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Mitigation defects and their correction. Softening defects. Non-traditional methods in correctional pedagogy

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Use tongue twisters, riddles, retellings (teaching retelling), stories, fairy tales to develop speech. Teach sound synthesis to children with pronunciation problems. Classes with a specialist and computer programs will help the child improve memory and attention. Correctional work with children involves overcoming speech and psychophysical disorders in children. Online speech therapy exercises () can serve as a useful tool for speech therapists working with preschoolers.

Sound production techniques S.

· Invite the baby to smile broadly, leaving a small space between the teeth, place the tongue on the lower teeth, and try to pronounce the song of flowing water: “S-s-s-s.”

· Take a light plastic ball and build a gate. Sit down at table. Let the baby smile, place the tip of his tongue on his lower lip and, pronouncing the letter “F”, try to score the ball. Make sure your baby doesn't bite his lip or puff out his cheeks. The sound should come out in the center of the tongue.

Setting sounds [С], [Сь], [З], [Зь].


Whistling sound defects are especially common in children. Sigmatisms (distorted pronunciation of whistlers) and parasigmatisms (replacing whistling sounds with others: hissing, front-lingual, etc.) greatly spoil the child’s speech.

Sigmatisms can be:

- labiodental sigmatism: whistling [s], [s"] are replaced with sounds close to [f], [f"]: “fabaka” (dog), “funka” (sledge), “finiy” (blue), “pheno” ( hay); sounds [z], [z"] – to sounds reminiscent of [v], [v"]: “vaika” (bunny), “vuby” (teeth), “vebra” (zebra), “veleny” (green) ;

- interdental sigmatism: the tip of the tongue is placed between the teeth, causing words with whistling sounds to acquire a “lisp” sound;

- lateral sigmatism: the lateral edge of the tongue or the tip of the tongue, when pronouncing whistling sounds, appears between the molars on the right or left, while the tongue “falls” to the side, hence the name;

- nasal sigmatism: occurs when open rhinolalia(splitting of the hard and soft palate) and rhinophony(paresis, paralysis of the soft palate), when air goes into the nasal cavity when pronouncing sounds.

Parasigmatisms can be:

- parasigmatism: replacing the sounds [s] - [s"] with [t] - [t"] respectively: “tanki” (sledge), “tom” (catfish), “teno” (hay), “tiny” (blue) ; replacing the sounds [z] - [z"] with [d] - [d"]: “dvuk” (sound), “oak” (tooth), “Dina” (Zina), “dileny” (green);

- hissing parasigmatism: sounds [s] - [s"] are replaced with sounds [sh] or [sch]: “shanki”, “shanki” (sledges), “shushki”, “shushki” (drying); sounds [z] - [z" ] to the sounds [zh] or [zh"]: “zhuby”, “zhyuby” (teeth), “zhima” (winter), “zhaika”, “zhaika” (bunny).

- softening defects (substitutions for hardness - softness): this is when hard sounds [s] - [z] are pronounced accordingly, as paired [s"] - [z"]: “syup” (soup), “syanki” (sledge), “sin” (son), “son-in-law” (bunny), “zyuby” (teeth), “kozi” (goats). Or vice versa: “son” (blue), “seno” (hay), “Soma” (Syoma), “zyma” (winter), “zyleny” (green);

- substitutions for deafness - voicedness: the sound [z] is replaced by the sound [s], the sound [z"] is replaced by the sound [s"] and vice versa: “suba” (teeth), “sima” (winter), “zanki” (sledge), “zeno” ( hay).

Such violations of sound pronunciation can lead not only to dyslalia(violation of sound pronunciation), but also to dyslexia(reading disorder) and dysgraphia(writing disorder) .


For whistling sounds, the shape of the tongue and its position in the oral cavity are very important. Normally, on [С], [Сь, [З], [Зь], the wide tongue with its tip rests against the base of the lower front teeth. In this case, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. It turns out to be a mound with a hollow in the middle.

Some children (especially those who were close friends with the pacifier!) have a flat tongue, with a weakly defined hollow. But it is the groove that directs the stream of exhaled air during whistling sounds in the right direction: strictly in the middle of the tongue. There is no well-defined groove - and a trickle of air spreads out in all directions. In addition, the child’s tongue sometimes cannot rest its tip against the base of the lower incisors: it keeps slipping. The child doesn’t even feel it: for some reason, sensitivity in the tip of the tongue is lost.

3. INITIAL STAGE OF PRODUCING WHISTLING SOUNDS [С], [С"], [З], [З"] WITH INTERDENTAL Sigmaticism and Predental Parasigmatism

Start working on whistling sounds with the sound [C]. Try, sitting with your child in front of a mirror, to “construct” a “peacock” in your mouth (exercise “Mountain Hill”). It’s good if you succeed, but if not, you’ll have to call on articulation gymnastics and all kinds of fairy tales for help (articulation exercises, “Fairy tale stories from the life of Tongue” are presented on our website).

It's time to remember the gnome Tongue. This time he will play the role of a climber. (Exercise “Climber”: the tip of the tongue “clings” to the lower incisors, the back of the tongue arches). So, the lower teeth are a rock ledge on which you must stay on at all costs! After all, it’s scary to think what will happen if a climber loses support under his feet! (An adult counts how many seconds the “climber” can stay on the ledge: the longer, the better). Of course, you will have to control the accuracy of your movements using a mirror. The child will try very hard: the gnome Tongue must not fall off the cliff!

To prevent the tip of the child’s tongue from sticking out behind the teeth (in case of interdental sigmatism), teach the child to squeeze them together by telling a story called “A Brook” (Articulation exercise “A Brook”). “Once upon a time there was a stream. Very restless and talkative. He brought down a whole waterfall of sounds. Only, here’s the problem, the sounds weren’t quite right, they were kind of lisping and splashed in all directions. No one could understand what the stream was talking about. To make the stream's voice clear, a dam had to be built. Clench your teeth. Like this. Amazing! Smile. The stream was left with a small crack between the front teeth, and it began to flow down in a cold, even stream.” Say “S________” for a long time, demonstrating to the child the correct articulation of the sound [s]. Let the baby place his hand under his chin and make sure that the stream of air is cold and narrow. Now ask your child to organize his own “stream”. This will not happen right away. The most important thing is that the tongue does not stick out between the teeth and does not interfere with the pronunciation of the sound [C]. If this time nothing succeeds, a match (without the head of sulfur) and the continuation of the story about the talkative brook will help. “One day the passage of the stream was blocked by a log. (Place a match with one end between the baby’s incisors and ask to hold it in this position. The tongue is at the bottom of the oral cavity and does not protrude!). The stream had to try very hard to remove the obstacle!” And now the child must forcefully pronounce the sound [C], directing a stream of air directly at the match. It should fly out like a cork from a bottle. The exercise is done under the strictest supervision of adults, God forbid if a match ends up in the baby’s respiratory tract!

Another exercise that will help cope with interdental sigmatism. It's fabulous and very funny. It's time to remember with your child about the gnome's friend Tongue - Kitten. He loves to play with reels. Knowing this, the tongue itself often turns into a funny reel.

Exercise " Reel" Take the mirror again. The tip of the tongue, as in previous exercises (“ Gorochka», « Climber», « Brook"), pressed against the lower incisors from the inside. The middle part of the tongue curves sharply and becomes wide, with a hollow in the middle. The “coil” tongue either rolls forward or moves back. And so - several times. The most important thing is that the tip of the tongue is securely attached to the teeth.

These four exercises (“Mountain”, “Climber”, “Rivek”, “Coil”) must be performed for at least a month. The muscles of the tongue should become stronger, and movements should gain precision and confidence. They will help get rid of interdental sigmatism.


What if the child’s problem is not in the tongue, but in the lower lip, which tries to connect with the upper teeth due to whistling sounds? And then “dog” turns into “fabaka”, “soup” into “foop”, “bunny” into “vaika”, “fence” into “vabor”. In this case, as you remember, they talk about labiodental sigmatism. But you can deal with it too. One has only to call the lower lip to obedience. Take a mirror, demonstrate a Hollywood smile and, holding the baby’s lower lip with your finger, ask the child with an equally dazzling smile to pronounce the sounds [С______], [С"______] for a long time. Did it work? Now remove the support and let the child repeat these sounds again. What- then it’s not so? You’ll have to repeat it all over again... Over and over again until it works. If this doesn’t help, you need to teach the child for some time to voluntarily lower his lower lip. He should control it easily! Perform the same articulation exercises (“Gorochka” , “Climber”, “Stream”, “Reel”), which is used in the fight against interdental sigmatism (see above).

Finally everything is ok. To reinforce the correct pronunciation, use the syllables: S___A, S___I, S___Y, S___E, S___U, S___I, S___E, S___E, (Whistling sounds [S], [S"] are pronounced for a long time!) Here the lower lip can again play against the rules! It's okay, you'll have to hold it for a while longer.


If, when pronouncing [S] - [S"] and [Z] - [Z"], some kind of squelching is heard, we can confidently talk about lateral sigmatism. Now the problem lies both in the tongue itself and in the direction of the air stream. With lateral sigmatism, it does not go in the middle of the tongue, but slides either to the left or to the right, and maybe in both directions... Such deviations from the course are easy to detect if you put your palms on the child’s cheeks.

Very often, lateral sigmatism indicates serious disorders: paralysis or paresis in the muscles of the tongue. Eliminating this defect is not so easy. You will probably need massage and articulation gymnastics (exercises “Mountain Hill”, “Climber”, “River”, “Coil”, etc.). The most important thing is to strengthen the side edges of the tongue, make them rise, and direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue. It's unlikely to succeed the first time. Start the work of correction with... punishment. No, not a child, but a tongue.

Tell your child that the gnome Tongue is not distinguished by exemplary behavior. And therefore, he also has to be punished by spanking with his lips: “five-five-five-...” (Exercise “ Let's punish the naughty tongue"). The wide, relaxed tongue should be between the lips, not moving or moving to the side! Oddly enough, the child will do this exercise with great pleasure! After educational work, the tongue will probably become obedient. It's time to use the reward and play something interesting with him, for example, football. Make an improvised goal on the table from two cubes, place a cotton ball in front of the child, and let the gnome Tongue score goals into the goal (“exercise “Let’s score a goal into the goal”). The more goals, the better. Make sure that your tongue lies flat on your lower lip when performing the exercise, and that your cheeks do not swell in any way! Don't forget to remind your child that the game is fun, so your lips should smile.

Soccer ball.

There's a soccer ball in the yard

He ran around at a gallop all day.

He played with us

But I didn’t see the bitch.

I ran into him:


We feel so sorry for him!

(E.G. Karelskaya)

The child must show what sound the ball deflated with: “S_________.”

The ball has been sealed, and now it needs to be pumped up. Show how the gnome Tongue inflates the ball using a pump. True, without the help of a child, he is unlikely to cope! The child demonstrates the operation of the pump, and at the same time trains in correctly pronouncing the sound [C] (exercise “ Pump"). Articulation should be clear: the lips are smiling, the tip of the tongue is securely attached to the lower incisors, the air is pushed out abruptly: s-s-s-s... The tongue must be absolutely symmetrical (do not move to the side!). By doing all this, the child will learn to direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.


Apparently, the child has hypertonicity in the muscles of the tongue, the tip of the tongue does not rest against the lower teeth, but is pulled back, deep into the mouth, the tongue is excessively raised. Hypertonicity is relieved with the help of a relaxing massage and articulation exercises (“Pancake”, “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”, “Let’s score a goal”). Then the production of whistling sounds proceeds in the same way as with interdental sigmatism (third section of this article).


a) in isolated utterance:

Following the advice of the previous sections, you and your child have already begun to automate isolated sound [C].

Now the child will perform the “Water Song” (pronounce the sound [С_____] for a long time), listening to this poem. (You read the lines, the child pronounces the sound [C]):

Little sisters

A wave splashes in the sea.

Can you hear how she sings?


This song of water

Drops, friendly sisters,

Humming in silence

Wind, fish and moon.

“S_______” - they rustle the sand,

A pebble at the bottom of the sea.

“S________” - crushed against a rock,

“S_________” - flow down the glass.

“S________” - and hid in a shell.

We will put it to your ear...

And you will hear again

The sound of the surf, the splash of the wave:


(E.G. Karelskaya)

(We hope you haven’t forgotten that the baby’s tongue should not stick out between the teeth or move to the side at the sound [С__]?)

b) in syllables, words and phrases

When the isolated sound [С___] comes out perfectly, consolidate your success on the material of syllables, words, phrases and phrases:


SA: himself, garden, salad, Sanya, boot, cod, samovar, plane, saury, net, lard, saber

SO: catfish, sleep, soda, juice, salt, Sonya, owls, litter, hundred, honeycomb, solo, juicy, variety

SU: soup, bag, knot, knot, court, Saturday. marmot, pike perch, drying, knot, bag, essence

SY: son, cheese, damp, full, satisfying, owl, son, cheese, etc.

AS: us, pineapple, kvass, breaststroke, now, hour, class, palace, Karabas Barabas, atlas

US-US: mousse, minus, bus, crocus, focus, bite, vinegar, plus, gumboil

IS: rice, miss, cypress, daffodil, Paris, Boris

SA-SA-SA: A fox is running in the forest. A wasp is flying in the garden. Light braid.

SO-SO-SO: The fox has a wheel. In the cinema Sophie Marceau.

SU-SU-SU: We are not afraid of the fox. It's snowing in the forest. Father sharpened his braid.

SY-SY-SY: The fox has a fluffy tail. It’s bad for Sonya without a braid.

Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa, - there is a wasp on our table.

Sy-sy-sy, sy-sy-sy, - we are not afraid of wasps.

Su-su-su, su-su-su, we won’t drive away the wasp.

AS-AS-AS: Sonya has pineapple. Let's go to class today. We have a free hour.

OS-OS-OS: The dog hurt his nose. Senya has a question. Senya was carrying hay into the canopy.

US-US-US: This is a string of beads. Let's put a plus sign. From a wasp - a bite.

IS-IS-IS: Cook rice in a bowl. Boris entered the class. Narcissus blooms in the garden.



SI: strength, blue, silhouette, Sima, strong, blue, blue, Siberia, lilac

SE: hay, Seva, Sergey, Semyon, north, gray, village, semaphore, herring

SE: salmon, Syoma, cheerful

SI-SI-SI: Bring the hay to the hayloft. Bring Sima some blue. Invite Seva to visit.

SE-SE-SE: Let's sing a song to the fox. Blue bow on the braid. There are spokes on the wheel.

SE-SE-SE: We'll give the syrup to the wasp. Everyone went to the forest today!

SIO-SIO-SIO: We told Vasya everything.

SYU-SYU-SYU: We danced with all our might. They gave hay to the crucian carp.

Continue in the same spirit, choosing new words with the sounds [С] and [С"].

c) in tongue twisters

Senya and Sanya have catfish with mustaches.

Forty forty ate a piece of cheese.

There are ducks and geese in Dusya's garden.

Sanya and Kostya go to visit Sonya.

Sanya and his bride are kneading dough.

Sanya mows hay, and Sonya carries hay.

Senya sits on a pine tree in a dream.

A neighbor - a homebody - has a neighbor - a fidget.

There are delicious sausages in the pussy's bowl.

Grandma's geese scared Lucy.

Frosya has pineapple and apricots on a tray.

Sonya and Stas ate pineapple.

Vlas ate the lard at Slava's, and Nazar licked the cream.

A couch potato's neighbor has a fidgety neighbor.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled.

d) in riddles

If all seven are together,

It turns out... (FAMILY).

The third day is fragrant

In the garden there is a Persian... (LILAC).

This bird loves lard

Yellow-breasted... (TIT).

A mustachioed beetle crawled to the swift,

He asked me to cut him... (FURTURE).

Invites all the guys

Taste the harvest... (GARDEN).

A lot of wasps flew in

Take care, baby, of your... (NOS).

He is not afraid of the heat.

He is the children's favorite

Good-natured and smart

This lop-eared... (ELEPHANT).

She doesn't sleep at night,

He looks very keenly into the distance.

Like a pumpkin head

This is a predatory... (OWL).

(Riddles of E.G. Karelskaya)


The sounds [З], [Зь] may have the same defect as the sounds [С], [С"]. You need to work on them in the same way. The only difference is that [З], [Зь] are voiced (with their when pronouncing there is a voice, the vocal cords work). If the child deafens these sounds (pronounces them without a voice), you need to tell a fairy tale about the voice that lives in the throat. The child puts his hand on the throat (his own or an adult) and listens to the story. On the sounds [with ] [s"] the voice “sleeps” and the smelt of his house does not tremble, but at the sounds [z] [z"] the voice wakes up and begins to sing and the walls of his house tremble and vibrate. Demonstrate this clearly by saying in turn first the deaf and then sonorous whistling sounds. Then proceed to consolidate the sounds [з] [з"] in the same sequence as the sounds [С] [С"]. The only thing to remember is that the sounds [з] [з"] at the end words are deafened and turned into sounds [s] [s"]


FOR: hall, factory, hare, bunny, fence, outpost, dawn, test, why, patch, corral, task

ZO: Zoya, Zosya, Zosim, call, dawn, dawn, goiter, zombie, vigilant, vigilant, gold

Memory: tooth, teeth, buzzer, bison

Having practiced syllables and words, take sentences, pure phrases and poems replete with the sounds [З], [Зь].

For-for-for, for-for-for,

A goat is chasing after Zina.

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu,

Let's put the goat in the pen.

Zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy,

Goat's bell.

Ze-ze-ze, ze-ze-ze,

We will give the hay to the goat.

Zoya and Zina have elderberries in their basket.

Buba the bunny has a toothache.

Zosya invited the bunny to visit.

Nazar goes to the market and buys a goat Nazar.

Zoya is the bunny's mistress, but the bunny is an arrogant one.

The zoo has monkeys, snakes, bison and pheasants.

Zoya has mimosas, and Zina has roses.

The bell rang loudly, calling Zoya to class.

Rose is freezing from the frost.

Zina forgot her basket at the store.

The store bought Zina a basket.

Staging sounds and their automation

Correction of violations of the pronunciation of the sound /С/

Set of exercises: “Smile”, “Shovel”, “Reel”, “Brushing teeth”, “Swing”, “Tasty jam”.

Correction of interdental sigmatism.

A). The child is invited to perform the “Coil” exercise; when the child learns to perform this exercise well, it is suggested that the “Coil” be removed deep into the mouth, but the tip of the tongue should be kept in place - behind the lower teeth. The speech therapist places a match in the middle of the tongue and asks to blow quietly so that the air stream passes through the middle of the tongue. Then the match is removed. The sound /S/ is pronounced. If the defect still persists, it is recommended to pronounce syllables for a while, then words with a match in the middle of the tongue or with closed teeth.

b). If the child does not hold the tongue behind the lower teeth, the speech therapist holds it in the following way: we place a bent match into the mouth, one end of which is located towards the roots of the lower teeth, and the other is held by the speech therapist. We ask the child to reach the edge of the match with the tip of his tongue and in this position pronounce the sound /S/.

V). If it is not possible to teach the child to hold the tongue behind the lower incisors for a long time, we teach the child to pronounce the sound /S/ with closed teeth.

Correction of hissing sigmatism.

First, the child is asked to distinguish between the correct and incorrect sounds of the sound /S/ (whistle - hiss). The differences between correct and defective articulation are then shown in front of a mirror. Additionally, kinesthetic sensations are used, depicting articulation with the hands. Having achieved correct articulation, exhalation is activated, giving the opportunity to feel the cold stream of exhaled air.

You can temporarily use interdental articulation of the sound /S/. In the future, it is necessary to switch to normal dental pronunciation with clenched teeth, as is done when correcting interdental sigmatism (option c).

Correction of lateral sigmatism.

I believe that this is one of the most persistent defects, and without massage in the mouth and physical treatment, it is difficult to achieve a positive result.

After a course of massage, the speech therapist (speech pathologist) can begin to perform those exercises that the child did not succeed in (for example, “Fipe”, “Cup”, etc.), that is, we achieve the formation of a “groove” along the midline of the tongue.

The sound /T/ is used as a base. The sound /T/ is pronounced with some aspiration. The presence of aspiration is controlled by feeling a stream of air on the hand.

At the next stage of work, the child is asked to lower the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. The teeth are clenched and a sound close to /Ts/ is pronounced, in which the sounds /T/ and /S/ are heard.

Gradually, during the exercises, the sound /S/ is lengthened and then separated. After which the child is explained that this is the correctly pronounced sound /S/.

Setting the sound /S/ from the sound /I/.

This is the method I use most often. The child is asked to perform the “Smile” exercise, then open his mouth slightly and pronounce the sound /I/. At this time, we draw his attention to the position of the tongue (lies in the oral cavity, the tip is behind the lower incisors). We ask the child to pronounce /I/ several times, then, holding the tongue in the same position, pronounce /S/.

  • The following exercises are very useful for developing manual praxis:
  • 1.8. Examination of the child. Neurological status
  • 1.8.1. Examination of voluntary facial motor skills
  • 1.8.2. Speech motor examination
  • 1.8.3. General voluntary motor examination
  • 1.8.4. Examination of fine movements of the fingers
  • 1.8.5. Examination of actions with objects
  • Application. Some indicators of mental and physical development of children
  • Section 2. Comprehensive speech diagnostics
  • 2.1. Historical aspect of diagnosis
  • 2.2. State of the problem at the present stage
  • 2.3. Principles of comprehensive diagnostics
  • 2.4. Diagnosis of speech disorders in children at an early age
  • 2.4.1. Examination of newborns. Apgar score
  • 2.4.2. Correlation between signs of immaturity and damage to the central nervous system
  • 2.5. Methods for studying the level of speech development
  • 2.5.1. Studying the level of speech communication
  • 2.5.2. Studying the level of coherent speech of children
  • 2.5.3. Learning children's vocabulary
  • 2.5.4. Studying the grammatical side of speech
  • 2.5.5. Studying the state of the sound side of speech
  • 2.5.6. Studying the level of practical awareness of the elements of speech
  • 2.5.7. Complex method of speech diagnostics
  • 2.5.8. Processing and interpretation of the results obtained
  • 2.6. Differential diagnosis of dysarthria
  • 2.6.1. Differential diagnosis based on local diagnostic features
  • 2.6.2. Differential diagnosis of dysarthria according to the degree of damage
  • 2.6.3. Main indicators for diagnosing dysarthria
  • 2.6.4. Differential diagnosis of dysarthria from similar speech disorders
  • Section 3. Correctional educational process
  • 3.1. Modeling correctional and preventive activities in an educational institution
  • 3.2. Early child support
  • 3.3. Problems of early learning to read
  • 3.4. Main directions of speech correction
  • 3.4.1. The main directions of complex medical treatment for spastic dysarthria
  • 3.4.2. Corrective speech therapy work for spastic dysarthria
  • 3.4.3. Hyperkinetic form of dysarthria
  • 3.4.4. Specifics of complex corrective action for hyperkinetic form of dysarthria
  • 3.4.5. Speech therapy work with children suffering from dysarthria and various forms of speech sound disorder
  • 3.5. Features of correction of the phonetic aspect of speech, taking into account the compensatory capabilities of the child
  • 3.6. Correction of sound pronunciation for rhinolalia
  • 3.6.1. Articulation gymnastics
  • 3.6.2. Massage
  • 3.7. Prevention of acoustic dysgraphia. Softening defect
  • 3.7.1. Pronunciation problems
  • 3.8. Prevention of acoustic dysgraphia. Stun defect
  • Material for the development of phonemic hearing and pronunciation differentiation
  • 3.9. Acupressure in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy
  • 3.9.1. Acupressure for dysarthria
  • 3.9.2. Massage for writer's cramp
  • 3.9.3. Acupressure for stuttering
  • 3.9.4. Massage points for forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate
  • 3.9.5. Massage for timidity, timidity, shyness
  • 3.9.6. Acupressure for unmotivated stubbornness and disobedience in children.
  • Section 4. Non-traditional methods in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy
  • 4.1. Herbal medicine in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy
  • 4.2. Aromatherapy in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy
  • 4.3. Music therapy in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy
  • 4.4. Chromotherapy in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy
  • 4.5. Lithotherapy in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy
  • Section 5. Speech therapy practice in educational institutions
  • 5.1. General tasks of speech therapy practice
  • 5.1.1. What does speech therapy practice contribute to the professional development of a future speech therapist?
  • 5.1.2. How is continuous practice organized?
  • 5.1.3. When is the best time to do an internship?
  • 5.2. Contents of practice
  • 5.2.1. Problems of the first period
  • 5.2.2. Problems of the second period
  • Section 6. Specifics of the work of a speech therapist in children's medical institutions
  • 6.1. Regulations on speech therapist
  • 6.2. Regulations on the organization of work of the speech therapy room
  • 6.3. Approximate list of equipment for a speech therapy room
  • 6.4. Regulations on the organization of work of a day hospital for patients with aphasia, dysarthria and logoneurosis
  • 6.5. Specifics of the work of a speech therapist in a children's clinic
  • 6.5.1. Initial appointment with a speech therapist
  • 6.5.2. Formation of groups and duration of classes
  • 6.5.3. Communication with parents and teaching staff
  • 6.5.4. Preventative work
  • 6.5.5. Sanitary education work
  • 6.5.6. Clinical examination
  • 6.5.7. Documentation
  • 6.5.8. Reporting
  • 6.6. Children's psychoneurological clinic
  • 6.7. Speech therapist work in a children's home
  • 6.8. Organization of work of a speech therapist in an inpatient department
  • 6.9. Recommendations for building an individual correction program
  • 6.10. Methodical association of speech therapists
  • Section 7. Organization of speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions
  • 7.1. Principles for selecting children and recruiting groups
  • 7.2. Organization of the work of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission
  • 7.2.1. Documentation of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission
  • 7.2.2. Requirements for office equipment
  • 7.3. Recommendations for enrolling preschoolers in special groups for children with speech impairments
  • 7.3.1. Documents submitted to the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission
  • 7.3.2. Documentation of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission
  • 7.4. Speech therapy documentation for kindergarten for children with speech disorders
  • 7.4.1. Types of plans
  • 7.4.2. Individual notebooks for children
  • 7.4.3. Notebook of relationship between speech therapist and teacher
  • 7.4.4. Working with parents
  • 7.4.5. Speech therapist report
  • 7.6. Approximate planning of activities with children suffering from speech underdevelopment
  • 7.6.1. Sample lesson plan for 4-year-old children with general speech underdevelopment
  • 7.6.2. Approximate work plan for a week with children 5 years old with general speech underdevelopment
  • Section 8. Organization of speech therapy process at school
  • 8.1. Organization of the work of a speech therapist teacher at a speech center in a public school
  • 8.1.1. Distribution of time allocated for examining students’ oral and written speech
  • 8.1.2. Distribution of time allotted for correctional and educational work
  • 8.1.3. Distribution of working hours of a speech therapist teacher during school holidays
  • 8.1.4. Work of a speech therapist teacher in June
  • 8.1.5. Speech therapy room equipment
  • 8.1.6. Documentation and its maintenance
  • 8.1.7. Document retention periods
  • 8.2. Work as a speech therapist in a school for children with severe speech impairments
  • 8.3. Recommendations for organizing individual lessons on teaching pronunciation and their analysis
  • 8.3.1. Requirements for the content of the plan
  • 8.3.2. Requirements for individual lessons
  • 8.3.3. Following the pronunciation teaching method
  • 8.3.4. Requirements for the selection of speech material
  • Topic 1. Sound sh.
  • Topic 2. Sound k (elimination of closed nasality).
  • 8.3.5. Correlation between types of speech activity and types of work
  • 8.3.6. Work organization
  • 8.3.7. Equipment
  • 8.3.8. Phonetic mode
  • 8.3.9. Error correction
  • 8.3.10. Recording the results
  • Section 9. Regulatory documents and information and methodological letters
  • 9.1. Model regulations on the republican medical-psychological-pedagogical commission
  • 9.2. Regulations on the regional MPPK
  • 9.2.1. Composition and organization of work of the regional MPPK
  • 9.2.2. List of documents submitted to the IPPC
  • 9.3. Instructions for admitting children to auxiliary schools and boarding schools
  • 9.4. Instructions for admission to schools for children with severe speech impairments
  • 9.5. Information letter on teaching writing to left-handed children
  • 9.6. Recommendations for selecting children for compensatory education classes
  • 9.7. Recommendations for the admission of children with mental retardation to preschool institutions and special purpose groups
  • 9.8. Regulations on a temporary group for children with speech impairments in a general preschool institution
  • 9.9. Approximate list of materials for psychological and pedagogical examination of school-age children in medical, psychological and pedagogical commissions
  • 9.10. Job responsibilities of a speech therapist teacher
  • 9.11. On approval of recommendations for determining the level of qualifications of teaching staff
  • 9.12. Recommendations for establishing wage grades according to etc.
  • 9.13. Requirements for the qualifications of teaching staff of educational institutions when assigning qualification categories to them
  • 9.14. Standards for the number of places in preschool institutions
  • 9.15. Standard for maximum occupancy of groups (classes) in educational institutions
  • 9.16. Regulations on the scientific and methodological council on correctional and pedagogical problems of preschool education
  • Section 10. Questions and answers
  • Applications: The Tale of a Merry Tongue
  • Pure talk
  • Terminological dictionary
  • Literature
  • 3.7. Prevention of acoustic dysgraphia. Softening defect

    3.7.1. Pronunciation problems

    Have you ever met children who soften their consonants in a conversation? There is a feeling that something is preventing them from speaking. They “lisp” like one and a half year old babies. Listen, and you will find that your child, in parallel with other defects, pronounces certain consonants softly. This defect can be partial or total, i.e. cover all consonants except w,J C, which are always only hard, and those which are always only soft and do not have a hard pair - h,sch, y.

    Is it possible to help such a child? Undoubtedly. And the sooner the better. Therefore, special attention must be paid to correcting sound pronunciation at the earliest possible age. If the mitigation defect is not eliminated in a timely manner, it manifests itself later in written speech, which leads to new problems and a decrease in school performance.

    Soft consonants differ in articulation from paired hard consonants by the additional rise of the back of the tongue to the hard palate, some ( k, g. x) also a noticeable movement of the tongue forward. What causes this defect? First of all, muscle tone disorders, the nature of which depends primarily on the location of the brain lesion.

    Spasticity of the articulatory muscles - a constant increase in tone in the muscles of the tongue, leads to the fact that the tongue is tense, pulled back, its back is curved, raised upward, the tip is not pronounced. E.M. Mastyukova emphasizes that “a tense back of the tongue, raised towards the hard palate, helps soften consonant sounds. Therefore, a feature of articulation with spasticity of the tongue muscles is palatalization, which can contribute to phonemic underdevelopment.”

    When working on the softening defect, it is necessary to take into account various cases of using soft consonants in speech. F.F. Pay, N.F. Slezina (1981) indicate that the pronunciation of a soft consonant in the Russian language can be determined by combinatorial conditions, i.e., proximity to other sounds. So, for example, the vowel [And] softens the previous consonant: ma, mo, mu, we, butmi. The exception is consonants w, f, c. They may be followed by the letter - And, but at the same time it reads like - s: tire, car, mouse, ski, circus, compass etc.

    The exception is long soft and in words with combinations LJ And zzh, For example, yeast, reins, squeals, where the softness of the consonant makes it possible to pronounce a sound after it And. In some cases, the softness of one consonant is determined by the softness of the next one. For example, bow-bow, where a soft consonant causes a softening of the preceding consonant sound k.

    In parallel with the combinatorially determined softness of consonants, consonants are widely used in the Russian language, the softness of which is completely independent: lion, ice, hatch, spot. In words coal, horse, blood the softness of consonants is due to the soft sign.

    In the pronunciation of consonants that have hard and soft pairs, softening defects are observed. Among mitigation defects, three types of violation are distinguished:

    1. their constant replacement with paired hard sounds: Dada Vana instead of Uncle Vanya, tota instead of aunt etc.;

    2. excessive softening, e.g. syabyakya goes dyamey instead of the dog goes home;

    3. violation of differentiation between hard and soft phonemes, when, along with the correct pronunciation of hard and soft consonants, deviations are observed.

    The transition of a hard consonant sound to a soft one depends on the tension and rise of the middle part of the tongue towards the palate. All cases of mixing hard and soft phonemes, as a rule, are reflected in written speech.

    Therefore, in the work on correcting the softening defect, careful differentiation of hard and soft consonant sounds in hearing and pronunciation is important.

    Preparatory exercises for correcting a softening defect are arching the middle part of the back of the tongue and lowering it: “the cat is angry”, “reel”, “slide”. Softening defects occur simultaneously among the majority of consonants that have paired soft and hard sounds. Therefore, questions arise: when to start correcting this defect, with which sound should the corresponding paired sound be started?

    To solve the above issues, O. V. Pravdina (1973) recommends taking into account:

    1. the child’s pronunciation of which sounds is most perfect in order to obtain from them, based on the ready-made articulation structure, the correct sound;

    2. the structure of which sounds allows you to most clearly show the difference between the articulation of paired consonants of hard and soft sounds.

    M.E. Khvattsev, F.F. Pay, N.F. Slezina, O.V. Pravdina, L.S. Volkova and others note that consonants, etc., are the simplest in their articulation patterns. j. Therefore, front-lingual sounds rarely turn out to be defective and are pronounced with half-open teeth and lips, which makes it possible to see changes in the position of the middle part of the tongue during the transition of a hard phoneme to a soft one: T To t", d To d", n To n". In the process of working with the above sounds, it is easier to develop a kinesthetic feeling of tension and relaxation of the back of the tongue, as a result of which similar work on other sounds that have hard and soft pairs will be much easier and faster.

    In difficult cases, O.V. Pravdina (1973) recommends placing the middle and index fingers on the tongue, which allows one to tactilely feel the change in tension of the tongue during the transition from a hard phoneme to a soft one. You can use mechanical help: by offering to pronounce syllables repeatedly am or that with the tip of the tongue resting on the lower incisors, lightly press with a spatula or finger on the tip of the tongue, which will soften the sound T, i.e. it forms syllables at, cha. By analogy, you can obtain identical syllables with other consonants.

    F.A.Pay recommends correcting the softening defect according to the degree of ease in the following order: T-t", d-d", n-n", f-f", v-v", i-i",b-b", mm", s-s", rr", l-l". After automating hard and soft phonemes, it is important to move on to their differentiation with the corresponding hard sounds, which is necessary for mastering the rules of grammar about softening consonants before iotated vowels ( I, e, e, yu), about the use of a soft sign at the end of a word and in its middle (stranded, letter, coat), as well as a soft separating sign (sew, pour, blizzard). It is recommended to start differentiation with tables of the following type: a) ta-cha, you-ti b) at-at, yt-ity c) cha-tya, tu-tu to-the, tu-tu from-ot, ut-ut, te-tie, te-tie.

    Work on soft consonants begins when children have mastered the vowel And. Each consonant sound is practiced in combination with vowels, including the vowel And.

    Tension in the muscles of the lips is most easily felt when pronouncing labiolabials: pa, pa, But pi, ba, bu, bo, would, But bi; ma, mu, mo, we, But mi. If the child has mastered the softening of consonants before a vowel And, then he does not experience difficulty in pronouncing independent soft consonants. The child’s phonemic hearing plays a major role in this. Then we include the resulting soft consonant in closed syllables like: up, up etc., and finally into the open ones: five, pe.

    When producing soft anterior lingual sounds t, d.n The above method is not effective enough. They can be pronounced either with the front edge of the tongue raised towards the upper incisors or with the tongue lowered towards the lower incisors. In the second case, the difference in articulation between hard and soft phonemes is most obvious, since the stop is not formed by the front edge of the tongue, which is typical for hard t, d, n, and the front part of the back of the tongue, in contact with the alveoli of the upper incisors. If the child has difficulty reproducing this articulation, then you can help mechanically: use a spatula or finger to hold the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors.

    After setting and differentiating the anterior lingual sounds, you can move on to the labiolabials: f" in", but it is necessary to show the curved position of the tongue when the mouth is open and explain that even when the mouth is closed with the lower lip, the tongue maintains this position.

    Further, the sequence of correction of soft consonants can be varied, but some nuances must be taken into account. So, for example, to get real soft l" with the back of the tongue strongly arched towards the hard palate, it is best to start with the lower version of the articulation of this sound. At the same time, we focus on the fact that the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, and the front part of the back forms a closure with the alveoli. You can hold the tip of your tongue down for the first time with mechanical help (using a spatula). Solid sound l set from interdental vowels A or w, having previously specified their articulation: A-l, small, gave; s-l,soap If there are real hard and soft sounds, they must be clearly differentiated from each other in syllables and words, after which you can move from the lower articulation l to the more convenient upper one while maintaining the necessary elevation of the back of the tongue and a significant area of ​​​​its contact with the palate. To differentiate hard whistling s, s from soft sounds, the front part of the back of the tongue comes as close as possible to the incisors and the tongue bends more strongly and rises to the palate.

    Techniques for correcting posterior palatal To,g, x come down to the placement of plosive back-linguals from plosive front-linguals, and fricative back-linguals from fricative front-linguals. Soft sounds are placed from soft, and hard sounds from hard. Sounds are produced with mechanical assistance from basic syllables:

    ka from -» ta -» tya -» kya -» ka

    ha from -» yes -» dia -» gya -» ha

    ha from - "sa -" xia - "hya -" ha

    At the moment of pronouncing a syllable, the speech therapist gradually moves the tongue back, into the depths of the mouth, pressing the front part of the back of the tongue with the child’s index finger to the second phalanx.

    Working on vibrant R, we must pay attention that when moving from R To R" the tongue moves noticeably forward towards the upper incisors.

    In the process of work, you can use the fairy tale “Tom and Tim”. Let's look at a shortened version of this tale.

    Once upon a time there lived two brothers. One was named Tom. He was lean, tall and as hard as sound T, with which his name begins. He always chose for himself something that started with solid sounds. He loved juice and crackers. He wore a coat and never wore a jacket. He did not take the ball, but he willingly blew soap bubbles and played sea battle.

    And the second brother, whose name was Tim, was soft, plump, round. He loved everything that began with soft sounds, like his name: meatballs, pies, cakes, jelly, candy.

    The brothers were very friendly. When Tim drew, Tom painted. If Tom picked up a pipe, then Tim picked up a guitar. They never chose the same things, so they didn't quarrel. They didn't have to snatch toys and sweets from each other.

    One day the brothers decided to go traveling. Let's help them get together. (Classification of things by first sound, hard or soft?) Let’s clarify who will take satchel, backpack; who needs pot, bowl, fork, spoon, knife; who loves milk, kefir, kalach, pie, sausage, ham; who puts on shoes sneakers, and who in sneakers; which brother will put it on his head hat, Who beret; who will go to forest, and who's on meadow; who will collect what mushrooms (russula, chanterelles, boletus, saffron milk caps, boletus, boletus)?

    It's time to make a stop. Who brought it branches, who dead wood? The brothers decided to catch fish. Who will catch in pond, who in river? Who will take the bait? catfish, gudgeon, roach, bream, tench, carp?

    Sample types of activities

    Indication of softness of a consonant by subsequent vowels

    Selecting a letter I.

    Exercise. Find soft consonants in the words. What is their softness? Ball, five, Valya, slush, gingerbread, mint, spots, Tolya, rag, hide and seek.

    Exercise. Name the pictures, make up their names from the letters of the split alphabet, write them down in your notebook: box, apple, ash, tongue, anchor, lizard, core, hawk.

    Selecting a letter E.

    Exercise. Read these words, find the given letter in them, determine its location: ate, spruce, food, riding, rider, Eve, food, echidna, unit, jumble, Elena, raccoon, blackberry, nonsense, Egypt.

    Exercise. Find soft consonants in these words. What vowel indicates their softness? Forest, chalk, squirrel, summer, branch, log, lion, village, nut, spring, broom, knee.

    Exercise. Name the pictures, make up their names from the letters of the split alphabet. Draw, make inscriptions.

    Exercise. Think of words with the letter e yourself and write them down. If the task is difficult, then name pictures and objects specially selected for the lesson.

    Selecting a letter Yo.

    Exercise. Read the words, find the given letter in them, determine its location: tree, hedgehog, ruff, loan, Alyonka, border, gives, pond, crossbill, reception, Lenya, oilcloth.

    Exercise. Find soft consonants in these words. Which vowel indicates their softness: ice, dog, Lyova, Lenya, beets, cauldron, fire, honey, oats, Alena, Styopa, glass, carpet, pilot.

    Exercise. Name the pictures, make up their names from the cut alphabet, draw them, make captions.

    Exercise. Look around carefully. Name or make up words with the letter e. Write them down, taking into account the principle of accessibility.

    Selecting a letter YU.

    Exercise. Read these words, find the given letter in them, indicate where it is; for the preparatory group a complication - which one? Skirt, cabin boy, youth, yula, young man, yurt, riding, Julia, Yura, south, humor, washing, cleaning, lawyer, nimble, bathing.

    Exercise. Find soft consonants in the words. Which vowel indicates their softness: ivy, Luda, Lyuba, people, mica, rutabaga, dish, plus, saliva, raisins, cranberry, boat.

    Exercise. Name the pictures, make up their names from the cut alphabet, draw them, make inscriptions.

    Exercise. Look around carefully. Name or make up words with letters Yu. Write them down.

    Exercise. Read or repeat the syllables. Tell me how the consonant sounds in the syllables of the first line and in the syllables of the second line. Underline hard consonants in blue, soft consonants in green. Name those vowels that soften: ta, do, well, pi, py, ma, ku. You; la, me, nu, pe, de, ti, lyu, her;by, mo, se,ti, py, li, syu, yes.

    Exercise. Read and write down these words. Explain the meaning of the words. Indicate the vowels that form a merger with soft consonants. Highlight in color: hard - blue, soft - green:

    Small-crumpled-beat bow-hatch thief-carried

    soap-mil caught-wil catch-bite vol-vel

    mole-chalk ditch-roar wasps-wasps were howling

    rad-row lynx-rice hail-ridges

    Exercise. Write the letter A or I(O-e, y-Yu,s-And). He ate l..k. Vova closed his face. Vitya hands m...l. The boy is very m...l.

    Exercise. Read the phrases and write similar words in pairs:

    Vova planted onions. onion

    Dad closed the hatch. Luke

    The woodpecker taps his nose. knock here

    The cotton was placed in a bale. bale

    The woodpecker has a strong nose. nose

    Vitya was carrying sticks. carried

    The cat saw the mouse. mouse

    Sonya was given a bear. bear

    After the children have learned to hear the hardness and softness of consonants and write vowels of the second row after soft consonants, and vowels of the first row after hard consonants, we introduce the children to the soft sign:

    A soft sign is a cunning sign,

    Don't call him anything.

    It's not pronounced

    But the word is often asked.

    Offer to compare the meaning and sound of a pair of words:

    ate-fir gave-dal steel-steel hor-hor

    chalk-shoal heat-fry blow-hit goal-goal horse-horse sting-sorry corner-coal coward-coward was-true couple-lad teaches-learn pole-six

    Comparative analysis helps to find out that words have different meanings, although they are pronounced almost the same. The difference in the pronunciation of the last sound is that in the first case it is pronounced firmly, and in the second softly.

    Then these words are read and compared by spelling. We clarify that the softness of the last consonant is indicated by a soft sign. The soft sign itself ъ does not indicate any sound, but softens the consonant at the end of the word. This knowledge is practiced with children in a series of tasks.

    Exercise. Read the words. Compare them by sound, spelling, meaning. What is the difference in the pronunciation of the endings in these words:

    Sculpts – sculpts buy – buy

    Carries - carries - carries

    loves-loving treats-treats

    walks-walks mows-mows

    Exercise. Let's hide the soft sign in the middle of the word:

    tree stumps


    spruce forest










    Exercise. Read the words. Pronounce the highlighted consonant softly. What letter should be written after a soft consonant? Write the resulting new word. Compare the words again. How do they differ in sound and spelling? foam jar shelf jackdaw corners hemp bathhouse polka pebbles coals Exercise. Read the words. Underline soft consonants with green ink. Explain why they sound soft: foam, Luda, moth, Theme, bathhouse, sprat, dawn, struggle, hell, cradle.

    Exercise. Test dictation: horse, flax, elk, carried, hatch, Lena, cinema, stump, net, laziness, drink, roofing felt, bathhouse, letter, tape, sled, animals, steel, days.

    Differentiation of soft and hard paired consonants must be carried out not only by ear, but also in pronunciation, which will prevent violations of written speech when studying at school, reduce the percentage of underachievers, and ensure maximum success in learning.

    It is important not only to teach children to distinguish between hard and soft consonants by ear, but also to correlate the hardness and softness of consonants with the subsequent vowel or soft sign.

    Thus, work on differentiating paired consonants (according to hardness and softness) and correcting the softening defect will help not only to avoid obvious speech pathology, but will also allow timely preventive work to be carried out and to avoid written speech disorders when studying at school. Speech disorders that occur in children in primary school are a serious obstacle to their mastery of the elements of literacy. There are often cases when, due to speech disorders, a child has difficulty mastering the primary school curriculum, and in the most severe cases, the question arises about the impossibility of his education in a public school.

    With proper organization and conduct of the correctional educational process, teachers and parents help children cope with their existing speech disorders and successfully master the school curriculum.

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    Slide captions:

    Speech prepared by: Shayakhmetova N.S. , teacher-speech therapist, MDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 2 6”, Saratov Mitigation defect. Work specifics.

    Softening defect. Nowadays, in practice, children with a softening defect are increasingly encountered, which manifests itself in a violation of the pronunciation of consonants that have a hard (soft) pair. The defect can be partial or total, i.e. cover all consonants. The exceptions will be the sounds Ш, Ж, Ц, which do not have soft pairs, and the sounds Ш, Ш, Ж, which do not have hard pairs. If a child has a softening defect, then we begin our work with it, having previously worked with vowel sounds. Complete elimination of the defect at an early stage in oral speech will prevent the appearance of acoustic dysgraphia in written speech. Correction of the softening defect is carried out in individual lessons.

    Factors predisposing to the occurrence of a defect: Decreased physical hearing Immaturity of phonemic processes Impairment in the structure of the articulatory apparatus Impaired innervation (tone) of the articulatory muscles

    Types Among the softening defects the following are observed: 1. Complete absence of soft consonant sounds in speech, that is, their constant replacement with paired hard sounds (Uncle Vanya - dada Vanna, five - pat, meat - maso, etc.). Phonetic-phonemic defect; 2. Excessive softening (The dog is going home - He's going to go crazy). In practice, it is more common, it is also called a hardness defect. Phonetic-phonemic defect; 3. Mixing of soft and hard sounds in speech (paralalia), that is, along with the correct pronunciation of hard and soft consonants, deviations are observed in both directions. Phonemic defect.

    Features of articulation When pronouncing soft sounds, a feature of articulation is palatalization - (from the Latin softening) an additional to the main articulation of consonants rise of the middle part of the tongue to the hard palate (or iota articulation). The simplest in articulatory structure are the anterior lingual sounds T-T, D-D, N -Нь, they are similar in articulation (rarely impaired). hard soft The profiles show that the transition of a hard consonant sound to a soft one depends on the tension and elevation of the middle part of the tongue to the palate. Let us consider in the table what happens when there is a defective pronunciation of paired consonant sounds.

    Table In case of defective pronunciation of consonants: Hard Soft in pronunciation soft hard defect of hardness softening tongue tense spastic curved (palatalization) relaxed soft flat middle part of the back of the tongue does not fall does not rise does not bend the tip of the tongue is not expressed pronounced tone increased hypertonicity decreased hypotonicity

    Specifics of work Violations in the pronunciation of hard and soft consonants, as a rule, arise from deficiencies in acoustic differentiation, as well as from disturbances in the innervation of the articulatory muscles. Thus, work to correct softening defects is carried out in two directions: 1) correction of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception; 2) development of the correct articulatory structure when pronouncing paired consonants. When correcting phonemic hearing and phonemic perception, it is important to achieve the child’s understanding of the principle of distinguishing between hard and soft sounds. It is necessary to explain to the child and show with examples that incorrect pronunciation of sounds can change the meaning of the entire word. To facilitate this task, you can use graphic material, thematic pictures, and accompany the exercises with certain movements. All this is done to ensure visual and kinesthetic control.

    Stages of work (classic) 1. Complete absence of soft consonant sounds 2. Excessive softening of sounds 3. Mixing of soft and hard sounds in speech 1. Preparatory stage 2. Stage of sound production 3. Stage of sound automation 4. Stage of differentiation of sounds 5. Stage of skill development self-control (according to Arkhipova) 4. Stage of differentiation of sounds 5. Stage of developing self-control skills (according to Arkhipova) At the stage of differentiation of sounds, it is important to work more carefully and not only in hearing, but also in pronunciation!

    Preparatory stage At stage 1, we initially form in the child the concept of softness and hardness. You can show: balls - plastic and rubber or cubes - wooden and rag. The whole range of speech therapy work is carried out here - this includes the normalization of muscle tone of facial and articulatory muscles (statics, dynamics), work on breathing and the development of fine motor skills, etc. When selecting articulation exercises, we take into account the structure of the violation in pronunciation: 1. No soft ones 2. Excessive softening It is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop a rise in the middle part of the back of the tongue. You need to relax the muscles of the tongue, learn to lower the middle part of the back of the tongue and straighten it. Teach the tongue to move back and forth: tense, relaxed Tongue position Curved “Slide” Straight “Scapula”

    Articulation exercises No soft Excessive softening House opens Curious tongue Smile - Proboscis Grin Pull the tongue to the chin Monkey Pull the tongue to the nose Bulldog Hamster Circle Fat-skinny Balls lower We clean the teeth (outside) upper Samovar Slide The wind blows from the slide Reel Chew a pancake Snake Punish the tongue Spatula Blowing on the shoulder blade Bite your tongue Pendulum Needle Swing Exercises for setting the required sound

    Normalization of muscle tone The main task in case of softening defect is to teach the child to be able to redistribute the tension of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. It is very effective to use isotonic exercises with resistance and counteraction here, because... They both strengthen and relax muscles. You can use cotton swabs in the work as in the picture, or your tongue in the “Slide” position, and the stick under the tongue. In more stubborn cases (without dynamics), you can use elements of speech therapy massage with classical techniques: in the first case, when there are no soft ones - activating (strengthening), in the second - relaxing. It can only be performed after consulting a neurologist; if there are no contraindications, it is better to have a certificate. In our work we don’t always have time for this, so we recommend it to parents. Another type of speech therapy massage is self-massage, which we can do both individually and with a group. (description in the memo). All this is described in more detail in the book by O.I. Krupenchuk “Correcting the pronunciation.” Isotonic exercises and self-massage are there in poetic form. There are also many books by various authors about massage: E.F. Arkhipova, E.A. Dyakova, I.V. Blyskina, etc. There is also a lot of information on the Internet.

    Subsequent stages At subsequent stages we work using known methods. At the differentiation stage, do not forget about differentiation in pronunciation! You can show profiles or on a hippopotamus. To differentiate hard whistling [s], [z] from soft sounds, the front part of the back of the tongue is as close as possible to the incisors and the tongue bends more strongly and rises to the palate. When pronouncing the sounds [k], [g], [x], their soft pairs differ in that the tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower teeth. When moving from [m] to [m] " - the tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower teeth and the back is arched, the tension of the lips also changes. When working on the vibrant [r], you should pay attention to the fact that when moving from [r] to [r ]" The tongue moves noticeably forward towards the upper incisors. With [l] to [l] "on the contrary - back.

    Recommendations from scientists. Tatyana Borisovna Filicheva recommends correcting the softening defect using vowels [И] and [И]. To consolidate the concept of hardness and softness on the basis of preserved consonant sounds [K], [V], [P], [B], etc. (This technique is ineffective when working with front-lingual [T], [D], [N]) Marina Anatolyevna Polyakova recommends producing soft and hard sounds based on the muscular sensations of hardness and softness. Where to start from the labial and labiodental. Place in pairs in the following sequence [M], [B], [P], [V], [F], [N], [D], [T]. Olga Vladimirovna Pravdina recommends that sounds be staged taking into account: 1. Already correctly staged, based on a ready-made articulatory system. 2. By contrasting which sounds the difference between paired soft and hard sounds will be more clearly visible. The consonants [T], [D], [N] satisfy both conditions. If you put two fingers (middle and index) on your tongue, you can feel the change in tongue tension tactilely. While working with these sounds, a kinesthetic feeling of tension and relaxation of the tongue should be developed, thanks to this, similar work on other sounds will be much easier and faster. Fedor Andreevich Rau, taking into account the complexity of articulation, recommends correcting the defect in the following sequence: [T] - [T "], [D] - [D"], [N] - [N"], [F] - [F"], [V] - [V"], [P] - [P"], [B ] - [B"], [M] - [M"], [S] - [S"], [Z] - [Z"], [L - [L"], [R] - [R"] .


    Additions... The self-massage complex includes exercises for the lips, cheeks, tongue, lower jaw and neck muscles. Relaxation of the cervical muscles reflexively causes relaxation of the muscles of the root of the tongue. This is done in a sitting position: 1. Dropped your head - “fell asleep.” 2. Threw it back - shook it left and right. 3. They lowered it and also shook it. In self-massage, children cannot stroke the back of the neck on their own, which is also very important, so I supplement this with my own hands and also use a massager. The memo also describes an exercise for spreading out the tongue: “Let’s chew a pear” - not very aesthetically pleasing, but effective! For this, you can also use a probe substitute - a “Racket”, a wooden disposable spatula. From acupressure, you can use massaging points in the area of ​​the submandibular fossa, with two index fingers for 5-15 seconds: with continuous vibration, we relax the muscles of the tongue, with intermittent vibration, we strengthen. For fine motor skills, balls are hedgehogs. You can beat blue and green at the differentiation stage. Also a pop-up ball. To form the correct air stream, a pencil with a pinwheel, etc. Tomilina’s “Klyuvik” probe for setting C L, “Hedgehog” probe.

    Thank you for your attention!

    References 1. Akimenko V.M. New speech therapy technologies: educational method. allowance / V.M. Akimenko. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008. - 105 p.: ill. - (I give my heart to the children). 2. Arkhipova E.F. Speech therapy massage for dysarthria M.: AST: Astrel; Vladimir: VKT, 2008. 3. Blyskina I.V. An integrated approach to the correction of speech pathology in children. Speech therapy massage: A manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions. SPb.: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2008. 4. Dyakova E.A. Speech therapy massage. 4th ed. - M.: Academy, 2012. 5. Krupenchuk O.I., Vorobyova T.A. Correcting pronunciation: A comprehensive method for correcting articulation disorders. - St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2010. 6. Krause E.N. “Speech therapy. Speech therapy classes with children of early and younger age" - St. Petersburg: CORONA print; M.: Binom Press, 2005 7. Miklyaeva Yu. V. Speech therapy massage and gymnastics. Work on sound pronunciation. - M.: Iris-press, 2010. - (Popular speech therapy). 8. Novikovskaya O.A. “Fun exercise for the tongue” - M.: AST, St. Petersburg: Sova, 2010. 9. Povalyaeva M.A. “Complete reference book. Speech therapist's handbook" - M.: AST: Astrel: Poligrafizdat, 2010 10. Polyakova M.A. tutorial 11. Rossiyskaya E.N., Garanina L.A. Pronunciation side of speech: Practical course. – M.: ARKTI, 2003. + Novikova E.V. Articulation of sounds in a graphic image. Educational and demonstration material. Supplement to the book “Speech Therapy ABC” - M.: 2000. + sites on massage, training

    Stage of production of sounds We use the following techniques: imitation and demonstration of articulation; in a syllable using vowels [И] – [И]; with mechanical assistance; using a temporary version (for sounds [Л], [Ль]) A technique based on imitation involves auditory perception of soft (hard) sounds and visual perception of the articulation of these phonemes. It should be explained to the child that when pronouncing hard sounds, the tongue has a flat shape (show), when pronouncing soft sounds, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, and the back arches towards the hard palate. In the case of the labials, it’s the same, only behind closed lips. In a syllable using vowels [I] - [Y], described in more detail in the technique of T.B. Filicheva. Some nuances in staging with mechanical assistance...

    Mechanical method The placement of velar [k], [g], [x] is made from the base syllables: [k] from -" ta -" tya -" kya -" ka [g] from -" yes -" dia -" gya - "ga [x] from -" sa -" xia -" hya -» ha. At the moment of pronouncing a syllable, the speech therapist gradually moves the tongue back, into the depths of the mouth, pressing the front part of the back of the tongue with the child’s index finger to the second phalanx. If there is a softening defect, correction should be carried out according to Filicheva’s method. Setting up front-lingual [t’], [d’], [n’] O.V. Pravdina suggests the following: pronounce the syllables AT or TA repeatedly with the tongue resting on the lower teeth, lightly pressing with a finger or spatula on the tip of the tongue. This will soften the sound T, that is, the syllables AT, TY. By analogy, you can get the syllables AN, NYA, DYA. With mechanical assistance, at the initial stage, it is possible to obtain [l‘] with the back of the tongue strongly curved towards the hard palate, when setting up a temporary lower version of the articulation of this sound. You should keep the tip of your tongue down with a spatula. At the same time, we focus on the fact that the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, and the front part of the back forms a closure with the alveoli. The hard sound [l] is placed from the interdental vowels [a] or [s], having previously specified their articulation: a-l, small, given; y-l, washed. After a clear differentiation of hard and soft sounds, we will be able to move from the lower articulation [l] to the more convenient upper one while maintaining the necessary elevation of the back of the tongue and a significant area of ​​​​its contact with the palate.

    In the pronunciation of consonants that have a hard (soft) pair, softening defects are observed.

    Most consonants in the Russian language have paired soft sounds. The exception will be soundsSh, F, C, not having soft vapors, and soundsCh, Shch, J, not having solid pairs.

    Amongdefectsmitigationobservedthreeoption :

    a/ complete absence of soft consonant sounds in speech, that is, their constant replacement with paired hard sounds (Uncle Vanya - dada Vanna, five - pat, meat - maso, etc.);

    b/ excessive mitigation (The dog is going home - Syabaka is going dyamoy);

    c/ violation of differentiation between hard and soft sounds, that is, along with the correct pronunciation of hard and soft consonants, deviations are observed in both directions.

    To know which sound to start with, you need to consider:

    1). What sounds does the child pronounce most perfectly in order to obtain from them, based on the ready-made structure, the correct sound of a paired defective sound;

    2). What type of sounds allows you to most demonstratively show the difference between the articulation of paired hard and softsounds.

    ConsonantsT, D, N are simple in their structure, therefore they are rarely defective and, in addition, are pronounced with half-openteeth and lips, which allows you to see changes in the position of the middle part of the tongue during the transition of soundT ToTH , D ToYES , N ToNH . Thus, the selected sounds satisfy both conditions.

    If you put two fingers (middle and index) on your tongue, you can feel the change in tongue tension tactilely.

    In difficult cases, you can temporarily resort to mechanical help: by offering to pronounce syllables repeatedlyAT orTA With your tongue resting on your lower teeth, lightly press with your finger or spatula on the tip of your tongue. This will soften the soundT , that is, syllablesAT, TY. By analogy, you can get the syllablesAN,NYA,DY.

    While working with soundsT, D, N a kinesthetic feeling of tension and relaxation of the tongue should be developed, thanks to this, similar work on other sounds will be much easier and faster, but it is still necessary to check the correct pronunciation of the hard and soft pairs of allconsonants.

    Stage 1 : Reinforcing the correct pronunciation of soundsY and distinguishing it fromAND.

    Stage 2 : Consolidation of syllables based on preserved consonant soundsWOW, WOW, WOW, distinguishing these syllables by ear.

    Stage 3 : Clear pronunciation of words with hard consonants (exaggerated):BA – WOULD,KA - YOU,...

    Stage 4 : InclusionwordsVoffers.

    METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF Speech Therapy WORK FOR VIOLATIONS OF HARDNESS AND SOFTNESS OF CONSONANTS: Preparatory exercises for producing soft sounds - arching the middle part of the back of the tongue and lowering it. Techniques for correcting defects in softening and hardness of consonant sounds: By imitation: it is necessary to explain to the child that when pronouncing hard labial sounds, the tongue has a flat shape, while when pronouncing soft sounds, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, and the back arches towards the hard palate. With your mouth slightly open, you need to show the child in front of the mirror the difference in the position of the tongue and encourage him to reproduce what he saw. This is followed by the repetition by the speech therapist of syllables with labial and lingual-dental paired soft consonants: pa - pya, apa - apya, ap - ap, ta - tya, ata - atya, at - at, ma - mya, ama - amya, etc. If the child successfully reproduces soft consonant sounds, it is advisable to immediately use words with soft consonants. Additional techniques are offered to the child: - pronounce the vowel [i] for a long time, and then the syllable pi; -if there is mitigation, repeat the same syllable several times in a whisper, gradually shortening [i], as a result of which a distinct [p"] can be obtained, with some aspiration; -go to the sound combination api, which should be pronounced first loudly, then in a whisper, and finally , so that the first vowel is pronounced loudly, and the second in a whisper and briefly. This way you can get the combination ap; - having consolidated the resulting soft sound [p] - [p"], you can move on to the open syllable pya, first separating the consonant phoneme from the vowel ([ p"] - [a]), and then merging them; -then introduce syllables and words with other vowels. Next, similar work is carried out on other labial soft consonants: [m"], [f"], [v"]. MECHANICAL METHOD OF SETTING: -The consonants [t], [d], [n] are used as the initial ones. These sounds are pronounced with half-open teeth and lips, which makes it possible to most clearly show changes in the position of the middle part of the tongue during the transition of the sound [t] to [t"], [d] to [d"], [n] to [n"]. -By inviting the child to pronounce the sound [t] or the syllable ta several times and holding the tip of the tongue with a spatula behind the lower incisors (pressing the front edge of the tongue), you can automatically obtain the sound [t"] in an isolated form ([t"], [t" ], [t "]) or in an open syllable (cha, cha, cha). This effect is achieved by the fact that mechanically holding the tongue down leads to the formation of a stop with the help of its back, which, in turn, inevitably causes the back of the tongue to rise towards palate. In a similar way, the syllable at is obtained from the syllable at. This method of setting [t"] is nothing more than performing the first stage of mechanical setting [t"] from [t]. The same mechanical method is used when making sounds [d"] from [d], [n"] from [n]. Having learned, using the example of lingual-dental stop sounds, the principle of forming soft consonants from paired hard ones by raising the back of the tongue to the palate, the child more easily masters the pronunciation of other soft sounds, which is advisable to put in the following order: [f"], [v"], [p" ], [b"], [m"], [s"], [z"], [r"], [l"]. As for the sounds [k"], [g"], [x"], then special work on them is usually not required, since in the Russian language they, as a rule, occur only before the vowels [i], [e] and are acquired in this position (especially before the sound [i]) without difficulty. After automating soft sounds using the material of words, syllables and phrases, it is necessary to move on to their differentiation with the corresponding hard sounds. Defects in the hardness of consonant sounds, manifested in the replacement of hard consonants with paired soft sounds, are eliminated after the production and automation of hard sounds (using known methods), and then their differentiation with soft variants (in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases). Fragments of a presentation on the topic: "Methodological development in speech therapy" were used



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