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Thank God Christian prayer. Prayer of gratitude to Jesus Christ for the accomplishment of the deed

Almost every person believes in God: some come to the holy monastery only in need, according to fashion trends or on great holidays, others confirm their faith with deeds, confess, and receive communion. Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ passes through the human heart and opens the way for all virtues in it. Without prayer, the soul will not be pious.

Why you need to thank God

Main Responsibility a pious Christian - prayerful gratitude to the Almighty for everything that happens in our lives. Sorrow and joy - everything is providential.

We come into life naked and poor, we need absolutely everything. We receive all benefits, spiritual and physical, from God. Food and clothing, the beauty of nature and the abundance of harvest, loving parents, the benefits of civilization - all this is given to us from above. Therefore, the words of gratitude in prayer, spoken at the behest of the heart, are the smallest thing from us to the Savior for what He sends to us.

In liturgical practice Orthodox Church There are many examples of thanksgiving to the Almighty: prayers for Holy Communion, prayer prayers, thanksgiving for every good deed, after listening to the Divine Liturgy, and others.

Prayer of thanksgiving by St. John Chrysostom:

We thank you for all Your blessings shown to us unworthy from the first day of our life to the present - we thank you for everything that we know and that we do not know, for everything obvious and implicit, revealed by deed and word, done according to our will and against our will, for everything , what happened to us unworthy, for sorrow and weakening of sorrow, for Gehenna, for torment, for the Kingdom of Heaven

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the Holy Church performs a prayer service of thanksgiving to Jesus Christ with the prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Thank you for our daily bread and grace sent from above. Thank you for your patience and long-suffering sorrows. Thank you, God, for day and night, for good and faithful friends. Thank you for your mercy and faith, for your guardian angel and holy love. Amen.

How to order a prayer service in a temple

The Holy Gospel speaks of Christ’s healing of a dozen people with leprosy. One of them, having become healthy, returned and thanked the Savior, for which he was acquitted, but the Lord condemned the others. In order not to fall in line with the condemned, the Church advises following the pious example of a recovered person and giving thanks for every good deed of God.

More about prayers of thanksgiving:

To order a prayer of thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father, you must:

  • come to the temple, write a note with the name of the prayer service and the names of the thanks;
  • they should be written down in a column, in the genitive case (that is, from whom: Irina, Svetlana, Vasily) and in no case from Volodya, Mashenka, Seryozha;
  • the names of people baptized in Orthodoxy are indicated;
  • it is allowed to attach “statuses” to names: sick, youth, baby, non-idle, warrior;
  • give the completed form to the candle maker and make the recommended donation;
  • there is no need to indicate the reason for gratitude;
  • It is advisable to purchase a candle and place it before the prayer service in a candlestick placed in front of the face of Christ.

Spiritual Rules

The Heavenly Father loves all people - both righteous and sinners. He strives to save everyone, his love for us is the path to eternal life. This great gift awaits each of us in heaven.

Words of thanks are offered not only for generosity, health and prosperity, but also for God's wrath and punishment. Life's sorrows are a test for us, a path to salvation.

On prayers in sorrows and temptations:

To be heard by God, it is necessary to adhere to spiritual rules when performing a prayer service.

Personal presence at the prayer service is required. If a person is bedridden by illness, you can ask someone to be present on his behalf.

You cannot be late for a prayer service. Often prayer services are served at the end of the Liturgy, in the morning, so you should know in advance the start time of the prayer service.

Prayers should be taken seriously and consciously.

Listen and think about the words of the prayer, say them to yourself after the priest. Do not be indifferent - after all, this is an appeal to God personally for each person who ordered a prayer service.

Services in churches are performed in Church Slavonic. It is not understandable to everyone, so it is worth working hard and parsing the text of the prayer service in advance. It will be useful to study the course of the service. It is not necessary to buy special liturgical books or prayer books; now almost everything can be found on the Internet.

Often prayers of thanksgiving are read along with other requests: petitions, blessings of water, for non-believers, for healing, and others. Most parishes serve general prayer service, which brings together all the prayers ordered on that day. There is no need to worry, the “quality” of prayer will not suffer from this.

Foundation for soul salvation Orthodox Christian- faith in God's providence. Everything that happens in our lives, joy and sorrow, is sent by the Almighty for our good.

As long as everything is fine and there is shelter, delicious food, health, and prosperity in the family, we are sure that the Lord loves us. But as soon as difficulties, illnesses and sorrows occur, we begin to grumble and believe that Christ has turned away and forgotten about us. This is not so; believers are obliged to reverently endure the trials sent to them and not groan at the same time. In such cases, people say: “It means the Lord has visited.”

It is necessary to praise the Lord Jesus Christ with the words of a prayer of thanksgiving. After all, He thus directs the atoning cross for the sins we have committed.

Prayer of gratitude to Christ

May GOD rise again

D but God will rise again, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish in the face lovers of God, and signifying sign of the cross, and in joy saying: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-giving Cross Lord, drive away demons by the power of our drunken Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell, trampled upon the power of the devil, and gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary.
O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help us with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever.

Ecumenical Prayer of Thanksgiving
Lord God of hosts

(To the Creator)

G Lord, I thank You for the fact that I exist! For allowing me to live this day. For allowing me to breathe, love and rejoice in every creation You created.
Lord, I thank You for the light and love with which You tirelessly fill my cup, and I ask you to teach me to humbly accept this light poured out from You to the whole world, to all living things, without condemning or upsetting You in any way.
Lord, give me strength to love my enemies, to bless those who hate me, to idolize those who curse and persecute me, for I myself am in them ( herself).
And may on this day and in this world my every word, every feeling, every thought and every action become the personification of Your wisdom, Your will and Your love. I love you, Lord!
I believe and hope that Thy kingdom will abide in me and through me.

Orthodox prayer of repentance
Our Savior Jesus Christ
and to the Lord God of hosts in the Holy Spirit

IN righteous one, expose my sins, show me my weakness! I ask for Your guidance in the true repentance of my soul. Send cleansing to me from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery, crafty demons and devilish power. For everything was allowed to me through You for my admonition.
God forgive me; all my sins are voluntary and involuntary. Here I am on my knees before You and crying out with a great voice before my sinfulness. I don’t ask for anything, I just pray to give peace to my unrighteous soul and love in my heart.
For without her and You, Lord, I am nothing!

Prayer of the Sick

G Lord, You are the Supreme Most Perfect Justice: the disease that You were pleased to send to the slave ( Name), he must be ( she) deserved ( deserved it), because You never experience without a reason. Regarding his recovery, he ( she) completely relies on Your infinite mercy: and if You please return to him ( to her) health and happiness, blessed be it; and will submit without complaint to Your Divine commands, since everything that You do can only have the purpose of good for Your creations.
Let, oh my God, let this illness serve him ( to her) a good lesson and that he ( she) forced him ( her) look back at yourself and your actions; He ( she) accepts it as atonement for the past and as a test of it ( her) faith and submission to Your Holy will.

Prayer for the sick

M oh God, Your ways and decisions are incomprehensible to mortals, and in their Great Wisdom You decided to punish (so-and-so) with illness. Look, I ask You, With a look full of compassion, at him ( her) the torments deign to stop them.
And you, Good Angels, messengers and executors of the Will of the Almighty, help, I ask you, my desire is to ease it ( her) R.B. (name) flour; guide his thoughts ( her) desires in such a way that they, with their power, shed a life-giving balm on his ( her) body and consolation in it ( her) soul. Instill in him ( to her) patience and submission to the Will of God; give him ( to her) strength so that he ( she) could ( could) to endure with obedience those sent down to him ( to her) suffering so that he ( she) didn't lose ( lost) the fruits of this trial.

Prayer of Francis of Asia

G Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is insult and humiliation, there is forgiveness. Where there is doubt, there is faith. Where there is despair, there is hope. Where there is darkness there is light, and where there is despondency there is joy.
Oh, Divine Master, give me the gift of not so much seeking support as supporting, not so much being loved as loving. Because it is by giving that we receive.
In forgiveness we ourselves receive forgiveness and, by dying, we are born into eternal life.

Prayer Affirmation of Sincerity

I I am looking for only the most subtle and pure Divine energy, manifesting itself in the form of the Heavenly Path. I want to follow the path of universal nature and discard all distorted images of description. I do not doubt the truth of natural beings. Just as I have no doubt about my own existence. My life is the Heavenly Path itself, abiding in this world. I accept my life as it is, following the Laws of the Universe. I will try not to violate the Heavenly Universal Law of Harmony. And I will not damage my life with unconscious behavior or negative thoughts and actions.

Prayers to the Guardian Angel

ABOUT, God, Eternal and Almighty. Who has destined all things for Thy praise and glory and for the salvation of man, I pray Thee to send Thy Angel, from the race of the Sun, who will instruct me in those matters for which I ask him. It will not be done by my will, but by You, Jesus Christ, Your Only Son, who is our Lord on earth.

M wise and benevolent Angels, messengers of God, whose mission is to help people and lead them along the path of good, support me in the trials of this life; give me the strength to overcome them without complaint; take away bad thoughts from me and do not allow me to allow any evil spirit who could lead me into evil; make me aware of my shortcomings and remove from my eyes the veil of pride that may prevent me from seeing them and admitting them to myself.
Especially You, my Guardian Angel, who cares about me, and all of you, patronizing Angels who are interested in me and my improvement, help me become worthy of your favor towards me. You know my needs; may they always be satisfied according to the Will of God.

B my dear, let the good Angels surrounding me help me when I am in grief and support me if I hesitate and doubt, guide them, Lord, so that they inspire me with faith, hope and testimony of Your mercy; guide them so that I can ( could) to draw from them the strength that I lack to overcome the trials of life and to resist the temptations of evil, faith that saves, and Love that consoles.

D my dear and beloved Guardian Angels, whom God in his inexhaustible mercy allowed to take care of people, become our protectors and patrons in the life trials of this earthly path. Give us strength, courage and humility; inspire us to all that is good and protect us from the inclination to evil; may your gentle protective influence penetrate our soul; let us feel that a devoted friend is nearby, that he sees our suffering and shares our joys with us.
And you are my good Guardian Angel, don’t leave me; I need your support, protection and patronage in order to endure with love and faith the trials that the Lord was pleased to send me.

Prayer of Detention
(from evil spirits)

M merciful Lord! You once, through the mouth of the servant of Moses, Joshua the son of Nun, delayed the movement of the sun and moon for a whole day, until the people of Israel took revenge on their enemies.
With the prayer of Elisha the prophet, he once struck the Syrians, delaying them, and healed them again.
You once told the prophet Isaiah: behold, I will return back ten steps the shadow of the sun that passed along the steps of Ahaz, and the sun returned ten steps along the steps on which it descended.
You once, through the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel, closed the abysses, stopped the rivers, and held back the waters.
And You once stopped the mouths of the lions in the den through the fasting and prayer of Your prophet Daniel.
And now delay and slow down until the right time all the plans around me about my removal, dismissal, removal, expulsion.
So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, are angry and growl at me, and all who blaspheme and humiliate me.
So now, bring spiritual blindness to the eyes of all those who rebel against me and to my enemies.
Didn't you tell the Apostle Paul: Speak and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will harm you.
Soften the hearts of all those who oppose the good and dignity of the Church of Christ. Therefore let my mouth not be silent to reprove the wicked and glorify the righteous and all your wondrous works. And may all our good undertakings and desires be fulfilled.
To you, righteous women and prayer books of God, our daring intercessors, who once with the power of their prayers restrained the invasion of foreigners, the approach of haters, who destroyed the evil plans of people, who blocked the mouths of lions, now I turn with my prayer, with my petition.
And you, the venerable great Elius of Egypt, who once fenced the place of your disciple’s settlement in a circle with the sign of the cross, commanded him to arm himself with the name of the Lord and from now on not to be afraid of demonic temptations. Protect my house, in which I live, in the circle of your prayers and save it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks and all evil and insurance.
And you, Reverend Father Poplie of Syria, who once with your unceasing prayer for ten days kept the demon motionless and unable to walk either day or night, are now around my cell and home ( my) keep behind his fence all the opposing forces and all those who blaspheme the name of God and those who despise me.
And you, venerable virgin Piama, who once with the power of prayer stopped the movement of those who were going to destroy the inhabitants of the village where she lived, now stop all the plans of my enemies who want to expel me from this city and destroy me: do not allow them to approach this house, stop them with the power of prayer his: “Lord Judge of the Universe, You, Who are displeased with all unrighteousness, when this prayer comes to You, may the Holy Power stop them at the place where it overtakes them.”
And you, blessed Lawrence of Kaluga, pray to God for me, as having the boldness to intercede before the Lord for those suffering from the wiles of the devil. Pray to God for me, may He protect me from the wiles of Satan.
And you, Reverend Vasily of Pechersk, perform your prayers of prohibition over those who attack me and drive away all the machinations of the devil from me.
And you, all the saints of the Russian land, with the power of your prayers for me, dispel all the demonic spells, all the devil’s plans and intrigues - to annoy me and destroy me and my property.
And you, great and formidable guardian, Archangel Michael, cut off with a fiery sword all the desires of the enemy of the human race and all his minions who want to destroy me. Stand inviolably on guard over this house, all those living in it and all its property.
And You, Lady, not in vain called the “Indestructible Wall”, be for all those who are hostile against me and plotting dirty tricks on me, truly a kind of barrier and an indestructible wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances
Amen Amen Amen

Daily prayer
To the Lord Jesus Christ Saint Philaret (Drozdov) Metropolitan of Moscow

G Lord, I don’t know what to ask of You. You alone know what I need. You love me more than I can love You. Father, give to Your servant what I myself cannot ask for. I do not dare to ask for either a cross or consolation, I only stand before You. My heart is open to You; You see needs that I don't know. See and create according to Your mercy. Smite and heal, overthrow and raise me. I am in awe and silent before Your holy will and Your destinies, incomprehensible to me. I sacrifice myself to You, I surrender to You. I have no other desire than the desire to fulfill Your will; teach me to pray. Pray in me yourself!

Prayer to the Mother of God

ABOUT what should I pray to You, what should I ask of You? You see everything, you know it yourself, look into my soul and give it what it needs. You, who have endured everything, overcome everything, will understand everything. You, who entwined the Baby in a manger and took Him with your own hands from the Cross, You alone know all the heights of joy, all the oppression of grief. You, who have received the entire human race as adoption, look at me with maternal care. From the shadows of sin, lead me to Your son. I see a tear watering Your face. It’s over me You shed it and let it wash away the traces of my sins. Here I have come, I am standing, I am waiting for Your response, O Mother of God, O All-Sung, O Lady! I don’t ask for anything, I just stand before You. Only my heart, poor human heart, exhausted in longing for truth, I throw at Your most pure feet, Lady! Let everyone who calls You reach the eternal day with You and worship You face to face.

The miraculous prayer of St. Seraphim
Miracle Prayer St. Seraphim Sarovsky, discovered by him in a miraculous appearance to the elder Sampson Sivers two hours before Sampson’s arrest, and preserved him during the terrible trials on Solovki and in the death camps of the Gulag

IN seven-merciful, my Lady, Most Holy Lady, All-Pure Virgin, Mother of God Mary, Mother of God, my undoubted only hope! Do not disdain me, do not reject me, do not leave me, do not leave me, intercede, ask, hear, see, Lady, help, forgive, forgive, Most Pure One!

Secret prayers to thank God.

Secret prayers to thank God.

Prayers of Thanksgiving- these are words sent to the Saints in gratitude for happiness and peace. Often when everything is fine with a person, his life goes on as usual and problems have passed, he takes it for granted.

And in moments when adversity and troubles overcome, many ask heaven why they have such trials. This is how a person is designed that he takes all good things for granted, but as for adversity, they are considered something undeserved. A believer will call grace and happiness the mercy of God, and problems and troubles - retribution for sins. He will thank the Lord for peace and happiness and pray to prevent retribution for sins.

With this, a person asks to forgive him for mistakes and wrong decisions, and changes his thinking to a positive one. And for this, in particular, prayers of gratitude are used.

The Virgin Mary - Holy Mother of God who gave birth to the savior Jesus Christ. The Gospel contains very little information regarding the Mother of God. Betrothed to Elder Joseph, at the age of fourteen she made a vow of devotion to God. Her husband Joseph took care of her and provided her with everything she needed. They lived in Nazareth, where Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary, who told her that she would give birth to a human savior.

Prayers of thanksgiving are read to her for bringing the Savior. Representatives of the fair half of humanity often ask her about a child, marriage, happiness in family life. In general, any women's problems are addressed to the Mother of God, to whom words should be read not only with requests, but also with thanksgiving. After a woman asks her for what she dreams of, you need to read words of gratitude. In addition, these same words should be repeated when everything the woman dreamed of comes true.

Here is one example words of gratitude To the Most Holy Theotokos.

“To the Mother of God, Mother of God, I direct my song, I glorify and thank the Virgin Mary! All Angels and Archangels serve and worship You, all authorities and rulers obey You. Glory to Your belly, glory to Your greatness! You gave the world a human Savior, You gave everyone a chance to live and exist! You protect all women and mothers, You endow them with strength and fortitude! You helped me in my life, for which my gratitude is limitless! I am destined to glorify Your name and trust in the mercy of the Lord! For all that I have, I thank You, worldly, I bow to You. In this song I’m not asking for help, but I’m paying tribute, thanking you for peace! I pray for the sins of my family and for my family, I ask for mercy! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

It is believed that each of us is accompanied from birth by an Angel sent from heaven to earth precisely for these purposes. In order to have your own angel, it is not at all necessary to be baptized or profess Christianity. Many people confuse guardian angels with Saints.

The first were never human, they are divine, incorporeal and immortal. As for the Saints, they are the righteous who have ever lived on earth. The angel, at his own discretion, decides how and when to help a person, or not to help.

And in order to establish strong contact with your angel, prayers are intended. In addition, they help those who do not swear, do not have bad habits, lives according to the laws of God and does not hold or carry evil within himself.

Angels often save people in situations where it would seem that all hope is lost. But even if such situations have not happened in your life, there is something to thank the angels for. And it’s worth starting with the fact that he accompanies you everywhere.

The prayer is read seven times in the morning:

“I praise and thank the Lord God for his mercy, I turn to my Guardian Angel, With gratitude, with worship, with feeling! Thank you for your daily help, for your participation! For intercession before the face of the Lord, for mercy! My gratitude knows no end and edge, Every day it increases and grows! Amen!"

This prayer is read several times a month, ideally every week. Before you read magic words, it is necessary to clear your thoughts and mind of any negative thoughts and unpleasant feelings.

Nikolai Ugodnik or, as he is also called, Nikolai the Wonderworker is considered very important figure, many prayers and petitions of people are addressed to him. From childhood, he chose for himself the path of serving the Lord, and when he grew up, he became the Archbishop of Lycia. He did everything to help people, asked the Lord for the forgiveness of sinners, the healing of the sick, and the salvation of the weak.

Nowadays, many people, regardless of what religion they profess, ask Nicholas for a miracle. And very often a miracle happens in the lives of those who ask. But here, too, you shouldn’t just ask for something, but also give thanks for what has already happened or will happen in the future.

This prayer is read twelve times before lunch:

“Great Wonderworker, all-praised Nicholas! I turn to You, not for help, but with gratitude. I pray to You, faithful protector and helper of the human race, for forgiveness for our sins, for our weaknesses! Thank you for a peaceful life, for family happiness, for prosperity and tranquility, for peace and grace! Your name I praise the bright, I direct my prayer to You! Amen!"

Read the prayer when everything is fine with you. Try not to remember the Saints only in those moments when everything is bad for you. Prayers of this kind will help you avoid difficult trials in life and make your path full of positive events.

Prayer to Jesus Christ.

This text It is best to repeat several times a month once. A prayer is said at dawn.

“Thy Holy Body, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Our God, may our thoughts be filled with it, our thoughts be full! Your Honest Blood will help us in atonement for human sins, I send my word of gratitude to you, I say my heartfelt thanks to you! For joy and health, for fun and happiness, for Your coming, for redemption! Amen!"

This text of gratitude is read only once, but it should be pronounced with feeling and arrangement. It is best to learn the prayer by heart rather than read it from a piece of paper. In any case, before using it, it is recommended to repeat the words several times so that when you read, you do not stumble, but speak from your heart.

Remember, you need to thank only when your thoughts and intentions are pure. It is best not to use prayers for selfish purposes, since there will be no benefit from them.

Prayers come in many different forms and must come from the heart. If you hold grudges or hatred, then it is best not to read prayers, since in such a state they will not make sense. If you are ready to express your gratitude to the Saints, the Lord, and the Angels, then it is not at all necessary to use previously learned words. You can come up with your own prayer. To do this, it’s enough to retire for a while and write on a blank white piece of paper everything for which you want to thank the Higher Powers.

You can also improvise. To do this, it is enough, at the moment of reading the words of gratitude, to say everything that you think about, for which you are grateful. Such words must come from the heart, and gratitude must be pure and sincere. It is best to read words in the first half of the day. It is not recommended to read such prayers at sunset, in the evening or at night.

At such a crucial moment, the person in the room should be alone with his thoughts, he should not be distracted by anything. Therefore, it is best to make sure in advance that the windows and doors are closed, the telephone and TV are turned off.

Prayers are read in a half-whisper and a little into a chant. It is not at all necessary to repeat the words loudly and in full voice, since with such pronunciation the mystery of the ritual is lost.

Prayers of thanksgiving are most often read in the first half of the day. Remember, they should be used not only after you have asked for something, but also for prevention. Especially when everything is good!

How often our spiritual life is a constant list of requests from God, even of the highest order, but in some sense with a consumerist attitude! It is as if we are trying to make God our debtor and do not notice how many mercies the Lord has already shown us and that we are in unpaid debt to Him.

He wrote a lot about the feat of prayer, among various types smart doing specifically: “Giving thanks to God is part of smart... doing and consists of thanking and glorifying God for everything that happens - both pleasant and sorrowful.” Even sorrow sent down from God, since it has in mind some spiritual benefit for a person, deserves thanksgiving.

This work is commanded by the Lord Himself through the Apostle: “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thess. 5:18); “Be constant in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving” (Col. 4:2).

“What does thanksgiving mean? This is the praise of God for His countless blessings poured out on all humanity and on every person. With such thanksgiving a wonderful calmness is introduced into the soul; joy is introduced, despite the fact that sorrow surrounds us everywhere, a living faith is introduced, because of which a person rejects all worries about himself, tramples on human and demonic fear, and casts himself entirely on the will of God.”

As St. Ignatius explains, the Lord “commanded us to carefully practice giving thanks to Him, to cultivate in ourselves a feeling of gratitude to God.” This must be precisely a feeling, a special inner disposition of the soul, created by doing thanksgiving. It is this feeling - uncomplaining gratitude to God for everything - that is an excellent preparation for prayer, because it teaches us to relate to God in an appropriate way. The feeling of thanksgiving enlivens prayer itself. The saint recalls the words of Scripture: “Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say: rejoice... The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but always by prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:4-7).

tantamount to disbelief. An ungrateful person does not see the paths of salvation to which the Lord leads man. It seems to him that everything that happens to him is meaningless and random. On the contrary, from thanksgiving and glorification of God, especially in sorrows and suffering, living faith is born, and from living faith - quiet but powerful patience in Christ. Where Christ is felt, there is His consolation .

The saint explains that true thanksgiving is not born from complacency, but from a vision of one’s own weaknesses and a vision of God’s mercies to a fallen creation. Thanking God out of contentment own life, as we learn from the parable of the publican and the Pharisee, can mean deep spiritual vanity, blindness by temporary comfort. Actually, the very illnesses that God allows us can only be correctly suffered by thanking God for them. And thanksgiving to the Lord is the only weapon capable of defeating any sorrow, any bitterness. “Wonderfully, the thought of thanksgiving to God comes to the righteous in the midst of their misfortunes. She plucks their hearts from sadness and darkness, lifts them to God, into the realm of light and consolation. God always saves those who resort to Him with simplicity and faith.”

“If your heart does not have thanksgiving, then force yourself to give thanks; along with it, peace will enter the soul.”

But what if there are no such grateful feelings in the soul, if the soul is shackled by cold and insensibility? “If your heart does not have thanksgiving, then force yourself to give thanks; along with him, peace will enter the soul.” This is how the saint describes such work in “Ascetic Experiences”: “Repeated words "Thank God for everything" or “God's will be done” act satisfactorily against very difficult grief. Strange affair! sometimes from the strong effect of grief all the strength of the soul will be lost; the soul, as it were, will go deaf, lose the ability to feel anything: at this time I will begin to say out loud, forcefully and mechanically, in one language: “Glory to God,” and the soul, having heard the praise of God, begins to little by little come to life in response to this praise, then will be encouraged, calmed down and consoled."

In one of his letters, Saint Ignatius offers a person experiencing severe illnesses and grief, this advice: “I am writing to you because you are in a painful state. I know from experience the difficulty of this situation. The body's strength and abilities are taken away; together the strength and abilities of the soul are taken away; disorder of the nerves is communicated to the spirit, because the soul is connected with the body by an incomprehensible and intimate union, due to which the soul and body cannot help but influence each other. I am sending you a spiritual recipe, which I advise you to use the proposed medicine several times a day, especially in moments of intense suffering, both mental and physical. When used, the revelation of strength and healing will not slow down... When you are alone, say slowly, out loud to yourself, enclosing your mind in words (as Saint John of the Climacus advises) the following: “Glory to Thee, our God, for the sorrow sent; I accept what is worthy according to my deeds: remember me in Your Kingdom”... You will begin to feel that peace is entering your soul and destroying the confusion and bewilderment that tormented it. The reason for this is clear: the grace and power of God lies in praising God, and not in eloquence and verbosity. Doxology and thanksgiving are acts taught to us by God Himself - they are by no means a human invention. The Apostle commands this work on behalf of God (1 Thess. 5:16).”

By giving thanks to the Lord, a Christian gains a priceless treasure - a gracious joy that fills his heart and in the light of which the events of life are perceived completely differently. Instead of despondency, the soul is filled with joy, and instead of sadness and grief - consolation.

“Evil thoughts defile and destroy a person, but holy thoughts sanctify and give life to him.”

“Let us cultivate the invisible work of thanksgiving to God. This feat will remind us of the God we have forgotten; This feat will reveal to us the greatness of God that has been hidden from us, will reveal His ineffable and innumerable benefits to people in general and to each person in particular; This feat will instill in us a living faith in God; This feat will give us God, Whom we do not have, Whom our coldness towards Him, our inattention, took from us. Evil thoughts defile and destroy a person, but holy thoughts sanctify and give life to him.”

Christians should be grateful to the Lord for every day they live. Godly believers know that every event in life is given for a reason. It is designed to teach something, to provide an opportunity for spiritual growth. A prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus Christ is included in prayer rule on every day. But you can express recognition using different texts.

Text of a prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus Christ

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, God of all mercy and generosity, whose mercy is immeasurable and whose love for mankind is an immeasurable abyss! We, falling before Your greatness, with fear and trembling, like unworthy slaves, bring thanks to You for the mercies shown to us. As the Lord, Master and benefactor, we glorify You, praise You, sing and magnify You and, falling down, thank You again! We humbly pray to Your ineffable mercy: just as now You have accepted our prayers and fulfilled them, so in the future let us succeed in love for You, for our neighbors and in all virtues. And make us worthy to always thank and glorify You, together with Your beginningless Father and Your all-holy, good, and consubstantial Spirit. Amen."

What can you thank the Creator for?

A person comes into the world naked, he cannot even get his own food - his parents take care of him for many years. All earthly life: plants, animals, a roof over your head, clothing and food - everything was created by the Creator. Sometimes it seems to people that they themselves have sufficient strength, knowledge, and wisdom. But in fact, any ability is sent from above as a blessing. Not to satisfy your whims, but to benefit others.

The Bible teaches us to glorify holy name God in any circumstances. Therefore, the Church composed many prayers of thanksgiving:

  • Jesus Christ - for every good deed;
  • Holy Trinity - after receiving Communion;
  • Thanksgiving prayer;
  • Akathists.

Prayer of thanksgiving after the Liturgy

The most the main objective The life of a believer is to receive forgiveness of sins in order to spend eternity with God. To do this you need to be a churchgoer. This means coming to regularly spiritual father to confess your wrongdoings; visit church services, followed by the Sacraments. With the help of Communion, the soul is renewed, it gains strength to grow in the knowledge of God.

When the Liturgy is over, you cannot immediately run home and return to your usual sinful lifestyle. You need to go to the icons, light a candle, read this text:

Thank you, Lord, for hearing me, God’s servant (name), forgiving my sins and giving me the opportunity to survive, live and be healthy and happy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Also, special prayers of thanks are read in the temple, but few people stay and listen attentively to them. Don't be one of the ungrateful! Do your duty to the Savior. After all, He endured the terrible agony of the cross in order to free you from slavery to sin and death.

When the request is received

As soon as unwanted events begin to occur, we rush under the arches of the temple for help. We remember the Lord, the saints and the Mother of God, begging them all to avert the misfortune. And this is absolutely correct - who else should we look for protection from, if not from the celestials? Another thing is not good: as soon as people receive what they asked for, they immediately forget the way to the church fence. But this is the very occasion when we need to offer praise to the heavenly Father.

A good sign that you remember God would be thanksgiving prayer. This means that positive changes are accepted with the understanding that it is a gift from above, and not one’s own merit. Even the most insignificant successes are a reason to say mentally: “Lord, glory to You!”

No wonder our ancestors had the custom of hanging images in front of front door. After all, this is not for beauty at all. Setting out on the road, devout Russians crossed themselves and read short prayers to invoke God's protection. And when returning to their home, the first thing they did was thank Jesus for avoiding danger on the way. This is what you should do and modern people, although the current civilization seems safe, it is not at all so. There are no guarantees, existence is still a very fragile thing.

How to submit notes

The Gospel describes a case when Christ healed several people from a dangerous disease - leprosy. It is not only painful physically, but also unpleasant externally. Therefore, its carriers automatically became outcasts in society. And since they did not know how to treat leprosy at that time, it was obvious to anyone that the deliverance had a miraculous origin. But of all these sufferers, only one appreciated the Savior’s act.

In order not to be among those who are unworthy to be near the Lord, thank Him more often. To order a prayer service, you need to go to the nearest temple. There will be blank forms there, you need to take and fill out one:

  • indicate the name of the requirement;
  • write down the names of those who want to thank the Lord - these must be baptized people;
  • names are indicated in the genitive case (Natalia, Alexandra), the name given at baptism must be written (for example, not Svetlana, but Photinia);
  • before the names it is indicated: baby (for children under 6 years old), youth (from 7 to 14), sick (if the person is sick);
  • When the note is filled out, it is taken to a shop where donations are accepted.

You need to find out the time of the prayer service and come to it to pray in person. You cannot “buy off” your sacred duty. You can light candles and turn to the Lord at any time, but the general prayer service has special power; it calls for grace to everyone who is in the church.

How to pray and give thanks correctly

A prayer of thanks addressed to the Lord Jesus Christ should not be an automatic repetition of familiar words. If a priest reads them, you must watch carefully and try to repeat the petitions to yourself.

Since services are conducted in Church Slavonic, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of the text in advance. This will help you understand the course of the prayer service, not stand as an indifferent witness, but participate in the general prayer. Father is not an actor, and parishioners are not spectators; everyone should pray. It is not necessary to buy a missal; now all liturgical books can be found on the Internet.

Often in many parishes different services are served one after another: prayers for health, blessing of water, thanksgiving. Don't let this bother you - there is nothing wrong with praying for stranger, while you wait for “your” prayer service. But its “quality” will not change at all.

The entire prayer service, of course, cannot be learned by heart. But a short prayer, compiled by John Chrysostom - you can.

John Chrysostom's prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord

Then you can pronounce it in any situation:

We thank you for all Your blessings shown to us unworthy from the first day of our life to the present - we thank you for everything that we know and that we do not know, for everything explicit and implicit, revealed by deed and word, done according to our will and against our will, for everything , what happened to us unworthy, for sorrow and weakening of sorrow, for Gehenna, for torment, for the Kingdom of Heaven

Psalm of Thanksgiving

The Psalms are also good for expressing gratitude. The Word of God in itself has powerful power - it makes faith unshakable and helps a person to develop spiritually. And when praise is read to the Creator, this is truly an angelic work that will be appreciated.

Praise the Lord, my soul. I will praise the Lord in my belly, I will sing to my God as long as I am. Do not trust in princes, in the sons of men, for in them there is no salvation. His spirit will depart and return to his land. On that day all his thoughts will perish. Blessed is the God of Jacob, his Helper, his trust in the Lord his God, who created heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, who preserves the truth forever, who brings judgment to the offended, who gives food to the hungry. The Lord will decide the chained ones. The Lord makes the blind wise. The Lord raises up the downtrodden. The Lord loves the righteous. The Lord protects strangers, He will accept the orphan and the widow, and He will destroy the path of sinners. The Lord your God will reign forever in Zion, forever and ever.

There are different periods- when everything is fine, the family is healthy, there is food in the house, there is enough money for everything, then we consider this a manifestation God's love. Of course it is. But even in times of difficulty, the Lord does not cease to care for His children, because He is unchangeable.

Tests are sent for some purpose that is not always clear in this moment. This is where it should appear Christian faith. As the apostle wrote: “Give thanks in everything!” Following even this one simple rule, you can get great spiritual benefits. God bless you!



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