surname. This year she will turn 15 years old.

When Ekaterina was going through a difficult divorce from her husband, she flew with her to Bali. At the same time, it was a spontaneous decision, as the actress later admitted. They simply collected all the basic things and sat at the Moscow airport in the evening, waiting for the desired flight.

The second daughter of Ekaterina Klimova - Bella

The actress hid this pregnancy from journalists. After all, this is already the 4th child for such a young and successful actress. It turned out to be a pleasant surprise for the public. Bella was born in a Moscow maternity hospital in October 2015.

The second daughter of Ekaterina Klimova, Bella, was born in marriage to actor Gela Meskhi. Based on the photographs, many fans note that the daughter has a striking resemblance in appearance to her father. And just recently, Ekaterina said that her second daughter had already uttered her first word.

Former husband of Ekaterina Klimova - Ilya Khoroshilov

By profession, Ekaterina Klimova’s ex-husband is Ilya Khoroshilov, a jeweler. They had known each other since school years. The divorce took place in 2004. Catherine does not like to talk about this marriage to the press. It is only known that they tried to maintain the relationship to the last, for the sake of the children.

But after meeting Petrenko, the actress realized that there was no point in holding on to something that no longer really existed. Therefore, after a serious conversation, Catherine packed her things and went to her parents. The separation dragged on for a whole year, until the divorce was fully finalized.

Former husband of Ekaterina Klimova - Igor Petrenko

The acquaintance took place on the set of the series “Moscow Windows”. At that time, they were still married, so the continuation of the romance happened a year later. In a civil marriage, both sons were born - Matvey and Korney. The official marriage lasted 6 years.

As Ekaterina notes, she left all relationships and disagreements in the past. The ex-husband of Ekaterina Klimova, Igor Petrenko, supports the studies and financing of the children. Thus, children are not separated from their father, and to some extent, they are raised by him.

Ekaterina Klimova’s husband is Gela Meskhi. Wedding with a new chosen one

The real husband of Ekaterina Klimova is Gela Meskhi, an actor with Spanish-Georgian roots. In his free time he enjoys painting. Before getting married, they spent a year in a civil marriage.

A modest wedding took place in the summer of 2015, to which only Catherine’s relatives and children were invited. And in October, daughter Bella is born. The actress met her future husband on the set of “Wolf Heart”. She felt attracted to him, tired of eternal scandals and divorces.

The actress views the method of improving her appearance through surgery negatively. She believes that most women do this to please a certain man. But what if, after undergoing surgery, the woman does not become interesting to him, there will be a need to “remake herself” every time.

From these words it becomes clear that it is simply impossible to find information for the query “Photo of Ekaterina Klimova before and after plastic surgery.” Thus, she emphasizes that beauty should remain from nature, and Ekaterina considers any methods of improving appearance to be pointless. Although she admits that as a child she dreamed of enlarging her breasts, and even then she tried to do it with the help of walnuts and cabbage.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Klimova

Keeping up with modern trends, Ekaterina Klimova maintains a personal Instagram. Photos often appear there showing the actress’s friendly family or from the filming of another film. She emphasizes that she does not maintain any pages on social networks, such as Facebook or Odnoklassniki.

So it becomes clear that Instagram and Wikipedia of Ekaterina Klimova are the only sources where you can get reliable information and real photographs from the life of the actress.

Video and photo of naked Ekaterina Klimova

This material often comes across on the Internet. There are a lot of curious viewers who are eager to see photos of naked Ekaterina Klivoma, despite the fact that she has a husband and children. She is very beautiful and has good security, being a mother to three children. Here's what we were able to find censored in the search:

Ilya Khoroshilov, a former actor who did not dare to devote himself to a creative profession, became a businessman and experienced ups and downs at a relatively young age. Little is known about what happened to him. the search for himself and the long path to happiness are, perhaps, the most important moments of his life.

“Husband of Ekaterina Klimova”

Ilya Khoroshilov is an actor whose biography remained behind the scenes, better known as the first husband of actress Ekaterina Klimova. Their family life is a story of complex relationships, deception and forgiveness. For many years, happiness was nearby, but it disappeared suddenly, just as it appeared. The marriage with Klimova ended in divorce, and forced Ilya to analyze more deeply the behavior of loved ones after lies and betrayal.

Catherine had been his crazy love since his school years, for her he became both the first man and friend, he was going to devote his whole life to her. Even when Ekaterina was studying at the Shchepkinsky School, Ilya Khoroshilov (Klimova’s husband at that time) constantly attended work performances with her participation. The time usually devoted to joint family leisure and personal matters gradually began to be devoted exclusively to her studies and creativity.

Scandalous separation

The wife's rapid acting career, the obsessive courtship of fans and the fulfillment of the responsibilities that publicity imposes have led to a loss of mutual trust. Ilya repeated more than once that he looked like a pale shadow of his wife, although he himself was handsome and wealthy. The situation was not saved by the birth of his daughter Elizabeth, who was barely two years old when a crisis occurred in the family.

There were several reasons for the discord: jealousy, a crazy affair with Igor Petrenko, and misunderstanding. However, then Ilya’s wife did not yet imagine that she could fall in love with someone other than him and leave, taking the child. “I was more surprised than anyone that I did this. Everyone has everyday problems, I waited until the very end for them to end,” said Ekaterina. However, fate is unpredictable, and everything happened as it happens in bad soap operas.

Ilya set out to save the family: he gave flowers, gave rides to filming, spent whole days with his daughter. It seemed that if he became different, she would return. Although I felt that they were increasingly moving away from each other. Catherine could not admit that she loved another. However, she soon had to do it. Despite the fact that Ilya Khoroshilov and Klimova were always considered a happy couple, in 2003, after lengthy scandals, their union broke up. However, little by little the passions subsided, and each of them now lives his own life.

Meeting with Biryukova

Several years have passed since Ilya Khoroshilov, an actor with undoubted talent and an unfulfilled career, fell in love with the leading female role of the sitcom “Sasha + Masha” Elena Biryukova. At that time she was his ex-wife Klimova. With Ekaterina, they played together in the comedy “Boeing-Boeing” and several performances. Endless rehearsals and long tours brought the women closer together, who later became inseparable friends.

For the first time, Ilya Khoroshilov met at a family celebration. “Once she invited my eldest daughter and me to Lisa’s birthday, where we met Ilya, her then husband,” says Biryukova. Today Elena does not hide the fact that this is the kind of man she always wanted to see as the father of her children.

Start of a relationship

It was Ekaterina who suggested that Biryukova, who immediately liked Ilya Khoroshilov, “not waste time.” At that time, Elena already had the experience of a failed marriage, raising her daughter Sasha alone. “It was definitely a joke. Who would like to appear next to someone they know,” she recalls. And Catherine laughed: “You will be an exemplary stepmother.” Then Biryukova decided to try to get closer to Ilya. Moreover, very soon an opportunity presented itself to do this.

Elena remembers that together with Katya and Lisa they were going to go to the circus, something didn’t work out, and the daughter came with her father. There was an ordinary conversation: about life, about humor. For some reason they remembered the Comedy Club. Ilya Khoroshilov, an actor in the past, now a well-known fan of this project, immediately became interested in filming the program, to which Elena invited him.

Then he took her to the airport and they said goodbye for a while. Naturally, the new romance did not break out right away, and the thought of starting to live together had not yet occurred to any of them. “Then it seemed to me that Ilya was not just monogamous, he was not looking for a relationship at all,” says Elena. In addition, he was having a hard time with his divorce from Klimova. However, everything turned out well; by the will of fate, not only passion, but also love appeared.


During that first year from the moment of their rapprochement, Ilya Khoroshilov presented Elena Biryukova with flowers, he courted him thoughtfully, in an old-fashioned, tasteful way. She fell in love with jewelry, which she had never been interested in before, because her common-law husband is a professional jeweler. However, the person is very shy and modest. When he decided to give his wife a ring of his own making, he simply moved it to Elena, uttering meaningful words: “What do you say?”

Grinding in Characters

The actress complains that she constantly has to ignore the pedantry of Ilya, who is simply obsessed with accuracy and the pursuit of ideals. Everything should be “pebble by pebble” with him. For such a creative person like her, this is, of course, unusual. In turn, he declares that: “Here I have an artist again, apparently this is my cross,” and smiles shyly.

“Once upon a time there was everything: roles and prospects,” says Ilya Khoroshilov. The actor has not liked photography since the time when pictures of him and Klimova never left the pages of fashion magazines. However, the bustle of the party and bohemian life always depressed him, and over time, Ilya returned to his usual profession. Now he believes that one actress in the house is enough. “You can understand him; living as a family with people like me is not easy. Do you know how many times Ilya came back for my passport when we were almost leaving?” - Biryukova shares. Of course, Ilya is far from delighted with the peculiarities of acting life, but still understands and supports his wife. He is a real salvation from the boundless chaos of life, which she herself cannot restore order to.

Echo of the past

Elena also became for Ilya a reconciling link between his past life, present and future. “He often saw his daughter from his first marriage, talked with Ekaterina, but did not dare to look in Igor’s direction,” Biryukova says about the Klimova and Petrenko family. A few years later, when they came to pick up Lisa, Igor and Ilya shook hands for the first time. “I’ve always said that we can’t live on different planes,” she adds. In addition, she has no desire to lose her only true friend; even on tour she and Ekaterina are called “lighters.”

Two years ago, Ilya Khoroshilov and Elena Biryukova visited Cambodia. “This is his favorite country, and he discovered it for me,” said the actress. “By the way, the best season there is winter.” However, it can be difficult to find time for long trips: the daughter goes to school, Elena is on tour, Ilya can only dream about how they will spend their vacation together again.


After returning, it became known that Elena was “in pregnancy.” “I didn’t feel any excitement, and my feelings were contradictory. Still, giving birth at 41 is a big responsibility,” she shares her doubts. However, it so happened that everyone needed to start life from scratch. In addition, Ilya is an optimistic person and immediately said that he would solve everything. He was convinced that he would become a good father, that he would help Elena and support her in every possible way.

The only thing that embarrassed the couple was the reaction of their parents, but they fully supported them, only Elena’s mother was worried at first; at her age it was no longer safe to give birth. Surprisingly, Khoroshilov received approval from Klimova, who congratulated them at the first opportunity. Apparently, there was some kind of incompleteness in their relationship with Catherine until that moment, and only Elena’s pregnancy helped put a logical end to this protracted story.

Little goddess

Naturally, it was necessary to come up with a name for the baby. Probably, providence, as usual, decided to help the couple and offered its own option. “I dreamed of Aglaya,” says Lena. - I looked up the meaning of the name: the goddess of fun and joy. Everything is accurate, my youngest daughter is truly a late joy.”

Ilya joked that everything looked like Dostoevsky in “The Idiot.” Although Biryukova had no such associations. But now it’s clear why the joke appeared: the eldest daughter was also called Alexandra, the middle one was Aglaya, the youngest was Adelaide. Maybe it's a sign again? However, so far none of them is in a hurry to think that far ahead. Elena likes to see how Ilya fusses with her daughter, does not let go of her hands, whispers pleasant words. Finally, their family became a real home for all its members. Apparently it took some time to get to this point.

Unbearable to get married?

Ilya Khoroshilov, despite Elena’s assurances that she would not become his wife, at least proposed to her again in the near future. “It’s so cute, only he can do it,” she says. He didn’t say anything special to her, he just asked: “You’ll still refuse, right?”

In response, Biryukova simply nodded, and they laughed together. In fact, she is not yet ready to give a definite answer. “Does this make sense?” - Elena asks. And she herself dreams of a luxurious wedding. On the other hand, there is no need to waste money on such nonsense, just as there is no need to be attached to cliches.

Now they continue to live; freedom is dearer to Elena. She said: “I’m not in a hurry to get married; before Khoroshilov, I was married to the father of my daughter. I recently realized: I have nowhere to rush. I have a wonderful relationship with my beloved man, but we don’t have to formalize it.”

Ilya is truly distinguished by a constancy rare for a man; he is akin to the periodic table. But Elena has not been afraid of loneliness for a long time and considers marriage a troublesome matter, not that children are a completely different matter. “Life will show everything, and when you’re 40, sometimes it’s just beginning,” she rejoices. However, Ilya is also happy with everything today. He replaced his father's eldest adopted daughter Sasha, who is already 14 years old and almost the same age as his own first child. Taking care of his family is what Ilya Khoroshilov is doing now. An actor whose filmography contains only episodic roles has long ceased to perceive himself as such. He says that he himself does not want to remember this side of his life, and does not advise others. Indeed, there is virtually no mention of his long-standing acting career. Today Ilya is exclusively engaged in the jewelry business, admires his beautiful wife, raises his daughter and is completely satisfied with life.



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