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What does it mean to live according to Feng Shui. Successful combinations of numbers according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui attaches great importance to orientation in the area, the direction from which qi - energy comes. It is traditionally indicated on the compass using hieroglyphs (in China), where each direction/division/hieroglyph has its own properties. The Chinese compass "lopan" has several meanings, such as "spiral on a plate" and "everything in a bowl" (container of everything). It can have up to 360 divisions (one division for each degree), but the minimum is 4. These directions/divisions determine the quality of energy at a certain point in space and a person (in acupuncture, acupuncture, moxibustion, this system of divisions is also used - up to 360 points per human body).

Directions, parts of the room, types of life activities, furniture, trees, people and other surrounding objects are classified in accordance with the accepted notation system. The Chinese used a non-personalized system of elements of nature (fire, metal, water, wood, earth); in other cultures, the division of energy may be called differently. In China, the attributes of the “elements” determine harmony or disharmony at a specific point in space and time.

The Chinese summarized their knowledge of astronomy (using the cycles of rotation of the planets around the Sun and Moon) and created a system of divisions in their calendar through the symbolic designations of “heavenly trunks” and “earthly branches”, each of which carries the specific characteristics of one of the elements (fire, water, metal, wood, earth). The year, month, day and hour are indicated respectively by two hieroglyphs - “heavenly trunk” + “earthly branch”.

All seasons, therefore, had their own characteristics. The Chinese calendar used up to 24 seasons.

Feng Shui and I Ching


The place of Feng Shui in shaping fate and events

Taoist philosophy assigns feng shui one of the important places in shaping destiny:

  1. Heavenly happiness is what a person (or place) receives at birth;
  2. Human happiness is a person’s conscious actions (a person’s merits, thinking style, education and qualities of a person’s character, actions);
  3. Earthly happiness is earthly energy flows that affect events, health, relationships, etc. in time and space.

Basic schools of Feng Shui

  1. Sanhe (three harmonies).
  2. Sanyuan (three periods).
  3. Suankun Dagua (Dark Palace Hexagram) - uses 64 hexagrams depicted on the Luopan compass.
  4. Xuankong Feixing (Flying Star of the Dark Palace) - the popular “Flying Stars” system is part of this particular school.
  5. Bazhai (eight palaces).

Chinese Cultural Talismans Mistakenly Attributed to Feng Shui

  • Qing Long - Dragon
  • Qi Lin - Chinese unicorn
  • Feng Huang - Chinese Phoenix

See also


  1. David Daniel Kennedy Feng Shui for dummies = Feng Shui for Dummies - M.: “Dialectics”, 2010. - P. 336. - .
  1. Lilian Too. Feng Shui Basics. M.: AST Publishing House, Astrel, 2007, 256 p. ISBN 978-5-17-044645-2, 978-5-271-17115-4, 1-86204-768-5
  2. Ermakov M.E - Classical Feng Shui: Introduction to Chinese Geomancy.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Nowadays, hardly anyone will be surprised to hear that friends have made repairs or rearranged furniture “according to Feng Shui.” Various mascot figures depicting Chinese gods or cute fish and dragons are also popular. And the three-legged toad, which is supposed to bring wealth to the house, is found in almost every apartment.

Someone dresses in a certain color or hangs it above their door because they have been told it brings good luck.

is an ancient Chinese philosophy that explores the structure of the world and space in which a person lives, and the laws of the movement of energies.

Its task is not to make everyone rich; it will not get rid of problems unless the efforts of the practitioner are made to this end.

But Feng Shui will help you live in harmony with the world and yourself, and use the natural flows of energy to fulfill your desires.

Those who are just beginning to remodel their lives in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui may find all sorts of definitions of personal cards and directions in the house too complex and confusing. But for beginners, there are the most basic rules for regulating the flow of Qi energy in the home:

  1. Clutter in the home interferes with the flow of Qi energy and creates stagnation. The thoughts and feelings of a person who lives in a cluttered house are also “polluted”; making the right decision is difficult for him. Deposits of things that are not needed, but it would be a pity to throw away anyway, deprive the inhabitants of such housing of the opportunity to begin a new stage in development, tie them to the past and thereby create stagnation in their lives.
  2. All objects in the house must be positioned correctly so as not to interfere with the flow of Qi. There are no universal recommendations for this rule, because each home is individual: even standard apartment buildings are located in different areas, oriented to the cardinal points differently than others, and the space surrounding them is also different. The study and application of Bagua or Lo Shu will help in determining the correct location for the location of living areas in the apartment.
  3. Paintings and photographs with scenes of war, disaster or violence will not create an atmosphere of peace and comfort in your home.
  4. If you are just choosing a home, do not expect that a cheap apartment in a poor area will bring good luck and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, Shen Chi, favorable energy, is missing there. Choose housing in a good area, even if it is more expensive, or look for the best option available.
  5. Beautiful houses and wide streets and green areas should be adjacent to the house, because the environment can influence a person’s thoughts and body. The most favorable conditions for health and a good life are country houses or similar urban areas.
  6. Qi energy moves in the same direction as the rivers flow or the wind blows. A wide, calm river passing through the city area brings with it a flow of energy. Those who live upstream have access to more of it.
  7. The flow of cars on the highway accelerates the flow of energy, carrying it away from the home. A good flow of energy is created by a busy street without traffic jams or intersections, with a roundabout or a smooth turn.

Items in the house according to Feng Shui

Various cute trinkets with which we love to decorate our homes carry a certain meaning in Feng Shui: each of them is made of a material that personifies one of the elements. They need to be arranged so that the element of the object does not weaken the energy of the zone where it is placed.

Feng Shui figurines depicting animals and people can also cause harm if they are placed incorrectly in the house. How to understand the rules for arranging vases and decorative items?

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, every thing that exists in the world belongs to one of the elements:

  • fire;
  • Earth;
  • metal;
  • water;
  • tree.

The elements are interconnected with each other by cycles of generation, suppression and destruction:

  1. The cycle of generation. The figure shows a clockwise direction: fire creates earth (ash); earth is metal; melting metal is a liquid and gives rise to water; water serves growth, giving birth to a tree; the tree burns, creating fire.
  2. The cycle of suppression goes in the opposite direction and indicates how elements weaken neighboring ones: fire destroys wood, wood depletes water, water corrodes metals, when metal is mined, the earth is dug, and the earth extinguishes the fire.
  3. The cycle of destruction is the star in the middle of the picture. The arrows show how the elements conflict, destroying each other.

In practice, these properties are used by correlating the material from which a thing is made and the element that it personifies. By placing objects in areas for which this element is the main or nourishing one, you can activate them and increase the influence of the desired flow of energy on your life.

By placing an object whose element conflicts with the element of the zone within its boundaries, you can neutralize or significantly weaken the negative impact of the energy flow.

And the cycle of suppression will help resolve conflicts between those elements that are forced to be nearby. For example, in our small kitchens, fire is often adjacent to water and it is impossible to change this. But you can place something between the sink and the stove that represents the Wood element and smooth out the conflict, achieving harmony.

Feng Shui Tools

Instruments in the philosophy of “water and wind” are symbolic images of animals and gods, things that personify one of the elements, or hieroglyphs that denote certain concepts in the Chinese language. Placed in a certain area, they can enhance the influence of the necessary energy flows or neutralize what is not favorable for the life of the inhabitants of the home.

The dragon is a symbol of wealth and power. The element it represents is Water. Place it in the sector that it activates (zones of wealth, career, health). If there is an aquarium in these sectors, the Dragon can be placed nearby.

The turtle counts. The wooden turtle activates the Fire sector (ambitions and aspirations), its image made of stone or ceramics would be appropriate in the love zone (Earth), children’s zone (Metal), and helpers’ zone (Metal).

The three-legged toad brings wealth. It should be placed in the south-eastern sector of the apartment or in a favorable direction for its owner, away from the door.
The money tree represents the main element of the wealth zone and activates this direction (southeast).

Bells and wind chimes serve to activate the movement of Qi in places where it is stagnant or dissipate a favorable flow of energy, forcing it to move around the room. They crush unfavorable currents, protecting the home from them, and hanging in the doors, with their ringing they purify incoming energy and scare away demons.

Wind chimes have their own rules:

  • there should be 6 or 7 metal tubes;
  • bamboo or wooden - 3 or 4;
  • to enhance the energy of the sector, bells are hung in it from the material that is the main one or nourishes it.

Different paintings and photographs are placed according to their symbolism or the element they depict. For example, it is better to hang photographs of a loving couple in the zone of love and family well-being, and images of a lotus - in the children’s zone, as a symbol of fertility.

Candles activate Qi energy and eliminate its stagnation. An overly activated Fire zone can disrupt the harmony of the home, getting out of control. In zones whose main element is Water or Wood, it is better not to light candles, so as not to cause conflict and not weaken the flow of energy.

To learn to see the world and live according to Feng Shui, you need to develop the ability to feel the terrain, wind and water flows that surround us all. This will help you guess the impact of each new item on the flow of energy, and therefore on relationships and careers, well-being and health of yourself and those who live nearby.

There is a special attitude towards numbers in the practice of Feng Shui. Each of them contains the greatest meaning of Eastern metaphysics. All numbers, according to Feng Shui, are conventionally divided into Yin numbers (even) and Yang numbers (odd). The Yang numbers are considered to be the most favorable, i.e. odd numbers. However, from the point of view of Eastern knowledge, in any area of ​​human life it is important to maintain a balance of Yin and Yang energies. Therefore, when choosing the number of a house, apartment, telephone or car, it will be favorable to have both odd (Yang) and even (Yin) numbers.

The Chinese are very careful about choosing important numbers, especially when it comes to business or career. They are often ready to go to incredible lengths just to get a phone number that ends in one of the lucky numbers: 8 or 9.

Unlike Western numerology, in Feng Shui it is not so much the meaning of the numbers themselves that is important, but rather their combination and order of arrangement in the number.

It is important to know that in Feng Shui there are several different approaches to the interpretation of numbers. Moreover, the meaning of numbers from the point of view of classical Eastern numerology differs from the interpretation that is used in everyday life, where the meaning of numbers is determined by their phonetic sound. We will consider this option.

"1" - unit

One is a very successful and revered number; it means the primary source of all things. Symbol “1” – creation, unity, untarnished reputation and honest name. One sounds like “win, honor.” It enhances and complements the beneficial meaning of other numbers.

"2" - deuce

It sounds just like the word "easy". Two ensures the harmony of Yin and Yang energies, which is necessary to create life. "2" is believed to create special luck if it comes before another lucky number. For example, 26 means “easy money.”

"3" - three

Associated with life and rapid development. The sound is like the word “growth”. Accordingly, this figure will be especially favorable in combination with others. For example, “3-2-8” can be interpreted as easy and rapid business development.

"4" - four

In Cantonese, many people's favorite four sounds like the word "death." Therefore, the Chinese themselves prefer to avoid this number, or rather any combinations with the number “4. So, “2-4” means “easy death”, “6-4” - financial losses.

However, the number "44" is considered auspicious because the sum of two digits 4 forms the very lucky number "8".

"5" - five

Means “no”, “nothing”. It is better to avoid combinations where “5” appears, since its appearance neutralizes the favorable meaning of other numbers. For example, “56” is interpreted as “there will be no profit.”

"6" - six

“Wealth, income” - this is exactly the meaning of the number 6 in Feng Shui. It is considered very favorable, since its appearance promises material wealth.

"7" - seven

The presence of the number 7 in any numerical combination is interpreted as “confidence, for sure.” The Chinese consider seven lucky. So "78" could mean "guaranteed wealth"

"8" eight

Pronounced like the word “jewel” in Cantonese. Therefore, it is considered one of the most winning and lucky numbers. "8" attracts wealth, prosperity and well-being. Symbolizes development and growth of material wealth. The combination "8-8" means great wealth. In the current period according to the Chinese calendar (from 2004 to 2024), the influence of the number 8 is increasing several times. It is this lucky star that now dominates the Earth.

"9" - nine

Another very good number from a Feng Shui point of view. Means the fullness of heaven and earth. Therefore, some Feng Shui experts consider it even more favorable than the Chinese favorite “8”. Nine is also associated with health and longevity.

"0" - zero

There is no consensus on this figure. Some experts find it unfavorable because it brings emptiness. Others believe that "0" maintains balance and stability.

Lucky numbers and their combinations according to Feng Shui

So, to summarize, the most favorable numbers can be called 8 and 9. The appearance of the numbers 1, 6, 7 is also considered very successful. The number 2, if it precedes one of the favorable numbers, also promises good luck.

Therefore, if you believe in the symbolism of numbers, when choosing a number for a car, telephone or future apartment, it is useful to know the luckiest combinations of numbers. Here they are:

  • 1-6-8 is a favorable combination of numbers in any combination;
  • 6-8 is a win-win connection, which means “ever-increasing wealth”;
  • 2-8 money that comes easily;
  • 2-8-8 receiving money quickly and easily;
  • 7-8 guaranteed wealth;
  • 4-8 can mean wealth, but earned through very hard work;
  • 7-8-9 are also good numbers in any variation

Unfavorable combinations

Some combinations that are best avoided if possible:

  • 2-4 “easy death”, usually in a figurative sense, losses;
  • 5-8 lack of money;
  • 2-7, 9-5 possibility of fire;
  • 6-4 financial collapse;
  • 5-6 there will be no expected income.

Knowing good and bad combinations can help you become luckier and happier. However, we should not forget that the science of Feng Shui is very complex and multifaceted and each master brings his own vision to this teaching. In Feng Shui, there are other methods of interpreting the influence of numbers on our luck in life. Therefore, you should not take everything described above too seriously. Explore different techniques and practice only those that your intuition approves of.

The element of our planet Earth is associated in the Chinese tradition with stability and confidence in all directions of life.

According to Feng Shui, land animals are distinguished by their extraordinary strength of will and spirit, so even a simple small snail will become a symbol with enormous potential in your home.

True, such talismans should be selected taking into account the personal characteristics of the owner, and not only on the basis of general Feng Shui recommendations.

Tiger in Feng Shui

One of the oldest manifestations of courage and strength is the tiger, which, as a rule, is white in color according to Feng Shui. This animal is one of the four main defenders of the home. It is no coincidence that the most famous feng shui painting of a tiger in China shows a predator guarding a house.

Tigers also act as good luck talismans when placed above the front door on New Year's Eve. Then the whole family is provided with his patronage. In addition, some Chinese provinces believe that the tiger in Feng Shui has significance for the birth of healthy children and a successful marriage.

Today the following types of talismans are distinguished:

  • The dozing tiger is one of the most balanced symbols, so it is ideal for overly emotional and energetic people. Such a talisman looks appropriate in a small apartment.
  • An animal sitting on a handful of coins represents a successful business. It can be placed in the career zone to acquire a new position or in the wealth sector to increase your wealth.
  • A predator with an open mouth and bared fangs helps add status. It enhances the leader’s energy and helps protect against evil forces. Keeping this figurine is allowed only if there is a dragon talisman in the house.
  • A Feng Shui painting of a tiger can be on a fabric basis and imply only the head of the predator. A similar talisman in China is hung on gates. It is also allowed to use paper images as curtains, and Feng Shui also allows images of a tiger to be used as a basis for creating toys and bedding.

When choosing a tiger figurine, you need to be sure that there are no people in the house born under the signs of the Rooster, Rabbit or Boar according to the eastern horoscope. Otherwise, the risk of premature death of such family members increases.

Please note that any of the directions of light in the apartment will correspond to a specific animal (you can read in our magazine). For the white predator this is the northeast. According to Feng Shui, the tiger zone for a water rat, for example, is not very favorable, but for dragons it is not prohibited.

Spider in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, the spider is the constant meaning of creative energy. The spiral web in this case personifies the entire process of the universe. In a large-scale sense, the Spinner represents the creator of the planet, forming the web of time. In addition, according to ancient legends, spiders are identified with the feminine principle.

Interestingly, Feng Shui gives the spider a divine and cosmic meaning due to the structure of this creature. The eight legs act as the sum of the winds of change and the cardinal directions. Therefore he is identified with the wheel of life. If you choose a spider as a totemic protector, it will always warn you of danger and, conversely, congratulate you on the results of smart decisions.

A sign of approaching happiness in China is a descending spider. What is the symbol of Feng Shui in this case, this eternal worker? Of course, family luck and prosperity in all areas. Such a talisman is also necessary for individual use if a person wants to look into the depths of himself and learn to control his emotions.

The spider symbol will help you become far-sighted and do only the right things. You can also keep a small spider talisman made of expensive materials in your wallet to attract money and preserve your accumulated savings.

Among Chinese mascots, few animals are honored and respected for their slowness in helping humans. The snail is a Feng Shui symbol associated with extraordinary calm and tranquility. This talisman increases financial income and helps achieve goals, albeit not too quickly, but confidently.

Trying to evenly divide the energy of well-being and prosperity in the house, you should definitely find a place for the figurine with a snail. She guarantees success in achieving business goals in the Career zone, and the wealth sector will exist under her protection if necessary to save up the required amount. Surround the snail with elements from the element of Water, and it will respond to you with goodwill.

In addition, you can buy a living creature and plant it in a beautiful and spacious aquarium. For overall harmony in life, you can purchase paintings, wallpaper and even a bed with snails.

For the bedroom, in turn, a sculpture of two snails in love is suitable.

Dragonfly in feng shui

It is interesting that even within the framework of one Eastern tradition, dragonflies are perceived ambiguously. In Japan, for example, it is an expression of courage and victory, an image of luck and bravery. At the same time, among the Japanese there is a growing attitude towards the dragonfly as an irresponsible creature.

In China, the dragonfly became the concentration of grace and lightness. What is the feng shui symbol of this weak insect? To begin with, this is a sign of the onset of summer, which means the arrival of warmth and sun. Joyful flying dragonflies fit perfectly into a child's room, a creative workshop, or even a bedroom. But the wealth and career sectors, where carefree and playfulness are not virtues, will do just fine without this talisman.

Dragonflies are also a sign indicating the salvation of our souls, the personification of rebirth and immortality. They are great at restoring old feelings, so for couples who have been married for many years, this is an excellent symbol. But even for single girls, this is an effective talisman that adds beauty and grace.

You should use this image to activate your love zone only if you are completely ready for change. Even a small picture of a dragonfly makes relationships easier and also brings changes in the sexual sphere.

Ladybug in feng shui

An expression of extraordinary luck is the ladybug according to Feng Shui. The significance of this tiny creature is very great, because it transforms all negative energy and cleanses the house. It must be taken into account that the strength of the talisman and its specific focus depend on the number of spots on the ladybug’s back.

  • One dot characterizes the symbol as an assistant in a new business, including business, family, and profession. Such a talisman is appropriate in a study or office, on a desktop.
  • A ladybug with two spots is necessary for harmonizing relationships with the outside world. It gives inner peace, good dreams, self-confidence, and also destroys fears and misanthropy. To become a kind and positive person, you should keep the talisman in the bedroom: on the dressing table, bedside table or near the head of the bed.
  • The trinity of spots on the back makes the insect a protector from wrong actions and rash decisions. This talisman is quite appropriate at work, but you don’t need to keep it on the table; it’s better to put it on the windowsill.
  • The ladybug's four spots are responsible for protecting the house from theft and robbery. Store the figurine in the hallway, but away from prying eyes.
  • A string of five dots symbolizes a creative talisman. But one spot more means the development of learning abilities. Such a ladybug should be placed on the school table, in the office or living room.
  • Ladybug with 7 points helps to achieve success in your personal life. Such a talisman only works for one owner, so it should be kept in his favorite room (even in the bathroom).

The butterfly symbol in Feng Shui is associated with sincere joy and love. This insect perfectly helps lonely people meet a loved one, but such a talisman is useful in family relationships. For long-time partners, butterflies bring passion and romance, helping them forget about the routine of their days.

Feng Shui butterflies are used to activate the love sector only in pairs. You can also hang a picture with a whole group of butterflies, but one image will not add any benefits to the marriage. The ideal location for a butterfly in the bedroom is the ceiling above the bed. Placing the talisman in the southwest also helps improve communication with everyone you know in general.

What do butterflies mean according to Feng Shui for most Chinese people? This is the immortality of the soul and real rebirth. Therefore, there is so much divine and supernatural in the appearance of this insect.

In the Chinese tradition, talismans with butterflies are usually divided according to colors, shapes and materials.

  • Many people are interested in knowing what the feng shui butterfly symbolizes in a wind chime composition. In this case, we are talking about family happiness, and if the insects are made of metal, we are talking about success in personal life and the fire of passion. Such a talisman should be placed only on the southwestern side of the house.
  • According to Feng Shui, a silver or gold butterfly has a more sacred meaning. This symbol fulfills personal desires in love and family, while brooches of this type make girls very confident.
  • A ceramic multi-colored butterfly brings a festive mood and positive changes to life. What is the symbol of what in Feng Shui is a wooden butterfly? This is the harmony of spouses and general well-being.

Please note that dead butterflies on needles are bad feng shui with the energy of death. Such an item in a home or office leads to a deterioration in all relationships of the owner. Also, you should not place sculptures near the windowsill and attach butterflies to the curtains: love and joy will definitely fly out into the street.

But feng shui butterflies in the workplace are a good option for those for whom it is important to establish friendly communication with colleagues.

Rhinoceros in feng shui

According to Feng Shui, the rhinoceros is a brave animal with excellent defensive abilities. Talismans with it always look impressive and naturalistic, and they are used to protect the home from accidents, incidents and crimes. Rhinos attract good luck to business, neutralize negativity and make the family happy.

  • Gold, silver, and black rhinoceroses are not only an important part of the apartment design, but also add endurance and strength of character to the owner. If gray and white figurines are made of ceramics, crystal, porcelain, they are intended to protect against the influence of bad people.
  • Rhino made of wood attracts natural energy with positive charges. This talisman helps to survive the consequences of stress and quickly restores a person’s mood. It can be either a plain, simple animal or a decorated animal with a multi-colored pattern.
  • In Feng Shui, the blue rhinoceros has the strongest protective powers. It turns negative flows into positive ones and reliably protects the apartment from uninvited guests and aggressive intrusions. It helps to protect yourself even from the evil thoughts of secret enemies, intrigues and gossip. Such a talisman perfectly promotes the owner’s career.

Where to place a dragon according to Feng Shui? The figurines should be kept in the living room or near the front door, preferably in pairs.

The dragon in Feng Shui is a fundamental talisman that ensures peace and harmony in the home. In China, this is not an evil creature at all, but a strong, strong-willed, revered image. The dragon consists of cosmic energy Qi and its every breath gives people hope. This talisman is able to reveal the potential of the owner's mind, soul and body.

As a rule, according to Feng Shui, the dragon has financial and career significance. This means that it protects the owner from bad partners, competition and brings good luck in new business.

There are different types of dragons in feng shui:

  • The Tian Long or Sky Dragon is the most powerful and has five legs. Typically this is a golden dragon in feng shui. Its location sector is east, with its head directed to the south.
  • Shen Lun or the Dragon of Rain and Sea is a divine being who determines the weather and rules all directions of the world. He is responsible for financial prosperity and has 4 claws (previously had 3).
  • Di lun or the dragon of the Earth is the most generous and sows wealth with cosmic breath. Sometimes you can incur his wrath, and then any business will not lead to enrichment. This is the green dragon in Feng Shui, and in the eastern sector it also helps strengthen family relationships.

The feng shui dragon symbol can be depicted in different poses or with certain animals. This affects the semantic load of the talisman:

  • A dragon paired with a phoenix means well-being in the family and is often kept in the love sector. In the workplace, it protects against intrigue.
  • A curved dragon with an open mouth and a pearl in its paw. This golden dragon in Feng Shui represents harmony and helps achieve goals.
  • A turtle dragon with a pile of coins is a figurine that attracts happiness for children, including wealth and health.
  • Imperial dragon with five fingers. This is a very powerful energy talisman. Such a golden feng shui dragon is not often ordered through a store, because it is very rare and is not suitable for home use. You need to install it at work.

Feng Shui dragon symbol: where to place it

Most, of course, are very interested in the question when there is already a feng shui dragon: where to place such a symbol so that its powerful energy is fully revealed? It is best to keep it in the eastern part: in the office, in the living room, on the left side of the door. A feng shui dragon figurine can be activated by the presence of water elements, such as a kitchen faucet or an aquarium. If you are wondering where to place a dragon according to Feng Shui to improve your well-being, choose the central sector so that it feeds you with Yang energy.

Additional activation of the talisman takes place at the hour of the dragon according to Feng Shui. You need to calculate the day of this creature from 7 to 9 am local time according to the Chinese calendar and put black paint on its eyes. It is important that he faces east throughout the ritual.

The image of a dragon in Feng Shui cannot be placed in the bedroom due to the activation of insomnia and in the bathroom due to loss of luck. You should not use more than 5 figurines. The dragon in feng shui should also be located no higher than eye level, and there should be no people born in the year of the Dog in the house.

According to Feng Shui, a dragon in a keychain is allowed, but the meaning of the talisman does not change. You can carry such a thing with you to bring changes to your life and attract heavenly or natural forces. The Feng Shui dragon even through photos helps single girls attract good luck in love.

Giraffe according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the giraffe has the meaning of a talisman of wealth. It increases family income and preserves the money already accumulated. Interestingly, not only figures can be used as an active symbol. According to Feng Shui, the giraffe is also effective as a soft toy, drawing or photograph.

If you have a giraffe, according to Feng Shui, the question of where to place the talisman is not too pressing. It can be placed in the Career zone or in the money sector, and if the animal is chosen as a totemic talisman of power, it is suitable for placement in a favorite place in the house.

Please note that the giraffe does not value haste, it likes friendly people who know how to listen to others and their intuition. This talisman is suitable for those with the gift of providence and courageous individuals. The giraffe will help its owner to become taller than everyone else in the best qualities and make him kind, caring, and loyal.

Feng Shui cat

According to Feng Shui, a cat figurine is associated with the secrets of the Universe. This animal brings good luck, protects the home from misfortunes and increases overall well-being. If we talk about a real animal, then the cat is a feng shui symbol associated with the restoration of energy flows. This creature is able to neutralize stagnant areas of energy and remove all obstacles to the movement of Qi.

In addition, cats are able to indicate to their owners which sector of the house needs urgent activation. True, a lot depends on the color of the pet:

  • Ginger cats help set up your personal life, but do not get along well with dark-colored pets.
  • Gray animals protect against negativity and are useful for people working with constant risk.
  • According to Feng Shui, a black cat adds good luck only to initially successful people. Those who are deprived of fate are unlikely to gain anything, since dark animals only strengthen the energy they already have.

According to Feng Shui, a cat figurine should ideally have hieroglyphs to attract good luck and wealth, and the materials should be porcelain or ceramics. In Feng Shui, a paired cat has the meaning of personal luck and wards off loneliness, so you can safely purchase two figurines at once.

Money or lucky cat

The money cat feng shui is of particular importance. It is also called Maneki-Neko or Lucky Cat in China. This is a very popular figurine in the East because it opens a person to new opportunities. In addition, this Feng Shui cat wards off evil spirits at night. This figurine differs in that one leg of the animal is raised, and the other holds a sign with a hieroglyph of happiness and wealth. This talisman comes in two types:

  • With its left paw raised, a cat in Feng Shui has the meaning of an attracting symbol. It not only attracts financial flows, but also guests and visitors. The figure can be placed in the Wealth zone, in the office, in the northeast sector.
  • If the animal's right paw is raised, it is a guard. This means that already accumulated wealth is protected. This figurine is useful for those who are involved in trials or are afraid of criminals.

There is also a Maneki-Neko figurine with a kitten. According to Feng Shui, this cat has the meaning of respect. The talisman helps mothers and the elderly.

According to Feng Shui, the lion is a person's protector from external threats. The talisman brings peace and stability to the family, and also fights well with the envy of other people. This symbol adds fearlessness to its owner.

  • According to Feng Shui, the image of a lion with an open mouth means a call to submission. The owner of the talisman sets priorities in the social ladder.
  • The beast on the pedestal symbolizes the general superiority of the owner over other people.
  • A sneaking predator evokes human confidence and develops hunting instincts.
  • An animal in a jump reflects the leader's concentration and power.

According to Feng Shui, where is the best place for a lion to live? Of course, near doors or windows. The animals are charged by the sun and pass all the energy through themselves, transforming the flows if necessary.

Feng Shui cow

Cows have long been associated with the positive energy of the Earth, and in China they are associated with wisdom. According to Feng Shui, a cow has a very broad meaning: it is the attraction of material wealth, and general success, and the achievement of desired goals. The talisman also attracts family well-being, fertility, and monitors the fate of the offspring.

It is necessary to place the talisman in the study, in the office, especially if the figurine is made of porcelain, copper or crystal. Even a picture with animals will do. Usually a large female is depicted with calves, and gold bars may be present. You can keep the sculpture in the northeast of the house.

If the figurine is called “Wish-Fulfilling Cow,” it can be activated in the western sector.

feng shui horse

According to Feng Shui, the horse has a very majestic meaning. This noble animal attracts success, usually in business and profession. The Feng Shui horse symbol is associated with courage, tenacity, speed and glory.

Typically, figures are divided into several categories:

  • Festive horse figurines according to Feng Shui usually rear up. They bring recognition and popularity, therefore they are effective for creative individuals and athletes.
  • Feng Shui running horses, or, as they are also called, victorious horses, are symbols of success in career and competitions. They are also identified with complete freedom, especially if a herd is depicted.
  • According to Feng Shui, a gift horse figurine with jewelry is needed to attract good luck and wealth. It should be positioned towards the apartment. As for colors, preference should be given to white and gold shades.
  • A feng shui picture of a horse that includes a rider rarely has a strong impact. If an animal is saddled by a fly or a monkey, then one can hope for career growth. It is useful to place a gold coin on the saddle of such a figurine.
  • According to Feng Shui, a pair of running horses refers to strengthening relationships. Two graceful creatures are improving their personal lives and work. If they are black, then the power of victory is enhanced, if they are red, good luck comes. It's about partnership and family with friendship.

Where to place horse figurines

Horses should be placed in the south or in the office on the desktop and walls. Surround the symbol with red objects, sun designs and candles, but not water elements.

According to Feng Shui, a pair of horses running across a field will be a good gift for leading people. But the image should not look at the window or door.

feng shui elephant

Feng Shui elephant is an expression of the best human qualities. He is distinguished by willpower, wisdom and kindness. But its main characteristics are stability and general well-being. What does an elephant symbolize according to Feng Shui? High social position, power and energy. With its trunk, the animal attracts good luck and positive vibes, and also absorbs negativity in the sharp corners of the room.

A Feng Shui elephant, a photo of which is found on the Internet, does not necessarily need to be enhanced in its action. However, it can be decorated with beads, rhinestones, chains in the area of ​​the trunk and saddle. According to Feng Shui, a picture of an elephant can also be framed with amber beads or cypress rosary. Naturally, ivory decorations, like similar frames, are not desirable.

The feng shui elephant can be represented in the house in several forms, poses and materials:

  • According to Feng Shui, an elephant with its trunk up attracts material wealth. Such a talisman will protect the whole family from waste. According to Feng Shui, an elephant with its trunk raised gives a person moderation and prudence in financial matters.
  • According to Feng Shui, a female elephant with a baby symbolizes motherhood. The talisman helps conception and improves children's relationships with their parents.
  • According to Feng Shui, the seven elephants are highly revered in the East. The power and strength of the talisman attracts a full cup to the house: love, luck, wealth. More precisely, 7 elephants express the completed lunar cycle and give seven benefits at once.
  • If you have a feng shui elephant with its trunk down, it is a symbol of abundance and fertility. There is also a version that according to Feng Shui, such an elephant has a meaning associated with longevity.
  • The rhinoceros elephant in Feng Shui means very strong protection. This is not only the protection of the apartment itself from intrusion, but also the stamina and balance of the family members themselves.
  • Where to place a wooden elephant according to Feng Shui? Try to compare the material of the talisman with the elements of the sectors. It is beneficial to keep it in the east, southeast and south zone.
  • Many porcelain lovers are interested in whether a white elephant is a symbol of what in Feng Shui? It should be remembered that this is the personification of protecting the home from negativity and an excellent talisman for preserving the family.
  • Three elephants in Feng Shui are associated with the unity of heaven, earth and man. Such a talisman brings harmony in all areas of life.
  • The personification of maximum financial success is a toad on an elephant in Feng Shui. Where to put such a strong talisman? The best option is the wealth sector, freed from other symbols.
  • What does elephants with their trunks clasped together mean in Feng Shui? This is not only attracting good luck, but also preserving it. Such a romantic couple in the bedroom will maintain the loyalty and love of their partners.

Where to place an elephant according to feng shui

When you have the right feng shui elephant, where should you place such an animal? It’s best to place it on a windowsill, with the trunk pointing towards the positive star. You can direct your trunk into the apartment, but this will mean that there is already good luck in the house.

According to Feng Shui, the elephant is very unpretentious when choosing cardinal directions, so you can place it in any part of the apartment. For example, in the northeastern sector, the talisman attracts patrons to the house. What does an elephant mean in Feng Shui in the southeast? This is support for the head of the family.

Feng Shui land animals often have similar meanings. The specific choice of mascot depends on personal preferences and the overall interior. Whether it is a huge dragon or a barely noticeable snail, the Feng Shui symbol always works effectively with proper care and attention.

Our Universe is a gigantic energy space in which there is continuous circulation and interactions between energy flows, which is why various changes occur in our world. Human life is measured in terms of space and time.

A person moves daily in space and time and really wants to achieve a state of joy, pleasure, well-being, health and success. According to the ancient Eastern sages, the key to success is the implementation of reasonable actions in space, which are performed at the right time, and are also consistent with the energy flows that form our reality.

And Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching about the influence of energy flows on a person’s life, his health, success and wealth. We will tell you more about it later.

What is Feng Shui really?

The basis of the science of Feng Shui is knowledge about the divine energy Qi, which gives life to everything on our earth. Qi energy is found under various designations: spirit, breath, vitality, and life energy. And accordingly, it turns out that Qi is a vital force that passes through all living things and gives them energy and movement.

If we literally translate the word Feng Shui into Russian, it will be designated as “wind-water”.

Traditional Chinese medicine states that Qi energy flows through all the meridians (or Nadis) of the human body. Meridians carry vital force to all internal organs and parts of the body. And how healthy a person is can be judged by his energy state.

Moreover, all components of the body, presented in the form of blood, lymph, nerve cells, as well as muscles and skeletal bones, are secondary to Qi energy and work exclusively thanks to it.

Just as Qi energy flows throughout the body, it is distributed throughout the globe. The meridians of earth energy are called “dragon veins”. In places where Qi energy is close to the earth's surface, there is high soil fertility, it abounds in plants and is very rich, and the same thing happens vice versa - in areas where there is a lack of Qi energy, the soil is too dry, nothing grows on it.

Feng Shui as an art or teaching is a technique for cultivating Qi energy, as well as improving its quality (allows you to harmonize, strengthen, and eliminate negative aspects).

Chi energy is distributed over absolutely all objects and phenomena and has a very powerful effect on them. This energy affects both specific individuals and the entire planet in general. The science of Feng Shui is designed to teach people how to harmoniously fill their lives with Qi energy, thereby bringing their lives and the surrounding reality into complete order.

It should be immediately noted that real feng shui is not at all different recipes, signs and superstitions that can lead to prosperity. Feng Shui is actually a teaching about the living flows of the Universe, by observing the laws of which a person becomes healthy, happy and successful.

To explain this in more detail, we need to mention the following popular concepts: “good places”, “favorable times for various undertakings”, which are actively used in Feng Shui. Moreover, they can relate to the choice of work, and to the conclusion of important agreements, the purchase of real estate, the conclusion of a marriage, the birth of a child, and so on. With the help of Feng Shui, a person gets the opportunity to analyze the situation in a space-time framework, which helps to easily achieve success in different areas of life.

Feng Shui philosophy is based on Taoist principles, which arose approximately between the sixth and fifth centuries BC. They were developed by the famous Chinese thinker Lao Tzu. It was he who first began to talk about the single beginning of everything on our planet, and also revealed to people the concept of Yin and Yang energy, told about Qi energy, and discovered the features of the relationship between man and the Universe, based on energy exchange.

People who practice Feng Shui are able to feel the pure divine energy of Qi. When they cease to be attached to the external manifestations of themselves, they begin to feel the greatest connection between all phenomena on Earth and the flows of Chi energy.

Taoist teachings say that Feng Shui involves the use of special schemes and models of existence in order to comprehend the cause-and-effect relationship between everything that happens in our world. Having mastered the art of Feng Shui, a person gains the ability to become truly happy, calm, harmonious and enjoy life in all its aspects.

Have you ever thought about decorating your home according to the art of Feng Shui? You have probably heard more than once from other people that they used one or another feng shui technique (for example, they changed the layout of their house or purchased a special talisman, and so on) and were able to significantly improve their lives with these actions.

In order to begin to fully use the science of Feng Shui, some preparation is required, but there are also various tips that even a beginner can follow to try out this wonderful technique in practice. We recommend that you try the simplest basics of Feng Shui and you will very soon see changes in your life for the better.

  • First recommendation. It is of the greatest importance and indicates that it is imperative to eliminate any disorder around you. It's no secret that in clean houses one thinks completely differently. When a person is not distracted by unnecessary things, it is much easier for him to make the right decision. But what Feng Shui strictly prohibits is storing old things, gifts that remind you of past events (often not the most pleasant). They show that you still have not been able to close this stage of your life and are forced to live it again and again.

  • Second recommendation. It concerns the correct arrangement of things in the home. Of course, there is no universal “pill” in this case, since all situations and homes are different. Even if the layout of the houses is the same, they will differ in their location according to the cardinal directions. If you want to make your home as harmonious as possible, you should seek help from a Feng Shui expert. Alternatively, you can study this ancient knowledge on your own.
  • Third recommendation. In the art of Feng Shui, a special role is given to decorations and correct images on the walls of a home. Everything is simple here: if you surround yourself with images of aggression, suffering, pain, anger, a person will not be able to think positively. Therefore, eliminate any negativity from your home and collect those items that transmit positive energy.
  • Fourth recommendation. It is important that every room in the house is used correctly. For example, the bedroom should have a cozy atmosphere that promotes restful sleep. It is worth abandoning the TV, bright colors, and narrow passages in the bedroom, as all this will disturb a person’s sleep.
  • Fifth recommendation. Finally, remember the correct meaning of colors according to the art of Feng Shui. Using the right colors, you can balance the energy of Yin and Yang in your home.

The art of Feng Shui is very ancient and very interesting; today it is very popular in domestic countries. If you also dream of positive changes in your life, take the risk of turning to this science for help. But most importantly, be sure to follow all its rules.

Finally, watch this interesting thematic video material:



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