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Friska is 40 years old. Before her death, Friske admitted: if she had known about the consequences, she would not have given birth. The tragic similarity between Friske and Nachalova

/Corr. BELTA/. Today Russian singer Zhanna Friske turns 40 years old. The courageous performer is in the Baltic with her family on her anniversary, writes super.ru.
Previously former soloist group "Brilliant" underwent a rehabilitation course in Los Angeles, but now the singer has moved away from the bustle of the metropolis. Zhanna, along with those closest to her, moved to the Baltic states, where she rents a house in a quiet seaside village.

Her mother, Olga Vladimirovna, is always with Zhanna. The singer also supports her common law husband Belarusian Dmitry Shepelev. Zhanna and Dmitry’s one-year-old son, Platon, also lives in the Baltics with his entire family.

In the Baltic, for the first time in many months of rehabilitation after an illness, Zhanna got back on her feet, and she can finally move around without a wheelchair. Doctors note that Zhanna Friske is in remission. She regains her vision, which was partially lost due to a brain tumor. Zhanna has noticeably lost weight. Although Zhanna Friske still needs to recover for many months after severe treatment, the singer’s condition today inspires optimism.

During the day, Zhanna relaxes in the house with her loved ones, and in the evenings the entire family takes a walk to the sea. Zhanna, in a comfortable tracksuit, slowly walks along the beach with her mother. An assistant is looking after his son Plato, who is taking his first steps. At this time, Dmitry is doing sports jogging along the coast. The family often communicates on the beach with local residents who come here with small children. Kids enjoy playing with Plato.

Zhanna Friske learned about the terrible diagnosis - an inoperable brain tumor - a few months after the birth of her son. Zhanna did not accept the doctors’ verdict and began to fight for her life. At first she was treated by German doctors, later by specialists from cancer centers in New York and Los Angeles.

The singer was supported by millions of her fans in her battle with a serious illness. Caring people shot a video clip called “Zhanna, live!”, where photographs of Zhanna Friske from the personal collections of people close to her and fans are broadcast to a life-affirming song. Charitable organization"Rusfond" held a campaign in which more than 60 million Russian rubles were collected for Zhanna's treatment. There was enough money not only to treat the Russian performer, but also to save the lives of many children with cancer.

Zhanna Friske was the lead singer of the group "Brilliant" from 1996 to 2003. During Zhanna's work in the group, 4 discs were recorded. In 2003, she took part in the vibrant reality show “The Last Hero-4” and reached the finals of the popular program. Since 2003, she started a separate solo career. On October 4, 2005, the official release of the singer’s debut solo album “Zhanna” took place. Video clips were shot for some songs from the album, in particular, for the compositions “La-la-la”, “Flying into the Dark”, “Somewhere in the Summer”.

Zhanna liked being the heroine of a reality show. In 2005, she starred in the next part of “ The last hero" Then she participated in the project “Heart of Africa” and “Empire”, “Circus with the Stars”, “Circus”. In 2008 (although no one believed that she could handle it) she took part in the project “ glacial period-2". The girl skated first in pairs with Vitaly Novikov, and then with Maxim Marinin. In 2011-2012, Zhanna Friske was the host of the first two seasons of the reality show “Vacations in Mexico” on MTV.

In 2004, the first film with Zhanna Friske was released. In the film adaptation of Sergei Lukyanenko's novel "Night Watch" Zhanna played the charismatic role of the witch Alisa Donnikova. In the continuation of the film - "Day Watch" - the character of Friske was given a significant role; the witch Alice, played by Zhanna, graced the film's posters. Moreover, Friske performed most of the stunts in “Watches” herself. In 2010, the Russian comedy “What Men Talk About” was released, where Zhanna played herself.

Zhanna's common-law husband is Belarusian Dmitry Shepelev. On April 7, 2013, the couple had a son, Platon Shepelev, in Miami. -0-

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Zhanna Friske died. This came as a shock to her fans and friends. Everyone, of course, knew about her serious illness and together they collected money for expensive treatment. There seemed to be hope. The inevitable was delayed for two years - it was Extra time, which Zhanna was able to spend next to her loved ones and her little son.

“Happiness loves silence,” her husband, presenter Dmitry Shepelev, wrote today. Zhanna did not want to be the center of excessive attention.

Millions of fans sang along with her, her colleagues respected her. At one time, a whole generation was in love with her. She left young, she was only 40, and will forever remain in our memory incredibly beautiful and strong.

Extraordinarily beautiful and bright, she gave warmth and joy not only to her many fans, but also to those who saw her at least once in their lives. Fatal and charming on stage and in videos, and at the same time so simple and real, Zhanna Friske.

She first appeared on stage in 1996 in popular group"Brilliant." Since then, the resounding name of the scorching brunette has not left the covers of glossy magazines, and everyone around was surprised at how she manages to remain herself in the cruel environment of show business. I achieved everything myself. Behind the radiant smile are hours and days of continuous work. Zhanna Friske was even nicknamed the “steadfast tin soldier.”

“As soon as I have a weekend of more than three days, unplanned, then after some time I have nowhere to put myself. I understand that a huge amount of energy has accumulated in me, which I need to throw out somewhere, and I can only throw it out to work,” admitted Zhanna Friske.

After leaving the group she studied solo career- recorded an album, her songs were often at the top of the popular music charts. She liked to experiment not only in creativity. Brave and decisive, overcoming herself, she lived on a desert island, in a circus with stars she shone under the very dome, despite her panicky fear of heights. She learned to skate in the Ice Age project and performed despite two broken ribs - she didn’t even tell the coach about it.

“She entered the project very brightly and showed her fighting qualities - it was clear that she was a fighter, she knew how to fight. She fought to the end, even with her illness, but the illness, unfortunately, turned out to be stronger,” says Zhanna Friske’s partner in the project "Ice Age" figure skater Maxim Marinin.

In "Night" and "Day Watch" viewers saw the mystically sinister and damn charming witch Alice - Zhanna Friske's film debut. Later she admitted: she gave this heroine a piece of herself.

"Somewhere there is bitchiness, which is naturally present in me, somewhere, on the contrary, there is weakness. That is, I, it seems to me, helped her come to life, that is, they felt her a real woman, which I am,” she said.

Becoming a standard feminine attractiveness, she herself searched for her female happiness for a long time and never stopped believing in her fateful meeting. And so it happened. On the set of the program “Property of the Republic” she met Channel One presenter Dmitry Shepelev. In April 2013, the couple had a long-awaited son, Plato. Zhanna Friske stopped appearing in public, and fans were sure: she was simply enjoying motherhood.

The news about a terrible disease - an inoperable brain tumor - was not immediately believed. And then they did everything to ensure that she continued to live. So many people responded to the fundraiser organized by Channel One and Rusfond that there was more money than was needed to pay for the treatment. Zhanna Friske transferred the remaining amount to children suffering oncological diseases.

“We always repeated: “Happiness loves silence.” I remain true to these words, because Zhanna remains absolute, pure, unique happiness for me. I know for sure that we could not cope without you. I want to thank everyone: who donated money for Zhanna’s treatment, prayed for her health, simply thought about her, wished her happiness and strength. I want you to know: these two years are largely your fault. Thank you!” the singer’s husband, Dmitry Shepelev, wrote on his blog.

Last summer, her vision, partially lost due to the tumor, began to gradually return. Zhanna Friske spent the last few months in her country house in the Moscow region, surrounded by family and friends.

“The popularity that she enjoyed among people could have unleashed her wings. She could have settled in the “star city” long ago, but she was human. She had been waiting for love all her life, she had wanted a child all her life. And that’s when a prince appeared in her life , when she gave birth to her son Plato, when you just start living, this is happiness, live, breathe, enjoy, enjoy life! And it’s so unfair,” says singer Philip Kirkorov.

She passed away late yesterday evening. Zhanna Friske was 40 years old. She fought as hard as she could until last day remaining a man of incredible willpower and courage. And in the hearts of her loyal friends and admirers she will remain bright, cheerful, dreaming of happiness and boundless love.

Zhanna's family is now deciding on the place and time of her funeral service. The singer’s father, Vladimir Borisovich, says that, most likely, the farewell will take place on Thursday in the east of Moscow at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery.

For two years she did not give up and fought a terrible disease. For two years, her loved ones - and fans - hoped. We looked for doctors, traveled halfway around the world to give her the best possible more days next to his very young son. Today, Channel One will air a special episode of the “Let Them Talk” program dedicated to Zhanna Friske. Beautiful, kind, bright... She will be remembered like this.

Exclusive interview with the singer's father .

The singer, actress and TV presenter died yesterday afternoon in Moscow. The sad news was confirmed to the capital's media by his father, Vladimir Borisovich Friske.

Let us remind you that Zhanna was diagnosed with a brain tumor (glioblastoma) in 2013 during pregnancy. At that time, the tumor could still be removed: having recognized the malignant tumor in the early stages, doctors suggested that the 38-year-old singer urgently undergo a course of aggressive chemotherapy. However, she refused for fear of harming the health of the unborn child.

The first photo of Zhanna Friske’s son and TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, posted by her on Facebook

Zhanna gave birth to her son Plato in April 2013 in one of the most prestigious clinics in Miami (USA). And in January 2014, her common-law husband, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, officially announced the singer’s illness.

Jeanne's loved ones fought desperately for her life. The Russians helped them in this. Channel One, together with Rusfond, organized a fundraiser. About 68 million rubles were collected for Zhanna’s treatment. Friske donated part of the funds to help children suffering from cancer.

The singer was taken to the best clinics in the world. Zhanna underwent a long course of treatment in a New York hospital, and then three months of rehabilitation in Latvia. In the Baltics, the singer, surrounded by family and friends, celebrated her 40th birthday. She was then treated in China, from where she returned to Russia.

Zhanna spent the last months of her life in a country house with her husband and son. She was constantly monitored by doctors. However, the illness turned out to be stronger: the last photographs of Zhanna show how difficult it was for her to move.

Zhanna's closest friend, singer Olga Orlova, wrote in social network Facebook:

“Farewell, my beauty... You will forever remain in my heart... Watch over me from above... I love you very much...”

Philip Kirkorov, Kristina Orbakaite and other artists expressed their condolences to the singer’s family and loved ones on social networks.

Zhanna Vladimirovna Friske– pop singer, actress, TV presenter. Born on July 8, 1974 in Moscow. She gained wide fame thanks to her participation in the girl group “Brilliant” since 1996. In 2003 she began a successful solo career. She starred in the films “Night Watch”, “Day Watch”, “What Men Talk About”.

Photo by Itar-TASS, Facebook, super.ru



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