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Bank of assessment reports. Apartment assessment report (example)

2. Real estate valuation

2.8. Property Valuation Report

Evaluation report– this is a written document that meets all the requirements of professional ethics, clearly and accessiblely reflects the progress of the assessment process and contains the initial data used by the appraiser, their analysis, conclusions and the final value. The appendix to the assessment report contains all photographs, sketches and maps not included in the main sections of the report. Sometimes a glossary of terms is included in the appendix.

In addition to limiting conditions, the report may indicate assumptions – statements made by the appraiser during the appraisal process based on his professional opinion, but not supported by factual data.

Let's consider the basic requirements for the content of the appraisal report and a training example on the appraisal of a real estate property.

The assessment report on the subject of assessment must be drawn up in writing and submitted to the customer in a timely manner. The report must not be ambiguous or misleading. If it is not the market value that is determined, but other types of value, the criteria for establishing the result of the assessment and the reasons for deviation from the possibility of determining the market value of the appraisal object must be indicated.

According to Art. 11 of the Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation”, the valuation report indicates:

– date of preparation and serial number of the report;
– the basis for the appraiser to evaluate the object of assessment;

– legal address of the appraiser and information about the license issued to him to carry out appraisal activities for this type of property;
– an exact description of the valuation object, and in relation to the valuation object belonging to a legal entity, the details of the legal entity and the book value of this valuation object;
– valuation standards for determining the appropriate type of value of the valuation object, justification for their use when assessing this valuation object, a list of data used in the assessment of the valuation object, indicating the sources of their receipt, as well as assumptions adopted when assessing the valuation object;
– the sequence of determining the value of the valuation object and its final value, as well as the restrictions and limits of application of the result obtained;
– date of determination of the value of the valuation object;
– a list of documents used by the appraiser and establishing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the appraisal object.

The report may also contain other information that, in the opinion of the appraiser, is very important for the completeness of the reflection of the method used by him for calculating the value of a particular appraisal object.

The report is personally signed by the appraiser and certified with a seal.

If there is a dispute about the reliability of the market value or other value of the valuation object established in the report, this dispute is subject to consideration by the court.

Structure of the assessment report

Cover letter.

1. General information.
1.1. Key facts and conclusions.
1.2. Purpose of the assessment.
1.3. Rights assessed.
1.4. Certificate of quality assessment.
1.5. Qualifications of appraisers.
1.6. Assumptions and limiting conditions made.

2. Terminology used and assessment process.

3. Analysis of the object of assessment and its environment.

3.1. Description of the land plot.
3.2. Description of improvements.
3.3. General characteristics of the region.
3.4. Analysis of the city's real estate market.

4. Analysis of the best and most effective use of the assessment object (NEI).

4.1. Analysis of the NEI of the land plot as free.
4.2. Analysis of the NEI of a land plot with existing improvements.

5. Determination of the value of the valuation object.

5.1. Determination of land value.
5.2. Determining the cost of improvements:

- cost-effective approach
– comparative approach,
- income approach.

6. Coordination of results into the final cost estimate.

Evaluation report- this is a written document that meets all the requirements of professional ethics, clearly and accessiblely reflects the progress of the assessment process and contains the initial data used by the appraiser, their analysis, conclusions and the final value of the value.

The appendix to the assessment report contains all photographs, sketches and maps not included in the main sections of the report. Sometimes a glossary of terms is included in the appendix.

The report, in addition to limiting conditions, may contain assumptions - statements made by the appraiser during the assessment process based on his professional opinion, but not supported by factual data.

Let's consider the basic requirements for the content of the appraisal report and a training example on the appraisal of a real estate property.

The assessment report on the subject of assessment must be drawn up in writing and submitted to the customer in a timely manner. The report must not be ambiguous or misleading. If it is not the market value that is determined, but other types of value, the criteria for establishing the result of the assessment and the reasons for deviation from the possibility of determining the market value of the appraisal object must be indicated.

According to Art. 11 of the Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation”, the valuation report indicates:

    date of preparation and serial number of the report;

    the basis for the appraiser’s assessment of the appraisal object;

    legal address of the appraiser and information about the license issued to him to carry out appraisal activities for this type of property;

    an accurate description of the valuation object, and in relation to the valuation object belonging to a legal entity,

    details of the legal entity and the book value of this valuation object;

    valuation standards for determining the appropriate type of value of the valuation object, justification for their use when assessing this valuation object, a list of data used in the assessment of the valuation object, indicating the sources of their receipt, as well as assumptions adopted when assessing the valuation object;

    the sequence of determining the value of the valuation object and its final value, as well as the restrictions and limits of application of the result obtained;

    date of determination of the value of the valuation object;

    a list of documents used by the appraiser and establishing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the appraisal object.

The report may also contain other information that, in the opinion of the appraiser, is very important for the completeness of the reflection of the method used by him for calculating the value of a particular appraisal object.

The report is personally signed by the appraiser and certified with a seal.

If there is a dispute about the reliability of the market value or other value of the valuation object established in the report, this dispute is subject to consideration by the court. An example of a real estate appraisal report is given in Appendix B.

Chapter 6. Peculiarities of valuation of various real estate objects

6.1. Land valuation

As a means of production, land has features that have a direct impact on real estate valuation:

    land is not the result of previous labor;

    spatially limited;

    irreplaceable by other means of production;

    has location constancy;

    wear-free when used correctly;

    geographically of different quality;

    characterized by the specific utility of each specific land plot;

    has fertility and all its beneficial qualities are most effectively used in agriculture;

    in almost all spheres of human activity (except for agriculture and forestry) it acts mainly as a spatial operational basis, therefore it is inextricably linked with the objects located on it: buildings, structures, roads, reclamation structures, other material elements created by human labor, so called improvements.

When valuing real estate, it is considered that the land has value, and the rest is improvements, they add to the value.

Land plot - part of the earth's territory that is equipped and ready for use for various purposes.

Improvements carried out to create the site:

    external: construction of streets, sidewalks, drainage and utility networks;

    internal: planning, landscaping, paving, installation of outlets for connecting utility networks, communication lines, etc.

A typical property consists of a land plot and buildings and there is a need to determine the value of the land plot separately from the improvements available on it, which is caused by the following reasons:

    differences in taxation of land and buildings (property tax and land tax);

    a separate assessment of the land plot from improvements is required when applying the cost method of determining the value of real estate;

    making decisions on the demolition of existing improvements in order to make the best and most efficient use of the land.

When assessing a land plot, it is necessary to take into account the set of rights associated with it. Common rights that require assessment:

1) full right of ownership - the ability to use a plot free of tenants in any legal way;

2) lease right - the possibility of owning a land plot under a lease agreement.

In Russia, most land is not sold, but leased, so appraisers often determine not the value of a land plot, but the value of its lease rights.

Cost of rental rights - This is the amount that a potential buyer is willing to pay for the right to own a given site under a lease agreement in order to obtain benefits from this ownership. Valuation of lease rights is used when determining the sale price of the right to lease a land plot, when determining the value of the object of which the leased land plot is a part, and when assessing damage from termination of the lease agreement.

The introduction of the Land Code is aimed at developing the land market. In these conditions, land valuation should be carried out taking into account the most effective use, which will provide the highest residual value of the land.

When assessing a land plot, it is necessary to determine its best and most effective use (BNEI), which is determined by the interaction of a number of factors.

Main Factors, determining the optimal use of land:

1) location- a factor that has a major influence on the cost of a land plot (the prospects of the location, transport accessibility, and the nature of the environment are taken into account);

2) market demand- a factor reflecting the relationship between supply and demand in the market. It is studied to justify the chosen option for using the land plot (the state and prospects of market demand for the proposed use, competition from other plots, types of taxes and other conditions). It is necessary to highlight the market segment in which activities need to be developed;

3) financial feasibility- the ability of the project to provide income from the use of the land plot, which would be sufficient to reimburse investors’ expenses and ensure the expected profit;

4) physical suitability of the site- prospects for creating improvements - size, topography, soil quality, climate, engineering-geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the site, existing zoning, environmental parameters, etc.;

5) technological validity and physical feasibility- analysis of the relationship between quality, costs and timing of the project, the likelihood of natural disasters, accessibility of transport, the ability to connect to utilities, taking into account the size and shape of the site, for example, the size may be small for the construction of an industrial facility;

6) legislative (legal) admissibility- compliance of the option for using the land plot with current legislation. Identified as a result of an analysis of building and environmental standards, restrictions on the number of storeys, the presence of temporary bans on construction in a given location, difficulties in the area of ​​historical urban development, possible changes in regulations, compliance with zoning rules, negative sentiments of the local population;

7) maximum profitability(maximum property income and site value), which is determined by discounting the future income of alternative uses, taking into account the risk of the investment.

A special category is urban lands. Their value is influenced by the size of the city and its production and economic potential, the level of development of engineering and social infrastructure, regional natural, environmental and other factors.

The same factors can have opposite influences on the value of a particular site, for example:

    heavy traffic undesirable for a residential area, but increases the cost of the site for commercial purposes;

    placement relative to educational institutions and shopping centers, aesthetic advantages and amenities taken into account when assessing land for housing construction have virtually no effect on the value of areas oriented towards industrial development; Transport infrastructure and economic zoning are important to them.

Most land resources are currently in state and municipal ownership. Practice shows that in market conditions, urban land is a valuable resource and can serve as a stable source of local budget income. City authorities determine the amount of land tax, the rental rate for land and the standard price of a land plot upon purchase, so the issue of increasing the efficiency of land use is relevant for them.

So that land property is used more efficiently, i.e. brought maximum income from use and contributed to improving the overall investment climate, first of all, it is necessary to implement the processes of taxation, rental and purchase of urban land based on its market value.

It is the market value that is a measure of value for the user, which allows to stimulate rational, efficient use and serve as a tool for the development of the urban economy.

The results of the assessment of the urban area serve as initial information for solving the following problems:

    development of urban development policy and social planning;

    developing proposals for types of functional use of the territory, taking into account its quality;

    the formation of economic mechanisms for the placement of various land use options and investment and construction policies;

    analysis of the consequences of development options and restructuring of the urban environment;

    optimization of municipal investments in maintaining and developing the urban environment;

    determination of the investment attractiveness of the territory as a function of the cost of urban land.

The purchase of a land plot by an enterprise makes it possible to use the land as collateral for a bank loan, expand investment opportunities, sell surplus land, receive income from leasing land, increase the value of fixed assets, and increase the market value of shares.

There are two views on the value of urban land:

    urban designer in the process of functional zoning of the territory as a section of the city master plan;

    appraiser in the process of developing a cadastral valuation of land.

The basis for the formation of cadastral valuation of land and functional zoning of the territory should be a comprehensive urban planning assessment of market value.

There are several methods for assessing land.

Normative method is to determine the standard price of land. It is used when transferring, purchasing land into ownership, establishing common joint (shared) ownership in excess of the free norm, transferring by inheritance or donation, obtaining a secured loan, withdrawal for state or public needs.

Urban land is assessed taking into account the density of development, the prestige of the area, the nature of the surrounding land use, ecological condition, engineering and transport infrastructure, etc. The land is divided into zones differentiated by the basic rates of land tax and the standard price of land (Law of the Russian Federation “On Payment for Land”) . The standard price of land is fixed in the Land Cadastre.

The basis for determining the standard price of land: land tax rates and increasing coefficients, land tax benefits are not taken into account.

It is often necessary to evaluate an object consisting of a building and a land plot, when the latter has only lease rights. In this case, the cost of allocating a land plot for construction can be taken into account as the cost of land.

In market conditions, if the necessary information is available, it is advisable to use methods based on the analysis of market data. The Order of the Ministry of Property of Russia dated March 7, 2002 No. 568-r approved the Methodological Recommendations for determining the market value of land plots. As a rule, when assessing the market value of land plots, the following are used:

    sales comparison method,

    selection method,

    land rent capitalization method,

    distribution method,

    remainder method

    method of dividing into sections.

Sales comparison method is the simplest and most effective valuation method, can be used to evaluate both actually vacant and supposedly vacant land; allows you to determine the specific price of a land plot by making percentage adjustments to the sales prices of analogues. In the absence of information on the prices of transactions with land plots, it is allowed to use supply (demand) prices.

Common elements of comparison for land plots:

    property rights,

    financing conditions,

    special conditions of sale,

    market conditions (change over time),

    location (distance from the city and roads, characteristics of the environment),

    zoning conditions,

    physical characteristics (size, shape and depth of the site, angular location, soil type, relief),

    accessible utilities,

    economic characteristics,

    best and most effective use.

When valuing land, you can use multiple units of comparison, adjusting the price of each unit and ending up with multiple values ​​that define a range of values.

The method gives fairly accurate results only in a developed information-open competitive market.

The Russian land market does not meet these requirements; the value of a land plot cannot be determined based on information about sales transactions of analogue plots. Therefore, the assessment must collect all available information to apply all site assessment methods.

Ground rent capitalization method is based on the fact that if there is sufficient information on rental rates for land plots, it is possible to determine the value of these plots as the current value of future income in the form of rent for the land plot being assessed. Within the framework of this method, the value of land rent can be calculated as income from leasing a land plot under the conditions prevailing in the land market.

The formula for calculating the cost of a land plot is:

Where WITH L

I L - income from land ownership, rub.;

R L- capitalization rate for land.

The capitalization rate is determined by dividing the value of ground rent for similar land plots by their sale price or by increasing the risk-free rate of return on capital by the amount of the risk premium associated with investing capital in the land plot being valued.

The main factors influencing the rental rate of a land plot: location characteristics, size, shape, surrounding land use type, transport accessibility, engineering equipment.

Distribution method (method of correlation, correlation, allocation) - determination of the component of the cost of a land plot based on a known ratio of the cost of land and improvements in the property complex. The method is based on principle of contribution and the assertion that for each type of real estate there is a normal relationship between the value of land and buildings. This ratio is most reliable for new buildings; they are close to the best and most efficient use option.

To apply the method, reliable statistical data is required on the relationship between the values ​​of land and all property of a particular type of real estate in a given market. However, the method is rarely used even in developed markets, as it has low reliability. The use of the method is justified in conditions of insufficient information on land sales. The resulting values ​​are considered approximate.

Isolation method ) is used to evaluate built-up land plots if there is information on transaction prices for similar real estate objects. Improvements to the land correspond to its most efficient use.

The method involves the following sequence of actions:

    definition of object comparison elements;

    determining the differences between each analogue and the object of evaluation;

    calculation and making adjustments for each of the comparison elements;

    calculation of the market value of a single property, including the assessed land plot, by means of a reasonable generalization of the adjusted prices of analogues;

    calculation of the replacement cost or cost of reproduction of improvements to the assessed land plot;

    calculating the market value of the assessed land plot by subtracting from the market value of a single real estate object, including the assessed land plot, the cost of replacement or the cost of reproducing improvements to the land plot.

The allocation method is used when the contribution of improvements to the total price of the plot is small, it is recommended for evaluating suburban areas (for which the contribution of improvements is small and is quite easily determined), and is used in the absence of data on sales of land in the surrounding area.

The method is most effective in a passive market (there is no data on the sale of vacant land plots), taking into account the characteristics of the initial information and the model for obtaining the desired value. The cost of a land plot in general is determined by the formula:


Where WITH 3 - cost of land, rub.;

WITH- cost of the object, rub.;

Su- cost of improvements, rub.

Remainder method is based on the investment group's technique for physical components. The method is used to evaluate built-up and undeveloped plots, if it is possible to develop the assessed land plot with income-generating improvements. The value of land is determined by capitalizing a portion of the income attributable to the land.

To determine the value of a plot of land, it is necessary to know the cost of the building, the net operating income of the entire property, and the capitalization rates for the land and for the buildings.

The main steps of the residual method for land:

1) the net operating income of the entire property is determined based on market rent and estimated operating expenses;

2) the net operating income related to the structure (building) is determined;

3) net operating income attributable to the land plot is capitalized into the value indicator through the capitalization rate for the land.

It is difficult to predict income in conditions of insufficient economic stability.

Subdivision method (development approach) is used in assessing land suitable for subdivision into individual plots. Consists of the following steps:

    determining the size and number of individual plots;

    calculating the value of developed plots using the method of comparing comparable sales;

    calculation of costs and development schedule, expected period of sale and reasonable business profit;

    deducting all development costs and business profits from the estimated total sale price of the sites to determine the net proceeds from the sale of real estate after completion of development and sale of individual sites;

    choosing a discount rate that reflects the risk associated with the period of expected development and sale.

Land development costs usually include:

    expenses for laying out, clearing and grading sites;

    expenses for the construction of roads, sidewalks, utility networks, drainage;

    taxes, insurance, engineering fees;

    marketing expenses;

    contractor's profit and overhead, etc.

Modeling of potential rental income for various types of land use is based on the patterns of formation of rental effects of location and prevailing prices (sales and rentals). Considering the significant difference in cost indicators for plots located along the front of the city's road network and located in intra-block areas, these plots are subject to mandatory division during assessment.

The implementation of the principle of the most effective use occurs in conditions of competition for the use of real estate between various functional segments of the market, taking into account real restrictions on the volume of demand and the possible multifunctionality of the territory, as a result of which a set of land users is formed on each site.


Carrying out some legal transactions with real estate, such as sale, donation, exchange, inheritance, requires determining the market value of the object. The assessment is carried out by independent experts. The result of their work is recorded in the form of an assessment report. This document may be needed when preparing documents for real estate.

Apartment assessment report

An apartment appraisal report is a written document from which you can determine the real market value of an object on the real estate market. The owner can order a report on his own initiative in order to decide what price to set when selling the property. But in most cases, the report will be needed when notarizing the transaction, since the notary will require this document.

Property valuation is regulated by a number of regulations:

  • Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” No. 135;
  • Evaluation Standard No. 3, approved by Order No. 254 of the Ministry of Economic Development;
  • Standards developed by SRO, which includes the subject of valuation activities.

According to Law No. 135, the contents of the report should look like this:

  1. Date of compilation;
  2. Number;
  3. Location of the appraisal organization;
  4. SRO membership data;
  5. Subject of assessment – ​​address, technical parameters, affiliation;
  6. Purpose of the assessment (sale, donation, etc.);
  7. Estimates are standard for determining the type of value of an object;
  8. List of data used;
  9. Calculation of the cost of the object;
  10. Date for which the cost is calculated;
  11. List of documents used.

In the report, the appraiser may indicate other data that he considers necessary to reflect the objectivity of the information. By law, separate report forms are provided for different types of assessment. Reports in specific areas may have some drafting features, but in general they must comply with the requirements of the law.

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The document is bound, numbered, signed by the appraiser, and sealed with the seal of the appraiser or appraisal organization.

You can download a sample assessment report at.

Article 12 of Federal Law No. 135 states that the value indicated in the report is reliable and can be used when making transactions with property.

How is it compiled?

There are two options for generating a report: on paper or in electronic format. The document must not contain incorrect or ambiguous interpretations.

A document in electronic form must have an electronic digital signature.

The report is prepared by those specialists who directly carried out the assessment activities. His signature is placed everywhere on the document.

The basis for the assessment is the concluded agreement for the provision of services, which is signed by the customer (property owner) and the appraisal company or appraiser working privately. The agreement is concluded in 2 copies: one copy for each party.

The assessment procedure itself consists of several stages:

  1. Departure of an expert to inspect the property;
  2. Description of the object, photography;
  3. Determination of cost based on initial data;
  4. Preparation of a written report.

The end result of the appraiser’s work is the receipt by the property owner of the finished document.

Apartment valuation

In their activities, appraisers use methods and standards approved by legislative acts. The methodology involves the use of income and cost methods.

Cost calculation using the income approach

The essence of the income method is to determine the current value of benefits that are expected in the future. This refers to the benefits that the sale of property will bring. Roughly speaking, this is an approximate calculation of what the owner will receive as a result of the sale of property.

The income method is based on two principles:

  • Expectations;
  • Substitutions.

What effect do these principles have? The expectation principle means that the value of a property is determined by the value of the future income that the property can generate. The principle of substitution means that the cost of an object can be established at the level necessary to acquire (replace) a similar object.

Cost calculation using the cost approach

The essence of the cost method is that the cost of an object is calculated based on the costs that will be required to reproduce the object in the state in which it is currently located, taking into account the market price of the land plot on which such a property is located.

When calculating the cost using this method, the appraiser must understand the difference between the reproductive cost and the cost required to replace the object.

The peculiarity of the cost approach is that it is not relevant to use it when evaluating a finished object. This method is more suitable when an object is just planned for construction or a decision is made about what will be built on the land. This method is also relevant when it is necessary to evaluate unfinished construction projects, for insurance, and to calculate land tax.

Report production time

The report is prepared within the time period specified in the service agreement. Usually the entire procedure lasts no more than 7 days. But sometimes the agreement may stipulate a longer period, depending on the purpose for which the cost is determined.

A strictly established report form has not been developed at the legislative level. However, the document must comply with the requirements contained in Federal Law No. 135. Therefore, each appraisal organization can use the sample report that is convenient for them.

Document validity period

As for the validity period of the real estate assessment report, it is valid for 6 months for concluding a transaction with the property. This is directly provided for in Article 12 of Federal Law No. 135.

After 6 months, the market price simply becomes irrelevant, since prices in the real estate market are very dynamic. If the report was not used in a timely manner, it will have to be ordered again.

How to order a report?

Choosing an expert appraisal organization is not an easy task. Today many companies offer their services. But have they all received accreditation to conduct assessments?

Before entering into an agreement with an appraisal company, it is better to make sure that their appraisers have full authority. You can check this information on this website. You should also make sure that the organization operates legally; just check the information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Knowledge of basic concepts: how an assessment report is drawn up, what it consists of, what information is included in it - will allow the customer of the service to understand how competently and correctly the document is drawn up. After all, if errors, inaccuracies are made in it, or any information is entered incorrectly, the report may not be accepted by those authorities for presentation to which it is ordered. If the customer discovers an error, he has the right to demand corrections or completely redo the document, especially since money was paid for the document.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date. However, each situation is individual.

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The appraisal report is used to record the progress of the appraisal and record the initial data, data analysis, conclusions and the price set by the appraiser.

The report contains photographs, maps, and sketches not included in sections of the report.

Sometimes a glossary of terms is included with the report.

Evaluation report form

The document must be provided in writing. It must be simple and accessible, but executed in accordance with professional ethics.

The report must be provided to the customer in a timely manner. It must not contain false or misleading statements. If during the assessment the market price of the object was not determined, the appraiser is required to indicate the assessment criteria.

It is also required to indicate the possible difference in comparison with the market price and the reasons for the deviation.

This document is regulated by Art. 11 of the Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation”.

The report must indicate:

    date of preparation of the assessment report, as well as the serial number of the report;

    the reasons that led to the assessment of the object;

    legal address of the appraiser, license number under which this employee evaluates the property;

    a detailed description of the object in relation to which the assessment is being carried out, if the object belongs to a legal entity. You will need to indicate the details of this legal entity, as well as the book value of this object;

    evaluation criteria for this type of objects. It will be necessary to justify why this particular type of criteria is used in relation to this type of objects, a list of data regarding this object, as well as the sources of their receipt. You should also remember about the assumptions made in assessing the object;

    indicates the sequence in which the assessment of this object was carried out, the final price of the object, the possible scope of deviation from the established price, as well as the limits of application;

    date of assessment;

    documents used by the appraiser during the assessment of the object, used to assess the qualitative and quantitative condition of the object.

The appraiser may provide additional information that he believes is important in explaining the final figure and his methods of work.

The report must be signed and sealed by the appraiser involved in the work.

If a controversial issue arises regarding the established value of an object, the court will consider it.

Structure of the assessment report

Letter accompanying the report

1. General information about the object.

1.1. Basic facts, as well as conclusions drawn based on these facts.

1.2. Object of assessment.

1.3. Certificate of quality assessment.

1.4. Qualification level of appraisers.

1.5. Assumptions and limitations made during the assessment.

2. Terms that were used during the assessment.

3. Conducting an analysis of the object’s environment and the object itself.

  1. Report on the assessment of the market and liquidation value of a real estate property located at the address: St. Petersburg, Kalininsky district, Grazhdanskiy pr-t, 41, letter A
    Work carried out by Colliers International. St. Petersburg, 2004.
    All calculations were carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation”, valuation standards mandatory for use by subjects of valuation activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2001 No. 519, as well as standards of professional activity in the field of real estate valuation property of the Russian Society of Appraisers and International Valuation Standards developed by the International Committee on Property Valuation Standards (ICSOI).
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    The purpose of this assessment is to determine the market value of the amount of damage to the property being assessed as of the assessment date. The assessment was carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2001 No. 519 “On approval of assessment standards”, “Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of vehicles taking into account natural wear and tear and technical condition at the time of presentation”, developed by the State Scientific Center NAMI together with employees of the Federal Center for Forensic Expertise, approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.
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    The subject of this assessment is a one-room apartment located in Novosibirsk. The purpose of the assessment is to determine the market value of the property being assessed.
    According to the “Valuation Standards Mandatory for Application by Subjects of Valuation Activities” dated 07/06/01 No. 519, the term “market value” in this report means the following: the most probable price at which the valuation object can be alienated on the open market in a competitive environment when the parties to the transaction act reasonably, having all the necessary information, and the value of the transaction is not affected by any extraordinary circumstances.
    The determination of market value is based on the premise that the property is sold on the market subject to certain conditions listed above. As a result of a purchase and sale transaction, a set of property rights is transferred from the buyer to the seller. It is these rights that are the object of assessment. In this work, the valued right to the object of evaluation is the right of ownership.
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    The assessment procedure included: 1) collection of necessary documentation and information about the object of assessment; 2) application of a comparative approach to assessing market value; 3) writing this Report.
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  4. Report on determining the market value of one ordinary share of OJSC Kostromskaya GRES
    As part of this assignment, the market value of one share of OJSC Kostroma State District Power Plant was assessed. The assessment results were used for the purpose of contributing shares of OJSC Kostromskaya GRES as payment for additional shares of OJSC OGK-3. The assessment was carried out as of April 1, 2005.
    During the assessment process, various methods and approaches are used, most suitable for the given case. This assessment was carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation”, “Valuation Standards Mandatory for Application by Subjects of Valuation Activities”, Methodology and Guidelines for Valuation of Businesses and (or) Assets of RAO UES of Russia and its SDCs, developed by Deloitte & Touche.
    Based on the results of an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the results obtained within the framework of various approaches, after consultations with representatives of investment companies and representatives of Deloitte & Touche, the Appraiser decided to consider, along with the first option of adding weights, the option of giving more weight to the results of the income approach. This choice is justified by the fact that when buying and selling an asset, a rational investor focuses primarily not on the retrospective of the company’s activities, but on the prospective income streams that he can receive from the acquired asset.
    Executor: Consortium “Expert - Russian Assessment”, as of April 1, 2005
    2015-03-07 | popularity: 15317
  5. Report on determining the market value of the object "Administrative premises"
    Report on the assessment of the market value of the property - administrative premises, with an area of ​​336.1 square meters. m., owned by the municipality "City of Kirov".

    The objective of this assessment is to identify the peculiarities of pricing of the valuation object in relation to the characteristics of the corresponding market segment, legal title, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the valuation object, as well as the specifics of law enforcement practice for the proposed transaction. This will make it possible to unambiguously identify the object of assessment in the system of real and compulsory rights and provide proper justification for the type of value being determined. Analysis of the documentation will allow us to identify the main components of the risks associated with the assessment and calculate the amount of their coverage.
    The assessment report was compiled in accordance with the Federal Law “On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation” dated July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ; federal valuation standards, the set of valuation standards of the Russian Society of Appraisers (SSO ROO 2010).
    Analysis of the results obtained for compliance with market data showed that the market value of the property being assessed has a value comparable to market indicators. The cost of objects is in the range of average values ​​for objects located in a similar part of the city of Kirov, having a similar purpose and technical condition.
    The appraiser has not conducted an audit or other financial verification of the information you provided used in this report, and therefore does not accept responsibility for the reliability of this information.
    In accordance with the purpose of the valuation, the market value of the Valuation Object was determined on the basis of Federal Law No. 135-FZ “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” dated July 29, 1998 and the Code of Valuation Standards of the Russian Society of Appraisers SSO ROO 2010, harmonized with International Valuation Standards (2007 ) and mandatory for use by members of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers.
    The use of SSO ROO 2010, mandatory for use by subjects of valuation activities, is due to the fact that the Valuation Object is located on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the fact that the Appraiser carries out its activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. These standards were used to determine approaches to assessment, the procedure for carrying out work, and when drawing up the Assessment Report.
    The application of the Code of Standards of the Russian Society of Appraisers (ROA) is due to the fact that the ROO Valuation Standards most fully describe the terms, definitions, concepts and valuation methods used when carrying out work on the valuation of various types of property.

    2015-03-07 | popularity: 17850
  6. Report on determining the market value of the object "Shop premises"
    Report on the assessment of the market value of a property - a store premises with an area of ​​30.2 square meters. m., at the address: Kirov, st. Lenina, 86, belonging to the municipal formation "City of Kirov".

    The purpose of the assessment is to determine the market value of the property. The result of the assessment is the final value of the value of the object being assessed. The assessment result can be used to alienate municipal property.
    The results of the assessment of the described object are planned to be used for the alienation of municipal property.
    In this assessment, the following assessment standards were applied: Set of assessment standards of the Russian Society of Appraisers SSO ROO 2010, harmonized with the International Assessment Standards (2007) and mandatory for use by members of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers.
    The Code of Valuation Standards (CSO 2010) of the Russian Society of Appraisers (ROO) is intended for assessing the value of property in the Russian Federation and other CIS countries - in full compliance with accepted documents.
    Performed by ANALIT LLC, Kirov, 2010.
    2015-03-07 | popularity: 13746
  7. Report on the assessment of the market value of registered ordinary shares of OJSC

    Purpose and purpose of the assessment: determination of the market value of registered ordinary shares (100% of the authorized capital) of OJSC (Type of activity - production of printing products) for the purpose of contributing to the authorized capital.
    The property complex of an enterprise does not reflect the real ability of the enterprise to generate income, but reflects the current state of the enterprise, expressed through the state of its assets and liabilities. In this case, there is no need to determine the liquidation value at the time of valuation due to the absence of factors for urgent liquidation or sale of the business. For the purposes of this assessment, the most optimal, according to our Appraiser, is the method of adjusted book value of the enterprise's net assets.
    As a result of a study of information provided about enterprises in this industry in various sources, including in the National Quotation System (www.nqs.ru) as of October 1, 2004, information applicable for the purposes of this assessment on the share price of these enterprises at there is no over-the-counter market. Therefore, the methods of analogue enterprises - the capital market method, the transaction method cannot be used.
    In order to assess the market value of ordinary shares of OJSC KKK, this report used the following:
    1. method of discounting cash flows;
    2. adjusted balance sheet net assets method.
    Performer: Art Expert LLC. Kazan, 2004
    2015-02-23 | popularity: 10971

  8. Report on determining the market value of the object "Post office premises"

    The objective of this assessment is to identify the peculiarities of pricing of the valuation object in relation to the characteristics of the corresponding market segment, legal title, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the valuation object, as well as the specifics of law enforcement practice for the proposed transaction. This will make it possible to unambiguously identify the object of assessment in the system of real and compulsory rights and provide proper justification for the type of value being determined. Analysis of the documentation will allow us to identify the main components of the risks associated with the assessment and calculate the amount of their coverage. As a result, a proper economic and legal justification for the final assessment of the object for the specified purpose must be carried out.
    The result of the assessment is supposed to be used for the purpose of alienation of property on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement; restrictions are determined by the appraiser independently.
    Communications office room. Area 108.1 sq.m. First floor. Address: Kirov region, Oktyabrsky prospect. The owner of the property being assessed is the municipality "city of Kirov".
    Purpose of assessment: Determination of the market value of the assessed rights to the subject of assessment
    The purpose of combining the results of all the approaches used is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and, thereby, to develop a single cost estimate. The advantages of each approach in assessing the property in question are determined by the following criteria:
    The type, quality and breadth of information on which the analysis is based.
    The ability to take into account the specific features of an object that affect its value, such as use, potential profitability.
    Source: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rostekhinventarizatsiya - Federal BTI", Kirov branch, 2010.
    2015-02-23 | popularity: 8179

  9. Report on determining the market value of the property "Cafe premises"
    Report on determining the market value of a premises with an area of ​​33.2 square meters. m. at the address Kirov region, Kirov, st. Moskovskaya, 181
    The purpose of the assessment is to determine the market value of the property. The result of the assessment is the final value of the value of the object being assessed. The assessment result can be used to alienate municipal property. The results of the assessment of the described object are planned to be used for the alienation of municipal property.
    The objective of this work is to identify the peculiarities of pricing the valuation object in relation to the characteristics of the corresponding market segment, legal title, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the valuation object, as well as the specifics of law enforcement practice for the proposed transaction. This will make it possible to unambiguously identify the object of assessment in the system of real and compulsory rights and provide proper justification for the type of value being determined. Analysis of the documentation will allow us to identify the main components of the risks associated with the assessment and calculate the amount of their coverage. As a result, a proper economic and legal justification for the final assessment of the object for the specified purpose must be carried out.
    Performed by ANALIT LLC, Kirov, 2010.
    2014-11-08 | popularity: 11043
  10. Report on determining the market value of the property "Shop premises"
    Report on determining the market value of a premises with an area of ​​14.2 square meters. m. sq. m. at the address Kirov region, Kirov, st. Nekrasova, 1
    The purpose of the assessment is to determine the market value of the property. The result of the assessment is the final value of the value of the object being assessed. The assessment result can be used to alienate municipal property.
    This report was compiled in accordance with the Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” dated July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ; federal valuation standards, the set of valuation standards of the Russian Society of Appraisers (SSO ROO 2010).
    The objective of this work is to identify the peculiarities of pricing the valuation object in relation to the characteristics of the corresponding market segment, legal title, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the valuation object, as well as the specifics of law enforcement practice for the proposed transaction. This will make it possible to unambiguously identify the object of assessment in the system of real and compulsory rights and provide proper justification for the type of value being determined. Analysis of the documentation will allow us to identify the main components of the risks associated with the assessment and calculate the amount of their coverage.
    In general, the recommended value for completing a transaction is the market value. This term implies legal use, which, in turn, imposes on the typical seller the responsibility to guarantee the performance of the item. In this case, the seller is not interested in warranty service and service is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, when calculating cost parameters, it is necessary to take into account the absence of warranty obligations for performance and carry out sales on an “as is” basis.
    Would you like to post a report? on our website? Write to us about it.


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