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Business idea for a paintball club. Decorations and necessary equipment. Determining the pricing policy of a paintball club

Profitable business can be built not only on essential goods - food, clothing, hygiene products, etc. As they say, “not by bread alone”: today the demand for services and entertainment is growing. People want to have fun and usefully spend their time, and this very natural desire can give you the opportunity to receive regular income. Let's talk about how to open a paintball club and what benefits you can get from it.

What is so attractive about paintball?

War games have always been popular. And they are finding more and more adherents. Yesterday's boys, having grown up, spend the lion's share of their time in offices or behind the wheel, so the opportunity to feel the rush of adrenaline, run around and shoot "for fun" becomes an excellent way to organize leisure time.

For your paintball business to flourish, it is better to organize it in big city– where there are enough fans of this entertainment. And besides, you need to approach the issue with imagination and offer your clients not only equipment rental, but also various adventures - then interest in the game will not disappear.


Begin new business It’s better to have official registration – this will save you from unnecessary problems with the tax office and representatives of the law.

If you do not plan to hold large-scale games and competitions in the near future, it will be enough - this will make it much easier for you to keep records.

You need to select OKVED that corresponds to the type of activity. In your case, this is “rental of sports equipment that does not require certification.”

Taxation system that is suitable for a paintball club.


After registration, the next step will be to find a training ground for the upcoming battles. The most suitable places are abandoned construction sites, former military units, unused and dilapidated warehouses and industrial facilities. If you have something similar within your city, great. If not, you can equip the playground yourself. It is important that there are transport stops nearby - it should be easy to get to you. The presence of a café or restaurant nearby is also welcome: games on fresh air increase appetite.

Another good option is cooperation with an existing country recreation center. You can equip a site in the immediate vicinity, and many vacationers will be happy to use your services, and the base itself will add additional entertainment to its asset. At the same time, you don’t have to rely only on vacationers - your “own” visitors can also come to you. And this will also be beneficial to your partners - after all, tired and hungry “warriors” will make money for the local cafe, and perhaps stay to “continue the banquet.”

We purchase equipment

The main expense item when organizing a paintball club is the purchase of sports equipment and consumables. What you will need to get started:

  • mesh to fence the area;
  • uniforms for players (at least two colors to divide the participants into teams), it would be better and cheaper to have it sewn to order. Don't forget that you will need sets of different sizes;
  • protective vests, knee pads, including “children’s” sizes;
  • masks;
  • markers;
  • air cylinder with reducer;
  • transport cylinder (350 atmospheres);
  • Gas station;
  • ammunition - gelatin balls with paint (sold in boxes of 2 thousand pieces). There are summer and winter “cartridges” and buy them according to the season.

You need to be imaginative when it comes to designing and arranging the playground. At the training ground you will need obstacles and shelters. Their role can be wooden buildings, old tires or any other objects. The main thing is to make the game more dynamic and interesting.

Club staff

To get started, you will need at least two employees. Firstly, a manager, whose responsibilities will include working with clients, issuing equipment, “ammunition” and uniforms. Also, purchasing consumables and maintaining equipment in working condition will fall on his shoulders.

The second specialist is a trainer-instructor. He will work at the training ground and help the participants in the game: demonstrate the equipment, explain the rules for handling it, help at the pit stop, and referee.

When the business begins to expand and there are more clients, you will need a full-time accountant and 1-2 more instructors.

Since your employees will not need special knowledge and skills (in paintball everything is extremely simple), you can hire students for these positions.

Additional services

A paintball club is essentially nothing more than a sports rental. However, in order for your business to flourish and bring regular profits, you can offer additional services to your clients: for example, organize a shooting range or ATV rental on the club’s territory.

You also need to pay special attention to organizing work with clients: come up with interesting scenarios games, constantly offering promotions (this is especially true for the most active, but not the wealthiest paintball fans - students and schoolchildren).

The most profitable work can be with corporate clients – organizations and enterprises. In this case, the emphasis should be on team building and team building.


Potential clients should know about your club, and therefore a competent advertising campaign is simply necessary. Posters, business cards and flyers, promotions and bonuses - all this should be used to express yourself.

An important part of promoting an enterprise to the market will be the creation and development of a website and groups in popular social networks. Still, nowadays people look for the information they need (including about leisure opportunities) on the Internet. It is better to entrust the creation of a website and maintenance of pages on social networks to professionals.

You need to know this

Those who have been working in the paintball business for a long time and successfully note that the most difficult thing in it is organizing games in the winter. This is understandable: many of those who happily run around the playground in the summer and shoot paint at their comrades, in the winter prefer a less extreme holiday - in warmth and comfort. And yet, winter paintball may well exist, especially if the club has a place to relax (a heated house) and a sauna.

To popularize your club, you can hold competitions (including city ones), for this you need to agree with the youth department of the city or one of the district administrations. Training courses for beginners can also become one of the sources of income.

Needed with special attention concern the safety of game participants. Of course, a paintball will not cause serious injury, but bruises are an almost obligatory attribute of playing paintball. However, if the rules are not followed, you can suffer quite seriously. Therefore, it would be useful to draw up a document required to be signed by all players, in which it will be noted that they have undergone safety training, have been warned of possible injuries in case of violation of the rules, and have no claims against the club. This clause must also be included in the contract when working with corporate clients.

How does a business pay off?

When drawing up a business plan for a paintball club, you need to keep in mind that the main expense item will be the purchase of equipment. Equipment should be purchased new and of high quality - trying to save money can lead to disruptions, and besides, working with low-quality equipment, you can put players at risk.

So, to get started you will need:

  • markers (minimum 20 pieces) – 30–35 thousand rubles;
  • an air cylinder with a reducer for each set – 70 thousand rubles;
  • protective devices (minimum 20 sets) – 15–20 thousand rubles;
  • uniform for players (minimum 20 sets) – 40 thousand rubles;
  • masks (20 pieces) – 25 thousand rubles;
  • transport cylinder – 5–7 thousand rubles;
  • gas station – 3 thousand rubles;
  • consumables – 80–100 thousand rubles.

About 70 thousand rubles a month will be spent on employee salaries. As for how much it will cost to rent a landfill and its equipment, it depends on too many factors (location, size, etc.) to be able to give a more or less accurate figure.

Thus, to start a paintball club you will need 500–700 thousand rubles, if you start small.

You can make a profit by renting equipment and selling ammunition. On average, one player uses about 400–500 paintballs per session. Taking into account the 50% markup, even if 20 players visit you per day, the profit will be 10–12 thousand rubles. If you have corporate orders, it can increase several times.

The payback of such a business, as a rule, is 8–9 months, subject to continuous operation and high demand for the service in the locality.

Organizing a paintball game is the key to a successful and prosperous business. The main thing is to make good business paintball club plan, choose a good location, equip it with the necessary equipment. This is quite enough for the business to begin its development and generate income, and permanent income, regardless of the time of year.

Business Analysis

Markets and products. The products used and overall market strategy will closely align with other successful paintball field operations throughout the area Russian Federation. The products used will be industry standard, generating revenue and encouraging paintball equipment companies to sponsor competitions and events that will help attract players from across the region. All products will be considered from a cost-benefit perspective and will take into account factors such as safety, reliability and price. The development-oriented market will mainly consist of young people aged 16-25 years and over 26-46 years.

The purpose of a paintball club business plan- development of an indoor and outdoor playing field, as well as generating income through rental and admission to the field. In addition, revenue will be generated from the rental of paintball equipment, supplies and food concessions. These four income streams should make the initial investment profitable within the first year of operation and provide constant growth revenue on an annual basis as the sport of paintball grows across the country.


It is already a hundred million dollar business across the country, with revenue that continues to grow on an annual basis. Similar to a bowling alley in some organizational aspects, a paintball service company provides player rentals and equipment in a structured environment.

Other income opportunities include selling constantly consumable items: paintballs, CO2 fuel refills and different kinds necessary and consumable equipment. Concessions are another source of stable and significant income that, if managed correctly, can lead to significant profits.

As an example for a business plan, a paintball club is located in the southeastern part of the city and is the site of an abandoned multi-screen movie theater. It is located in a demographically popular part of the city and is very close to shopping centers and major thoroughfares in the city.

There are many places for outdoor play, and there are several centralized buildings that would also provide an indoor play arena. The property is currently unused and is a non-performing asset for the current owners of a regional theater chain that would like to relinquish the property.


The organizational form of the paintball club will be individual entrepreneurship. It is planned to use the simplified tax system as a taxation system, 15% of the organization’s profit.

Production plan

The production development plan is important for general concept. A business should strive to make it a paintball destination in the local community. There is a certain atmosphere that must be created for this to happen. The type of atmosphere needed for success depends on developing a theme for the playing field.

The theme for a paintball field could be post-industrial or military or something similar. The theme is very important in making the paintball field a destination and not just a place to play. The more successful the theme, the more likely it is that repeat players will return and use the course on an ongoing basis. Several topics were discussed and military theme, adopted for the region itself.

An aggressive growth strategy requires us to adopt the following schedule in our paintball club business plan:

  • Winter 2017 - Rent of primary land plot in the southeastern part of the city.
  • January 2018 - Bid Specifications prepared for contract construction services.
  • February 2018 - Applications awarded for March and April above ground construction.
  • March 2018. - Above-ground rehabilitation of standing buildings for the interior of the playing field.
  • April 2018 - Above ground outdoor playground rehabilitation and construction.
  • May 2018. An equipment installation and distribution center has been created. May 15, 2018. - Initial advertising blitz.
  • June 1, 2018 - grand opening of the Paintball Sports Palace.

Paintball came to us from the USA, where at first it was a form of entertainment for foresters and served to train soldiers, and later grew into a popular entertainment game that attracted stadiums of spectators.

In our country it is not yet so popular, but the number of people who want to shoot paintballs at each other and feel like a participant in hostilities is steadily growing. Therefore, paintball as a business can be confidently called a profitable business. Moreover, with the right approach, such a club is a very promising activity. Today we suggest you figure out where to start for those who are seriously interested in such a business idea.

Paintball: business plan - basics

The main service that you will provide by opening your own paintball club is renting out the equipment necessary for the game to those interested. After all, most of your clients will consist of amateurs who from time to time have fun in this way with friends. Only real professionals in this field have their own equipment and guns for paintball, and there are only a few of them in our country.

What points should you consider when considering the idea of ​​opening a paintball club?

If you still question paintball as a business, then analyze some factors that will help you finally make a decision:

  • If you live in a small town, then you are unlikely to be able to organize a successful and profitable paintball club. It is best to engage in such a business in large populated areas with big amount residents.
  • If you want to open a paintball club as the main source of income, then to increase profits it makes sense to offer your clients a number of related services: organizing corporate events, preparing and selling kebabs, beer, snacks, soft drinks, etc. In this case, you will be able to attract more visitors, which, accordingly, will allow you to earn more money.
  • If you yourself are not particularly interested in paintball, then it is unlikely that you will be able to organize a successful business in this direction. Since in this case it is not enough to simply invest money in the business, constant involvement in the process, establishing communication, communicating with clients, organizing various promotions and events, etc. is required.

How to legally organize a paintball club

First, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur whose activity is rental of sports equipment. Equipment for this game does not require certification. If in the future you move to a new level of business and start organizing official paintball competitions, then you will have to register as a legal entity. You will also need to contact local authorities for official permission for such events.

Choosing a location for a paintball club

Organizing such a business requires a certain amount of space. This can be either an enclosed space or an open area. The choice, as a rule, is made based on one’s own preferences and the size of the starting capital.

We bring to your attention several options for choosing a location for organizing a paintball club:

  • Rent of a plot in an entertainment country club with baths, saunas, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. Since people come here to relax and unwind, there are many who want to run around with a paintball gun.
  • Territory of abandoned enterprises and military units. Such places, due to their atmosphere, will attract customers like a magnet.
  • Sites at country campsites and tourist centers.

Keep in mind that you will have to invest money in landscaping the territory in any case. After all, you need to fence off the playing area with a special net, and also organize changing rooms, showers, places to store visitors’ belongings, etc.


Paintball as a business requires hiring a number of employees, including a customer service manager, an instructor, a game referee and an equipment repairman. Quite often, one employee can combine some of the functions.

If, when you open a paintball club in the spring-summer time, many clients immediately flock to you, do not rush to increase the number of hired employees. Since in winter there will be much fewer visitors in any case, and a large number of workers will be unjustified.

Equipment and consumables for a paintball club

This item will represent the main item of your initial investment. The required kit for a paintball club consists of the following items:

  • Protective clothing: reliable masks, helmets, vests and knee pads.
  • Form. It is best to have it made to order. However, keep in mind that there should always be a variety of uniforms in stock: from small to large. After all, your visitors can have very different builds.
  • Paintball guns (they are correctly called markers) and spare parts for them.
  • Air cylinders with reducers for each set.
  • Protective synthetic mesh (about three hundred meters).
  • Transport cylinder with a pressure of 350 atmospheres.
  • Ammunition consisting of gelatin balls with paint of different colors.
  • Equipment for the battlefield (inflatable figures, wooden and metal shelters, obstacle courses made of tires, etc.).

If you plan to provide additional services to your clients, then you will need to take care of purchasing the appropriate equipment, raw materials and materials.

Advertising and promotion of your paintball club

You cannot do without advertising, at least at the initial stage, in this business. Therefore, when planning expenses, set aside a certain amount for printing leaflets, business cards, banners, creating your own website and contextual advertising.

It also makes sense to submit several PR articles to local print publications dedicated to recreation and leisure.

Also send out a commercial offer to companies in your city to hold corporate events at your paintball club. Today, such team building activities are very popular not only in foreign companies, but also in domestic ones. In addition, you can organize special promotions for students, providing them with certain discounts and bonuses.

Also keep in mind that in order to grow your business, you need to generally promote and popularize paintball in your city. To do this, try to organize big holidays, promotions and events, attracting the press to cover them. Cooperate with other clubs, hold joint paintball championships, because you all benefit from this.

Paintball as a business: the financial side of the issue

Perhaps this point is the most important. To a reasonable question: “How much does paintball equipment cost?” - it will not be possible to answer accurately, since everything will depend on the quantity and quality of the kits. However, the minimum amount required to start this business is $4 thousand.

This does not take into account the cost of renting the territory, since this issue is very subjective and depends on many factors. If you plan to equip your paintball club with showers, locker rooms, parking, and also provide additional services, then the minimum starting investment will be from 10 to 18 thousand dollars.

One of the interesting opportunities for starting your own business may be a paintball club. However, the probability of losing investments here is no lower than the average for types of small businesses. And it’s better to collect as much information as possible and fully prepare for the start, so that your wonderful idea doesn’t end up being reduced to an advertisement for the sale of used paintball equipment.

You shouldn’t rush, so as not to suffer later in bitter thoughts, trying to understand why this happened and how... It’s not difficult to organize a paintball business, but to all year round brought a stable income, you need not only to invest in equipment and resolve issues related to playing places and personnel, but also to regularly devote maximum time and effort to the development of your club.

Legal basics and where to find support

At its core, the paintball business is the provision of paid services and the provision of rental equipment. In order to have the right to engage in such activities, you must at least register as individual entrepreneur, or register an LLC. In the first case, choosing a patent tax system would be a good option if you do not plan to immediately recruit more than 15 employees for your club.

American insurance companies consider paintball a safer game than, for example, golf or tennis... But this is in America. And in our country, a very large part of those who want to play find themselves slightly or not slightly tipsy, coming to the club after collective libations, in search of new entertainment. So, you understand, it is impossible to allow such citizens to play. A drunk player is capable of unpredictable actions: shooting in places where there are people without protective clothing, removing a protective mask, etc. Perhaps your club will have other, alternative entertainment for such clients, but it is better that drunk individuals are not around at all.

If you have undergone mandatory instruction on paintball safety, the rules of the game and handling of equipment, then for injuring anyone during the game physical harm the saboteur player will respond. But claims may also arise against you, since you are obliged to create the safest conditions for the game.

By the way, considering that you enter into certain legal relationships with your clients, regulated Civil Code, you need to consolidate this relationship in writing. And for your own safety. This can be done by signing a liability agreement with each player, which must include clauses that:

  • the player enters a game organized by your club (indicating the name) of his own free will and of sound mind;
  • received detailed instructions and training;
  • warned of possible dangers;
  • must strictly follow the rules and instructions of the instructor (judge);
  • bears responsibility for the rental equipment and for the equipment on the playing field;
  • understands his responsibility for causing harm to third parties;
  • will have no claims against the club in the event of harm from other players during the game.

It is better to develop the text of such an agreement with the help of a lawyer specializing in compensation for harm.

A successful business can be done not only on food products, which everyone needs, but also on entertainment or popular services, which include paintball, which is popular today. How to open a paintball club and will such a business be profitable?

A little about paintball

Military games have always been popular. And today, in the age of office workers who almost constantly sit at the computer, this statement is doubly true. Where else can you experience a rush of adrenaline and feel relief from the fact that the accumulated aggression is leaving? A temporary touch of risk gives an indescribable feeling of the fullness of life and the desire to experience these feelings again. And you can make a good business out of such strong emotions.

But still, you shouldn’t start opening a paintball club if we're talking about about a small town or industrial town. Such entertainment will not be in demand there, because there is no target audience for which they are designed. In addition, you can really make good money on paintball only if you constantly develop your business, invest in it and offer additional services, and simply expensive equipment purchased and rented out will not bring the desired income.

People need adrenaline, which means they will have to show their imagination and offer clients not only equipment rental, but real adventures.


Have you thought about everything important points and decided to create a paintball club? Then you need to register your business correctly, since such a business will not go unnoticed. And in order to avoid problems with the law and the tax service, you should:

  1. Register - go through state registration and (of course, you can immediately, but an individual entrepreneur is preferable at the initial stage, since it is easier to do accounting and submit reports). But then, if the business goes well, you will still have to register entity, for example, a paintball club or federation - this is the only way to hold large-scale sports games.
  2. Choose a direction of activity and OKVED codes– for you this will be the rental of sports equipment that does not require certification.
  3. Choose a taxation system - the most optimal option -.
  4. Find and rent territory for organizing paintball games. This could be either a sports club in the city or a long-term industrial construction project on the outskirts of the city or in the suburbs.
  5. Purchase (or rent) the required equipment.

Where will we play?

When the conversation turns to the most suitable places for paramilitary games, the first thing you should pay attention to are old military or test sites, abandoned or unfinished industrial facilities, basements, territories of former military units, old warehouses or factory floors. If the object is located outside the city, then it is better to organize your base nearby with a small campsite or a couple of houses where clients can leave their things, change clothes, wash off the paint and relax. Ideally, there will also be a barbecue area or cafe, a comfortable shower and transport (it can be bought or rented, or you can enter into an agreement with a transport company) that will take the game participants to the place. Of course, mesh fencing and security of the facility will also be required.

If you are looking for premises for a sports club in the city, then you should pay attention to the convenient location and the presence of a nearby transport stop. In general, it is better to rent a room where people are always ready to continue the fun - not far from entertainment venues.

Necessary equipment

It must be said that when organizing a paintball club, the main expense items are, of course, renting a range and sports equipment, for which you also need to purchase consumables. Everything you need to play can be purchased or rented. So, you will definitely need:


At first, a paintball club will need a manager who will work with clients, issue uniforms, equipment, consumables, manage the warehouse and purchase of consumables, as well as an instructor who will work at the range, helping the participants in the game. His responsibilities will include demonstrating the equipment, how to handle it, assisting at the pit stop, and refereeing. The manager may be the owner of the business, who will also take on the responsibilities of an accountant and personnel officer. You will also need a watchman (security guard) for the night.

If the business is actively expanding, then it would be wiser to hire an accountant, another manager and an instructor who will conduct a training course.

Pricing policy and additional services

In essence, by organizing a paintball club, you create a sports rental company. But, of course, paintball as a business should not literally come down to the fact that you just let strangers play with your toys. But in general, the main revenue will come from the rental of uniforms, markers and additional equipment. Therefore, you need to set a reasonable rental price for equipment, uniforms and protection, and also sell ammunition profitably (by the way, it is they that bring 100% income).

For experts, you can keep paintball grenades and markers with a high rate of fire, and additionally install collimators on your weapon. And if you also organize a crossbow shooting range or equipment rental, for example, ATVs, on the territory of a training ground or sports club, then a quick return on investment is guaranteed.

Business specialization

Even at the planning stage, when drawing up a business plan for a paintball club, it is worth clearly defining the specialization of the business and the organization of work with clients. If you want to organize corporate holidays and offer team building services, then you will need a good trainer who will work with teams and the right approach to clients. This means that prizes will be required, and the emphasis of the game will need to be on team building.

If we are talking about youth recreation, then it is better to think in advance about promotions for students and schoolchildren and interesting game scenarios. Depending on which direction you choose, you will need appropriate advertising.


There is no need to spare money on advertising, because what more people learn about your club, the more potential clients you will receive. This means we need posters, business cards, an interesting website on the Internet, and promotions in public transport. It is quite difficult to create universal advertising for such a business, so it is better (if, of course, you are planning to work in several directions) to think through separate advertising for young people, with an emphasis on creative and fashionable leisure and advertising for corporate clients and distribute it purposefully among potential consumers of services.

Those who already work in this business note that the main difficulty is organizing games in the winter. Firstly, in winter the activity of those who enjoy running around the training ground in search of adventures in the summer decreases, and secondly, in difficult climatic conditions the requirements for relaxation are different: you will need a bathhouse or sauna, a place to relax, a parking lot (or better yet, a guarded closed territory).

In addition, you should plan in advance the work with inventory, equipment repair and maintenance, as well as the purchase of consumables.

But don’t forget that the main thing in such a business is constant development. You can hold city competitions by concluding an agreement with the youth policy department in the local administration, you can work with social services and work with children from disadvantaged families. In any case, participation in such programs will be good advertising and will attract additional customers. It would be a good idea to organize a permanent team or a paid training course for beginners.

Another important point is the safety of the players. Of course, you can't be seriously injured by a paintball, but bruises and bumps during such a game are common. In addition, while playing, participants may end up in open territory or suffer due to violation of the rules of the game. The participants in the game must be warned about all this in advance, who must understand that they are adults and are responsible for themselves. Therefore, it would be useful to sign a document in which clients confirm that they have been warned about possible injuries and the consequences of violations of the rules and have no claims against the club. This may be stated in the contract for the provision of services or in an appendix to it.

Financial aspect

It's time to calculate how much it costs to open a paintball club. By the way, prices for paintball equipment are usually set in dollars, so calculations in rubles will be approximate. So, the main expense items include:

Expenditure Expense amount
Rent of a training ground, club (for the first month) 100,000 rubles
Business registration 7,000 rubles
Purchase of markers (minimum 20 pieces required) 30,000 rubles
Air cylinder with reducer for each kit 63,000 rubles
Purchase of protection (20 sets) 14,000 rubles
Sewing uniforms (20 sets) 40,000 rubles
Proto mask with single glass (20 pieces) 21,000 rubles
Safety net 14,000 rubles
Transport cylinder for 350 atmospheres 5,000 rubles
Gas station 2,500 rubles
Consumables 80,000 rubles
Landfill design 40,000 rubles
Documentation 10,000 rubles
Advertising 30,000 rubles
Total: 456,500 rubles

Now let’s calculate the monthly expenses, based on the fact that the club has a manager, an instructor, a manager (owner) and a night watchman (security guard):

As can be seen from the calculations, opening a paintball club will require a minimum of 456,500 rubles of initial investment. How quickly they will pay off depends on where the club will operate and how the business will go. It is impossible to predict this in advance, but on average the payback for such a project is 8-9 months. As for monthly expenses, they will be approximately 192,000 rubles.

It is clear that it will not be possible to talk about a specific amount of income in such a business, but it is possible to voice income items, and it is up to the business owner to establish the amount of cost of each item. It is worth taking into account the demand for paintball in a particular city and the fact that the markup on consumables is usually 50%.

  • Entrance fee (there may or may not be one).
  • Equipment rental (markers).
  • Sale of balls (one player will need about 400 pieces per game).
  • Rental uniforms and protection.
  • Additional services (anything from renting a cottage and using a shower (sauna) to shooting at a shooting range and renting ATVs).



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