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Andrey Derzhavin now. Andrey Derzhavin: biography, personal life, family, photos and creativity. Brief biography

Who remembers “Katya-Katerina”, “Without You”, “Forgotten Dreams”, “Someone else’s Wedding”? In the 90s, musician and singer Andrei Derzhavin was very popular, his songs were listened to by millions. unfortunately, he then disappeared from the stage, but continued to be creative.

Andrey was born in 1963 in the city of Ukhta, Komi-Permyak district. His parents were far from music, but their son showed great promise. He composed music on the piano and was fond of playing the guitar.

After school, he entered the Industrial Institute, where Roman Abramovich was also studying at that time.

While studying, Andrei and his friend create a musical group “Stalker”. Their first album was called “Star”, and the songs from it became a hit in the 80s (“Without you”, “I want not to remember evil”).

The fans liked the album and the group “Stalker” toured the entire Soviet Union. After performing in the “Morning Mail” program, the guys shot their first videos for the songs “Three Weeks” and “I Believe”.

In 1990, their new song “Don’t Cry Alice”, which became very popular. But in 1992 the group breaks up. Andrei Derzhavin begins a solo career and at the same time hosts the “Wider Circle” program.

His solo career became another success for Andrey. At this time, he wrote his best songs: “Someone else’s wedding”, “Brother”, became the laureate of “Song of the Year-94”.

At the peak of his fame, Andrei released 4 albums, actively went on tour, and his songs were heard in all corners of the country.

In 1994, Andrei created the song “Summer Rain,” which is dedicated to his deceased friend and colleague, talented musician Igor Talkov. After the tragic death of Igor, Andrei takes care of his family: his wife and son.

By the end of the 90s, the fame around Andrei subsided. In 2000, he was offered a position as a keyboard player in the legendary group “Time Machine”. In addition, he continued to compose music. Andrey wrote soundtracks for the TV series and films “Dancer”, “Loser”, “Gypsies”, “Marrying a Millionaire”. He also manages to try himself as an actor in the TV series “Tycoons, Being Together” and “The Man in My Head.”

The personal life of Andrei Derzhavin also turned out to be happy. While still a student, he fell in love with Elena Shakhutdinova and went through his ups and downs with her.

Andrey Derzhavin- one of those artists whose popularity came in the late 80s - 90s. The founder of the group “Stalker”, and later a solo singer, he simply burst into all houses with the songs “Someone else’s wedding”, “Don’t cry, Alice”, “Katya-Katerina”. He was known and loved by many.

However, in the early 2000s, Derzhavin somehow disappeared from the horizon. Some forgot about him, while others continued to be keenly interested in the fate of the performer - where did he go? What happened to him?

It’s okay, it’s just that Derzhavin ended his solo career and went as a keyboard player to another, no less famous group, “Time Machine”. This happened in 2000. Those who followed the singer's career noticed changes in his appearance after some time - he shaved his head. There were also people who connected these changes in appearance with Andrei Vladimirovich’s health. If he’s bald, it means he’s had chemotherapy—that’s what “well-wishers” who were eager for sensations reasoned, immediately discovering a lot of other signs of the disease: circles under the eyes, a haggard appearance, etc.

Fortunately, all this turned out to be fiction. Andrei Derzhavin still successfully performs as part of the Time Machine, enjoys his granddaughter and grandson, whom his eldest son has already given him, his ten-year-old daughter Anya, and at 52 years old he is not going to complain about his health.

All music lovers know the songs performed by Andrei Derzhavin: “Katya - Katerina”, “Don’t cry Alice” and so on. But not everyone knows about his biography and personal life.

Artist biography

Andrey was born in the Komi-Permyak district in the city of Ukhta on September 20, 1963. The boy's parents moved to this area for work and were not indigenous residents. Over time, the family also added a daughter, who was named Natasha. It is to her that Andrei will eventually dedicate one of his most famous songs.

From childhood, the boy showed an interest in music. He went to study at a music school in two specialties at once: piano and guitar. Andrey loved to compose melodies himself and succeeded in this matter. After receiving general education, Derzhavin entered the Industrial Institute in the city of Ukhta.

During this time spent at the institute, Derzhavin, together with his friend Sergei Kostrov, created the group “Stalker”. At first they simply performed instrumental music, but in 1985 they decided to invite a soloist. Andrey himself wanted to sing, and the guys released their first album, “Star”. He immediately brought popularity to the team.

This was noticed in Syktyvkar and the group was invited to start touring from the Philharmonic Society of this city. The guys traveled around half of the Soviet Union in a couple of years and gained real popularity. The group performed songs in the pop genre, which was very popular with young people in those years.

Then the group goes to Moscow and in 1989 records two more albums at the studio of the Time Machine group. At the same time, they are filming videos for television for the songs “I Believe” and “Three Weeks.” But Andrei Derzhavin’s song “Don’t Cry Alice,” released on television in 1990, brought particular popularity to Andrei Derzhavin.

In 1992, the group unexpectedly broke up, and the guys began to pursue a solo career. Sergei Kostrov does not do this very well, but Andrei Derzhavin becomes a famous performer of those years. He works on television in the “Wider Circle” program and works as a music editor in the “Komsomolskaya Zhizn” magazine.

After leaving the group, Derzhavin recorded four albums, which brought him enormous popularity. This is especially true for the songs “Someone else’s wedding”, “Brother” and so on. But gradually his fame fades, and the soloist becomes less in demand.

Then in 2000, Andrey was offered to become a member of the popular group “Time Machine,” and he agreed. Now Derzhavin modestly appears on stage in this group, but continues to write and compose music.

Personal life of the artist

The artist’s entire personal life is connected with his only girl, Elena Shakhutdinova. They met while studying at the institute and have not parted since then. The first child, Vladislav, was born to the young couple back in 1985, but daughter Anna was born only in 2005.

Now Andrey has left the Time Machine group and is completely occupied with his family. He has already become a grandfather, and his granddaughter was born, who was named Alice.

Soviet and Russian musician Andrei Derzhavin was quite popular in the early 90s of the last century. What happened to him today? Does he continue...

From Masterweb

02.05.2018 08:00

Soviet and Russian musician Andrei Derzhavin was quite popular in the early 90s of the last century. What happened to him today? Does he continue to create? Read all about the biography of Andrei Derzhavin, personal life and family, and creative path further in the article.


The future singer and composer was born in the Komi Republic on September 20, 1963. In the family, besides him, his parents also raised his younger sister. Andrey studied piano at a music school. At the same time, he participated in performances of amateur groups, where he played guitar and piano.

The boy was also active in secondary school. He attended the freestyle wrestling section and participated in athletic competitions, representing his educational institution.

Andrei Derzhavin received his higher education at the Ukhta Industrial Institute. The choice fell on this educational institution only because there were no other universities in the city. As the musician himself says, in those days everyone knew each other, attended the same sections, and studied at the same university. At the same university, the biography of Andrei Derzhavin took a new turn.

The beginning of a musical career

At the Ukhta Institute, together with his fellow student, Andrei founded the group “Stalker”. At first they played exclusively instrumental music, but the vocal issue gradually required a solution. Andrei Derzhavin became a singer. His biography changed from that moment on. His musical career was replenished with interesting and quite famous works in his time.

For the first time Andrey sang the song "Star". Later it became the title track in the group’s magnetic collection of the same name. The day the song was recorded in the studio in 1985 is considered the date of birth of the Stalker group. The first collection of compositions included the works “Without You” and “I Don’t Want to Remember Evil.” They brought fame to the young team.

The popularity of the album "Star" led to the fact that the group was taken on bail by the Syktyvkar Philharmonic. Together with her, as part of her tours, “Stalker” traveled half of the Soviet Union. The pop direction of the group appealed to the majority of young people, who constantly danced to its songs.

Since 1989, Andrei Derzhavin’s biography has been connected with Moscow. He and Sergei Kostrov (co-founder of the group) moved to the capital, and 2 more albums were recorded at the Sintez studio: “Life in an Invented World” and “First-Hand News”.

Solo performances

In 1992, "Stalker" ceased to exist. Until this moment, together with his friend, Derzhavin recorded the song “Don’t Cry, Alice.” It brought unprecedented popularity to the guys, but Andrei later took it into his repertoire. For her friends received the “Song of the Year-92” award.

Since the release of the hit “Don’t Cry, Alisa,” Andrei Derzhavin has become mega-popular. The biography, personal life and family of the performer interested many fans. They threw hysterics at his concerts and stood guard at the service entrances.

But this did not cause the singer’s star fever. He still continued to work on new compositions. As a result, not just hits were released, but the basis of the track lists of that time. In the biography of singer Andrei Derzhavin, it is worth highlighting the following songs:

  • "Katya-Katerina";
  • "Someone else's wedding";
  • "Cranes";
  • "For the first time";
  • "Forget about me";
  • "Funny swing";
  • "The one that goes out in the rain."

In total, the singer released 2 collections, which sold out almost instantly from the shelves of music stores. The biography of Andrei Derzhavin was constantly published in magazines, and photographs were sorted into posters by teenage girls. His popularity was comparable to the group “Tender May”, with whose lead singer Yuri Shatunov many found Andrei to be similar in appearance.

Popularity, numerous fans and the active creative biography of Andrei Derzhavin did not interfere with his personal life. He always remained a faithful family man.

Work in magazines and on television

With the advent of unprecedented popularity, Derzhavin received other interesting offers. In the early nineties, he held the position of music editor in the Komsomolskaya Zhizn magazine. Then he appears as the host of the “Wider Circle” program on Central Television. He also becomes a member of the jury of the popular children's competition program "Morning Star".

A certificate from a music school allows him to be well versed in many of the nuances of the performing arts, so he did an excellent job with the responsibilities he received in the projects described above.

Friendship with Igor Talkov

In the early nineties, Igor Talkov was also no less popular. And although Andrei performed in a slightly different style of music, the two composers became friends. They performed on the same stage several times. And even on the tragic day of Talkov’s murder, they sang at the same concert.

The death of a friend was a real blow for Derzhavin. He did everything he could to organize the funeral. In subsequent years, the singer constantly helped his family in every possible way, considering it his duty in memory of his friend. In 2006, Andrei starred in a documentary biographical film about I. Talkov, “I’ll Be Back.”

"Time Machine"

In 2000, the rock band Mashina Vremeni urgently needed a keyboard player. A. Makarevich invited Andrey to try himself in this role. He agreed and became part of this team. From that moment until 2017, Andrei Derzhavin’s biography was inextricably linked with “The Time Machine,” and solo performances practically ceased. Together they recorded 10 albums.

In 2014, cultural figures of the Russian Federation signed an appeal in support of V. Putin’s position regarding Ukraine and Crimea. This was one of the key moments in the musician’s departure from the group. After all, everyone knows that its leader A. Makarevich has repeatedly publicly criticized the actions of the Russian government in this matter.

Andrey Derzhavin - composer

This talented person, even during his collaboration with “Time Machine,” did not stop creating. Only during this period did his main activity become composing melodies and arranging. His compositions have become part of many films.

His music was first performed in the film “Dancer” (2003). Then the 19th and 20th episodes of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” were released, for which he wrote the melodies.

The year 2007 was marked by the release of A. Abdulov's film "Loser", the authorship of the music in which also belongs to Andrei Derzhavin. Another 2 years later, the composition for the film “Gypsies” by A. Pimanov appeared.

In 2010, he helped with the dubbing of two projects at once: the film “Marrying a Millionaire” and the cartoon “The Adventures of the Kitten and His Friends.” And for another 7 years, until 2012, he was the main composer in the animated series “The Amazing Adventures of Khoma”.

In addition to all this, Derzhavin twice appeared as a cameo in films. These were "Tycophants. Being Together" (2008) and "The Man in My Head" (2009).

Personal life

Over the years of creativity, the biography of singer Andrei Derzhavin has been supplemented with many interesting facts. At the same time, he always carefully hid his personal life. He says his family's story should not be made public. Therefore, very little is known about her. Even on social networks, the photos often show work moments rather than his family and friends.

Andrei met his first and only wife, Elena Shakhutdinova, while still at the institute. Since then, they have never parted, proving to everyone that famous people can be faithful. In 1986, their first child, Vladislav, was born. My daughter Anyuta was born in 2005.

At the moment, Andrei Derzhavin is a grandfather. His son gave him two grandchildren: Alisa and Gerasim. Many assume that the choice of name for the girl was not accidental, since Derzhavin gained unprecedented popularity with the song “Don’t Cry, Alice.” Now his granddaughter has a personal lullaby.

In addition to the creative projects described above, Andrei Derzhavin often collaborated with other musicians. Thus, he was a keyboard player and arranger of songs in A. Kutikov’s album “Dancing on the Roof”, the compositions “A Few Hours of Love” and “Don’t Forget Friends” were created with Alena Apina and Mikhail Dobrynin, 3 albums were recorded with M. Morgulis.

The famous musician of the 90s, Andrei Derzhavin, was born in the city of Ukhta, Komi-Permyak District, in the fall of 1963. He was not the only son in the family; eight years after his birth, his sister Natasha was born. It is interesting that the elder Derzhavins were not from the Komi Republic. My father came to the north from the Southern Urals, and my mother was born in the Saratov region.


While studying, as is customary among students, Andrei and his friend Sergei Kostrov create the musical group “Stalker”. Initially, the group did not have its own vocalist; young people played mainly instrumental music. But by the beginning of 1985, there was a need for change, and Andrei took the microphone.

As a soloist, he performed the first song of the group, which became the main hit of the music album of the same name, “Star”. In addition, the collection includes the compositions “Without You” and “I Want Not to Remember Evil,” which made the musicians famous in the late 80s.

Music career

The first vocal collection of the musical group “Stalker” has become so successful that the Syktyvkar Philharmonic takes the promising musical group on bail. As part of the Philharmonic tours, young singers traveled half of the Soviet Union. The group immediately chose a pop direction for themselves. The dance style of the compositions appealed to the youth of those years. The musicians of the group "Stalker" have many fans.

Andrey Derzhavin (center) and “Stalker” | VC

In 1989, Sergei Kostrov and Andrei Derzhavin decided to travel to Moscow, where at the studio of their friend Alexander Kutikov, composer of the Time Machine group, they created hits for new collections. The albums were called “Life in an Imaginary World” and “First-Hand News.”

On Soviet television, the guys recorded their first videos for the songs “I Believe” and “Three Weeks.” With their latest single they perform on the Morning Mail program. The Stalker group is making a name for itself throughout the entire Union.

On the New Year holidays of 1990, the television broadcast of the country’s main channel was literally torn apart by the musical hit “Don’t Cry, Alice,” after which a real popularity hysteria began around the name of Andrei Derzhavin. He began to be pursued by crazed fans who were watching the singer everywhere: at the exit from the house, near the Sintez music studio.

Many fans immediately noticed the similarity between their idol and another rising star - although they were not brothers. Even Andrei’s devoted fans could not understand what their age difference was, since he always looked younger than his age.


The song “Don’t Cry, Alice” became the last collaboration between the musicians of the Stalker group, after which the team stopped their creative activities in 1992. Despite the breakup, the musicians gathered once in 1993 to take part in the “Song of the Year” competition. This farewell performance brings them the title of laureates of the annual song competition.

Best songs

In the early 90s, Andrei Derzhavin was invited to the magazine “Komsomolskaya Zhizn” to the position of music editor, as well as to the position of host of the popular music program of Central Television “Wider Circle”. Gradually, the friends' paths diverge in different directions. Sergei Kostrov begins to work on his project “Lolita”, and Andrei Derzhavin goes into a solo career. He becomes one of the popular pop singers of that time.


In the next year after the collapse of the Stalker group, Derzhavin wrote his best songs in one breath, “Someone else’s Wedding”, “Brother”, and received another award for their performance in the “Song of the Year-94” competition. The singer’s popular album “Lyrical Songs” is selling out very quickly.

Many fans also fell in love with the musical composition of this collection “Cranes”. In parallel with his work, Andrei was invited as one of the judges in the then popular competition for young performers “Morning Star”.

In the 90s, the artist toured a lot, recorded in studios and on television. During this time, he created 4 solo albums, 20 songs from which became hits of the era. These are compositions such as “Forget about me”, “Katya-Katerina”, “For the first time”, “Merry swing”, “Natasha”, “The one who leaves in the rain”. Together with popular performers of the time, and, he created the songs “A Few Hours of Love” and “Don’t Forget Your Friends.”

Memory of a friend

In the early 90s, Andrei Derzhavin began a close friendship with a talented musician and poet of his time. At the concert at which Talkov was shot, his friend Andrei also performed. He is not the only performer who helped with Talkov’s burial after his death. For these purposes, Mikhail Muromov also arrived in St. Petersburg and helped transport those saying goodbye to the cemetery and back.

Andrey Derzhavin, Juna and Igor Talkov |


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