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What to do to avoid being jinxed. Other ways to combat the "evil eye". Curses and evil eye

Firstly, it should be noted that the evil eye exists, since the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The evil eye is the truth, and if anything could precede divine predestination (al-qadar), it would be the evil eye” (Muslim) .

What should a person do to avoid jinxing or causing harm to others with his eyes?

The evil eye does not always come from an envious person; you can also jinx it with a glance of admiration, and even yourself. The hadith says: “Whoever among you sees something in himself or in his property or in his brother that he likes, then let him ask for blessings for it, because the evil eye is the truth.”

It is reported from Abu Umam ibn Sahl ibn Hunayf that his father told him how he and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) went to Mecca. Sahl ibn Hunayf was a white man with beautiful body and skin. Amir ibn Rabia, the brother of Bani Uday ibn Kab, looked at him while he was washing and said: “I have never seen anything that can compare with this.” Then Sahl fell to the ground. They brought him to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and said: “O Messenger of Allah, do you know what happened to Sahl? By the will of Allah, he cannot raise his head and does not come to his senses.”

He asked: “Do you suspect anyone of this?” They said: "Amir ibn Rabi'ah looked at him." Then the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) called Amir and said to him: “Did any of you want to kill your brother? If you see something you like, why don't you pray and ask for blessings on it?" And then he said to Amir: “Perform ghusl for him.”

And Amir washed his face, hands, elbows, the soles of his feet and what was under the izar from a vessel, then this water was poured over the Sahl - the man poured over his head and back from behind, tilting the vessel. When this was done, Sahl went with the people and everything was fine with him.

As it is said in the hadiths, one who admires something in another, so as not to jinx it, should ask for blessings for him: "Allahumma barik fihi"(O Allah, bless him)."

There is also a saying: “If someone liked something and pleasantly surprised him, delighted him, then let him say: “Ma sha'al-lah, la quwwata illa bill-lakh” (“There is no strength and power except with Allah ").

To protect yourself from the evil eye, they say: “Auzu bi kalimati-Llah it-tamati min kuli shaitanin wa hama wa min kuli 'ainin lyamma” - “I seek refuge in the beautiful words of Allah from every devil and poisonous creatures and from every envious eye.” .

But in case of any ailment, you should not refer to the evil eye and beat yourself up. Zeinab, the wife of Ibn Masud, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), once complained to her husband: “Once a man looked at me on the street. Since then, tears have flowed from the eye that was closest to him. When I recite ruqya, everything returns to normal, but after a while it resumes again.”

Ibn Masud said: “The tricks of the shaitan. When you think about it, he pokes his finger in your eye. Do as the Prophet Muhammad did: splash water in your eyes (in your face, that is, pour water on your face), saying:

“Azhibil-be’s, Rabban-naas, Ishfi, Antash-shaafi, laya shifa’a illya shifaauk, shifaaen la yugaadiru sakama.”

Translation: “O Lord of men! Remove evil (harm, trouble). Heal, because you are the true Healer. There is no other [true] healing. Give that healing that will completely destroy the disease.”

Some believe in the evil eye, others consider it medieval superstition. However, medicine does not explain why, despite excellent tests, a person experiences constant headaches, nausea and fainting. It’s quite easy to jinx it; you don’t have to wish the person harm. A fleeting glance from a passer-by disrupts a person’s energy, and illness begins. To date, much experience has been accumulated in the fight against this mysterious disease.

Water takes away negative energy. Water procedures will help:
  • Take a contrast shower, be sure to wet your head. The “waterfall effect” will cleanse energy channels.
  • Take 500 g sea ​​salt and add to a bath of warm water. Lie in it for 15 minutes. Imagine how a black ball goes out of you into the sky. Rinse off in the shower.
  • In Rus' they cleansed themselves of unclean things with the help of a bath. Steam yourself with birch brooms in a well-heated bath or sauna.
  • If a child is exposed to the evil eye, then spray his room and crib with holy water. Take your clothes, soak them in water and dry your baby's face.
You will need two fresh ones chicken eggs. Take the first one and lift it up above your head. Say: “If there is in me dark force, manifest yourself.” On the table, twirl the egg 3 times and break it into a plate. If you see various veins, black stripes, then this indicates the evil eye. Take the second egg and roll it over your head. Say the words for 5 minutes: “Spin the egg, remove the disease.” The next day, check the result with an egg and, if necessary, repeat the egg torsion procedure. Light a large candle in a dark room. Ask for help from the fire, mentally imagine how your troubles, problems and fears burn out in it. Stare at the flame for a few minutes. Breathe slowly. Take a candle and move it at a distance of 20 cm from your body. In areas where the flame fluctuates strongly, stop and hold the candle for a while. Thank the fire for its help, put it out and close your eyes for 5 minutes. Buy several pots of geraniums and place them throughout the apartment. Cats feed on black aura, pet your pet often. Go to church, buy some candles. Place one and pray. Light another church candle in the bedroom in the evening.

Herbalists use folk recipes. Place 2 tbsp in a saucepan. chicory or plantain herbs. Pour in 400 ml of water. Close the lid and place on low heat. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Turn off and remove from stove. Let it brew for another 15 minutes, strain. Drink 2-3 times during the day. To consolidate the effect, go into the forest and hug a tree. Imagine how evil goes to its roots. Feel new strength.

The rituals will have positive effect with faith. Then the evil eye will disappear, and your thoughts will become calm and clear, health and good luck will return.

It turns out that you can suffer from the evil eye not only because of someone envious person looked askance at the other. You can jinx yourself too. Even those who do not believe in the evil eye and the evil action of otherworldly forces, when talking about something good towards themselves, can secretly spit over their left shoulder three times or, as if jokingly, knock on wood. And they do it right. This was invented by our ancestors, and works well against the destructive energy of others. There are other measures that help in this case to insure yourself.

What is self-evil eye

Of course, already in ancient times our ancestors knew about the self-evil eye. There are even proverbs that prove this, for example, that there is no need to divide the skin of an unkilled bear. Most often, those who generally have such a negative gift in relation to other people can jinx themselves. But even those who do not have such abilities can destroy their biofield. After all, this is nothing more than its “breakdown”.

Our thoughts and feelings are types of energy that can be directed both at other people and at ourselves. Black, negative thoughts do not just move in space and time, they are capable of delivering a truly tangible blow. This is what damages the energy body - the shell, which is the biofield, or aura. Every person has a biological field. The breach, or more simply the hole that is formed due to such a negative attack, is the evil eye

Their abilities allow psychics to sense a hole in the biofield using their palms. They thus feel that in some place the elastic surface of the field is damaged: heat is felt there.

Why? Because the energy of human life flows into the resulting damage. It is no coincidence that the one who has been jinxed (including if the person has created such negativity for himself) feels very physically unwell over time. To put it simply, he begins to suffer from physical ailments. But before the shell can be broken through with the help of the evil eye, it must be thoroughly weakened. Our energy flows away through self-doubt, doubt, disappointment, anger, hatred and other negative feelings.

How can a person prevent himself from realizing his plans?

Thinking badly about yourself is unacceptable! Because it’s as easy as shelling pears to harm your biological field precisely with negative thoughts that a person directs at himself. We, in fact, will not cut ourselves with a knife or scald ourselves with boiling water (in our right mind, of course). But, unfortunately, people think little about the fact that they do the same with the biofield. But it protects a person, gives him the strength to live normally.

Such negative self-programming is our main enemy. Self-destruction is completely unacceptable! By the way, the self-evil eye only affects adults, because they are the ones who worry (and, therefore, depend) on their failures and are not confident in themselves.

By talking about oneself, “what a fool I am,” “what a bungler,” and the like, a person thereby programs himself for failure. And you have to try very hard not to do this. You need to generate bright energy with your thoughts, and not multiply joyless thoughts.

If you don't expect trouble, then most likely it won't happen. And vice versa. If something bad happens, you should take it as a life lesson, and not attack yourself with reproaches. After all, it is much easier to admit to yourself that you made a mistake and that everything can be corrected - this will not have a negative impact on the aura, and the self-evil eye will be avoided. Also, don't brag. After all, when you talk about something, you thereby reveal information about yourself, and it destroys the aura.

If you lose a loved one, let him go to another world, sad, but not grieving. It’s not for nothing that they say that sadness is light. And grief “ties” you to heavy energy.

Don’t be afraid of not getting what you want, and if your dream begins to come true, don’t brag about it. Boasting can become a source of one’s own, and what seemed like yesterday’s victory turns into failure. You only have yourself to blame for this. But you shouldn’t do this either. You need to admit mistakes and think about how to correct them. And, of course, do not repeat your mistakes.

How to identify the self-evil eye: signs

You can jinx yourself in relation to any area that concerns you: work, study, health and others. Let us repeat that it can even jinx close person without meaning to.

Speaking about the evil eye, one must at the same time understand that failures are not always “his doing.” It is quite possible to determine the self-evil eye, because it affects physical condition and health. Several signs indicate a negative influence on oneself. Moreover, they must all appear - then this is the evil eye.

A person will feel constant fatigue day after day. He will be exhausted even after quite sufficient sleep under normal conditions, he will not get enough sleep and feel energetic. Because of this, drowsiness may persist throughout the day. Another manifestation may be persistent insomnia. A person’s mood will change sharply, often towards the negative, and sometimes for no reason at all. But the person either never realizes this, or then wonders to himself why, in fact, all the fuss.

Another of the “bouquet” of the self-evil eye will be a weakening of memory and attention. Moreover, this condition is observed not only in elderly people.

Absent-mindedness concerns not only everyday life, but also the performance of duties at work, which, of course, can lead to failures in it. Also, the person cannot tolerate loud sounds at all. They don't just irritate, they unsettle you for a long time. As, by the way, bright light, as well as strong odors. All this brings real torment, whereas before it did not cause trouble. The state of depression is from the same “opera”.

These signs may also accompany exacerbation of chronic diseases. If a person has not been ill, then, having jinxed himself, he may, in addition to the listed conditions, “earn” health troubles. After all, with the loss of energy, they weaken and vitality. Sometimes doctors will not even be able to diagnose the “disease” that has arisen. You may have terrible dreams and experience incessant anxiety. A person becomes dumbfounded, may faint, or experience pressing sensations in the navel, heart, head and other organs.

How to remove the self-evil eye: 9 steps to cleanse yourself of negativity

1. You need to sit comfortably in a chair or on the sofa and relax. You can read a prayer to yourself.

2. Then imagine that a cloud has appeared six meters above your head, from which a weak vortex gradually appears - something between white fire and fog.

3. Observing the inside of the vortex, you need to “turn” it into a funnel. Its diameter should be such that you can pass through it.

4. But there is no need to move up the funnel. You just have to imagine how it rotates clockwise.

5. During the rotation process, you must internally observe how it touches the aura (this usually happens at a distance of 70 centimeters to 1.5 meters from the head). Watch how the vortex absorbs negative imprints of energy. These are negative thoughts about yourself.

It also removes from your biofield any remaining thoughts about, grievances towards loved ones and acquaintances in general. It also “sucks in” negative intentions, such as smoking or drinking. Then you watch as all this negativity is burned in the funnel.

6. You need to not just be an outside observer of these processes, but literally try to physically feel how this spiritual whirlwind of fire surrounds your biofield and also passes through your entire body.

7. You need to be immersed in what is happening, namely to realize that fiery energy cleanses your energy body from the negative energy that you have created through your thoughts and, possibly, actions.

8. At a certain moment you will feel that your aura has been cleansed. Then you need to imagine (and allow) how the funnel passes through the top of the head through the whole body and exits through the feet - into the Earth.

9. Trying to remain as relaxed as possible, you need to observe how the fiery funnel moves negative energy into the Earth, deeper and deeper - so that they cannot rise and penetrate your dreams.

Conspiracy to remove the self-evil eye

You can remove the self-evil eye by resorting to the help of a conspiracy: “The servant of God (name) stood up, blessed himself, crossed himself, went out into the yard, and from the yard he went into an open field. Behind the open field there is a rough blue sea, but there is a quiet backwater where the gray goldeneye lives. Neither water nor dew sticks to the bird. Likewise, the servant of God (name) is not subject to any teachings, moral teachings, unkind words, or malicious slander. Let it be so forever and ever, amen.”

Prevention of the self-evil eye: affirmations

We must remember that the power of intention works wonders. If you do not give way to bad thoughts and do not say bad words, then the biofield will remain strong, and the evil eye will not be able to damage it. And by and large, we ourselves can and must solve our problems.
And in order not to attract, at any time, you can, for example, make it a regular practice to perform a simple ritual, thus protecting yourself from negative influences, and therefore from all sorts of troubles.

When washing your face every morning, say the following words: “I treated myself with superiority, I scourged myself, I will treat myself.” You need to repeat the words three times, with a pure heart, with conviction.

Of course, you need to believe in the spoken words, otherwise they will not gain power. Again every morning, after drinking a glass blessed water(it can also be from a natural spring or processed with silver), say (aloud or mentally): “I deserve the best! This day will bring me joy. Let it be so!

    Don't believe it. This is the most The best way protect yourself from all sorts of conspiracies. I don’t believe in this nonsense at all. All sorts of charlatans came up with this to extort money from naive people. What kind of evil eye, what kind of damage? All this is nonsense. Don’t believe in it and then everything will be fine. Do you know what is the worst thing for a person? This is self-hypnosis. He gets something into his head and the person is gone. They say that with self-hypnosis you can even be cured of diseases. So even then a fortune teller will put some nasty thing into the head of some imaginary person and he will believe it. You just can’t go to them at all. Then no damage will take you.

    Keep the fig in your pocket, then no evil eye will take you. You can not even put it in your pocket, but simply cross your arms over your chest and hide the muzzle under your armpit. It's very effective. Energy vampires then receive back their dark energy message. They (vampires) do these bad things in order to feel better, dumping their blackness (which torments them terribly) on the chosen victim. If you feel unwell physically in public place, for example, you start to feel sick (sometimes it may falsely seem that you are getting motion sickness), somewhere it starts to hurt or twist, urgently twist the barrel (at least with one hand). If you feel sick from the bad influence of some vampire, then after 5-10 minutes you will feel better and the illness will go away completely! This has already been tested on many people and on my personal experience!

    I’ll tell you a recent incident with me, how, just yesterday, I felt the evil eye on me. I was just thinking that I should write somewhere on the Internet about this experience. So I was driving to the dacha and in line for the minibus, a woman joined me behind me. After a while, I felt terrible pain in my left knee. I immediately twisted my head. And, lo and behold! After about 7 minutes, this pain completely disappeared. This woman decided to dump her negativity on me, but, thanks to my cookie, all her pain returned to her. Turning around, I saw her dissatisfied face. Well, it serves it right. Maybe this will wean people like her from transferring their illnesses to other innocent people! On the way back from the dacha, another vampire woman sat down next to me on the bus. They are directly drawn to me, like a magnet, all because I am an energy donor by nature. I kept it all the way right hand blow, and covered it with my left hand from above so that it would not be visible. Towards the end of the trip, this lady asked me something, I answered. But this was only an excuse; she also had an extremely dissatisfied face, just like the morning vampire. She still couldn’t understand why she sat down with the young woman, and she still didn’t feel any better during the whole hour of travel. Throughout the trip, I felt physically very good, but usually I always suffered and felt bad in transport from the evil eye of such bad people. Only, of course, it’s a little stressful to constantly hold your fingers curled and hide it so that it’s not noticeable, but what a wonderful effect. I knew about fig since childhood (and I’m sure many people know about this protection), but for some reason I started using it only now, when I began to actively move around in public transport and the vampires just got to me!

    I want to thank Gleone for his answer about the closed pads of the thumb and middle fingers! This is, probably, such a socially acceptable thing, when there is no way to twist the thing in public, apparently, you are also closing yourself off in this way and the vampire cannot penetrate you. I'll definitely try it! I hope it helps as effectively as the fig. I used to suffer from the evil eye all the time, but now I use fig. Someone might laugh. But lifelong energy donors like me are not laughing at all! All sorts of vampires are always clinging to us, donors. And the fig, since ancient times, was considered by all nations to be the strongest amulet! In general, dear donors, use this simple protective principle, it will be much easier for you to live and protect yourself from the evil eye, as well as other negative energy messages. Good luck and health to everyone! Let's fight back such cunning vampires and show them all the bullshit.)

    To avoid being jinxed, you need to attach a pin to your clothes, head down.

    The easiest way to try to protect yourself or your child from the evil eye is to attach a pin to the wrong side of the clothing, head down. To do this, you can cast a spell on a pin, for example, like this, or the simplest thing is to take an open pin, put it on the palm of your left hand and say the following spell over it

    then immediately attach it to your clothes. You should not forget to put such a pin on the clothes you are going to wear today...

    We must repent of our sins before the Lord and ask Him for protection from everything bad, including the evil eye. The Lord will protect, heal and destroy every curse, you just have to turn to Him. After all, He created us in His image and likeness, so the Bible tells us. This means that He is the same as us, He can see and hear us, only the Almighty, All-Seeing, All-Hearing, Holy, loving God. This means He can help us, just ask, it’s not written in the Bible for nothing, you don’t have it because you don’t ask or ask for the wrong thing. In everything in our lives we must rely only on God, because our God is not last hope, but the only one.

    First of all, don’t believe in the evil eye! After all, what he believes in often happens to a person...

    well, no one forbids you to pin a pin to your clothes 😉

    Firstly, it is recommended not to talk about your successes, purchases, financial possibilities, happiness in love and everything else that can cause envy in those listening. Secondly, when communicating, you need to cross your legs and/or arms, and if this is not possible in the situation, then at least keep the pads of your thumbs and middle fingers closed.

    When you travel in public transport, mentally imagine that you are in an impenetrable capsule. If you notice someone’s heavy gaze on you, then say (not out loud, of course, but to yourself): Chiriy on your eyes. Well, it would be nice to wear a pin on the inside of your clothes, as already written here.

The evil eye is nothing more than Negative influence energy from one person to another. Every day we come across a huge number of people, some of whom do not treat us very kindly. But the cause of the evil eye can be not only fierce hatred. Sometimes just an unkind look is enough, and the evil eye is guaranteed. Therefore, many people ask questions: what to do so as not to be jinxed? And if you’ve already been jinxed, what should you do? Should I run to healers, light a candle in church, or should I try to do something on my own?

How to get rid of the evil eye

If you are sure that the reason for your troubles is precisely that you have been jinxed, then the main thing you should do is not to panic. Most often, the evil eye goes away on its own in two to three days, without any effort on your part. But if you are still determined to get rid of it as soon as possible, or two or three days have passed and you still feel unwell, then you can try to do it yourself at home.

  • Any energy boost for the body is a great way to get rid of the evil eye. Therefore, take a contrast shower, go to the bathhouse, or simply do some hard physical work. Just know when to stop. After all, your body is already exhausted energetically after the evil eye.
  • If a cat lives in your house, then this is also a definite plus. After all, cats are excellent at removing someone else's property from their owners. negative energy and take it upon themselves. And don't worry about the cat, she'll be fine. After all, these amazing creatures in some inexplicable way are able to transform negative energy.
  • Another way to get rid of the evil eye is geranium. Buy several flowerpots and place them in the places where you spend your time most often.
  • Church bells (not recorded) also help well with the evil eye. All you have to do is go to the church and listen to him. You need to celebrate the Mass by saying prayers at this time. And if you suspect who has jinxed you, you can light a candle for him “for good health.”
  • Finally, you can take holy water, rub it on your face and body, and then take a shower. Light a candle before going to bed. Sit in front of it for about 15 minutes. Look at the flame and read “Our Father.”

A child has been jinxed: what to do?

Any loving mother tries to protect her children from all the troubles of life, including the evil eye. But what to do if your baby has already been jinxed, and now he cries a lot, is capricious and behaves restlessly without any reason? visible reasons? Don't worry, there are several methods that will help you get rid of the evil eye.

  • Take holy water and sprinkle it on the room and crib in which the baby sleeps. Then the mother should take the same holy water, stand in the doorway and read the “Our Father” three times. Next, you need to wash the baby three times and wipe his face with the hem of your clothes.
  • Fill a cup with water (you can use any water, but it is preferable that it be clean). Take clean spoons (any: tea or tablespoon) and rinse them in this water. The number of spoons should be equal to the number of family members. Take this water into your mouth and sprinkle it on your child in a cross pattern. The effect will be almost immediate.

And you can always protect your baby from the evil eye with the help of a pin, which is attached to inner side clothes head down.



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