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What's in the time capsule? Unusual greetings from the bright past: frightening finds in time capsules. Time capsule from the Khabarovsk Territory

A time capsule is a message for future generations, which is usually placed at the base of monuments of buildings and other infrastructure. This tradition was born among the inhabitants of ancient Sumer. They placed burnt clay tablets in the foundations of their temples as notes to future rulers. We have collected the 10 most famous and interesting time capsules.

1. Time capsule in a lion statue

It was rumored that there was a time capsule hidden inside the golden lion that has sat atop the roof of the Old Capitol in Boston since 1901. In October 2014, when the lion was temporarily dismantled for repairs, restorer Robert Sher decided to check if this was true. By pushing a fiber optic camera through the hole in the lion's head, he discovered a copper box inside. When the box was opened, it contained photographs and newspaper clippings from the era, as well as a couple of unexpected surprises: badges with images of Roosevelt and McKinley and a piece of wood from the original lion statue from the 1880s.

2. Steve Jobs' Lost Time Capsule

Co-founder of Apple Steve Jobs gave a presentation in 1983 at the International Design Conference in Aspen. After the conference he invested computer mouse into an Aspen time tube time capsule, which was then buried in a nearby field. Over the years, everyone forgot about the actual location of the time capsule, and by the expected date of opening (in 2000), it simply could not be found. In 2013, the National Geographic team managed to find a capsule, inside of which, in addition to the mouse from the Lisa computer (an unsuccessful predecessor to the Mac), there was a Rubik's cube and 8 cassettes with music from the Moody Blues.

3A Time Capsule Found Thanks to a Water Leak

In 1795, Paul Revere and Samuel Adams (famous figures of the American Revolution) hid a time capsule behind the cornerstone of the Massachusetts Capitol. This message to the future was subsequently found by chance by a worker looking for a water leak in 2014. The capsule contained coins, newspapers and a silver plate carved by Revere.

4. Mysterious time capsule at the Washington Monument

A 100-year-old time capsule was discovered during the renovation of the Washington Monument in Baltimore, but who left it is still a mystery. The contents of the box, which was found behind a slab dated September 12, 1915, also remain unknown as scientists fear opening it could destroy what's inside.

5. Forgotten shoe store

In fact, this is not a time capsule, but an accident led to the fact that time itself was “canned” in this store, which has not been opened for more than 50 years. An American family inherited an old abandoned house from their grandparents that had been locked for decades. When they opened the house, they found a shoe store inside, completely intact, that operated from the 1940s to the 1960s. Inside the store were hundreds of pairs of vintage shoes that are now worth thousands of dollars.

6. Time capsule from the Pennsylvania Armory found on Google

Colonel Michael Konzman was Googling information about the 13th National Guard Regiment, predecessor to the 55th Brigade in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Suddenly he came across information about a time capsule that was hidden in cornerstone armory in 1900. A team of soldiers found a copper box that contained unknown historical information about the brigade, as well as cigars that had not deteriorated in the slightest since then.

7. A time capsule that I hid as a child

Austin resident Rob Wright created a time capsule in 1978, when he lived in Fontana, California, sealing it inside the wall of his home. Two years later, the family moved to Texas and Wright thought he would never see the capsule again. After 36 years, the family that currently owns the house discovered the capsule while doing renovations. “Hello to whoever is reading this, my name is Robert Wright,” began the letter hidden inside. Also in the bag, walled up in the wall of the house, there were several coins and newspaper clippings from those years.

8. Forgotten Civil War Artifacts in a Wardrobe

During the renovation of a former library building in San Antonio, Texas, a boarded-up dressing room was found. Inside the wardrobe were 200 documents, including a 1615 King James Bible and photographs from the Civil War.

This incredible “time capsule” is essentially an entire apartment that Parisian Madame de Florian left behind in 1942 to escape the Nazis. She went to the south of France and never returned, but continued to pay the rent until her death in 2010. Her heirs discovered information about the apartment, and when they opened it, they found many amazing relics, including paintings, stuffed ostriches, and Mickey Mouse dolls.

10The Burbank Time Capsule Found Using Newspaper Clippings

The time capsule, which was located inside the Magnolia Bridge in Burbank, California, was accidentally discovered by Larry Harnish, a Los Angeles Times historian who was sorting through the newspaper's archives. The time capsule was buried on February 5, 1959, and its opening was planned for February 5, 2009. Inside the capsule were 35mm films (Burbank was known for its film and television studios), photographs of the city, and even a list of predictions for 2009, which included moving sidewalks and underground nuclear power plants.

11. Time capsule about the builders of the USSR

A resident of one of the Siberian villages, Pyotr Koptelov, found a time capsule left by Soviet builders in the courtyard of his house. The message said:
« Builders of power lines in the region of the Tyumen North are turning to you from the past millennium. It was interesting to find those who were strong with the daring dream of creating and building! I am proud to have become involved in the great cause of exploration of the North!».

Of no less interest to people who are interested in history are.

Letter to the Future- a message sent to oneself, one’s descendants, or simply in the hope that someone in the future will find it. Also known as time capsule(time capsule) or message to descendants.

Letters to the future are usually placed in some kind of durable shell, such as a metal capsule, and hidden in a safe place. There are known cases when letters to the future were buried in the ground, laid in the foundation of a building or monument. Often a group of people “sends” a letter to the future, and this happens in a solemn setting, for example, at a holiday, a school assembly, or at the opening of a memorial. The event is covered by the press. When setting a letter to the future at some point public place often indicate how long it should be open. The contents of the letter when it is created can either be communicated to the public or kept secret until the time of its opening.

Examples of letters to the future:
- During the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Artek pioneer camp in 2000, a capsule was opened with a message from the pioneers of the 1960s to the Artek residents of 2000. The message was signed by 1,200 Artek residents from all republics of the Soviet Union, then it was put into a capsule and sealed in a metal rocket, which was stored for 40 years on the Artek Bonfire Square. At the ceremony, the rocket was sawed open and a “letter to the future” was taken out. The pioneers of the 1960s assumed that in 2000 all the peoples of the Earth would live in peace, people would fly to the Moon, and Artek would already have its own cosmodrome. While reading the message, the Artek veterans present at the assembly shed tears...
- Students of one of the gymnasiums in the Merken district of the Zhambyl region, at a ceremonial assembly in 2000, opened a metal capsule that contained letters intended for them from the pioneers of 1968. The capsule contained letters, photographs and detailed description activities of pioneer organizations.
- At the base of the monument to “Fighters for Soviet Power” in Ussuriysk, Komsomol members in 1977 walled up a capsule with an appeal to descendants, which is planned to be opened on November 7, 2017. During the restoration of the monument in July 2006, it was discovered that the capsule was depressurized and the text of the message was damaged. Based on archival materials, the text was restored and re-walled.
- On the wall of the main building of the State University of Moldova in Chisinau there is also a message to future students, written in 1965, which is expected to be opened only 50 years after it was written. A board reminding of this hangs opposite the entrance to this building.

Time capsules
One of the varieties of “letters to the future” is the so-called time capsule, containing not only letters, but also objects characterizing the time when it was made. The term “time capsule” came into use around 1937, although examples of similar structures can be found in ancient times.

In 1937, during preparations for the 1939 New York International Fair, it was proposed to plant a “time bomb” for a period of 5 thousand years. However, this name was replaced by the more neutral "time capsule", which has since become common in the English-speaking world. The New York Fair capsule was created by the electrical company Westinghouse as part of its exhibit. The capsule weighed 800 pounds (363 kg), had an internal diameter of 6.5 inches (16.5 cm), and was made of an alloy of copper, chromium and silver called "Cupaloy". A spool of thread, a doll, and a book were placed in it. accounting, a vial of seeds, a microscope, a 15-minute newsreel and a microfilm with a dictionary, almanac and other texts. In 1965, a second capsule was placed three meters from the first. Both capsules are buried at a depth of about 15 meters in Flushing Meadows Park. Both capsules must be opened in 6939.

Westinghouse later built a smaller capsule from plexiglass and buried it under the New York Marriott Marquis Hotel.

In 1936, the "Crypt of Civilization" was created at the University of Oglethorpe, which is a room where microfilm recordings of more than eight hundred books, as well as audio recordings and films, are stored behind a stainless steel door.

The International Time Capsule Society was created to collect information on all existing time capsules.

Space letters to the future
Gold-plated video discs in aluminum boxes placed on the Voyager series spacecraft can also be considered “letters to the future.” True, the messages on Voyager are intended not for earthlings, but for representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, but it is possible that during human exploration of space they can also be found by distant descendants of modern inhabitants of the Earth.

The disk contains 115 slides, which contain the most important scientific data, views of the Earth, its continents, various landscapes, scenes from the life of animals and humans, their anatomical structure and biochemical structure, including the DNA molecule.

The binary code makes the necessary clarifications and indicates the location of the solar system in relation to 14 powerful pulsars. The ultrafine structure of the hydrogen molecule (1420 MHz) is indicated as a “measuring ruler”.

In addition to images, the disc also contains sounds: the whisper of a mother and the cry of a child, the voices of birds and animals, the sound of wind and rain, the roar of volcanoes and earthquakes, the rustling of sand and ocean surf.

Human speech is presented on the disc with short greetings in 58 languages ​​of the world. In Russian it says: “Hello, I greet you!” A special chapter of the message is made up of the achievements of the world musical culture. The disc contains works by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, jazz compositions by Louis Armstrong, Chuck Berry and folk music many countries.

The disc also contains an address by US President Jimmy Carter. A free translation of the appeal sounds like this: “ This device was created in the USA, a country with a population of 240 million people among the 4 billion population of the Earth. Humanity is still divided into separate nations and states, but countries are quickly moving towards a single earthly civilization.
We are sending this message into space. It will likely survive a billion years into our future, when our civilization will change and completely change the face of the Earth... If any civilization intercepts Voyager and can understand the meaning of this disk, here is our message:
This is a gift from a small, distant world: our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and feelings. We are trying to survive in our time so that we can live in yours. We hope the day will come when the problems we face today will be solved and we will join the galactic civilization. These records represent our hopes, our determination and our good will in this Universe, vast and awe-inspiring

The anodized aluminum plates on board Pioneer 10 (launched on March 2, 1972) and Pioneer 11 (launched on April 5, 1973) can also be considered “messages to the future.” They contain graphic messages from humanity to representatives of extraterrestrial life forms. The plates are engraved with silhouettes of a man and a woman against the background of the silhouette of the Pioneer ship, solar system and the trajectory of the Pioneer, the diagram of the hydrogen atom and the position of the Sun in relation to the center of the galaxy and 14 galactic pulsars.

Emails to the future
IN Lately There are websites that allow users to send a letter to themselves or someone else into the future. Such services provide the opportunity to send letters for a period from 1 day to 100 years. This service was first introduced by 29-year-old Yale University student Matt Sly. There are also services on the Internet that offer to send letters after the death of the author.

One of the most famous time capsules for a period of five thousand years was laid in New York on September 23, 1939.

A time capsule is a message intended for future generations. It is usually laid in the foundation of buildings, infrastructure facilities, monuments, etc. under construction.

This tradition came from the inhabitants of ancient Sumer, who laid notes to future rulers in the foundations of temples. Representing tablets made of baked clay, these notes have been well preserved to this day.

AiF.ru has collected examples of the most famous and interesting time capsules.

The Time Bomb capsule was to be opened in the year 6939. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Time bomb

One of the most famous time capsules for a period of five thousand years was laid in New York in 1939. Due to its impressive size, it was nicknamed the “bomb”. The capsule weighs 363 kg and is made of an alloy of copper, chromium and silver. It contained a spool of thread, a doll, an accounting book, a vial of seeds, a microscope, a 15-minute newsreel and a microfilm with a dictionary, an almanac and other texts.

In 1965, a second capsule was placed next to it. Both messages are buried at a depth of about 15 meters in Flushing Meadows Park. They must be opened simultaneously in 6939.

Time Room

In 1940, after four years of preparation at Oglethorpe University (USA), the message “The Crypt of Civilization” was hermetically sealed. The capsule is an entire room where microfilm recordings of more than 800 books, audio recordings and films are stored behind a stainless steel door. It is planned to open it on May 28, 8113.

Peter-Pavel's Fortress

In 2000 in the wall Peter and Paul Fortress Several hundred messages from citizens wishing to send their letters to 2050 for $30 were walled up. Only the person to whom the author of the letter gives a special token will be able to receive the message.

This is not the only time capsule in St. Petersburg. When repairing the Admiralty spire, a selection of newspapers for the current date is left in the ball at the top every 50-100 years.

Space capsule

In October 2008, the “Disc of Immortality” was sent to the ISS, which contained digitized DNA famous representatives humanity: physics Stephen Hawking, satirical Stephen Colbert A, Playboy model Joe Garcia, video game creator Richard Garriott And athlete Lance Armstrong. The point is to preserve human DNA in case of an apocalypse.

Gold-plated video discs in aluminum boxes placed on the Voyager series spacecraft can also be considered “letters to the future.” True, the messages are intended not for earthlings, but for representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. At the same time, it is possible that during human exploration of space, they can also be found by distant descendants of modern inhabitants of the Earth.

The disk contains 116 slides, which contain the most important scientific data, views of the Earth, its continents, various landscapes, scenes from the life of animals and humans, their anatomical structure and biochemical structure, including the DNA molecule.

A golden disk with sounds from Earth and a disk cover from Voyager. Photo: NASA

Emails to the future

Recently, websites have emerged that allow users to send an email to themselves or someone else in the future. Such services provide the opportunity to send letters for a period from one day to 100 years.

Which time capsules have already been printed?

— In 1960, in honor of the 35th anniversary of the Artek camp, the pioneers laid a capsule with a message for the shift of the year 2000 on the fire pit. It said: “We envy you a little... You live under communism, people fly to the moon every day, and, probably, Artek has its own cosmodrome.”

— At a meeting of veterans Civil War in the USA, the cigar of the guest of honor at the meeting was placed in a glass bottle - American President Ulysses Grant. In 1979, the bottle was broken, and the cigar was smoked by three grandsons of one of the veterans - the organizer of this meeting.

Resident of the Siberian village of Pyt-Yakh Pyotr Koptelov in the courtyard of his house I discovered a capsule with a “letter to the future” from the builders of the USSR. The message contained the following words: “The builders of power lines in the region of the Tyumen North are contacting you from the past millennium. It was interesting to find those who were strong with the daring dream of creating and building! I am proud to have become involved in the great cause of exploration of the North!” Other documents were also attached to the letter: an extract from the order of the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR dated February 12, 1985 on the creation of construction organizations in Western Siberia, a plan for the creation of mechanized column number 158, a report on the work of the mechanized column itself for the year.

* "Mir" - two Russian research deep-sea manned vehicles for oceanographic research and rescue work. They have a diving depth of up to 6 km. They are based on board the research vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh.

A Russian scientist who claimed that our regular calendar contains an encrypted message from a lost civilization has today made a new sensational discovery

Five years ago in Komsomolskaya Pravda we published a material entitled “The Alien Message is Hidden in the Calendar” (see “KP” dated June 28, 29, July 1 and 2, 2005 and on the website). This discovery was made by mathematician, officer of the USSR Space Forces, researcher at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and former deputy director of the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems in Dubna, Vladimir Pakhomov. The mathematician stunned us with the statement that representatives of another civilization visited the Earth 6 thousand years ago. They left us a calendar. And they included their coded message there. We, of course, doubted the author's self-confident statement. However, Pakhomov was able to convince us with a scientific approach to the mystery.

1.Why did the aliens hide secrets in the calendar?

- Where else? - Pakhomov was surprised. — Two-thirds of the Earth is occupied by water, the rest is covered by ice (at the poles), deserts and spaces covered with greenery. Any object, large or small, would disappear there without a trace. Therefore, space visitors decided to leave the future, technically developed humanity, evidence of their presence in an unusual, but very reliable “safe” - a calendar. This is indirectly confirmed, for example, by the oaths of the Egyptian pharaohs, who, upon ascending the throne, swore a strange oath: “Not to make any changes in the calendar”! Is it not for the purpose of preserving the information contained in it in its original form? Or many ancient manuscripts that have reached us tell about the god of wisdom, known under two names - Thoth and Hermes. And before his return to heaven, he allegedly wrote and carefully hid certain “books” that “will remain incorruptible for centuries and be invisible and undetectable to all people who will walk the plains of this earth until Heaven, having grown old, will not give birth to organisms worthy of you.” That is, people who can decipher them.

And what can be “incorruptible for centuries”? After all, even the great pyramids are subject to destruction. Only something not entirely material can be incorruptible. For example, information. What can survive for thousands of years? Surely something to do with time and chronology. So, with a calendar. Why was the message in the calendar “invisible and undetectable” to us? Because humanity did not have the necessary knowledge and technology to “read” the calendar - the computer.

Constellation Orion in the matrix of the Message

2.How can you use three dozen numbers to encrypt secret information?

The scientist conducted a mathematical analysis of the strict sequence according to which calendar numbers are distributed over weeks, months and years. And I came to the conclusion that they are grouped into a matrix containing a gigantic array of digitized information. Then I calculated the matrix algorithm and began to extract information from it. (The method of “reading” the calendar is open to any enthusiast who knows higher mathematics. And also in his book “The Secret of the Calendar - Message to the Unborn.”) For example, the secret code turned out to be hidden in the calendar cycle of 28 years.

“And it repeats itself,” Pakhomov explained. - This means, for example, that in 2005, in 1977 and in 2033, and so on, the days of the week will fall on the same dates. And, for example, May 13th will be Friday in all these calendars.

The scientist obtained such pictures by “reading” a matrix-calendar using a special computer program: from left to right - a fragment of a DNA molecule, a rocket, a “flying saucer” and a symbolic image of a head

The existence of a period of 28 years was no secret to the ancients. An image of a “perpetual” calendar was discovered by scientists on the wall of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. It dates back to the 13th century and is a matrix table of just 28 cells. All are designated by letters symbolizing the days of the week - from Monday to Sunday, from which the years of the cycle - all 28 years - should sequentially begin. It was from this matrix, consisting of 7 rows and 4 columns, that Pakhomov began to extract information. Using a certain algorithm, he substituted the numbers corresponding to the days of the week from calendars of different years. One after another, new matrices were obtained. They formed sequences and took on meaning.

3. What can you hide in your calendar?

According to the researcher, the structure of the calendar includes highly developed mathematical and astronomical knowledge, far superior to anything that could belong to any known ancient civilization. Pakhomov, for example, saw a connection between the seven days of the week and celestial bodies.

“In many languages, the names of the days of the week are in one way or another connected with celestial bodies,” explained Pakhomov. — In English, for example, Sunday is the day of the sun, Monday is the day of the moon. Total celestial bodies seven - exactly as much as was known to the ancient astronomers, who “arranged” them in the so-called Chaldean series. That is, they were arranged in order of increasing apparent speed of movement of these bodies across the sky. The days of the week are arranged in exactly the same order, starting with “solar”.

And this guess was confirmed by the computer. Having made calculations, he “gave out” information about the Chaldean series. But not a simple one, but with previously unknown details. For example, Pakhomov obtained data on the precession of all seven celestial bodies, that is, on how their axes move in space, describing peculiar cones. Perhaps, the scientist believes, precession has played or will play some important role for our civilization.

Then Pakhomov replaced the designations of days-planets in the matrix with notes - there are also seven of them. Spent additional analysis messages, using keys already known to him. And the calendar began to sound - a lullaby composed by God knows who.

Then the “matrix” gave Pakhomov two addresses from which the aliens could fly: the constellation Orion and Sirius. And even their “portraits”. The calendar matrix, processed by a computer program, produced three-dimensional images of mainly... fish people. Perhaps, Pakhomov suggested, amphibians were flying to us.

But main question Then both the KP correspondent and the author of the discovery were tormented: did the aliens leave us something more significant than images of their gods and evidence of their knowledge? After all, many myths and legends mention some message hidden from people? Or “Time Capsule”, as it is also called by numerous enthusiasts - from serious scientists to ufologists. According to many researchers, it should contain some kind of instructions for further actions for earthlings.

Then, five years ago, from the decoding of the calendar message, Pakhomov learned the coordinates of a cache hidden in several places on Earth. Among them were: Stonehenge (Great Britain), the pyramids in Egypt, the pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico, the pyramids of China, the underground labyrinth in Ecuador, Shambhala and the caves of Tibet, Easter Island and Nan Madol in the Pacific Ocean, the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

“When I find out exactly where the “capsule” is located, I will be the first to inform Komsomolskaya Pravda about it,” the mathematician promised. And he kept his word! Five years later, the researcher called the editor again.

Problem with many unknowns

“The Calendar Message showed the place of the hidden entrance,” Vladimir Leonidovich proudly reported, and told how it “showed” him. — For a long time I could not understand one image obtained from the calendar matrix. I received an image that looked like an island. It consisted of two parts connected by a jumper. It had four mountain peaks located at the corners of a parallelogram. The island stretches in the direction from southeast to northwest. Most of the island had a bay.

And one place on the image of the island was marked with a cross - it was also “issued” by the computer using an algorithm. Now we had to find out where an island with such outlines and relief was on Earth. And has it survived? There are probably tens of thousands of islands on our planet. The task seemed impossible. And yet, finally, after five years, I found this very unusual place! Google Earth provided me with invaluable assistance in my search.

To find the repository of the heritage of an ancient supercivilization, we will have to go to South America. The Matrix pointed to the mysterious portal to Aram Mura. It is located on the Islands of the Sun on Lake Titicaca.

Legends of the Island of the Sun

Every Andean legend points to Lake Titicaca as the beginning—the place where humanity reappeared after the Flood. All the civilizations that existed in the Andes believed that Lake Titicaca was the site of the original creation. It was on the island of the Sun that the creator of everything appeared - Viracocha, the Sun in the guise of a man who, according to most ancient myths of South America, was tall, pale-faced and bearded.

South American legends also speak of the wonderful, blond Oriana, who once descended on a plane shining like gold. spaceship to the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca to give civilization to people. Oriana had only four fingers, connected by a membrane (trace of the fish-people?). She gave birth to 70 earthly children and returned to the stars.

In the translations of the papers of Garcillazo de la Vega, the grandson of the Inca emperor Atahualpa (XVI century), one can read the following: “In the inscriptions carved on the stones of Tiahuanaco, it is stated that completely modified human beings, who had membranes and blood different from ours, arriving from another planet, discovered the highest mountain lake on Earth and decided to make their home there.”

According to legends, the first Inca, Manco Capac, and his wife, Mama Occlo, suddenly appeared at sunset on the sacred Lake Titicaca in the Andes, and announced to the astonished people that they were the children of the Sun and sent by the Sun God to give civilization to people.

The island has remains of Inca palaces, gardens, temples, labyrinths and underground passages. The Aymara, the local people, have long told stories of a lost underwater city and a mysterious island in Lake Titicaca with a hidden entrance to the underground labyrinths built by the Incas. For centuries, legends have persisted about vast rock structures below the waters of Lake Titicaca.

On topographic map islands, the place where the hidden entrance is located is indicated by the word KUNA, which means thing in the Aymara language. What thing is there? Speaking of language, according to experts, the Aymara language is so pure that it seems that not only did it not develop like other languages, but it was artificially created from scratch. This allowed the Aymara language to be used to create a computer translation program into 26 languages ​​for the UN.

“So, the outlines and relief of the island of the Sun coincided with what was in the drawing from the Message,” said Pakhomov. “There were four mountains located in the corners of the parallelogram. All the features that were in the image from the Message are displayed!

In the photo of the Island of the Sun from space, I drew a circle in the place that was marked with a cross in the image from the Message. Then, looking closer, I noticed that in this place in the photo of the island there was already a faintly visible circle. It was lighter against the background of the earth. The Aramu Muru portal is located in this circle.

Aramu Muru portal

In the early 1990s, mountaineer-guide José Luis Delgado Mamani, while exploring the Peruvian landscapes of Peru and Bolivia, came across an ancient huge stone slab 7 meters high on Lake Titicaca. There is a niche hollowed out in it, similar to a keyhole, about 2 meters high. What it was used for is unknown. But the locals call this stone “Aramu Muru”, and the niche in it is “Puerta de Hayu Marka” or “Gate of the Gods”. There are legends telling about people who supposedly “fell through” this opening, or telling about strange creatures, for example, “ tall man, passing through the opening and surrounded by flaming balls of light." The locals have no doubt - these are gods walking.

Most of these stories come from those who consider the opening to be some kind of portal. These include writer Jerry Willis, who describes paranormal phenomena - he claims to have experienced it himself.

And there is another legend that says that at the time when Lemuria sank into the ocean, one of the Seven Great Masters, Aram Moore, was tasked with transporting the sacred Golden Sun Disc and scrolls to Lake Titicaca for safe keeping. Aramu Muru built the monastery of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays to store the relics. During Incan times, the Sun Disc was moved to Cuzco, and was placed in the main Temple of the Sun, where it remained until the arrival of the Spaniards. Then, he was returned to Lake Titicaca and placed in Eternal City under the lake. The Solar Disk gave the answer to any question. He received information directly from the Universal Source of Knowledge. In modern terms, it was artificial intelligence with the knowledge base of a supercivilization. Perhaps the best thing that could be left to future humanity. At the present time, which is locally called the era of the tenth Pachacuti, the sacred Solar Disc must be revived by gaining access to cosmic wisdom. In other words, the time to extract the Time Capsule has come.

Now the fifth part of the book “The Secret of the Calendar - Message to the Unborn” is being prepared for release. It describes in detail how the storage site of the Legacy of an ancient supercivilization was found.

Testing a Skeptical Mathematician

Exciting story! The opportunity to possess a “Time Capsule” is amazing. After all, the information hidden in it can turn the world upside down. I was already packing my bags, preparing to fly to South America, when suddenly (the worm of a skeptic still lives in the soul of every journalist!) I decided to call a mathematician friend. This is a very respectable person - an academician Russian Academy Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Mathematical Institute named after. V. A. Steklova RAS. Moreover, he heads the Moscow Mathematical Society. His name is Viktor Vasiliev. Surely he can’t figure out Pakhomov’s “mathematical analysis” - is there an error there? Or will I miss the Island of the Sun? And the “capsule” will be on a completely different continent. Although the publishing house that published the book assures readers: “The discovery of the Calendar Message and the method for deciphering it have received positive reviews mathematicians and computer science specialists from universities to which we sent the book. We are confident in this book."

— Viktor Anatolyevich, are you sure? – I asked the academician, telling and showing everything connected with the Calendar Message.

“I looked at Pakhomov’s texts - it’s all nonsense,” Viktor Anatolyevich stated bluntly. “Everything there is tailored to provide entertaining answers: and the image of Orion can only be seen with great desire. And if it hadn’t worked out at all with Orion, then there would have been another constellation - there was plenty to choose from, or you would have to look not at sixes, but, for example, at ones or at dummies (Pakhomov, when explaining his theory, used a demonstration of dominoes for clarity. - S.K.). And the melody there is no better and no worse than any other, given by a not completely random code. And the fact that this table was constructed by the author in a very non-random manner is undoubtedly. But what does the aliens have to do with it or who allegedly left this “message” there? But the main argument is this.

It is obviously IMPOSSIBLE TO ENCODEL A LARGE AMOUNT OF INFORMATION - and the author claims to have revealed a complex message - WITH A MUCH LESS AMOUNT OF INFORMATION. At first glance, it may seem that the calendar system (which we were supposedly bequeathed and “forbidden to change”) is a large information array in which a lot of things can be encoded. But in fact, almost none of this information is involved in the construction of the tables constructed and “solved” by the author. All on the basis of which these tables are built and what, according to the wildest imagination, these aliens or whoever could have encoded in the calendar is the SINGLE NUMBER “7”, that is, the fact that our ancestors once chose a seven-day week.

Of course, for the construction of this table, it is also important that a day fits into a year not an integer number of times, but an integer number plus approximately one quarter. (By the way, if the year were not equal to 365 and a quarter days, but, for example, 372 and a quarter, 379 and a quarter, etc., then the tablet would turn out exactly the same, and if the year were equal to any other integer number of days with a quarter, then the original tablet would have turned out a little different, but with the help of the author’s arbitrary transformations leading to exactly the same final one).

But this remarkable fact cannot possibly be an element of a mysterious message: after all, the mysterious testators, no matter how powerful they were, could hardly change the speed of rotation of the Earth around the Sun or around its axis! All the other interesting information contained in the calendar (such as: the number of months, their names, the number of days in each of them, the beginning of the countdown, connection to mythology, etc.) actually has absolutely nothing to do with the author’s arithmetic constructions does not affect.

So, the author’s theory leads us to the conclusion that all earthly wisdom, transmitted to us in this mysterious way, is contained in the magic number 7 - and nothing more. Moreover, I have no doubt that if instead of seven we substitute any other not too small odd number N, then from a tablet obtained in exactly the same way (and indeed from one taken quite randomly) of size N by 4, it will be possible to suck out no less than various rubbish, with a large desire, reminiscent of some constellation or who knows what else.


Associate Professor of the Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics, Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after. M. V. Lomonosova Alexander SAZANOV:

- A calendar can actually store ancient information, just like tarot cards. The ancient book “Arcana of the Tarot” tells that when the sages of Atlantis predicted a planetary catastrophe, they began to think: in which monuments should they preserve their rich information? And they came to the conclusion that it would best reach posterity in the form of a game. And they created Tarot cards. So the deck in your hands is a unique and not yet deciphered monument from the Atlanteans. And these were people who knew mathematics well. They could process the information related to the new calendar, which has 365 days, in their own way into some images. Therefore, from the table we call a calendar, it is quite possible to extract both pictures and music. That is, the calendar is an artificial creation. But not the cosmic mind, but precisely the earthly sages.

The calendar itself seems to me to be an intellectual megalith. It reflects the desire to preserve for a very long period the news that intelligence on Earth once reached high level. In general, coming up with such a “safe” is an amazing thing, because millennia bring their distortions to everything. It would be possible to wall up a “safe” in the pyramids. But there is no guarantee that they will not collapse one day. It seems to me that the information that Vladimir Leonidovich extracted from the calendar was actually planted by someone.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Secretary of the ONTSKM, Senior Researcher at the State Astronomical Institute named after. P.K. Sternberg, Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after. K. E. Tsiolkovsky Lev GINDILIS:

— In the calendar, which is a matrix, amazing patterns really appear. They lead to the idea that such a product could only be created by a highly developed civilization. Whether they came to us from space or the earthlings themselves contacted the aliens - this question remains open. But there are many examples when reflections reach us, evidence of very high scientific knowledge, which exist in both the material and spiritual culture of humanity. Take, for example, the “astronomy” of the supposedly primitive African tribe the Dogon, who even before the invention of telescopes knew that Sirius was a double star. Many historical facts indicate that for many centuries our earthly civilization was in contact with some more advanced civilization. Soon, I think, we should gather a wider circle of specialists in calendars, astronomy and, above all, in the field of mythology. Because it is in myths that a lot of information about the history of our planet is hidden.


Vladimir Leonidovich Pakhomov was born in 1943 in Yaroslavl. Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov. Professional mathematician. Worked at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Published more than 50 scientific articles. Specialist in the field of automation of design and production of electronic circuits. Created several automatic design systems. Served as an officer in the USSR Space Forces. He worked as deputy director of the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems. Since 1996, he has been researching calendar cryptograms, writing articles and books, and creating a website.

2017 has become a real year of messages from the past - for the centenary October revolution residents of the Soviet Union planned to open many “time capsules” - messages addressed to descendants. Among them are wishes, dreams about the future and simply things from those times. We examined the messages of the past and how people imagined the future

The tradition of laying “time capsules” was very popular in the Soviet Union - messages were laid during the construction of large construction projects, monuments, during festive events. The autopsy was supposed to take place half a century later, or a century later - that’s why it’s expected in 2017 a large number of opened time capsules.

The authors of time capsules equally ignore the unpredictability of changing political and economic realities, the speed of scientific and technological progress and the banal updating of language. On the one hand, this retrofuturism reflects the linear thinking of the era, focused on the inevitability of a “bright socialist future,” and on the other, the doom of any far-reaching expectations, writes Pavel Gnilorybov, author of the online magazine “History Lessons.”

According to Albert Einstein, who put these words in one of the time capsules, which we will discuss below, “everyone who thinks about the future is forced to live in tension and fear. This is due to the fact that the intellect and morals of the masses are on a lower level than the intellect and morals of the few who produce something of value to society. I believe that our posterity will read these lines with a sense of pride and justified superiority.”

“And apple trees will bloom on Mars”

So, “time capsules” are a good opportunity to look at how schoolchildren, workers and scientists saw the future in the 20th century.

The message of the Artek pioneers deserved the greatest number of mentions in the press. In 1960, in honor of the 35th anniversary of the camp, the pioneers laid a capsule with a message to the year 2000 on Kostrovaya Square. 40 years later, the capsule was removed at a ceremonial assembly - the pioneers' letter was read before the children of eight independent states. The children of the Soviet Union were very optimistic about the future and confident in the inviolability of the foundations of the present: “We envy you a little... You live under communism, people fly to the moon every day, and, probably, Artek has its own cosmodrome.”

A message to descendants from Tagillag prisoners, walled up in the wall of the drama theater they built. Photo of Nizhny Tagil Drama Theater

Sometimes residents find time capsules in their own garden plots and make their contents public: “The builders of power lines in the region of the Tyumen North are turning to you from the past millennium. It was interesting to find those who were strong with the daring dream of creating and building! I’m proud to have become involved in the great cause of exploration of the North!”

Against this optimistic background, the “time capsule” left by Gulag prisoners and accidentally discovered during repairs in the city drama theater of Nizhny Tagil leaves complex impressions: “This inscription was walled up on March 15, 1954, not under the thunder of orchestras and the noise of the crowd. But she will tell posterity that this theater was not built by Komsomol brigades, as the chronicles would later claim, but was created on the blood and bones of prisoners - slaves of the twentieth century. Hello to the next generation! And may your life and your era not know slavery and the humiliation of man by man.”

Today's messages

Today, the tradition of laying “time capsules” has by no means sunk into oblivion. Among the messages of modern Russians there are fewer naive expectations, but there is still enough optimism. Wherein, characteristic feature the “delivery” time to recipients becomes short.

For example, residents of the Moscow Nekrasovka district decided not to play on the feelings of their descendants after three or four generations, and in 2000 they launched an appeal to the residents of 2015. The opened capsule is now stored in the local cultural center "Zarechye":

“Listen, comrades, descendants of our voices from the year 2000! We appeal to your heart, your memory, remember those who for a hundred years made their contribution to the development and prosperity of their native Nekrasovka. Those who stood for our land to the last drop of blood, who fought back to the last bullet, who gave their lives defending Moscow and did not allow the enemy onto the streets of the capital, cannot be consigned to oblivion.”

A similar example. In Omsk, in honor of the 285th anniversary of the city and the foundation of a new park, they also acquired a time capsule. It was laid in 2001 and opened in 2016.

“Omsk residents are welcoming the 21st century with confidence that the city will rightfully take its rightful place among Russian megacities. Industry is developing, city neighborhoods are growing, a metro bridge is rising over the Irtysh... Today we are laying the foundation for a new park, a park that has no equal in Omsk yet. Whether it will flourish along with the city depends only on us. Today we don't just take on the responsibility of growing the park. First of all, we think about the future, about preserving the glory of our hometown.” The values ​​that should be preserved by descendants are mainly aesthetic and moral: “The amazing image of a sparkling bright city, the charm of quiet streets, cozy courtyards, kindness, cordiality and openness - this is the soul of Omsk. And this is the main legacy that we pass on to future generations with excitement, but also with hope. Man lives by hope, we hope that Omsk will become the most beautiful city in Russia.”

Opening of a time capsule in Smolensk

In 2013, residents of Smolensk walled up a message to the residents of the city in 2063:

“It is easier to look into the past than into the future, and you know more about us than we know about you. At the turn of the century, we lived in a difficult era of radical change. The main principle of our society has become freedom, thanks to which everyone has the right to choose. The more valuable are the foundations we have preserved. After all, completely voluntarily, without coercion, only because we feel this way, we, the residents of Smolensk, honor our history, protect the cultural heritage inherited to us, value the achievements of science and art, respect the exploits of the heroes of our Fatherland, preserve and protect the family way of life, love our city.” .

What they writeresidents of other countries

The tradition of laying “time capsules” is popular all over the world. However, in the West, mostly household items are sent to the future, perhaps to remind descendants of the material world of the past. Maybe soon this need will disappear - after all, today there are online museums of things that surround us, but for now the tradition is alive.

Computer mouse from Steve Jobs found in a time capsule

For example, Steve Jobs, after speaking at a conference in Aspen in 1983, put a computer mouse in a time capsule, which was then buried in a nearby field. In 2013, the National Geographic team managed to find a capsule, inside of which, in addition to the mouse from the Lisa computer (an unsuccessful predecessor to the Mac), there was a Rubik's cube and 8 cassettes with music from the Moody Blues.

Westinghouse time capsule. Photo by Getty Images

In 1938, in preparation for the New York World's Fair, Westinghouse Electric created the first ever "official" time capsule. The capsule contained 35 small objects characterizing the era (a pencil, a pack of cigarettes, a dollar in change, etc.), 75 samples of various materials, edible and inedible, and a set of microfilms about the life of the first half of the 20th century. Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann left their messages to their descendants in the capsule. The capsule should be opened in 6939, that is, five thousand years from the moment of laying.

However, among the foreign capsules there are also written messages. In Spain in 2009, a capsule from 1834 was found under the statue of Miguel Cervantes in Madrid. A guidebook and four volumes of Don Quixote from the 1819 edition were found in it. And at the headquarters of the Cervantes Institute there is a special armored safe for letters to the future - since 2007, famous figures of Spanish-speaking culture have left messages in it. The safe contains 1,800 cells, into which 18 messages have already been inserted - they will be stored until 2057. Some authors hide the contents of their letters, while others, on the contrary, happily share them with the press. For example, in 2009, writer Juan Marce announced that he had posted in his cell a family recipe for escalivada, a vegetable dish of Catalan cuisine.

Another European time capsule is located in the Millennium Dome, built in 1998 on the British island of Greenwich. It will hold letters and drawings from 2,000 English children until 2050, chosen in a competition launched by the BBC children's TV show Blue Peter.

To the world - about the world

Among the foreign messages, one of the most heartbreaking can be considered the message that in 1993 in Bendery the townspeople laid a capsule in memory of the Transnistrian conflict. The text read: “without today there is no tomorrow, without tomorrow there is no future, without us there would be no you. We want you, just like us, to love this land, these city streets, watered with the blood of your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. After all, your future is connected with our present, which we carry for you through torment, suffering, and blood. And it is not sentimentality to shed tears where blood has already been shed. You can shed a tear if you didn’t drop your weapon. That's how we were. Be aware of this. We entrust to you our faith in a better future, our hopes and aspirations.”

Some more interesting examples of “time capsules”

However, even greater intensity is contained in the message of the Komsomol members of the Nikolaev region in a capsule placed in the wall of the local cultural center. The appeal read: “We, the generation of Komsomol members of the 60s, could not imagine life without struggle and creative work in the name of the triumph of communism, which has become a reality for you.

We were proud of our region with its vast steppes, eared fields, forests of new buildings and tried to do everything to make its future wonderful. We, like you, our descendants, have always been the first, we have always been where it is difficult. Zoya... Sailors... Heroes-Iskrists... Their names are immortal, just as the Komsomol is immortal. Virgin land... Space - these are the heroic stages of the path of our contemporaries.

Message from Komsomol members of Nikolaev. Photo "Timer"

Today, on the eve of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of our state, we extend our friendly hands to you into the 21st century and proudly announce: socialist competition under the motto “For you, dear party, our work, our hearts!” went great." Next comes a list of names of garment factory workers and other workers and participants in socialist competitions.

“You are a happy generation: there are clear skies above you, and wars in the world have become history for everyone living in 2017. You did not chant: “Shame on the aggressors of Israel!” You did not have to participate in protest rallies against the criminal war in Vietnam, or read in the newspapers about provocations against revolutionary Cuba. How far are these contemporary events from you! It’s been a long time since mischievous boys find cartridge casings or rusty gun bolts. Only in stern silence, like we did in 1967, do you stand at the obelisks of the dead, only in the same trembling way as half a century ago does your heart skip a beat when you step on the land of the legendary Crimea,” wrote the Komsomol members.

How to send your message to the future

Today, to send a message to the future, there is no need to participate in laying the first stone at the foundation of any construction site. It is enough to use one of the services for sending delayed messages to yourself. Some do it simpler - create a post on a social network that they themselves or their descendants can read after several years. For example, this is what Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife did when they left a message for their daughter.

You can leave a video message - the Minute Of Life service will deliver it to the recipient at a specified time or publish it on the specified social network. The results in any search engine for the query “Message to the Future” also offer many regular email services.

KEO project website. The year of launch is still in doubt

However, the most unusual, albeit not the most reliable, way may be to send a message to descendants on a space satellite. Launch of the KEO satellite, named after the three most common sounds in modern languages world, was planned for 2014, but the start was postponed approximately to 2019. The satellite is a hollow sphere with a diameter of 80 centimeters, surrounded by several layers of titanium and other metals. It is expected to return to Earth in 50,000 years. KEO will store a diamond containing a drop of blood from a randomly selected person, as well as samples of air, seawater and soil. A strand of human DNA will be engraved on one side of the diamond.

In addition, any person on Earth could send his letter to the future - the satellite’s memory is enough to carry away four pages from every inhabitant of the planet. Messages were accepted until the end of 2013. However, the examples of letters are surprising in their chaotic content. Despite the obvious globality and significance of the KEO mission, people send to their descendants absolutely everything that comes to mind: from confessions of unrequited love to a hamburger recipe. But perhaps this attitude towards the future is the most typical property of humanity.



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