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Elmira Suleymanova biography year of birth. Vasily Fattakhova’s husband: “My son didn’t know until the summer that his mother had died. You've organized concerts before, and that's probably how you met, behind the scenes

Suleymanova, Elmira Teymur kyzy(Azerb. Elmira Teymur qızı Süleymanova) (born July 17, 1937 in Baku) - the first ombudsman of Azerbaijan.



In 1959, she began working at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences as head of the laboratory. In 1980, Elmira Suleymanova received the scientific degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, and in 1982 she became a professor. In 1997 she became a member of the New York Academy of Sciences. Elmira Suleymanova is the author of 210 scientific papers in the field of petrochemistry. Since the 80s, Elmira Suleymanova began to actively participate in women's movement. In 1994, she founded the scientific and practical center “Women and Development”. This organization has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council. The center coordinates its activities with various UN structures. In 1998, the American University of Rochester recognized Elmira Suleymanova as one of the “100 Women Heroes of the World” in the field of women’s rights. She repeatedly took part in special sessions of the UN General Assembly and made reports on the topic of human rights. Elmira Suleymanova is also the creator of the children's peacekeeping network “From Child to Child.” With the initiative and participation of Elmira Suleymanova, the first resource center for elderly women in Azerbaijan was organized in 2001.


On July 2, 2002, Elmira Suleymanova was elected as the first ombudsman of Azerbaijan.

In March 2010, she was re-elected for a second term.

In 2003, she was accepted as a member of the International Ombudsman Institute, as well as the European Ombudsman Institute.


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An excerpt characterizing Suleymanov, Elmira Teymur kyzy

“Tres beau,” said the doctor, answering a question about the weather, “tres beau, princesse, et puis, a Moscou on se croit a la campagne.” [beautiful weather, princess, and then Moscow looks so much like a village.]
“N"est ce pas? [Isn’t that right?],” said the princess, sighing. “So can he drink?”
Lorren thought about it.
– Did he take the medicine?
- Yes.
The doctor looked at the breget.
– Take a glass of boiled water and put in une pincee (with his thin fingers he showed what une pincee means) de cremortartari... [a pinch of cremortartar...]
“Listen, I didn’t drink,” the German doctor said to the adjutant, “so that after the third blow there was nothing left.”
– What a fresh man he was! - said the adjutant. – And who will this wealth go to? – he added in a whisper.
“There will be a okotnik,” the German answered, smiling.
Everyone looked back at the door: it creaked, and the second princess, having made the drink shown by Lorren, took it to the sick man. The German doctor approached Lorrain.
- Maybe it will last until tomorrow morning? - asked the German, speaking bad French.
Lorren, pursing his lips, sternly and negatively waved his finger in front of his nose.
“Tonight, not later,” he said quietly, with a decent smile of self-satisfaction in the fact that he clearly knew how to understand and express the patient’s situation, and walked away.

Meanwhile, Prince Vasily opened the door to the princess’s room.
The room was dim; only two lamps were burning in front of the images, and there was a good smell of incense and flowers. The entire room was furnished with small furniture: wardrobes, cupboards, and tables. The white covers of a high down bed could be seen from behind the screens. The dog barked.
- Oh, is it you, mon cousin?
She stood up and straightened her hair, which had always, even now, been so unusually smooth, as if it had been made from one piece with her head and covered with varnish.
- What, did something happen? – she asked. “I’m already so scared.”
- Nothing, everything is the same; “I just came to talk to you, Katish, about business,” said the prince, wearily sitting down on the chair from which she had risen. “How did you warm it up, however,” he said, “well, sit here, causons.” [let's talk.]
– I was wondering if something had happened? - said the princess and with her unchanged, stone-stern expression on her face, she sat down opposite the prince, preparing to listen.
“I wanted to sleep, mon cousin, but I can’t.”
- Well, what, my dear? - said Prince Vasily, taking the princess’s hand and bending it downwards according to his habit.
It was clear that this “well, what” referred to many things that, without naming them, they both understood.
The princess, with her incongruously long legs, lean and straight waist, looked directly and dispassionately at the prince with her bulging gray eyes. She shook her head and sighed as she looked at the images. Her gesture could be explained both as an expression of sadness and devotion, and as an expression of fatigue and hope for a quick rest. Prince Vasily explained this gesture as an expression of fatigue.

Singer from Tatarstan Elmira Kalimullina became famous throughout the country after participating in the first season of the television project “The Voice”. Thanks to her excellent vocal abilities, she reached the final and at the very end lost the palm to her compatriot Dina Garipova.

Elmira Kalimullina: biography

The future singer was born in 1988 in Nizhnekamsk. Her parents are builders and were far from the world of music. However, her grandmother had a beautiful voice and sang superbly, and her grandfather could waltz wonderfully. So music was in Elmira’s life from the very beginning. early childhood. In kindergarten she got all the solo numbers. Already at the age of 6 she first appeared on stage and performed Russian folk song.

Music lessons

Elechka’s love for playing music was instilled in her by her aunt, who was a professional pianist. It was she who insisted that her nephews, Elmira Kalimullina and her brother, begin to visit music school. At first, my mother did not agree, because this educational institution was very far from home, but by chance the family moved to another area and settled within a five-minute walk from the music and choir school, which has the wonderful name “Dream”. There was nothing to do, and the girl was sent to a piano class, where her own aunt Aliya became her first teacher. And after some time, Elmira also began to study vocals with teacher Olga Saperova.

Childhood and competitions

In addition to music, the girl did gymnastics, went to dances, and painted, but she still devoted more time to playing the piano, as well as vocal lessons. At the age of 10, she took part in the annual vocal competition for the prize of the mayor of the city of Nizhnekamsk. The parents were very touched when their little daughter, Elmira Kalimullina, whose songs made a great impression on the jury, became a winner of the competition the first time. The following year they also applied to participate in the competition. This time she took an honorable second place. The third attempt brought her first place.

After this, the girl often participated in various All-Russian competitions. So, at the “Silver Voice”, which was held in Ivanovo, she became the first prize winner. After that, she entered the international competition “Silver Edelweiss” (Moscow). But participation in the project “Land of the Singing Nightingale” in Kazan under the auspices of Tatneft, according to the singer, became for her turning point. She managed to become the winner of the competition and receive the Grand Prix. Today, recalling her journey, Elmira Kalimullina, whose photos are presented in the article, believes that fate was favorable to her, although the girl had to overcome many obstacles.


According to the new rules of secondary education, by the end of the 7th grade she had to make a choice: to continue her studies in secondary school or enroll in some secondary specialized school. Of course, many thought that she would choose to study at a music school. However, everyone was surprised when Elya submitted documents to the legal lyceum. As the girl later said, she tried to enroll in a music school, but they told her that she had no hearing and that she did not belong here. Frustrated, she decided to become a lawyer. Among the subjects that she studied in the next 2 years were jurisprudence, self-defense techniques, criminology, shooting, etc. At the Lyceum, Elmira wore a police uniform. Classes began at 7 am with formation. For offenses, an outfit was assigned - washing the floors. Nevertheless, the girl continued to study music and after classes at the lyceum, tired, she went for a portion positive emotions to music school.

Musical preferences

As a young girl, she, like many teenagers, was a fan of the Argentine singer and actress Natalia Oreiro, as well as the American Britney Spears. Nevertheless, she does not consider them her idols, she just wanted to be just like them, popular singer. She very much regrets that she did not have access to jazz music in her youth. The girl was not familiar with the work of such performers as Ella Fitzgerald, Elton John or Mick Jagger. She listened only to music accessible to the masses, while today there are much more opportunities. Of course, she was most interested in the classics, but when one day she discovered MTV, she was simply fascinated. It was then that she became acquainted with the work of Christina Aguilera - so she became her idol.

Higher education

Despite the fact that she was a graduate of the Law Lyceum, the girl still decided to enter the Kazan State Conservatory, but not to the piano department, but to the vocal department. Of course, her lyceum certificate was impressive. If you remember, there she had grades in criminology, combat training, etc. Selection committee The conservatory was surprised, but the girl managed to prove to them that she had come to the right place. Together with the musical one, she decided to get a second higher education with a degree in economics and entered the correspondence department of the Tatar Federal University, the Faculty of Economics and Finance. In 2012, she successfully graduated from the State Conservatory and immediately decided to take part in a television competition, which predetermined her future fate.

Beginning of musical activity

While still studying at KGC, Elmira took part in several serious musical projects and the first of them was the opera “Love for Three Oranges” by Prokofiev, as well as in the musical “Altyn Kazan”, which was written by the young Tatar composer. She also often performed at various local concerts.


Elmira Kalimullina, having accidentally learned that a new television project was starting in Moscow, immediately went to the country's capital and applied for participation. She was familiar with the American version of the competition, and she was very interested in being among the competitors. During the blind auditions, she performed the song “Lullaby” from the repertoire of Polina Gagarina and made a great impression on the mentors, but she chose Pelageya. Each time she proved to herself, the audience, and the jury that she was one of the best. Each of her performances was met with a storm of applause. The audience especially liked the duet song performed by Pelageya herself and Elmira Kalimullina, Cancao Mar. As a result, the singer from Nizhnekamsk was among the 4 finalists.

Thanks to her successful participation in the “Voice” competition, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. She was also given the keys to an apartment in Kazan. She is considered a sought-after singer in her homeland. She is often invited to various television shows. After all, her strong point is performing folk Tatar music.


Today the singer lives in two cities - Kazan and Moscow. In Moscow, she mainly records songs, and goes to Kazan to participate in the play “Mowgli”, organized by Kostya Khabensky, where she plays the role of the panther Bagheera. Oddly enough, Elmira did not pass the qualifying stage of the competition “ New wave" She even has film experience. The girl starred in Timur Bekmambetov’s film, which tells the story of “Karaoke”.

At the very end of last year (December 9, 2016) on the stage of the Gradsky Hall theater with great success A concert was held by the Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan E. Kalimullina. She performed several Tatar songs, old Russian romances, arias from classical operas, solo parts of musicals, several Russian and foreign pop hits, as well as original compositions. Over the course of the evening, she changed many different images, ranging from the sultry Carmen to the timid Russian village girl with a kokoshnik on her head.

Elmira Kalimullina: biography, personal life

Considering the peculiarities of the Tatar mentality, it becomes clear why Elya does not advertise her private life. Nevertheless, she admits that she dreams of a family, of children, of her own home, preferably on the ocean. However, there is no information yet about the presence of a contender for the hand and heart of the 28-year-old singer. And all her dreams are aimed at participating in the international prestigious Eurovision competition. Some paparazzi do not want to believe stories that there is supposedly no man in the singer’s life. They are guarding her, and from somewhere they find out where and when Elmira Kalimullina will be. Personal life She, of course, is of great interest to her fans, but either she is actually still single, or she carefully hides her relationship.

Little whims of the singer

Elmira Kalimullina has several of her so-called “fads,” namely: she always drinks tea with milk, like the British. Today she does not allow herself to eat a lot of flour, sweets and fatty foods, but she loves to eat bread and butter. Our heroine is a supporter healthy eating, but also likes French fries, mom's homemade whites, and ice cream. As a child, she suffered from excess weight, so today she tries to abstain from foods that gladly give extra pounds, and also spends a lot of time in gym. After all, she always needs to be in shape to fit into her expensive stage costumes. Another point of the singer is gems and decorations. Elmira is a real extreme sports enthusiast. Some of her actions shock people. So, once in Egypt she kissed a real cobra, albeit one without poison.

Elmir Nizamov- a well-known personality in Tatarstan. Music author, laureate international competitions, member of the Union of Composers of the Republic. Although Elmir was born in Ulyanovsk, it is in Tatarstan that he is considered one of the most sought-after composers. Nizamov established himself in this status after the premiere of the opera “Kara Pulat” (Black Chamber), which was awarded a republican prize, and then the screening of the musical “Altyn Kazan” (Golden Kazan) on an open stage in 2015 (by the way, the musical was written in 2011).

In 2016, the orchestra led by Alexander Sladkovsky performed “Heavenly Movement” by Nizamov in Monte Carlo. And now we are watching a new round in the career of the composer, who is closely connected with another good friend of ours - a singer, finalist of the show “The Voice” Elmira Kalimullina. The artist performs songs to Nizamov’s music and it seems that this creative union will give us many pleasant moments. The author and performer of the works spoke firsthand about how the joint work “KP-Kazan” is shaping up, Elmir Nizamov and Elmira Kalimullina.

"Altyn Kazan". Preview of the musical Elmira Nizamova, part 2..

On the same wave

Elmir: For me, as a composer, it has always been important who will perform my music, and in addition to performing qualities, it is valuable that the “person” and I are on the same wavelength, so that we understand and trust each other. Without this, creativity is impossible. And in the case of Elmira Kalimullina, this is exactly the case! Besides beautiful voice and artistry, Elmira has a quality that greatly distinguishes her from many performers, namely, risk-taking and adventurism in in a good way this word. She is not afraid to perform what will seem new and unusual. Elmira puts her soul into it, and the song seems to begin to open up even more. She "gets" into musical composition. For me, as a composer, this is an indicator. I myself try to be bold in my creativity and always expect the same from performers. That's why we work together a lot. And it’s probably worth adding the consonance of our names, this also plays an important role!

Elmira: Apparently, this was supposed to happen, and I am immensely happy about it! When I studied at the conservatory, I knew that there was such a thing as Elmir Nizamov, a composer, but I was not familiar with his work. During my opera class, the accompanist showed me the aria Sikhatbanu from the rock opera “Altyn Kazan” (the sorceress is the mother of the main character Bitimer), and I fell in love! There was a rock opera diploma work Elmira, music of incredible beauty! She combined folk melodies, blues, rock, and classics. He managed to make a revolution in our Tatar composer history. And I am happy to be involved in his music!

Roles in the creative union

Elmir: Classic: I am a composer, Elmira is a singer. During work and recording, there are always a lot of modifications, both on my part and on Elmira’s part. But I always feel that she trusts me. We are very comfortable working with each other.

Elmira: This is true. He writes the music, I perform it. But we always have a dialogue in everything. Elmir listens to me, I listen to him. It's quite a rare quality for a composer to listen to the vocalist's quirks. But Elmir Nizamov is a great professional in his field, and he is always open to something new! Therefore, he always has movement forward. Elmir is growing both professionally and spiritually. His music takes on new colors and new horizons. It is pleasant to note that Nizamov’s music can be heard outside not only Tatarstan and Russia, but also abroad.

“Baggage” and status are not the main thing in music

Elmir: Of course, I’m glad that they call me the most sought-after composer in Tatarstan. It would be strange to refuse this “baggage”, which was won with great difficulty over many years. It’s just important to never stop there, and I would really like to always see new horizons. My dream is for music to become known not only in Tatarstan and Russia, but throughout the world! And now this “baggage” only helps me achieve my goal.

Elmira: And his music is already known outside of Russia, not to mention its popularity in Tatarstan and other regions of the country. But you need to know, we met long before all the projects and events. Even if there were no me, like Elmira Kalimullina, and him, like Elmira Nizamova, but there were Venus and Bulat, for example, we would still create and serve music. And our paths would cross at the right moment. I believe that our meeting was not an accident. Joint creations are now sung by children at competitions, and dance groups put on choreographic numbers. People who do not know the Tatar language began to listen to Tatar music. This is real happiness for a musician.

The first album will be recorded very soon

Elmir: We have big plans to release a joint album, and I really hope that it will be released in the near future. In addition, I am preparing a musical surprise, in which Elmira will also participate. And let it remain a secret for now!

Elmira Kalimullina and Elmir Nizamov - Rekhmat sina.

Elmira: We have already come up with a name for the disc - “Rekhmat Sina” (Thank you). Our songs can be heard on Tatarstan radio stations. The composition “Bellur chyklar” (Crystal dewdrops) even takes first place in the hit parade. Imagine! This is unexpected and very pleasant.

Duet - a combination of two completely different cultures

Elmir: Over the years of her career, Elmira sang many different duets. In my opinion, one of the most successful was the joint performance with her mentor Pelagia in the final of the show “The Voice” on Channel One. I really liked the idea of ​​​​combining two completely different cultures, Portuguese song and Tatar. It sounded unusual and fresh! It seems to me that now is the time for just such connections! Perhaps something similar will appear in our future works with Elmira, who knows.

Elmira: Duets are indeed an important part of our work. I had a good and productive cooperation with Artem Mikhaenkin, who wrote the song "Buddha". My first video was shot for this song. I also collaborated with Leonid Gutkin, and now we are working closely with Andrey Rudenko and by August we will release our first single based on poetry Evgenia Ksenofontova and music Andrey Rudenko.


Elmir Nizamov born on December 24, 1986 in Ulyanovsk. In 2006 he graduated from the piano department of Ulyanovsk music school, and in 2011, the composition department of the Kazan State Conservatory named after N. Zhiganov, class of Professor A.B. Luppov, and graduate school in 2014. In 2012, he completed an internship at the Schoenberg Center in Vienna, and also international academy for young composers in the city of Tchaikovsky in 2015, studied individually with Peter Ablinger, Raphael Sendo and Beat Furrer.

Among the performers of works by Elmira Nizamov: State Symphony Orchestra RT, Philharmonic Orchestra of Monte Carlo, Symphony Orchestra of Radio Orpheus, Academic Symphony Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Chamber Orchestra La Primavera, Chamber Choir of the RT, Mixed Choir of the Kazan State Conservatory, Chamber Orchestra of the Kiev Camerata. Ensembles modern music: Ensemble Winer Collage (Vienna), “Studio new music"(Moscow), eNsemble (St. Petersburg), Hammer Ensemble (St. Petersburg), NoName (Nizhny-Novgorod), Nostri Temporis (Kyiv).

Elmira Kalimullina born on January 25, 1988 in Nizhnekamsk in a family of builders. From early childhood she began to show interest in music, supported by her parents, Liliya and Ramil Kalimullin. For the first time, Elmira appeared on stage at the age of 6 during the reporting concert of the “Dream” music and choir school and performed the Russian folk song “In the Forge.” The following year, Elmira entered a music school, majoring in piano, and her first teacher was the girl’s aunt Aliya Timerbaeva.

Closer to graduation, Elmira was offered to try her hand at entering the Kazan Conservatory, where two years later, having passed a general competition, Elmira became a student in the vocal department. At the same time, Elmira entered the correspondence department of the Academy civil service under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2012, Elmira successfully completed her studies in both educational institutions, having received both a higher musical education and the qualification of a manager in state and municipal administration. Elmira Kalimullina took part in the Tatar rock opera “Altyn Kazan” (“Altyn Kazan” rock opera), performed in a duet with the rock group AlQanat. And in 2012, she took second place in the TV show “The Voice” on Channel One (she performed in the Pelageya team), losing to Dina Garipova. Out of more than 1.7 million calls and SMS messages, 33.6% of TV viewers (463,697 people) voted for her.

Elmira Kalimullina - singer, participant in the show "The Voice", was born on January 25, 1988 in the city of Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.


In the black and white photo, one-year-old Elya looks plump with round cheeks. Her older brother Ildar was even more well-fed. My grandparents always spoke Tatar at home, so Elya has been bilingual since she was a little girl. The second, naturally, is Russian. When the girl was six years old, she performed the song on stage for the first time. Her aunt studied music with her.

Elya heard her grandmother and great-grandmother sing Tatar songs many times. See them dance. Since childhood, Kalimullina has become a representative of her people and their culture. She can't imagine herself without it. Eli's parents fully supported their daughter's desire for creativity.

Her dad Ramil said that in his youth it was very difficult to get records. To somehow get out of this situation, they were copied onto x-rays.

Young Kalimullina studied at a dance school and played the piano. She had to study in a class where the emphasis was on athletics. Elmira admits that running was not her thing strong point, but she was able to love him and easily pass the standards with straight A's, overcoming various distances.

Constant physical education helped the girl train her body and teach her discipline. Now that she has to move around the country and the world a lot (the singer filmed her video in Iceland), Elmira constantly does fitness sets, wherever she is.


Music for Elmira is what she lives by and what gives her life. She represents with dignity Tatar culture for everyone possible levels from local to international. A Tatar song sounded from Kalimullina’s mouth when she spoke to UNESCO representatives in Paris during Sabantuy. The audience shouted “Bravo!”

The singer claims that with the help Tatar language You can convey emotions in such a way that your listeners will get goosebumps.

Elmira says that it is difficult for an outside listener to distinguish pan-European music from Russian classical music. He defines everything only by the parameters “like – don’t like” or “catches – doesn’t catch.” As for Tatar music, its melodic basis is completely unusual, and even a simple layman can easily feel this difference. “This novelty is its advantage,” says Kalimullina.

At the age of 24, the singer became an Honored Artist of Tatarstan. Performs on stage only in long dresses. To provocative questions regarding whether she could sing in revealing outfits, Kalimullina replied that her upbringing does not allow her to do that.

Elmira doesn’t think it’s right to expose herself to everyone in a short skirt. Likewise, she will sing only for her beloved and only man.

More than once the girl received offers to move from Kazan to Moscow. Elmira replied that she could not do this, since her roots, parents, and friends were here. The singer fills in native land necessary creative energy.

In addition, the capital of Tatarstan is simply a stunningly beautiful city, and when Elmira moved here for the first time after graduating from school, she never felt like a stranger here.

From famous singers Kalimullina would like to highlight American singer Beyonce, and not with just one song, but with all of her music albums. Elmira also really likes Christina Aguilera. She also highly appreciates the multifaceted creativity of Nina Simone and other performers.

Multifaceted talent

One can say about Elmira that she is a person multifaceted talent. I tried myself in the musical genre, singing together with a Kazakh opera singer Sundet Baigozhin. She really enjoyed performing Hello Dolly in the musical Summertime, and the singer is looking forward to new offers with pleasure.

In addition, Kalimullina admitted that she began to write poetry. And the most sought-after composer of Tatarstan, Andrei Rudenko, wrote music for one of her poems and called Elmira Kalimullina his muse.

In the TV series “Golden Horde” Elmira received the role of the Tatar beauty Zeyneb. The film presented for screening is not a historical drama, but an epic fantasy shot in a fashionable spirit, where there is an irreconcilable, insidious struggle for power, betrayal and, of course, love. This is the singer's first acting experience.

She is very critical of herself and does not yet know what to say about her filming in this project. He considers it a huge gift for himself to be in a film, especially when many people studying to be actors have been trying for years to get the coveted role.

To your criticism creative activity Kalimullina treats him well, even, as she claims, “with warmth.” Whatever the response, it is always a push forward, although the singer no longer needs to prove anything to anyone. She has repeatedly justified her talents and received well-deserved recognition in Tatarstan, Russian Federation and abroad.


Elmira Kalimullina is a Russian user social network"In contact with". The first thing people always pay attention to is how the author characterizes himself in the status line. The singer wrote there - “A cat that walks by itself” and commented with one word - “Meow!”

Elmira's life is busy. She was given skates for her birthday. When it falls out free time, the girl always spends it actively. He especially tries to pay attention to family and friends. So, for example, she and her mother went to Uritsky Park to feed the ducks.

Although any music can now be easily downloaded on the Internet, Elmira a large number of different disks. She admits that in this regard she is a little old-fashioned.

Elmira is no stranger to showing all human emotions. She can not only be joyful and cheerful, but also cry loudly (in connection with her solo concert), worry about various minor troubles, and she does all this with childlike sincerity.

Kalimullina is an open and somewhat naive girl. This is such a rarity in the world of art that such purity, perhaps, attracts sincere and kind people to the singer. Faith in fairy tales is ineradicable among our people.

The Honored Artist of Tatarstan tries to approach fear philosophically. Since everything is God’s will, she tries to be friends with fear. How this is possible, only she knows. I repeatedly visited quest rooms, a new fashionable form of entertainment for young people, where Elmira was very scared and constantly screamed.

The girl, who disguised herself in this adventure, pretended to be a ghost, which greatly frightened the singer. Kalimullina talks about all this joyfully and funny.

Among the shortcomings that she has, the singer without hesitation names her love for sweets and starchy foods. This is her memory and wonderful memories from her distant childhood, when her grandmother prepared various delicacies in the form of belyashi, peremyacha, gubadi (a sweet pie with multi-layer filling - the singer explains to uncomprehending fans), triangles. And also tiramisu, strudel, compote. And in general - for lunch, first, second and third. As it should be.

The girl loves to eat and does not hide it. The gym will be cleaned later extra calories. This is the only way she manages to maintain a slim figure with a height of 160 cm and a weight of 50 kg.

Kalimullina never tortured herself with diets or other restrictions. She developed a strict rule for herself that all her favorite dishes of Tatar cuisine could be eaten in very moderate quantities only in the first half of the day.

Ordinary sour cream, which well moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the face, helps the singer look great. Jojoba or almond oil should be applied around the eyes once a week. Kalimullina doesn’t even want to hear about any injections. She is for natural and natural feminine beauty. He sleeps exactly 8 hours a day and drinks a lot of water.

Having visited the United States of America, the artist says that there is a lot to learn from them. And the first thing is the attitude towards each other, even if the smile with which you are greeted everywhere is on duty. Toilets in the Death Valley desert are equipped with everything necessary, including for the disabled.

The singer of the folk hit “Tugan Yak” died at the age of 36 due to complications resulting from premature birth. The singer is survived by two children – a 6-year-old son, Karim, and a one-year-old daughter, Kamila. Their father, Ilgiz Abdrakipov, and his relatives are raising them. Ilgiz does not often communicate with the press; it is not easy for him to remember the difficult events of last winter.

“All this time I felt warm support from people and I want to thank you for this,” Ilgiz admitted to Woman’s Day. – I also express my deep gratitude to production centers, television companies, radio stations in Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for their comprehensive assistance, for organizing and broadcasting charity concerts in memory of Vasily Fattakhova. Thanks a lot!"

Last fall, Ilgiz gave an interview to the Tatar publication Shahri Kazan. Woman’s Day publishes fragments of the interview in Russian translation with the permission of the copyright holder.

“Camily has a look like her mother’s”

Photo archive of Ilgiz Abdrakipov

In the summer, I went on vacation to the sea with Karim and friends. Before this trip, the son did not know that his mother had died. He waited for her all the time, asking guests who came to us: “Have you seen my mother?” I didn't have the courage to tell him this sad news. Friends, while they were on vacation, said this: “Allah took your mother to himself.” Of course, he took this news hard. Returning home, he himself, consciously told me: “My mother died.” It was difficult for me to even imagine how difficult it would be for children to grow up without a mother. But all the bitterness of loss has yet to be experienced. Most of all I'm afraid of how sad Karim will be in kindergarten, when other children will hug their mothers, saying this dear word “mom”. As a father, I will put my whole life into making sure they are happy.

My mother is now looking after Kamila. He gets tired, of course. From the very beginning I wanted to hire a nanny, but she was against it. Now doctors advise you to definitely take a nanny. My mother’s strength is lacking; it wouldn’t hurt to improve her health herself. Yes, and you need to be active with your child, do gymnastics with her. Besides the fact that I have to look after my granddaughter, I also have to cook food, clean the house - there is not enough time for all this. Kamila is feeling well now. She weighs 7 kilograms, and at birth she was only 900 grams. Her look is exactly like her mother’s! I really want her to grow up like Vasily.

“She was in a hurry to live”

Photo archive of Ilgiz Abdrakipov

You've organized concerts before, and that's probably how you met, behind the scenes?

No, before I met her, I didn’t do concerts. And now, without Vasily, I don’t want to organize concerts. Her name will no longer be on the list of artists, and it’s hard for me...

The first time I saw Vasilya was at her sister’s funeral. I brought a friend there at his request. The acquaintance with Vasilya took place before her concert. She called me asking for help with organizational issues. I agreed to help to the best of my ability. As a token of gratitude, she gave me an invitation ticket to the concert. Creative evening went well, after Vasilya called me and thanked me. We started talking and exchanging SMS. We met in April and got married in December. She was in a hurry to live. She herself suggested: “Ilgiz, you can be friends like this all your life. Let's sign."

She even wrote a song dedicated to meeting me. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to sing it on the big stage. It's called "My spring is you." I gave it to Elmira Suleymanova. Why to her? Vasily believed that Elmira had the most beautiful voice on the Tatar stage. Suleymanova performs this song with love, and the audience also likes it.

"She had a presentiment of death"

Photo archive of Ilgiz Abdrakipov

We got married on December 22, 2007. Kamilya, as if she wanted to become a wedding gift, hurried and was born exactly on the same day. After giving birth, Vasilya returned home and felt well. Nobody expected things to turn out this way. On December 29 and 30 she began to fall ill. On December 31, my birthday, I didn’t get up, I just lay down. On January 2 she was hospitalized. Then she, as if feeling it, said: “Just so as not to die.” On the third day she called me with a request: “Bring me things, I’m being transferred to another hospital for examination.” The last time I saw her, I reassured her: “The children are fine and everything will be fine with you too.” But she just shook her head. She had a presentiment of everything, you know?

We managed to name our daughter during her lifetime. For this purpose, a mullah was invited to the hospital. She chose the name Vasilya, Kamilya was the name of her great-grandmother.

There are probably not enough words to describe what a good wife Vasilya was. For her, family always came first. Before agreeing to any performance at a banquet or concert, she consulted with me. We went to performances in districts or other cities together.

"I don't blame anyone for her death"

After Vasilya passed away, all sorts of things were written on the Internet. Some accused doctors of negligence, others said that this was fate...

If after trials with doctors it was possible to return a person, then it would make sense to sort it out. I don't blame anyone, everything is in the hands of Allah. The doctors fought for her as best they could. When Vasili’s mother was hit by a car, she spent 10 days in intensive care. The doctors didn’t follow up and didn’t save me. In one of the interviews, the journalist asked Vasily: “Why didn’t you sue the doctors?” She replied: “I don’t see the point of leaving a dark streak in another person’s life.” I agree with her.

Photo archive of Ilgiz Abdrakipov

Vasilya has mentioned more than once in interviews that she has a warm relationship with your mother.

Yes, Vasilya accepted her as her own mother. You couldn't even call them daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. We were always together. Even before Vasily’s marriage, she acquired a garden with wooden house. They loved going there together. After Camili was born, plans were made to spend the summer there. They read prayer together at home and went to the mosque every Friday to study Arabic. Vasilya believed in Allah with all her soul. After she lost those closest to her, this faith gave her peace.

How do you fight loneliness?

Vasilya said in an interview: “You can’t live in the past. The memory of those who have left this world must be hidden in the most intimate corners of the soul.” No matter how hard it is, I try to live by her behest. And it is impossible to fight loneliness. No matter where you hide from him, you still return to him. I spend a lot of time at work, I go to the pool with Karim, they often invite me to visit... But still there is no peace in my soul.

After the meeting, Ilgiz sent the latest audio recordings and photographs to Vasily. To the question “What is your least favorite thing in this life?” Vasilya responded like this:

You can't say bad things. I do not like it. If you talk badly about people, then you yourself become a dishonest person. I don't like standing in lines. This is already connected with my impatience. And my least favorite thing to do is wish people a Happy New Year. It's not possible to do everything. We need to congratulate a million people in one day. Besides, it’s my birthday on this day, and this same million people are congratulating me. On the eve of a holiday, communication usually works poorly, and many people cannot be reached by phone. For all the congratulations that come, you must also thank everyone. All in all, New Year and New Year's days are the hardest time for me. Then after New Year's holidays there is some feeling of dissatisfaction. I think about the fact that I didn’t congratulate someone, and the person is offended by this. I want to pay attention to many people, but I don’t have enough time for this...

, Azerbaijan SSR, USSR.

Education: Baku State University
Academic degree: Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Academic title: Professor


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