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Andrey skorokhod offended Olga Buzova. A resident of the Comedy Club suggested that Olga Buzova resolve the conflict on stage. “Those whom I considered my friends from the Comedy Club...”

Olga Buzova once again found herself at the center of a scandal. Recently, the girl took part in the filming of the next issue Comedy Club. After this, a wave of criticism hit her. One of those who insulted the TV presenter was comedian Andrei Skorokhod.

On her Instagram page, Olga said that the man seriously insulted her. This outraged the aspiring singer so much that she decided to deal with the offender in court.

“I don’t have a defender. I'm alone. And I solve all problems myself. Today, one “under-man” with whom we work on the same channel allowed me to be publicly insulted. Unfortunately, those whom I considered my friends from the Comedy Club did not influence this situation in any way. Therefore, I will decide this through the court,” Olga said on Instagram.

Fans quickly figured out the girl’s offender. It turned out to be Andrey Skorokhod, in Lately portraying redneck rapper Glebati in Comedy. It was on behalf of this character on the Instagram account @glebati_official that Skorokhod posted an offensive post dedicated to Buzova. In it, the man compared the star with a negative character in the film “Predator.” In addition, in the comments to this and other posts, Glebati wrote several very unflattering and boorish reviews about Olga...

Andrei Skorokhod was immediately hit with a wave of criticism from Buzova’s fans. “How can a man behave like this? This is low and vile”, “What a nightmare! I was disappointed in this person,” “But it seems to me that this is all well-thought-out PR. They’re all friends there,” Olga’s fans wrote.

Timur Batrutdinov, who has been in very close contact with Buzova lately, hastened to emphasize that he himself will deal with the scandalous situation. He urged his friend not to make hasty conclusions and wait until the problem resolves itself.

“Ol, don’t rush into emotions, please. I didn’t know anything about this because I don’t spend time on Instagram. I personally apologize for this excess! I am sure that he did not put negativity on his own into the post, but acted on behalf of his character. I’ll talk to him now, and I’m sorry that I find out about this officially, and not through a personal call,” Timur wrote in a comment on Buzova’s post.

Let us remember that the artist has been criticized several times. When Olga started musical career, a whole squall hit her negative reviews. Then many stars spoke out against Buzova singing. However, the TV presenter was able to defend her interests and the right to demonstrate her talent.

Fans believe that Olga will still be able to resolve all conflicts without resorting to litigation. They also hope that the current situation will not affect trusting relationship between Buzovaya and Batrutdinov.

Olga Buzova was horrified by the offensive posts of one of the residents of the popular comedy show. Now the presenter is going to sue him.

Olga Buzova once again found herself at the center of a scandal. Recently, the girl took part in the filming of the next episode of Comedy Club. After this, a wave of criticism hit her. One of those who insulted the TV presenter was comedian Andrei Skorokhod.

On her Instagram page, Olga said that the man seriously insulted her. This outraged the aspiring singer so much that she decided to deal with the offender in court.

“I don’t have a defender. I'm alone. And I solve all problems myself. Today, one “under-man” with whom we work on the same channel allowed me to be publicly insulted. Unfortunately, those whom I considered my friends from the Comedy Club did not influence this situation in any way. Therefore, I will decide this through the court,” Olga said on Instagram.

Fans quickly figured out the girl’s offender. It turned out to be Andrei Skorokhod, who has recently been portraying the redneck rapper Glebati in Comedy. It was on behalf of this character on the Instagram account @glebati_official that Skorokhod posted an offensive post dedicated to Buzova. In it, the man compared the star with a negative character in the film “Predator.” In addition, in the comments to this and other posts, Glebati wrote several very unflattering and boorish reviews about Olga...

Andrei Skorokhod was immediately hit with a wave of criticism from Buzova’s fans. “How can a man behave like this? This is low and vile”, “What a nightmare! I was disappointed in this person,” “But it seems to me that this is all well-thought-out PR. They’re all friends there,” Olga’s fans wrote.

Timur Batrutdinov, who has been in very close contact with Buzova lately, hastened to emphasize that he himself will deal with the scandalous situation. He urged his friend not to make hasty conclusions and wait until the problem resolves itself.

“Ol, don’t rush into emotions, please. I didn’t know anything about this because I don’t spend time on Instagram. I personally apologize for this excess! I am sure that he did not put negativity on his own into the post, but acted on behalf of his character. “I’ll talk to him now, and I’m sorry that I find out about this officially, and not by personal call,” Timur wrote in a comment to Buzova’s post.

Let us remember that the artist has been criticized several times. When Olga began her musical career, she was hit with a barrage of negative reviews. Then many stars spoke out against Buzova singing. However, the TV presenter was able to defend her interests and the right to demonstrate her talent.

Fans believe that Olga will still be able to resolve all conflicts without resorting to litigation. They also hope that the situation that has arisen will not affect the trusting relationship between Buzova and Batrutdinov.

Alexey Chadov publicly humiliated Olya Buzova. Famous actor did not choose any expressions addressed to the TV presenter during a social gathering.

The other day, a party was held in one of the Moscow bars dedicated to the upcoming award ceremony for the MUZ-TV channel. Many celebrities attended the event, but Special attention attracted TV presenter, designer, actress, and, for some time now, singer Olga Buzova. The girl, dressed in a camouflage bustier dress, performed her imperishables to thunderous applause and whistles.


Only now did journalists learn that actor Alexey Chadov showed up at the party. The artist said it in honor of Buzova, but its content turned out to be very humiliating for Olga. Chadov publicly asked Olya “not to f*ck around anymore,” the site competently reports. The most interesting thing is that the TV presenter was not at all offended by the actor’s words. This is evidenced by a photograph showing Olga and Alexey. Photo on your official page Buzova herself posted it on Instagram.

By the way, at the same event, the star of “House-2” made an important statement.. “I’m already used to waking up alone and I want to get out of the habit. And now I have a vacancy to keep me company on the red carpet of the award. But I have important condition– know the words to all four of my songs. Well, who is ready to hold my hand when I am awarded the MUZ-TV award? Who wants to wake up to the sound of kisses until death do us part?" asked a rhetorical question Olga Buzova.

Good news for all Olga Buzova’s haters, sad news for her fans. However, they still have a headache. So no regrets. Boycotting the singer is, of course, a utopia. But the blockade survivors and their children were very offended. Numerous lawsuits are coming. Moreover, Olya is still laughing and enjoying the PR, but very soon she will cry bitterly. She knows how to do it directly to the public. A number of cunning lawyers are preparing claims against Buzova. And they are now working in Russia no less successfully and actively than in the West. They even throw dirt on judges through the press (a separate issue). And such an opportunity will not be missed. In fact, blockade defenders have already been found through whom both individual and collective lawsuits will be filed. Moreover, the class action lawsuit contains a demand to “prohibit the performances of the singer who has insulted the national memory on the territory of Russia.” Let him make money in Ukraine or something. Or in Somalia in front of black pirates shooting into the air.

I feel sorry for Papa Buzov. As you know, he left the family when he had a fight with his mother, after his daughter had sex with everyone on the “Dom-2” project (four partners, they say - I’m not an expert on “Dom-2”, sorry) for the sake of cheap PR But I don’t feel sorry for my mother at all. Thanks to her daughter, she has become so worn out that she doesn’t look like her old photographs.

But he protects his daughter. He's talking nonsense. She says she has the hereditary memory of a siege survivor. After all, her grandmother was a siege survivor. Father's grandmother, of course. From Leningrad. Because the other grandmother lives in Lithuania, in Klaipeda. And I didn’t catch the blockade at all. Only the “Soviet occupation,” as the absolute majority of the current residents of Klaipeda say.

Deputies are funny. As punishment, Buzova is going to send books about the blockade. That's how she read them. If they made a documentary for YouTube, maybe I would watch it. She doesn't read books. You can see it. The modern generation generally watches more than reads. That’s why blogs migrated from LiveJournal with long abstruse texts to Twitter with short messages, then to Instagram, where there are only pictures and videos of 1 minute each, and Buzova has millions of subscribers and on Youtube, where you can listen smart people, and not just Olga Buzova.

Poet Ilya Reznik remembered how he was swollen from hunger as a child besieged Leningrad, and even cried. He doesn't have much money now. And a couple of millions from Buzova will come in handy for him.

And who doubts the success of the trials, let us remember that back in 2015, the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow recovered one million rubles from designer Artemy Lebedev as compensation for moral damages for insulting the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War for the recordings “Coward City. Yoo-hoo" and "Hyunda hoch, Hitler kaput." He didn’t lick the plates and didn’t call himself a blockade runner. Since then, moral compensation has been collected regularly. And the ban on the starlet’s performance in our country is also quite possible in court.

Goodbye, Olya Buzova. Don't go, it's so good without you.

Upd: “You don’t need to educate me”: Buzova refused to delete the joke about the siege survivor. It will be removed through the courts.

Telegram channel of black and topical humor RovegoSteb.



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