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Didactic game guess which fairy tale the hero is from. Didactic game “Which fairy tale am I from? Printed board game “Unenchant a Fairy Tale”

Travel through fairy tales

Osipova Galina Vladimirovna,
teacher of GBDOU d/s No. 31
Petrodvortsovo district of St. Petersburg


Expand your understanding of the diversity of fairy tales. Learn to name familiar fairy tales, evaluate the heroes of fairy tales (evil, cunning, kind, cheerful, cowardly, smart, stupid, cautious, etc.)

Preliminary work:

Reading Russians folk tales, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, listening on a tape recorder, watching on video.

Equipment and materials:

Didactic games: “From which r.s.s. these heroes?

“Riddles - answers” ​​heroes R.N.S.

"Guess what fairy tale"

Illustrations for various fairy tales, paints, paper, colored pencils, markers, crayons, jars of water, rags.

Progress of joint activities:

Guys, today we will go on an unusual journey, we will travel through Russian folk tales.

But we will not go on foot, but by some kind of transport.

What kind of transport do you think you can use to travel through fairy tales?

Children suggest modes of transport.

Well done, you know many types of transport, but since we will travel through fairy tales, we will fly on a fairy tale carpet - an airplane.

On a carpet - an airplane

We're flying, we're flying.

Into a fairy tale. fairy tale

We want to get there.

1 stop.

D\i “From which r.s.s. these heroes?

Pictures of fairy-tale characters are laid out on the table, children must guess which r.n.s. this hero.

2nd stop.

Guys, we found ourselves in the forest where Baba Yaga lives.

In what fairy tales is Baba Yaga found? (“Geese and Swans”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.”, etc.

Are you afraid of her?

Let's tease Baba Yaga.

Tease: Baba Yaga. bone leg

Fell from the stove

Broke my leg

I went to the garden

Scared the people.

I ran to the bathhouse

I scared the bunny.

3 stop.

D/i “Guess what fairy tale”

The teacher reads excerpts from familiar fairy tales; children must indicate which fairy tale the excerpt is from.

- Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a little goat (sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Eat my rye pie, I’ll tell you. (geese - swans)

4 stop.

Outdoor game "Geese-geese"

One child is a wolf, one child is a goose, the rest are geese.

Geese, geese,


Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes,

Well, fly -

We are not allowed.

Gray wolf under the mountain,

Doesn't let us go home

Gray and white.

So young

Sharpenes teeth

He wants to eat us.

Well, fly as you wish

Just take care of your wings.

Rules: children are geese on one side, a goose on the other, the “wolf” is on guard. When the geese say the words and fly from one side to the other, the “wolf” catches them.

5 stop.

Children are offered a number of riddles.

Rich, lush, round-cheeked,

He has a ruddy side.

Runs down the path

And it's called (kolobok)

The fox took him away

Who is this? (cockerel)

Cunning cheat

Red-haired thief.

The first beauty in the forest,

You guessed it. Who? (fox)

6 stop.

“Name which hero.”

Children are asked to characterize the heroes of fairy tales.

For example: a hare is cowardly, timid….

7 stop.

And at the last stop we draw our favorite hero from a fairy tale.

Analysis of works.

Well, our journey has ended.

Game day - social games.

Topic: “What I Hear”

Main task: To promote the formation of self-awareness in children

individuality (I'm fine, I'm

normal hearing)

Develop auditory sensitivity.

Improve children's understanding of the telephone

as, means of communication (purpose, parts -

name), rules of use.

Material: Passports, children's and adult phones, objects

for Game.

Progress: The teacher reminds the children what they learned last time: about the feelings that help a person

Orientate yourself in the world around you.

What are these senses: smell, touch, taste.

Let's give some examples......

We also learned that language helps people

not only distinguish objects by taste, but also speak.

It is very important. This is what makes us human.

And today we will talk about hearing. What it is? Who

Does he know? This is another one human feeling helps us live. Why is it needed? - to hear.

How do we hear? Why does a person have a special

Organ - ear. A very complex organ, because it is important for a person to hear a wide variety of sounds.

Let's think about which ones? (weather - drops, wind, “murmur” of rain, street - roar of engines, police whistle, rumble of thunder, construction noise, shop - conversations, knocking of boxes, rustling of packages, house - clock ticking, door creaking, sound of a vacuum cleaner, radio, etc. .

That's how many different sounds a person can distinguish.

How boring and difficult life would be for a person without hearing.

Let's imagine what would happen to a person

What if he got sick and stopped hearing? It would be interesting for him in the theater, cinema, store, on the street - he would not be able to talk or play with anyone.

Close your ears and try to hear what will happen (turn on music without the children noticing..

Take your fingers away from your ears and listen now - is there a difference?

What helps us hear? Ears.

Now close your eyes or turn your back to me, guess what I will do-Game"Find out by hearing"

The teacher acts - the children guess - the paper is torn, water is poured, the metallophone sounds, the alarm clock rings, an apple is bitten off, etc.

What helps us find out what is happening? - hearing.

And here’s another task - you need to guess who says the words: open your mouth and say “Ah” - doctor,

Ice cream - seller, doors close carefully - driver in the subway, Moscow time - 12 o'clock - radio announcer.

How much can be learned through hearing. Hearing helps people recognize each other from a distance.

How does this happen? The man came up with a special

A device that helps you hear each other over a thousand kilometers. What is it called? - telephone. Here he is.

They are considering a telephone - preferably for children.

But every phone has a box, a handset, levers, and a disk with numbers. You dial a number - a few numbers -

And you hear the bell, it should be long, like this - let the children listen.

If you hear short beeps, it means you are busy, someone is already

The phone is ringing or the phone is not working.

Let's now try to dial a few numbers,

How will we do this? Several children try to dial numbers on the disk; this can also be done on a child’s phone. And who will tell me? What should you say when you call on the phone?

(Goodbye, I want some cake, hello?)

If you call an adult or to a stranger you have to say “hello”, “hello”, they say to friends.

Now I’ll call someone, and you answer, just correctly: “Hello, is this Galina Vladimirovna? Hello, please call Katya...”

Answer: “Katya is listening, hello, Galina Vladimirovna” or “Hello, hello, Katya, please call your mother. This is Galina Vladimirovna.”

Answer: “Hello, Galina Vladimirovna, wait

please, I’ll call you now.”

Now you call:

Hello, Galina Vladimirovna, this is Lena.

Answer: - Hello, Lena.

How are you?

Answer: - Thank you, good!

You see how many magic words you need to pronounce,

Talking on the phone. Let's remember them:

Hello, thank you, goodbye please,

be kind, be kind, thank you, everything

good, hello.

Which one of you has a telephone at home? Do you know your phone number?


Learn your phone number.

Write down your phone number in your passport.

Call each other at home using magic words.

misuse of telephone calls (are all animals

use “magic words”?

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Educational games for children 6 - 8 years old based on fairy tales.

Eremina Anastasia Nikolaevna, teacher preschool education, teacher at GBDOU d/s No. 14, St. Petersburg.

Didactic games are designed for children of senior preschool and junior school age, educators, speech therapists, teachers primary classes and parents.

A fairy tale is a fictional story with happy ending and the obligatory victory of good over evil. Most often, fairy tales contain magic and various incredible ordinary life adventures. The inaccessible becomes accessible, the unreal becomes real.
All children love fairy tales. Exactly accessible language They understand fairy tales more easily than the insipid speech of an adult. The role of fairy tales in raising children is multifaceted. They develop imagination and encourage fantasy. They also develop correct speech, teach to distinguish between good and evil.
A fairy tale forms the basis of behavior and communication. Develops imagination and creative potential. In preschool age, the leading activity is play; combining a game and a fairy tale, you get wonderful developmental exercises that will be useful to both preschool teachers and primary school teachers.

This article presents games with fairy tales:
-Russian folk "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka";
-Russian folk "Masha and the Bear";
-Russian folk "Three Bears";
-Russian folk "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats";
-Russian folk "Wolf and Fox";
-Russian folk "Morozko"; (from Afanasyev's collection "Russian Folk Tales")
-Russian folk “At the behest of the pike”; (from Afanasyev’s collection “Russian Folk Tales”)
-Russian folk "Frog Princess";
-Russian folk "Kolobok";
-Ukrainian folk "Rukavichka";
-Russian folk "Geese-Swans";
-Russian folk "Winter quarters of animals";
-Russian folk "Teremok";
-Russian folk "Havroshechka";
-Russian folk "Snow Maiden";
-Russian folk "Turnip";
-Russian folk "Sivka-Burka";
-Russian folk "Goldfish" (from Afanasyev's collection "Russian Folk Tales")
-A.S. Pushkin Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes;
-Charles Perrault "Cinderella";
-Charles Perrault "Puss in Boots";
-G.H. Andersen "Flint";
-G.H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid";

- Clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about fairy tales;
- Teach children to recognize familiar fairy tales;
- To make children want to help the heroes of fairy tales;
- Develop intonation and speech expressiveness;
- Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking;
- Develop the ability to act in a coordinated manner.

GAME 1. "Whose words?"

Exercise: “Who says these words?”:
“Don’t drink, Ivanushka, you’ll become a little goat” - Alyonushka.

“Don’t sit on the stump, don’t eat the pie” - Masha.

“Who sat on my chair and broke it?” - Little bear.

“Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” - Little Goats.

“Catch, catch, fish, big and small” - Wolf.

“Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one” - Morozko.

“At the behest of the pike, at my will...” - Emelya

"The beaten one is lucky for the unbeaten one" - Chanterelle

“Hut-hut, turn your front to me and your back to the forest...” - Ivan Tsarevich

“I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, and I’ll leave you, even more so!” - Kolobok

"Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass." - Vanya (Ivan the Fool)

"What do you want, old man?" - Gold fish

“My light, mirror, tell me and report the whole truth.” - Queen

“But remember, as soon as the clock strikes twelve..” - fairy – sorceress (Godmother)

GAME 2. "Confused letters."

Exercise: I have a word whose letters have swapped places (in the top row), and in the bottom row under each letter there is a number that tells you what order the letters in this word are in. Place the letters in the appropriate order. If you do everything correctly, you will get a word.




*Swan geese




*Snow Maiden



GAME 3. “Guess the fairy tale.”

Exercise: We list the characters of the fairy tale - the children guess and name the fairy tale.
Tsar, three sons, arrow, swamp (“The Frog Princess”).

Evil stepmother, stepdaughter, daughter, Santa Claus (“Morozko.”)
Stove, ice hole, pike (“At the command of the pike”).

Alyonushka, Baba Yaga, little goat (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”).

Shoe, ball, Fairy (Cinderella)

Boots, hat, cat (Puss in Boots)

Goat, kids, wolf (Wolf and seven kids)
Pechka, apple tree, milk river, Baba Yaga (Geese-Swans)

Bull, ram, pig, goose (Winter quarters for animals)

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Zhuchka (Turnip)

Mosquito-Piskun, fly-fly, mouse-gnawing (Teremok)

Riddles about fairy-tale characters are perhaps one of the most popular among children, along with riddles about animals.
After all, riddles about fairy-tale heroes are interesting not only as entertainment; children like to solve them, especially after reading a fairy tale.

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children?
Seven kids

The beautiful maiden is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
The poor thing is shedding tears!
Snow Maiden

Gobbling up rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess.

It was baked from flour,
It was mixed with sour cream.
He was chilling at the window,
He rolled along the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And on the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat him,
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't leave her.
What kind of fairy tale?

Evening would soon come,
And the long-awaited hour has come,
May I be in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I'll go back to my attic.

With whom does Frost play hide and seek?
In a white fur coat, in a white hat?
Everyone knows his daughter
And her name is...
Snow Maiden

This fairy tale hero
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
I'm all striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots.
Puss in Boots

KVN based on the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

The children are divided into two teams: “Lukomorye” and “Sinemorye”.


I came to the club, don’t frown,
Be cheerful until the end.
You are not a spectator, you are not a guest,
And our program is the highlight.
Don't be shy, don't break down,
Obey all laws!

So, friends, let's start playing.
We have a large supply of ideas!
And who are they for?
For you!

We know you love games
Songs, riddles and dances,
But there's nothing more interesting
Than our fairy tales.

A fairy tale is often filled with various miracles: then a young princess falls asleep eternal sleep, having swallowed a piece of a poisoned apple, then the craftsman Balda teaches the devils a lesson, etc. all this is very interesting!
Now we will remember your favorite fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and invite the heroes of the fairy tale to visit.

So, let's open the door to the wonderful world of fairy tales and see who lives there.
(The melody of the song “Where are the wizards?” plays)

1st competition: “WHAT FAIRY TALE IS THE HERO FROM?”

Teacher: Each team will receive a list of fairy-tale heroes, where they must guess which fairy tales these heroes are from.
(1 team: an old man with an old woman; King Dadon, a sorcerer, three maidens;
Team 2: queen-stepmother, damn it, Shamakhan queen, squirrel)

Children name heroes:
(1 team: an old man with an old woman - “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”; Tsar Dadon - “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, a sorcerer - “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, three girls - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”;
Team 2: queen-stepmother - “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, devil - “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda”, Shamakhan queen, squirrel)


Teacher: And now we will hold a competition “The best expert on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. You must remember lines from fairy tales and read them.
1 team:

(My light, mirror! Tell me,
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?)

(Kiri-ku-ku. The kingdom lies on its side)

(You shouldn't be chasing cheapness, priest.)

(An old man lived with his old woman
By the bluest sea...)

Team 2:
1. What words did the old man use to address the goldfish?
(Have mercy, lady fish!)

2. How does Pushkin begin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”?
(Three maidens by the window
We spun late in the evening.)

3. And with what words do the fairy tales end: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”?
(I was there, honey, drank beer -
And he just wet his mustache.)
4. What are the words with which Pushkin ends “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”?
(The fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows.

Teacher: I suggest that teams collect lines from Pushkin’s fairy tales in 1 minute.
1 team: You are beautiful, no doubt,
But the princess is still sweeter,
Everything is redder and whiter.
2 teams: Lo and behold: there’s a dugout in front of him again;
His old woman is sitting on the threshold,
And in front of her is a broken trough.

Competition 4: “WHO SENT THE TELEGRAM?”
Teacher: I just received telegrams, but the trouble is they weren’t signed. Teams are asked to find out who sent the telegrams.
1 team:
1. - Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope,
Yes, you, damned tribe, make faces! (Bolda)
2. I see what’s here
Good people live;
It won't hurt me to know! (Young princess)
2nd team:
1. The cook is angry in the kitchen,
The weaver is crying at the loom,
And everyone envy me
To the Sovereign's wife... (Third sister)

2. Give me a girl,
Shamakhan queen! (Sage)

1 team:
1. Who said this: “What do you want, elder?” (Gold fish)
2. With the help of what object did the queen-stepmother kill the young princess? (Apple)
3. What is the name of the hero who, together with his mother, ended up on a desert island in a barrel? (Prince Guidon)
4. For what pay did Balda hire the priest to work? (3 clicks)
5. Whom did the Sage give to King Dadon? (Golden Cockerel)
2nd team:
1. Who said that: “You fool, you simpleton!” (Old woman)
2. Who did Prince Elisha turn to for help to find the young princess? (sun, month, wind)
3. What miracles did Prince Guidon have on the wonderful island? (miracle squirrel, 33 heroes, swan princess)
4. To whom did priest Balda send the rent?? (to hell)
5. Who did the sorcerer carry through the forests, across the fields? (Ruslana)




1. The one whom Balda fished out of the sea? (demon)
2. How many times did the old man cast the net? (three)
3. What was the name of the priest’s worker? (Bolda)
4. What was swinging in the cave on cast iron pillars? (coffin)
5. Who did the imp crawl under? (under the mare)
6. What objects did the queen always talk to when asking about her beauty? (mirror)
7. Who helped Prince Elisha find the princess? (wind)
8. What did Balda work for? (clicks)
9. Why didn’t the demons pay the priest? (rent)
10. Who gave King Dadon a golden cockerel? (sage)


11. What was the name of the king who married one of the three sisters? (Saltan)
12. Who helped the old man fulfill all the old woman’s wishes? (fish)
13. Who came out of the waters of the sea with scales like the heat of grief? (33 heroes)
14. Who protected the old king Dadon from enemy attacks? (cockerel)
15. Who came to the queen and her son in the chamber to announce the king’s decree? (boyars)
16. What object was the old woman left with at the dilapidated dugout? (trough)
17. Who took a bite of the poisoned apple? (princess)
18. Who did Prince Guidon kill with an arrow on a desert island? (kite)
19. What was the squirrel gnawing in the crystal palace, singing the song “Is it in the garden, in the vegetable garden”? (nuts in golden shell)
20. Who couldn’t the imp outrun? (hare)

Teacher: Now let’s sum up the results of KVN. (Awarding)

I competition “Warm-up”

1 team

Questions are asked to teams in turn; if a team cannot answer a question, another team tries to answer. For the correct answer, the team receives extra points.

1. I once heard the following words: “Who reads a lot...”, but I don’t remember further. Continue

(Answer: he knows a lot)

(Answer: teaching)

3. There is a green oak near Lukomorye;
Golden chain on the oak tree:
Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes round and round in a chain;
Question for the 1st team:

Tell me where this one is Wonderland?

(This country in the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

Question for the second team:

What does the word “Lukomorye” mean?

(Lukomorye - bend of the seashore, bay)

4. Please name the birthday of the princess from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” (January 6 – Christmas Eve).

5. What did the old woman demand in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (The old woman wanted to get a new trough, a new hut, then become a pillar noblewoman, the mistress of the sea).

6. What do the heroes from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” do while living in the forest?

(Answer: heroes protect the state, hunt)

7. Name the main characters of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

(Answer: the main characters of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” are the Tsar, Tsarina, cook, weaver, Babarikha, Tsarevich, White Swan, Prince Guidon)

8. Who did Balda call his little brother? (hare)

9. How many people did Balda eat and work for?

(ate for four, worked for seven)


Our competition is over, and again
We give the floor to the jury

In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results of the two competitions, we will play with the fans.

There are many different wonders in the magical forest of Lukomorye. Remember, as Pushkin said:

There the forest and the valley are full of visions...

What kind of visions is the forest full of?


The hut is there, on chicken legs
It stands without windows or doors...
And thirty beautiful knights
From time to time clear waters emerge,
And with them is their sea uncle...
There is a stupa with Baba Yaga
She walks and wanders by herself;
There, Tsar Koschey is wasting away over his gold.

The jury's word:

The jury please don't torment me
And rate the performances

II competition "Artists"


Who loves drawing since childhood?
It's your turn to shine.
There is a task for artists.
Well, let's draw something

This competition is homework for teams. Teams present their drawings, and the opposing sides guess which fairy tale heroes or object from which fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin are depicted.

  • 1 team: nut, tent, bumblebee

  • Team 2: chain, crown, helmet

Your drawings are simply classy!
The jury will give their assessment now.

Questions for fans:

I have a magic basket in my hands. And in it there are objects that belong to some fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin.

What fairy tale are these objects from: apple, squirrel, mirror, cockerel?

(viewers respond)

Word from the jury:

III competition“Do you know the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin"

Blitz tournament

(Questions are asked one by one; if a team cannot guess, then the answer from the other team is accepted and an extra point is added)

1. What words did the queen use to address the magic mirror?

(“My light, mirror! Tell me
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?)

2. What did the cockerel cry while sitting on the knitting needle?

(“Kiri-ku-ku! Reign while lying on your side!”)

3. While paying Balda, the priest offered his forehead. What did Balda say reproachfully?

(“Don’t you, priest, chase after cheap things”)

4. How did the old man address the goldfish?

(Have mercy, lady fish!)

5. What words do the fairy tales end with: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”?

(I was there, I drank honey beer -
And he just wet his mustache)

6. How does Pushkin begin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”?

(Three girls by the window
We spun late in the evening)

7. Name the words with which Pushkin ends “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”

(The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows.)

8. What words does “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” begin with?

(An old man lived with his old woman
By the bluest sea...)

9. What was the name of the dog in “The Tale of the Dead Princess”? (Sokolko)

10. What happened to the pop after the first click? (pop jumped to the ceiling)

Well done! You are real experts in the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.

And as always, we give the jury the floor to sum up


Reads an excerpt from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

IV competition “Fairytale Ads”


I have an envelope in my hands, it contains the first issue of the newspaper “Magic News”, which is entirely devoted to the publication of fairy-tale advertisements.

Who could give such an announcement?

1) I offer my services:

  • harness a horse;

  • use the stove;

  • buy products at the market;

  • cook porridge;

  • babysit children.
My address… (Balda. “a fairy tale about a priest...)

2) Fashionistas and fashionistas! Who wants to buy a magic mirror that can speak?

Our address... Contact... (To the Queen Stepmother from “The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

3) For those who cannot wake up when the alarm goes off, we suggest purchasing a rooster from pure gold, which will help you out always and everywhere. Address… ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

4) Who wants to exchange the old trough for a new one? Or an apartment for a house?

Speak to…. (To the goldfish from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

5) For those who are interested in living space! I rent out my room for the summer for a reasonable rent. The upper room contains:

  • all around there are benches covered with carpets;

  • stove with tiled stove bench;

  • under the saints there is an oak table.
My address… ("the tale of the dead princess")

6) The school of healers and psychics conducts monthly paid courses. Diseases such as:

  • bites on the right and left eyes;

  • blisters on the nose.
Start of the next classes... (The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

The jury's word

V competition “Fairytale Apples”

On the board there are sheets cut out in the shape of apples. WITH reverse side questions are written down. Players from teams come up one by one, take one apple at a time, read the question out loud and answer it.

What words does “The Tale of the Priest…” begin with?

(Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead)

The last wish of the grumpy old woman? (Become the mistress of the sea)

What words did the wayward queen use to address the magic mirror?

(My little mirror! Tell me and tell me the whole truth. Am I the sweetest, the most ruddy and whitest in the world?)

Faithful guard of King Dodon? (Cockerel)

Who did Prince Guidon turn into when he flew to the kingdom of Saltan?

(Into a mosquito, a fly, a bumblebee)

What did the boyars and nobles treat the old woman to in the royal chambers?

(Overseas wines, printed gingerbread)

What is the Cockerel made of? (made of gold)

Where did the devils live from “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda?” (in the sea)


Reads an excerpt from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

VI. Crossword

Write the answers to the questions in the vertical cells:

1. Who called the fool daddy? (pennies)

2. What was the name of the island past which ships sailed to Saltan’s kingdom? (Brawler)

3. Who did the evil Sorcerer turn into in order to destroy the Swan Princess? (kite)

4. The clothes in which the old woman stood on the porch of the tower, waiting for the old man? (warmer)

5. What did the old woman eat from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (gingerbread)

6. Dilapidated housing of an old man and an old woman. (dugout)

VI I competition " Homework»

Each team shows a scene from Pushkin's fairy tale.

“Book lovers” - an excerpt from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

“SOC - Moms” - an excerpt from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”


I shouldn't have been worried at the beginning
The teams didn't let us down
They tried, and now
The jury will give its assessment.
Jury sum up
Yes, be nice and gentle

The class is divided into two teams: “Storytellers” and “Smart Tale”.

So, friends, let's start the program

We have a large stock of ideas:

And who are they for?


We know you love games,

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting for children,

Than our fairy tales.

Presenter (teacher): "Guys! Today we have a holiday where we will show who will better remember the works and facts of the life of the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

Since childhood, we have all heard the fairy tales and poems of A.S. Pushkin, which our mothers and grandmothers, educators and teachers read and told to us, and watched wonderful films created based on his works.

1 competition. Questions about the biography of A.S. Pushkin

Let's remember together some facts from his biography:

In what year was A. S. Pushkin born? (1799)

In what city was Pushkin born? (in Moscow)

What were the names of the poet's parents? (Sergey Lvovich, Nadezhda Osipovna)

What school did A.S. Pushkin attend? (at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum)

Did Pushkin have brothers and sisters? (sister Olga and brother Lev)

To whom did Pushkin address these words: “Friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove”?... (to nanny Arina Rodionovna)

About which city did Pushkin write: “I love you, Peter’s creation, I love your strict, slender appearance, the sovereign current of the Neva, its coastal granite.”

(About St. Petersburg)

2nd competition “Warm-up”.

Name the heroes of A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tales:

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish",

"Ruslan and Ludmila",

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan…",

"The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda."

3 competition. Blitz quiz based on the works of A. S. Pushkin:

1) What fruit was poisoned by the princess in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”? (Apple)

2) Which island did the gentlemen guests sail past? (past Buyan Island)

3) In which fairy tale by Pushkin “stars shine in the blue sky, waves lash in the blue sea?” ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

4) From whom did Prince Guidon save the Swan Princess? (“You didn’t kill the kite, you killed the Sorcerer”)

5) Who did the Swan Princess turn Prince Guidon into? (in a mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

6) In which of Pushkin’s fairy tales is the number 33 present? (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

7) In the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” there is the following line: “There are miracles there, a goblin wanders there...”. Who is the devil? (Leshy - in Slavic mythology- owner of the forest)

8) What fairy tale is this from:

I chose my wife

Daughter obedient to you,

We ask for both permissions,

Your blessing? (from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

9) What fairy tale is this from:

The king and queen said goodbye

Prepared for the journey,

And the queen at the window

Sat down to wait for him alone? ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights")

10) And these questions about the well-known fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”:

How many years has the old man been fishing? (“...he fished for 30 and 3 years”).

How many times did the old man throw the net into the sea before he caught it? goldfish? (2 times).

How did his old woman appear to the old man for the first time? (Pillar noblewoman)

How long was the old woman queen? (“one week, another goes by”... - two weeks)

How many of the old man's requests did the fish fulfill? (Four requests: trough, hut, noblewoman, queen)

The last wish of the grumpy old woman? (“... become the mistress of the sea”)

And what came of it? What conclusion can be drawn?

11) The stars shine in the blue sky.

The waves splash in the blue sea. ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")

12) The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up ( "The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")

13) Who did the swan princess turn Prince Guidon into? (in a mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

14) How does A.S. Pushkin depict the swan princess? ( The month is burning under the scythe)

15) Who says:

« Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter.»

4th competition “The best expert on fairy tales and works of A.S. Pushkin.”

1. Which fairy tale are these lines from:

My light, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter.

2. What did the cockerel on the knitting needle cry?

(Kiri-ka-ku reign lying on your side)

3. While paying Balda, the priest turned his forehead.

What did Balda say reproachfully?

(You shouldn't be chasing cheapness, priest).

4. What words does “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” begin with?

(An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea.)

5. What words did the old man use to address the goldfish?

(Have mercy, lady fish...)

6. What words does “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” begin with?

(Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening...).

7. With what words does “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” end?

(I was there, drinking honey, drinking beer, and just wet my mustache.)

8. With what words does “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” end?

(The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.

A lesson to good fellows!)

5th competition “Did you know...”

What did the mirror answer to the evil stepmother at the end of the fairy tale?

What did King Dadon promise to the sage?

Leading: “Now, guys, look at these signs - on them last words lines of quatrains from the famous poems of A. S. Pushkin. You must remember and read all the quatrains and name the work:

1. Near Lukomorye there is a green oak;

Golden chain on the oak tree

Both day and night, the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around and around in a chain. ("Ruslan and Ludmila")

2. Winter, peasant, triumphant,

On the firewood it renews the path.

His horse smells the snow,

Trotting along, somehow. ("Eugene Onegin")

3. The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds

Then, like a beast, she will howl,

She will cry like a child. ("Winter evening")

6th competition – Reading competition.

Recite any poem by A.S. Pushkin.

7 competition "Who sent these telegrams."

Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope,

Yes, you, damned tribe, make a face. (Bolda)

Woe is me! Caught in the net

Both our falcons

Woe! My death has come! (King Dadon)

Leading: Now let’s sum up the results of the quiz and name the best expert on fairy tales, A.S. Pushkin.

Methodological development of the lesson - quizzes on literary reading in 4th grade. Generalization of knowledge


The main goal of didactic games based on Russian folk tales – development of children’s speech, nurturing interest in Russian folk tales.
Didactic games are designed taking into account the age of children.

Games with children 3-4 years old

Verbal and didactic game “Compare different animals”

Didactic task : teach children to compare different animals from fairy tales, highlighting the opposite characteristics.

Number of players : 5-6 children

Game rule: The child who the driver points to answers

Game action : The teacher invites the children to look at the Teddy Bear and the Mouse.

The bear is big, and the mouse... (small). What kind of bear? (Thick, thick-footed, club-footed). What kind of mouse? (Small, grey, fast, dexterous.) What does Mishka like? (Honey, raspberries), and the mouse loves ... (cheese, crackers).

Mishka’s paws are thick, and the mouse’s are...(thin). Who has the longest tail? The mouse has a long tail, and the Mishka ... (short.

Similarly, you can compare other animals from fairy tales - the fox and the hare, the wolf and the bear.

Verbal and didactic game “Kids and Bunny”

Didactic task: Teach children to come up with a new ending to a familiar fairy tale.

Number of players: 4-6 children

Game rule: listen carefully to your interlocutor

Game action: First, the children remember the fairy tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf.” It can be recalled using a table theater or flannelgraph. The fairy tale ends, but the teacher offers to listen to what happened next: “The goat went into the forest again. The kids were left alone at home. Suddenly there was a knock on the door again. The kids got scared and hid. And this was a small... (toy is shown) bunny. The bunny says: ...("Don't be afraid of me, it's me, the little bunny.") The kids... (let the bunny in). They treated him to...(cabbage, carrots). The kids ate and began... (play, have fun, frolic). The bunny played... (on the drum), and the kids... (jumped merrily).

Verbal and didactic game “Rabushka Hen”

based on the fairy tale "Chicken Ryaba"

Didactic task: Develop speech activity in children, practice interrogative intonation with them, and train them in correct sound pronunciation.

Number of players: subgroup of children

Game rules: the chicken should answer children's questions loudly and quickly

Game action: The teacher shows a picture of a pockmarked hen and suggests remembering the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen.” After telling the tale, he explains why it is called “Ryaba”. Then he invites the children to play. A chicken is chosen using a counting machine. The teacher puts a cap on her, puts her in front of the children and starts asking questions. The chicken answers them at the prompting of the teacher:

Chicken Ryaba, where did you go?

To the river.

Chicken Ryaba, why did you go?

For some water.

Chicken Ryaba, why do you need some water?

Water the chickens.

Chicken Ryaba, how are your chickens asking for water?

Pee-pee-pee-pee! (All children say this.)

When playing the game again, the teacher suggests to the children: “Let’s all ask the chicken together, where did she go?” The children, together with the teacher, trying to reproduce a questioning intonation, ask: “Ryaba Hen, where did you go?” etc. It is better to choose shy, timid, silent children as chickens.

Printed board game “Paired Pictures”

Didactic task: Exercise children in comparing objects depicted in the picture, in finding similarities and in selecting identical images; cultivate attention, concentration, form speech, develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Number of players:

Material: paired pictures-illustrations from Russian folk tales and tricks

Game rules: Show and name only the same picture; Whoever correctly selects and names the paired picture will receive a chip.

Game action: search for the necessary cards.

Printed board game “Fold the picture”

Didactic task: Exercise children in composing a whole object from its parts; cultivate will, perseverance, determination

Number of players:

Game rules: Don't make a mistake in choosing. The one who folds and names his picture first wins

Game action: searching for parts, putting together the whole picture

Printed board game "Loto"

Didactic task: To train children in the ability to combine objects according to their place of growth: where what grows; consolidate children's knowledge about Russian folk tales

Number of players:

Game rules: cover the cells only with those pictures that correspond to the content of the large card, i.e. a fairy tale

Game action: find small cards depicting episodes from fairy tales and cover the cells on the large map with them. Competition - who will be the first to close all the cards

Printed board game "Dominoes"

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about Russian folk tales, to correctly name a fairy tale

Number of players:

Game rules: Place the cards one by one, next to the same picture. The first one to put all the cards down wins.

Game action: If the player does not have a paired card, he skips the move and waits for a paired picture to appear at either end. When the game is repeated, the cards are dealt out again.

“Whose song?” (consolidating knowledge of songs, using them in retelling fairy tales).

“Aw, aw, Snow Maiden!
Ay, ay, my dear!
At grandpa's, at grandma's
There was a granddaughter Snegurushka,
Her friends lured her into the forest,
They lured us in and left us.” Song of the Snow Maiden
Fairy tale "The Snow Maiden and the Fox"

“Alyonushka, my sister!
Swim out, swim out to the shore...
The fires are burning high,
Cast iron boilers are boiling,
Damask knives are sharpened,
They want to kill me!” Brother Ivanushka

“Guess it!” (teach children to guess a fairy tale using repetition words, use them in retelling the fairy tale).

“Sleep, little peephole, sleep, other one.” Fairy tale "Khavroshechka"

“Sister Alyonushka, I’m thirsty!”
Fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”

« Spout, spout, drink some water”, Fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Miracle – Melenka”

“Catch, fish, both small and great!”
Fairy tale “Fox - sister and gray wolf”

"The fox is carrying me dark forests, behind high mountains! Kitty-brother, help me out!”
Fairy tale "The cat, the rooster and the fox"

“I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.” Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Games with children of middle and senior preschool age

Verbal and didactic game “Radio” (senior preschool age)

Didactic task: Develop the ability to be observant and activate children’s speech

Number of players: unlimited

Game rule : listen and not disturb your comrades

Game action: The teacher, addressing the children, says: “Today, we will play new game, called "Radio". Do you know what they call a person who speaks on the radio? That's right, they call him an announcer. Today on the radio the announcer will talk about the children of our group. He will describe one of the heroes of Russian folk tales, and you and I will guess. First I will be the announcer, listen up! Attention! Attention! Guess which fairy tale this hero is from. Her teeth are sharp, her coat is warm, red, she is beautiful, crafty, insidious. Who is this? What fairy tales do you know in which the heroine would be a fox? (“Fox and Crane”, “Fox and Wolf”, “Teremok”, etc.)
Verbal and didactic game “Tops and Roots” (senior preschool age)

Didactic task: exercise children in classifying vegetables (based on the principle: what is edible - the root or the fruit on the stem)

Number of players: unlimited

Material: pictures with vegetables and forfeits

Game action:

Option 1 The teacher clarifies with the children what they will call “tops” and what “roots.” “We will call the edible root of a vegetable “roots,” and the edible fruit on the stem “tops.” The teacher names a vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it: the tops or roots. The teacher warns that children should be attentive, because... In some vegetables both are edible. The teacher calls: “Carrot!” The children answer: “Roots.” "Tomato!" - “Tops.” "Onion!" - “Tops and roots.” The one who made a mistake pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Option 2. The teacher says: “Tops,” and the children remember the vegetables whose tops were eaten. This game is good to play after reading the Russian folk tale “The Man and the Bear”

Printed board game “Unenchant a Fairy Tale” (senior preschool age)

Didactic task: To develop children's intellectual abilities, the ability to use conditional substitutes (symbols) for real objects

Number of players:

Game rule: At the teacher’s signal, begin to “disenchant” the fairy tale.

Game action: Review the tables with the children and explain that an evil wizard bewitched the animals from the fairy tale: he turned the cockerel into a circle, the dog into an oval, the hedgehog into a cross, etc. First, the teacher covers part of the table with symbols with a white stripe. Children must remember and draw the corresponding symbol to the right of each picture. Then he closes the “enchanted” animals and invites the children to name them.

When the task is completed, you can compose with the children small tales and write them down on cards, replacing the heroes with signs. The child “breaks the spell” of his fairy tale by substituting the desired character.

"Do you know?" (Cultivate interest, develop speed of reaction, endurance, discipline).

“I’ll take at least the roots for myself, but I’ll give you the tops.”
Fairy tale "The Man and the Bear"

“Mothers are nannies! Get ready, get ready! Prepare me soft white bread, the kind I ate at my dear father’s.”
Fairy tale "Vasilisa the Wise"

“You’re great: not a braggart, but a brave man.”
The fairy tale “The Hare Boasts.”

“Look, bearded guy, he couldn’t even jump - he splashed all over.”
Fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"

“Recognize the hero of a fairy tale by description” (To develop the ability to name the hero of a fairy tale by his characteristic features, descriptions, cultivate self-control).

"Carpenter, worker, farmer, sailor, archer, blacksmith, singer"
Fairy tale "Seven Simeons - seven workers"

“Such a beauty that you can’t tell in a fairy tale or describe with a pen. There’s a month under the braid, and there’s a pearl on every hair.”
Elena Beautiful Fairy Tale"Seven Simeons - seven workers"

“...I have never seen such a bird: the feathers are so beautiful, the comb is so red, and the voice is so clear!”
Rooster Fairy tale “Rooster and Dog”

Was a frog, turned into a white swan.
Vasilisa the Wise Tale “The Frog Princess”

“Name the heroes of the fairy tale” (Teach children to guess the fairy tale according to the words of the main character, and then name the rest of the heroes of the fairy tale).

“This is a simple spoon - Kotova, this is a simple spoon - Petina, and this is not a simple, chiseled, gilded handle - mine. I won’t give it to anyone!”
Cat, rooster, Zhiharka. Fairy tale "Zhikharka"

“Come, kumanek, come, dear! How can I treat you!”
Fox, Crane. Fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane"

“Come on, friend, build a winter hut! I will carry logs from the forest and cut poles, and you will tear up wood chips.”
Bull, pig, ram, rooster, cat. Fairy tale "Winter quarters"

"Who lives where" (consolidating the knowledge of Russian folk tales “Teremok” and “Zimovye”, consolidating the concepts of “domestic and wild animals”).

It is necessary to place the proposed animals in the house and winter quarters.

“Name the fairy tale based on the main character” (development of reaction speed, activity, independent thinking, learning to name a fairy tale by character).

Images of fairy tale heroes are offered, and children name in which fairy tales they appear. For example: rooster - “Zhikharka”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Winter quarters”, “Cat, rooster and fox”, etc.

“Tell a fairy tale using illustrations” ( encourage children to retell a familiar fairy tale; create conditions for creative self-expression)
Children put the pictures in order and tell the story.

"Tell a story based on the characters" (encourage children to retell the fairy tale).
Children arrange the heroes of the fairy tale and retell the content of the fairy tale.

"Find the error" (development of attention, perception, speech, learning to see an extra character in a familiar fairy tale).
Children name what is depicted incorrectly and what fairy tale the illustration is from.

"Cut pictures" (teach children to see a holistic image in separate parts, develop analytical-synthetic thinking)
Children make a picture from parts.

"Color the fairy tale hero" (to improve children’s ability to color without going beyond the contours, development creativity, small muscles of the fingers).

“Find out a fairy tale by the drawn object” (consolidating knowledge of a familiar fairy tale, developing memory, imagination, thinking and speech).
Children guess from the subject of the fairy tale hero and in which fairy tales the hero appears.

"Find a Pair" (consolidating knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, activating your favorite heroes and characters from fairy tales in your memory, learning to correlate a magic object with the hero of a fairy tale).
Children find a magical object for the hero of the fairy tale. For example: The princess - the frog - an arrow.

« Find it!” (development of memory, consolidation of knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, learning to find from pictures with heroes only those that fit the intended fairy tale).

"Guess a riddle" (development of analytical-synthetic thinking, teaching children to correlate the description of a fairy tale (or character) with a riddle).

She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,
She showed skill in any matter.
She baked bread and wove tablecloths.
I sewed shirts and embroidered patterns.
She danced like a white swan.
Who was this craftswoman? VASILISA THE WISE

He sent buckets to the river,
He himself slept peacefully on the stove.
He slept for a whole week.
And his name is... EMELYA

Rich, lush, round-cheeked,
He has a ruddy side.
Runs down the path
And it’s called... KOLOBOK

The fox took him away
Right beyond the dark forests,
A small voice is heard
Who is this? COCKER

He is a hero we all know
And with the magic word together
Maybe a whole week
Lying on the stove... EMELYA

He rattles his bones terribly.
Evil, greedy and terrible.
He walks around in a black cloak
And the king is called... KASHCHEY

Bewitched by Koshchei
I'm fascinated by Ivan
Green girlfriend -
Princess Frog

"Magic Words" (develop children’s speech, use magic words in retelling)
“At the behest of the pike, at my will...”

Fairy tale “At the command of the pike”

“Hut, hut! Become your old self. As my mother put it - towards me in front, and towards the sea (forest) with its back.”
Fairy tale “The Frog Princess”

“Sivka - burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of you!”
Fairy tale "Sivka - burka"

“If you throw it from hand to hand, twelve young men will immediately appear, and whatever they are ordered to do, they will do everything in one night.”
Fairy tale "The Magic Ring"

"Magic Items" (consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, teach to see an analogue in a fairy-tale magic object).

Apple with saucer - TV
Ball of thread - navigator
Stupa, carpet – plane – plane, helicopter
Rejuvenating apples – vitamins, dietary supplements, creams
Got in the right ear, got out in the left - beauty salon “Sivka-burka”
Got in on the right, got out on the left - a machine, a mechanism doing work
Stove – car “At the behest of the pike”

"Finish it" (consolidation of knowledge about the heroes of a fairy tale, use in retelling, word creation)

Koschei the Deathless)
The Little Humpbacked Horse)
Tiny - ... (Khavroshechka)
Vasilisa - ... (Beautiful, Wise)
Baba - ... (Yaga)
Boy - ... (thumb)
Marya - ... (artisan)
Chicken - ... (Ryaba)
Ivan - ... (fool)
Sparrow - ... (winged)
Mouse - ... (furry)
Pancake - ... (buttery)
Sivka - ... (burka)

Card index of didactic games for consolidating knowledge of Russian folk tales

“Who is after whom? »

Purpose of the game: Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales. Development of the grammatical structure of speech, familiarize children with prepositions: for, before, before, after, between; learn to navigate in space, develop visual thinking. Develop elementary mathematical representations: first, then, first, second, last.

Material: figures of heroes from one fairy tale are used (“Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Hare and Fox (Zayushkina’s hut)”, etc.); circles are tokens. You can use figurines of fairy-tale characters from the theater on flannelgraph.

Progress of the game:

1. The presenter asks to place the characters of a familiar fairy tale in a certain sequence. After this, he asks the child to explain: who came for whom, met whom; who stands, using various prepositions. The presenter asks leading questions.

2. If the child has successfully mastered all the concepts, you can complicate the game by adding the concepts of right and left.

For correctly completing the task, the child receives a token.

"What changed? "

Material: figures of heroes from one fairy tale (“Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Hare and Fox (Zayushkina’s Hut)”, etc.) and objects are used; circles are tokens. You can use figurines of fairy-tale characters from the theater on flannelgraph.

Progress of the game;

1. The presenter, using figures, reproduces the plot of a fairy tale on a flannelgraph and asks one of the children to describe what is depicted. Then the child turns away and the leader, together with other children, swaps two or three figures (if children are over six years old, the number of changes can be increased to five). The child must say what has changed. For correct answers he receives a token. The one who collects the most tokens wins.

2. If the children have successfully mastered this game, ask them to lay out the plot of a fairy tale and continue the game without a leader, appointing one of the children as the leader.

“Tell me from the picture.”

Purpose of the game: Expansion vocabulary, development of coherent speech, creative thinking, observation.

Material: figurines of heroes from one fairy tale are used (“Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Hare and Fox (Zayushkina’s Hut)”, etc., circles are tokens. You can use figurines of fairy-tale characters from the theater on flannelgraph.

Progress of the game:

A fairy tale is chosen for adults (this can be a fairy tale that is studied in this moment). The presenter takes one of the heroes of the fairy tale and describes him: he tells how he looks, good or evil, big or small, what he does during the fairy tale, etc. After that, he asks the children to repeat what he said.

Then the presenter takes another figurine and asks the children to take turns describing the hero and make sure that the descriptions are not repeated.

If this does not work, the presenter asks leading questions: for example, what is the grandfather wearing; is he old or young; what he does, etc. For correct answers, the child receives a token. The one who gives the most answers wins.

"Find by silhouette."

Purpose of the game: Development of speech, visual thinking, attention, figurative memory.

Material: figures of heroes from one fairy tale are used (“Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Hare and Fox (Zayushkina’s hut)”, etc.). You can use figurines of fairy-tale characters from the theater on flannelgraph.

Progress of the game:

The presenter asks the children to look at the figures from all sides. Next, he explains what a silhouette is and asks the children to trace the silhouette of the figure with their finger, and then with a pencil.

The presenter lays out the figures reverse side and asks to find fairy tale characters and objects.

“Show me the same.”

Purpose of the game: Expand vocabulary. Teach children mental operations: comparison, generalization, logical thinking. Develop imagination, be able to classify objects according to different criteria.

Material: figurines of fairy tale characters from the theater on flannelgraph; pictures with plots of the chosen fairy tale.

Progress of the game.

The presenter talks about how there are identical objects, body parts different people, animals, etc., and asks to show the children the same.

Then he asks to answer his questions and show the same on the figures. For example, who has tails, who is dressed in skirts, how are grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter (they walk on their feet, people) similar, how are bugs, cats, mice (animals) similar, etc.

“Color according to the description.”

Purpose of the game: development of speech, the ability to listen to others, clearly express your thoughts; consolidation of the concept of “silhouette”; development of observation, imaginative thinking and imagination.

Material: figurines of fairy tale characters from the theater on flannelgraph; pictures with scenes from the game “Collect and tell a fairy tale”, the selected fairy tale; riddles for fairy tale heroes; colored pencils, paper.

Progress of the game.

The presenter tells the children a fairy tale and lays out supporting pictures with the plots of the fairy tale. Then, together with the children, he selects figurines of fairy tale heroes.

When the figures are in front of the children, an adult reads a riddle about one of the heroes from a card. Children must guess who we are talking about. The one who guessed first becomes the storyteller.

The presenter turns over the card and asks to find exactly the same figure - a silhouette.

Children, each in their own place, trace the silhouette. After this, the supporting pictures are removed, and the narrator, together with the presenter, must describe the image, and the children must complete the drawing and color the silhouettes without looking at the figure.

It is recommended to play first simple figures(turnip, bun, teremok, mitten). After each description, show the figure and compare who got which silhouette. The next storyteller is the one who came up with the most accurate drawing, or you can make a riddle about the next hero.

“Who is the most observant? "

Purpose of the game: To consolidate the ability to compose a story based on a picture, develop attention, and expand vocabulary.

Material: plot pictures from the game “Collect and tell a fairy tale.”

Progress of the game.

An adult shows a picture depicting the plot of one of the fairy tales and asks the children to describe what is shown in the picture. Children list and describe heroes, events, objects. For each correct answer they receive tokens.

Children 3 – 5 years old can play two or three times according to one plot. If children are over five years old, they play according to this plot once. The winner posts his story.


Purpose of the game: Development of speech, attention, figurative memory; consolidation of concepts: on, above, under, before, with, inside, etc.

Material: Figurines of fairy tale heroes; pictures with fairy tale plots; paper, colored pencils, riddles.

Progress of the game:

An adult asks a riddle. The one who guessed it becomes a “scout”. He is shown a picture - a plot, and he must describe the picture with the hero as accurately as possible, and other children, using figurines, draw a picture according to the description.

An adult helps the “scout” describe the picture more accurately.

"Colored circles."

Purpose of the game: Development of coherent speech, figurative memory, teaching children mnemonics.

Material: Colored circles, differing in color and size in accordance with the heroes of fairy tales; figurines of fairy tale heroes; pictures with fairy tale plots.

Progress of the game:

Tell the story to the children and ask them to show the corresponding figures. Ask your child to act out a story from a fairy tale.

If the child cannot cope, show him a picture - a story, and let him tell the story using figures.

Then tell him a story, laying out only circles. After that, he must replace the characters with circles and retell the fairy tale using the circles.

“Assemble from parts.”

Purpose of the game: development of speech, attention, memory, thinking, hand coordination.

Material: cut-out pictures of fairy tale heroes, figurines of fairy tale heroes from the “Fairytale Chest”, corresponding to the cut-out pictures, riddles.

Progress of the game:

An adult shows children figurines of fairy tale heroes. Ask what their names are. Then show that the pieces can be used to make a figurine of any of the heroes.

Then the parts of the cards are mixed, and the adult asks the child to guess the riddle and put together the hero figurine.

"Magician's Hat"

Purpose of the game: consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales; speech development; development of tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills hands, attention and figurative memory.

Material: rubber toys from table theater, hat or box, scarf.

Progress of the game:

An adult shows a hat and a scarf: “This is a magician’s hat, it contains the heroes of fairy tales. You need to take turns identifying the hero by touch, name him and say which fairy tale he is from.

“I’ll name it, and you continue.”

Purpose of the game: development of speech, consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of attention, thinking, memory.

Progress of the game:

The adult names one of the heroes, and the children add his fairy-tale name.

Junior and average age

Mouse - ... (norushka)

Frog - ... (wah)

Bunny - ... (runner)

Chanterelle - ... (sister)

Top - (Gray barrel)

Bear - ... (clubfooted)

Cockerel - (Golden Comb)

Swan geese)

Sister - (Alyonushka)

Brother - (Ivanushka)

Gray wolf)

Baba - ... (Yaga, bone leg)

Goat - ... (dereza)

Little Red Riding Hood)

Chicken - ... (Ryaba)

Fly Tsokotukha)

Senior and preparatory group

Tiny - ... (Khavroshechka)

Tsar... (Saltan)

Princess Frog)

Sivka... (burka)

Finist - ... (Clear Falcon)

Nikita ... (Kozhemyaka)

Silver... (hoof)

Flower - ... (seven flowers)

Ilya Muromets)


Nightingale - ... (robber)

Vasilisa... (Beautiful)

Tsarevich... (Elisha)

Boy... (from a finger)

The Little Humpbacked Horse)

Ugly duck)

“Which fairy tale is the hero from? "

Material: large card with the image of a fairy tale hero; small cards depicting stories different fairy tales.

Progress of the game:

The children are given large cards. The presenter shows cards with fairy tale plots. The child whose big card depicts a hero from the plot of a fairy tale names the fairy tale and takes the card for himself.

The one who collects all the fairy tales the fastest wins.

“Help the hero find his fairy tale.”

Purpose of the game: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, thinking, memory.

Material: A piece of paper depicts the hero of a fairy tale and three pictures - plots of fairy tales in which this hero is not present, and one picture in which this hero is.

Progress of the game:

An adult shows the children a picture and says, for example: “The cockerel went for a walk and got lost. Let's help him return to his fairy tale." Children look at the picture and name the appropriate fairy tale.

“What fairy tale did Kolobok end up in? "

Purpose of the game: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, thinking, memory.

Material: A picture depicting the plot of a fairy tale with a Kolobok glued to it.

Progress of the game: An adult shows the children a plot picture. Children name a fairy tale and describe the picture.

"Fairy Tale Confusion"

Purpose of the game: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, thinking, memory.

Material: Picture depicting two different fairy tales.

Progress of the game: an adult shows a picture. Children must name which fairy tales are mixed up.

“Who is screaming? »

Goal: Development of ZKR.

Material: Pictures of animals, riddles.

Description of the game: An adult makes a riddle about animals, the children guess it. An adult shows a picture and says: “What does this animal say? » Children imitate an animal.

“Collect and tell a story.”

Goal: Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales; expansion of vocabulary, development of coherent speech, attention, memory.

Material: pictures depicting plots of the selected fairy tale.

Progress of the game: The child must put together the plot pictures in sequence from the beginning to the end of the fairy tale, then tell the fairy tale based on the plot pictures.

"Whose song."

Goal: Expanding vocabulary, developing speech, consolidating knowledge of fairy tales.

Game description: The teacher reads the words of a hero from a fairy tale. Children name the fairy tale and the hero to whom these words belong. For example:

I, Kolobok, Kolobok,

Swept across the barn,

Scratched the bottom of the barrel,

Mixed with sour cream,

Put in the oven,

It's cold at the window.

(Fairy tale “Kolobok”, song Kolobok)

Little goats, little kids,

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come,

I brought milk.

I, Koshcha, was in the forest,

I ate silk grass,

I drank cold water;

Milk runs down the shelf,

From the markings to the hooves,

And from the hoof in the cheese the earth.

(Fairy tale “The Wolf and the Little Goats”, song of the Goat)

You kids, you dads

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come,

Brought milk

The hoofs are full of water!

Fairy tale "The Wolf and the Little Goats", song of the wolf)

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

Ay, ay, my dear!

At grandpa's, at grandma's

There was a granddaughter Snegurushka,

Her friends lured her into the forest,

Lured - abandoned.

(The fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox”, the Snow Maiden’s song).

See see!

Don't sit on the tree stump

Don't eat the pie!

Bring it to grandma

Bring it to grandpa!

(Fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”, Masha’s song).

How will I jump out, how will I jump out -

Pieces will fly through the back streets.

(Fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”, fox song).

Cockerel, Cockerel

golden comb,

Look out the window -

I'll give you some peas.

(Fairy tale “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, fox song).

The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests,

For the high mountains!

Brother cat

Help me out!

(Fairy tale “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, song Cockerel).

This spoon is simple - Petina,

This spoon is simple - Kotova,

And this is not an ordinary spoon, it’s a chiseled one,

Gilded handle -

I'll take this spoon for myself.

(Fairy tale “Zhikharka”, words by Zhikharka)


I carry the braid on my shoulders,

I want to whip the fox!

Get out, fox!

(Fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”, song Cockerel).

The noise, the noise, the goosebumps,

Golden stones,

Is the fox at home?

Come out fox!

(Fairy tale “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, song of the Cat).

I'll sit on a tree stump

I'll eat the pie.

(Fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”, bear song

"Fairytale bunnies"

Goal: development of speech, imagination, observation, expressiveness of movements.

Description of the game: An adult invites children to remember fairy tales in which there are hares. Those who wish tell what kind of hares they are, or depict how they behave, without naming the tale. The rest of the children guess which fairy tale the hare is from.

"Big small".

Purpose: To practice forming words by analogy. Development of speech, observation, expressiveness of movements.

Game description: The teacher names the name of an adult animal. The child says the name of his cub. Then a baby animal is depicted.

"Magic Cube"

Goal: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech and memory.

Material: multi-colored cube, on each side of which, using Velcro, heroes or stories from fairy tales are attached.

Game description:

I option. The teacher rolls a dice, on each side of which there is an image of a fairy tale character attached. Children name the hero and fairy tales with his participation.

Option II. The teacher rolls a dice, on each side of which there is an image of a fairy tale character attached. Children portray this hero.

III option. The teacher rolls a cube, on each side of which there is an image of a fairy tale plot (preferably the fairy tales are different). Children name the fairy tale and its characters.

IV option. The child throws a cube, on each side of which there is an image of a fairy tale character, and names the hero and the fairy tales with his participation.

V option. The child throws a cube, on each side of which there is an image of a fairy tale plot (preferably, the fairy tales should be different), and names the fairy tale and its characters.

“Describe the hero.”

Goal: Development of the grammatical structure of speech, the ability to select adjectives.

Material: Fairy tale, picture or figurine of a hero for description; cards with schematic images of emotions, colors, body structure.

Progress of the game:

Option I (for children 3 – 4 years old):

After reading the fairy tale, the teacher asks: (for example, the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”) - Which Cockerel?

Children answer: “Kind, brave, etc.”

Option II (for children 4 – 7 years old):

After reading a fairy tale, or when comparing fairy tales, the teacher asks to describe one of the characters using sketch cards.

“I’ll start, you continue.”

Goal: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales, developing coherent speech, and the ability to listen carefully to each other.

Material: character – the hero of the chosen fairy tale.

How to play: Children sit in a circle. The teacher has a character in his hands - the hero of a fairy tale that the children will tell. The teacher begins the story (says one or two sentences) and passes it on to the child sitting next to him. The child continues, saying one or two sentences, and passes it on to the next one.


Goal: Development of speech, imagination, observation, intelligence, expressiveness of movements.

Material: masks of fairy-tale characters - animals.

Game description: The driver is selected. The rest of the children stand in front of the leading semicircle. The driver is wearing a mask fairy tale character a familiar fairy tale, but he doesn’t know which one. To guess whose mask it is, the driver invites one of the children, or all the children, to portray this character. If the character is guessed, the one who portrayed him becomes the driver.

"Guess the fairy tale."

Goal: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, developing coherent speech, attention, and visual thinking.

Material: figurines of fairy-tale characters from one of the fairy tales are used.

Progress of the game: An adult attaches figurines of fairy-tale characters from a fairy tale to the flannelgraph and asks the children to name this fairy tale.

"Name a fairy tale"

Goal: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, development of coherent speech, attention, memory, visual thinking.

Material: playing field on which plots of different fairy tales are placed; cube.

Progress of the game: The child throws the cube onto the playing field. When the cube lands on one of the plots, the child names the fairy tale and its characters.

"What changed? " - 2.

Purpose of the game: Development of coherent speech, attention, visual thinking.

Material: Tabletop theater toys.

Progress of the game;

On the table in front of the children are figurines of heroes from one fairy tale. The teacher names the heroes. Then the children close their eyes and the teacher removes one toy. The children open their eyes and the teacher asks: “Who ran into the forest? "The children must say what has changed.

"Find fairy-tale characters."

Goal: Consolidating knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters. Development of speech, memory, attention, thinking.

Option I:

Material: Figures of fairy-tale characters, fairy tale plots.

Progress of the game:

The teacher hands out figurines or rubber toys of fairy-tale characters to the children. Scenes from various fairy tales are laid out on the tables. At the teacher’s command, children assign their own fairy-tale hero to each story.

Option II.

Material: large cards depicting the plot of a fairy tale; small cards depicting fairy tale characters.

Progress of the game:

The game is played on the lotto principle. The children are dealt large cards. The presenter shows small cards. Children who have a hero from a fairy tale depicted on a large card name the hero and take him for themselves. The first one to fill out his card wins.

“Who is the odd one out? »

Goal: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, development of speech, attention, memory, thinking.

Material: figurines of fairy tale characters from the theater on flannelgraph or from a table theater are used.

Progress of the game:

The heroes of one of the fairy tales and one extra hero are displayed on the table or on a flannelgraph. For children under 5 years old, an adult tells a fairy tale. Children must name who is extra, who is lost.

Children after five years old must name which fairy tale the heroes are from and who is lost.

"Guess the word."

(for those who know the letters)

Goal: consolidating the first sound in a word, consolidating knowledge about fairy-tale heroes, development of ZKR, thinking, memory, attention.

Material: double-sided cards: on one side there is a letter, on the other side there is an image of a fairy-tale character whose name begins with this letter.

Progress of the game:

Option I:

The teacher shows a picture of a fairy-tale character. The child pronounces the name and selects the first sound. The teacher turns over the card.

Option II:

The teacher lays out the word from the cards with the pictures facing up. The child pronounces the name of each picture, highlighting the first sound. The teacher turns the card over with the letter facing up, and the child adds (reads) the hidden word.

“Tell a story based on the picture.”

Goal: development of coherent speech; consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales and memory.

Material: Plot pictures for fairy tales.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the child a story picture. The child names the fairy tale and describes what is depicted in it. If desired, the child can tell the story in full.

Printed board game “Unenchant a Fairy Tale”

Target: develop children's intellectual abilities and the ability to use conventional substitutes (symbols) for real objects.

Review the tables with the children and explain that an evil wizard bewitched the animals from the fairy tale: he turned the cockerel into a circle, the dog into an oval, the hedgehog into a cross, etc. First, the teacher covers part of the table with symbols with a white stripe. Children must remember and draw the corresponding symbol to the right of each picture. Then he closes the “enchanted” animals and invites the children to name them.

“Name the fairy tale based on the main character”

Target: develop reaction speed, activity, independent thinking, learn to name a fairy tale by character.

Images of fairy tale heroes are offered, and children name in which fairy tales they appear. For example: rooster - “Zhikharka”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Wintermovie”, “Cat, rooster and fox”, etc.

“Tell a fairy tale using illustrations”

Target: encourage children to retell a familiar fairy tale; create conditions for creative self-expression.

Children put the pictures in order and tell the story.


Target: consolidate knowledge about fairy tale characters, use in retelling, word creation.

Koschey - ... (Immortal) Serpent - ... (Gorynych) Horse - ... (Humpbacked Little Humpbacked) Tiny - ... (Khavroshechka) Vasilisa - ... (Beautiful, Wise) Baba - ... (Yaga) Boy - ... (thumb) Marya - ...( mistress) Chicken - ... (Ryaba) Ivan - ... (fool) Sparrow - ... (winged) Mouse - ... (shaggy) Pancake - ... (oily) Sivka - ... (burka)

"Magic Items"

Target: consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, teach to see an analogue in a fairy-tale magic object.

Apple with a saucer - TV Ball of thread - navigator Stupa, carpet - airplane - airplane, helicopter Rejuvenating apples - vitamins, dietary supplements, creams

Got in the right ear, got out in the left - beauty salon “Sivka-burka”

She climbed into the right one, climbed out into the left - a machine, a mechanism doing work. “Havroshechka” The stove is a car. "By magic"

"Guess a riddle"

Target: develop analytical thinking, teach children to correlate the description of a fairy tale (or character) with a riddle.

She knew how to work beautifully and deftly, and showed dexterity in any task. She baked bread and wove tablecloths. I sewed shirts and embroidered patterns. She danced like a white swan. Who was this craftswoman?


He sent buckets to the river,

He himself slept peacefully on the stove. He slept for a whole week. And his name is... (EMELYA)

He is a hero known to us all And with a magic word together He can lie on the stove for a whole week... (EMELYA)

He rattles his bones terribly. Evil, greedy and terrible. He walks in a black cloak and is called the king...


Bewitched by Koshchei

I'm fascinated by Ivan

Green girlfriend – ( Princess - FROG)

"Cut pictures"

Target: teach children to see a holistic image in individual parts, to develop analytical-synthetic thinking. Children make a picture from parts.

"Color the fairy tale hero"

Target: improve children's ability to color without going beyond the contours, develop creativity and fine muscles of the fingers.

“Find out a fairy tale by the drawn object”

Goal: consolidation of knowledge of a familiar fairy tale, development of memory, imagination, thinking and speech). Children guess from the subject of the fairy tale hero and in which fairy tales the hero appears.

"Find a Pair"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, to activate your favorite heroes and characters from fairy tales in your memory, to learn to correlate a magical object with the hero of a fairy tale). Children find a magical object for the hero of the fairy tale. For example: The princess - the frog - an arrow.

« Find it!”

Target: develop memory, consolidate knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, learn to find from pictures with heroes only those that fit the intended fairy tale.



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