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Fishing in October for pike with a spinning rod in the Leningrad region, in the Moscow region. Fishing at the end of October

Fishing in October

In central Russia, October is a cold and rainy autumn month. The weather is predominantly cloudy, with lingering drizzle. The air temperature drops significantly; in the second decade, the average daily air temperature drops below zero. On reservoirs without a current, ice cover is established by the end of the month.

Pike fishing is of particular interest in October. It continues to actively feed and can be caught using almost any gear. The leaders among lures for pike fishing are still large-sized spoons and wobblers. The use of nickel-plated spinners is permissible only at dusk, in daylight hours For days, preferred lures with a matte finish. The water has become much clearer, and this fact cannot be ignored.

The perch behaves rather passively, but by the end of the month the bite intensifies. During the first ice, schools of perch gather in shallow waters, at the edge of vegetation, where they are successfully caught winter fishing rods. For catching perch of medium and large sizes Spoons, balancers and fry are used. Sometimes hooking a perch eye gives a good result. Cannibalism in perch, like in many other predators, is quite developed.

In the same places where medium and small perch are caught, roach is also caught. Often they are caught on one tackle, if the fishing is done with a jig with a bloodworm or without a reel.

The pike perch bite is unstable. Pike perch makes significant movements throughout the reservoir, and it is quite difficult to detect a school. It is caught with narrow spoons and live bait.

The bream bite almost completely stops at the beginning of the month. The bream rolls into deep riverbed holes, where it will spend the entire winter. Some results can be achieved when fishing with a heavy feeder using a worm or shell meat. Groundbait is required, but its composition is very different from summer bait. The use of flavorings is kept to a minimum, and the addition of an animal component is mandatory.

The colder the water gets, the better the burbot feels. He begins to show activity, and increasingly becomes a fisherman's trophy.

At medium depths with a slight current, chub, silver bream, dace and other fish are well caught.

When considering fishing conditions in November, it should be divided into two periods: before freeze-up and first ice. The first ice activates the bite of any “winter” fish. The time of ice formation directly depends on weather conditions, and does not always occur on the same date. It should also be noted that on shallow reservoirs with standing water, ice cover forms much faster than on large rivers and reservoirs.

On the first ice, fish can be caught well throughout the day, but we should not forget about precautions. You can go out on the ice only when its thickness reaches at least 5-6 centimeters. Ice containing inclusions of snow and air pores is extremely dangerous, and it is not recommended to go out on it.

When fishing in shallow water, one should not forget about camouflage. IN clean water the fish sees the fisherman on transparent ice ok, so the ice needs to be darkened. In frosty weather, the transparency of the ice can be slightly reduced by spraying water from a hole on it, or you can cover the ice with branches of coniferous trees or other materials.

As avid fishermen sometimes say, pike and October in the Central Russian zone are very similar to each other in some ways, probably in their unpredictability and capriciousness. Often the second month of autumn can be cool and rainy, the air temperature drops below 10 degrees (and, accordingly, the water temperature drops), and sometimes it will give you a whole sunny week, almost like in summer, when it is so warm that you can even sunbathe and swim ! So fishing for pike in October is sometimes not entirely predictable, especially for unprepared novice fishermen. But no one has yet been able to calculate everything. And experienced people prepare ahead of time for possible changes in the nature of the weather and fish.

Meet the pike fully armed

Fishing experience sometimes involves a certain baggage of incidents and various surprises (not always pleasant) that happened during fishing. Therefore, if you are going to fish for pike in October, an experienced fisherman will never take the first tackle that comes to hand, as can be done, for example, in the summer. He will settle on a well-thought-out optimal option. In fact, many avid comrades advise, if, of course, funds and opportunities allow, to have several (two or three) spinning rods with you when fishing. But even with a simpler set, you can conduct productive fishing in the fall. Many consider the optimal weapon to be a jig spinning rod with a length of approximately 2.7 m. Some say that the rod should not be shorter than 2.4 m, and the test plug should be from 10 to 40 g. By and large, it also depends on how large the water you are planning to catch a predator if you are going to fish for pike in October. You should also not save much on a reel for tackle; it should be inertia-free and of high quality, with good length pickup and hitchhiking. Monofilament 0.25 or braid 0.12-0.20 from good manufacturers is suitable as fishing line.

Fishing on rivers in October: what is worth considering

October is a special autumn month. It seems like it’s not summer anymore, but frost is still far away. And the wait for ice is even longer. But with all this, many species of freshwater fish are already leaving their summer habitats and are in the process of migrating from shallow to deep water. As a rule, pike accompanies these herds (bream or roach, for example). Therefore, it becomes pointless to look for the predator in shallow waters, in the usual places for summer feeding. Pike fishing with spinning rods in October takes place in rivers closer to the riverbed, compared, for example, with September. The priority in choosing gear also shifts.

From the boat

Fishing for pike in October on large rivers becomes possible only from a boat. So, if in August-September the spotted predator could be caught from the shore using wobblers and long-range tackle, then pike fishing in October using spinning rods is carried out mainly from boats. The exception is if the channel passes directly under the coastal zone, and the casting range limit is no more than 100-120 meters. Here again jig and heavy spoons are used.

Fishing from a boat in October on rivers is carried out according to the spring schedule. Typical techniques: combing dumps, punching the upper edges, tending channel snags and other places (in large reservoirs). They use the same jig, heavier wobblers (depth 7-8 meters), spinners and spinners with weights and silicone.

On small bodies of water

Here fishing in October differs in its course from large rivers and lakes. Mid-autumn is characterized by the most relish for an experienced fisherman. The fish are not dispersed throughout the reservoir, but are concentrated in strictly defined places, which can be calculated, with luck and skill. There is a process of moving it to wintering areas. For this reason, in small bodies of water, effective fishing for pike in October is possible at least every day. One only has to determine the fishing locations - there is a sufficient concentration of forage fish. There will also be an active spotted predator there.

Trolling as a mining method

October, when pike hunt quite actively in the upper edge of channel dumps, is the optimal time for trolling to try out the entire range of available baits. So, on large bodies of water you can use an echo sounder, or you can simply go along your own spring routes (late March - early April), if you are not a beginner in fishing. Then fishing for pike in October will bring the best results, and you can certainly catch a good trophy that you didn’t catch in the spring. However, some conventions must be observed. For example, a trolling vessel should not move at too high a speed - it should not be driven through catchy areas like a hydrofoil boat. Many fishermen consider the optimal speed for moving a wobbler or spinner for trolling to be 2-3 km/h or just a little faster. The closer the set speed, the more often, you will see, bites will occur.

Combine fishing methods

You can use the following combination: trolling along the channel edges, then anchoring in interesting places and fishing with a jig for exits from pits and snags, accumulations of bottom stones. Sometimes up to 5 rods can be used for trolling from a boat. A special glider spreads the bait on different sides of the vessel to a large width (usually up to 7-8 meters). This allows you to fish a larger area, but, of course, requires certain material investments and the skill of an experienced fisherman.

Plumb from the boat

Sometimes the vertical fishing method is used. Large winter spinners and balancers are used. In this way, moving along the riverbed edge, you can catch a real fishing trophy! For these purposes, use a short spinning rod or a side rod. And as bait - winter wobblers, large and cut spoons, rattlins.

Irrelevant lures

When going fishing in October, set aside poppers, small wobblers, walkers, gliders, small spinners and spoons. The general consensus among many fishermen is that they will be of little use to you. Although there are exceptions when the pike refuses to bite on large toys. Still, fishing is not mathematics, and it is not possible to calculate everything.

Fishing at the end of October

Due to a rather sharp cold snap at the end of October - beginning of November in the middle zone, the pike begins to lose its former activity, ceases to hunt so well and, accordingly, to peck. In general, late autumn is considered a turning point in life for many fish, since these creatures are cold-blooded, and their viability depends on the temperature of the surrounding water. In addition (in small reservoirs this happens earlier, and in large reservoirs later) the predator eats and accumulates the main fat for wintering. The pike begins to prepare for the winter routine in fairly deep and therefore ice-free holes. However, even at this time, when it is already quite cold, you can catch this predatory fish if you use trolling from a boat, for example. The predator reacts well to silicone fish, large in size - up to 15 cm and above! So your fishing at the end of October may well turn out to be very productive and trophy. A big plus late autumn Many avid pike fishermen believe that a truly trophy specimen can be caught on a spinning rod - from 3 kg or more! Experienced fishermen say that trolling works well until the algae die out (November). But pike that have already left for the winter are caught with a jig until ice forms on the river.

In outskirts of Moscow

Fishing for pike in October in the Moscow region has its own nuances. There are many reservoirs in the Moscow region, and even a lot! This type of fishing is a favorite pastime of Muscovites. In open water, predators are mainly caught using spinning rods as an affordable and proven type of gear. Apply here different types, depending on the preferences of the fisherman himself and his material capabilities. In the cold season, before leaving for the winter, pike fish for bright wobblers and silicone fish of exotic colors. Fishing in October in the Moscow region can be carried out on paid reservoirs, which is also very common among residents of the capital. There, for a reasonable fee, instructors will provide you with the minimum necessary amenities, tell you and advise which baits are best for catching pike today, and show you the technique of posting and fishing, which is very useful for beginners who decide to catch a good trophy.

In the Leningrad region

Fishing in Leningrad region fishing for pike in October also has a number of features that cannot be ignored, especially for beginners. The reservoirs are represented by the Gulf of Finland (where, by the way, the so-called Ladoga and Onega lakes, rivers, canals, and swamps are fished. It is estimated that in this territory there are more than 40 thousand different reservoirs of various sizes. Many of them contain pike. Fishing in Leningradskaya regions in October is often associated with earlier cold snaps in localities, therefore both graphs and methods shift somewhat to earlier early dates. But in general, the principles of pike fishing in October remain the same: spinning, trolling, wobblers, large spoons, and, of course, irreplaceable fishing luck!

October is the last month of the year when active “non-winter” fishing is still possible. Autumn slush is replaced by night frosts, as a result of which fishing conditions worsen. A decrease in temperature and the death of aquatic vegetation, which causes the water to become more transparent, lead to fish moving to deeper areas and becoming more cautious. Fishing in October, due to the listed factors, has many features, and then we will look at how you can successfully catch fish of various species in mid-autumn.

What kind of fish will fishing be successful in October?

In the second month of autumn, predator fishing is most successful - perch and pike are excellent baits. It should be noted that in October, pike perch bites well. Fishing for catfish will be successful using bottom tackle. Fishing in October using float rod using live bait can also be successful.

You can catch a perch using a jig, mugs or float rod with bait in the form of a worm or fry. Silver bream and roach also go well on a float.

In good weather conditions, you can catch ruffe and silver crucian carp using bloodworms or a worm.

But fishing in October for ide and chub is unlikely to give the desired result. By mid-autumn, you can only catch an ide by accident.

Burbot bites excellently at this time, as does dace.

Bream fishing in October

Speaking of white fish, bream fishing in October should definitely be considered. In the first half of the month, this fish is still excellently caught on riverine dumps and edges. In autumn, bream only takes the bait lying on the bottom, but does not take the bait that falls to the bottom, as in summer. Therefore, in October it would be advisable to use a plug rod no more than 16 meters in length so that you can hold the bait at the feeding spot.

The main bait for bream in October should be bloodworms and worms. With regard to maggots, which were actively used when fishing for bream in the summer, the situation changes dramatically, and this bait is now noticeably inferior in catchability to the ones mentioned above.

In reservoirs with an abundance of zebra mussel colonies, it is the latter that form the basis of the bream’s diet. Accordingly, fishing in October for bream in such areas will give the best results.

By the end of the month, the bream bite noticeably fades.

Fishing for crucian carp in October

The bite of crucian carp in the second month of autumn loses its former stability. However, many fishermen consider October an excellent time to catch fish of this species.

Fishing in October for crucian carp will be most productive at a depth of 3-5 meters. Go out to feed crucian carp closer to eleven o'clock. A proven effective bait for this fish in the fall is bloodworms, although fishermen also use worms just as successfully.

The best bait for catching crucian carp in October is considered pearl barley. But do not forget that crucian carp begin to eat much less in the fall, so the bait mixture should be given in a very small volume, so as not to turn the bait into the main food.

Fishing for crucian carp in the Arctic can be done both from the shore and from a boat. In the first case, you will need a float rod up to seven meters long with a float weighing up to 2 grams and, preferably, a long keel. In the second case, you need to take a shorter rod.

Fishing for silver bream in October

Fishing for silver bream in October is highly dependent on weather conditions. Fishing will be most successful in warm, sunny weather.

You need to look for silver bream in mid-autumn at a depth of 4-6 meters throughout almost the entire daylight hours.

The silver bream has many similarities with the white bream, which is why many fishermen often confuse them. This fish prefers to settle in quiet and deep places with a muddy or clayey bottom and warm water. In October, you should look for the silver bream closer to the wintering pits. By this time, this fish is already gathering in large schools, so the success of fishing directly depends on how correctly you select the area for fishing. If you're lucky and you cast your fishing rod at the school's feeding area, a wonderful catch is guaranteed.

It is better to start catching silver bream in mid-autumn in the morning. The best baits for hunting this fish are considered to be dung worms, maggots, bloodworms and insect larvae. The bait is taken in the form of clay balls with the addition of various larvae, worms and small maggots.

Fishing in October for roach

As the temperature drops, roaches begin to gather in large flocks, thus preparing for the winter. Fishing for roach in October will give the desired result if you look for prey in deep river holes. Special attention should be paid to areas where smaller streams and rivulets flow into the river; as experienced fishermen note, large fat roach must live there.

Fishing for roach in October requires the use of bait of animal origin: a bunch of maggots, a maggot sandwich with a crushed worm. Alternatively, can be used plant attachments - canned corn, peas and pearl barley - but you'll have to experiment.

Catching roach in October requires mandatory bait. In autumn, the best roach bite will be at dawn and last until 10-11 o'clock in the afternoon. You can expect the fish to renew their interest in the bait after 2 p.m. On clear days, fishermen can enjoy bites until sunset.

Catching a predator in October

Another thing is fishing in October for predatory fish! With the arrival of autumn and the first cold snap in the pike, the long-awaited zhor begins, reaching its peak by the beginning of November. Other predators also go well for bait in October: pike perch, perch, asp and bersh. The only exceptions are catfish, which lose their former activity and gradually stop pecking altogether...

Pike fishing in October

Pike fishing in mid-autumn is successful for both professional and novice anglers. If you want to catch a trophy specimen, use large baits, while the fishing process will be the same.

Zhor and cool water activate this predator, so hunting for it becomes especially interesting.

In October, pike stops feeding by the hour and fishing for it will be effective throughout the daylight hours, especially in cloudy weather.

Fishing for pike in October will result in a good catch when using a spinner, wobbler or live bait as bait. Pike fishing is successful with the following spoons:

  • Baikal;
  • Norway;
  • cascade;
  • success;
  • spoon.

You can also experiment with silicone fish.

Fishing for perch in October

October bass fishing is one of the most exciting times. At this time, this predator is quite active, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort searching for it. Fishing for perch in October also depends on the time of day. Often fishermen successfully catch this fish from eight in the morning until dusk. During these hours the perch bites most actively.

Cooling also affects the preferences of the predator. Rotating spoons, which were of interest to perch in the summer, are no longer particularly effective in October. This month, oscillating spoons should be used as the main bait. In general, starting from mid-autumn, preference should be given to baits designed for step-by-step retrieving - twisters, blowtails, jigs, various foam fish.

Most efficient technique fishing - step-by-step retrieving: after casting the bait, you need to wait until it sinks to the bottom and then start retrieving; After making several revolutions, you need to wait again until the spoon falls to the bottom. And so on throughout the entire wiring.



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