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Traits that characterize a person as a person. What positive character traits does a person have: list

It doesn't matter at what point you may need to describe yourself - when writing a resume, when preparing for an interview, or simply when meeting new people. Whatever the reasons, this skill is very useful. How you describe yourself is how you present yourself to others. To do this correctly, it is important to understand yourself well.


How to describe yourself as a person

    Choose your words. Character analysis tests and descriptions of personality types will help you collect the necessary words. If you can't find the right words independently, you can also look through special books and dictionaries.

    • Adjectives to describe personality can also be found on the Internet using search engines.
  1. Know which words to avoid. Some words sound normal, but only when someone is describing you with them, and not when you are describing yourself. If you use them yourself, you will seem vain and repulsive. Avoid the following words:

    • Charismatic. This will make you seem pompous.
    • Generous. Let other people decide whether you are generous or not based on your behavior.
    • Modest. A modest person is unlikely to call himself modest.
    • Humorous. People who consider themselves to have a great sense of humor most often do not. Even the most humorous people have many doubts about this.
    • Sensitive. Empathy also shows in action. Calling yourself empathetic is almost the same as calling yourself humble.
    • Fearless. Each of us has fears. Calling yourself fearless will make you seem overly confident. Plus, it will make it harder for people to connect with you. mutual language.
    • Smart. Smart man It’s obvious right away, there’s no need to talk about it.
    • Cute. Who do you find attractive? Everyone? If you call yourself this word, people may subconsciously begin to look for something repulsive in you.
  2. Describe situations. The best way to describe yourself is to tell stories from your life. Many writers try not to write something in plain text, but to describe it. This also applies to describing your personality, especially during job interviews.

    • For example, instead of saying that you are kind and patient, you could talk about how you helped resolve a conflict with a client at your previous job.
    • Instead of calling yourself an adventurer, tell your friends about the trips you've been on and what you remember most: for example, a difficult seven-day trek or a month you spent as a wild man in Asia.
  3. Pay attention to the facts. If you're trying to find words for your resume, it's best to focus on facts rather than describing yourself with adjectives. Adjectives will let the employer know how you see yourself, and facts from your previous job and your achievements will speak for themselves.

    • For example, if you are applying for a position as a customer service specialist, provide examples that show that you are patient and willing to help people who have a problem.
  4. Adjust your choice of words depending on the situation. Describing yourself to friends or family and describing yourself to a potential employer are two different things. In both cases, it will be important to tell the truth, but during the interview you will have to describe yourself to the best of your ability. the best side.

    • You can also choose words depending on the specific situation. It's important to be honest about your strengths and weaknesses, but what you say or don't say will depend on the situation.
    • For example, you want to get a position related to working with people. Even if you're good at interacting with people, if you say you're an introvert who prefers to spend time on your own, your potential employer may decide you're not a good fit.
  5. Tell us about your hobbies and previous experiences. It's better not to describe yourself with adjectives, but to talk about what you like and what you have done in the past. Imagine a situation in which you would have to describe yourself using only adjectives. This would be pretty funny (and awkward):

    • “Hello, my name is Alexey. I'm neat, active, detail-oriented, empathetic, and I'm glad to meet you." Perhaps such text would be suitable for a dating site, but even there it would look strange.
    • It’s better to say this: “My name is Alexey. I'm a barista and I really enjoy my job because I love coffee, jazz, coffee foam designs and aprons. I also love cinema (especially science fiction And documentaries) and hiking."
  6. Don't talk only about yourself. If you want to describe yourself to a friend or guy or girl you want to like, remember to also ask questions. In order for people to enjoy being in your company, you must be able to listen.

    Never lie about yourself. As you get to know yourself better, you will realize that there are things you can and cannot do, and that's okay. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses and acknowledge them in yourself.

    • If you lie to yourself or others about your strengths and weaknesses, you may end up taking a job that isn't a good fit for you or hanging out with people you can't connect with.

    How to understand your character

    1. Keep a diary. If you're having trouble figuring out who you are, start keeping a journal. Regularly writing about your thoughts and feelings will help you understand yourself better. You can use a diary specifically to analyze what makes you you.

      Make an album about yourself. If you want to understand who you are, a book or album with all the things you use in trying to understand yourself will help you. There you can store diary entries, results of personality tests, passages of prose, drawings - whatever you want.

      Make lists. Lists of things that are important to you will help you understand yourself better. Here are some examples of such lists:

      • “What do I like and dislike?” Fold a piece of paper in half, write what you like on the top half, and what you don't like on the bottom half. This can take a lot of time and space, so try to limit yourself to one category per list: movies, books, food, games, people.
      • “What would I do if I had unlimited money?” You can sketch out a series of ideas or draw something. Make a list of things you could buy or things you would do if you weren't limited by finances.
      • “What am I most afraid of?” What are your biggest fears? Are you afraid of spiders, death, loneliness? Write everything down.
      • “What makes me happy?” Make a list of things that make you happy. You can even describe specific situations in which you felt or could feel like a happy person.
    2. Ask yourself why. Making a list is just the first step. The next step is to think about why you like or dislike something, or why something scares you and something else makes you happy. If you can answer the question “why,” you will understand yourself better.

      Research personality characteristics online or in books. Job selection and psychology books often contain lists of personality traits as well as self-administered tests to help you determine your personality type.

      Take personality tests. They can be found in specialized literature and on the Internet. There are many sites where you can find free tests, but it is important to use a reliable source.

      • Do not take tests on popular entertainment sites, since often the people who compose them do not have special education in the field of psychology. There are sites that are famous for their tests. They are fun to complete, but there is no scientific information behind them.
      • If the site asks you to enter any personal information other than your address Email, age and gender, make sure the site is not a scam. Free sites have no reason to ask you to enter your card details, the exact date birth, full name or address.
    3. Connect your passions with your personality traits. Once you know what personality characteristics are, go through your lists and journal entries to see if there are certain traits you've read about.

      • If you enjoy doing dangerous things or often talk about adventure, you might describe yourself as a daredevil, a risk-taker.
      • If you notice that you often try to help people, you may be generous and loyal (or you may be the one who gets bullied and tries to please everyone).
      • If you often make people laugh, you can say that you are funny. But it could also be a sign that you're trying to hide your anxiety and nervousness with humor (assuming you often joke when you're nervous).
    4. Ask friends and relatives. If you want to know how others perceive you, ask friends and family how they would describe you. But remember that no one knows you better than yourself.

      • It's important to consider what other people say, but they judge everything through the lens of their experience, and everyone's experience is different. Your mother may say that you are unkempt and fussy, and your friends may say that you are collected and calm.
      • Sum up everything your friends and family say and then draw your own conclusions. If everyone says you're stingy, you might want to think about it (and work on improving the situation).
    5. Remember that your personality may change. People change with time and experience. The person you are now will be different from the person you will be in 10 years. When analyzing your personality, do not forget that things can change.

    6. Try to live in harmony with yourself. You have strengths and weaknesses, positive and negative traits. Accept all parts of yourself. Enjoy the ones you like and work on the ones you don't, but never beat yourself up for who you are.

      • Of course you have weaknesses, but you also strengths you have them too, and your weaknesses can be overcome. In fact, weaknesses may even be strengths that you might not immediately consider.

To form an opinion about a person, it is enough to simply characterize him, that is, choose words that characterize the person. What words, arguments or beliefs are suitable for this? For example, the formulation of qualities: he is serious, attentive, responsive, skillful, dexterous. And the attitude towards a person is completely different from these words. Words define a lot. The content of words is important for a person, his true face and his perception of reality. How to characterize a person? So let's take a look:

What characterizes a person?

It is necessary to write down the individual qualities of a person, which undoubtedly characterize him as a person. What is he like?

  • Creativity: a person is able to think creatively and find a way out of hopeless situations.
  • Pedantry: a person is able to follow clear rules and instructions. He strictly adheres to their implementation.
  • Neatness: a person is able to always be neat and clean.
  • Workaholism: capable of working long hours.
  • Diligence: a person is able to fulfill all requirements from above and all instructions.
  • Organizer: able to organize the work process and any holiday.
  • Skills to develop oral or written communication.
  • What grades did you get?
  • Selfishness: a person thinks only about himself and his desires.
  • Altruism: a person thinks about others.
  • His temperament. A person's temperament is characterized by his physiology.

Characterize the context and external environment

  • Complete, single-parent or intelligent family
  • Relationships with people are friendly or conflictual
  • Personality temperament: choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine
  • Extrovert or introvert
  • Compliance with personal goals and public interests in society
  • Whether the employee is in the public interest.
  • How he compares his goals socially.
  • how his goals are achieved.
  • Is the person expected to move up the career ladder, career growth?

Adjectives that characterize a person

What adjectives characterize a person? Let's give examples of adjectives. So:

  • Adjectives of masculinity: dexterous, strong, strong, courageous.
  • Adjectives of ability: resourceful, attentive, intelligent, quick-witted
  • Adjectives labor discipline: lazy, hardworking, active, initiative
  • Personality adjectives: friendly, decent, attentive, caring, hyperactive, mercantile and so on.
  • Adjectives that characterize character accentuation: hysteroid type, hyperthymic, asthenoneurotic, psychasthenic, schizoid, and so on.

Qualities that characterize a person

What characterizes a person as a person? Such qualities include, for example: business acumen, determination, perseverance in achieving goals, in finding a way out of any conflict situations, natural intelligence and delicacy, intuition, adequate assessment of the situation.

Qualities that characterize a person must be used not only in a resume, interview, or for a special reference, for promotion career ladder– words that define personality traits are necessary for all of us. Because we are people and because we have a need for them. What kind of words are these? Words are compliments, words that help to understand the essence of a person, his character, ambitions and temperament. Let's look at them. Traits that characterize a person:

Here, accentuations of a person’s character may be suitable, by which one can understand the dominant character of a person:

  1. Hysterical or demonstrative type. Its features: egocentrism, selfishness, the need for recognition of actions and personal characteristics, thirst for attention.
  2. Hyperthymic type. Its main features: sociability, mobility, independence.
  3. Asthenoneurotic type – anxiety, fatigue when communicating, irritability
  4. Psychosthenic type - indecision, love of introspection, and endless reasoning
  5. Schizoid type - isolation, detachment from what is happening around, unsociability.
  6. Sensitive - timidity, shyness, touchiness, sensitivity, impressionability.
  7. Epileptoid or excitable – sad and angry mood. Low speed of thinking, emotional inertia, scrupulousness, conservatism.
  8. Emotionally labile - constantly changing mood.
  9. An infantile dependent is an eternal child who does not take responsibility for his actions and prefers to delegate them to others.
  10. Unstable type - craving for entertainment, pleasure, idleness, lack of will, weakness, cowardice

The thing is that all words, traits, qualities, adjectives that characterize a person are conditional. Why? What does this mean? The following: firstly, everything is subjective. Who assesses that Vasya is weak and Petya is strong? Who are the judges? All opinions, all definitions and views on life are conditional. It is impossible to simply think according to a certain type. Because for one beloved or one boss, Vasya is the most best husband or an employee who fits his psychotype, but for another boss with a different temperament, the same Vasya is an unsuitable employee, an inept organizer. Because there is no person on earth so objective as to label one person and not label another. Because, no matter how objective and philosophical thinking person, a wise and understanding psychologist, he is not able to assess the situation with the degree of objectivity that this person possibly needs! And our task is to attract people who shine with us on the same wavelength.

Each of us has positive and negative qualities, the unique combination of which determines character. The more in a person good features, the faster he gets along with people, the easier his life is.

It is natural that ideal people does not happen, but nature has a good and bright beginning in everyone. To achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you, it is absolutely necessary to develop positive character traits. Their list contains many items, besides different people have their own views on this matter, but there are universal qualities that are equally valued (in society) and make a person better. Let's try to list and characterize some of them.

How and when is character formed? Dependence on temperament

According to psychologists, personality is largely influenced by individual characteristics of temperament. Depending on which type predominates in a person and how they combine and interact, the basic qualities of character can be determined.

For example, choleric people are characterized by hot temper and imbalance, while sanguine people are characterized by restlessness and activity. However, if temperament is given to everyone from birth and is unchangeable, then character needs to be developed and nurtured.

For example, the innate calm and equanimity of a phlegmatic person can manifest itself both as excessive slowness and useful and, undoubtedly, positive determination, perseverance and accuracy. Moreover, character is formed in very early childhood, so it needs to be raised as early as possible.

Inheritance of character and characteristics of upbringing

It is a fairly common belief that positive and negative character traits can be inherited. Many even give examples of how children and grandchildren display the same qualities as members of the older generation. But, according to psychologists, education still plays a much larger role. After all, it is the family that becomes the place where the first values ​​and principles are instilled.

Adults, by their example, show a child from the very first months of his life how he can and cannot behave, laying the foundations of politeness and decency. Those character traits that are valued by parents become important for their children. This could be hard work, responsibility, or, for example, cheerfulness and friendliness.

The connection between character and nationality

Many scientists are actively studying the dependence of basic personal qualities on a person’s belonging to a particular nation. They managed to substantiate quite convincingly that in different countries their own types of character develop.

It is known that the mentality has been formed for more than one century; it largely depends on the characteristics of culture, the history of philosophy and other factors. We can even talk about climate. Thus, representatives of northern peoples tend to accumulate energy. Hence some slowness and thoroughness. Residents of warm southern countries, on the contrary, generously waste energy, they are characterized by ardor and temperament. And, for example, positive features The character inherent in representatives of the Slavic peoples is generosity, cordiality, and a tendency to self-sacrifice.

What is commonly understood as positive traits?

The list of good qualities includes many items. However, everyone will have their own list. However, no one will argue that a person’s success in life directly depends on character. personal life and career, his relationships with friends and relatives, and, ultimately, his attitude and perception of himself.

Positive personality traits make life easier and happier. Negative ones, on the contrary, harm primarily the individual himself.

It is quite difficult to classify a person’s good qualities in any way, because they are closely interconnected. However, in order to make it easier to list and characterize them, we will try to distribute them into several groups. After all, in order to build strong relationships or succeed at work, different personal qualities. In addition to this, there are also main character traits, without which a person, in principle, cannot be considered positive. We can probably start with them.

Universal qualities

The list of top positive qualities can start with politeness. After all, an ill-mannered, rude, boorish person will not be able to achieve success in any area of ​​life. Politeness, based on basic rules of etiquette, familiar to everyone since childhood, and respectful attitude towards others is what makes us human.

Honor is one of the qualities that makes us a person. This is true nobility of soul, the ability to strictly follow one’s moral principles, without betraying them even in the most difficult life situations, the desire to behave with dignity and always remain human.

Justice is a manifestation of character that helps you be honest with yourself and others. Such a person strives to do the right thing and always remains true to his ideals, openly advocating for what he believes to be right.

Reliability is another of the traits necessary for both harmony in your personal life and career success. A person who has this quality will fulfill his promise, no matter how difficult it may be, and will do his job regardless of others. You can rely on it in any situation, which is why reliability is so valued.

Bravery and bravery, self-confidence are undoubtedly positive qualities. After all, a coward will not be able to achieve any height and maintain it. And heroes and daredevils remain in our hearts and memories for many centuries.

Positive qualities for relationships with other people

Character indicators that have a direct impact on our relationships with other people are undoubtedly important for each of us. After all, a person cannot live in isolation from the collective. One of the most important qualities is friendliness. Such a person treats others warmly, is always ready to help his friends, and does not wish harm to anyone.

Closely related to it are attentiveness, responsiveness and the ability to empathize. These good qualities of a person help him to establish harmonious relationships with loved ones. After all, sincere attention to people and the ability to understand their problems are much more valuable than any gifts.

Sincerity and truthfulness are qualities that have always been worth their weight in gold. A genuine, honest attitude towards others characterizes a person from the best side.

Friendliness and openness are two more character traits that help you get along with others and find new friends. Such a person quickly establishes relationships and easily maintains them.

Do not forget about such qualities as hospitality and generosity. Such a person shares his time, things and good mood. Offers shelter and food without demanding anything in return. Welcomes guests into your home in a way that makes them feel important and important.

Many more can be added to these qualities. Here are just a few: loyalty, tolerance, generosity, devotion, tact and many others. Possessing these qualities makes a person attractive in the eyes of others.

Qualities that influence success in life and career

The list of positive traits that have a significant impact on success, including in the business sphere, can be opened with such a quality as determination. A person who possesses it knows how to make plans and translate them into reality. He is not distracted by minor details and confidently moves towards his goal.

Activity is also a positive character quality, indispensable in the business sphere. No wonder they say that water does not flow under a lying stone. An active person will not wait for favors from Providence, but builds his own destiny with his own hands, without fear of mistakes and failures.

Accuracy and conscientiousness are two more character traits that have a significant impact on success in business life and beyond. This is the ability to accurately and diligently complete a given task, not forgetting about the smallest details. Neat people are attentive not only to their appearance, but also to their official duties, performing them conscientiously.

A positive person, if we talk about his career, is not only efficient, but also proactive. This quality presupposes the ability to make one’s contribution to the common cause and show one’s best side, without waiting for instructions from superiors, to look for new, non-standard ways to solve certain problems.

The modern world requires considerable organizational abilities from a person. Moreover, this will be useful not only for people in leadership positions. The ability to captivate with your idea, organize the work process, inspire and encourage action is valued in any situation and in every team.

Flexibility also characterizes a person the most in the best possible way. We are talking about the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and respect the decisions of superiors. However, in any situation you should not compromise with your own conscience.

Character traits that improve quality of life

Gratitude and satisfaction are qualities that allow a person to be grateful to life for everything that happens to him. This is the ability to rejoice at every gift of fate, no matter what it brought. Such a person is not afraid to show close people how much he appreciates them, he thanks every new day and has every chance to achieve harmony and become happy.

The ability to judge yourself and your actions is a truly inherent quality to a strong man. Only with the help of an impartial assessment can you avoid mistakes and achieve success in life.

The ability to forgive is a trait that is not found very often today, but is necessary for full life. Such people do not harbor or remember grievances, they simply let them go. The ability to sincerely forgive and not hold a grudge is a quality inherent in a happy person.

Good quality and floor

Positive and negative qualities largely depend on gender. After all, the requirements for men and women are sometimes radically different, as are the types of character inherent in them.

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are expected to be reliable, self-confident, and decisive. A real man ready to support and help with solving any difficulties, you can always rely on him, he is brave and resilient.

Here's a typical one female character, examples of which can be found not only in life, but also in films or books, is usually portrayed as completely different. For girls, such qualities as tenderness, patience, kindness, caring and the like are much more valuable.

A real woman is, first of all, a continuator of the family, a keeper of the family, a loving mother and wife. Moreover, some qualities that are positive for girls become completely unacceptable if a man possesses them and vice versa. For example, meekness adorns a woman, but not a man. And excessive persistence or desperate courage will suit you young man, but are unlikely to be useful to a girl.

How to develop and nurture good qualities?

As mentioned above, it is necessary to cultivate your personality from the very beginning. early childhood- At first the parents do this, later - the school. But even in adulthood it is possible and even necessary to develop your good qualities. After all, true strength of character lies not only in what is inherent in childhood, but also to a much greater extent in what is acquired through long-term self-improvement. How can this be achieved?

    First of all, you need to soberly evaluate yourself and determine which positive and negative character traits predominate. This is necessary in order to find out in which direction to move, what to develop, and what to eradicate.

    After a person chooses those qualities that, in his opinion, need to be cultivated in character, it is necessary to answer another important question: “What is this for?” Perhaps he lacks the determination and activity to properly express himself at work, or he is not brave enough, and this interferes with his personal life.

    Positive example plays an important role in character development. Therefore, in the next step, it would be a good idea to choose a famous historical or fictional figure who has necessary qualities and imagine yourself in their place, imagine how this person would behave in a given situation.

    And, of course, practice is of paramount importance. It is impossible to cultivate any trait in yourself, be it determination, courage or accuracy, without demonstrating it. In other words, you need to gradually accustom yourself to behave in a new way. And even if this manifests itself at first only in small things, later the acquired habit will become an element of character.

It is important to cultivate different traits in yourself equally, paying attention to all facets of your personality. Only then will development be harmonious and complete. However, when educating yourself, you need to remember about moderation. After all, some positive character traits can easily become negative.

You can often observe how, for example, caution borders on cowardice, thriftiness borders on stinginess, and excessive cheerfulness borders on frivolity. Moreover, for almost any life situation you can look from different sides and see how closely good and evil, good and bad, both in man and in the whole world, coexist.

Do not forget that there are no completely ideal people, but you still need to try to ensure that positive character traits prevail over negative ones. The desire for excellence, constant self-development, the desire to help those in need - this is what makes a person truly positive. And you will see how people around you become kinder.

We talk about the main character traits and what they depend on. Read how to determine character by facial features in our material.

The main character traits of a person influence not only the formation of his personality, but also relationships with other people, building a career and mutual understanding in the family. A person’s qualities and their importance cannot be ignored when you choose your life path. You need to be able to identify strengths and understand that there may also be weaknesses that need to be improved. Then you can become comprehensively and personally developed person, who can conquer more than one peak.

Character Traits of a Successful Person

Let’s look at what qualities there are and what are in a successful adult in order. First of all, let's clarify what character is. After all, we are talking about a set of traits that are constant. It is a person’s traits that influence his behavior, attitude towards others and himself, as well as towards work and the world around him. The description of character from the point of view of psychology focuses on individual indicators by which reactions, behavior and actions can be predicted and predicted. For example, a desire to learn new things, sociability and openness instill in a person a desire to travel.

A character trait is one of the most important components of a personality, since it contains the basis of a person, as well as a way of solving problems. It is difficult to list an exact list of traits with explanations. We are born with some traits, while others acquire them throughout life (and they are the most changeable). A person’s character is not only a list of individual traits, but also an entire psychological system.

List of persistent traits and their relationship to various systems like this:

Trait, manifestation

In relation to yourself

Selfishness, demandingness, modesty, self-sufficiency, criticality

With other people

Openness-closedness, honesty-lies, rudeness-politeness

Hard work and laziness, initiative and passivity, formality and responsibility

To the outside world

Accuracy, negligence

Also, the division of character traits occurs according to the principle of cognition or emotionality:

  • Intellectual skills include criticality, thirst for knowledge, resourcefulness, analyticalness, flexibility and practicality;
  • emotional include passion, sentimentality, impressionability;
  • strong-willed include confidence, courage, uncertainty, perseverance;
  • Moral values ​​include kindness, openness, deceit, cruelty, and humanity.

To make it easier to explain human behavior and his actions, psychologists divided traits into instrumental and motivational. In the first case, we are talking about one’s own style, unsurpassedness, and in the second case, about what motivates a person and forces him to perform this or that action.

It's no secret that a person develops in society. In this regard, traits are divided into typical and individual. By typical we mean a set of standard qualities that are inherent in a certain group of people (family, team, population of one city). If a certain trait is used by a person most often, sometimes in non-standard situations, then it becomes individual and distinguishes the person from the rest.

Positive character traits of a person

The list of positive and good character traits of a person may differ, depending on what type of communication we're talking about. So, in work the following are considered positive qualities:

  • determination;
  • persistence;
  • responsibility;
  • hard work;
  • organization;
  • attentiveness.

When communicating with other people, such traits as honesty, openness, humanity, tolerance, justice, loyalty and sociability are important. Only with such manifestations can you build strong and fulfilling relationships with other people. In the process of personality formation Special attention pay attention to morality and humanity. Distortion of these features or a large number of shortcomings cannot allow a person to develop. When compiling a list for your resume, you should indicate your positive traits, which are important for the employer:

  • perseverance;
  • determination;
  • responsibility;
  • honesty;
  • communication skills;
  • stress resistance;
  • attention to detail and perfectionism;
  • self-criticism;
  • hard work.

Negative character traits of a person

Negative and negative character traits of a person are formed if the attitude towards oneself is better than towards other people. Speaking about what bad qualities there are, we can highlight the following:

  • pride, self-confidence;
  • selfishness;
  • laziness;
  • irresponsibility;
  • envy;
  • stinginess;
  • contempt;
  • coarseness;
  • aggression.

The more negative qualities are developed, and the less attention a person pays to self-improvement, which is fraught with conflicts with the outside world.

Human character based on facial features

How to determine and how to recognize a person’s character by facial features? After all, not everyone knows that by thin lips or the shape of the eyes one can determine what quality is inherent in us, how we can act in a given situation. You can recognize features by the shape of your face:

  • Confidence is determined by the ratio of the width and length of the face. If the width is less than 60% of the length, then we are talking about cautious and unsure people;
  • Friendliness can be determined by the position of the eyebrows. For example, if the eyebrow line is higher, then we are talking about increased facial expressions and sociability;
  • wide eyes are characteristic of people who more often forgive other people's mistakes and mistakes;
  • a small distance between the upper lip and nose is typical for people with a sense of humor, but sometimes jokes are taken personally. a long distance speaks of sarcasticness, flatness of humor;
  • full lips indicate a more open and sociable person, while thin lips indicate isolation and secrecy;
  • a thick fold on the eyelid is characteristic of individuals who have analytical thinking, and a thin fold or its absence is characteristic of those who impulsively perform actions;
  • Charismatic individuals have a deeper and more unusual eye color.

The shape of a face can tell just as much about its owner. For example, a round face is found in more emotional, sexual individuals with whom you can build a serious relationship. Egoistic, practical and methodical people have an oval face shape, but it is difficult to build relationships with them. Triangular face in hot-tempered and creative people. Square - for smart, aggressive and dominant people.

It is also worth paying attention to such facial features that indicate the presence of certain qualities:

  • creative people have a curved forehead, and progressive ones have a straight forehead;
  • thin eyebrows for indecisive individuals, thick eyebrows for persistent and decisive ones;
  • expressive eyes of responsive and good people, small for nervous ones;
  • Closely spaced eyes indicate good reaction and concentration; widely spaced eyes are characteristic of people with a broad outlook;
  • a straight nose is characteristic of individuals who are distinguished by kindness, warmth, they set a high bar for themselves, and a large nose speaks of rage. An upturned nose occurs in sociable people, and a hump on the nose occurs in strong-willed individuals;
  • modest people have small mouths, and talkative people have big mouths;
  • full lips for sensitive people, small ones for egoists, raised corners indicate optimism, and downturned ones indicate that the person is almost impossible to please;
  • A sociable person has wrinkles around the eyes, and wrinkles between the eyebrows indicate determination and hard work.

And these are not all the ways to learn about a person’s qualities and behavior without personal communication. There are traits that are determined alphabetically (letters in the first and last name), by date of birth, there is even a connection with certain diseases and favorite shades. So, if a person loves yellow, then he is characterized by optimism, openness and honesty, and lovers of purple are sensitive, emotional and not understood by everyone.

All these factors together leave an imprint on our personality. We no longer have to talk about ourselves and go through psychological tests, so that you can understand what kind of person we are talking about. A wrinkle on the forehead, favorite shade, eye shape, smile, zodiac sign and clothing preferences can describe everything. A little more attention to those who surround us, and it will become easier to find a common language or see hidden qualities. Everything is in our hands, or rather, the eyes, face shape and lips.

Many people try to work on themselves throughout their lives, eliminating their bad qualities and developing good ones.

Let's look at the positive character traits of a person in the form of a list to make it more clear. what to work on.

What is character and what is it formed from?

Character- this is a set of stable mental traits of a personality that affect any of its activities and behavior.

It determines her attitude towards the world around her and other people, towards activities, towards herself.

9 qualities of a person to whom people are drawn:

Typical and individual

In character, individual and typical traits can be distinguished.

Individual traits are determined psychological properties the individual, his temperament, as well as his attitude to life that developed during his upbringing.

Typical Personality traits are determined primarily by the content of the era in which a person lives, as well as by his place of residence.

That is, the formation of these personality traits is influenced by the individual’s lifestyle.

What are the positive character traits?

Among women

The positive character traits inherent mainly in women and girls include the following:

In men

Positive character traits that apply specifically to men include the following:

Qualities of a real man:

In children

In the process of education and socialization are just beginning to acquire character traits.

Therefore, right now there is an opportunity to focus on positive qualities, such as:

  1. Goodwill. This quality will help you build relationships with others, attract people to you, and will also be useful later in life.
  2. Politeness. This quality will help the child communicate with both peers and adults.
  3. Honesty. This quality must be instilled in a child from an early age so that he knows that lying and deceiving is bad.
  4. Responsiveness. A very useful character trait. Man of heart always attractive in the eyes of others.
  5. Hard work. A child must be taught to work, otherwise he will grow up lazy and careless.
  6. Accuracy. Sloppy people cause some rejection in society.
  7. Bravery. A child should not be fearful. Therefore, instill in him courage, the ability to perform actions.
  8. Responsibility. This quality will help him not to shift his affairs and problems onto other people, but to take them upon himself.

    It will help him both at school and later in life.

  9. Determination. Determined people are able to achieve more in life, everything comes easier to them. Therefore, this quality is also positive for the child.

List for resume

This situation has probably happened to you when you came for an interview, received the applicant’s questionnaire, reached the “positive qualities” column and We didn’t know what to write here at all.

What qualities are worth highlighting?

To begin with, we note that the qualities must be useful for the position for which you are applying. And if you do not yet have experience in such work, then you should focus primarily on your prospects and potential.

It is difficult to create a universal list of positive character traits to create the perfect resume. We can only note the main qualities that employers most often pay attention to.

But you should choose them based on each specific company and position.

So, positive characteristics for resume:

However, it should be noted that it is not enough to simply list these qualities, you should really have them.

Yes, some of them cannot be shown immediately, and they will open only during the work process.

But if you write about self-confidence, but in reality you are talking to an employer hesitant and shy, then this will further distance you from your desired position. There is no point in ascribing to yourself qualities that you do not actually possess.

The presence of positive character traits in a person has big influence on the quality of his life. That's why it's like that it is important to develop them in yourself.

Your weaknesses and strengths for an interview:



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