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My right hand itches on Saturday. Why is my right hand itching? Hands have great energy power

Believed to be itchy right hand to meet someone - you will have to greet other people with this hand. But this is only one of the signs about itchy palms; there are also ones related to money and shopping.

Itchy - wait for a meeting

  • The most popular sign warns of important meetings. Most likely you may meet someone you haven’t seen for a long time. There will be a chance to renew a relationship with an old friend with whom you quarreled many years ago.
  • May indicate arrival of relatives. The more your palm itches, the farther away the relatives who will come live. No one can guarantee that the meeting will go well and that these guests will be welcome.
  • TO business meeting will soon happen to a customer, supplier, client who has been waiting for a long time. No one can guarantee that everything will happen the best way. It will depend on your actions.

When the right one itches for finances

It can not only talk about cash receipts. If your right hand itches constantly and this is not caused by any illness, rejoice, because it’s time to wait for the money to arrive (there will be a small increase in salary, monetary incentives in the form of pocket money, a small win in the lottery).

There is a slightly modified interpretation of the sign - the more the palm itches, the greater the amount received. If not only the palm itches, but also the elbow and forearm, the profit will be simply colossal.

The difference in the signs for different hands is that if the left one itches, you can already start thinking about where you will spend your money. But if the right one is itchy, then you first need to sweat a little, doing Simoron ritual attracting money.

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First, visualize the situation in which the money came. Present several options for receiving cash incentives. Clench your right palm into a fist, kiss it and imagine how happy you are that you now have this money in your hands. Now put your fist in your pocket and straighten your palm there. People who trust Simoron rituals believe that this is an effective way to attract money.

There is another similar ritual. Use your palm to rub the red wooden object vigorously. This will attract positive energy and money.

Interpretation of itchy hands by day of the week

My right hand itches on Monday

Will happen an important event, it will be connected with family and relatives. The events will be followed by a ceremonial meal. Therefore, most often this is interpreted as a harbinger of engagement and wedding, wedding, pregnancy, birth of a child, christening. It can also mean a meeting with relatives whom you haven’t seen for a very long time.


Indicates the receipt of money. Funds can come from anywhere (a new source of income, relatives will give, debt will be repaid). It can also indicate the completion of something.

If for a long time you didn’t know how to end a relationship, leave a job you hate, express everything to a person you don’t like communicating with - you can do this, as a result of which you will bring everything to its logical conclusion. It is possible that such behavior will have a positive impact on your financial situation.


  • One of the superstitions promises losses and thoughtless spending, which can hit your wallet hard. At the same time, it is impossible to prevent spending; it will happen, no matter how hard you try to save.
  • There is another interpretation - the money will be spent, but before that it will suddenly, unplannedly fall into your hands. As the saying goes, “easy come, easy go.” The purchases made will not affect the budget as a whole. Perhaps you will simply spend this amount.


If on this day you started sneezing, then your palm itched, and finally bit your tongue, the day promises to be very stressful. Even if at least one of these phenomena happened, there would be no luck in the coming days.

In a similar way higher power warn about problems. Keep your mouth shut. Remember, each person has his own truth and you cannot convince everyone.

An itchy right hand can mean a showdown, even a fight. Therefore, try to avoid communicating with conflicting people and do not raise topics that may offend someone.


  • Itchy right elbow, palm, shoulder - expect guests. Relatives or friends will decide to casually drop in for a visit, and fate provides an opportunity to prepare for the reception.
  • If you have a romantic date scheduled for this day, you can be sure that it will go well.
  • If you are single, on this day it is possible to meet your soulmate who can make you happy.


Promises a trip. Most likely this will be a long business trip or even relocation. While traveling, you may meet a person who will play an important role in your destiny. You should not argue or conflict with someone on the way; this will attract failure for a long time.


Itching in the right hand on the last day of the week is also associated with the trip. This time you will go on vacation, and the journey will be pleasant, the road is fast and easy. If you go on a trip alone, there is a chance to meet your soulmate on vacation. This will not be a short-term romance; passion will develop into a serious relationship.

It turns out that itching in the right hand can warn not only about meetings, but also about travel and material receipts. Do not ignore such signs - forewarned is forearmed.

Does not exist scientific evidence effectiveness of folk signs. However, many of them have been effectively “working” for many millennia. That's why modern people very often they are interested in the meaning of this or that sign.

A large number of signs are associated not only with natural phenomena, but also with the person himself. So, a very interesting sign related to why it itches right palm or, on the contrary, the hand on the left.

According to many “magicians” and psychics, the palms are a strong energy area. However, if the right palm itches, then this will have one meaning, and if it itches left palm, then a person may receive a completely different answer to his questions.

Due to the high energy properties of human palms, our ancestors treated their hands with great care and attention, as they were firmly convinced that they contained creative power. In some ways they are really right, because unique works painting, sculpture, architecture, cooking and much more are created by human hands.

If a person’s right hand is the working hand, then its very itchy palm symbolizes a strong desire to “let off steam,” that is, to get rid of anger, irritation, malice and other negativity.

In this case, you just need to find an effective way to get out of it, for example, by playing sports or doing handicrafts.

Another answer to the question, the right palm itches, what is it for, is associated with the approach of a new acquaintance or a pleasant meeting. In order not to frighten off this event, you should not immediately scratch your palm; it is more advisable to simply clench your hand into a fist and put it in your pocket.

But if the upcoming meeting is negative, then you can redirect the energy by simply rinsing your hands under a stream of cool water, that is, eliminating the reasons why your palm itches.

The meaning of itching by time of day

The human body accumulates information at many levels, including energy flows. This happens all day long. But the manifestation of such signals as, for example, the right palm itching, usually occurs in the morning or evening.

In the case when the right hand begins to itch in the evening or closer to night, this should be taken as a hint of what will most likely happen tomorrow. In order for these events to be positive, even if your palm itches a lot, you need to scratch it from right to left, and then just kiss it. And, of course, you should get a good night's sleep and rest in order to be cheerful and energetic the next day.

If your hands itch, especially the right one, in the morning, it means that we're talking about about an upcoming trip and/or meeting, for which you should prepare carefully, carefully considering the route and method of transportation. Also, morning itching can “bless” the purchase of equipment or expensive clothes, while you don’t need to worry about the money spent, the costs will soon be compensated.

Quite a lot of statements are associated with the fact that the right palm itches precisely to receive financial profit. In order to receive money for various needs in the near future and ensure one hundred percent fulfillment of the omen, our ancestors advised scratching the edge of the palm on some wooden surface, for example, on the bottom surface of a table.

Also, if your right palm itches, it will be very effective the following methods:

  • take a handful of coins in your hand;
  • hold any banknote in your fist;
  • place a red rag or red object in the palm of your hand (especially for pregnant women).

This folk sign, which answers the question, the right palm itches, what is it for, very often implies a financial component, perhaps that is why the common man “likes” it.

Itching of the right hand by day of the week

Several cases of why the right palm itches were discussed above, but the sign has additional meanings for the days of the week. Of course, there is no scientific explanation for why the right palm itches on Monday or Friday and what to do about it, but many Natok argue that the sign is almost always right.

  • If the palm of your right hand itches on Monday, it means, work week will fly by unnoticed, and all business and negotiations will go “like clockwork.” Also, itching of the right palm in women can promise a pleasant romantic meeting.
  • On Tuesday the explanatory reason is an invitation to a holiday towards the end of the week.
  • If you want to scratch your right or left palm on Wednesday, then on this day you should be more careful with your wallet, it may be lost, unreasonable spending, or you will have to pay off debts.
  • If it itches on Thursday, then you should expect the speedy return of your loved one.
  • In cases where the right or left palm itched on Friday, then separation from loved ones, alas, will be inevitable.
  • Causes of itching on Saturday very pleasant - girls should prepare for a passionate and stormy date.
  • Why does my right palm itch? on Sunday? Either to the appearance of a rich patron, or to a quarrel with a close friend.

When answering the question why your left or right hand itches on a certain day of the week, you should remember that the above signs can be transferred to left-handed people, in which case all these meanings will manifest themselves when their left palm itches.

Folk signs are mysterious. There is almost never any logic in them. Sometimes they are confusing and contradictory. But people still trust them to this day. And even among skeptics there will be someone who occasionally still believes in superstition and omens. So why do your hands and fingers itch?

The right side of the body is considered honest, truthful, associated with positive events and goodness. By Christian traditions, behind the right side of a person there is an angel who warns him against mistakes and pushes his ward to the right decisions. The Church does not support omens in any way and says that you should not believe them.

The most predictable sign sounds like this: “If your right hand itches, then soon you will say hello.” This sign does not raise any questions for anyone, because almost everyone, when meeting, extends their right hand to greet. But it's not that simple. In order for the sign to be fully understood, it is worth clarifying the place and day of the week when it happened.

  1. If it itches thumb right hand, then you should expect big luck. You can calmly make important meetings and serious negotiations, buy lottery tickets. Fortune is on your side during this period. In order for everything to go according to plan, you just need to act with complete confidence that success will definitely be achieved.
  2. If it itches forefinger, then excellent achievements in your studies or career await you. These events will take place in the near future.
  3. An itchy middle finger is a good sign. It foretells material wealth.
  4. The ring finger also promises you quick material well-being.
  5. Why does the little finger on my right hand itch? But this finger, no matter how sad it may sound, foreshadows big troubles that will soon disappear.

Interpretations by day of the week

It is important to know what day of the week your itching began:

Itching site

The location of the itch plays a very important role:

Left hand itches

They say that behind the left shoulder there is a devil who pushes each of us to do bad things and predicts nasty things. You shouldn’t be fooled by his teasing and be afraid of signs, but it won’t hurt to notice them. The left hand tells about big life changes. Most likely, you will not have the easiest period. But if you still emerge as a winner, you can count on good encouragement.

If your fingers are itchy

In addition to the palm, your fingers may itch. Each of them also has a specific meaning:

Various parts of the body may itch:

If before important negotiations a man begins to itch left hand, then the meeting will be successful. Fortune will smile on him. But for a girl who is not yet married, the pen promises a meeting with her beloved and a further engagement with him.

This question interests many. There are a lot of ambiguous answers to this. Some argue that the left hand is itching for money, and the right hand is itching for acquaintance. And foreign Feng Shui talks about the circulation of money - the left hand spends money, and the right hand receives it. This rule is only valid for males. For women, it should be interpreted exactly the opposite. But any hand portends you material profit if you follow some rituals:

  1. In order for money to understand where it needs to move, you should scratch your hand from your fingertips to your wrist.
  2. You need to squeeze the bill in your hand and put your fist under your arm.
  3. You need to scratch your palm on a tree, any red object, or on a pocket.
  4. Tap it on the crown.
  5. Kiss the top of the hand clenched into a fist.

So why is your left wrist or hand itching? This sign means that someone intends to control you or openly subjugate you. To do this, a person will use various levers of influence, starting with playing on a sense of duty or guilt and ending with open threats.

But the right side foreshadows important positive life changes for you.

Everyone has heard more than once about those who like to fight, the expression “itchy fists.” These unpleasant feelings are a signal that a person has accumulated a lot of aggression that wants to come out. And it should be released as soon as possible. There is no need to delay this event. Otherwise, this can lead to undesirable consequences: at the most unnecessary moment: you can lash out at people important to you and upset them. Try to throw out your anger using a home rug or pillow. You can go to the boxing gym.

How to scare away bad predictions

About what to do so that it doesn’t happen financial losses, we have already told. But what about other signs?

  1. Any bad sign, which is connected to the hands, will help remove the gold ring. All you have to do is put it on your itchy hand.
  2. If your left hand itches to leave, then you need to go to the window and blow on your open palm. After this, say the following phrase three times: “Have an easy road.” This will make the road easier loved one and will bring the meeting closer.
  3. If you are afraid of illness after your armpit area itches, then buy yourself something new. It has long been believed that such a sign can turn into both evil and good. If you have time, you yourself will be able to turn it in the required direction.

Tip or base of finger

If suddenly there is an itch at the base of your finger, then you are waiting for a meeting with a person whom you know very well and have certain feelings for him.

But if the tip of your finger is itchy, then you should expect to meet someone interesting. Most likely you will have best friend, with whom you will have a lot in common.

Experts' opinion

In addition to signs, itching can be caused by various diseases and psychological problems.

Pay attention to where exactly your hand itches and how long the itching lasts. Perhaps you should turn to specialists, and not to signs.

Attention, TODAY only!

In our technological and high-speed age, we continue to be at the mercy of various signs and superstitions. Man has always been attracted and alarmed by supernatural, inexplicable things. Most people believe in omens. They have a huge influence on us since childhood. Even people who do not take magic seriously involuntarily pay attention to superstitions. We rejoice good signs and run away from the bad ones. Today we will find out why the right hand itches, the signs that our ancestors believed in.

Why does your right hand itch on Monday?

The sign of itching in the right hand is one of the most popular among our people. This is a sign with a bright positive connotation - it promises only good events. A pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance is what makes the finger on your right hand itchy on Monday. It could be old friend, whom you have been missing for a long time, a relative or acquaintance. Whoever it is, the date promises to be warm and cordial. The sign promises a successful day, without any incidents.

Whether signs can be taken seriously is something everyone decides for themselves. Many psychologists confirm the subconscious influence of omens on our daily life. We associate certain physical sensations with subsequent events, cementing this connection on a subconscious level. For example, when our hand itches and we soon meet an acquaintance, the sign will become firmly entrenched in our subconscious. The next time our hand itches, we will unconsciously expect to meet someone we know. If this happens again, the sign will become even more firmly entrenched in the mind.

Why does your right hand itch on Tuesday?

I wonder why the finger on my right hand itches on Tuesday? This sign can be considered more than successful. Usually it promises an unexpected cash flow. Perhaps this is the return of old debts, a promotion at work, a bonus, winning the lottery, an inheritance or an unexpected find. Why does the thumb of the right hand itch: good luck in any matters related to finance, or big win. It would be a shame not to believe in such a promising sign. What it will definitely provide is positive attitude. A positive thinking will definitely change your day for the better. A person can subconsciously choose decisions that will lead him to the desired result.

Our people have many signs that are associated with itching. Some of them can be called cheerful, some promise a not very positive future. They say that if you have itchy lips, you will participate in big scandal. The eyes most often itch towards sadness. The nose itches to drink or feast, some interpretations say that to a fight. Itching in the forehead foreshadows a meeting with a big boss or politician. There is also a purely female belief - if your breasts itch, it means someone is jealous of you.

Why is your right hand itching on Wednesday?

But if your right hand itches on Wednesday, you will most likely have to part with your money. It is not at all necessary to interpret this sign in dark tones. Perhaps a pleasant purchase awaits you and spending money will bring you joy. Donating to charity, helping relatives, paying off a loan, making a big purchase - this is what the ring finger of your right hand itches on Wednesday.

Beliefs related to finance can be explained quite simply. When a person starts having problems with money, he gets nervous. This provokes physical symptoms such as itching in the right hand or fingers. Palms and fingers often itch due to nervousness. If you owe someone money and will have to repay the debt in the near future, then the itching in your hand is understandable.

Sometimes, people who believe in omens perform a series of certain actions in order for the omen to come true faster, or, conversely, never to become a reality. Such actions can be called small rituals. For example, to avoid a scandal when your lip itches, you need to hit yourself on the lips with your left hand three times. To avoid tears when your eye itches, you need to scratch it three times with your fist. And if your hand itches, you need to scratch it on a wooden object so that the money does not go away.

Why does your right hand itch on Thursday?

If your right hand itches on Thursday, wait for guests and prepare snacks. Most likely, people you haven’t seen for a long time will come. This is a sign for unexpected guests. An unexpected guest on the doorstep is what makes the thumb of your right hand itchy. If your fingers are itchy on Thursday, prepare a snack or don't open the door for anyone. The sign is silent about whether the visit will be pleasant or not. But if you love guests, you can start preparing the cake. This is what my right hand is itching for; signs can explain the arrival of unexpected guests.

But you shouldn’t take every physical manifestation of your body as a sign. Your hand may itch not only for money, but also for allergies. And the eye twitches not in anticipation of a meeting, but as a result of nervous overstrain. You cannot explain your physical well-being solely by superstitions. This way you can miss warning signs of illness or disruption in the body’s functioning. Itching is no exception. If this repeats with enviable consistency, do not ignore the symptom and seek help from a doctor.

Why does your right hand itch on Friday?

Usually, on Friday, the right hand itches for good luck in amorous affairs. Why does the ring finger of your right hand itch? But this is considered a particularly lucky sign. Most likely, you will have a good date, a pleasant evening with your husband, or unforgettable sex. Feel free to plan romantic meetings for this evening - everything you have planned will definitely come true.

Popular belief says that the more your hand itches, the faster the omen will come true. But, unfortunately, this is far from the truth. In most cases, intense itching is a sign of a specific disease. It could be a reaction to an allergen or scabies. Any cleaning product can cause this reaction. Also, such a symptom may indicate skin irritation. In some cases, itching may indicate problems with the endocrine system, liver or kidneys.

If the cause of the itching is unknown, it can be relieved folk remedies. You can apply cold to the itching area. In this case, lotions made from oatmeal. Slimy milk from oatmeal has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

For a while, try not to come into contact with possible allergens - cleaning products, wool, plants, synthetics, and hot water.

Why does your hand itch on Saturday or Sunday?

If your hand itches on a day off, then you have an unexpected trip ahead of you. This sign speaks of an imminent journey. Why does the thumb of your right hand itch on Saturday or Sunday? And this may indicate the arrival of distant relatives or acquaintances. Perhaps these will be people you haven’t seen for several years. The sign promises an exceptionally successful and friendly meeting.

Medical causes of itchy hands

Let's forget about signs for a while and talk about what can cause itching in our hands. The most common causes of itchy hands are:

Skin diseases - scabies, urticaria, neurodermatitis. If nothing bothers you other than itching, you may suspect a skin disease. In this case, consultation with a dermatologist is mandatory.

Contact with an irritant - thermal, chemical or mechanical. Dry skin often reacts to a sharp decline or fever with itching. Unpleasant sensations in the palms can be caused by contact with wool, aggressive ultraviolet rays, woolen items, synthetics, cosmetics or cleaning products. As soon as contact with the irritant that caused the unpleasant symptom ceases, the itching gradually stops.

Diseases of internal organs. Such a harmless symptom as itching of the palms and arms may indicate serious problems in the functioning of the body. Itching can cause diabetes, liver diseases (including infectious ones). Sometimes itching can even indicate cirrhosis of the liver. Kidney disease can also cause itching. Disorders of the thyroid and adrenal glands often cause itching.

Emotional stress. If your hands begin to itch frequently, remember if you have experienced severe emotional shock or stress.

There are many folk signs associated with hands, since it is with the help of this part of the body that a person carries out most actions in everyday life. If you are wondering why your left palm (or right) itches, this article will help you figure it out. The energy of the right and left palms is significantly different, therefore the meaning of such signs has different interpretations.

Right hand

The right hand is used more often in everyday life, and therefore there are more signs associated with it.

Interpretation by days of the week

Depending on the day of the week, the decoding of signs for a person may be different:

  1. If your right palm itches on Monday, you will meet an old acquaintance. It will be pleasant and bring a lot of positive emotions.
  2. On Tuesday, the right palm itches for profit. Perhaps receive a large inheritance, win a large amount of money in the lottery, get into debt. In this case, not only material enrichment is possible, but also property enrichment: perhaps you will be able to find a valuable thing. Promotion wages, getting a good position or making a profitable deal is also possible.
  3. On Wednesday, an itchy palm promises financial losses and big waste. But don’t be upset: an expensive purchase can bring joy and benefit. By paying back the money you borrowed, you can get rid of the debt burden. It can also be financial assistance to relatives.
  4. Your right palm itches on Thursday - expect guests. Most likely, the guest visit will be sudden, so you should think about refreshments.
  5. On Friday, such a sign promises a lonely person a pleasant meeting with a representative of the opposite sex. Most likely, this will be a romantic date that will leave only positive emotions.
  6. If your right hand itches on weekends (Saturday and Sunday), you need to prepare for departure. Perhaps there is a business trip or a trip to visit relatives.

To the meeting

The sign that your right palm is itching does not always promise a friendly handshake or a pleasant meeting. Sometimes such a sign may foreshadow the arrival of distant relatives or acquaintances. Moreover, such a visit will be unexpected and not very pleasant.

Forecasters say that the right palms are itching for a strong handshake with old friends, acquaintances or relatives. Sometimes this is a signal for a person: it is necessary to mend broken friendships.

Your right palm itches - you may have a serious conversation with your boss. Whether it will be pleasant or not depends on actions in the past.

To the money

Some people noticed another one important point, why your right palm itches: money will appear soon. If the itching extends to the hand, elbow and shoulder, the benefits will be enormous.

For such a sign to come true, predictors recommend carrying out several manipulations:

  • prepare yourself for the fact that the money has already arrived;
  • strongly clench your right hand into a fist, kiss it, put it in your pocket, then unclench it.

Some people believe that to attract profit you need to rub your right hand on something red and say:

“I rub against the red so that it’s not in vain.”

By following these simple tips, you have a chance to realize this very beneficial and pleasant omen.

Left hand

There are several meanings of the sign that your left palm itches:

  1. In the first case, this sign is not a pleasant one; it promises a person separation from a loved one or loved one. Perhaps there will be separation from relatives. If your left hand itches, you should wish for an easy and calm journey. Sometimes such a belief can mark a separation from a husband or boyfriend.
  2. Some predictors associate this sign with deteriorating health. If you're itching left palm, you should be careful about your health. Most often this is a signal of a cold, acute respiratory infection or flu. For prevention purposes, you should take vitamins. When going outside, you need to dress warmly. If itching in the left palm appears in the summer, you need to beware of drafts and hypothermia in water bodies.
  3. This sign does not always foretell a negative outcome. Some argue that this is a sign of profit. It can come from different sources. Perhaps they will increase your salary, forgive your debt, or give you a valuable gift. You can increase the likelihood that the omen will come true in the following way: kiss your left palm three times, blow on it in your bosom, then the money will definitely come. There is another option for attracting money: you should rub your left hand large bills and put them in your wallet. You need to try not to waste them until the result appears.
  4. The left palm may be itching to get a new high-paying position.
  5. Perhaps the person is waiting for a waste of money or a thief will use the wallet.

Reverse effect of signs

Some people note that the effect of the money folk sign associated with the left palm comes true exactly the opposite. In a word, if the left hand itches, a person will face big waste or loss of money.

The acquisition of a strong money talisman will help neutralize the effect of signs.

Times of Day

In the morning

According to folk signs, both hands itch in the morning for a new acquaintance. For free man it could be a meeting with a lover. For someone who is already married or in an illicit relationship, this is a sign of meeting useful and important people.

The right hand itches in the morning - there will be a handshake with a good and useful person, the left palm - to receive money, and unexpectedly (perhaps it will be some kind of reward for the work done or an increase in salary).

During the day

Itching of both hands during the day is a sign that there will soon be a lot of trouble. If your right hand itches, things will be pleasant and useful, while your left hand will mean empty chores.

In the evening

If your left and right hands itch at the same time in the evening, you should expect life changes, and in better side. Perhaps in the coming days there will be an increase in career ladder or signing a lucrative contract. Also, a sign when both palms itch may portend a profitable business trip abroad.

Folk signs What is itching for?

A folk sign about why your palm itches.

Why is my right palm itching?

Your right hand itches in the evening - the next day you will be able to meet an old friend or acquaintance. Your left hand itches in the evening - good luck in financial matters will go uphill.


Few people believe in the power of folk legends. But if you are having financial problems and your palms are constantly itching and burning, why not test the power of their action. At the same time, do not forget about the most important thing: if your right or left hand is constantly itching, this may be a sign not only of enrichment, but also of the likelihood of skin diseases.



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