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What does it take to win the lottery? An effective winning strategy and a couple more secrets! Read the details now!

1. What is a lottery syndicate?
2. A winning strategy that brings in $500 thousand a year!
3. Is it possible to calculate the winning ticket?
4. How to be guaranteed to win the lottery?

What is a lottery syndicate?

Ten years ago, a few friends from Newcastle came up with their winning strategy and formed a lottery syndicate¹ to acquire more lottery tickets. Their patience has finally paid off!

For ten long years, future winners believed in their success and carefully entered the winning lottery numbers into the tables. And now their efforts paid off.

One of the tickets purchased hit the $10,000,000 jackpot!

Each member of the group received a million dollars!

The friends agreed that after they paid off their debts and solved pressing problems, they would all go on vacation together to some picturesque islands.

This success story confirms that success definitely comes if you move towards your goal step by step.

A winning strategy that brings in $500 thousand a year!

Phil Morgan from North Carolina had his own strategy for winning the lottery, thanks to which he became the luckiest player in the history of lottery drawings.

In 2015, Morgan won the lottery 111 times, earning him half a million dollars!

Morgan has been playing various lotteries for several years, but in 2015 he decided to change his strategy. He chose only one lottery and a specific set of numbers, which he used every day, without missing a single draw.

This winning strategy allowed Phil Morgan to win more than $500 thousand in total over the year.

Is it possible to calculate the winning ticket?

Another success story confirms that anything is possible in this world!

63-year-old Joan Ginther from Texas, thanks to the lottery, became the owner of $21 million!

Within a few years, she became a four-time lottery winner!

At the time of the last draw, the chances of success were 1 in 18 septillions (24 zeros after 18), that is, we can say that there were none.

But, if you are smart enough, then the lottery will not be a game of pure chance for you.

Madame Ginther is a professor of mathematics at Stanford University and holds a PhD in statistics. Some credit Joan Ginther's genius for devising an algorithm that distributes winning tickets to selling points.

After Madame Ginther understood the scheme, she could only wait for the winning ticket to land in a sparsely populated area where there would be less demand for it. She also visited nearby communities where she bought lottery tickets. As it was established, Ginther purchased the last two winning tickets in the same store.

A personally developed winning strategy brought Joan Ginther real wealth.

She received her first win in 1993 in the amount of $5.4 million. Her next lottery win in 2006 brought her another two million dollars. In 2008, Ginther again won the $3 million jackpot, and her most recent win increased her fortune by another $10 million.

Gail Hogward, a renowned lottery expert, says that while Ginther's case is special, it is not the first time people have won multiple times. large sums money.

How to be guaranteed to win the lottery?

This requires proven winning strategies, but not only that! We need a complete system!

And there is such a system!

System of golden luck and correct bets
"GOLDEN FORT"! Increases your chances of winning by 75%!

With its help you can win on a regular basis from 15,000 to 50,000 per week or more!

You will learn:

  • how to learn to predict winning numbers,
  • how and when to place bets,
  • how to develop your own winning strategy,
  • how to multiply your winnings,
  • how to approach the game correctly and set yourself up for results!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Syndicate - an association of entrepreneurs or producers of goods for the purpose of selling them, implementing a single pricing policy and other types commercial activities while maintaining legal and production independence(

If roulette has always been considered the queen of the casino, then the place of the crown bearer can be safely given to slot machines. A couple of decades ago, mechanical, now completely switched to electronics - these “guys” have included more than one name in the lists of multimillionaires, however, just as they have ruined more than one pocket.

For everyone who asked the main question “How to win in slot machines“, we immediately answer - best strategy than choosing slots with the most high percentage returns and maximum rate(if the last one is required condition to win a jackpot, or a guarantee of high payout odds) has not yet been invented. But not everyone can afford to play to the maximum, even more - this approach to the game is not always justified. Although, this does not prevent new theories and schemes from appearing with enviable regularity, which many consider more than viable. Such strategies are rarely too complex simply because the options for gambling house clients in this category of gambling entertainment are limited. And we are not talking about illegal hacking and fraud.

We will not decorate your ears with flour products - the betting systems described in the material will not give you a 100% guarantee of winning, but they will help you systematize the game process, manage your bankroll wisely, and the process itself will perhaps become more meaningful and interesting.

  • “Up the stairs” system

The system is very simple and understandable, somewhat reminiscent of progressive winning systems in roulette. Start by choosing a low bet to start with - let this be your minimum threshold (your bets should not fall below this amount). If after the first spin you have not won anything, do not change your bet, otherwise double it.

The entire game according to this system will take place according to a given algorithm: winning is a signal to raise the bet by 2 times, losing is to reduce it by the same amount. And yes, you should also have an upper limit (either a system limitation or your own). By winning, after which the bet increases, we mean a sum of money that is at least 2 times the bet itself. That is, if after a bet of $10 you win $15, you do not need to bet $20 on the next spin.

The “Up the Stairs” system is a soft cushion for your bankroll, because large bets are always made on the funds won.

  • “Play and Run” system

This strategy has a very self-explanatory name, which literally conveys its essence: if the slot does not meet your expectations, you move to another slot machine. “Play and Run” suggests completely abandoning your gut feeling while playing and trying to find the best option. There will be no assessments of the system on our part, we will simply introduce you to its principles. Whether to use it or not is up to you to decide.

To understand the strategy, you need to know two terms - “limit loss” (“loss limit” - your limit on the funds that you are willing to lose on the 1st slot) and “empty spin” (“empty spin” - rotation of the reels without cash payments) .

Before starting the game, decide on the number of slot machines, empty spins, after which you will simply move to another slot, and the amount with which you are ready to say goodbye. This scheme is ideal for people with a small bankroll, and small bets are a prerequisite for the gameplay. Don’t lose touch with reality - if you have a money limit, don’t look at slots with high minimum bets.

This is not a progressive system and does not provide for the growth or reduction of rates in the process. The rate is always the same. Always remember about your limits - if you have reached one of them, or maybe both, it’s time to change the location. If you are successful, you don’t have to change the machine, but close the current gaming session (withdraw money and start a new game).

The advantages of the described system include the following:

  1. By following the rules, you won’t be able to unexpectedly lose all your money;
  2. the gaming session will last longer, even if you lose;
  3. if you are lucky, you will use your chance to win more, but you will be able to stop in time without doing anything stupid.

  • “Blank back” strategy

The scheme has something in common with the “Play and Run” system already described above, only there is only one limitation in it - the number of rounds played that do not bring money. main idea- refusal to play on a “non-lucky” slot. The system is simple and does not tip the balance of advantage towards the player. But it will fit perfectly into any bankroll management and make the game more orderly.

Experienced gamblers advise setting their limit of empty spins within 7-15. A smaller number will force you to change slots too quickly, a larger number will increase the risk of losing money. The bet size under the empty spins system does not change. The most convenient format of playing using this system is an online casino; running between the machines is another activity. Top online casinos with an excellent reputation and the best offers can be viewed in our “Casino online” section. We never tire of repeating that the system is not a guarantee of winning, but it copes well with the assigned function of controlling personal funds, makes the game more disciplined, and does not allow you to stay in one place.

  • “One game” system

According to this system, the player chooses a slot that interests him and bets the maximum from the first spin. If you are lucky, you can continue playing this slot machine with the money you win, or withdraw your winnings. The decision is up to the player, but you can no longer play this slot with your own money. If you lost credits from the first spin, change the slot. If the first spin does not play, we go to the next machine on the list. The scheme is suitable for active players with a “healthy” bankroll.

It is difficult to say what logic guided the creators of the “One game” system, but most likely there was a superstition about the fact that the casino specifically makes the first spin a winning one in order to lure customers into the game. If this is true, then the One Play system will make someone richer. How safe it is is the question when playing any gambling(and slots are no exception) you need to remember that everyone can lose, the main thing in the game is to be able to stop in time.

I would like to draw players' attention to the fact that systems can be combined. All of them are tied to the exclusion of quick losses and provide the opportunity to play with pleasure.

And finally, a short summary useful tips to all slot lovers:

  • do not waste money on purchasing “proven” winning systems - there are no such legal ones;
  • think in advance about the amount limit that you can easily say goodbye to, and the time limit for the game;
  • don't play for the latter;
  • choose limits according to your bankroll and do not deviate from them;
  • Before playing, take the time to get acquainted with the payout tables of the slot; it would be a good idea to try the demo version first;
  • don't do stupid things out of emotion;
  • think of slot machines as a vacation, and not an attempt to improve your financial well-being.

Learn to play effectively and luck will follow.

“Whoever takes a pack of tickets will receive a water pump,” this immortal phrase from an even more immortal comedy, at first glance, reflects the strategy for winning any lottery. Indeed: the more tickets you buy, the higher the likelihood that one of them will bring you money.

But this strategy is profitable only at first glance. The lottery organizers are not fools either. Their calculation is based on the fact that you will spend more on purchasing that mass of tickets, among which there is guaranteed to be one winning one, than you will win!

It turns out that only blind luck works in the lottery? And no strategy is possible? Not at all!

Passive and active

Lotteries can be passive or active. Passive is when you simply draw a ticket and it says “Win” or “Lose.” Here, really, you can only hope for luck.

Lottery: balls in the lottery machine during the drawing

And they are active. This is when you choose which number to bet on. For example, the same Sportloto “6 out of 49”.

It would seem, what's the difference? Should I draw a ticket or choose the number myself?

It turns out it's big!

The fact is that numbers in lotteries like “Sportloto” appear with different frequencies. Some are less common. Others more often. Extensive statistics have already been accumulated. For Sportloto you can do it.

Moreover, the dependencies presented on this page are not exclusive. For all lotteries such as “5 out of 36”, “6 out of 49”, etc. sum dependence graphs winning numbers and the probabilities of their occurrence are approximately the same. If you don’t believe me, you can compare the “Sportloto” charts with similar charts, say, for the English UK Lotto.

This does not mean that the same numbers win in SportsLoto and UK Lotto. This just means that winning numbers in all “active” lotteries fall according to approximately the same laws.

And the most amazing thing is that these graphs coincide one-to-one with the graphs of securities quotes on stock exchanges... This means that the tool that is used to analyze the stock market is also suitable for analyzing the statistics of winning numbers in lotteries.

Technical analysis

This tool is called “technical analysis”. What it is?

This is the identification of patterns in diagrams of changes in the value of securities quotes. Moreover, the analysis is called “technical” because the researcher does not take into account any external factors, causing change quotations: production indicators of enterprises, company balances, decisions of boards of directors, discovery of new deposits, etc. A technical analyst studies only the chart and nothing else.

Technical analysis of the stock market

He notices characteristics quote charts (indicators, “Japanese candlesticks”, etc.) and from them draws conclusions about further changes in quotes. And, accordingly, decides whether to buy or sell securities.

This method is ideal for analyzing lottery winning patterns. After all, the buyer of lottery tickets has nothing at his disposal except the statistical dependencies mentioned above. He knows nothing, say, about the calibration of numbered balls or the speed of rotation of a lottery drum. He can only look at the diagram and look for patterns in it - “indicators”.

How to use technical analysis?

There are more volumes written on technical analysis of the stock market than there are in the Bible. The best mathematicians and probability theory specialists puzzled over it. Therefore, the reader should not count on being told in a nutshell how to win without fail at Sportloto.

Moreover, technical analysis of lottery statistics should clearly become an independent applied discipline, different from technical analysis of the stock market.

But the reader can formulate a first idea of ​​how to apply technical analysis himself and quite easily. Let's say he knows that his recent win in Sportloto came from numbers whose sum is 148. Looking at the graph of static patterns, he can proceed from the assumption that the next win is more likely to come from numbers with a sum of 167 rather than 114.

And, by selecting the “luckiest” ones from a number of the most frequently dropped numbers, he can make a combination. Let's say: "5-48-49-47-1-27". Or: “38-48-10-13-11-47.” In this case, you really need to “take a wheelbarrow of tickets”: going through combinations increases the chances of winning.

But, we repeat, these are only the first outlines of the application of technical analysis of lottery statistics: this theory needs major elaboration.

Fundamental Analysis

And yet, is it possible to take into account external factors when developing a strategy? lottery winnings? Apply the tools of logic with its cause-and-effect relationships? And How?

When applied to the stock market, this approach is called “fundamental analysis.” As already mentioned, the company’s performance, its potential, and management level are examined. And such “fundamental analysis” is quite applicable to lotteries. But even more difficult. Which are usually called intellectual games.

At first glance, this is poker - the same lottery. Only instead of tickets there are cards.

However, in reality, everything is much more sophisticated. Rounds of betting between players on the flop, river and turn are “fundamental market analysis”. By raising bets and assessing the decisions of their opponents, players evaluate both the “productive potential” and “management” of their opponents: the range of cards in their hands, their tendency to bluff, etc. It is even known that one of the most famous poker players in the world, a member of the pro Pokerstars Indian team, Roy Basin, even keeps a dossier on potential opponents and sits down at the green cloth, covered with sheets of paper with characteristics: who bluffs with what card? Who raises for luck, and who raises with strong cards in their hands?

And he wins!

So rely on luck, and don’t make a mistake yourself! If you believe in technical analysis, play the lottery! But if you want to win at poker, master the fundamental techniques!

An international team of mathematicians analyzed ten years of football betting data and developed a strategy that won them $1,000 from bookmakers. After that, operators began to limit them.

Mathematicians took into account that when calculating the probability of a team's victory, the results of previous meetings, the number of goals scored and conceded in previous games, the location of the game (home or away), player injuries and the weather forecast were noted.

Analysts have noticed that bookmakers slightly underestimate the probability of winning for their clients compared to the actual probability of winning for the favorite team, which forces some players to bet on the other team. Mathematicians began to use this fact to beat the bookmakers.

They analyzed the results and bets on 479,440 football matches played in 818 leagues from 2005 to 2015 and came up with a formula that calculates the true probability of a team winning based on the odds advertised by bookmakers.

So, mathematicians chose which club to bet on based on true values probability, the publication notes. They then tested the developed strategy against a historical summary of bets, which are announced right before the start of the game, for a specified period. They compared the results of the algorithm with the results of a model player betting randomly. In all cases, the bet size remained fixed and was equal to $50, writes N+1.

The blue line is the money earned according to the strategy of scientists, the red line is according to the strategy of random bets

It turned out that this strategy allows you to win consistently and is significantly superior to the strategy of random bets. And if random players on average went into the red by $90 thousand, then a player who knows the true probabilities earned almost $100 thousand over the same time period and for the same available bets. According to mathematicians, only one in a million random players can achieve such a result.

Scientists decided to test the developed strategy for real games, but first tested it on virtual games, in which they took information about bets and match results from bookmaker websites, and then compared how much they could win if they followed their strategy. The results showed that for the period from September 1, 2015 to February 29, 2016, scientists processed data on more than 30 thousand games and “won” almost $35 thousand by making about 7 thousand virtual bets.

Then the mathematicians made real bets and earned just under $1 thousand in five months. After some time, bookmakers began to limit their ability to place bets, lowering the limit. After this, the scientists stopped playing.

Regular winnings at the casino become a reality when you use an effective betting system. Certain rules or simple mathematical calculations will either reduce financial losses, having a non-negative balance, or increase your income. Smart betting management tactics require having a bankroll of a certain size, although you shouldn’t rule out the chances of winning big even if you have $1 in your pocket. One of the interesting systems that does not require complex operations is the 1-3-2-6 strategy. Meet: these are your chances of winning!

Main stages

The essence of the 1-3-2-6 system is the assumption that the user has a chance to win 4 times in a row. The bet selection process begins with determining the bet size, or unit, based on your available bankroll. The player must take into account that the bets will be selected in a range between 1 and six initial bets at a time and will depend on his luck. In other words, by setting the starting bet to $10, the game's betting range would be from $10 to $120. The further session is carried out in the following several stages:

  • In the first spin, the participant bets 1 unit. The winnings bring him the same amount. The user adds one more to the two existing units of the base bet and places three units on the second spin.
  • the bet turned out to be a prize in the second spin. As a result, the player has 6 units of the base bet in his hands, but on the third round he bets only one third of what is available, that is, 2 initial values.
  • victory in the third round already brings 4 units. By adding 2 more to them, the user makes a bet of 6 units in the 4th spin.
  • the lucky outcome of the fourth spin brings 12 initial bets to the account. They should be picked up and the game continued again, betting one unit.

Freedom of choice: which games use the 1-3-2-6 system

Easy to understand for users, the 1-3-2-6 strategy is used in the following games:

  • Roulette;
  • Black Jack;
  • Craps;
  • Baccarat;
  • Bones.
  • Red dog.

In other words, the 1-3-2-6 system is effective in any game where the payout is 1:1 relative to the user’s current bet, for any even odds. None of the listed games have any particular advantages; often gamblers choose to play on roulette colors, believing that the roulette colors are better positioned for a successful outcome.

What does the upcoming spin have in store for you, or possible outcomes of the strategy?

Despite the fact that no strategy guarantees victory, playing with the 1-3-2-6 strategy will be interesting largely due to the large number of probable outcomes:

  • the first bet lost: the user lost 1 unit;
  • the first bet was successful, the second was lost: the participant lost two initial bets;
  • the first and second bets were successful, the outcome of the third was a loss: the user had a profit of two units;
  • the first three bets brought victory, the fourth lost: the participant broke even;
  • All 4 bets were winning – the user’s profit was 12 units.

Having received winnings for the first and second bets, the user can no longer be considered a loser.

An outside perspective: advantages and disadvantages of the 1-3-2-6 system

The betting system does not promise the user mountains of gold, it only increases his chances of winning. 1-3-2-6 The strategy has its own advantages that distinguish it favorably among many gaming systems. It is very easy to use; its use requires only basic computational operations. Without providing for an increase in the bet after an unsuccessful spin, it allows you to participate in large quantities sessions, enduring many failures in a row. Terminating a session after a string of winnings for a long period leaves the user’s bankroll in the black. The income from winning sessions exceeds possible losses.

The 1-3-2-6 strategy does not require users to have a large difference between the maximum and minimum bets per game.

The disadvantages of the 1-3-2-6 system include the difficulty in successfully predicting four outcomes out of 4 sessions, as well as the inability to influence your own chances of winning at the casino. After all, by betting on equal chances and only changing the bet amount, the user does not have the opportunity to change the casino’s share of the profit.

To use or not to use: conclusions about the 1-3-2-6 strategy

Gambling session users should be prepared for the vagaries of fortune. Without chasing a big win and using the 1-3-2-6 betting system, you can get a stable positive result. By taking part in even chance sessions, players have an equal chance of winning or losing, since two progression outcomes can be unsuccessful. The 1-3-2-6 strategy is effective even if you have a minimum amount of funds on your bankroll. Listen to your feelings and place your bets, and may luck smile on you!



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