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Discussion of the teacher's occupation. Open viewings in kindergarten

December 18, 19, 2014 V kindergarten as part of the implementation of the annual plan, open viewings were held directly educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers, purpose which included training novice teachers in the methods of forming numbers, solving arithmetic problems, and familiarizing themselves with concepts "wide narrow".

Open reviews of GCDs play an important role in the system of advanced training for teachers and in educational process generally. They allow teachers to see how colleagues work, use their positive experience, and realize their shortcomings. The effectiveness of this form of work largely depends on its correct preliminary preparation.

Open classes or educational activities for preschool children - one of the effective forms of organizing methodological work in our preschool educational institution. An open lesson, unlike a regular one, is a specially prepared form of organizing methodological work, during which the main directions of the educational process are implemented. preschool. On open lesson The teacher demonstrates to colleagues his positive or innovative experience in implementing a methodological idea and using a specific teaching technique or method.

Teacher 2 junior group Nikonova Lyudmila Innokentievna went with her pupils to visit the Snowman, where interesting mathematical discoveries awaited them (playing out winter fun). The children enjoyed helping the Snowman build friends from circles of different sizes,

sweep the snow-covered path in accordance with the given pattern (Dyenesha blocks),

slide along ice paths of different widths, play snowballs (the concepts of “one”, “many”, “none”), ride a sled (the ability to find a partner).

Educator middle group Vagabova Khatimat Rasulovna I visited the New Year's Fair with my children by train. Children purchased tickets and took seats on the train in accordance with the purchased tickets (geometric shapes).

We decorated the Christmas tree with garlands with balls and firecrackers (formation of the number 5).

Hares and wolves came running to the tree (consolidating new material on the formation of the number 5),

who brought with them New Year's tree decorations (designed from counting sticks),

They danced around the Christmas tree and bought treats at the fair.

Educator preparatory group Yakovleva Larisa Sergeevna conducted a lesson in the form of "Travel to winter forest", where he and the guys ended up in the possession of the Snow Queen.

To break her evil spell, the children repaired part of the fence of her palace that had melted on the sunny side (a number made up of two smaller numbers),

picked up the key to the lock (fixing the signs “more than”, “less than”, “equals”), decorated the Christmas tree - computer game(selected a group of objects according to the named number),

built bridges over ravines according to the diagram (Dyenesha blocks), built snowflakes on Voskobovich’s tablet,

laid out ice cubes in descending and ascending order to find out what helped them along the way (friendship).

The classes were conducted at a high professional level, the goals and objectives set by the teachers were fully achieved. During the actual educational activities, integration was observed educational areas. Cognitive activity and the children's interest was observed throughout the lesson. Teachers used a variety of methods and techniques to promote the development of curiosity and cognitive interest among students, elements of health-saving technologies (exercises to remove muscle tension, visual, finger, breathing exercises). The timely change of activities was taken into account.

We wish teachers creative success in their future work!

Protocol No. 1

Parent meeting in the senior group

Subject: “Introduction to educational objectives for the new academic year” (note attached)

Total parents present: 14 people

Missing : 12 people for a valid reason.

Invited : Krapivina L.V. - head of preschool educational institution.

Event plan:

1.Introduction to educational objectives for the new 2014-2015 academic year.

2. Meals in preschool educational institutions.

3. Selection of the parent committee.

Progress of the meeting:

1. On the first question, we listened to the teacher of the senior group, T.V. Martynova. She spoke about the tasks of education for the school year.


Approve the assigned tasks , carry out interaction between parents and teachers in the upcoming work.

2. On the second question, the head was heard. kindergarten to Krapivin L.V. She spoke about nutrition in the preschool educational institution in accordance with the approximate 10-day menu andtaking into account the requirements of SanPiN 2. 4.1.3049-13

Group of parents: Vorobyova R.F., Vlasova N.V. Yampolskaya O.V. suggested that all parents provide all possible assistance to the kindergarten in preparing vegetables for the winter.


2.1. Recognize the nutrition in the preschool educational institution as satisfactory.

2.2.. Provide assistance in purchasing vegetables for preschool educational institutions.

3. On the third questionVlasova N.V. spoke. She proposed choosing the composition of the parent committee for the current year.


3.1. Select a parent committee consisting of:

Danilova S.V. - chairman of the family. committee.

Vlasova N.V.

Pospelova G.F.

Chairman of the meeting: Martynova T.V.

Secretary: Vlasova N.V.

Galina Pogorelova
Protocol No. 1,2,3 of conducting classes on training measures fire safety with preschool employees

Protocol No. 1

according to MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 11"

Total:21 people

Present:16 people

Absent: 5 people


"Possible reasons fires and the conditions for their occurrence"


Dmitrienkova M. N. (Authorized by fire safety) introduced employees with the main reasons fire. She told me what the main factors are fire,the reasons for its occurrence.

She said that they were particularly alarming fires due to a child’s pranks with fire, as well as from inept careless handling of fire. The most reliable way to prevent your child from playing with fire is not to leave him unattended.

She also talked about equally common reasons fires, such as electrical and water heating appliances, which fires may also arise from a faulty postings or incorrect operation of the electrical network.

She said that they meet quite often fires, associated with the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion or spontaneous combustion. To prevent fires For spontaneous combustion, it is necessary to know the temperature of self-igniting substances; she gave an example of some of them.

She said that a significant amount occurs as a result of improper design and malfunction of stoves and chimneys, as well as non-compliance with the rules fire safety during their operation. Listed the causes fires from stove heating.

She talked about ways to eliminate and prevent fires.

Secretary: teacher Pogorelova G. A___

Protocol No. 2

Conducting fire safety training sessions

according to MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 11"

Total:21 people

Present:18 people

Absent: 3 people


Fire department danger of electrical equipment and fire-fighting activities during its operation.


….(Authorized by fire safety)

She told me that fires from electrical networks and electrical appliances can occur if you do not follow basic rules fire safety. Clearly demonstrated the most common types electrical wires,factory fuses. She gave an example about a short circuit to electrical wires. Showed photo tables, examples fires from electrical networks

Talked about common reasons fires and fire safety rules.

She said that getting on wires moisture can also cause short circuit and fire, gave several examples in which a fire can occur. She said that reliable protection against short circuits and large overloads are fusible or automatic electrical fuses. They are triggered as soon as the current in the network increases.

Distributed instructions on the rules fire safety when using electrical appliances.

She said that special control must be observed over electric heating devices where children may be present.

Secretary: Pogorelova G. A___

Protocol No. 3

Conducting fire safety training sessions

according to MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 11"

Total:21 people

Present:17 people

Absent: 4 people


Rules fire safety and compliance with fire regulations regime in educational institutions


…. (authorized by fire safety)

Talked about the basic rules fire safety.

She said that the buildings educational institutions equipped with central heating and fire-fighting water supply, APS, etc.

Read out the requirements for fire safety to the territories,buildings, structures and premises.

Spent analysis of compliance with requirements for fire safety MKDOU"Kindergarten No. 11".

Brought to your attention preschool employees what is prohibited from littering fire escape exit, carry out work related to an open fire source in the premises of the institution, observe the technique during the day fire safety,teachers to organize classes(conversations) on studying the rules fire safety at home, at the end of the working day, turn off all electrical appliances and be vigilant.

She said that to comply fire protection regime in kindergarten, a plan is regularly prepared at the beginning of the year fire prevention measures.

Secretary: Pogorelov G. A___

Authorized by fire safety:

Publications on the topic:

Photo report on the work carried out to teach fire safety rules to preschool children and on working with parents. Purpose: To introduce.

Using new, most effective forms of organizing work to teach children fire safety rules Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Combined kindergarten No. 116 "Luchik" Project on the topic: "Use.

Plan for the Fire Safety Month “Stop the Fire” Plan for conducting the fire safety month “Stop the Fire” in MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 24 “Fairy Tale” from 09/01/2015 to 09/30/2015 Goal:.

Methodology for conducting classes on teaching storytelling using toys and objects in different age groups. Methodology for conducting classes on teaching storytelling in different age groups and teaching techniques. Jr preschool age Classes.

Sample protocols for conducting fire safety training sessions Protocol No. Conducting classes on training in fire safety measures at MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 11" from the year Total: 21 people. Present:16.

Group: senior, preparatory.

Region:“Cognition” in combination with mathematics.

Lesson topic : “Counting objects within 10 according to a pattern. Fairy-tale heroes".

Goals: 1) learn to navigate in space using the words “in front”, “behind”, “above”, “below”, “left”, “right”, compare objects by size; fix the ordinal count within 10; knowledge of geometric shapes.

2) consolidate children’s knowledge about fairy-tale characters;

3) develop thinking, creative imagination, interest in reading, learning motivation.

Lesson form: plot-educational game-travel by car.

Planned results: It has elementary representation about the composition of numbers from 1 to 10; can be retained in memory when performing mathematical operations necessary condition and act concentratedly for 15-20 minutes; knows how to work collectively; actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers during outdoor games.

Progress of the lesson discussion

(senior group teacher)

– During the lesson, the following stages could be distinguished:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

III. Plot-educational game. Travelling by car.

2. Outdoor game"Who is first, who is last."

3. Game “Name it correctly.”

4. Mathematical tasks.

5. Game “Install the breakdown.”

6. Exercise to develop orientation in space.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

V. Reflection.

This lesson was conducted in conjunction with other lessons in the “From Birth to School” program, edited by.

The methods and techniques of working with children corresponded to his goals and contributed to their development.

The children worked actively and enthusiastically during the lesson. Interest developed through the selection of material. Change one type of activity others had a positive effect on the process of cognition. I think that I achieved my goals.

(head of kindergarten)

– Sanitary and hygienic conditions have been created in the group. The teacher prepared jobs for the children, necessary equipment and materials for the lesson.

The start and end of the lesson were on time.

The amount of information in the lesson was sufficient and accessible to the children. They did not experience fatigue, and interest in the activity was present throughout the entire lesson.

(middle group teacher)

“The children worked actively and enthusiastically during the lesson. Interest developed through the selection of material. Replacing one type of activity with another had a positive effect on the process of cognition.

The lesson was developmental in nature.

(primary school teacher)

Children actively and friendly interact with the teacher and peers when conducting a plot-cognitive game; can count within 5; compare objects by size; navigate the surrounding space, understand the meaning of spatial relationships (left and right sides); show interest in fiction; demonstrated good knowledge fairy-tale heroes. In this lesson, the psychological chain of activity was observed: “motivation – perception – comprehension.”



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