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Squirrel runs drawing. How to draw a squirrel with a pencil step by step. Complex and realistic example

You can only envy the squirrel’s agility; with such ease and incredible speed it jumps from one branch to another that it seems completely elusive. Not only children, but also adults love to watch the red-haired beauty, who can amuse even those who have the most Bad mood.

It’s a pity that you don’t often get the pleasure of meeting a cute forest dweller, but you can try yourself as an artist and learn how to draw a squirrel, which will always look at you with mischief, thereby causing a smile. This is very easy to do; you don’t need to have artistic skills or be educated in art.

Anyone can create a beautiful image of a squirrel by following our simple learning lessons. They are clearly accessible and understandable in description. So, take pencils and a sheet of paper in your hands and start drawing with a great mood.

Squirrel with mushroom

The initial experience in the question of how to draw a squirrel in stages will consist of three steps.

№1 . We designate the silhouette:

  • We depict the future face in the form of an oval;
  • draw the body as an ellipse;
  • then it's up to the tail;
  • and finally we bring out the front and hind limbs.

The resulting outlines do not at all resemble the beauty jumping through the trees and the photographs that we are used to admiring. But don’t be upset, a little more work and it will become a real work of art.

№2. Now we are faced with the task of highlighting those small details that will allow our silhouette to become exactly what we expect to see.

We add fluffiness to her tail and draw out the missing ears. Let's draw the muzzle and paws. And now, it’s impossible not to confuse her with anyone.

№3. What does this marvelous rodent lack? Of course, an eye, a cheerful smile. And let’s not forget to draw a fungus in our squirrel’s paws, which she prepared for her supplies.

We remove unnecessary lines. We finish the finishing touches and move on to the bright colors. Shade the body with a beautiful orange color, make the edges of the tail white or black, and give the fungus a brown tint. The drawing of the charming squirrel is ready, and you can be congratulated on your first artistic masterpiece.

Geometry in pictures

Everyone knows what a rectangle and an oval are. They will be very useful to us during the course. The figures will become the basis for the image of the squirrel. With their help, you can sketch out outlines in 5 minutes, and then complete the illustration in color.

Here's another cute little squirrel.

Scheme for advanced students

When you have trained for more simple ways and understand how to draw a squirrel with a pencil step by step, you can safely take on more complex versions of the work. The main thing is not to be afraid, to be confident and to always accompany any business. great mood.

We invite you to try your hand at the image of a fluffy creature with a sly look, perched on a tree. All you need is a little attention, patience, effort, and the drawn animal will mischievously watch you from the picture.

The base is built on three circles, from which the muzzle, body and paws then appear. Add sharp ears like a fox, chubby cheeks with teeth and a chic tail. Let's plant it on a branch and paint it brightly.

A step-by-step tutorial on how to draw a squirrel will only bring you positive emotions. You yourself will notice how after classes you will feel rested, relaxed and distracted from all problems.

And most importantly, no depression, boredom or sadness. And the resulting picture, installed in a prominent place, will always please the eye and cause delight.

“The squirrel sings songs and gnaws all the nuts” - lines from famous fairy tale, who made the small red animal with a fluffy tail everyone’s favorite. In the park, children and adults watch with great pleasure the agile and nimble squirrel descending from the trees to feast on the treats they offer.

This lesson, which tells you how to draw a squirrel step by step, contains recommendations especially for children. varying degrees complexity so that each artist can choose the most suitable method for himself.

Complex and realistic example

The proposed method of depicting a real squirrel explains how children can draw a squirrel with a pencil step by step. In addition to visualization in the form of pictures, it contains detailed description, which will allow even novice artists to depict the animal very realistically.

 Stage 1

Every good drawing starts with a good sketch. For a squirrel, the most suitable sketch should contain the main elements: an oval of the body and a slightly elongated oval of the head, across which an auxiliary line is drawn to mark the muzzle.

Stage 2

To this base are added lines that outline paws, ears and the famous fluffy tail. The sketch is ready and you can start working on the details.

Stage 3
It is most convenient to start detailing with smaller elements of the muzzle. An almond-shaped eye is drawn just above the auxiliary line. It can be painted over right away.

Then, at the more pointed edge of the head, just below that line, a mouth is marked, as shown in the figure.

The intended ears are worked out as follows: on the left visible one an open part is added, the far right one remains unchanged for now. The head is connected to the body along the back with a smooth line. The entire contour is outlined with shading imitating wool.

Stage 4
In a similar way, the head is connected to the body along the neck and antennae are added.

Stage 5
The only parts that require drawing are the paws. They should be done now, after which the entire outline of the animal is outlined with shading. Special attention need to pay attention to the fluffy tail.

Stage 6
All auxiliary lines are deleted. If necessary, the contours are refined, after which you can begin sanding. First, the shadow parts and elongated hairs above the eyes are drawn with denser shading.

Then the entire squirrel is shaded with lighter lines. The belly can be left completely white, and the hairs on the tail can be drawn longer and more distinct.

For children 8 years old

A simpler, but no less interesting way to draw a squirrel, similar to a real animal, step by step, is offered below for children 8 years old. It is quite clear and accessible young artists. The view of the squirrel will be from the side and slightly from above, as if showing that it is small.
The image should start from the head. The form is shown in the figure below.

It depicts ears and eyes.

A nose and the inner part of the ear are added to the head. The image of the squirrel's body begins at the bottom right edge. It resembles a circle, slightly elongated towards the head.

The front legs are drawn in a pose characteristic of the animal - under the muzzle, as if it is gnawing nuts.

Excess lines are removed, and the little squirrel is ready for coloring.

For children 5 years old

You can get a funny cartoon character if you draw a squirrel using the option below for children 5 years old. He explains how to draw a squirrel step by step.
First, the muzzle is drawn. Its shape is a circle, cut off at the top.

Eyes, ears, mouth and nose are drawn on the head.

Add a gorgeous big tail and the character is ready.

Easy example

Another way for children, telling how to easily draw a squirrel. By following all the recommendations step by step, you can get a very cute and cheerful animal with a nut in its paws. Fairly simple lines and a lack of complex detailing will appeal to less experienced artists.

The main image is prepared, consisting of a drawing of a fairly large head and a small torso.

The proposed version of the head image is as simplified as possible: two small ears on top, one eye with visible side, nose and smiling mouth.

At the very end, pairs of paws are added, and a nut is drawn in the front ones. The finished image can be filled with color.

For the drawing with the squirrel we will need: a sheet of thick drawing paper A4 format, a set of gouache, hard bristle brushes (large flat No. 10 for the background, round No. 2 or No. 3 for drawing a squirrel) and a thin round soft brush (for example, synthetic No. 1 or No. 2) for details. Don't forget a jar of water, a palette and a cloth for wiping your brushes.
Making a sketch

On an A4 sheet of paper, using a small brush and any paint (I use brown), draw the basic outlines of the squirrel, the branch on which it sits and the tree trunk. At this stage, it is important to simply convey the basic shapes and arrangement of objects on a sheet of paper. If you find it difficult to start a drawing this way, you can sketch it instead with a simple pencil.

Drawing the background

Let's start working on the background. The main color of the background is green, since the forest and the foliage of some distant trees are visible on it, but we do not paint the background evenly with one color, since there may be gaps in the foliage, some areas are illuminated, and a shadow falls somewhere. Therefore, we mix white, ocher, brown, somewhere blue or other colors that you see there to the main green color. We draw the paint thickly, almost without diluting it with water, onto a hard large brush and spread it quickly, rubbing the boundaries of different colors, while the paint has not yet dried.

In order to bring the main objects of the drawing to the foreground and prevent them from merging with the background, we try to play on the contrasts of light and dark. So, light falls on the branch from above, and its lower part is in the shadow. Accordingly, we try to make the background above the branch darker, and below it lighter. The same with a squirrel, where the squirrel’s fur is lighter, the background is dark, and vice versa.

Tree trunk and branch

The tree trunk is covered with plates and scales of bark of different colors. We draw them with large vertical strokes, without blurring the boundaries between different colors. To paint the bark we use ocher, brown, a mixture of red and brown, as well as grey colour, obtained by mixing black and white.

The branch on which the squirrel sits is drawn brown paint, which in the upper illuminated part is diluted with white with a small addition of ocher. We make a smooth transition from the dark color at the bottom to the light color at the top, rubbing the paint that has not yet dried, just as we did with the background. Closer to the trunk, behind and under the squirrel there is a thick shadow, which is drawn with dark colors; here you can add a little black to the brown. At this stage, you can also correct and align the shape of the trunk or branch if you made a slight mistake with them earlier or partially covered them with the background.

Basic tones of squirrel

We look at the photo with the squirrel, you can squint a little, and look for the main tonal spots, dark and light areas of its fur, and then apply them to our drawing. The main paints used are ocher, brown and white. The squirrel's muzzle, paws and tail are red. Ocher is quite close in color to red wool, you can mix a little red with it in certain areas, this will give you a brighter red color. I do not recommend using a mixture of red and yellow, which, although it produces orange, is too bright and sharp to paint animal fur with. For the ears we use ocher and brown. The back is gray-brown; to do this, it is enough to mix brown with white in different proportions to obtain different lightness of the shade. The breast is white, but it is better not to use pure white; add a drop of brown to it. It is important to keep track of where the lighter and darker areas are so that the drawing acquires volume. I got it like this:


After all the main tones and objects of the drawing have been applied, you can begin to draw small details. We start with the designation of bark scales. Using a thin brush using a mixture of brown and black paint, we draw cracks in the bark, showing shadows from the lagging scales, slightly blurring the dark paint and emphasizing the edge with black. At the edge of the tree, where it curls, the scales will appear narrower, since we see them from the side. Where the trunk faces us the scales are wide. Try not to draw them the same in shape and size, monotony makes the drawing boring.

How to draw fur

The effect of wool in gouache can be achieved using a dry bristle brush. A small amount of paint is applied to it, without adding water. Excess paint can be wiped off on an unnecessary piece of paper. The brush should leave a light dry trace of paint, not strokes. You can practice on a separate sheet of paper first. If you need to pick up a different color, rinse the brush and dry it well with a cloth so that no water remains on it. The bottom layer should show through under the dry brush strokes, we are not covering the previous colors with new paint. We work with the brush in the direction of hair growth, with quick movements. We use the same colors for the wool as for the main tones of the squirrel, but more clearly clarifying them and adding contrasting hairs. The squirrel's tail is fluffy, here we make sweeping strokes, going beyond the previously drawn outline, so that the feeling of long soft fur appears. The same goes for the ears. On the rest of the body the hair is shorter, so we will make shorter strokes.

We finalize small details and finish the drawing.

On last stage draw the paws, separating the fingers, draw a shadow under the paws on the branch and a shadow on the squirrel’s fur coat under the front paw. You can add a few bright “delicious” spots on the fur coat. Draw the squirrel's eyes. Carefully monitor the position of the eye so that it is in its place, do not raise it too high to the ears or the back of the head. First, draw the basic shape of the eye with black paint, then add highlights, muting them purple, draw light fur around the eye. We use a thin brush to mark the mustache and eyelashes. You can also add a few cracks on the branch.

Lesson author: Kira Neyman

After walking through the autumn forest, your child wanted to draw a squirrel, but you have no idea where to start? Then this small master class is just for you!

To get started, take the following tools:

  • simple pencil (non-greasy);
  • eraser;
  • felt-tip pens or colored pencils (you can use watercolor or gouache);
  • sheet of white paper.

To start drawing, decide on the subject of the drawing. Squirrel in a tree? Is the squirrel collecting supplies for the winter or just running through the autumn forest? If the plot is clear, then it’s time to get to work.

How to draw a squirrel with a mushroom

Let's imagine that the squirrel decided to go to visit his friend the hedgehog and take gifts with him. Autumn is the season of mushrooms, so let's draw a squirrel with a mushroom in his hand. By following this simple diagram, your child will quickly learn to draw this wonderful animal. Use your imagination, draw clouds, the sun, birds and the hedgehog himself.

How to draw a squirrel sitting on a tree

Let's imagine that we saw a squirrel on a branch. It’s not difficult to draw this animal, the main thing is to follow the following diagram. Pay attention not only to the squirrel, but also to its habitat. Let the child draw a forest or park with a lot of trees, because the squirrel loves to travel.

How to draw a squirrel about to jump from a branch

The squirrel can't sit still. This agile and agile animal moves very quickly. Imagine that a squirrel from a tree saw a nut on the ground and urgently needs to run after it. Let your child try to draw a squirrel jumping from a branch using this simple diagram.

How to draw a squirrel from the cartoon “Ice Age”

Many children fell in love with this funny squirrel from “ Ice Age" To draw it, your child will need your help, because this is an unusual animal.

Start with the head, then move on to drawing the body. At the very end draw the tail and acorn.

How to draw any squirrel

To draw a squirrel, you need to imagine it as geometric shapes. The head and paws are circles, and the body and tail are triangles. Below you will see a universal diagram according to which you can draw any squirrel.

Experiment with your child. Through a drawing of a squirrel you can easily learn letters B-E-L-K and A. Use your imagination, come up with funny stories to involve your baby in the process.

Today we will learn to draw a squirrel. As a result, we will get a beautiful red squirrel with a fluffy tail, in whose paws there will be a mushroom that she found in the forest.

Necessary materials:

  • white sheet of paper;
  • HB pencil;
  • colored pencils from yellow to dark brown;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. In the center of the sheet you need to draw with a simple pencil general outline head and body of a squirrel.

2. Now let’s draw the upper and lower legs to the main part of the body, and long ears on the head.

3. On the right side of the body you should draw a large and beautiful tail, which distinguishes the squirrel from many animals. Tighten the tip a little.

4. Correct the shape of the muzzle, paws and ears. There will be small tassels at the tips of the ears. Let's finish drawing the neck. Also, separate the white area of ​​fur from the main orange one on the body.

5. Remove all unnecessary lines with a piece of eraser.

6. We correct general form our squirrel. We give the effect of fur on the chest, tummy and fluffy tail. To do this we need to draw small notches.

7. Let’s draw a large mushroom in the upper legs of the squirrel.

8. We finish the sketch of the furry animal by working out the face, where we need to draw the eyes, nose and mouth. We will also add a line on the front ear.

9. We begin to color our drawing - a squirrel. First we take a bright yellow tint. We use it to create a basic coat tone on almost all areas of the animal’s body and head.

10. Use orange pencils to set the main color, and then create the shadow parts in the drawing with red.

11. Use brown pencils to color the large mushroom. The hat will have a dark shade, but we will color the leg only along the outline.

12. At the last stage, we will work on the outline of the drawing with a black pencil. Let's also color the eye and nose on the animal's face.

Tip: For an even better and more precise outline of the entire design, you can use a fine black marker or drawing liner.

That's it! Drawing lesson is over! We were able to draw such a cute squirrel!

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