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What will happen when Lenin is taken out of the mausoleum? If Lenin is taken out of the mausoleum: prophecies

“Tsar Nicholas, out of great love for Russia and man, humbled himself, suffered, suffered, and went to the Cross. He forgave everyone, even the tormenting monsters, accursed murderers... But God will not forgive us if we value His suffering at nothing, we create lies and listen to Satan the murderer... It is he who pours the poison of lies into the minds and hearts of poor people ... And those who believe the slanderer and go against the Tsar, do evil with false remains - their fate is terrible in Eternity! God forbid! You can't believe lies! They burned them - and drank the ashes... How much evil is in the world, how much evil is in man... Keep that Truth that is necessary in Eternity - Our King is a great saint, He is with the Lord in ineffable Glory... The King has been given enormous power over peace... And whoever raised his hand against the Tsar, know that such a person entered into an agreement with the devil himself... Such people will be excommunicated from the Love of God in Eternity!” (Elder Nikolai (Guryanov) (Based on the book by Schema-nun Nikolai “The Royal Bird Calls to God”, Moscow, 2009)).

“If these false relics are buried in my family tomb, then the wrath of God will fall on this place! Something terrible will happen not only to the temple, but also to the city!...
And then there will be war! Demons will come out of the abyss, drive you out of your houses, and won’t let you into churches... Tell everyone that if we glorify Tsar Nicholas, he will arrange everything!.. and there will be no war!..” (Tsar Redeemer Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov) .

Since the glorification of the Royal Family as passion-bearers, Russia has experienced many dangerous moments of being drawn into the war. But not understanding the “restraining factor” of the Great Royal Co-Crucifixion with Christ, the people of Russia, under the control of wolves in sheep’s clothing, missed the saving opportunity! The Tsar - Christ of the Lord - the Redeemer Nicholas was not glorified by the official church even with the rank of martyr!

“The sacrifice of Tsar Nicholas is complete co-crucifixion with Christ, the Sacrifice for Holy Rus'...” Elder Nicholas (Guryanov).

“The corpse will be taken out - and there will be war. ... If there is a war before, many will be saved, but if there is famine, not. ... She pointed to the tip of her finger and said: “That’s how much is left, and if you don’t repent, then the Lord won’t give even that” (Mother Alipia (Avdeeva), “In the Pasture of the Mother of God” /15/, p. 21).

Everyone was waiting for the removal of Lenin's mummy from the Mausoleum! But the event of the first sign from GOD happened! Although the removal of Lenin's mummy will also be a sign of another attempt by the devils in power to unleash a world massacre!

But Mother Alipia’s prophecy turned out to be much more salutary! It not only notifies about past events, but also warns about future ones! Those. in agreement with everyone else, it warns of the destruction of the city of Peter if the “corpse” of the Tsar’s double is recognized as relics! As the Tsar himself warned!

Of all the events associated with the war and the “removal of the corpse,” only the exhumation on September 23, 2015 of the false remains of the Tsar, or more precisely, the “false corpse,” became a sign for Russia’s entry into the War! The corpse was taken out of the Peter and Paul Cathedral on September 23, and on September 30, Russia began the War in Syria!

On September 23, according to the plan of the government and the church, the “remains of the Royal Family” were removed from the Peter and Paul Fortress, so that after a scientific examination they would be reintroduced with the blessing of the Orthodox Church on October 18! This decision has already been made and announced through central information channels.

The corpse of the Tsar's double was carried out on September 23, and already on September 30, 2015, during the eclipse of the Blood Moon, Russia officially and actually entered the Third World War! No one knows how much time is left before general mobilization or a massive attack on Russian megacities. But the fact that only half a finger of time is left is realized by everyone who knows the transience of current events and ... the “missile war”.

“When he had the strength to talk to those around him, he repeated: grief will begin with the events in Syria. When terrible events begin there, start praying, praying hard. Everything will begin from there, from Syria!!! After them, expect grief among us too, hunger and grief” (Reverend Bishop of Sissania and Siatitzi, Father Anthony).

Which option the War will take for Russian Orthodox people depends on the strength of their aspiration along one or another path proposed by GOD for believers!

The first, most terrible option, indicated in the prophecies with the spiritual and then physical death of humanity, we have already “stepped over” on September 30. There are only a few weeks and days left before the war enters the active phase! The West will not tolerate a Russian victory in Syria! As already happened in the first two Wars, Russia will be stabbed in the back at the beginning of the War.

“There will be a war. But it will be like a blessing, like God’s mercy. And if there is no war, it will be very, very bad. Otherwise, people will be cleansed with their blood and will not live to see the seal. ... China will come from the east and north and occupy almost all of Russia, but will not reach the Penza region.” (Schigumen Alexy (Shumilin) ​​/21/, p. 43).

“Shortly before his death / Schema-Archimandrite Christopher / said once:
- The Lord added another twenty-seven years. There will be great disasters in these years. The elders pray very much for there to be a war, and after the war there will be famine. And if there is no war, then it will be bad, everyone will die. The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved.
From the day of his death (December 9, 1996, author’s note) we must count twenty-seven years. And what will happen there is unknown” (Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p. 257).

The next option, or the “left path,” has opened before Russia, when the Legal Monarchy will not be begged and organized over Russia, and the servants of Mammon, in the process of War, will lead the entire unfortunate and ungrateful Russian people to accept the Antichrist. With this option, it is logical that the Satanists who have power will strive to destroy as many people as possible in the fiery tornado of atomic strikes!

“There will be no demons in hell lately. Everyone will be on earth and in people. There will be a terrible disaster on earth, there will not even be water. Then there will be a world war. There will be such strong bombs that iron will burn and stones will melt. Fire and smoke with dust will reach the sky. And the earth will burn. There will be very few people left and then they will start shouting “Down with the war and install one king” (Rev. Lavrenty Chernigovsky (+1950), p. 122).

“Be aware! There will be a war here, and a war here, and a war there! And only then the warring countries will decide to choose one common ruler. You cannot participate in this! After all, this single ruler is the Antichrist” (Arch. Vladislav (Shumov) p. Obukhovo (+1996)).

“There will be persecution, oppression, marks. And then there will be war. It will be short but powerful."
“After people have finally made up their minds and stand firm, not accepting anything, the Lord will allow the last action - war. And if a person crosses himself: “Lord, save, have mercy!”, the Lord will even then save everyone who can be saved until the beast reigned" (Archimandrite Tavrion).

The next version of the nearest events or the “right path” of Russia with the Lawful Power of the Anointed of GOD is described by many prophets. Although it is bloody, it is saving for many chosen ones.

“This war of the world, perhaps the entire New World Order, against Russia will be terrible in its consequences for humanity, claiming billions of lives. The reason for it will be painfully recognizable - Serbia.
After the resurrection of Russia there will be a Third World War and it will begin in Yugoslavia. The winner will be Russia, the Russian Kingdom, which will be able to establish lasting peace and prosperity on earth after the war, although it will not conquer most of the lands of its opponents." (Elder Matthew of Vresthenes.)

“Father / Schema-Archimandrite Christopher / said:
- Just as the Lord preserved Noah for the continuation of the human race, so now, whomever He chooses and shelters, they will remain, so that later a new humanity will be born. There will be a new tribe, and there will also be a king (in Russia). After us there will be a renewal of the world (Russia).
This will happen before the coming of the Antichrist. Only after war and famine will there be a revival of Russia” (Book: Schema-Archimandrite Christopher /20/, p. 334).

Given this, judging by the spiritual state of the people, the most likely option, it is logical that before the appearance of the Tsar, Russian megacities could also be subjected to a massive missile attack at the peak of hostilities.

“This is how Sodom and Gomorrah died for debauchery, so the Lord will burn us with fire, this world will burn us. Such large cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg will perish” (Elder Christopher).

“He said that there would be a war soon. The service has already begun to be cut. God endures, endures, and then suddenly he shrinks and the cities fall (Moscow, St. Petersburg)” (Hegumen Gury).

And in the King’s warning prophecy we see the option of saving or destroying megacities. Or rather one – St. Petersburg! And the death of this city is connected with the fight against God of its bishops, priests and its ordinary inhabitants.

“If these false relics are buried in my family tomb, then the wrath of God will fall on this place! Something terrible will happen not only to the temple, but also to the city!..."

Judging by the speed of creating a commission to glorify the Royal false relics and the urgency of the exhumation, the Satanists who know these prophecies are striving as quickly as possible to scientifically confirm, “glorify” and bury the false relics of the Royal Family! Even before the start of active hostilities! To officially secure the curse on the people through church recognition! By presenting the Orthodox people with the fact of maintaining the curse for regicide and atheism for the period of the Third World War! When the people themselves, recognizing the power of the proteges of the Antichrist over themselves, will remove the blessing and the war “will begin” “... not for repentance, but for extermination.” What if we remain silent and the corpse is brought into Peter and Paul Fortress with church and state honors?!!!

“There will be a war, and where it takes place, there will be no people there. And before that, the Lord will send small illnesses to weak people, and they will die. And under the Antichrist there will be no diseases. And the Third World War will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination.” The sister asked: “So will everyone die?” “No, if believers wash themselves in blood, they will be counted among the martyrs, and if non-believers, then they will go to hell,” answered Father” (Venerable Lavrenty of Chernigov /4/, p.99).

There is also a more optimistic option in the prophecies! And he is connected only with the Tsar the Redeemer Nikolai Alexandrovich - the Coming Orthodox Tsar. During the War or after it?! And the meeting of the “strongest” remaining on earth with Christ the Lord - the Anointed of GOD!

“And Father said that the Lord will take away the weak, and others will be cleansed by illness. There will be those who, during the war, will wash away their sins with their blood and will be counted among the martyrs. And the Lord will leave the strongest to meet Him” (Venerable Lavrentiy of Chernigov /4/, p.95).

But in the prophecies there is also an option to bypass the War altogether! What would be the Greatest Miracle for the present time! And this Miracle is connected only with nationwide repentance and with the acquisition of the Orthodox Tsar!

“...if we glorify Tsar Nicholas, then he will arrange everything!.. and there will be no war!..” (Tsar Nikolai Alexandrovich).

“The sword of a terrible war constantly hangs over Russia, and only the prayer of the Holy Tsar Nicholas averts the wrath of God from us. We must ask the Tsar so that there is no war. He loves and pities Russia. If you only knew how He cries for us there!” Elder Nikolai (Guryanov).

The priests of Mammon, like no one else, studied God's Providence, according to which the Last Judgment will soon come to them and to all humanity. And they know that they are not able to fight GOD and HIS Heavenly Host! But knowing that they have a chance of salvation through sincere repentance for their atrocities, they, for the most part, reject this opportunity. Mired in the “tar of godlessness” and in hatred of people, they only crave the death of as many people as possible along with them! And they are preparing this death through the destruction of God’s Plan! Providence concluded in the construction of the “Ark of Salvation” - the Orthodox Kingdom.

One of the methods in implementing the plan for the destruction of humanity is to direct “and the chosen ones” along the atheistic path of resistance to the Will of GOD or, at a minimum, non-participation in the implementation of saving Providence. Every person of faith is tempted by evildoers! Knowing the lies and evil intentions of the enemies of the Truth, it is enough to remain silent and a person becomes a traitor!

“God is betrayed by silence” (St. Gregory the Theologian).

Satanists from those in power and from religious ministers cannot yet directly say that they are Satanists. They dress up in every possible way in the clothes of servants of GOD and Truth! They voice their devotion to GOD and service to Him in every possible way! But by their actions and lack of proper deeds they in every possible way confirm their belonging to the caste of the priests of Mammon or to their servants!

“You cannot serve two masters.” And division according to service takes place in our time in the attitude of believers - laity and priests to the glorification of Tsar Nicholas in the status of Martyr and Redeemer! And the attitude of believers to the Idea of ​​building the Orthodox Kingdom. These two great God-given Ideas merge into one in the Coming King! That is why they protest so vehemently against the announcement of the Idea of ​​the Orthodox Kingdom and the glorification of the Tsar - Martyr - Redeemer with popular repentance, the servant of the coming Antichrist - the main enemy of the coming Orthodox Tsar!

At the start of the War, the servants of Mammon prepared another farce with a “scientific” determination of the truth of the false “relics” of the Royal Family and glorification of both the false relics and the Royal Family in a humiliated state – the “passion-bearers”. And false powers and false status doom the Orthodox people of Russia and, in particular, the residents of St. Petersburg to terrible suffering and most of them to death! St. Petersburg is under siege again! But for now only spiritual!
Are we really going to surrender to the devil’s servants and allow them to recognize the “corpse” as relics and “drag” it into the Royal Tomb?!

The Servant of God Nina (her full data will be provided to the commission for the canonization of saints) was honored by the Lord to witness the miraculous appearances of the holy murdered Royal Family.
“And when they - the Royal Family - were leaving, I asked Tsar Nicholas: “How did they come to God through martyrdom?” And she also asked: “What, you can’t just go to God?” Queen Alexandra said: “Don’t, don’t scare the girl.” And the Emperor said in a sad voice: “Everyone should know this! They did such things to us that it’s terrible to even say!.. They poured us into glasses... and drank with pleasure and gloating that they destroyed us like that!..” I asked: “How did they pour you into glasses and drink?” "Yes. “They did this to us,” Tsar Nicholas answered, “I don’t want to scare you, time will pass and everything will be revealed.” When you grow up, tell people directly: don’t let them look for our remains, they don’t exist!”
“One day Tsar Nicholas appeared to me in a dream and said: “Come with me, there is very little time left!” We found ourselves inside a large building where there were a lot of people. There was a long table in front, and the authorities sat at the table. Everyone was gloomy. The clergy shone in the center, and to the side were doctors in white coats. Behind them could be seen ordinary people, some of whom were praying: “Lord, don’t let this happen.” The doctors said to themselves: “What are we doing?!” The Emperor approached them and prayed for their admonition. I asked him: “What are they doing?” Tsar Nicholas replied: “They are the ones arguing about me... Tell the clergy not to believe the authorities: these are not my bones! Let them tell the authorities: “We will not recognize the counterfeit relics, keep them with us, and we will leave the holy name of the Emperor and the predictions of the holy saints about him!” Tell the priesthood to paint icons and pray. Through these icons I will beg for miraculous help, I have the power to help many... I will receive the power to help all the people when I am glorified on earth! And then, say, Russia will prosper for a short time!.. And let them not divide us on icons. They burned us to powder and drank us!.. And let them not look for our relics. If the clergy don’t believe you and call you crazy, then tell everyone what I tell you! If these false relics are buried in my family tomb, then the wrath of God will fall on this place! Something terrible will happen not only to the temple, but also to the city! And if these false relics begin to be presented as saints, then I will pray to the Lord to burn them with fire... All the liars will fall dead! And those who venerate false relics will have a demon, they will go crazy and even die! And then there will be war! Demons will come out of the abyss, drive you out of your homes, and won’t let you into churches... Tell everyone that if we glorify Tsar Nicholas, he will arrange everything!.. and there will be no war!.. Write it down and pass it on to the clergy. But first you will give these words of mine to the wrong people. Among the priesthood there are not real ones, but framed, deceitful ones... They will hide a lot from people from what I said. And others will believe you and help you. As soon as you work for the glory of God, you will reap the fruits!” (From the magazine “Crimean Athos” (6/1998 - 1/1999).

The appearance of the Tsar to Nina with a gradual change from the King of Heaven to a simple person and a priest speaks of the imminent appearance of the Tsar to people. And there are more and more such phenomena! Whether we deserve to find a Tsar and build an Orthodox Kingdom, or whether the Tsar already living among us will be torn apart by Satanists again even before the anointing, will depend on a series of actions in which the attitude to the words of the Elders and to the holy prophecies plays the most important role, as conscientious “regulators” and “ road signs."

“We will not recognize counterfeit relics, leave them with us, and we will leave the holy name of the Emperor and the predictions of the holy saints about him!”

Knowing from the clairvoyant Elders that there are no relics in any hands except those of Satanists, we must know that the basis for true genetic material can only be particles from the heads of the Royal Martyrs cut off and hidden for satanic rituals. And first of all, their... teeth. Which are least susceptible to decomposition and which, together with the lower jaw, are easiest to replace in a pile of remains. This is confirmed by the results of the first examination. During the first examination, it was the teeth with dental crowns that were the most reliable genetic material.

It is not difficult to imagine how the heads of the Holy Martyrs will be removed from the “reserves” of Satanists in Moscow, teeth will be pulled out, lower jaws will be broken, sprinkled with lime, burned and... presented for examination. They will undoubtedly confirm, for the last time, the truth of...the teeth. But not the bones of skeletons, which are called “relics”. Since the true relics were destroyed to powder and “drank with tea”! There is no doubt that after the examination, so as not to violate the “spiritual falsity”, the holy remains of the heads of the Royal Family will be again hidden in the same priestly storerooms from which they were already pulled out and will be pulled out again for the last time!

How long can you not listen to the “cry” of the Saints?! “GOD Is Betrayed in Silence”

Elder Nikolai (Guryanov) about the Honest Tsar's Heads: “They were beheaded, not only the Tsar, but all the Martyrs, and taken away... At one time they were in the Kremlin. God knows, maybe even in the mausoleum... They did such things to them that God forbid even speak! Flour! Iniquity! Damned satanic mockery... It’s better to remain silent and cry about this... Demonic dancing.”

We do not know whether “search engines” were used in the “dark” to discover false relics, or whether any of them were consciously led by “puppeteers” from the Zionist-Masonic priesthood. Undoubtedly, this will be known at the Royal Court, and then at the Last Judgment! But at the same time, without wanting it themselves, the priests and their free and unwilling servants revealed the very essence of signs from God and revealed the importance of the ideas of the Orthodox Kingdom! After all, neither power nor false power could have appeared in the Light at all! But they appeared and outlined the great Idea of ​​Legal Monarchy in Holy Rus'!

Why are the Royal Icons bleeding and bleeding all over Russia and Orthodox abroad!? Why do miraculous healings occur in front of icons and even their photographs? And in the Royal Tomb in Petropavlovka there are not only healings and signs, but even the approach to the tombs with “false remains” is closed? Is it because the stench that periodically points to other false relics (for example, the “relics” of Seraphim of Sarov) from these fakes would undoubtedly expose the liars to “clean water”?!

Most church hierarchs, priests and laity are not even aware of the spiritual battle in which false relics are assigned the role of a sign at a fork in the road for Orthodox Russian people. And the campaign following the sign of false relics will lead all of Russia and the whole world into a terrible scenario of general carnage and destruction! With the option of completely destroying life on earth! If the Orthodox Kingdom is not built and the Antichrist and the empire are accepted by all people for three years, then the complete destruction of all life on the planet and even the planet itself!

The incredible value of all the signs and events associated with the Royal Martyrs is also evidenced by the “sabotage” organized by the priests of Mammon on July 17, 2015!
Shot down by the unfortunate Ukrainian military
(http://www.rusidea.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=48802#p48802) The Boeing 777, over the Donetsk region, was not only and not so much a “target” pointed at Russia, but moreover - a screen obscuring for Orthodox Russians and the whole world the sacred day of the Crucifixion of the Royal Martyrs who became Redeemers!

In order to divert the attention of the world community from the events of almost a century ago, you need to have very strong reasons!
There are no other events other than the ritual brutal murder of the Royal Family by the priests of Zion, for the sake of which the special services of the Satanists would stage such a bloody Sabbath on this day in Donbass!

07/17/1918 - Murder of the Royal Family, as well as their associates and servants in Yekaterinburg!

In order to desecrate the Day of Russian Golgotha, sabotage was committed in Donbass. To do this, Western agents pulled off a multi-step maneuver with the missing (stolen by the Satanist secret services) Malaysian Boeing and on July 17, 2014 they shot down this plane!

On the spiritual plane, according to which the mental plan of state ideology is built, a “fat blot” was placed, indicating to the ignorant the death of the innocent passengers of the Boeing, and for those seeking the Truth - to a great date in the Spiritual History of mankind!

The war began when the corpse was taken out! There are no coincidences! There is only a set of facts that has not been known before the deadline! And they say that false relics are a “bargaining chip” for which we, residents of Russia, are preparing to buy land in a cemetery. And may God grant us - residents of St. Petersburg, members of the Royal House, true bishops and priests of the Russian Orthodox Church and all citizens of Russia - realizing what is being done, to disrupt this terrible and deadly deal!

There's almost no time left! The war has begun! And there are a couple of weeks left before the ROCMP hierarchy recognizes the false remains as “holy relics” on our behalf! And if the Russian Orthodox people do not rebel against, the fate of the Tsar’s Martyrs awaits us and our children - corpses burned and ground into ashes! And a terrible hell of spiritual burning in an atheistic hell! And we...? What did we do in order to “take our souls away from the grave”?!!!

“Rus will not rise until it realizes who Tsar Nicholas was for us. We are still alive to them.” (Salt of the Earth (Film 3), father Nikolai Guryanov, 1:07).

Sergey Fokin
St. Petersburg. 02.10..2015

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of the Royal Martyrs, have mercy on us sinners and save the Russian land.” Prayer from Elder Nicholas (Guryanov).


Discussions still continue about why Lenin is not buried. Despite all the explanations and reasoning, no one gave a clear answer. Some are inclined to believe that the leader of the proletariat should be immortal and always remind of himself, while others think that all this is connected with Let’s look into everything in more detail.

Illness and death of the leader

Before answering the question of why Lenin is not buried, let's talk about the reasons for his death. Vladimir Ilyich died at the age of 53. The leader of the proletariat died from “softening of the brain tissue.” The death occurred in the village of Gorki (Moscow region). In the last days of Lenin's life, his wife closely watched and looked after him

After this terrible event and after the body was moved to Moscow, the question arose of how and where to bury the leader. Almost unanimously, the decision was made to embalm Vladimir Ilyich’s body. The initiator was Stalin, who believed that the leader’s body should be buried like the relics of saints.

Different opinion

If we consider the question of why Lenin is not buried, then there is another version. Many argue that at that time there were people among the Bolsheviks who hoped for significant advances in science. Some believed that in the future there would finally be a way to revive the leader of the proletariat. That is why Lenin's body was embalmed and not buried.

Why isn't Lenin buried? Mysticism

An interesting fact remains that the famous architect A. Shchusev, who built several famous churches and temples in Russia, chose to cope with the task using the pagan method. Thus, he chose the Pergamon Altar, or Mesopotamian cult tower, as the basis for the project to build a mausoleum for the leader.

As is known, the expulsion of the Chaldeans, Semitic tribes with the skills of witchcraft, magic and fortune telling, took place in Pergami. The priests managed to give life again to their religion, which did not recognize Jesus Christ. Therefore, Pergamum, to some extent, was considered a truly satanic place, since Chaldean magical and witchcraft rituals regularly took place on this territory.

One of the patrons of all Chaldeans was the god Vil, who, according to legend, was in a temple resembling a quadrangle shape. The temple was formed by 7 towers, which narrowed one after another.

It was from him that Shchusev “took off” the architectural design for the construction of Lenin’s mausoleum. Some agree that Shchusev compared Vladimir Ilyich with the god Vil. Therefore, it was decided to make the mausoleum in the style of an altar.

These guesses were confirmed by the publicist G. Marchenko, who wrote that the architect took the Pergamon Altar as a basis. Then the famous archaeologist F. Poulsen provided him with all the necessary information.

This begs another question: “Why was Lenin buried in the mausoleum of Satan?”

Another mystical version

Why did you decide not to bury Lenin? There is another thought on this matter. Some believed that the leader was in league with the devil. That’s why the mausoleum itself was originally built according to all the laws of magic.

It was even believed that Lenin’s tomb was very similar to the cult building of the Bolshevik system, thanks to which it was planned to solve problems of an international scale.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the right corner of Lenin’s tomb there is an inconspicuous niche. Inside it has a protruding corner, which is very reminiscent of a longitudinal spike. It is believed that the main purpose of this corner is to absorb vitality. After all, a huge number of people pass by the niche, military parades and various demonstrations are organized.

Some believed that the person standing above the niche (and Stalin stood above it during the demonstrations) controlled the consciousness and thoughts of people passing by like a hypnotist.

A sensational video about the leader’s movements in the sarcophagus

A few years ago, a video spread around the world, which clearly showed how Lenin’s mummy first raised his hand, and then raised his upper body and fell again into the sarcophagus.

The video was filmed with a hidden camera installed in the main hall of the mausoleum. After some time, American scientists decided to check the recording for plausibility. As a result, the researchers stated that there was no editing, coloring or insertion of frames. Then the Americans wanted to study Lenin’s body, but the Russian government did not give permission, citing special secrecy.

Until now, the question of why Lenin is not buried remains relevant. People are also interested in how a mummy's nails and hair can grow. It also leads to terrible thoughts that the mausoleum workers unanimously claim that they saw the mummy moving in the sarcophagus.

The reaction of the people, or why are people against the burial of the leader?

Lenin's body remains untouched to this day thanks to public opinion. Almost half of Muscovites are against the embalmed body being finally buried. This is explained by the fact that many do not understand the mystical meaning that the mausoleum carries. Few people know that the building belongs to an ancient satanic cult.

One should not ignore the fact that in 2011 there was a picket on the streets of Moscow. People demanded to remove it from the Mausoleum.

The decision was also supported by the United Russia party, which conducted an online poll in which people were asked to vote in favor of giving the body of the great leader to the earth. As it turned out, 43% of respondents believed that Lenin’s embalming was contrary to all Orthodox and moral values. The rest turned out to be committed to keeping Vladimir Ilyich in the mausoleum. Therefore, the answer to the question of why Lenin’s body is not buried is clear.

We hope that the situation will be resolved in the right direction soon. But for now it remains unclear - does the main proletarian deserve such a terrible fate? One thing is clear: until the leader’s body is buried, Russia will not gain peace and happiness.

There are many legends and traditions why Lenin’s body remains in the mausoleum to this day and more than 13 million rubles a year are spent on its preservation.

Over the years, Orthodox associates and even church fathers made bad predictions regarding this fact. Blessed Alipia of Kiev foresaw that after the reburial of Lenin’s corpse, war would begin in Russia.

Elder John, a schema-monk at the Church of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, in the Yaroslavl region, foreshadowed the complete destruction of Moscow after the removal of Lenin’s body from Red Square: “In April, when the “bald man” is taken out of the Mausoleum, Moscow will fall into salty waters and little else will happen. will remain from Moscow. Sinners will swim in salt water for a long time, but there will be no one to save them. They will all die. Therefore, I recommend that those of you who work in Moscow work there until April. The Astrakhan and Voronezh regions will be flooded.

Leningrad will be flooded. The city of Zhukovsky (Moscow region, 30 km from the capital) will be partially destroyed. The Lord wanted to do this back in 1999, but the Mother of God begged him to give him more time. Now there is absolutely no time left. Only those who leave the cities (Moscow, Leningrad) to live in the countryside will have a chance to survive. There is no point in starting to build houses in the villages, there is no time left, you won’t have time. Better buy a ready-made house. There will be a great famine. There will be no electricity, no water, no gas. Only those who grow their own food will have a chance to survive. China will go to war against us with an army of 200 million and occupy all of Siberia to the Urals. The Japanese will rule the Far East. Russia will begin to be torn apart. A terrible war will begin. Russia will remain within the borders of the times of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. The Venerable Seraphim of Sarov will come. He will unite all Slavic peoples and states and bring the Tsar with him... There will be such a famine that those who have accepted the “seal of the Antichrist” will eat the dead. And most importantly, pray and hurry up to change your life so as not to live in sin, since there is absolutely no time left...”

Urban legends

There are many unusual urban legends surrounding the existence of the mausoleum and the body preserved in it. According to one of them, embalming was carried out using a ritual of black magic. In place of the leader’s removed brain, they allegedly placed some occult signs inscribed on a gold plate. They have been preserving the body in the mausoleum for many decades, despite the change of political system and other changes in the country.

According to another legend, a secret psychotropic weapon is kept in the mausoleum. Removing the body of the deceased can supposedly lead to its activation. There are also stories that the mausoleum is a negatively charged pyramid-ziggurat, sucking out the energy of people passing through Red Square and transmitting something negative into the environment.

The latest version originates from the theory of the Nazi doctor Paul Kremer, who believed it was possible to influence a person’s genotype by radiation directed from a dead body. He even conducted classified research on this topic. According to legend, the security officers somehow took possession of the results of his experiments and used them in the mausoleum.

One way or another, Lenin’s body is still on Red Square. Disputes about his reburial are ongoing, but so far no definite decision has been made.

Most of Vanga's prophecies are very vague. And yet they are much clearer than those of the same Nostradamus. At least for interpreters. The blind woman Vanga made the most shocking prediction in 1980. She literally said the following: “At the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it.”

What seemed utter absurdity at the time suddenly took on a terrible meaning 20 years later. The nuclear submarine Kursk, the namesake of the city, which really could not have ended up under water, perished.

Does the gift of foresight really exist?


Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva) was born on January 31, 1911, died on August 11, 1996. Lived in the city of Petrich (Bulgaria). She was buried near the Church of St. Petka of Bulgaria in the area of ​​Rupite.

At the age of 12, Vanga lost her sight. She was carried away by a powerful whirlwind. The girl was found alive, but covered with earth and stones, with her eye sockets dusted with sand. As a result, she went blind.

Vanga began predicting at the age of 16 - she helped her father find a sheep stolen from the flock he was tending. She accurately described the yard where the sheep were hidden. She said that she saw him in a dream. But professional visionary abilities appeared at the age of 30.

Many powerful people came to Vanga. There was even Hitler. I left upset.


Predicted:“Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river” (1989).

It came true: It came true. In September 2001, the World Trade Center skyscrapers collapsed following a terrorist air attack on the United States.

Interpretation: The collapsed skyscrapers were called “twins” or “brothers.” They were hit by planes - “iron birds” - of terrorists. But what does the bush have to do with it? And despite the fact that in English he sounds like Bush. That is, the trouble dates back to his presidency.

Predicted:“The world will go through many cataclysms and strong shocks. The very consciousness of people will change. Hard times will come. People will be divided on the basis of faith...” (date unknown).

It came true: It came true. Hard times have arrived after all. And something is happening to people’s consciousness.

Interpretation: There are more than enough cataclysms - tsunamis alone, which have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, are worth it. What about the numerous recent terrorist attacks? Or religious riots?

Predicted:“We are witnessing fateful events. The two largest leaders in the world shook hands (the grandmother was obviously hinting at Gorbachev and Reagan). But a lot of time will pass, a lot of water will flow away, until the Eighth comes - he will sign the final peace on the planet” (January 1988).

It came true: It's starting to come true. At least in relation to the Eighth. By the way, even at the time when Boris Yeltsin was President of Russia, Vanga already hinted at the next one, although she did not mention the name: “This will be a completely unexpected figure. Definitely not Zyuganov or Lebed.”

Interpretation: The “eighth” has already arrived: after all, Russia has joined the “Big Seven”. It recently became the G8. It's now a matter of world peace.

Predicted:“Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit” (date unknown).

Fulfilled: Not yet fulfilled. We are still far from a great empire. And the spirit is rather weak. But the search for a national idea is ongoing.

Interpretation: This was one of Vanga's last prophecies. While making it, the grandmother drew a large circle with her hands.

Predicted:“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia... She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world” (1979).

It came true: It hasn't come true yet. Although... Russia has survived. And note, this was said during the times of the USSR, when few people uttered the word “Russia”.

Interpretation: It is unknown which Vladimir they were talking about. But certainly not about Zhirinovsky. There are only three real contenders for the role of the fateful Vladimir: Prince Vladimir, Lenin and our current president - aka “The Eighth”.

Predicted:“In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest” (1960).

It came true: It's starting to come true. By 2018, Earth scientists intend to organize the extraction of helium-3 on the Moon; similar plans were announced just the other day.

Interpretation: Helium-3 is both a product of solar activity and fuel for a thermonuclear reactor, which, in fact, is itself a small Sun. The reactor will supply electricity “to the wires” and the trains will fly.

Predicted: “Life will be found in space, and it will become clear how life appeared on Earth.”

It came true: It hasn't come true yet. The mystery of the origin of life has not been solved. It was not possible to find it even on Mars. But the search continues. Especially in terms of catching intelligent signals from aliens.

Interpretation: Vanga believed in aliens. In 1979, she predicted a meeting between people and brothers in mind from other stars, which would take place in 200 years.

Baba Vanga's Testament- Don’t fight fools - they’re not very scary, don’t try to correct or change them. Assholes are much worse. They are ready to present something that can excite the whole people.


“Someone calculated that over the 55 years of its activity, Vanga had more than a million visitors,” says mathematician Mikhail KHOLMOGOROV. - “Prophecies”, of course, are much smaller. And yet there are so many of them that, according to statistics, there must be true ones. But these, in my opinion, are random coincidences. And they usually prefer not to talk about erroneous forecasts. Although it is known, for example, that in 1973 Vanga assured: the Soviet Union would send troops to Chile within a month. But he never entered it.”



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