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Effective meditations to attract luck and money. Meditation "Cash Flow"

Think carefully about what additional things you would like to add to your life - the list will probably also include material desires, the fulfillment of which will require quite a lot of money.

Experts say that in order to achieve financial stability, constant hard work is not enough - you will also need self-improvement and achieving the right mood, which can be achieved through meditation.

One of the experts in this field is Vitaly Gibert, who has created many training programs that combine audio and such an unusual psychological tool as 25 frames. After watching his video, you will be able to find out what the main elements of meditation for attracting money are, and you will also understand what recommendations must be followed to achieve maximum results.

With the help of such a course, you can not only ensure an influx of funds, which in themselves do not bring happiness to people, but also achieve improved luck in all your activities.

Before watching the video in which Vitaly Gibert talks about the routes to financial well-being, you must set yourself in the right mood and practice using simpler meditations as training.

Turn on calm audio - special music created for meditation is suitable for this, or simply sounds of nature that help relieve stress. Simple meditation does not use frame 25, so it is better to do all exercises with eyes closed, immersing yourself as much as possible in your own feelings and moving away from the outside world.

In addition, to attract money, you must feel as comfortable as possible - you need to arrange a comfortable soft place on the floor, which will be located in a warm room, isolated from surrounding sounds.

If money has yet to come into your life, and you live in a compact apartment where privacy is out of the question, play audio through headphones, using the maximum volume at which you will not experience any unpleasant sensations.

Secrets of successful meditation

Take in your hands a banknote or a piece of paper on which a plan for using your wealth will be described and close your eyes - meditation for attracting money begins.

Take a deep breath, hold your breath, and imagine that all your problems, failures and Bad mood. This is what Vitaly Gibert recommends using as the first stage of cleansing.

Then exhale sharply, releasing everything negative from yourself, and then slowly draw in the air, imagining how freshness, strength, vigor, as well as streams of luck, which is very often not enough to achieve happiness, flow into you.

In various videos you can also learn that to attract money you need to imagine a golden sphere behind your closed eyes. The advice that Vitaly Gibert gives suggests placing this sphere above your head - and it should shine like the sun.

For prosperity to come into your life, enjoy the warmth of such a luminary, and then extend your hand to it with a bill or piece of paper clutched in it, imagining how all the power and beauty of gold flows into it.

This kind of meditation is easier if you regularly watch videos that feature frame 25 - they put a person in the right frame of mind and help you concentrate as much as possible on achieving what you want.

Slowly lower your hand and place it on the solar plexus area, feeling the warmth spreading throughout your body, moving away from the center like rays. In order for as much as possible to come into your life. more money, try to hold the sensation for as long as possible without distraction or moving. It is very important that the audio be long and continuous - otherwise the meditation will turn out to be crumpled and ineffective.

Mood after meditation

After everything is over, unclench your hand and concentrate as much as possible - to attract money you will need to imagine how a whole stream of bills is heading towards you. Vitaly Gibert also says that you can use the image of rain from paper money or gold coins - the 25th frame, which adjusts the human psyche accordingly, will also help to imagine it.

After this, completely clear your mind and relax, listening to the audio with your eyes closed for another 5-10 minutes. In order for your life to be shaken up by big changes that bring financial flows, the bill must be spent in the near future, and a piece of paper with plans should be carried in personal belongings - for example, in a purse or pocket.

In addition, meditation can be done with with open eyes, however, you should always have a video in front of your eyes - it is advisable that it uses frame 25, programming a person’s consciousness for success. Also, attracting money can be supported by small meditations that require 5-10 minutes of your time. Due to their simplicity, they can be carried out:

  • in bed before going to bed;
  • in transport on the way to work;
  • during lunch break;
  • in line to see a doctor or a government agency.

During such a short meditation, you need to completely relax and imagine yourself surrounded by a golden glow.

To attract money, you can also create before your inner gaze an image of many gold coins or bundles of new banknotes.

I mentioned that there is a wonderful meditation for attracting money and good luck and promised that I would tell you about it. I keep what I promised. Why this particular esoteric technique? The thing is that when I completed it, I received a cash “prize” on the same day. And the money came in the literal sense of the word magically. Once again we can be convinced that the Universe sometimes finds very unexpected ways to fulfill our desires.

Why this particular meditation?

Before moving on to the description, I’ll briefly tell you the background so that you have no doubt that this method works. This happened back in 2005. At that time, my husband was on a long-term business trip to MinVody and rented an apartment there. I came to visit him and one day I decided to conduct a meditation, about which we're talking about. Almost immediately I forgot about her. And when I returned from the market at lunchtime, I decided to occupy myself with something.

In the large room there was a huge library - in Soviet times It was customary to collect books. Approaching the shelves, I started looking for something interesting. My gaze somehow fell on the book “Rose of the World.” When I was still in graduate school, I tried unsuccessfully to find this work. And then I see her before my eyes! Taking the book in my hands, I begin to skim through it and discover that between the pages there is a stack of thousand-dollar bills!

The first thought that came to mind was why does the husband hide money so stupidly? He is a modern man and always keeps his money in a bank, not in closets. When I asked him this question in the evening, he was no less surprised than I was. It turned out that he does not change his habits. The rented apartment was quite old and, according to the owners, had been rented out for more than 15 years. Finding the person who once put this treasure in the book was simply unrealistic.

The unexpected find was used to pay for the same apartment and a ring that I really liked the day before at the jewelry store. And only when I was buying a gold new thing, I suddenly remembered the meditation I had done. To be honest, it even gave me goosebumps. For raising money to materialize on the same day and in such a rare way is simply luck! Well, now I’ll describe the meditation itself on attracting money, so that you too can take it into your arsenal.

Meditation "Cash Flow"

To begin with, you must take the largest banknote that you have in your possession. this moment. If you wish, you can turn on calm music or remain in complete silence. The position in which you meditate is also unimportant - you can sit, you can lie down.

The very first thing is complete relaxation. When you feel that the tension has gone, take 2-3 deep breaths and exhales. The money must be in your hands. Then you imagine golden light pouring down on you from the heavens. It penetrates you through the highest chakra and fills your entire body with light. This flow of energy passes through your hands and reaches the bill. You need to imagine how it is charged with golden light - it glows, sparkles and shimmers with golden light. Once you consider that the bill has been sufficiently charged with energy, you mentally let it go. In your mind's eye, you imagine how the magic banknote flying into the sky becomes smaller and smaller.

And at that moment, when it completely disappeared from sight, a cash flow pours out on you. It consists of different currencies - rubles, euros, dollars. They are all of different denominations. As you get more and more money, they themselves fit into even piles around you. Don't be greedy - those piles of money shouldn't be higher than you. Feel that you now have enough money. Thank the Universe and the bill that is in your hands. Now you can open your eyes.

This money meditation can also be done before bed. But for the “purity of the experiment” still better in the morning or during the day, because after it there is another important step to take. The banknote you charged must be spent or at least exchanged on the same day. And you shouldn’t think hard and wait for the money to arrive. Everything has its time.

It seems to me that this meditation for attracting money and good luck is quite simple. Of course, there are other ways and, it must be said, there are quite a few of them. I sincerely wish that everything works out for you in the most favorable way! And finally, watch this short video from Natalia Pravdina. In it, she shares the secret of how else you can attract cash flow. This is not meditation, but it is also a worthwhile and very simple technique. See:

Good luck to you! Nadezhda Goryunova

Gain material well-being, significantly improve your financial condition Meditation will help to attract money. There are several options for this effective procedure, which takes no more than 10 minutes a day, but can radically change the life of a person who has set himself the goal of gaining wealth.

In order to enter this state, a person needs complete solitude and tranquility.

  • First, you need to sit comfortably - sit, lean back on a comfortable chair or chair, or lie down.
  • Secondly, you should absolutely relax all the muscles, especially the facial ones.
  • Thirdly, you need to distract your consciousness from all worries and temporarily get rid of extraneous thoughts.
  • To escape from thoughts, experts advise using this technique: mentally counting down from ten.
  • Quiet, calm music and dim lights also help a lot.
  • You can try to imagine yourself on the seashore, when after a good swim your body is tired and enjoys rest, and the warm rays of the sun gently caress your skin. If a person begins to feel warmth and calm, lightness in the body and soul, then everything has been done correctly.

Mentally examining a large bill

Such meditation on money involves a subconscious orientation towards generating income. Of course, you first need to carefully examine the real bill in order to remember its appearance. Then you need to relax, close your eyes and mentally try to imagine it with all the details: as if in reality a person needs to see the small details of the banknote. The imaginary bill must be turned over, “peering” at it from the reverse side.

Getting caught in a money rain or a money whirlwind

Another interesting money meditation is one that also involves using the imagination. To carry out this procedure, you should also take a relaxed position and close your eyes. Just imagine not just one bill, but a whole cash flow. Banknotes should shower a person, penetrate inside him through body and soul.

You can imagine yourself inside a wind tunnel, in which money swirls in a whirlwind, hitting and passing through the meditating individual.

Meditation “The Door to the World of Abundance”

There is a technique that asks the meditator to imagine a door separating the physical real world from the creative – the source of everything real. This door should be imagined as extremely beautiful, illuminated by the brightest white or golden light. And you also need to firmly believe that there, behind this door, there is Magic world who is ready to give everything that a person could want.

With this boundless faith, the meditator must imagine how he is approaching this beautiful door into the enchanting world of magic - and the door itself swings open in front of him, as if inviting him to enter.

Mentally entering the Magic City of Happiness and Prosperity, a person should imagine a piece of paradise, huge scatterings of jewelry and whole mountains of packs banknotes. You can shower yourself with imaginary wealth, take with you as much gold and money as your heart desires, and leave the door open when leaving the fabulous city of abundance.

Affirmations for Wealth

This method also helps to achieve your goals. Meditation on wealth in this case includes, in addition to imagining a rain of money or a whirlwind, mentally reciting certain phrases - affirmations. It is important not to use the particles “not” when composing phrases. Basically you need to pronounce affirmative sentences in present time. Examples of these expressions can be arbitrary, but when composing them you can start from those presented here:

  • I love money very much, and they love me.
  • I easily part with money, and when they leave, they return to me, bringing their “friends” with them.
  • Money flows into my hands in an endless and continuous stream.
  • My income is much greater than my expenses.
  • I am rich, but every day my finances are increasing.
  • I have enough money, and its amount is increasing every minute.
  • I thank the Universe for everything I have, I am ready to receive even more.

And in general, in my Everyday life, a person must put a firm taboo on the expressions “no money”, “nowhere to get it”. It’s best when refusing a purchase to motivate it like this: “A little later I’ll have more money, then I’ll definitely buy it!”

Flow of abundance

Meditation for money does not have to be specifically based on imagining real objects: money, wads of bills or mansions. It is enough to imagine the endless sky - the Universe. Then the imagination draws to the meditator a golden ray, symbolizing abundance, which descends on the person from a turquoise cloud. Gradually this cloud changes to purple. You should mentally absorb this energy of abundance, colored in golden and turquoise, silver and purple colors, and feel pleasant warmth and pleasure in your body.

Attraction with a magnet

Imagine yourself as a huge magnet or force yourself to accept as a fact that it has the unique ability to attract not only metal money, but also paper bills - this is the main action on which a certain meditation for money is based - magnetic.

The person again imagines a rain of money, but according to the theory of physics, some flows of banknotes and gold coins should pass by. But! Magnetic abilities force the flows to change their direction - they suddenly begin to move not strictly vertically, but bend just enough to hit the desired target - to pour out on a person who has super-unique abilities to attract money to himself.

Morning meditation

The most powerful meditation is considered after waking up. Immediately after waking up, you should not jump headlong out of bed, but soak up a little, driving away thoughts about the upcoming day and pressing worries, especially since you don’t need to concentrate on problems. Lying in bed, you need to imagine yourself absolutely unencumbered, free from the real situation. On the contrary, you need to imagine such things, circumstances that could bring pleasure in the coming day. And try to plunge into a state of contentment and bliss...

This procedure should be carried out every morning, and dreams - goals - should be new every time, there is no need to repeat your desires even if nothing came true last time. After all, the Universe is far from deaf; all dreams – messages – are “recorded” in its memory. This means that everything will definitely come true, perhaps a little later. Why waste the allotted time repeating a wish that has already been sent?

Money Meditation: Activating the Money Tree of Life (audio)

Meditation on attracting money, if used correctly, helps eliminate negative financial blockages and create favorable energy exploration. As a result, you will learn to easily receive and give money and stop concentrating on financial problems.

Practice of attracting material well-being

This practice has two parts. The first is working with formulations, the second is meditation itself.

How does it work? The fact is that there are no temporary attachments in your subconscious, only your feelings and emotions are there. If these emotions are negative in relation to money (for example, you have a lot of debts, loans, or you suddenly lost a large sum money), then the energy radiation is negative. Consequently, there is no need to talk about material well-being.

Therefore, you need, first of all, to rewrite the negative script with the power of your own subconscious, catch the necessary energy radiation, and then consolidate positive attitudes in the subconscious through meditation.

What to do in the first part:

  • Take a sheet of A4 format. Even more is better if there are a lot of negative financial blockages. Divide it into two parts
  • In the first half, list in a column all the negative events related to money and their consequences. For example: a wallet was stolen and there was not enough money to buy a phone for a child. Or: I have three loans, so most of my salary goes to repay them, I have to save
  • Describe everything that comes to mind. Don’t save paper, try to describe all your thoughts
  • After that, we proceed to “changing the script.” We replace negative events and consequences with positive ones. Use your imagination. For example: “I found a wallet on the street and returned it to the owner, received a reward.” Or: “I accidentally discovered a large sum of money in an old fur coat, I was able to pay off the loan” And so on

Try to consolidate new script joyful emotions. Don't do it mechanically. This completes the first part, all you have to do is consolidate the effect of working with the subconscious through meditation.

How to meditate:

  • Close your eyes for 10-15 minutes every day and mentally replay the events from the positive scenario you have come up with as if they had already happened
  • A prerequisite is that you must feel positive emotions during meditation.

The visualization session can be carried out at any other time convenient for you. For example, while you are riding the subway or waiting in line at the clinic.

Meditation practices for getting rid of debts and loans

Money luck can completely turn away from you if you continue to be burdened by your debts and constantly think about them. To prevent anything bad from happening, you need to shift your focus to more positive things. Meditations aimed at getting money and good luck help with this.

Meditations with visualizations and the use of positive statements - affirmations - work best in such situations.

How to meditate:

  1. Try to set aside at least 15 minutes a day for meditation. And meditate every day, because only regular practice can help you
  2. In everyday life, stop concentrating all your thoughts on debts and loans, try to instantly switch, think about anything but this. Otherwise, you will minimize the positive effect of meditation.
  3. During the meditation process, shift your focus to increasing your income. This should be yours main goal. You have two ways: either imagine your successful, free and beautiful life, visualizing. Or repeat affirmations like this: “My income is growing, I can afford whatever I want.”

If the situation is critical (for example, a debt needs to be paid within a few days), you can use the following formulation: “I gratefully accept the nth amount I need to pay off the debt, may my wish come true for my and everyone’s good.” But use such an affirmation in the most extreme cases.

Do meditation aimed at attracting financial benefits regularly, and the Universe will definitely send you opportunities to improve the situation.

Installations for monetary well-being

In principle, all classic money meditations come down to the same thing:

  • You turn on pleasant music, take a comfortable position and close your eyes
  • Try to relax your body and drive away any extraneous thoughts from your subconscious
  • And then you visualize images of what you want to get. Or repeat positive statements

The algorithm is quite simple. You can use it always by choosing the appropriate settings. Let's figure out how to do it correctly.

It is very important to carefully filter your thoughts and correctly formulate financial desires. When you ask for a specific amount, your wish rarely comes true, because money is not the goal for the Universe.

It is better to ask for your dream job or some thing, travel, and so on. It is important that this is the need of your soul.

Examples of positive attitudes that can be used:

  • Money loves me
  • I attract financial prosperity into my life
  • Every day my income is growing
  • I always have enough money
  • My salary is 100 thousand rubles a month or even more

Never set an upper limit. Always remember that the boundaries are only in your head, but the possibilities of the Universe are limitless. Work with the statements that suit you best. Come up with your own wording options.



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