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The ancient name of the Ural Mountains. Studying the Ural Mountains on the map of Russia: complete characteristics and geographical location

The ancient Ural Mountains separating Asia and Europe. Mountains stretch from far north to the borders with Kazakhstan, from the polar Tundra to the arid steppes. These unique places are extremely rich in natural, archaeological, historical and cultural attractions.

There is an opinion that the Urals are the ancestral home of the ancient Aryan race who had unique knowledge. Many adventurers flock to these lands in the hope of getting closer to unraveling the secrets of ancient civilizations. One of the most attractive places for researchers is the mysterious ancient city.

There are many places in the Urals that are of great interest to paranormal researchers. One of these places is , which is a twenty-kilometer rock ridge consisting of three ridges. Translated from the language of the ancient Bashkir tribes that have long inhabited these lands, “Taganay” means “stand for the Moon.” A huge number of legends, traditions, and stories about amazing events are associated with this place.

They say that on Taganay, local residents and tourists more than once found traces of Bigfoot, saw ghosts and a UFO landing, came into contact with the Higher Intelligence and fell into a loop in time. Who knows how true such stories are.

There is no doubt that Taganay is indeed an anomalous zone, and this is confirmed by generally accepted facts: in these parts, inexplicable malfunctions in the operation of any equipment constantly occur, ball lightning often forms over the mountains, and absolutely healthy people have strange visions.

Another incredible place is the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau, nicknamed the “Ural Stonehenge”. As local legend says, the huge stone pillars located on the plateau are petrified giants.

The height of the largest of the seven stone giants is 80 meters.

Everyone who managed to visit this ancient sacred place feels its powerful positive energy: all worries and gloomy thoughts disappear, a feeling of lightness and causeless joy appears.

The island of Vera, which is located on Lake Turgoyak, is also considered a mystical “place of power”.

Panorama of the Urals

Many religious pilgrims from all over Russia are attracted to the Ural churches and monasteries. Of particular interest not only to believers, but also to everyone who is interested in the history of the country is the Ekaterinburg Church on the Blood. It's not only active temple, but also museum complex dedicated to life royal family The Romanovs - it was in these places that life was cut short last emperor Russia.

Excursions are also conducted to the place of final resting place imperial family, known as “Ganina Yama”. Currently, a memorial temple complex has been erected on the site of the mine where the bodies were dumped.

Traditionally, the Urals are very popular among fans of active recreation. All kinds of trekking, rafting, horseback riding, motorcycle and bicycle tours are just a small list of entertainment offered to tourists.

And in winter, traditional sleigh rides, skiing and snowboarding along the ski slopes are added.

Combination tours are very popular, combining active recreation with educational and educational programs. One of the most popular such routes is a hike in the footsteps of Diaghilev’s expedition.

IN last years New exciting routes have appeared related to the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Tourists are invited to take a trip to Lake Chebarkul - the site of the meteorite fall, and visit the local local history museum, talk to eyewitnesses.

The Ural Mountains are a real paradise for speleologists. The most interesting caves in the region are: Divya, Ignatievskaya, Kungurskaya, Kapova caves, as well as the Sikiyaz-Tamak cave complex.

Panorama of the Urals

Notorious extreme sports enthusiasts prefer to travel through the most difficult region in terms of tourism - the Polar Urals. During the winter months, the air temperature in these places drops below −50°. There are very few warm days a year; they mostly occur in July. This month the sun does not set below the horizon around the clock. Difficult climatic conditions are compensated fantastic beauty nature. Inaccessible mountain peaks, glaciers and picturesque lakes, waterfalls and rock canyons can impress even experienced travelers who have seen a lot.

Routes along the Usa and Shchuchya rivers are very popular among tourists. It is believed that only qualified watermen can pass the most difficult rapids on these mountain rivers.

IN Lately Gastronomic and ethnographic tourism is becoming fashionable. One of best places, where you can get to know the culture and way of life of the Urals people better, and enjoy traditional dishes local cuisine, - Museum of Russian wooden architecture in Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha.

In any case, traveling around the Urals is a wonderful opportunity to escape from everyday problems and worries, find yourself in an unreal, fabulously beautiful world, and touch the origins of national spirituality and culture.


Ural mountains. Beauty is closer than you think.

The Ural Mountains are a unique natural object for Russia. Why? This will become clear to anyone who thinks about this question. First of all, because they are the only mountain range crossing Russia from south to north, while serving as the border between two parts of the world, as well as large parts of our country - Asian and European.

Features of the relief of the Urals

Any geologist will agree that their structure is complex. They include breeds of different ages and type. The mountains can trace the history of many eras of the Earth. There are not only deep faults here, but also sections of oceanic crust. The base of the Ural Range is a stone belt, a natural border separating Europe and Asia, the Sverdlovsk and Perm regions.
But the Ural Mountains cannot be called high. There are mostly low and medium peaks here. The highest point is Mount Narodnaya, located in the Subpolar Urals. Its height reaches 1895 meters. But Mount Yamantau, the second highest point in the Urals, is located at the southern end of the ridge.

The profile of the mountains resembles a depression. The highest peaks are located in the north and south, while in the middle part their height rarely reaches 400-500 meters. Therefore, when crossing the Middle Urals, only an attentive tourist or traveler will notice the mountains.
Beginning of formation Ural mountains coincides with Altai. But further fate turned out differently. Altai often experienced strong tectonic shifts. As a result, Belukha - the highest point in Altai - has a height of more than 4.5 kilometers. On the other hand, the Urals are much safer for life - earthquakes, especially strong ones, occur here much less frequently.

Sights of the Ural Mountains

Mount Manaraga (Bear's Paw) is not on the list of the highest. But, of course, it is the most beautiful. Its top is a series of steep peaks, which is why from a distance the mountain really looks like the raised paw of a bear.

The highest point of the Urals is Mount Narodnaya, the peak of which is located at an altitude of 1985 meters.

In general, it is quite difficult to list all the attractions that the Urals can boast of. Although it will be useful to list a few of the most interesting ones:

  • Mount Konzhakovsky stone;
  • Seven Brothers rocks;
  • national parks Zyuratkul and Taganay;
  • Denezhkin Stone Nature Reserve;
  • Oleniy Ruchi Natural Park,
  • Chusovaya River;
    Chistop and Kolpaki mountains.

And this is just a small part most beautiful places located in the Urals.

Rivers and lakes of the Ural Mountains

The Urals also boasts many beautiful rivers with crystal clean water and fast currents, dangerous rapids and picturesque rifts. It is no coincidence that many routes are laid here, both for family holidays and for sports rafting.

On the banks of the rivers there are many beautiful stones and rocks, and the endless Taiga will not leave any nature lover indifferent.

These rivers have seen a lot and keep many secrets to this day.

The rivers of the Ural Mountains belong to the basins of three seas: the Caspian, Kara and Barents. The total number of rivers flowing here exceeds 5 thousand! There are about a thousand of them in the Sverdlovsk region alone, and more than two thousand in the Perm region. The approximate annual flow of these rivers exceeds 600 thousand cubic kilometers.

Unfortunately, today many of these rivers suffer from waste discharged by industrial production. Because of this, the relevance of river water treatment and conservation is becoming increasingly important.

But there are few lakes here, and their sizes are small. The largest lake is Argazi (belongs to the Miass River basin). Its area is slightly more than 100 square kilometers.

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IN ancient sources The Urals are partly associated with the Riphean and more often with the Hyperborean mountains. According to Ptolemy, the Ural Mountains consist of the Rimnus mountains (Rimninus - the Yaik or Ufa River; Middle Urals), Noros, "Noros" - the Southern Urals, from which the Daix River flows (Ural?) and the northern part - the Hyperborean Ripean Mountains - clearly the watershed between basins of the Caspian, Black Sea and Baltic (Sarmatian Ocean), etc. Russian pioneers called it Stone; under the name Ural, these mountains were first mentioned in Russian sources at the end of the 17th century. The name Ural was introduced by V. Tatishchev from the Mansi “ur” (mountain). According to another version, this word is of Turkic origin.

Geological structure

The Ural Mountains were formed in the late Paleozoic during an era of intense mountain building (Hercynian folding). The formation of the Ural mountain system began in the late Devonian (about 350 million years ago) and ended in the Triassic (about 200 million years ago).

It is an integral part of the Ural-Mongolian folded geosynclinal belt. Within the Urals, deformed and often metamorphosed rocks of predominantly Paleozoic age come to the surface. The strata of sedimentary and volcanic rocks are usually strongly folded and disturbed by discontinuities, but in general form meridional stripes that determine the linearity and zoning of the structures of the Urals. From west to east the following stand out:

  • Pre-Ural marginal trough with a relatively flat bedding of sedimentary strata in the western side and more complex in the eastern;
  • zone of the western slope of the Urals with the development of intensely crumpled and thrust-disturbed sedimentary strata of the Lower and Middle Paleozoic;
  • The Central Ural uplift, where among the sedimentary strata of the Paleozoic and Upper Precambrian, in some places older crystalline rocks of the edge of the East European Platform emerge;
  • a system of troughs-synclinoriums of the eastern slope (the largest are Magnitogorsk and Tagil), made mainly of Middle Paleozoic volcanic strata and marine, often deep-sea sediments, as well as deep-seated igneous rocks breaking through them (gabbroids, granitoids, less often alkaline intrusions) - the so-called. greenstone belt of the Urals;
  • Ural-Tobolsk anticlinorium with outcrops of older metamorphic rocks and widespread development of granitoids;
  • The East Ural synclinorium, in many ways similar to the Tagil-Magnitogorsk synclinorium.

At the base first three zones, according to geophysical data, an ancient, Early Precambrian foundation is confidently traced, composed mainly of metamorphic and igneous rocks and formed as a result of several eras of folding. The most ancient, presumably Archean, rocks come to the surface in the Taratash ledge on the western slope of the Southern Urals. Pre-Ordovician rocks are unknown in the basement of the synclinoriums on the eastern slope of the Urals. It is assumed that the foundation of the Paleozoic volcanogenic strata of synclinoriums are thick plates of hypermafic rocks and gabbroids, which in some places come to the surface in the massifs of the Platinum Belt and other related belts; these plates may represent outliers of the ancient oceanic bed of the Ural geosyncline. In the east, in the Ural-Tobolsk anti-clinorium, outcrops of Precambrian rocks are quite problematic.

Paleozoic deposits of the western slope of the Urals are represented by limestones, dolomites, and sandstones, formed in conditions of predominantly shallow seas. To the east, deeper sediments of the continental slope can be traced in an intermittent strip. Even further east, within the eastern slope of the Urals, the Paleozoic section (Ordovician, Silurian) begins with altered volcanics of basaltic composition and jasper, comparable to the rocks of the bottom of modern oceans. In places higher up the section there are thick, also altered spilite-natro-liparite strata with deposits of copper pyrite ores. Younger sediments of the Devonian and partly Silurian are represented mainly by andesite-basalt, andesite-dacitic volcanics and greywackes, which correspond to the stage in the development of the eastern slope of the Urals when the oceanic crust was replaced by a transitional type crust. Carboniferous deposits (limestones, gray wackes, acidic and alkaline volcanics) are associated with the most recent, continental stage of development of the eastern slope of the Urals. At the same stage, the bulk of the Paleozoic, essentially potassium granites of the Urals intruded, forming pegmatite veins with rare valuable minerals. In the Late Carboniferous-Permian time, sedimentation on the eastern slope of the Urals almost stopped and a folded mountain structure formed here; On the western slope at that time, the Pre-Ural marginal trough was formed, filled with a thick (up to 4-5 km) thickness of clastic rocks carried down from the Urals - molasse. Triassic deposits are preserved in a number of depressions-grabens, the emergence of which in the north and east of the Urals was preceded by basaltic (trap) magmatism. Younger strata of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of a platform nature gently overlap folded structures along the periphery of the Urals.

It is assumed that the Paleozoic structure of the Urals was formed in the Late Cambrian - Ordovician as a result of the splitting of the Late Precambrian continent and the spreading of its fragments, as a result of which a geosynclinal depression was formed with crust and sediments of the oceanic type in its interior. Subsequently, the expansion gave way to compression and the oceanic basin began to gradually close and be “overgrown” with newly forming continental crust; the nature of magmatism and sedimentation changed accordingly. Modern structure The Urals bears traces of severe compression, accompanied by a strong transverse contraction of the geosynclinal depression and the formation of gently sloping scaly thrusts - overhangs.


The Urals are a treasury of various minerals. Of the 55 types of the most important minerals that were developed in the USSR, 48 are represented in the Urals. For the eastern regions of the Urals, the most typical deposits of copper pyrite ores (Gaiskoye, Sibaiskoye, Degtyarskoye deposits, Kirovgrad and Krasnouralsk groups of deposits), skarn-magnetite (Goroblagodatskoye, Vysokogorskoye, Magnitogorskoye deposits), titanium-magnetite (Kachkanarskoye, Pervouralskoye), oxide nickel ores (group of Orsko-Khalilovsky deposits) and chromite ores (deposits of the Kempirsay massif), confined mainly to the greenstone belt of the Urals, coal deposits (Chelyabinsk coal basin), placers and bedrock deposits of gold (Kochkarskoye, Berezovskoye) and platinum (Isovskiye). The largest deposits of bauxite (North Ural bauxite-bearing region) and asbestos (Bazhenovskoye) are located here. On the western slope of the Urals and in the Urals there are deposits of hard coal (Pechora coal basin, Kizelovsky coal basin), oil and gas (Volga-Ural oil and gas region, Orenburg gas condensate field), potassium salts (Verkhnekamsk basin). The Urals are especially famous for their “gems” - precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones (emerald, amethyst, aquamarine, jasper, rhodonite, malachite, etc.). The best jewelry diamonds in the USSR were mined in the Urals.

The depths of the mountains contain more than two hundred different minerals. For example, reserves of “non-melting ice” - rock crystal in Mount Narodnaya. The bowls of the St. Petersburg Hermitage are made from Ural malachite and jasper.

Geographical aspects

The conventional border between Europe and Asia runs along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains.

Geographically, the Ural Mountains are divided into five parts:

  • Central or Middle Urals,

In the north, the Pai-Khoi mountain system can be considered a continuation of the Ural Range, in the south - Mugodzhary.


Highest peaks:

  • Subpolar Urals - Mount Narodnaya (1895 m above sea level).
  • Southern Urals - Mount Yaman-Tau (1640 m above sea level).
  • Northern Urals - Mount Telposis (1617 m above sea level).
  • Polar Urals - Mount Payer (1499 m above sea level).
  • Middle Urals - Mount Oslyanka (1119 m above sea level).



  • The highest peak of the Southern Urals - Bolshoy Iremel (photo)
  • Virtual tour of the Southern Urals. More than 50 panoramas with views of the region's mountain ranges

see also


3rd edition Big Soviet encyclopedia, article "Ural"

Wikimedia Foundation.

See what “Ural (mountains)” is in other dictionaries:

    Ural (mountains)- Northern Urals. Geological natural monument doodles. URAL, the territory between the East European and West Siberian plains, which includes the Ural mountain system (over 2000 km). The highest point is Mount Narodnaya (1895 m). According to the relief and... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ural The Ural (cf. Kazakh. Aral and Mong. Aral island) is a geographical region in Russia, stretching between the East European and West Siberian plains. The main part of this region is the Ural mountain system... Wikipedia

    The river flows into the Caspian Sea; Russia (Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions) and Kazakhstan. Until 1775 the river was called Yaik. This name represented Russian. processing of other Turkic forms Yayyk (Kazakh Zhaik) which, according to modern opinion... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    The Urals, a territory located between the East European and West Siberian plains and stretching from north to south from the north. Arctic Ocean to the latitudinal section of the river. The Urals are below the city of Orsk. Its main part is the Ural mountain system,... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Ural- Ural, Ural Mountains (“ur” mountain, Mansi) mountain system, which is the natural border between the East European and West Siberian plains. The Ural Mountains stretch almost strictly along the meridian and are more than 2000 in length... ... Encyclopedia of tourists

The Ural Mountains are located between the West Siberian and East European Plains. Their area is 781,000 square meters. kilometers. Many travelers dream of getting to this miracle of nature in order to see with their own eyes all the splendor of the famous mountain range. Tourists also want to know the name of the most high peak Ural in order to climb it or appreciate the full power of the Urals at the foot of this mountain.

Mount Narodnaya is the highest point of the Urals. Its height is 1895 meters. The mountain is located on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and belongs to the mountain system called the Subpolar Urals.

origin of name

There are two pronunciation options of this name. In the first case, the stress is placed on the first syllable – Narodnaya. The thing is that this mountain is located near the Naroda River, whose name sounds in the Komi language as “Naroda-Iz”.

But during the Soviet era, this name was very consonant with popular communist slogans. At every step they talked about the party and the people, so it was decided to shift the emphasis to the second syllable, making this peak the socialist property of the Soviet people.

Scientific and reference publications indicate different variants accents. A 1958 geography textbook gives a name that correlates with the name of the river. And in a book from 1954 there is evidence that “Narodnaya” is the only correct pronunciation.

Modern scientists believe that the emphasis should be on the first syllable. This is the official pronunciation of the name.

History of the summit

In 2016, scientists found that this peak was first marked on maps in 1846 by a Hungarian geographer named Antal Reguli. Antal researched the history of the Mansi peoples, trying to understand the origin of their language. Later, the scientist proved that the Hungarian and Mansi languages ​​have common roots.

Antal Reguli explored the high peak and gave it the original Mansi name Poen-Urr, which means “top of the head”.

Five years later, an expedition led by E. Hoffmann was sent to this peak. As a result, data was obtained about the geographical position of the mountain and its features.

For a long time, it was believed in scientific circles that this peak was discovered not by Antal Reguli in the 19th century, but by researcher A. Aleshkov with his expedition in 1927. New data were released only in 2016.

Despite this, Aleshkov's expedition played a very important role. After all, it was he who measured the height of Mount Narodnaya, after which the peak officially became the highest point of the Urals.

It should be noted that when visually assessing the height of mountain peaks, it is difficult to understand which one is higher. Mount Monarga stands out for its size. It was for a long time that it was considered the highest point of the Urals. But after Aleshkov’s research, all data was carefully checked. IN scientific works it was indicated that it is not Monarga, but the People's Peak that is the giant mountain. She is 200 meters taller than her neighbor.

Summit climate

Peak Narodnaya is covered with glaciers. It is located in a cold climate zone. Long frosty winters prevail in these parts. Average air temperature in cold period is -20 degrees Celsius.

Strong snowstorms and freezing rains are frequent visitors to these places. IN summer time the temperature rarely rises above 10 degrees.

If you want to conquer the top of the Urals, be prepared for harsh climatic conditions. Even experienced travelers will find it difficult to resist the vagaries of nature. Therefore, it is better to take a reliable guide with you.

The most best time for climbing the mountain - July and August. During this period there are no snowstorms and the sun is shining.

Geographical position

This giant is located between two mountains, which are named after the famous explorers of the Urals - Didkovsky and Karpinsky. The most picturesque view of Narodnaya opens from the top point of Karpinsky Mountain.

Majestic rocky slopes covered with snow-white glaciers attract the attention of tourists. And the highest point of Mount Narodnaya is shrouded in clouds.

This peak is located in a deserted area. There are no settlements nearby.

Next to the mountain giant is the Blue Lake. Travelers who go hiking in the Urals often set up their camps on the shores of this picturesque body of water. Its height above sea level is quite high - 1133 meters.

Tourism and peak Narodnaya

With the rise of tourism in the second half of the 20th century, the Urals became a destination for many Soviet travelers. Mount Narodnaya was no exception.

Every extreme sports enthusiast deep down dreamed of visiting the most high point Ural mountains. Therefore, over time, memorial plaques began to be placed around the peak. The students tried to record their feat, so they brought souvenirs and flags to the top of the mountain giant.

In 1998, the Russian Church installed on the main peak Orthodox cross. A year later, a religious procession took place along the slopes.

So from the wild, inhospitable Narodnaya Mountain it turned into a hospitable giant.

The Ural Mountains are considered the most ancient on earth; they stretch from north to south, dividing Russia into European and Asian parts. The mountains begin at the Arctic Ocean, cross the entire country and end in Kazakhstan.

If you look at the map, this is clearly visible.

The highest of these mountains is located in the north and its height is almost 2 kilometers.

The width of the Ural Mountains in some areas reaches 150 km!

The existence of the Ural Mountains was known in ancient times; in particular, the Greeks believed that the legendary country of Hyperborea was located behind these mountains.

Geology of the Urals

The Ural Mountains were not always so low. Their formation began 350 million years ago and during their “youth” the Ural mountains reached a height of six kilometers. There was a time when volcanoes were active in the mountains, strong earthquakes shook all living things, and the magma, pouring out, formed new rocks.

Future mineral deposits were laid here. Millions of years have passed, the crazy volcanoes are no longer there, the mountains have collapsed and become small, but sometimes the Ural Mountains remember the dawn of stormy youth and earthquakes occur. The last one happened in the fall of 2015.

Nature of the Urals

Along the entire length of the mountain there are several natural areas- from the tundra in the north, taiga in the middle and ending with the steppe in the south.

It turns out that both nature and animal world different everywhere.

If you can find deer in the north, then in the south you can find a marmot or gopher. When tulips bloom in the steppe in the south, there are still bitter frosts in the north.

The mountain slopes are not steep, but they perfectly interfere with the winds, so the climate of the European part differs from the climate of the Asian part of the mountains, and that is why they attract tourists and skiers from all over the world to their slopes, enjoying enormous popularity.

Rocks of the Urals

In the depths of the Urals there are many minerals located and mined. Some of them are very rare and are found only in the depths of the Ural Range. Among the most famous are:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • iron ore;
  • copper ore;
  • ornamental stones;
  • oil;

Everyone knows crafts and jewelry made from malachite, a beautiful green Ural stone.

Products made from it can be seen in the St. Petersburg Hermitage.

Many folk tales about the extraction of mineral wealth were processed by the storyteller P. P. Bazhov.

Population of the Urals

The majority of the population lives in large industrial cities. By national composition These are mostly Russians. Next come the Tatars, Bashkirs, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Mansi, Khanty and other nationalities.

Industry of the Urals

In the Ural region, in particular in and, the most common industries are metallurgy and mechanical engineering. It is known that copper ore was mined here even before our era. The modern period of development of metallurgy began under Peter I, with the Demidov factories and mines.

The industrial cities of Chelyabinsk, the capital of the Southern Urals with its ChTPZ, and, as the capital of the Urals, with its Uralmash, are known all over the world.

There are rail, road and air connections between all cities in the region.

The only negative is that highly developed industry pollutes the atmosphere and adversely affects people's health.

However, this does not stop those who know that the Ural Mountains are natural and want to plunge into this atmosphere.

Have fun travels and excursions to the Ural Mountains.



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