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Safe mode on android. How to disable safe mode on Android phone: basic methods

Each of us has probably heard about safe mode in the Windows operating system. But not everyone knows about the presence of such in Google Android. Therefore, when the phone suddenly boots into Safe Mode, this becomes news to a person and a logical question immediately arises: how to disable safe mode on Android? This is exactly what we will talk about in today’s article.

Safe mode in Android is necessary for debugging faulty software. That is, if any software installed by the user produces an error, you can run the OS without it in safe mode.

For example, some program may fail so seriously that a person cannot even open the Android settings to remove it. Don't really do it Hard Reset. In such cases, the same safe mode is launched, all necessary debugging operations are performed, and then the function is disabled.

Signs of function

How can we determine that this mode is running on our smartphone? Everything is very simple. In a certain place on the screen (in our case, the lower left side) the corresponding inscription is displayed. This is what it looks like on the eighth version of the green robot:

Disable the mode

Below we have prepared for you several options that can help with errors in Android and disable the annoying safe mode.

Using the system menu

In general, this function should be automatically deactivated when Android is restarted. So first of all, try just holding down the power button and restarting your smartphone.

If the message does not disappear after a reboot, it means that the mode is activated by some system service or one of the applications. In this case, you need to act as described below.

Hold the power button

A harder safe mode reset is quite achievable after holding the power button for a long time. Feel free to hold Power - this sometimes takes up to 15 seconds.

In some phone models, this manipulation simply does not work, but it’s worth a try.

There is another option, which is even more stringent than the one described above. Naturally, it will only be useful to owners of gadgets with a removable battery. Essentially, everything is clear here: remove the back cover of the phone and simply pull out the battery. Next, insert the battery back and turn on the smartphone.

Note: You don't need to insert the battery right away, leave the phone without it for about a minute.

Reset to factory settings

  1. Let's go to Android settings. You can find them either in the notification shade or in the application menu.

  1. Next, depending on your phone model, look for the system settings item.

  1. This is the very section we need. Click on the indicated inscription.

  1. From the reset options, choose the most uncompromising one.

  1. To start the process, click the button marked with an arrow in the screenshot below.

After this, you will have to confirm the action by entering your password and the system will be reset. Naturally, the phone will reboot.

Notification panel

In some cases, very rarely, the function of disabling safe mode is placed in the notification bar switch menu. Check it out, maybe it will be there for you too.

Holding the Home button

Sometimes another little trick can work. When turning on the phone, you need to press and hold the “Home” button or, as it is also called, Home.

The same thing can work with the volume down or up button held down. Try both options.

Uninstalling the problematic application

If the reason for the safe mode not being turned off in Android is an application, you need to remove it. It is easy to guess that it is the program that causes the error.

For example, everything worked well yesterday, but here you liked it new gallery and, of course, it was installed. And after that, safe mode hung like a dead weight. Let's fix this:

  1. Let's go to the phone settings.

  1. We go to the marked point.

  1. We choose the application that has become a stumbling block between you and the green robot.

  1. Click the “DELETE” button.

  1. We will be asked to confirm our actions. We agree by tapping “OK”.

  1. Also, in some models you can simply hold down the program icon with your finger and drag it onto the trash can icon. This way we will perform the uninstallation.

  1. If it so happens that you are the proud owner of Android 8 Oreo, you can simply hold down the program shortcut and select the desired item from the pop-up menu.


This concludes the instructions on the topic of disabling safe mode in Android. And we hasten to notify our users that if you have questions, write them in the comments. Naturally, we will try to help everyone.

Video instruction

Android Safe Mode is a special mode of operation of the Android operating system, which is used to identify and eliminate errors and malfunctions caused by installed applications on a mobile device. “Safe Mode” on an Android phone or tablet will allow you to diagnose the problem on your mobile device.

Not all users are aware of the existence of Android secure mode, and that you can use this function to solve some problems that arise on your smartphone or tablet.

While using a smartphone or tablet, errors and freezes may appear on the device, and the device may reboot. In this case, it is necessary to identify the problem so that the mobile device can work normally again, without failures.

Booting into Safe Mode in the Android operating system works in a similar way to . The necessary system applications are loaded on the mobile device; all other programs: launchers, widgets, etc., which automatically launch when the system starts, will be disabled.

After switching to safe mode, you will not see many applications from third-party developers on the device screen.

If problems arise on the device, there is nothing left to do but enter Android safe mode to find out the cause of the phone’s malfunction. At the same time, the user will appreciate the speed of “pure” Android, unencumbered by various third-party applications.

The main reasons prompting the user to enter Android safe mode:

  • To check applications that affect the operation of a smartphone or tablet.
  • To remove a program if it cannot be removed in the usual way.
  • It is impossible to enter the device menu due to a virus.

If the smartphone or tablet gets rid of the problem in safe mode, then it will become clear that the cause of the problem was one of the installed applications. The user will only have to identify the problematic program.

Re-enter the normal operating mode of the phone, turn on the applications one by one, and check the operation of the device. In this way, you can identify an application that negatively affects the work mobile device.

Of course, this is not a panacea for resolving problems; in some cases, you will need to reset your smartphone to factory settings, or carry out more serious operations.

In this article, you will find instructions on how to enter safe mode on Android and how to disable safe mode on Android.

How to enable safe mode on Android - 1 way

First, let's see how to boot Android, starting from version 4.0 and higher, in safe mode:

  1. Then a window will appear asking you to select an action (in different Android versions, the set of proposed actions is different).
  2. Press and hold Power Off or Power Off.

The “Switch to Safe Mode” window will open with a confirmation question: “Switch to Safe Mode? All third party applications will be disabled. They will be turned on when you return to normal mode."

Click on the "OK" button.

Wait for the device to shut down and then boot into Safe Mode.

There will be no third-party applications on the device’s screen, and in the lower left corner of the screen you will see the inscription “Safe Mode”.

How to switch to safe mode on Android - method 2

In versions of the Android operating system 2.0 - 3.2, the following method works:

  1. Turn off your mobile device.
  2. Turn on your smartphone again.
  3. When the device manufacturer's logo appears, press and hold the "Menu" key until the device starts up.

  1. After loading the smartphone, at the bottom of the screen you will see the inscription: “Safe Mode”.

How to turn on your phone in safe mode Android - method 3

Another method that works on some smartphone models:

  1. Turn on mobile phone, during loading, press the “Volume Down” button.

Other ways to enter Android safe mode

Some mobile device manufacturers, especially Chinese brands, make changes to the system settings of devices, so booting a smartphone into safe mode occurs differently. Here are some ways to boot mobile devices into Android safe mode:

  • Turn on the phone, press and hold the “Power” and “Volume Down” buttons until you complete entering safe mode.
  • Immediately after turning on your mobile device, hold down the two volume buttons (“Volume Up” and “Volume Down”) until booting into Safe Mode completes.
  • When you turn on your smartphone, press the “Power” and “Volume Down” buttons, and then release when the device manufacturer’s logo appears.
  • Turn on your mobile device, after the manufacturer’s logo appears, press and hold the “Power” and “Volume Down” buttons until the system starts up.

How to turn off safe mode on Android

Many users accidentally boot their device into safe mode, so they are looking for an answer to the question of how to remove safe mode from Android. In most cases, Android safe mode is disabled immediately after rebooting the mobile device.

  1. Press and hold the Power button.
  2. In the window asking you to select an action, click on “Turn off”, “Turn off power” or “Reboot”.

After rebooting, the mobile device will start in normal mode.

Another way to exit safe mode on Android:

  1. Turn off your mobile device.
  2. Turn on your mobile phone again.

The smartphone or tablet will boot into normal mode, and the Safe Mode message will disappear from the device screen.

Conclusions of the article

The Android operating system has a safe mode, when used, third-party applications are disabled on the mobile device. In Android safe mode you can check the impact third party programs to operate your smartphone or tablet, delete the application if it is not deleted in the usual way. Depending on the mobile device manufacturer, there are different ways enable or disable secure Android mode on mobile phones.

Are you experiencing problems with your communication device due to loading some applications, or has your Android started to glitch for no apparent reason? We recommend that you put your Android in safe mode. In addition to the and modes, Google has included another mode in Android devices - safe.

When you enable safe mode on Android, the device's operating system automatically disables everything installed applications, due to which you get the opportunity to make sure that it is the applications that are slowing down the smartphone, or whether frequent reboots and freezes are due to the fault of the manufacturer. In the second case, the service center will help you solve the problem.

How to enable safe mode on Android - detailed instructions, option one

This guide is valid for most smartphones and tablets. If you own a Nexus smartphone or tablet, you can put your device into safe mode using the following method:

  1. Press and hold the "Power Off" button on the screen.
  2. Confirm the request to put the device into safe mode.

Transferring Android to safe mode - detailed instructions, option two

If the method described above does not help you, we recommend another method:
  1. Bring up the shutdown menu.
  2. Press and hold the “Restart” button on the device screen.
  3. Confirm the request that appears on the screen.

Safe Mode on Android

Devices coming off the Samsung production line can be put into safe mode using three methods.

Method No. 1

  1. Call up the device shutdown menu.
  2. Press and hold the “Power Off” button on the screen for a few seconds.
  3. Confirm the transfer request.
Method number 2
  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Turn on the device.
  3. Press and hold the "Volume Down" button until it boots.
Method number 3
  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Turn on the device.
  3. Press or hold the “additional options and switch applications” button immediately after the logo appears on the screen.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/bezopasnyj-rezhim-vyhod..png 400w, http://androidkak.ru/ wp-content/uploads/2016/09/bezopasnyj-rezhim-vyhod-300x178.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 280px) 100vw, 280px">
The Android operating system provides the widest possibilities for independently editing system files and installing third-party applications. But sometimes this turns against the user himself: new program or the changes made cause problems and failures. Especially for such cases, Android provides a Safe Mode function, the purpose of which is the same as in the Windows system: loading the device into Safe Mode launches only pre-installed programs (those that were installed by the manufacturer).

Thus, the user gets rid of a number of problems that arise as a result of downloading third-party programs or damage to the operating system itself:

  • emergence of malware
  • freezing
  • strong braking
  • fast battery drain, etc.

At the same time, safe mode makes it possible to evaluate the speed of “pure” Android, without additional graphics and applications.



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