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Report on the topic of Orthodox traditions in the family. “Traditions and culture of the Christian family” - Document

Just a year ago, the topic “Orthodox traditions of the Russian family” would have seemed new to me to a certain extent. Of course, every clergyman, especially every bishop who has some experience in church activities, has ideas about family problems that have been formed in practice. But not everyone can speak about them knowledgeably and professionally. I’m not trying to sound like a professional, but I’ll just say that this topic has become especially close to me over the past year.

This is due to the fact that last fall in the ancient Russian city of Galich and in the regional center itself - Kostroma, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs carried out a large-scale project - the II All-Russian Film Festival of Short Films "Family" was held Russia". IN competitive program The festival featured more than 200 short films presented by authors from 48 cities in 28 regions of Russia and neighboring countries. Both in the process of preparation, and, of course, at the festival itself, lively discussions, various ideas about the place were expressed Orthodox family V modern world, discussed ways and prospects for the formation of Orthodox family values ​​among the younger generation. I also had to take part in many discussions. With great attention, festival participants got acquainted with beautiful, and in some cases, highly artistic films, designed to affirm traditional Orthodox beliefs in society. family values- the joy of fatherhood and motherhood, the moral beauty of a pious marriage and the ideal of a strong large family.

By the grace of God, I have been serving in the priesthood for over twenty years. Over the years I have seen many families - happy and unhappy, pious and not so pious, strong and broken. Probably, many will agree with me that nowadays it is very rare to see an ideal Orthodox family, where the relationship between spouses and children is not overshadowed by anything. Just as true personal holiness is a precious and rare gift from God, so perfection is a gift from God. family relations. And how personal holiness is achieved through constant spiritual feat, so family virtue comes to spouses over time and due to their spiritual labors.

The secret of Christian marriage is simple. Christian marriage is based on love. It was not by chance that the ever-memorable wonderful Moscow shepherd Archpriest Gleb Kaleda called the Christian family a true “school of love.” But what kind of love are we talking about here?

Family is a certain fundamental sign of a person, the same as reason and religiosity. Saint Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow said: “God, having created the first people, entrusted to them and their descendants the further production of people into the world, entrusted, as it were, the continuation of His creative action. What a great gift!” This gift, according to the saint, is associated with the gift of natural mutual love, which both parents and children have by nature: “Does a father and mother need a feat in order to love their child? Does a baby need to learn to love his father and mother? But if in this love everything is done by nature, without feat and almost without the knowledge of man: where is the dignity of virtue here? This is simply a natural feeling, which we notice even in the dumb. Not loving parents or children is a deeply low vice; but love for parents or children is not yet a high virtue, except special cases when it is elevated by the self-denial and self-sacrifice associated with it.” And yet, the great teacher of the Russian Church believes that “natural” love alone is not enough for life in a family. “A sensitive and loving heart must be elevated from natural to spiritual love so that, immersed in family ties, it does not become completely bogged down in natural love alone. Therefore, placing the source of good in God and His blessing that we have or receive, and the hope of good, which we desire, we must elevate and illuminate the affairs of nature with the spirit of grace."

We all know works of world literature about “first love”. Of course, first love is a strong feeling. The person who falls in love experiences this state for the first time as the most extraordinary event in his (still so short) life. But, alas, we adults know well: the feeling of first love does not last a lifetime. And, if, obeying mutual attraction, a young man and a girl decided to link their destinies in marriage, then it should be replaced by some other, much deeper relationship than the romantic feelings of the first days. If this does not happen, the laws of fallen human nature take their toll. “Do not love the world, nor the things that are in the world... And the world and its lusts pass away, but he who does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2:17). A marriage based solely on earthly feelings is easily destroyed over time.

There is also a flip side to such love: the burning despair that overwhelms the soul if the object of love does not reciprocate. Let us remember that after the publication of Goethe’s notorious novel “The Sorrows of Young Werther,” a wave of suicides shook Europe.

Here we can also recall that dark love, which “... jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and struck us both, as lightning strikes, as a Finnish knife strikes!”, but reasoning on the topic “ The Master and Margarita" in Lately Set your teeth on edge.

But let's now turn to the lives of the saints Orthodox Church. Many are familiar with the life of St. Alexy, the man of God. Even in his youth, the ascetic, who lived in Rome, left parents' house, having run away from his beautiful bride, and some time later, returned and lived in the guise of a beggar at the threshold of his own house, in front of his parents, who missed him but never recognized him.

A modern psychologist might interpret Alexei's flight as a typical emancipatory reaction to a parenting style defined as "indulgent hyperprotection." Imagine what the life would look like as retold by popular Moskovsky Komsomolets journalists: What an outrageous incident! What a scandal! What heartlessness of religious fanaticism towards parents and fiancée! This, they say, is the dark side of Orthodoxy, an eastern contemplative religion, indifferent to the values ​​of civilization.

Meanwhile, in Russian Orthodox families, the life of St. Alexy was perhaps the most favorite reading, to which both adults and children listened. Why? After all, the author of the biography openly preaches the ascetic path, and even in the radical form of foolishness for Christ’s sake. But Saint Alexy was loved and revered in large and friendly Orthodox families for a very simple reason: the members of these families felt well: their family was united and bonded by the same “spirit of grace” that the ancient ascetic carried in his heart, leaving his parental home and his young bride . This gracious spirit makes a marriage strong and indestructible. The Christian family becomes a container of divine love; it accumulates this love, spreads the fragrance of an atmosphere of love around itself, attracting other families. Let us remember that St. Seraphim of Sarov said: “Acquire a peaceful spirit and thousands of people around you will be saved.” It would be fair to complement the thought of the great saint: “Acquire a peaceful spirit in your family and thousands of families will be saved next to yours.”

First of all, the family becomes a source of love for children. The family atmosphere greatly influences the formation of a child’s mental image and determines the development of children’s feelings and children’s thinking. This general atmosphere can be called the “family mentality.” Children who grew up in an atmosphere of love carry it within themselves and further, creating their own families, fill the earth with this love. Love is the only creative force. So, the family was created as a source of love and creative power for all humanity. There is no love - and any methodology of the educational process is doomed to failure.

The state is rightly accused of insufficient attention to the problems of motherhood and childhood. Despite the recent increase, the mother's benefit remains meager. As conscious citizens of society, we can only welcome the introduction of maternity certificates, as well as initiatives of local authorities aimed at supporting the birth rate in the regions. In this regard, I cannot help but mention with the warmest feeling the program approved by the Governor of the Belgorod Region, Evgeny Savchenko. You can and should invest money in social sphere. But money alone will not solve the problem. Money will not bring love. Money can relieve social tension and make life easier, but it is impossible to create a happy family. I think each of you is familiar with Orthodox families raising two, three, and sometimes four children in the extremely cramped conditions of a Moscow one-room apartment. And there are countless examples of tragic family conflicts in elite ruble mansions. A quality such as the willingness to sacrifice oneself every day for the sake of happiness loved one, is not adopted in the process of becoming acquainted with the basics of family psychology, but comes as a gift of God’s grace. “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her, that he might sanctify her...” (Eph.: 25).

Most of the films presented at the aforementioned “Family of Russia” film festival tell about real strong Orthodox families in which a genuine spirit of love reigns. There are more and more such families. But in general, the institution of marriage and family is experiencing an acute crisis. It is a mistake to believe that this crisis began during perestroika. The Russian family was destroyed by communist ideology. Let us remember that the classics of Marxism believed: the family, based on private property, the right of inheritance and home education of children, should be abolished by the victorious proletariat. You can read about this in the “Communist Manifesto” of Marx and Engels;

In the first years of Soviet power, they tried to take away the opportunity to raise children from parents (primarily the father). Leon Trotsky perceived the family as the main obstacle to the revolution. It was he (certainly, not without Lenin’s approval) who in 1918 became the author of the revolutionary decree on the “socialization of women.” By “socialization” the Bolsheviks understood the rape of female students and high school students by revolutionary sailors and Red Army soldiers, as well as in the basements of the Cheka. This cynical decree quickly penetrated into the very depths of Soviet life. Of course, mass rape of women ended in unnecessary pregnancies. Therefore, instructions and rules for conducting abortions were urgently developed so that tracks could be quickly covered. Soviet Russia became the first country on the globe to legalize mass kill of their unborn citizens. Abortion became the norm of Soviet life. Oddly enough, our country still uses these revolutionary abortion instructions to this day. To this day, the number of abortions in our country remains unheard of for any civilized country.

In the minds of the classics of Soviet political education (such as A. Kollontai and A. Lunacharsky), a man and a woman in a family were supposed to be, first of all, bound by bonds of love and camaraderie, as well as a sense of collective responsibility. The educational function of the family was delegated to society. The family, as an independent agent in raising children, could not fit into a totalitarian system. The entire policy of the Soviet government was aimed at reducing the educational role of the father to zero, and shifting all responsibility for education to society. But society was unable to cope with the task, and, gradually, as convincingly shown modern psychologists, (for example, V.N. Druzhinin), the entire burden of responsibility for the family and children fell on the mother’s shoulders. The ease of divorce procedures placed additional parenting responsibilities on women. The role of women increased even more due to the mass death of men during the period of mass repressions and the Great Patriotic War. In the Resolutions of the Central Election Commission and the Council of People's Commissars, in fine arts, in cinema and architecture, in mass propaganda campaigns, the role of women was exalted in every possible way. 0 men were silent.

All this led to the deformation of the entire system of family relations. After all, the Orthodox teaching about the family is quite definite: “The husband’s dominance over his wife is natural. The husband is older than the wife by creation. He appears as something basic, and the wife as something subsequent... But as soon as the wife seeks and actually achieves primacy over her husband, she will immediately bring mess and in own life and throughout the whole house," he wrote on turn of the 19th century and twentieth centuries, a major specialist in the field of Orthodox family psychology, Archpriest Evgeniy Popov.

In the 60s and 70s, the crisis of the Soviet family continued. The fact is that during this period there was a strengthening of the economic and ideological independence of the family from the totalitarian state, and the socio-political role of men increased. St. Petersburg psychologist V. Semenov conducted interesting research. He reviewed art publications in the most popular magazine of those years, Yunost, for the period from 1955 to 1984. A total of 123 novels and stories with 236 conflict situations were analyzed. The number of insoluble family conflicts increased from the 50s-60s to the 70s-80s by 6 (!) times. There is clear evidence of family disintegration and marital breakdown.

Over the past decade and a half, in Russian society, already free from totalitarian ideology, the institution of family and marriage has changed continuously and so rapidly that it is sometimes quite difficult to grasp the trends of these changes. The very concepts of “marriage” and “family” seem familiar and understandable to us only at first glance. In fact, according to various social groups and, in particular, in the ideas of modern youth they have a meaning that we often are not even aware of.

Horrifying statistics are known regarding a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in the number of divorces and officially registered marriages, an increase in out-of-wedlock births, an increase in the number of single-parent and so-called problem families, an increase in crimes in family and household soil.

Here are observations that describe one of the contradictory trends: Today, the traditional family model and officially registered marriage are being replaced by new forms of marriage: trial marriage, marriage not for life. Family structure has changed everywhere. One of the main distinctive qualities of marriage and family relations in recent decades has become the so-called nuclearization of the family. (from Latin nucleos - core). Unlike the patriarchal family, where living together for three or four generations was considered the norm, today the nuclear family, consisting of one core: parents and children, has become such a norm. On the one hand, the nuclear family implies a simpler structure of relationships. But, on the other hand, in such a family the everyday and psychological burden falling on the spouses sharply increases: numerous responsibilities for maintaining household, raising children, organizing leisure time, etc. are carried out only by husband and wife, which entails their interdependence and connectedness. And as a psychological consequence - an increase in the personal responsibility of each family member, a variety of family roles, often not traditional for men and women. What happens next? A man, as you know, is not very keen to share household responsibilities with a woman. For example, men show relatively little activity in a very labor-intensive task - raising their children. They are even less willing to participate in household work. Thus, the workload for women increases over the years, and for men it decreases. The greater the workload gap between husband and wife, the less satisfied the spouses are with the marriage. A man’s reluctance to take on part of his daily worries leads to the formation conflict situation, to a woman’s increasing dissatisfaction with her marriage. The family is rapidly heading towards divorce.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy repeatedly pointed out that “... the center of all educational work should be the church parish. Boys and girls should be given the opportunity for interesting and useful activities, social service at the church." Years have shown that in those parishes where rectors offer a meaningful program of extra-liturgical activities; and also where intense spiritual life takes place, that is, near monasteries, Orthodox communities are formed, including dozens of strong young families.

One of the most successful examples here became the St. Petersburg Orthodox youth club "Chaika", created in 1996 and uniting young people, parishioners of the Church of St. John's Monastery on the Petrograd side. "We came together for the sake of mutual help, communication, organizing joint leisure, serving the Church and our neighbors. We are mainly young people from 17 to 30 years old. We are grateful to God for giving us the opportunity to get together and make friends and gain spiritual unity in living together in Christ. The desire for unity and mutual understanding is one of our goals. We would like to convey a piece of our joint joy to all of you," they say about themselves in “Chaika”.

It is unthinkable to talk about the revival of the Orthodox family without preparing young people for marriage. The latter should consist in the education of all those virtues without which it is difficult to imagine prosperous family: mutual understanding, goodwill, attentiveness, participation, willingness to help, and, if necessary, sacrifice oneself. In order for young people to be able to harmoniously build their relationships in a future marriage, they need to know the features of the psychology of communication and interpersonal relationships in a modern family. Young people need to be told about all this patiently and clearly.

All these personal qualities are formed in school years. And, above all, as much as possible early age It is necessary to instill in young people ideas about the value of family as such. Along with the school system of preparing youth for marriage, it is necessary to continue what has been started educational work and with students in the framework of university courses: "Psychology of Family and Marriage", " Social Psychology", "Family in psychological consultation." And in parallel with this, the values ​​of family and marriage should be promoted by the media.

It is very difficult to replace the gaps in family upbringing of children with school upbringing and upbringing in a church parish during non-school time. In parish life we ​​are faced with the following phenomenon: it is easier to raise a whole family than individual offspring. For many years, family-type summer camps have successfully proven themselves in the activities of the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs. These camps are run by the Brotherhood of Orthodox Pathfinders during school holidays. Children and parents are invited to participate. Here, both children and their mothers and fathers are churched and raised in Christian virtues.

A people who have no concept of family has no future. He is simply doomed to extinction. Entertainment culture and the consumerist worldview imposed by the media are doing their job. Those substances that made it strong and courageous, capable of sacrificial deeds, are washed away from the character of the nation.

Children and youth need protection not so much from terrorist attacks, but from aggressive preaching of immorality and a lifestyle destructive to the soul and body. A stereotype is imposed: to live means to enjoy, “Take everything from life.” The Orthodox Church resolutely declares its strong disagreement with the image young man, living by the standards imposed by modern pop culture. There is no sadder spectacle for the Christian heart than the spiritual cloning of young people with the same expression in their eyes, drinking the same Coca-Cola, dancing to the same musical rhythms, speaking the same and feeling the same.

Unfortunately, we have already lost many children and teenagers! Today's task is not to lose a new generation for the country. This means that from childhood they need to instill high ideals, including family life. His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' ALEXI II spoke at the All-Church Congress of Orthodox Youth in May 2001: “The time has come to unite the efforts of those who feel acute concern for the younger generation. If we do not immediately take up the painstaking work of mentors and teachers of youth, we We'll lose the country."


God bless the family - the crown of creation.

The holy trinity of the earth is the Child. Mother. Father.

E. Yevtushenko.

Modern society is divided into people of believers and atheists, into true Christians who live according to the laws of the church and honor God and people who are far from the Faith and vegetate in the vanity of the world. Family spiritual values ​​are passed on from generation to generation, but many families are just starting their Orthodox path from the very beginning, having lost continuity due to almost a century of persecution of the Church. How to create an Orthodox family in modern society and preserve the traditions of the Orthodox family, this question is asked by many true believers Christians who strive to create a Small Church out of the family.

Orthodox traditions that have developed since the Baptism of Rus', designed to make families friendly and strong, created an atmosphere of comfort and mutual understanding. For many centuries they have been the basis of family life in our country.

After the revolution of 1917 the autocracy was overthrown in Russian Empire and the abolition of Orthodoxy. Atheism became the state policy of the new Soviet government, whose task was to destroy the value system Orthodox man. And this is natural, because a person without moral and spiritual values ​​is the best instrument of labor in the hands of godless authorities.

As a result, many of our Orthodox traditions (for example, observing fasts, regularly attending church on Sundays and holidays, pre-dinner prayers, etc.) either disappeared into oblivion or changed greatly and lost their deep meaning.

Family traditions are the usual family norms, behavior patterns, customs and views that are passed on from generation to generation. They distribute roles in all areas of family life, establish rules for intrafamily communication, including ways to resolve conflicts and overcome emerging problems.

IN Orthodox culture There is a clear hierarchy in the family, based on obedience to God and spiritual love. According to Christian doctrine, the family is an organism created in the image of the Church. The head of the family is the husband, and this is natural, because he is older than the wife according to Creation. Children are a gift from God, and both spouses must take care of their child, reveal his strengths and talents, and set an example of virtuous behavior. Christian life.

The holy fathers and shepherds of the Church write about this:

Saint Theophan the Recluse: “The father and mother disappear into the child and, as they say, dote on the soul. And if their spirit is imbued with piety, then it cannot be that it will not have an effect on the child’s soul in its own way.”

Priest Alexander Elchaninov: “For raising children, the most important thing is that they see their parents living a great inner life.”

If a father does not listen to Christ and does not live according to God’s commandments, then he is a disobedient person. If a wife does not honor her husband, she also lacks obedience. How can such people raise an obedient child? The conclusion suggests itself.

According to historical evidence, when raising children, parents always combined severity with love. When discussing the actions of their children, parents always pointed to eternal life: a virtuous and God-obedient person goes to Heaven, and a sinner goes to Hell.

In order to instill in their children the skills of Christian life, parents constantly took them with them to worship services, visited the sick and prisoners in prison with them, observed fasts, and prayed.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' emphasizes that “Human society cannot be built without a family; in the family, children receive the first inoculation of spiritual life, receive the first basics of upbringing and education. And how important it is for the family to become a warm, peaceful, joyful place, charging children with enormous energy, which would be enough for a lifetime, so that just the memory of childhood and family gives a joyful feeling and strength to overcome difficult life circumstances.

And if parents must help their children learn the basics of faith, then the children also have a huge responsibility: they must pray to the Lord for their dads and moms, for their grandparents, because the Lord hears the prayers of children like no one else. That is why He said: “Do not hinder the children from coming to Me, for to such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14).

An Orthodox family often has many children and every child is loved. Raising children in an Orthodox family is based on love and trust in each other. The elders help the parents raise the younger ones, while gaining experience for their future family life, and the younger ones take their example from them. Children who are baptized at an older age have a harder time accepting the Church than children baptized in infancy. Kids live and grow up with a sense of Faith instilled in them by their parents. Joint prayers support the traditions of the Russian Orthodox family, unite it and allow children to get used to the fact that it is impossible to live without talking with God. Children in an Orthodox family for the first time in their lives are faced with subordination to the authority of their father and mother, and this experience is the most important in difficult times. life path, softened by love for a person who rules and demands obedience. By following the instructions of the parents and observing the prohibitions, the child gains inner freedom, realizing that the authority of an older person is not intended to break his character, humiliate or enslave. By accepting punishment not as punishment, but as an instruction, the child learns to live correctly. In an Orthodox family, parents must learn to restrain and suppress their anger, not get irritated, and be able to punish with love. After all, according to the words of the Apostle Paul: “Love endures long, is kind, love does not envy, love does not boast, is not proud, does not act rudely, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love will never cease, although prophecy will cease, and tongues will be silent, and knowledge will be abolished.”

Seeing how his parents love him in a Christian way, the child adopts experience that will be useful to him in the future in the matter of how to create an Orthodox family, create in her an atmosphere of striving for God, i.e. affirm the statement “family is the Small Church.”

The Russian Orthodox family implies a union of a baptized man and woman, blessed by the Church, and living according to the laws Orthodox faith. The bride and groom, who are in love with each other, gradually come to mutual love in Christ. One of the most important goals of an Orthodox family is the goal of maintaining an honest, immaculate marriage, which is to avoid lust, carnal pleasures and adultery. The undeniable wisdom of a Christian marriage is that the husband and wife do not exert pressure and do not limit each other’s freedom of action, that is, such a marriage is built on the absolute trust of the husband and wife. And this trust and confidence in each other is secured by God’s blessing on marriage.

The ideal Orthodox family, representing a small Church, helps each of its members achieve the Kingdom of Heaven. Saint John Chrysostom spoke about this: “Where husband, wife and children are united by bonds of virtue, harmony and love, there is Christ among them.” It is appropriate to quote here the words of St. Theophan the Recluse: “Whoever lives in a family receives salvation from family virtues”; “Perfection can be achieved even in family life. We just need to extinguish and eradicate passions.”

However, family life brings not only joy, it is also associated with inevitable difficulties of both an internal (relationships between family members) and external (material support for the existence of the family) nature. The saints of the Russian Orthodox Church spoke about this side in the following way: “The family is a life’s cross for the head! “Be patient, submitting to the Lord, and doing everything on your part, surrender everything to the will of God.” “Family hardships must be endured as our voluntarily chosen fate. Second thoughts here are more harmful than useful. The only saving thing is to pray to God for ourselves and for our family, that He may do good for us according to His holy will.”

One of the temptations of a family man is to forget about God while worrying about his relatives and to lose faith in the faith. Saint Nicholas of Serbia warns about this: “If a person devotes all his thoughts and all his zeal to his family and does not want to know anything except his family, then his family is a deity for him. And then this is a disease of the soul” and a violation of the commandment “thou shalt not make for yourself an idol.”

Family grows out of marriage. According to the Orthodox understanding, “marriage is a sacrament in which, with the free, before the priest and the Church, promise by the bride and groom of their mutual marital fidelity, their marital union is blessed in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church and they ask for the grace of pure unanimity, for a blessed birth and Christian raising children."

The sacrament of marriage has existed in the Church since apostolic times, as evidenced, in particular, by the words of the disciple of the apostles, Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer, who wrote to Christians at the very beginning of the 2nd century: “Those who marry and are given in marriage must enter into a union with the consent of the bishop, so that the marriage was about the Lord, and not according to lust.”

St. John Chrysostom writes about the need for this sacrament for Orthodox Christians: “It is necessary to call on priests to strengthen the spouses in their life together with prayers and blessings, so that the love of the groom intensifies, and the chastity of the bride is strengthened, so that everything contributes to the establishment of virtue in their home, and the devil’s machinations scattered, and the spouses spent their lives in joy, united by God’s help.”

Wedding is one of the seven church Orthodox sacraments, to which believers can begin. Otherwise, a wedding is called a church marriage, in which the newlyweds testify their love before God.

Historically, the Sacrament of Wedding appeared quite late - in the form in which we know it. The early Christians did not have any special rite for blessing marriage: the Church recognized as legal the marriage that took place within the framework of the tradition that existed in that era. In the first Christian communities, the blessing of the newlyweds was performed by the very fact of the presence of a priest or bishop, the head of the church community, at the wedding feast.

The Orthodox Church attaches special spiritual significance to the Sacrament of Wedding. Not all already established married couples and only those planning to register their marriage decide to undergo a wedding ceremony. In former times, the wedding ceremony had legal force and was mandatory. Now the priest performs a wedding only if the marriage is registered in government institutions. On the one hand, we can conclude that the Sacrament of Wedding has lost its meaning; on the other hand, couples who decide to get married take this step quite consciously, trusting each other and understanding the spiritual power and significance of the ceremony. The sacrament of wedding means God's blessing on marriage, the birth and raising of children in the Christian faith.

It is deeply incorrect and dangerous to believe that an unmarried marriage is synonymous with fornication. A legal marriage - that is, not a secret one, announced to society and legally registered in a certain way - is fully recognized by the Church. And this is clearly stated in the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church.

If an ordinary marriage cannot be considered wrong before God, then why is a wedding ceremony needed? The fact is that, without a church blessing, it will not be easy for Christians to build their marital relationships so that they become for them a ladder to the Kingdom of Heaven. More precisely, to build the Kingdom of Heaven in marriage now. And this is why the Sacrament exists.

The sacrament lies in the fact that Divine grace is called upon to transform the natural relationship between a man and a woman into a spiritual relationship. This desire transforms the natural attraction of the sexes towards each other into a step towards Christ - that's what happens. This is beautifully shown figuratively in the Gospel story about the miracle that Christ performs in Cana of Galilee: turning water into wine at a wedding. Any marriage is destined for such a transformation: the “water” of natural human relationships, by the power and action of the grace of the Holy Spirit, must become “wine” and acquire a completely different quality!

A wedding is not only a very beautiful and solemn service. This is not just one of the many rites of the Church. A wedding is called a sacrament, which means that during the ceremony a certain divine grace descends on people, which helps a person throughout his life.

The sacrament of wedding has a deep meaning. That's why to church marriage you need to start consciously, and not out of motives of contemplating beautiful singing or other reasons not related to the essence of the sacrament. At the wedding, believers cement their marriage before God and receive a blessing from the Lord for a joint family life, the birth and raising of children. It is also necessary to remember that a wedding takes place for eternity. Believing, pious spouses can be together even after death.

During a wedding, Orthodox people make a vow to God to love, respect, and tolerate their spouse. These bonds should hold people together until death, because what is united by God should not be torn apart by man.

It turns out that the main meaning of the sacrament of wedding is the desire to create your own small Church - a family, and to testify to your love before God, as well as to make a promise to strive to fulfill the commandments, asking for blessings for family life together.

In church practice, there is an opinion that married couples during Last Judgment They will answer about their lives before God not separately, but together. At the same time, the husband, as the head of the family, will be responsible for family sins.

Keeping Orthodox family traditions, we become a part of the body of the Church and pass it on from generation to generation national characteristics Russian Orthodox Church. The behavior of each member of an Orthodox family in everyday life, at feasts, and on holidays should be of a religious nature while preserving spiritual values. It is difficult to imagine a Christian family without traditions and customs passed down by their great-grandfathers. The culture of patriotic loyalty and national feeling was brought up in the family, based on a special attitude towards the veneration of ancestors and paternal graves. The main goal of the Orthodox family today, as at all times, remains the preservation and transmission from generation to generation of spiritual and religious values.

As practice shows, positive influence impact on families pilgrimage trips to the holy places of our Motherland. These excursions provide new knowledge in the field of history and theology, architecture, art and simply Orthodox culture. And most importantly, they unite religious people, give them the opportunity to communicate and share life experiences.

Spiritual and religious traditions aim to awaken the child’s personality, to form feelings based on traditional primordial ideas about good and evil, the basic Christian commandments. They instill in children a sense of reverence for shrines, teach them to respect the world around them - the great creation.

Despite the events that took place in the twentieth century, generations living in beginning of XXI centuries, still retained faith in God and passed on the Orthodox traditions of our ancestors to the new generation. This is the undoubted merit of the Russian Orthodox Church.

But the traditions and knowledge about Orthodoxy that have been preserved are superficial. They have not yet entered our lives so firmly. And this must be promoted through education and enlightenment of people. Remember, the destruction of traditions occurred through the propaganda of atheism. The Soviet government pointed out the advantages of the socialist regime and turned to culture and science. This is how the current younger generation needs to act.

It is necessary to show people why it is so important to return the traditional Christian way of life to the family. To interest young people, for example, through the media. There are now a lot of programs about Orthodox culture, but they are lost in the flow of information. Perhaps this issue needs to be covered even more in cinema and in print media. So that a person can see the difference in the relationship between a religious family and their own, where perhaps there is a tense situation, there is no cohesion and unity, and they will want to change something in their life.

After all, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' repeatedly reminds us that “the only direct path to the revival of our people is creation strong family, spiritual and moral upbringing and education, return to historical roots, to genuine culture. It's time to raise in public consciousness the value of the family as a small Church and the Church as a large family.”

Official informational resources:
mon.gov.ru- website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
www.patriarchia.ru- official website of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church www.pravoslavie.ru- information and educational Orthodox portal

Orthodox libraries:
kraevs.ru, eleon.orthodox.ru (library Orthodox Christian, books; audio library; video library)
www.manna-lib.com(library of spiritual poetry)
dimulik2009.narod2.ru (Apologetics; Dogmatics; Rhetoric; Holy Bible; Comparative Theology; Lives of the Saints)
svn.wen.ru, www.slavoslovie.ru(library of Christian texts)
e-c-r.pravoverie.ru (collection of recordings of radio broadcasts on Orthodoxy)
www.obibl.com, skrigal.orthodox.ru (Orthodox Christian library)

Modern society is divided into people of believers and atheists, into true Christians who live according to the laws of the church and honor God and people who are far from the Faith and vegetate in the vanity of the world. Family spiritual values ​​are passed on from generation to generation, but many families are just starting their Orthodox path from the very beginning, having lost continuity due to almost a century of persecution of the Church. How to create an Orthodox family in modern society and preserve the traditions of the Orthodox family is a question that many true believers ask themselves, striving to create a Small Church out of a family.

Marriage according to Orthodox customs

The Russian Orthodox family implies a union of a baptized man and woman, blessed by the Church, and living according to the laws of the Orthodox faith. The bride and groom, who are in love with each other, gradually come to mutual love in Christ. One of the most important goals of an Orthodox family is the goal of maintaining an honest, immaculate marriage, which is to avoid lust, carnal pleasures and adultery. The undeniable wisdom of a Christian marriage is that the husband and wife do not exert pressure and do not limit each other’s freedom of action, that is, such a marriage is built on the absolute trust of the husband and wife. And this trust and confidence in each other is secured by God’s blessing on marriage.

How are children raised in an Orthodox family?

An Orthodox family often has many children and every child is loved. Raising children in an Orthodox family is based on love and trust in each other. The elders help the parents raise the younger ones, while gaining experience for their future family life, and the younger ones take their example from them. Children who are baptized at an older age have a harder time accepting the Church than children baptized in infancy. Kids live and grow up with a sense of Faith instilled in them by their parents. Joint prayers support the traditions of the Russian Orthodox family, unite it and allow children to get used to the fact that it is impossible to live without talking with God. Children in an Orthodox family for the first time in their lives are faced with submission to the authority of their father and mother, and this experience is the most important on the difficult path of life, softened by love for the person who rules and demands obedience. By following the instructions of the parents and observing the prohibitions, the child gains inner freedom, realizing that the authority of an older person is not intended to break his character, humiliate or enslave. By accepting punishment not as punishment, but as an instruction, the child learns to live correctly. In an Orthodox family, parents must learn to restrain and suppress their anger, not get irritated, and be able to punish with love.

Seeing how his parents love him in a Christian way, the child adopts experience that will be useful to him in the future in the matter of how to create an Orthodox family, create in her an atmosphere of striving for God, i.e. affirm the statement “family is the Small Church.”

Unchanging traditions of the Orthodox family

Keeping Orthodox family traditions, we become a part of the body of the Church and pass on from generation to generation the national characteristics of the Russian Orthodox Church. The behavior of each member of an Orthodox family in everyday life, at feasts, and on holidays should be of a religious nature while preserving spiritual values. It is difficult to imagine a Christian family without traditions and customs passed down by their great-grandfathers. The culture of patriotic loyalty and national feeling was brought up in the family, based on a special attitude towards the veneration of ancestors and paternal graves. The main goal of the Orthodox family today, as at all times, remains the preservation and transmission of spiritual and religious values ​​from generation to generation.

Christianity, like any other religion, is rich in various rituals, traditions and celebrations. Learning about these customs and traditions is incredibly exciting and interesting. And it’s even more interesting to be involved in all this action. So, what customs and rituals are inherent in Christianity? We will learn about this in this article.

Prayer for a Christian

Every Christian is obliged to pray every day. Believers turn to God and saints through prayer - they ask for something, complain. They do this in the hope that the saints will help them solve their problems, because the church talks about the miraculous power of faith and prayer.

Cult of icons

Cult of icons

It must also be said that Christianity attaches a lot of importance to icons. It is worth noting that icons used to spark heated debate - some considered them an integral attribute, while others considered them a relic of pagan times. But in the end, the veneration of icons remained. People believe that the image of a deity will influence a person.

In Christianity, the main attribute is the cross. The cross can be seen on temples, in clothing and on many other elements. The cross is worn on the body. Not a single ritual of Christianity can take place without the cross. This symbol is a tribute to the death in agony of Jesus Christ, who was crucified on the cross. People “carry their cross” throughout life and acquire humility and submission.

What are relics?

It is believed that the relics are the remains of the deceased, who, by the will of God, did not decay, and also have miraculous power. This appeared a long time ago when people tried to explain the incorruptibility of bodies by saying that they had miraculous powers.

"Holy places

Holy places of Russia

Holy places are those that are associated with certain events. For example, a place where a miracle happened by the will of God. People flock to such places on pilgrimage. There are a sufficient number of such places around the world. A similar belief also came from ancient times, when people spiritualized mountains and waters, etc., and also believed that they could influence life and bring miracles.

Christian holidays and fasts

Holidays have a special place in Christianity. Almost every day of the year has some kind of event that is connected with God, saints, etc.

Easter holiday

One of the main holidays is Easter. This religious holiday does not have a clear date, but was created in honor of the resurrection of Jesus, who was crucified on the cross. On this day it is customary to bake Easter cakes, cook Easter eggs, and paint eggs. The tradition of giving eggs comes from ancient times, when Mary Magdalene presented a red egg when she spoke about the Resurrection of Jesus. Believers decided to support this initiative, and since then this tradition has only taken root and continues to this day. On the eve of the holiday, everyone paints eggs and bakes Easter cakes.


It is recommended to treat others and greet everyone with the words “Christ is Risen,” and one must also respond to such greetings in a special way, “Truly He is Risen.” Pass at midnight church service, to which all believers flock. It was also customary to help the poor and needy. On this bright day, food was distributed to them, and they also took part in the bright festival.

At Christmas it is customary to carol. On the eve of the holiday, children dressed up and carried kutya home - this is a traditional dish Christmas. The owners were invited to try kutya, and at this time the mummers sang songs and read poetry. During the feast and entertainment, the owners had to treat the mummers or give them money.



Christmas is also the beginning of the holidays, when every day means something. Christmastide lasts until baptism (January 19). During Christmas time it is customary to tell fortunes. Girls do fortune telling - they try to find out the name of their betrothed when they get married, as well as find out answers to other questions that interest them. It is for this reason that most fortune tellings have a wedding theme.

For Christmas, everyone cleaned their houses, swam and went to the sauna, and put on clean clothes. On January 6, on the eve of Christmas, it was not allowed to eat anything, but only drink water. After the first star appeared, everyone sat down at the table, ate food and celebrated this great day. As a rule, on the festive table one could find a variety of cuisines - jellied meat, pork dishes, suckling pig and much, much more. It is worth noting that fish and poultry were always baked whole, because... it was a symbol of family unity.


Christianity is rich in various celebrations, rituals and traditions. Holidays are a big part of this religion. Each holiday has its own rituals and traditions - they are all bright, solemn and bright. Over time, some rituals began to be forgotten, but some are still performed from generation to generation. Moreover, some rituals and traditions are gradually beginning to be revived.



    Define the concepts of “Family”, “Christian family”, “traditions”;

    Introduce parents to the traditions and culture of Christian family;

    Form the need to comply Christian traditions in family.

Form: teacher's report, discussion

Preparatory work: Questioning of children and parents, preparation and design of the class, preparation of the script.

Our contemporary, scientist and priest Gleb Kaleda, in his book dedicated to the Christian family, says that monasticism is useful for those who are rich in love, and a common person learns love in marriage. People modern culture Most often, without thinking about it, they are looking for in marriage not a school of love, but self-affirmation and satisfaction of their passions.

In the Orthodox tradition, family life is understood as the “path to Salvation,” the ascent along which is associated with bearing the “cross” of everyday responsibilities of mutual care, cooperation, understanding and harmony.

According to the Apostle Paul, man is three-part: he has a body, a soul and a spirit. Marriage consecrated by the Church unites all three components of human nature. Modern Orthodox theology defines the essence of marriage and its role in human transformation as follows:

- “A Christian is called, already in this world, to have the experience of a new life, to become a citizen of the Kingdom; and this is possible for him in marriage. Thus, marriage ceases to be just a satisfaction of temporary natural impulses... Marriage is a unique union of two beings in love, two beings who can transcend their own human nature and be united not only “to each other” but also “in Christ.”

“In marriage there is a transformation of a person, overcoming loneliness and isolation, expansion, replenishment and completion of his personality.”

The spiritual growth of a husband and wife in marriage is helped by conjugal love, which extends to children and warms everyone around them.

The special role of the family - the “domestic Church” in Christian culture - is to fulfill its original function - the spiritual and moral education of children. According to the teachings of the Church, “childbearing” (meaning not only the birth, but also the upbringing of children) is saving for parents. Children are perceived not as an accidental acquisition, but as a gift from God, which parents are called upon to cherish and “increase,” helping to reveal all the strengths and talents of the child, leading him to a virtuous Christian life.

In raising children, the family cannot be replaced by any other social institution, she plays an exceptional role in promoting the formation of a child’s personality. In family communication, a person learns to overcome his sinful egoism; in the family he learns “what is good and what is bad.”

    Main part.

2.1.Methodological development parent meeting on this topic:

"Traditions and culture of the Christian family"

Progress of the meeting

    Teacher's report.

In order to talk about a Christian family, about traditions and culture in a Christian family, it is necessary to define the meaning of the concept of “family”:

Family - a collection of close relatives living together, based on marriage or consanguinity small group, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance.

Family is a union of two people (a man and a woman), based on love and mutual understanding. Distinctive feature family is the love that underlies it; family is the visible embodiment of the love of several people for each other. Legal registration does not create a family; for her, the similarity of tastes, ages, professions or the number of people does not matter. The family is based on the mutual love of husband and wife and on the love of parents and children.

Family in the Christian understanding there is a domestic Church, a single organism, whose members live and build their relationships on the basis of the law of love.

The fact that the concept of “family” has both a moral and spiritual nature is confirmed by religious, philosophical and theological studies.

The family begins with marriage, and marriage in the Christian tradition “is a sacrament in which, with the free promise of true love, the marital union of the bride and groom is sanctified for the pure birth and upbringing of children and for mutual assistance in salvation.”

According to St. John Chrysostom, marriage has become for Christians a “sacrament of love,” in which spouses, their children and the Lord Himself participate. The fulfillment of this mysterious union of love is possible only in the spirit Christian faith, in the feat of voluntary and sacrificial service to each other.

For each of its members, the family is a school of love as a constant readiness to give oneself to others, take care of them, and protect them. Based on the mutual love of spouses, parental love is born, the reciprocal love of children for their parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Joy and sorrow in a spiritually healthy family become common: all events of family life unite, strengthen and deepen the feeling of mutual love.

I.A. Ilyin calls the family “the primary womb of human culture.” In the family, the child masters the basics of material and spiritual culture. In communication with close adults, the child develops his own human forms behavior: skills of thinking and speech, orientation and activity in the world of objects and human relationships, moral qualities, life values, aspirations, ideals.

In the family, a feeling of living continuity of generations is born, a feeling of involvement in the history of one’s people, the past, present and future of one’s Motherland.

Only a family can raise a family man: according to words of wisdom I.A. Ilyina, a good family gives a person “two sacred prototypes, in a living relationship with which his soul grows and his spirit strengthens:

The prototype of a pure mother, bringing love, mercy and protection;

And the prototype of the good father, who gives nourishment, justice and understanding."

The philosopher calls these parental images the sources of spiritual love and spiritual faith of a person.

From time immemorial, the education of a child’s good character, the development of his ability to live a virtuous life, was determined by the way of life of the mother and father, by the extent to which the parents themselves could show him a good example. Without example and guidance in goodness, a child loses the ability to develop as a person. The holy fathers and shepherds of the Church write about this:

Saint Basil the Great: “If you want to educate others, first educate yourself in God”;

Saint Theophan the Recluse: “The father and mother disappear into the child and, as they say, dote on the soul. And if their spirit is imbued with piety, then it cannot be that it, by its nature, does not have an effect on the soul of the child”;

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, addressing the mother of a little girl: “Know that more than all your instructions in words, your life will be the strongest instruction for your daughter”;

Priest Alexander Elchaninov: “For raising children, the most important thing is that they see their parents living a great inner life.”

This is evidenced in the proverbs by the wisdom of the Orthodox Russian people: “A righteous mother is a stone fence”, “A father teaches his son no evil” and many other examples...

Traditional way of family life and modern problems of spiritual and moral education in the family:

Without being ashamed or afraid of the world, try to give your children a true Christian education, imparting to them Christian concepts in everything, teaching them Christian rules of life, kindling love for the Church of God and all church orders...

Saint Theophan the Recluse

The paternal and maternal lines of behavior in the Russian family were organically combined in a hierarchically structured family structure (established order, structure of life), and had a beneficial effect on the formation of the child’s soul and strengthening family connections.

The traditional family way of life helped the child to experience life in its various manifestations and taught him to be involved in this life to the best of his strength and abilities. On the basis of the traditional spiritual and moral foundations of the family, the subsequent social and spiritual viability of the individual was laid. Honoring parents and obeying them was perceived by children as God’s commandment and necessary condition happy growing up. And the mother and father, realizing the peculiarities of their family ministry and their duty to raise children well, understood both the everyday and spiritual significance of wise pedagogical communication in the family.

The modern order of life is completely different; it provokes the destruction of traditional family ties. For both men and women, work, success in the professional field, and the desire for prosperity are becoming increasingly important. Modern parents have neither physical nor mental strength left to raise children. And even believers often do not perceive communication with their spouse and children as something spiritually significant in life.

Due to which the traditional family structure made it possible for people not to waste vitality, increase them, share them with weak neighbors?

Help us answer this question a brief description of components of the family structure. The traditional family structure includes five components:

1. Customs (established, habitual forms of behavior),

2. Traditions (passed from generation to generation, a way of transmitting the value-significant content of culture, family life),

3. Relationships: heartfelt feelings and moods,

4. Rules (way of thinking, norms of behavior, customs, habits) of a good and pious life,

5. Routine ( established order during the course of business) day, week, year; in Russian Orthodox culture, this routine was set by the structure of the pious life of a Christian, around church services, seasonal changes in life and work.

Perhaps, there are some (often unstable and not based on genuine spiritual and moral values) customs, traditions, relationships, rules, routines in the life of a modern family. Conscious filling of these components of the life structure with traditional content will provide effective assistance in the spiritual awakening of modern children living in a vain, fickle and aggressive world.

Restoring the traditional way of life will help return the family to solving the problem of spiritual and moral family education. The meaning of this task is, according to I.A. Ilyin, “so that the child gains access to all spheres of spiritual experience; so that his spiritual eye is opened to everything significant and sacred in life; so that his heart, so tender and receptive, learns to respond to every manifestation of the Divine in the world and in people.”

I.A. Ilyin also means means spiritual education, with the help of which a child can gain access to where “the Spirit of God breathes, calls and reveals itself”:

Nature in all its beauty, grandeur and mysterious purposefulness,

True art, which gives the opportunity to experience a feeling of blessed joy,

Genuine sympathy for all who suffer,

Real love for others

The blessed power of a conscientious act,

Courage national hero,

Creative life national genius with his sacrificial responsibility,

direct prayerful appeal to God, “Who hears, and loves, and helps.”

It is interesting to compare (and make sure of their consonance) the lists of means of spiritual and moral education by I.A. Ilyin and the famous pastor of the Church of the mid-20th century, Archpriest Sergius Chetverikov. Father Sergius reflects on what favors the return of a soul that has lost faith to religious life he names the following means:

Religious childhood memories,

Influence of nature,

Influence fiction,

Meetings with truly religious people,

Visiting centers of religious life (monasteries, elders, holy places),

Reading religious literature.

In the modern situation, awareness of the effectiveness of these means is especially important, since we're talking about not about individual souls, but about generations that have lost or never managed to gain faith. Feature modern conditions spiritual and moral education is that parents will have to master its traditions not only pedagogically (in relation to children), but also on a personal level (in relation to themselves). They will have to solve a double problem:

1. become carriers of the spiritual and moral culture and way of life that they strive to instill in children;

2. create and continuously maintain in the family such a cultural, psychological and spiritual atmosphere in which the child’s initial desire for the sublime, holy and good would be formed and consolidated.

The difficulties in solving these problems are

1) modern secularized sociocultural environment,

2) the paucity of public experience in mastering the traditions of Orthodox education,

3) the lack of clear, systematized ideas of parents about the traditions of the domestic family pedagogical culture and the lack of personal spiritual experience,

4) lack of a system of spiritual and moral education of parents, pedagogical and spiritual and moral assistance to the family in raising children,

5) spiritual weakness of today's children and parents.

In a society whose ideal is success and prosperity, any weakness causes irritation and a desire to somehow get rid of the burdensome problem. Therefore, modern parents will face great difficulty through personal experience.

gain an essential understanding of fatherhood and motherhood,

Master your parenting as a patient and merciful service to God and your neighbors,

Learn to respond to problems that arise in the child’s development and behavior, not with irritation and active rejection, but, on the contrary, with an increase in patience and love. The spiritual poverty of a bitter child’s soul can only be filled with merciful and heartfelt parental love. So alive and creative love who does not accept stereotypes, we all need to learn today.

2.Meeting script

Dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about family traditions and the culture of the Christian family..
Family is a big word!
Family is a ringing word!
Family is an important word
Everyone will tell you this.
Family is the sun that shines
Family is the stars in the sky
Family is all love.
The love of sons and fathers,
Love of daughters and mothers.
We give you our love!...
A.V. Sidorova

We have reviewed and discussed all your proposals and essays. We really liked the tradition of the family_(the surnames of the parents are called)_____________________________________________:

“We are always together...” With your permission, I will read an excerpt from your essay. This is a very touching story. Please tell us about this tradition.

^ In preparation for the meeting, parents answered questions on the QUESTIONNAIRE, now we have conducted an analysis and will report the results.

Do you think children's holidays in the family are good tradition? Do our children need them? (listen to the parents’ answers and summarize)


Yes, a child needs a holiday like air for full development. A holiday for a child is not the same as for us adults. A holiday is an event in a child’s life, and a child counts his days from holiday to holiday, just as we count our years from one important event to another. And vice versa, “this childhood would be dull and gray if the holidays were thrown out of it,” wrote K.D. Ushinsky.


^ Game "Question - answer".

We offer parents a flower - the Seven-flowered Flower. Parents, if desired, tear off a petal, read the question, and we discuss the answer together.In parallel to some questions include a tape recording with children's answers .

1.Can holidays help in raising a child? positive traits character?
^ 2.Is it possible to plant in one festive table with older children? In what cases is it yes or no?
3. Offer a children's fun - a game for celebrating a birthday.
4.What holidays, other than birthdays, do you arrange for your child?

^ 5.You are invited to visit. What rules and in what form will you remind your child?
6.You are expecting guests, your child’s friends. What will you remind him of before the guests arrive?
^ 7. The children who came to visit scattered toys. What should the owners do?
8.Your child was given a toy that he already has. What will he do?
^ 9. What gifts do you give to children?
10.How do you organize children's parties in your family?

RESULT after the GAME “Question and answer”.
Holidays for children are a good family tradition. Riddles, quizzes, educational games– develop the child’s mind. There is a holiday in the house - you need to prepare gifts, decorate the room, wash everything, clean it - this is how work enters the life of a child. And when we sing, draw, read poetry, dance, put on makeup, listen to music - aren’t we raising our children aesthetically?
What holiday would be complete without cheerful outdoor games, where agility and intelligence contribute to healthy growth?

-I would like to sum up the meeting: a family is a team. It may be small, diverse in age, but a team. And the educational richness of collective work is clearly manifested in holiday worries. Family is the basis of everything good and positive, that is, in a child. The family establishes respect and love for family traditions! Love your children, respect their opinions, desires and they will answer you the same! Be friends with children!

^ Reading the poem by A. Lopatina “Be friends with children ».

Don't waste time with your children
Look at the adults in them,
stop quarreling and getting angry,
Try to make friends with them.
Try not to blame them
Learn to listen and understand.
Warm them with your warmth,

Let the house become a fortress for them.
Try with them, search,
Talk about everything in the world
Always guide them invisibly
And help them in all matters.
Learn to trust children -
Every step doesn't need to be checked
Respect their opinion and advice,
Children are wise men, don't forget.
Adults, rely on children
And love them with all your soul
In a way that is impossible to describe.
Then you won’t lose your children!

And I would also like to add about family

^ Family is protection from insults,
For kids it is like a shield.
How strong the armor is
From cold and from fire.
Something bad happened to the baby,
The family will always understand him;
Sometimes he scolds for pranks
But he will forgive you later anyway.
Family is a magical land of love,

She's like a precious paradise
In which faith and dream
It never runs out.
All children on earth need
Families are a magical land,
To love and pity,
So they can fly .
^ Listen, here's my family:
Grandfather, grandmother and brother.
We have order in the house, okay
And cleanliness, why?
We have two mothers in our house
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter,
And the youngest is me
What a family we have.

The modern family is strengthened by emotional connections between parents and children. The nature of a child’s emotional well-being or distress is determined by his emotional relationships with adults in the family. Communication with adults is one of the most important factors that influence the development of a child.

Family traditions - Of course, these are holidays that are celebrated by all family members, gala dinners on weekends, when the whole family is gathered and receives a festive service. This could be a tradition of planting a tree or decorating a live Christmas tree for the New Year. It is a tradition to visit exhibitions, theaters, and museums with your child. These are also cooperative games. This is also a congratulation from relatives. These include traditional hikes, walks and picnics in nature. This includes compiling your pedigree and compiling family albums. These include celebrations of children’s birthdays.


Tradition translated as historically established and passed down from generation to generation forms of activity and behavior, and corresponding customs, rules, values. Namelytraditions act as a factor in regulating people’s life activities, this is the basis of raising children

Raising a child begins with the relationship that reigns in the family between parents. In the minds of children, habits similar to adults, tastes, preferences, preferences are deposited long before the process of realizing what is happening begins. After all, the construction of children’s behavior is going onfollowing the example of copying.

Children are raised not only by their parents as such, but also by family life, which folds. Attach tofamily traditionsYou can use the personal example of the parents themselves.

It is with the family that the introduction to culture begins; the child masters the basics of material and spiritual culture. In a family environment, human forms of behavior are also formed: thinking and speech, orientation in the world of objects and relationships, moral qualities, aspirations, ideals.

It is the family that gives rise to a sense of continuity between generations, and through this, involvement in the history of one’s family, and the development of the ideals of patriotism. The family, providing stability, reveals the abilities and strengths in the family member. And when raising children, no other institution can replace the family; it belongs to itleading role in the development of the child’s personality.



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