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Demid is a name for a boy. The fate that the meaning of the name Demid gives to a child. Name in history: famous and successful people

When choosing a name for a boy, parents often settle on less common and forgotten ones, expecting that they will give the child a special destiny, help him stand out in life and achieve significant success. Male name Demid is almost impossible to meet in modern world, however, it not only has a rich history, but is also capable of providing considerable support to its owner, providing reliable protection to higher powers.

Origin of the name

Demid is one of the forms of the names Diomede and Diomede, which were common in Ancient Greece. The first part of the name comes from the word "dios", which means "belonging to Zeus" or simply "divine". The ending “honey” is a derivative of “medomai” - “to think”, “to take care”. By adding both parts together, we can determine full meaning Ancient Greek name - “care of God” or “divine thought”.

In Hellenic mythology, Diomedes was the name of the king of Argos, who took a direct part in the Trojan War, bringing more than 80 of his ships to the besieged city. Historians claim that Diomedes was among those brave men who entered the city in the belly of the Trojan horse and helped to conquer it.

One of the chapters of Homer’s famous “Iliad” is dedicated to Diomedes, where all his exploits are described in detail. According to the author’s description, it was this hero who managed to steal the sacred statue of Pallas Athena from the Trojan temple, which predetermined the course of the entire war.

Diomedes founded several cities and established the Pythian Games, which were second in importance after the Olympic Games. He died on an island located off the coast of Italy, which later received the name of this mythical hero.

The name Demid in Orthodoxy

Having decided to name the boy Demid, parents should know that at baptism they will give him Orthodox name Diomede. In the history of Christianity there is information about only two holy people who bore this name. About one of them - the martyr of Caesarea - only fragmentary records have been preserved, from which it became known that he, along with other true believers, was executed in 108 under the emperor Trajan. The second saint lived already during the time of the Roman ruler Diocletian and was a famous healer. Our short story about him.

Diomede of Tarsus

The doctor Diomede worked in the city of Tarsus (now the territory of Turkey) and became famous not only for relieving people of various diseases, but also for his Christian sermons. a wise man believed that first of all it is necessary to heal the soul by settling in it true faith, then bodily ailments will disappear faster.

Being already in years, Diomede moved to Nicaea, where he also continued to practice his craft. However, in this city, not everyone liked the healer’s sermons, and he was reported to the emperor himself. Diocletian sent guards who were supposed to bring the learned elder to him. The soldiers burst into Diomede's house, tied him up, loaded him onto a cart, and took him to the palace. On the way, the old doctor asked to stop at a spring to drink water. But as soon as he landed on the ground, he immediately fell dead.

The guards did not know what to do with the dead doctor. Finally they decided to cut off his head and take it to the emperor as evidence. However, as soon as the warriors did this, they instantly became blind. Having reached the palace with difficulty, the guards told Diocletian about the cause of their illness. Fearing that the same thing would happen to him, the tyrant ordered the head to be taken back and placed next to the body.

According to legend, as soon as Diomede's head came into contact with the body, the warriors regained their sight. They were so amazed by what happened that they immediately believed in Jesus Christ and abandoned pagan idols.

Name day

By church calendar The name day or the day of the guardian angel of the owner of the name Demid falls on the following dates:

  • July 16 – Diomedes, martyr of Caesarea;
  • August 29 – Diomedes of Tarsus, Nicene martyr;
  • September 10 – Diomede, martyr;
  • September 15 – Diomede, martyr.

On one of these days, a man named Demid must visit the church to offer a prayer at the icon of his patron. It is believed that Saint Diomede helps in the healing of mental and physical ailments, and helps to end wars or internecine strife.

Various forms of the name

Demid does not have a male name short form. Most often, a man is abbreviated as Dyoma, and sometimes even Dima, which is not very correct, since it relates to the name Dmitry.

For a little boy, diminutive nicknames are suitable - Demushka, Demochka, Demchik, Demunchik, Denya, Denik. The following options are also possible: Demidka, Demidochka, Demik.

The name Demid is almost never found among people of other nationalities. The exception is Greek name Deomidis and Italian Diomede.

The patronymics received from the name will sound as follows: Demidovna for women and Demidovich for men. The latter in colloquial speech is often replaced by the simpler Demidych.

Name in history and geography

The names Demid and Diomede are not considered common. Therefore, there are very few famous personalities who possessed them. But nevertheless, each of them made or is making their own contribution to Russian history and culture.

  1. Demid Vladimirovich (d. 1292) - Prince of Pinsk from the Izyaslavovich dynasty, son of Prince Vladimir Glebovich.
  2. Diomid Vasilievich Passek (1808-1845) - Russian major general, commander-in-chief of the Caucasian Corps, holder of many orders.
  3. Demid (Fedor) Semenovich Vorontsov (d. 1546) - boyar and adviser to Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible.
  4. Diomid Ivanovich Karmanov (1740-1795) - Russian scientist, patriot of the Tver region, author of numerous works on history and ethnography.
  5. Demid Vasilyevich Ivanyukov (1907-1975) - a figure in Soviet industry, led the development of the process for producing polyethylene at the Moscow Oil Refinery, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  6. Demid Aleksandrovich Momot (born 1949) – Master of Sports of the USSR in sambo, CEO League of Martial Artists.
  7. Demid Yakovlevich Shevenok (1909-1986) – artillery commander, participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  8. Diomede (in the world Sergei Ivanovich Dzyuban) (born 1961) is a former bishop of the Moscow Patriarchate.
  9. Diomid Mikhailovich Vinogradov (born 1979) – Russian artist theater and cinema.

The name Diomede is immortalized in geographical names. This is the name of a bay near Vladivostok, an island in the Bering Strait and a village in Alaska. And the name Demid is a small river flowing in the Sverdlovsk region. In addition, throughout Russia there are many villages with the names Demidovo or Demidkovo.

Fate and character

A man named Demid has a strong and strong-willed character. He does not tolerate injustice in any form and always comes to the defense of the weak and offended.


Little Demidka does not give his parents any trouble. He is obedient, well-mannered and is happy to carry out orders from mom and dad. Even in the company of his peers, the boy prefers not to run around like crazy, but gets carried away quiet games, especially those where there are tasks for logic, attentiveness and memorization. By the time a child enters school, he already reads, writes, and counts well, and therefore there are no problems with studying at first.

However, when complex subjects appear - geometry, chemistry, physics - the boy’s successes will no longer be so brilliant, since these disciplines cause him difficulties. But history, jurisprudence or foreign languages are still easy. It is natural that future profession Dema connects precisely with these sciences.

Thanks to his penchant for leadership and organizational skills, the boy will devote a lot of time to social work. He will organize various competitions, evenings or theatrical productions, not as a participant, but rather performing the functions of a manager.

Our hero will choose the same path at the institute, where, without a doubt, he will take a post in the student committee or other organization. Despite many responsibilities, the guy does not forget about his studies, because he understands that his life depends on it. future work and material wealth.


Our hero can become a lawyer, journalist, translator, political analyst or public relations specialist. In any case, while still studying at the university, he will try to get a job in some large company where he can work in the future.

The guy is efficient, hardworking and gladly carries out any assignments from management, which is very important for his reputation.

Demid carefully chooses his place of work, giving preference to those organizations where he can achieve in a short period of time high position and receive an appropriate salary. Quite often, a man opens his own business, which is sure to become profitable.

The owner of the name Demid is a born leader. He has everything for this necessary qualities- assertiveness, determination, and in addition, intuition, which helps him make only win-win decisions. As a boss, Demid is demanding and domineering; he does not forgive his subordinates for mistakes in their work or violations of discipline and tries to get rid of unscrupulous employees in a timely manner.

Despite the severity, our hero is respected in the team, since his comments are always fair. In addition, the man delves into every detail and, having learned about the problem of one of the employees, is sure to provide all possible assistance, regardless of funds.

Demid still loves to organize various events. He initiates all corporate events, collective outings into nature and various excursions. Moreover, he meticulously makes sure that none of the employees shirks, because he believes that in his company everyone should live “as one.”

Love and family

Giving priority to career growth and achieving material well-being, Demid launches his personal life. Therefore, he will preoccupy himself with searching for his soulmate when he is already rich and successful, at the age of well over 30.

Of course, in the life of our hero there will be many love stories, but none of them will develop into a deep relationship. The thing is that Demid chooses bright, confident and relaxed girls as temporary girlfriends, and for family life will look for something completely different.

In the role of a wife, a man needs a modest, sensible and homely woman who will become loving wife and a tender mother. At the same time, Demid is not particularly concerned about external data, since he chooses a lady not for the podium, but for a happy and calm life.

The owner of the name Demid values ​​home comfort above all else, so everything will be subordinated to his taste. Our hero will take the position of leader in family life and will demand complete obedience from all household members. He will even plan family celebrations and joint vacations himself, not considering it necessary to consult with his wife and children. And he will be very surprised if one of them expresses his dissatisfaction, because he believes that his inventions and ideas are always perfect.

Name compatibility

Many men and women turn to astrologers before getting married to find out whether their union will be happy and long-lasting. For a man named Demid, the list of suitable and inappropriate female names will be as follows.

Demid's future wife should know that her chosen one is an incorrigible owner and will not allow his wife to make eyes at other men. In case of betrayal, our hero will never forgive and will immediately file for divorce.

Health and hobbies

The owner of the name Demid has been distinguished by an athletic physique since childhood. He does not complain about his health, since he is naturally strong and resilient, and in addition, he is always fond of some kind of sport. Most often this is sports wrestling, boxing or fencing, where our hero will be able to win an individual victory and not feel the need to share it with the team.

Demid is partial to art and is capable of becoming an avid collector of paintings or antiques. As a child, our hero does not like to read, but in adulthood he will become interested in philosophy and religion and will diligently attend church.

Demid prefers to relax in comfort in the most expensive hotels. He doesn't bother himself too much with sightseeing, preferring to spend his holidays on the beach or on a yacht.

Demid loves and knows how to give gifts. He knows all the preferences not only of his family members and close friends, but also of his work colleagues. He carefully selects a gift for everyone and rejoices like a child if he “hits the mark.”

Basic character traits

The man named Demid has a strong, but rather contradictory character. All his positive and negative qualities are presented in the following table.

In full accordance with the meaning of the name, Demida is truly protected by higher powers. After all, this man is lucky in life and will definitely achieve everything he wants.

The name Demid comes from the ancient Greek Diomedes and means “council of Zeus”, “thought of god”. It became widespread thanks to the legend of the holy martyr Diomede, who was a skilled physician-healer and Christian educator.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Patron Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: jade
  • Color: purple
  • Tree: willow
  • Plant: coltsfoot
  • Animal: ant
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

As a child, a boy named Demid brings smiles and admiration not only to his parents, but also to those around him. He is growing up as a healthy, inquisitive, calm child. At school he does not stand out for his special talents, except perhaps for his innate ability to reconcile people. His worldview is focused on traditional stereotypes of morality, behavior, and relationships. He is very well read and believes that everything in life should happen according to the rules. Dema can calmly and very culturally put any impudent and cynic in his place. He will never ask others for help, because he is used to considering such behavior as a man's weakness.

The secret of the name Demid hides a person with a complete set of positive qualities, deep morality and even so-called perfectionism - the desire to bring any matter to perfection. It's hard to say who he really is: a liberal or a conservative? He values ​​freedom, but is committed to the ideals of his fathers' faith and family traditions.

Interests and hobbies

Demid's range of hobbies is intellectual. Born in winter and autumn, the owner of this name loves active activities. He is interested in sports, dances beautifully, is inclined towards natural sciences, and loves to travel. At school his favorite subjects are geography and biology. The summer representative of the name is less active, but more radical in his views, a person with a cunning attitude. His hobbies are the Internet, politics, Mind games, financial pyramids.

Profession and business

Demid rarely dwells on blue-collar professions. They can only become a starting point for successful career. Good luck is brought by work that requires analytical skills, perseverance and self-control. As a leader, he is very demanding. Able to work in a team. He can become a talented political strategist, lawyer, programmer, doctor, military specialist, assistant, diplomat.


In his youth, Demid’s health does not bother him. Only in old age can he develop problems with his spine.

Sex and love

Dema's excessive seriousness repels women from him. A young man is looking for in a girl, first of all, an intelligent interlocutor, good friend and like-minded person. The summer owner of this name is by nature reserved, distrustful, secretive and taciturn. He shows feelings more with gestures of attention, persistent courtship, and admiring glances. Sometimes it seems that he is doing a favor by allowing a girl to love him. Winter Demid is a seducer. He is a great dreamer and deceiver. He can court many girls, but love only one.

Family and marriage

Demid's wife becomes a woman with a character no less complex than him. Such a marriage is never boring, and life is never public. Their family always arouses interest and even envy with the calm flow of events and amazing harmony. Such a man makes sure that his children receive a good upbringing and education.

Demid is a rather rare male name that occurs probably once in a thousand. And, having met such a man, you will probably think - what is the meaning of the name Demid, its origin, what is it beautiful name means in translation?

It turns out that its origin is ancient Greek. This name comes from the Greek word Deomides, which means “message of Zeus”, and is also translated as “council of God”. Courageous and rare name Demid is both Orthodox and Catholic, you can safely name your child at birth; an unusual and interesting life awaits him.

The name Demid is full, it has no analogues or other forms. But you can affectionately or diminutively call him Dima (just not to confuse him with Dmitry), Dyoma, Demidka, Demya, Demisha, Demidushka.

Characteristics of name and fate

Little Demid is the pride of his parents. This is an amazingly obedient, intelligent and diligent child who grows faster than his peers and is ahead of them both in physical development, and mentally. This boy has early years a strong, courageous character and such traits as courage, a sense of justice, responsibility, and perseverance develop. He is not lazy, listens to and respects elders, protects children and does not offend girls. It's like living in a child's body a real man from a very early age.

Even in childhood, a child whose name is Demid develops priorities, desires and goals. He understands early on what he wants to achieve in life, who he wants to be and how to live, and then persistently pursues these goals, never deviating from the intended course.

Demid can become a businessman, a company owner, a manager, or he can engage in creativity or manual labor– it all depends on what interests he develops in childhood. Therefore, it is important for parents to help him, to show him the world in the fullest and brightest colors, so that he can choose something for himself.

Among men whose name is Demid, there are rarely losers or poor people. They have not only strength, determination and intelligence, but also amazing intuition. It's not masculine, but rather feminine quality, however, Demid has it, and it’s innate.

It is not for nothing that the meaning of the name Demid is “council of God”; indeed, this person seems to have some kind of mystical connection with a higher mind, and sometimes it is simply surprising where he receives knowledge from. He rarely makes mistakes and knows in advance where success awaits him.

As for communication, the intelligence of the interlocutor is decisive for it - Demid cannot stand it when there is nothing to talk about with a person, and he looks for friends carefully, choosing only the best. A person should, in his opinion, have intellectual depth, great knowledge in the most different areas, a lively interest in life.

He doesn't like lazy, boring and empty people. He also prefers entertainment that is refined, intellectual and truly interesting. He is partial to art, understands it and feels it.

Personal happiness

A man whose name is Demid loves beautiful and smart women. There are no compromises for him - if a woman is smart, but unkempt and does not have a sense of style, she is not his woman.

And on the contrary, he will also ignore a gorgeous beauty who is empty inside, since they have nothing in common. His chosen one is smart, but not boring, beautiful, but not vulgar, interesting and sociable woman. Demid is very picky and is looking for his ideal!

What is of great importance to him in a woman is what kind of housewife she is, because Demid dreams of a real family. About a family where a woman will create home comfort and keep the warmth of the family hearth, and he will be the breadwinner. This man wants and can create ideal family V best traditions, and a woman who wants the same will have a happy fate with him.

1. Perfect compatibility names: Valentina, Anna, Bella, Olga, Nina, Maria, Svetlana, Margarita, . This is a perfect couple! Happiness is one hundred percent likely, they just need to meet and love each other, fate itself will do the rest. The family will be happy, large and very prosperous.

2. Good compatibility: Eva, Vera, Nadezhda, Larisa, Lyudmila, Tamara. There are no guarantees, but there is every chance of building a very happy couple and harmonious relationships. You just have to want it!

3. Low compatibility: Daria, Yulia, Angelica, Valeria, Irina. There is a very small chance that Demid will be happy with these women. But anything can happen!

Demid also celebrates his angel day. There were few saints with this name in history, so there are only two of these dates:

  • August 29 is the day of the martyr Deomides, who lived in the 3rd century. He was a saint, a doctor, a mentor, and spread the teaching of Christ and the Orthodox faith.
  • September 24 is the day of Saint Diomede, who also carried the faith of Christ to the people and died a martyr.

You are unlikely to meet an unlucky person named Demid. These men are endowed not only with wonderful qualities, but also with amazing luck, they are kept higher power. You can safely call the boy with this beautiful Russian name! Author: Vasilisa Serova

Forms of the name Demid

Derivatives of the name: Demidka, Dema, Dima. Diminutive forms: Dema, Demushka, Demidushka, Demidka.

Origin of the name Demid

This name goes back very far to Ancient Greece, and it is generally accepted that this name is a derivative of a name such as Deomides.

Character of the name Demid

Demid's life, as a rule, is quite prosperous. There are no serious shocks or special ups and downs. He makes his way through hard work and perseverance, and as a result makes a good career. Despite the fact that Demid is somewhat reserved and unsociable (which is not very conducive to success), he knows how to play and win big, thanks to prudence, business acumen and cunning, the ability to give in or retreat in time in order to later achieve his goal.

The secret of the name Demid

Demids have a quiet and smooth life. They do not have any particular ups or downs and choose quiet professions. Demid himself is very quiet and kind, he will never harm or undeservedly offend someone.

Those men who were born in winter have a more hot-tempered character. They are often proactive, have many plans for their lives and love to communicate with other people.

Those born in summer are reserved. It is easier for them to be alone than to communicate with people. In relationships with others, such a Demid is a real diplomat, at the same time he is a little cunning, which is why he can achieve a lot at the expense of another person.

Demid is happy in his marriage. His wife is calm, kind and affectionate. She does not pretend to be a leader, which is undoubtedly what such a man likes. There are always a lot of friends in his house, there is prosperity and comfort.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: violet
Radiation: 97%
Planet: Mercury
Stone-mascot: jade
Plant: coltsfoot
Totemic animal: ant
Basic features character Demid: cheerfulness, determination

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 75,000 vibrations/s.
Psyche: cunning
Health Demid: good health, you need to take care of yourself, stick to diets

Numerology of the name Demid

Those with name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, creative manifestations character. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, the “fours” are reliable and you can rely on them in any situation. life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Demid as a phrase

D Welcome
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
M Think
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
D Welcome

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Demid

D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.

Characteristics of the name Demid according to B. Khigir

In childhood, these little guys don't cause any trouble for anyone - neither their parents nor their teachers. They are not whiny, good-natured, and do not need to be spoon-fed. They are not among the first at school, but parents have no reason to be dissatisfied with their son’s studies - they do not even notice how their son graduates from school.

Demid's life goes smoothly, without serious shocks, without any special ups and downs.

“Summer” ones are somewhat withdrawn, unsociable, even gloomy. They are prudent in business and diplomatic in their relationships with people: they will give in on small things in order to win on big things. “Winter”, on the contrary, when making a decision, they cut from the shoulder. Unlike the first ones, they are sociable, full of energy and literally filled with all kinds of plans. “Summer” Demid is cunning, believes that in the interests of the business one can deceive, persistently makes a career, making his way through work and perseverance.

The “winter” has excellent organizational skills, the scope of their application is very extensive - even in friendly parties he must “organize” the guests. He is a great dreamer and often changes professions.

Demid's family life is developing happily. He marries carefully, taking as his wife a calm woman who will readily yield leadership to him. In Demid’s house he is the head of everything, he is a hospitable owner, the doors of his house are always open to numerous guests.

Positive traits of the name

Justice, strict morality, patriotism. Demid can take responsibility not only for family members, but also for an entire organization. He is strict, but at the same time reliable and honest: Demid will not allow himself to be used for selfish interests that interfere with his own life.

Negative traits of the name

Excessive seriousness, demandingness, rigidity, lack of restraint. Most often, Demid, busy with business, and he in ordinary communication are two different people.

Choosing a profession by name

Demid's seriousness and determination lead him to study the exact sciences, law, and economics. If Demid works in the intellectual and spiritual sphere, he will become a beacon of spirit and reason for people.

The impact of a name on business

Money in itself means little to Demid. In order not to offend another, he is ready to give up his own benefit.

You may be indiscriminate in shaping your own image. By and large, the quality and comfort of clothing is much more important to you than whether its style matches the fashion of today. The only rule that you should probably adhere to is to make sure that your suit does not destroy the impression of you as a person deserving of all trust. After all, this is exactly the impression you should make.

Compatibility of the name Diomede, manifestation in love

Diomede, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of a “friend to everyone.” You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to “attach” your personal relationships to the social ones that already exist at that time. As a result, you can lose the second ones without really creating the first ones. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself entirely to it, without setting boundaries or boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover while remaining a good friend.


Your idealistic nature forces you to indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't settle for anything less. We don’t intend to waste time on trifles. If there is even a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, giving up what literally lies under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if this upsets you, it will only be for a short time. What won't you sacrifice for a great goal?

And you donate. Often - “without looking.” And, as a result, you lose “along the way” much of what could make your life more “earthly”.

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes simply stunning. But perhaps you should consider that if you had stronger connections with the world around you, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.



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