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Phrasal verb take sentences. Phrasal verb Take

To use the meaning of “take” in a sentence, it is common to use the verb take. However, this word, like some other actions, has far from the only meaning. The possibility of using it as a phrasal verb makes it necessary to study all possible constructions with this structure. In addition, this is an irregular verb, and therefore it is necessary to remember that the form of a particular tense can be expressed in different ways. It has quite a lot of features, and each of them deserves special attention.

Basic characteristics of the verb

Sentences with this verb in English language often convey the meaning of accepting something, since the standard translation of this lexical unit is “take, take.” But, as already mentioned, the capabilities of this verb make it possible to use it as a phrasal one. Different prepositions help form different expressions with take, which usually have completely different meanings, and their use helps convey a lot of new shades:

  • You should take care of yourself not to get into troubles again; otherwise, we will take away your sister“You should take care of yourself so you don’t get into trouble again, otherwise we’ll take your sister.”
  • I know people who prefer to take up legal business; if you want to rent a car at this place, you take a chance to some extent– I know people who prefer to engage in legal business; if you want to rent a car in this place, you are taking a certain amount of risk

There are no special rules or principles for pronouncing take. This structure is pronounced the same in both the classic British version of the language and the more modern American one. The transcription in this case looks like .

In addition to the features described above, the verb is irregular. Therefore, the 3 forms of the verb will not be formed according to standard rules, that is, without adding the ending –ed, but by changing the structure of the word itself. Therefore, there are also certain nuances here.

Temporal verb forms

It is not a regular verb; accordingly, its forms will have a non-standard form, that is, without the ending –ed, since the structure of the word will change. 3 take forms are displayed by the table irregular verbs, where it looks like this: take – took – taken.

So, the second form is needed to express the situation in Past Indefinite. The past tense is formed with took:

  • I couldn'tt take my eyes off because she took her baby to the meeting– I couldn’t take my eyes off her because she took her child to the meeting
  • The doctor asked me to take off my clothes and lie down on the sofa; I took the money and hide it in one of the pockets –Doctor said to me undress And go to bed on sofa; I took money And hid their V one from pockets

The 3rd form of the verb take is characterized by its use in perfect constructions necessary to show perfection:

  • Take it easy; he has just taken off his clothes and left- Do not take it to heart; he just took his clothes and left
  • It takes me too long to get to work! Have you already taken any measures regarding this issue? – It takes me too long to get to work! Have you already taken any action regarding this issue?

In addition, the continuous form is also possible with this action word. It looks quite normal: the ending –ing is added to the structure:

  • Are you going to take part in this competition? – No, I'm taking away my child from the kindergarten in half an hour –You are you going to accept participation V this competition? No, through half an hour I I'm picking it up child from children's garden
  • The release of a new game is likely to take place on Monday, isn’t it? – Yes, I'm taking my money out of the piggy bank right now in order to count it –Exit new games probably will happen V Monday, Yes? – Yes, I directly Now I take it out money from sway piggy banks, to recalculate their

In the meaning of Phrasal verb

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, take is very often included in various set expressions and is a striking example of a phrasal verb, since this lexical unit can be used with prepositions of various types, thereby forming new and sometimes unusual meanings. Among popular phrases This type can be distinguished as follows:

This whole mass of meanings is necessary in order to express different shades of emotions and adapt speech to certain conversational situations. For better memorization, you can periodically perform exercises to train phrasal verbs so that all these constructions are better remembered. In addition, the use of such expressions in a personal conversation will make a person understand that his interlocutor is educated, is able to actively apply set phrases in practice and is not at all afraid of them.

In order not to miss new useful materials,

The next word we will work with is phrasal verb take , the number of values ​​of which is as large as that of . If you look in the dictionary, you will find that the dictionary entry devoted to this verb takes up more than one page, and there are not so few examples of its use. We will be interested in combinations of this phrasal verb with various ones, thanks to which this word acquires new meanings different from its main one.

Meanings of the phrasal verb take

As we know, the original meaning of this verb is conveyed by the following words - take, take, catch. In what other meanings can you find this phrasal verb?

  1. Take after- resemble (parents, relatives).

    Jane is very short – she takes after her grandmother. - Jane is very vertically challenged, she took after her grandmother.

  2. Take along- take with you (on the road), bring, bring.

    She took her sister along to the hospital. “She brought her sister to the hospital.

    Take me along. - Take me with you.

  3. Take apart- disassemble, analyze, criticize (scold, reprimand someone).

    He spent two days taking his car apart. “He took his car apart for two days.

    The director will take her excuses apart. “The director will quickly figure out her excuses.”

  4. Take aside– take aside, recall (to talk).

    It was a serious question and she decided to take him aside in order not to involve others in the discussion. “It was a serious question, and she decided to put it aside so as not to involve the others in the discussion.

  5. Take away- clean up, pick up, take away; subtract, subtract.

    He was taken away to prison. - He was taken to prison.

    Take 10 away from 100. – Subtract ten from a hundred.

    You can take our plates away. - You can clear the table.

  6. Take back- return, take back (admit that your opinion is wrong).

    It’s not easy to take back everything I said but I will do this. “It’s not easy to take back what you said, but I will do it.”

    Take this bag back to the shop and change it. – Take this bag back to the store and change it.

  7. Take down– remove (from somewhere), take off (clothes), demolish, record, disassemble (a car), knock down arrogance (from someone); reduce (price), destroy.

    Did you take down his speech? – Did you record his speech?

    She took down the picture from the wall. “She took the picture off the wall.

    The building was taken down. - The building was demolished.

    Take your coat down. - Take off your coat.

  8. Take in- bring in; sew (clothes), remove (sails); include; assimilate; deceive; give shelter (take in residents); take work home; inspect, visit.

    It was a boring lesson and I didn’t take in the essence of the new theme. – It was a boring lesson, and I did not understand the essence of the new topic.

    You could earn some extra money by taking in students. – You can earn extra money if you provide housing for students.

    She takes in sewing. – She takes sewing home.

    She took in her skirt. - She sewed her skirt.

    We were completely taken in. - We had a great time.

  9. Take off– take off (clothes), take away, take away, take away; copy, imitate; take off; lift the ban; gain popularity, enjoy success; take a break from work (take time off).

    Take your hands off the table. - Take your hands off the table.

    I had a lot of work and now I’m going to take two days off. – I had a lot of work, and now I want to take two days off.

    The plane took off in time. – The plane took off on time.

    He took off his cap. - He took off his cap.

  10. Take on- take, take over; hire (hire); acquire; worry; fight with someone.

    She doesn't want to take on too much work. “She doesn’t want to take on too much work.”

    I should take you on at basketball sometime. “I need to compete with you in basketball someday.”

    The word took on a new meaning. – The word has acquired a new meaning.

    The last sentence in the examples is very relevant for our article, because in different combinations the phrasal verb take really takes on new meanings.

  11. Take out– take out, extract, remove; remove (walk) and remove (remove stain); destroy; give vent to anger, settle scores; write out.

    Are you taking him out for his birthday? – Are you taking him somewhere for his birthday?

    Don’t take it out on me, I am not guilty. – Don’t blame it on me, it’s not my fault.

    I'm afraid of taking out teeth. - I'm afraid of pulling my teeth.

  12. Take over– take leadership, take responsibility, take ownership; take over.

    Who’ll be taking over from Chris when he retires? – Who will take Chris's place when he retires?

    After some discussions he decided to take over the leadership in organizing of this expedition. “After several discussions, he decided to take a leadership role in organizing this expedition.

  13. Take through- to carry out, to complete, to explain.

    My English teacher took me through my first book of English. – My English teacher helped me with my first English book.

  14. Take to- become addicted, become attached.

    For some reason, I took to him quickly. “For some reason, I quickly became attached to him.

  15. Take up- lift up; accept(call); remove, dig up; shorten; to take place); take on something, do something; meet someone; acquire, accept.

    I think I should take up jogging. – I think I need to start running.

Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5

I am beginning to lean more and more towards the fact that in everyone fixed expression with take this verb is used for a reason. Therefore, let's remember the basic meanings that can be found in any dictionary.


1) Take

2) Grab

3) Catch

4) Conquer

5) Consume

And now you can move on to useful phrases with this verb.

1. TAKE A PHOTO\PICTURE OF…. - take a photograph of someone or something

Example: She has already taken a picture of this apple-tree. – She has already photographed this apple tree.

It would seem, what's the point here? take? If you dig deeper, or even just use your imagination, you get the following: “she took the picture from the apple tree.” Immediately the insight comes, why is there an excuse? OF. And if you also imagine the situation itself... A girl cannot take an apple tree with her, no matter how beautiful it is. She only can "take" image from this tree to someday remember something unique that attracted attention to the tree.

2. TAKE A BREAK - take \ take a break

Example: Bob needs to take a two hours break from his work. Bob needs to take a two-hour break from work.

What's the easiest way to remember this? expression with take? Well, no one usually takes a break from their own desk, right? This is complete nonsense. We "let's take" loved ones and go to a cafe, to a friend’s place, or let's take phone in hand. Someone calls their significant other, and someone storms some application, switching to a completely different wave, which has nothing to do with office life. In other words, it turns out that we let's take take a few minutes or hours out of your day at the office and devote that time to something else. I'm sure so take a break will be remembered much faster. And if you come up with your own unique examples, then in general...

3. TAKE PAINS – try, do something very carefully

Example: They took pains to achieve better results. “They tried very hard to achieve the best results.”

Do you know how the word is translated pain? Right! This "pain, suffering, grief." Typically, work that requires a lot of effort is not very rewarding. But we let's take and we collect all our dissatisfaction into a fist and still move forward, continuing to work further.

4. TAKE A CHANCE - take risks

Example: He thought it was the right time to take a chance and change all his life. “He thought it was time to take a risk and change his whole life.

You have probably already tried to figure out the literal translation of this phrase on your own. It turns out something like "take, grab" chance, not just "to risk", as most dictionaries give us. Here, for some reason, traditional Russian fairy tales begin to come to mind, in which the heroes received a chance to change their lives in better side, When took into the hands of a goldfish, pike or some other miracle that personifies a dream. Every day we get opportunities \ chances to change something for the better, and we let's take them or not. Excellent sustained expression with take once again surprised us with its logic!

We continue to get acquainted with phrasal verbs. Another popular verb is take.

In this article we will look at its use and the 13 phrasal verbs it forms.

13 meanings of the phrasal verb take in English

Let's look at the basic meanings of the phrasal verb take:

1. Phrasal verb take away

Translation: take away, remove, subtract, subtract

Meaning: Take something from somewhere, take possession of something alien

The waiter took our plates away.
The waiter cleared our plates.

They took his phone away.
They took his phone.

2. Phrasal verb take after

Translation: hit someone

Meaning: Be like an older family member

She takes after her mother
She looks like her mother.

I think he takes after his father.
I think he looks like his father.

3. Phrasal verb take apart

Translation: Take apart

Meaning: Divide something into different parts

Help me take phone apart.
Help me take apart the phone.

He likes to take electric devices apart.
He enjoys disassembling electrical appliances.

4. Phrasal verb take along

Translation: Bring with you, take on the road

Meaning: Take someone/something with you to a certain place

He took some friends along to the party.
He brought a couple of friends with him to the party.

We took the camera along.
We took the camera with us.

5. Phrasal verb take aside

Translation: Take aside, recall

Meaning: Call someone to talk privately

My boss took me aside.
My boss pulled me aside.

They took her aside to tell it.
They called her aside to tell her this.

6. Phrasal verb take back

Translation: To return something, to take back what was said

Meaning: Return something to the place where you got it or bought it from.

He took a book back.
He returned the book.

I take back everything I said about him.
I take back everything I said about him.

7. Phrasal verb take down

Translation: 1. Take off from somewhere, take off clothes 2. Write down


1. Remove something that is on the wall from a person

2. Take notes, notes

He took the pictures down.
He took down the paintings.

She took down my telephone number.
She wrote down my phone number.

8. Phrasal verb take on

Translation: Take over

Meaning: Take responsibility for something

She doesn't want to take on too much work.
She doesn't want to take on too much work.

He takes on all tasks.
He takes on all the tasks.

9. Phrasal verb take off

Translation: 1. Take off clothes 2. Take a day off

Meaning: 1. Take off something 2. Take a break from work

He took off his hat.
He took off his hat.

I'm going to take two days off.
I'm going to take two days off.

10. Phrasal verb take over

Translation: Take over (leadership, position), take over

Meaning: Take control and responsibility for something

He took over his father's business.
He took over his father's business.

She takes over the leadership.
She takes charge.

11. Phrasal verb take through

Translation: Explain to someone

Meaning: Communicate something to someone in a way that makes it clear

My teacher took me through this rule.
My teacher explained this rule to me.

His colleague took him through the idea.
His colleague explained the idea to him.

12. Phrasal verb take to

Translation: To like, to feel sympathy for someone, to become attached

Meaning: Start loving someone, something

He wasn't taken to his mother.
He was attached to his mother.

She took to him quickly.
She quickly became attached to him.

13. Phrasal verb take up

Translation: 1. Start doing something 2. Take (time, place)

Meaning: 1. Start doing a specific job or other activity 2. Use a time or place

She takesup dancing.
She starts dancing.

This sofa takes up too much space.
This sofa takes up too much space.

So, we are introduced to the phrasal verb take. Now let's practice using it.

Reinforcement task

Translate the following sentences into English. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. She put the box away.
2. We returned her wallet.
3. He looks like a grandfather.
4. She will bring her friend with her.
5. We started drawing.



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