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A pure soul lives in a pure body. Soul cleansing

The wonderful feeling of cleanliness is so alluring and attractive, but for some reason we are too lazy to evoke this feeling in ourselves from time to time. Your body is weightless, your soul is filled with divine light, you just want to fly...

This effect can be easily achieved with the help of prayer, because this state is nothing more than the soul after cleansing. Yes, exactly, “cleansing”. We take a shower every day, brush our teeth, wash our clothes - because they are dirty. What about the soul? Does it have automatic cleansing properties? Unfortunately, or fortunately, no. She also needs to be taken care of daily.

The best prayer for cleansing

The only one created not by man, but by God, is “Our Father.” Jesus bequeathed it to his followers. It is its text that can serve as a universal prayer of cleansing, healing, forgiveness, repentance and anything else your soul desires.

The cleansing of the soul with this prayer occurs due to the fact that it contains everything that is in all other prayers:

  • acknowledges God as Father and Savior;
  • glorifies him;
  • asks for justice to be restored (... Thy will be done...);
  • asks for help in earthly affairs;
  • proclaims forgiveness of offenders and entrusts the proceedings with those who hold a grudge against you into the hands of God;
  • this is a prayer for cleansing from sins, because you are asking for protection from temptations and demons;
  • strengthens your faith that the power of God is greater than the power of the devil.
How to cleanse yourself with prayer?

There are two ways - the first works as “general cleaning”, the second - like a broom will sweep away what was missed by a vacuum cleaner.

The first method of cleansing the soul and body with the Lord’s Prayer is to work on each chakra separately. You need to close your eyes, concentrate on your inner vision and say “I”. You should hear an echo of what you said in one of the chakras of the body. When this succeeds, move your energy, thoughts, feelings to the lower chakra - muladhara and begin to read “Our Father”.

Read the prayer until you feel that the energy has “stirred up” and the process of healing and displacement of negativity has begun.

With this prayer we cleanse the body and mind, walking through the chakras until characteristic feelings arise in each of them. Having finished working with the upper chakra - Sahasrara, you need to mentally, in the words of one prayer, move the energy down the energy channel to Muladhara, and then through another prayer - up to Sahasrara.

Now sit in silence and come out of this euphoric state.

Some particularly damaged chakras may require more work - these you can return to daily and heal individually.

To do this, simply read the Lord's Prayer without visualization. This is the second way. You are “cleansing yourself further”, since prayer itself will find the point where not everything is in order and will push out all the negativity from there.

Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

may your kingdom come,

Thy will be done

as in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

just as we also leave our debtors;

and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Do you know the feeling when you talk to a person, and then the feeling in your head as if you were run over by a tank? Or you quarrel with your husband and walk like a squeezed lemon all day. Why does this happen? energy recession and how to cleanse the soul and body from negative influences?

Soul cleansing

From an esoteric point of view, a person is an integral system that, together with food, can absorb energy from the outside world, from other people, plants, animals, the Earth and Space as a whole.

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We invite you to read the full classification of otherworldly creatures who live next to you and suck your strength from within. Read carefully and perhaps you will be able to recognize vampires and get rid of them.

These include various energy vampires, which intentionally or unwittingly try to awaken lower emotions in a person - fear, anger, pity. These entities are the most secure. To counter their effects, it is very important to throw out emotions as soon as they arise, and not concentrate them inside yourself.

Methods of protection there is little of these creatures. Editorial "So simple!" strongly discourages contacting all kinds of witches, healers and magicians in any generation. At best, these people will extract all your money from you, and in return they will tell lies. Any interference by an outsider in your energy field is fraught with the occurrence of an imbalance and a deterioration in your general condition.

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Sometimes creatures come in a dream and take a person out of emotional balance. As a result, he becomes stressed and becomes hysterical or depressed. The astral body becomes exhausted and moves away from the physical. The result can be a nervous breakdown and even a stroke.

It is possible to protect yourself from energy predators. But this is a lot of work on yourself, which will teach you to control your emotions. If you can fix the situation, fix it; if you can’t, let it go and let everything take its course.

Be sure to study meditation practice, track negative emotions at the source without letting them come to the fore. Excess fear attracts invisible threats.

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If a mental predator latches on once, it stays for life. But you can always protect yourself from attacks; to do this you need to follow the rules for cleansing the soul and body.

Follow these rules!

  1. Control your speech and speak thoughtfully.
  2. Avoid gossip and do not participate in it.
  3. Monitor your gestures and eliminate constant smacking, swaying of your legs, and tapping your fingers from everyday life.
  4. Don’t engage in verbiage - avoid empty talk about anything.
  5. Perform the penance of silence as often as possible. Start with silence for 30 minutes a day and work your way up to one day a week. At the same time, try to concentrate your thoughts on your inner world.
  6. Do yoga, all asanas have a beneficial effect on human energy channels.

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But is there a universal way to get rid of otherworldly forces? Eat! And these are not psychics and sorcerers. Only internal work on yourself and special ones will help clear your mind.

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Alexandra Dyachenko is perhaps the most active editor of our team. She is an active mother of two children, a tireless housewife, and Sasha also has an interesting hobby: she loves making impressive decorations and decorating children's parties. The energy of this person cannot be put into words! Dreams of visiting the Brazilian carnival. Sasha's favorite book is “Wonderland Without Brakes” by Haruki Murakami.

Nowadays, many people are increasingly beginning to attach importance to the spiritual components of life. In this regard, questions are increasingly arising about how, for example, to cleanse your home of negative energy and bad influences. The topic of cleansing the family tree, that is, the energy channel of the family tree, is also very popular.

Answering these questions, people who position themselves as specialists in this field advise carrying out various ceremonies, rituals, reading slander or praying. What prayers are offered for cleansing the home and family will be discussed below.

Prayer for purification of soul and body.

As traditional healers say, the first thing to do is to cleanse yourself. This does not mean basic physical hygiene, but rather the washing of the soul from spiritual, energetic dirt. For this purpose, different texts are offered in different regions. For example, in Islamic Kazakhstan, the Muslim prayer of purification is most often recited. But in most regions of Russia they still adhere to Orthodox roots. And therefore, the Christian prayer for cleansing is usually used.

Prayer for cleansing the soul and body.

Come out, enemy, from the wound, come out, demon, from the blood. You are the enemy of God and the angel of vengeance. Gather up your infirmities and leave the temple of the human soul, which until now has received you and fed you with its sins. You are no longer my assistant or guide in business. My soul is no longer yours - get out! God is my helper from now on, and by His power may your snares fall from my soul and from my body. Let your poison be in vain, you have no control over me, Satan! I pray to God, and he hears me! I ask the Almighty for help, and he gives it to me! I understand the will of God with pure reason - your intoxication does not seduce me. And I no longer want to listen to you, and I no longer have the will to live with you. May my foot no longer set foot on your path. I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear you. Let the gall needles not wound me, let your revenge not touch me - my soul and my body are not in your power, Satan! God, my God, our Savior and Father in the Lord Jesus Christ! Take away the demonic darkness from me, for I am crying out to you. Free me from the militia of the underworld, from their enemy power, from their villainous wrath. Open my eyes to the contemplation of the heavenly light, revive my soul, cleanse my body, spiritualize my mind, guide me on the path of doing your commandments. Deliver from every curse, suffering and disease, O lord of all. From now on, I promise you, my savior, that I will fulfill your commandments. I will no longer serve the devil with evil words and insults, I will not condemn, envy, lie and deceive. I will forget about revenge and malice, deceit and hypocrisy, and even with my enemies I will be quiet and peaceful to please You. Cleanse the house of my soul with your grace. May I appear pure and blameless before your face. May you be my help and protection, my God, now and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Prayer for cleansing the house.

Once you have dealt with your personal issues, you can move on. But it is important to understand that cleansing the soul with prayers will not work unless you truly change your behavior, which attracts negative energy to you. This means that you yourself need to stop generating evil in any form - hatred, envy, pride - and avoid everything that is condemned in church teaching. If you have achieved this, or at least confidently embarked on this path, you can begin further practices. Following is a prayer for the cleansing of living quarters.

Prayer for cleansing the house.

Into your hands, O great and merciful God, I entrust my body and soul, all my words, feelings and thoughts, my deeds, everything and every movement of my being. My birth and death, my faith and my life, every day and hour that I breathe, and the time that I will spend in the grave. But you, Lord, are universal love and goodness, insurmountable by all human sins and all devilish malice, take me, the most sinful of all people on the face of the Earth, into the hands of your protection and deliver me from all evil, cleanse my iniquities and grant me correction, who trusts in you. Send also your blessing to this house of mine and protect it from the influence of evil demons, evil witchcraft and an envious eye. Surround it in the corners with your angels, so that nothing unclean can penetrate into it. Forbid all enemies, visible and invisible, to harm this dwelling and those living in it, but send down every blessing, well-being and prosperity. I send glory and thanksgiving to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and throughout all ages. Amen."

Prayer for cleansing the family.

When you have successfully cleansed yourself and then your home, it will be time to cleanse another channel of negative energy - your kind. Whatever evil has happened in your family before, especially within the twelve tribes, will have a destructive effect on you. To avoid this, below is a prayer for the cleansing of the family. However, you should read it only when you are completely confident in your own integrity.

There is one more condition. A prayer for the purification of the family will be accepted from you when peace and order are established in your family. This applies to all relatives, not just immediate ones.

So try to remember your previous grievances and ask everyone for forgiveness, and you yourself sincerely forgive everyone for everything. In general, try to maintain good relations with all relatives as much as possible. Don’t forget memorable dates and give your relatives due attention and care. After this, rest assured that prayer for cleansing the family tree will give the best results!

Prayer for cleansing the family tree.

O ineffable light, O our heavenly Father! Hear and graciously accept my prayer, which I bring to you from my heart. Let it pass through the heavens and reach the throne of your glory. You are a just God, but also a merciful God. Therefore, I ask and implore you: grant to all my relatives who have died since the beginning of the world, peace of souls and forgiveness of sins. Grant them the kingdom of heaven and bring them out of the fire of hell, so that not in your justice, but in mercy and compassion, your name may be glorified. May your love cover my family to all the forefathers and foremothers, whose names you yourself know and know. Write them in the book of life and do not leave them to the judgment of the evil one, but intercede yourself and have mercy on them. Give us, the living, strength and grace to act according to your commandments, so that we can lead a pure and God-pleasing life until our very last breath. To you be glory, honor and worship due, today, and always, and forever and ever. Amen!"

First of all, during a large-scale cleansing of the soul, a program of self-destruction is activated - despondency, loss of the meaning of life. How does the self-destruct program turn on? Thoughts about death, loss of meaning in life, lack of goals, a feeling of the meaninglessness of life, internal dissatisfaction with the whole world and, therefore, with oneself. We must know what the enemy looks like.
How is soul cleansing going? 1. Self-destruction program. 2. The program of hatred towards loved ones because of attachment to them. Attachment turns into hatred or indifference. The desire for death to loved ones is increased attachment. The same goes for gloating over their failures and misfortunes. You just have to survive the cleaning time. You need to react with one thing: all this is given from above, all this works for love, all this is the purification of the soul. Willingness to accept the cleansing of the soul allows you not to experience the destruction of the future, fate and illness. Those. At the moment of purification of the soul, one must move not to lower levels - consciousness and body - but higher - to love for God. You can only accept the pain of your soul by rising above your soul.
Attachment is the expectation of pleasure. That is why it must be balanced by suffering. Let’s say that if there is an attachment to loved ones, it will manifest itself as claims against them if they do not give the expected pleasure, satisfaction of the need for this pleasure, and this will then turn into a program of self-destruction, because we understand that we cannot hate and be offended by loved ones, desire they are evil, and for ethical reasons we will begin to restrain all negativity towards them, and the restrained negative emotions will unfold into a program of self-destruction. How to overcome this? Just endure this time of suffering - for we must suffer and suffer for attachment. And strive towards God and love. Suffering is relieving if you treat it correctly and don’t obey it. Those. if you have negative thoughts and emotions towards your loved ones, just endure them, pray, because this suffering separates your soul from your loved ones. There is another point here. If suffering begins, it means the energy of Divine love has arrived. And she, having touched your soul and faced with your dependencies, begins to enter the soul through dependencies and destroy these dependencies, this is perceived by a person as suffering. Those. when love enters a pure soul, a person experiences pleasure, when it enters an unclean soul, suffering. But in the case of love - if suddenly you began to experience suffering or pleasure - this is another portion of the energy of Divine love, which must be accepted for further life.
Thus, everything is logical: if you are attached and expect pleasure, you will receive suffering, which will last until the soul renounces pleasure and receives a portion of energy from God.
Why do you suffer from attachment? Because love for loved ones degenerates into attachment, and love cannot be renounced. But affection must become love again. This is why suffering is given, which deprives us of pleasure. That’s why you can’t run away from attachment and indulge it; you have to overcome it. And attachment manifests itself as: bad thoughts about loved ones, condemnation of them, hatred, jealousy, arrogance towards them. These feelings and thoughts should simply be recorded and not be afraid of them, for they are from God, and are allowed by God so that we realize our attachment, and not at all in order to indulge them, as all diseases are from God, but not for so that we feed the disease, but so that we look for means and ways to recover. If you simply suppress negative thoughts and feelings, they turn into a program of self-destruction. Therefore, one must accept the suffering associated with them as a renunciation of the soul.
Acceptance must be replaced by gratitude to God.
There is no love without pain.

I think you have often heard: we are treated the way we allow ourselves to be treated. I rarely think about the deeper meaning of such hackneyed quotes, but today is one of those rare moments. After all, if this is true, then the perception of us as we feel from the inside will also be fair. Both on a physical and emotional level. A person living in the trash of unnecessary memories, resentments, envy and anger always causes some kind of fear. Personally, at some mental level I feel people’s anger, aggression and repulsive negativity. On the contrary, people who have found complete harmony in their soul, people whose troubles evoke compassion, a desire to support and awaken pure, sincere emotions in you, attract you to them with incredible magnetism.

By cleansing the soul of resentment, anger and the burden of past events, we make room for new, more pleasant and rosy things. And by cleansing the body, we discover the potential for self-healing, beauty and healthy sparkle in the eyes. Only a pure person, pure inside and out, is able to extract and attract goodness that will surround him and his loved ones. Self-knowledge begins with a clean body and a free soul. If you want to change something, fix it, or direct your energy in a different direction, start by cleansing yourself. And then your ideas and your life will by all means contribute to success, well-being and love. Be clean - and life around you will become just as clean.

I suggest starting cleansing with the body. Having learned from my own experience, I can say that it is too difficult to cleanse the soul by eating a hamburger. I am an ardent opponent of forced vegetarianism or any other type of imposed proper nutrition. It seems to me that this approach cannot yield anything good. You can feel the cleansing, healing and strength of your body only by consciously choosing a new lifestyle for yourself. Refusing some familiar foods, you should not experience mental anguish. A conscious choice, on the contrary, should bring you relief and liberation from illness, heaviness and burden that you feel inside. You will begin to approach your new eating style with joy, realizing that every product you consume brings you great benefits. Only by consciously choosing proper nutrition as a new lifestyle can you fully cleanse your body.

As you know, a healthy mind in a healthy body! While cleansing your body, you can simultaneously begin to cleanse your soul by resorting to yoga and meditation. After a pleasant gluten-free and lactose-free soft fruit breakfast, it's time to start meditating in a ventilated room. In order to get a charge of vigor and good mood for the whole day, I suggest you devote every morning after breakfast to morning meditation. There are a huge number of them, so choosing the right one for you will not be difficult. Meditation, in my perception, is something intimate and too spiritual, so the meditation recommended by someone may not always be suitable for you personally.

Purification brings not only liberation from physical or emotional negativity, but also opens up pure potential in you, which will help you to know yourself, gain freedom and strength for self-development and self-knowledge. You will become purer, kinder and more open to the world around you, which will not be able to resist your radiant purity and will begin to give you life-changing gifts.

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