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What is a transfer in tourism? Individual transfer: a person with a sign. What is a group transfer

When going on a trip, many people ask questions: how to comfortably get from the airport to the hotel, see the sights, and what to do if you realize that it will be very difficult to navigate in an unfamiliar place. Travel companies usually do an excellent job of solving such organizational issues. For those who are planning a trip on their own, for example to, helpful information transfers will come in handy.

The concept of transfer to English language means moving. The term is more often used by economists and bankers, and in tourism it refers to a delivery service from one place to another upon pre-order. You can order a transfer from the airport to the hotel or a visit to large shopping centers. Often you can get more than just a driver for an additional fee. Behind the wheel of the car there will be a person who can tell you in detail about the sights or advise where it is better to make purchases, especially if you decide.

Having purchased a transfer to the hotel, you can be sure that an employee of the company will be waiting at the airport with a sign indicating the name of the travel agency or hotel if the transfer is for a group, or the name and surname of the person expected if it is individual. At the end of the holiday, the traveler will be transferred from the hotel to the airport. You can order an airport-city transfer, and fast and convenient delivery is especially important if the airport is located very far from the city limits.

What types of transfers exist in tourism?

When ordering a transfer service, you need to decide whether you are willing to pay extra for your own comfort. There are three types of tourist transfers:

  • group;
  • individual;
  • VIP service.

First on the list is the most budget option, which is well known to travelers traveling abroad on tourist packages.

An individual transfer is much more expensive, depending on the class of car and related services. For example, you can order a driver who speaks Russian, or organize an excursion for yourself without waiting for a group trip.

This transfer is especially relevant for those who travel independently.

The term VIP service implies an expensive car, if desired, a bouquet of flowers at the airport, champagne in the cabin and a lot of pleasant little things that you will have to seriously fork out for. People who are accustomed to not denying themselves anything prefer this type of transfer.

When there is a need for a transfer

Of course, when traveling, you can use the services of a regular taxi, but it should be borne in mind that the trip from the airport to the hotel in this case can be much more expensive, especially if the person is poorly oriented. Taking a taxi at the airport of almost any country is simply not profitable.

The transfer is convenient when traveling with children or elderly relatives. An employee of the company provides services for loading and unloading luggage, and you can be sure that you won’t have to worry about being left without friends in a foreign city. For travelers who do not speak foreign languages ​​sufficiently, this is a guarantee of finding themselves in the right place without any problems.

Pros and cons of the service

The advantage of a transfer is that you can order it in advance, and when you arrive, you don’t have to worry about problems with transport. The driver will wait for you if the flight is delayed and will choose the shortest route to the hotel. When traveling with children, the availability of a transfer provides additional comfort, since a company employee will help with luggage. When ordering, you have the opportunity to choose a special car seat and get to the right place without any problems.

Safety is another important aspect in favor of choosing a transfer. Getting into a taxi in an unfamiliar city, not knowing the language and having absolutely no idea where and when they will take you, is a very nerve-wracking adventure. Especially if you arrive on an overnight flight.

The only downside of individual and VIP transfers is the need to pay extra for services, which, of course, will increase the cost of the trip.

For a group transfer, a bus or minibus is used, so you have to wait for other passengers, sometimes even from several flights. In this case, the transport goes around several hotels, and there is a possibility of spending more time on the road than you would like if your hotel suddenly turns out to be the last one on the route.

The transfer is especially convenient when traveling in a large group. Because the customer pays for the car rental regardless of how many people go. A large company that shares the transfer costs gets the opportunity to get to the right place much cheaper and much faster. In this case, you can order a minivan transfer from the airport to the hotel and back. In this case, there will be no problems with luggage and you will be able to save significantly.

If you need to get from one airport to another, if you need a transfer, this service will also come in handy. Transfer from airport to airport allows you to significantly save time, avoid moving around with a bunch of luggage in search of a taxi, and get to the transfer point with the greatest comfort.

Comparison of transfer services in different countries

The development of tourism has also spurred the development of transfer services. The opportunity to take care in advance of how to get from the airport in an unfamiliar city is attractive and in demand. Moreover, this can be done without leaving home, even at the stage of planning the trip. The most popular transfer companies are:

  1. KiwiTaxi. Transfer company providing services in Europe, Asia and America. The service also operates successfully in Russia. Loyal price policy. It is possible to order any type of transfer.
  2. Iway. Excellent service, also available in most countries. The price in Russia is slightly lower than that of KiwiTaxi, and in Europe it is slightly higher.
  3. FoxTransfer. A company operating primarily in Europe. When traveling around Europe, the services of this company are quite profitable.

You can order a transfer from the airport to your hotel from your home computer already at the stage of planning your trip. Prices for this service, depending on the type of transfer, can also be found on the companies’ websites, and by comparing the offers, it’s easy to choose the best option. At the same time, you can immediately arrange a trip from the hotel to the airport at the end of your vacation.

Transfer is already a fairly popular service. After all, it is in the first minutes after realizing that the flight is over that you have to navigate in a foreign country. The person is experiencing extreme stress. Confidence in the ability to reach your final destination comfortably and without problems helps you avoid this. By the way, companies have already appeared that provide helicopter services, transportation by boat or speedboat.


Of course, an experienced tourist who has visited more than one country and basically does not use the services travel agencies, may well do without a transfer. However, most still get lost in unfamiliar places, and this is quite normal.

The knowledge that they are waiting for you, will definitely meet you and take you to the right place, improves your mood and adds confidence that your vacation, which has begun comfortably, will remain so throughout the entire trip.

Transfer is a broad concept and is used in different spheres of society. This word is translated as “movement”. Transfer in tourism is a service for moving a client, a tourist, between various objects. For example, one of the most common transfers is a transfer from the airport to the hotel and back. When arriving in another country, region, or city, you will be sure that you will be taken to your next place of residence. This article not only talks about transfers in tourism, what it is, it also describes the process of ordering a service and its approximate cost.

The transfer works something like this:

  1. You will be met at the airport by a person with a sign. If you ordered a transfer using an individual service, your name will be on the sign. If you ordered a complete package from a travel agency, the name of the travel agency will be on the sign. If you ordered a transfer from a hotel, the name of the hotel will be on the sign.
  2. Once you've boarded, you'll be taken to your hotel.
  3. During the return transfer, you will wait for your escort in the hotel lobby. He will accompany you to the airport.

Types of tourist transfer

  • Individual.

Most often, private transfer services are used by tourists traveling without the mediation of a travel agency. This service is usually provided by an airline, a hotel, a private company engaged in passenger transportation, or a taxi service.

  • Group.

You will travel on a bus of a certain size, with a group of people. The service is usually provided as a complete package from a travel agency.

The same as an individual transfer, the difference is the availability of highly paid services. This could be an expensive car model, flowers for the salon, champagne, wine, or other paid services.

Pros and cons of tourist transfers

Let's start with the good.

    Firstly, the advantages include certainty. You know for sure that you will get to your hotel.

    Secondly, they will help you load and unload your luggage.

    Thirdly, the price of a regular tourist transfer is often much lower than the prices of private taxi drivers who collect clients directly at their points of arrival.

    Plus, you don’t need to know a foreign language to get to the hotel by transfer.

When ordering a group transfer, you must understand that you will be traveling in a group of people. This group can number up to several dozen people. Everyone will be waited for and taken to their hotel. Sometimes people are collected from several flights. Be prepared for the journey to your hotel to take several hours or less, depending on how far your hotel is from your arrival point. This service is most often included in the package and does not require additional payment. During the journey, you can ask questions to the guide, who, by the way, will tell you about the characteristics of the country, the locality, and perhaps give some advice.

Individual service is a huge plus because there is no waiting for other people, as well as a short transportation time, since only you will go. You can order a child seat, leather interior, cars of various classes, and various additional services. That is, another big plus can be given to the comfort of movement. One of the disadvantages, but justified, is the higher price, in contrast to a group transfer.

Negotiating a taxi is also a good idea. But it is better to do this in advance, in official companies. In fact, an individual transfer will be provided. This service is very widespread and in demand, since in modern world, despite the prices, it is easier for taxi drivers to earn money by making long trips rather than rushing around for small orders and often spending a lot of time waiting - find out how to pre-order a taxi to the airport http://www.voronezh-taxi.ru/tarify/ klientam/taksi-v-aeroport/ .

How to order a service

First, let’s clarify how and from whom exactly to order a tourist transfer.

  • The service is provided as a package, from a travel agent.
  • The order can be made from the carrier company.
  • The service can be ordered via the Internet, on a service that unites several carrier companies.
  • The service is often provided by the hotels where you are going to stay.

Transfer prices

We can safely say that in most cases the transfer is cheaper than the services of private operators waiting for clients directly at the airport.

The price depends on several factors:

    Number of passengers.

    Car class.

    The greeter's knowledge of your native language.

    Travel distance.

    Additional services and equipment: child seat, food, drinks.

Various trips, even economy class, almost always exceed the cost of 1000 rubles. It is more profitable to order a minibus and gather in a small group; the trip will cost only a few hundred rubles. For a minibus high class Of course, you'll have to pay more.

How to replace a transfer

Taxi. This means using the services of taxi drivers whose services you did not agree on in advance. They usually collect clients at airports. Their prices are often much higher than transfer prices, although there are cases in which such services are equivalent to a transfer. In some cases, such a taxi is cheaper than a transfer.

Shuttle Buses. IN major cities, usually there are regular and route transport from the points of arrival of tourists. Find out the schedule. Plan your way to and from the hotel in advance.

If you have acquaintances, friends, or relatives in the locality, you can simply ask them to meet you.


Tourist transfer is a very profitable service. It will help you save time on moving, so you will have more time to relax. Often a tourist transfer helps save money. In addition, your nerves will remain in order, you will not have to argue with anyone and look for transport, everything will already be prepared. A tourist transfer is profitable, inquire about it before driving wild.

The foreign word “transfer” has long been firmly established in the Russian language.

So, what is a transfer in tourism - it is the creation comfortable conditions for a tourist or passenger when moving from the point of arrival to a place of rest, work, or residence.

People need accompaniment when finding themselves in unfamiliar conditions. It's easy to get overwhelmed at a huge airport or get lost in the crowds arriving at a train hub.

The transfer is organized by carrier companies, hotel service departments, responsible persons in companies and firms. Transport, driver and accompanying person are provided. The task is to meet the person, accept the luggage and deliver it where required. More often than not, all responsibilities are assigned to the driver.

Transfer is possible for one person or for a whole group. The service may include constant escort of tourists, delivery to places of entertainment and recreation, movement within the territory of a hotel, entertainment complex, parks and attractions.

You can specify in advance the make of the car and the knowledge of the accompanying person in the language in which it is more convenient for the tourist to communicate.

A real understanding of what a transfer in tourism is comes only when you use this service and understand its advantages and disadvantages.

Do not confuse tourist transfers with taxi services. This activity is organized according to needs specific people. Mobility, flexibility, taking into account all the customer’s wishes are a priority in the service.

Transfer to the hotel

Let's consider another meaning of what a transfer is. The hotel provides this service at the request of the client. It can be ordered when you book your room. Large hotel complexes organize a variety of entertainment and activities for guests. A tourist may be accompanied around the hotel by a hotel representative. He will conduct an introductory tour, talk about prices and bonuses, and arrange individual events. This is a person who is always free and at the service of vacationers.

Perhaps, upon learning what a hotel transfer is, clients will be disappointed, but this rather speaks of mistakes in the organization than of its real purpose.

Airport transfer

Airports provide passenger transfer services. Why is this service most often associated with airports? Because they are almost always located at a considerable distance from the city.

What is an airport transfer? This is the transportation of people or goods from a transport hub to a certain place, previously agreed upon, and the reverse process - delivery to the place of departure.

Travel agencies organize transport for vacationers on their own. They are interested in proper service for tourists.

Hotels provide buses for the convenience of guests. You can inquire about the availability of this service when booking a room. Hotels that rely on transit passengers transport their guests free of charge. You will most likely have to pay for travel to a hotel located further in the city center or on the coast.

Transfers can be arranged by the airport service. All you have to do is contact the dispatch service. You will be directed to a manager. Usually, the airport website always has information about transfers in different directions.

Choose a personal option or join the rest

Transfers can be group or individual. A group trip will cost less. This is a trip on a bus or minibus with other passengers. The only downside is that you have to wait for the transport to be fully loaded.

It is convenient to use the service when you send loved ones on vacation. There is no need to worry if you know that they will be met and taken to the hotel.

Before defining what a transfer is, it is necessary to understand what area it belongs to. Next, apply it narrowly in a specific type of activity.

For many tourists, a trip to an unfamiliar country is not only a pleasant holiday, but also a certain amount of stress. Having barely arrived, the traveler needs to think about how to get to the hotel, and once in the room, sometimes he has to rack his brains about how to get to this or that place in a completely unfamiliar city. However, today a travel service solves this problem for you by providing special services.

in tourism and how it works

Translated from English, this term means “to move” and is used in banking, economics, sports, and in some types of production, for example, in printing.

So, in transporting a tourist from the airport to the hotel and back, or moving from the hotel to some tourist attraction, for example, to a large shopping center or major attractions.

If you purchased a transfer service from the airport, a person with a sign will meet you in the waiting area. This will be either your name (if the service is individual), or the name of the travel agency (if you bought a full package), or the name of the hotel (if it is the one that provides this service). Then you will be taken by car or bus to the hotel. If you are going back, then, as a rule, you wait in the hotel lobby for an accompanying person, who will also come to pick you up.

Types of transfer in tourism

Tourist transfer can be divided into three types:

  • Individual.
  • Group.
  • VIP transfer.

The first one is usually ordered separately from a special passenger transportation company or from the hotel at the place of arrival. Sometimes the airline itself offers the transfer. In case of individual travel, a car of any class will come for the tourist, depending on the cost of services. Most often, this type of service is ordered by tourists who travel on their own, without the mediation of a travel agent.

Group transfers are more common, as many travelers buy a ready-made package from the agency. It usually includes a trip from the airport to the hotel and back.

VIP transfer in tourism is an individual option, but with additional highly paid services (for example, executive class cars, champagne and flowers in the salon, etc.).

Also, group and individual services are possible already at the destination, for example, when you want to go somewhere, but do not want to pay for an excursion, then you only pay for travel there and back. If such a transfer is a group transfer (and it is usually cheaper), then you need to take the right bus, which will either wait for you at the agreed location or pick you up directly from the hotel.

Pros and cons of transfer

So, having figured out what transfer means in tourism, we should touch on its positive and negative aspects. After all, as you know, one cannot exist without the other.

Among the advantages we can list the tranquility of the tourist. He knows for sure that he will not have to worry about how he will get to the place he needs. This is especially true in an unfamiliar country without knowledge foreign language. Also, an accompanying person will definitely help you load your luggage and unload it at the hotel, so transfer in tourism is a convenience for families with children or elderly tourists.

Among the disadvantages of the group service is the waiting time. First, the guide will gather a group, sometimes even from several flights. Then the bus will take tourists to their hotels, and you will be lucky if your hotel is not the most remote, otherwise the journey may take more than one hour. Although this also has its advantages: the cost of the service is already included in the package, and you do not have to pay for it additionally. In addition, during the journey the guide will have time to tell tourists about the peculiarities of the country, give advice and answer questions.

Individual service is good because you don’t have to wait for anyone: you arrive and go straight to the hotel. However, such a transfer in tourism is a more expensive pleasure (and significant), and you will have to pay on the spot. But if you Small child, then you can ask for a car with a car seat of the required group, or even order a premium car with a leather interior. The possibility of these additional services is another plus of the customized service.

How to order a service

If meeting at the airport is not included in the tourist package or if you purchase services separately, then you can purchase a transfer:

  • Directly from the carrier company.
  • Through online booking services that combine offers from many carriers.
  • At a travel agency.
  • At the hotel where you plan to stay.

The most popular and convenient way to book a transfer in tourism is to order the service through special services. They combine offers from carriers in many countries and cities; you can order a car directly on the website and be sure that a person with a sign with your name will meet you on time.

The largest transfer booking services:

  • Kiwitaxi - covers about 50 countries in Europe and Asia, convenient order form, reliability.
  • A2B - 11 thousand destinations around the world, the ability to order a car different classes- from economy to premium, as well as a minivan or minibus for a large company.
  • Intui - collected 130 countries and 6 million destinations, order both group and individual transfers from the airport, hotel and as a taxi right in the city.

Transfer costs in different countries

If you buy a ready-made package, the transfer is already included in the price and you cannot refuse it. However, if you do not want to use a group service, you can order an individual service to your hotel at your own expense. Also, travel expenses will have to be included in the travel budget for those who are going on vacation not on a tour package, but on their own.

The cost will depend on the class of the car, the number of passengers, distance and additional options, such as a Russian-speaking driver or a greeter, a child seat, etc.

Thus, the cost of the most budget option in Montenegro from Tivat airport to the resort town of Budva will cost a tourist 1,300 rubles. Longer distances will be expressed in higher figures, for example, the road to Herceg Novi will cost 3,300 rubles.

If you order a transfer in Turkey from to the city, the trip will cost 1,800 rubles for an economy class car. The same trip, but for a premium car - already 11,500 rubles. It is most profitable to travel with a group of 10 people, then a small minibus will cost only 2300, which is just over 200 rubles per person.

But such services are available not only abroad. If you are traveling to Moscow, then a trip from Domodedovo Airport to the city center will cost 1,500 rubles, as well as a taxi, but you need to look for a taxi, otherwise a person will be waiting for you.


If you know what a transfer in tourism is, photos of satisfied travelers have convinced you of its merits, but you did not have time or were unable to order this service, then try taking a regular taxi. However, this alternative is only suitable for cities. If you want to go from the airport, a taxi will cost significantly more than a transfer. Especially if you have to travel far.

If you are a budget tourist and are traveling wild, find out in advance whether there are regular buses from the airport or train station to the city, and be sure to check the schedule to plan your return trip.

Well, the last option - to do without a transfer - is suitable for those who have friends in the country or city of arrival. Just ask them to meet you.

To understand what a transfer in tourism is, you should understand the meaning of this word. A transport service that delivers passengers or cargo to a predetermined location is called transfer. Typically, such a trip is negotiated and paid for far from the last minute, and the person is eventually picked up from the airport by a driver in a comfortable car. This service should not be confused with a taxi.

Transfer is used in various fields, including serving tourists arriving at airports, hotels, and so on. In this article we will try to reveal in more detail the intricacies of such a meeting and find the answer to the main questions: transfer - what is it at the airport and what are its advantages?

By using the transfer service, a tourist can be sure that a car driver will be waiting for him at the place of arrival. Very often he holds a sign with the customer’s name in his hands to make it easier for him to navigate. The driver provides the following services:

  • guides the person to the car;
  • will help you carry your luggage;
  • will take the client to the right place.

It’s hard not to agree that this is very convenient, especially for those tourists who arrive in unfamiliar city and, naturally, they worry about getting lost. By using a transfer, a tourist reduces the chance of getting lost to zero.

Hotel transfer

When planning your vacation or work trip to another country or city, you can use a hotel transfer. Today this is a popular service. We will now analyze what a hotel transfer is and what types of it exist.

When selling travel packages, many companies offer their clients such additional services in advance. By using them, vacationers will not have to worry about the method of delivering their luggage, as well as their own way to the hotel from the train station or airport. You must pay for the service in advance, in its the price includes the following:

  1. The client is met by the driver of a comfortable car at the place of his arrival.
  2. The car arrives on time and awaits the customer, even if the flight is delayed.
  3. The client and his luggage are delivered to the hotel; if necessary, the driver can help him get into the room (carry the luggage to him).
  4. Regardless of the volume of luggage, all the client’s belongings are loaded into the car and delivered to the desired location without damage.

Among the main advantages of this service are the following:

  • the client pays only for the transfer, all other expenses are covered by the organization providing the car;
  • tourists are guaranteed to save their free time, since they do not have to look for a free taxi or other type of transport that will take them to the hotel;
  • An experienced driver is behind the wheel of a comfortable car, which guarantees complete safety on the road;
  • The cost of the service is quite reasonable.

If a client who has pre-ordered a transfer to a hotel is forced to reschedule his trip, he must simply notify the company about this and will not need to pay for the service. Unlike a taxi, he will also not have to pay more depending on the mileage.

What is the most convenient way to get to the airport?

More and more travel enthusiasts are choosing transfers to get to or from the airport. And this is not at all surprising, because by using this service, the customer receives the following:

  • the opportunity to independently choose the most convenient car model for yourself, taking into account the number of things being transported. Customers can choose a passenger car from domestic or Western manufacturers and even an SUV. The companies also have buses of different capacities, which will be convenient for several tourists to use at the same time;
  • a vehicle is ordered in advance, the driver delivers the car to the specified address in advance. Thus, the traveler will not worry about being late for his flight; he will not have to long time wait for a taxi, especially during the so-called rush hour. An experienced driver will not only arrive in advance in the car chosen by the client, but will also deliver the customer to the airport or train station, and will also help unload and carry luggage;
  • a vehicle of any model is supplied in a clean and serviceable condition. Before each departure, the vehicles are checked for technical serviceability, and thorough cleaning is carried out both inside and outside;
  • The transfers are conducted by professionals who have been working in this field for a long time and have excellent knowledge of the city and beyond.

Types of transfer

You can order in advance both individual and group transfers to or from the airport to the hotel complex.

What is a private airport transfer? It is convenient to use if:

  • tourists want to get acquainted with the sights of the country;
  • go shopping at local boutiques and stores;
  • spend a free evening at a concert or other interesting event.

Having ordered an individual transfer, the client will be accompanied by personal driver by personal car along a special route, which is agreed upon in advance. This service is popular among travelers, since a chartered car with a personal driver acts as a guarantee of safety in an unfamiliar place.

A group type of transfer is ordered if you need to meet a group of tourists from the airport. Regular comfortable buses and minibuses are available to clients.

Group transfers are most often ordered by:

  • for delivering a group of tourists from the airport to the hotel and back;
  • for excursions in which many people take part;
  • for business, corporate trips.

It is most convenient to use a transfer for those tourists who find themselves in an unfamiliar city and country for the first time.

Benefits of the service

Numerous passengers who regularly use the services of air carriers have already been convinced of the convenience of transfer to the airport. Among the main advantages I would like to highlight the following:

  1. Reasonable price. The cost in some cases is cheaper than a taxi or Aeroexpress. This is explained by the fact that there is no taximeter on the transfer. And if several tourists order a car, the price of the trip will be quite acceptable for them.
  2. By ordering a transfer, the client is guaranteed to save his free time, which is very important for a modern person.
  3. During the trip, the cars do not break down, as their serviceability is carefully monitored by experienced mechanics.

It is the transfer services that will help you get to the airport in right time, in complete safety and comfort.

How can I order a transfer?

Tourists can order a transfer very simply by visiting the official website of the organization providing this type services. On the resource you should familiarize yourself with the available vehicles, choose the most suitable model for yourself and place an order for individual or group transportation using a special column. Be sure to enter the time and date of departure, as well as the place of arrival. You can pay for the service in a way convenient for you, which is indicated on the company’s website. All further concerns will be taken care of by the company's employees, the car will be in a clean and serviceable condition, on time, and will deliver the client at the right time without delays along the way.

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