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Fortune telling gypsy past present future. Gypsy ancient fortune telling using cards for fate


Among the universal fortune telling magic cards The Gypsy Tarot spread is especially popular. And this is not surprising, because it can be used to analyze the current situation in almost any area of ​​life, be it work, personal relationships, financial issues - and even make a prediction for the near future. Let's take a closer look at how to do it correctly.

In what situations is the Gypsy layout used?

Since there are several types of gypsy fortune-telling, it would be logical to consider what questions each of them is suitable for clarifying. The Gypsy seven card spread is best used in a situation where a person does not have a clear question, and just wants to know a little more about themselves and the state of things in the near future.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards “Gypsy layout for 10 cards” allows you to “read” a more detailed layer of information regarding the past, present and future of a person, and the Big Gypsy fortune telling, performed on as many as 42 cards, is a universal way to find out in as much detail as possible what happened, is happening now and will happen in the near future in the life of the questioner.

Features of the Gypsy layout

In principle, there are no special rules regarding this type of fortune telling. The only limitation that exists is the time frame. So, for example, it is not recommended to do the Great Gypsy Tarot layout more often than once every six months, or even better - once a year. This is due to the fact that cards give very detailed analysis situations, and it’s not worth asking the magic deck again about the same events. You already receive answers to all questions in the most detailed way possible.

Otherwise, the rules are standard: think mentally about the question, lay out the cards correctly, analyze the appearance of the Major Arcana, since they usually characterize the most important aspects human lives that are worth paying close attention to.

A full deck is involved in fortune telling. The fortuneteller thinks about a question, or simply thinks about his life in this moment, if there is no specific question, shuffles the deck and pulls out seven random cards from it, laying them out in the shape of a triangle without a base, according to the picture. Interpretations are made according to the standard meanings of the cards.

  • The first position is called “Your Self”. It characterizes a person’s personality, his state of mind at the moment, involvement in a certain situation that is taking place right now
  • The second card answers the question “What adorns you?” It describes the qualities of the questioner that he demonstrates to other people
  • Card number 3 will tell you about what frightens a person, what frightens him, what he hides and does not show to others, what torments him, torments him, does not give him peace.
  • Position 4 is the answer to the question “What is driving you?” From it you can see the goal that the questioner is striving for, his deepest desires, plans, hopes
  • Card number 5 describes that aspect of life that will remain with a person, will not disappear anywhere, what he will be able to achieve in real life, what will it achieve
  • The sixth card reveals the answer to the question “What will happen to you?”, i.e. talks about the very near future
  • And finally, the final card, drawn at number 7, is the meaning of the situation, how all these events, experiences and circumstances will affect a person, how he will perceive everything that happens to him

Overall seven card gypsy layout Tarot for the very near future allows you to analyze various aspects situations, even if the questioner himself does not see any problem.

This fortune telling migrated to tarot readers from gypsy traditions. Initially, it was made on a special gypsy deck, or on ordinary playing cards, but since the Tarot allows you to consider the situation in more detail, the layout made with the help of a magic deck takes on new aspects.

This gypsy Tarot spread for the past, present, future allows you to analyze important events events occurring in a person’s life. For fortune telling, you need to think about the question that interests you, shuffle the Tarot, and then lay them out as shown in the picture. A separate card is laid out first at the bottom of the layout, then three rows are formed above it.

  • Card 1 answers the question of what is going on in the heart of a person who has turned to the Tarot for help at the moment. By the way, it helps the tarot reader better understand his client if for some reason he does not want to talk about the details of the issue that concerns him
  • The top row (2, 3, 4) describes those events that happened in the past of the questioner
  • The middle row describes what is happening now, i.e. present and very near future
  • The cards in the bottom row show the distant future of a given person.
  • The central positions (3, 6, 9) will always be directly related to the person for whom fortune telling is being performed, as well as to those who are especially dear to him
  • The left cards (2, 5, 8) symbolize the relatives of the questioner
  • Right (4, 7, 10) indicate social circle - friends, acquaintances

The interpretation is made according to the standard meaning of the Arcana. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the appearance of court figures, since in this scenario, finding themselves in positions on the left or right, they will talk about specific people.

The history of this gypsy Tarot layout goes back to the distant past. They say that with its help, several centuries ago, gypsies predicted the future. The layout is very deep, and it is not recommended to do it in a hurry - you need to carefully analyze the positions of the dropped Arcana and their proximity to each other.

There is no need to ask a special question before making a prediction - you just need to mentally focus on the person in question. For fortune telling, we first divide the deck into the Major and Minor Arcana, then randomly select twenty from the Minor Arcana, mix them with the Major Arcana, and then lay out these 42 cards as follows: first, we lay out seven piles in one row from left to right, putting seven cards in each, after which we divide each stack into one row, i.e. from the first pile we get the top row, from the second - the one below it, and so on. As a result, we see six rows, each of which contains seven cards.

We read the cards in rows from right to left, starting from the far right and ending with the far left:

  • The first (top) row will tell you about what happened in the person’s past
  • The second one from the top will show his real
  • The third will describe what the questioner cannot cope with, what he cannot master. These may be some feelings, situations, events that do not depend on a person in any way, are not in his power
  • The fourth row of the Great Gypsy Tarot spread is the very near future, those events that will happen very soon. It will not be possible to change them, since they are already on the way.
  • The fifth (penultimate) row will describe what a person should try with all his might to avoid
  • And finally, the lowest chain is the distant future, the prospects for the development of the situation under current circumstances. These events can still be influenced in some way if the prospect does not suit the fortuneteller

Remember that you do not need to make a gypsy tarot spread for the near future, for example, for a week or a month. This fortune telling is designed for longer-term prospects, and only one of its rows will tell about the near future - the fourth from the top. That is why the alignment is not recommended to be repeated more often than once every six months or a year.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “One rune” is the simplest and at the same time accurate layout of the runes. You can ask a question and get an instant answer by pulling out just one rune. If the question implies an unambiguous answer, then the upright position of the rune means “Yes”, the inverted position of the rune means “No”, the empty Odin rune means an indefinite answer..

Fortune telling "Doctor Aibolit" - is used to predict and characterize the state of health. This unique alignment touches on all possible nuances that are related to the well-being of the questioner and his health, including natural ailments, as well as ailments caused by the evil eye (damage). Focus, ask your question and select 9 cards from the deck.

One of ancient games Dominoes are closely related to fortune telling, which was performed on dice with dotted numbers. Fortune telling on one domino bone helps predict fate, find out hidden and important events that are already happening or are about to happen, and most importantly, answer the question “What awaits me?” To get your prediction, choose one of 28 dominoes.

Fortune telling on the six runes of Odin “Clarification of relationships” is used in cases where the relationship with a partner does not work out or for some reason does not move beyond the serious stage. This simple, but very informative layout will help you understand what feelings your partner has towards you and what interferes with your love. Ask your question and choose 6 runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling with tarot cards "One card" is the most simple layout Tarot cards, but also the most universal. You can ask a question and get an instant answer by pulling out just one card. You can pull out the card additionally to clarify or clarify the answer. Pay attention to the position of the card.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards

Home » Fortune telling with gypsy cards

Fortune telling with gypsy cards, also called gypsy tarot, gives fairly accurate answers to exact questions. With the help of these fortune telling you can analyze life situations, find out personality characteristics and the prospects of love relationships, the development of the work situation and get a forecast for the near future.

Love fortune telling on the gypsy Tarot cards “Feelings of a loved one” is a simple way to find out how your partner treats you, what he expects from your relationship and what threat exists to your love. Only three gypsy cards give the exact answer, but sometimes the decoding is veiled and in order to understand the prediction it is necessary for some time to pass and facts unknown to you to be revealed. Think about your question and choose three cards from the deck.

Online fortune telling with gypsy Tarot cards “Cockroach” is a comprehensive layout that allows you to deal with the existing problem, understand what is bothering you in life and the reasons for unpleasant, possibly recurring situations. The layout considers any unpleasant situation under the “Cockroach”: conflict, failures in love, failures in business and work, as well as personal problems. The most appropriate questions for this fortune telling: “Why is this happening to me?”, “Why is this situation in my life?”, “Who or what is to blame for my problem?” Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person in question treats you and what she thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

The “Virtual Romance” gypsy oracle layout will be useful in cases where relationships between people proceed without physical contact, through correspondence on the Internet or communicating most of the time by phone. This fortune telling will help you understand what kind of person your partner is, what his intentions are for you and your relationship, and how the relationship will develop in the future. focus and ask your question.

The gypsy oracle layout “The influence of past relationships” is used in cases where the fortuneteller has a suspicion that past love relationship partner have a certain projection on current relationship with you. Sometimes, to get a complete picture of the relationship, it is also necessary to take into account the partner’s past relationships, in which case this alignment will help. Concentrate, make a wish for your partner or the person for whom the layout will be made and select cards from the deck.

The layout on the gypsy oracle “Square” is used for full characteristics the person of interest, as well as about clarifying important points his life. The cards provide answers to the most interesting questions regarding personality, spirituality, positive and negative character traits, as well as what the intended person is like in relation to other people and who he really is. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate, think about the person you are interested in and select nine cards from the deck.

The gypsy oracle reading “For relationships” is necessary when questions arise regarding love and relationships. Gypsy cards will show your partner’s attitude towards you in the past, present and future, what you mean to him and how you perceive these relationships. Also, the cards give a forecast for the development of relations in the future and advice on how to behave to strengthen the union. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

Gypsy oracle layout " golden horseshoe" - ideal for analyzing the situation and predicting the near and distant future. With the help of gypsy oracle cards, you can analyze the situation and see how it will develop in the near and distant future.

The layout of the gypsy oracle “Choosing a path” is used when you need to find out what will happen if you choose one or another course of action. Before starting fortune telling, think about the situation of interest and two options for actions that you could take. Decoding the fortune telling will show the development of events in the near and distant future in the first and second cases.

The 12 month gypsy oracle spread is used to predict the events of the coming year. This fortune telling is best done before the New Year or Christmas, or before a birthday, in which case the cards give a month-by-month forecast for the coming year. If you are guessing in the middle of the year, then the past months should be assessed as events of the past.

You can believe in card predictions, or you can consider them self-deception. But sometimes, when faced with an important decision or in anticipation of change, a simple layout can give confidence. Gypsy fortune tellers have been famous since ancient times accurate fortune telling. One of them is the gypsy layout with 10 cards.

The deck will predict important events of the future, allow you to make the right decision in the present and hint about something important from the past. The cards will read what’s in a person’s heart, calm them down, or help them prepare for a test.

Preparing for the schedule

For successful fortune telling, a regular deck of 36 cards is enough. You can do the layout yourself, so there is no need for outsiders. Before starting the ritual, you need to shuffle the deck and move the cards toward you with your left hand. Now you can start fortune telling. But first let's remember a few important rules.

10 secrets of successful fortune telling

Most fortune tellers identify 10 main rules that you need to know during fortune telling.

  1. The main thing is a person’s strong desire to know the future. Mere curiosity is not enough. Cards help only those who sincerely rely on their advice.
  2. Fortune telling will not work for skeptics, because any magic is based on unconditional faith in one’s abilities and a serious attitude towards the ritual on the part of the client.
  3. During fortune telling, nothing should distract a person.
  4. Best time for the ritual - late evening: from 19 to 23 hours.
  5. No less reliable predictions are obtained at 8-9 am, when a person wakes up fresh and full of energy.
  6. In order not to wash away the truth, you should not engage in gypsy fortune-telling using 10 cards in rainy weather.
  7. The card must be removed with the left hand towards the heart. This establishes a better energetic connection with the deck.
  8. After fortune telling, it is strictly forbidden to repeat the layout, otherwise the mystical connection between the person and the cards may be interrupted. As a result, this and all subsequent fortune telling may not come true.
  9. Cards don't like fuss. You should only contact them for important reasons.
  10. Don't despair if the situation turns out to be unfavorable.

Remember, a person can always change his destiny. The cards are just a warning, not an inevitable fate.

Step-by-step plan for successful prediction

  1. The topmost card, it is called Fortune, will say what is on your soul. These are those thoughts and desires that constantly haunt a person, passing with him through the past, present and future.
  2. The first row is your past.
  3. The second represents current events.
  4. The bottom row will predict the future.

The layout looks like this: Please note that the first card is at its base and not on top.

After drawing up the layout, it is necessary to interpret each card. Then it is studied big picture and a complete prediction is made.

In addition to the general layout, there are two common special options that may also be of interest.

Love triangle fortune telling

Relationships between a man and a woman are fraught with many difficulties. The appearance of a third person can further confuse the tangle of feelings. The gypsy layout can help you understand the triangle.

Triangle fortune telling helps you find out:

  • The reasons for the appearance of a rival or rival.
  • Chances of keeping your partner.
  • The feelings of the participants in the triangle and their attitude towards each other.

Unlike the classic layout, in this case 11 cards are removed and laid out in a certain sequence.

  • 1 - will show the character of your loved one;
  • 2 - personifies the most important qualities for a person who destroys a couple;
  • 3 - speaks about the attitude of your lover or beloved towards you;
  • 4 - the map can be used to judge the partner’s feelings towards the opponent;
  • 5 - reasons for your loved one’s thoughts;
  • 6 - how important you are to your partner;
  • 7 - how important the opponent is to him or her;
  • 8 - your lover’s plans for you;
  • 9 - plans for the opponent;
  • 10 - prospects for relationships with a partner;
  • 11 - the future of the relationship if the partner does not choose you.

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Alignment for future events

Another special layout to find out what to expect from the future. Unlike traditional fortune telling for 10 cards, it will give a more detailed result.

Methods for deciphering the last two layouts may differ from classic gypsy fortune telling with 10 cards. They should be studied in specialized literature.

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How to read the layout and meaning of each card

A card is interpreted by its suit and meaning. Let's look at all the options in the table.

Cross is a suit that speaks of labor activity man and his creativity.
6 Long trip, business trip.
7 Prospective business meeting.
8 Long work meeting.
9 A special relationship with a colleague.
10 Bonus or pay increase.
JackTroubles at work, unexpected difficulties.
LadyBusiness partner.
KingA man or a leader, the emergence of common affairs with him.
AceAn important project, serious work.
The peaks speak of possible troubles and trials that distance a person from happiness.
6 Long journey.
7 Unpleasant meeting, insult.
8 A quarrel or a difficult conversation with a loved one.
9 Disease.
10 Crash of plans.
JackExperience for one reason or another.
LadyAn enemy trying to strike.
KingLoss or serious challenge.
AceBad news.
Hearts are the suit of love. The cards will tell you about your relationship with your partner.
6 Long trip with your loved one.
7 Romantic date.
8 Intimate conversation.
9 New love.
10 Fulfillment of desires.
JackLove yearnings.
LadyYour man is cheating (you will meet a younger woman).
KingYou (the woman) can secretly meet a man from your lover (your woman is cheating on you).
AceStability and family harmony.
Diamonds will tell you about hidden desires and hopes.
6 Finding a destination, probably during a long journey.
7 Change of job, career growth.
8 A frank conversation is needed.
9 Flirting with someone you know.
10 Implementation of plans in a favorable situation.
JackLasting experiences.
LadyRivalry on the love front.
KingYou (your beloved) are looking for a real man.
AceWaiting for fateful news.

During fortune telling, it is important to pay attention to the appearance of four cards with the same value.

  1. All the aces promise fulfillment cherished desires.
  2. Kings are an omen of an imminent crowded event.
  3. Ladies, there are unpleasant conversations going on around you, and gossipers are spreading false rumors.
  4. Jacks are a sign of trouble in household.
  5. All tens foreshadow marriage.
  6. Nines act as an omen of dramatic changes.
  7. Eights are a prediction of trouble.
  8. Sevens have the same meaning as eights, but the difficulties will be less significant, and you
  9. you can easily overcome.
  10. Sixes predict travel or business trips.

Four identical cards in the layout is a general conclusion based on the results of fortune telling. It should be interpreted as a main phenomenon passing through the past, present and future of a person or as the result of a certain period of life.

Any fortune telling is carried out on general principles. In order for the prediction to be as detailed as possible and definitely come true, they should be guided during the ritual.

The main thing in fortune telling is the presence of cards that have not been defiled by the game. A played deck does not have the energy necessary to establish a mystical connection, so it is not recommended to use it for prediction purposes.

Some psychics offer special gypsy cards, printed in the traditional colors of the free people - black and red. They carry more powerful energy and are suitable even for those who are completely deprived of the gift of prediction.

Why the prediction doesn't come true

Fate is capricious, and failure can occur even with an experienced psychic. It’s no wonder that this often happens to beginners using a regular deck of cards.

Failures typically occur under the following circumstances.

  1. An important factor is the right attitude. The results of fortune telling can be distorted by household chores, fatigue, stress, or insufficient concentration on the ritual of any of its participants.
  2. If the person being told fortunes wants something very badly, the cards can show not the truth, but his dreams and current desires.
  3. Fortune telling does not come true well if the alignment was made in places with very strong or abnormally weak energy.

There is a possibility that what was predicted will come true, but the person will not notice it. If he lives the most eventful life possible, what is predicted for him, for example, for a year can happen in a month. In this case, the person will not have enough time to think about what happened, so he may simply not notice how what the cards showed happened to him.

You can be disappointed in a prediction and for a reason it’s not enough rich life. In this case, what is indicated in the cards may not happen in a month, but only in six months.

The 10 card method does not require any special skills or special gifts. It is enough to have minimal abilities. No special artifacts are needed, it will do playing deck.

The considered method allows you to learn lessons from the past, think about the present and get a prediction. However, one should not despair in case of a bad prediction; a person is free to change his destiny.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “One rune” is the simplest and at the same time accurate layout of the runes. You can ask a question and get an instant answer by pulling out just one rune. If the question implies an unambiguous answer, then the upright position of the rune means “Yes”, the inverted position of the rune means “No”, the empty Odin rune means an indefinite answer..

Fortune telling "Doctor Aibolit" - is used to predict and characterize the state of health. This unique alignment touches on all possible nuances that are related to the well-being of the questioner and his health, including natural ailments, as well as ailments caused by the evil eye (damage). Focus, ask your question and select 9 cards from the deck.

One of the oldest games, Dominoes, is closely related to fortune telling, which was performed on dice with dotted numbers. Fortune telling on one domino bone helps predict fate, find out hidden and important events that are already happening or are about to happen, and most importantly, answer the question “What awaits me?” To get your prediction, choose one of 28 dominoes.

Fortune telling on the six runes of Odin “Clarification of relationships” is used in cases where the relationship with a partner does not work out or for some reason does not move beyond the serious stage. This simple, but very informative layout will help you understand what feelings your partner has towards you and what interferes with your love. Ask your question and choose 6 runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling with tarot cards “One card” is the simplest tarot card layout, but also the most versatile. You can ask a question and get an instant answer by pulling out just one card. You can pull out the card additionally to clarify or clarify the answer. Pay attention to the position of the card.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards

home» Fortune telling with gypsy cards

Fortune telling with gypsy cards, also called gypsy tarot, gives fairly accurate answers to exact questions. With the help of these fortune-telling, you will be able to analyze life situations, find out personality characteristics and the prospects of love relationships, the development of a work situation and get a forecast for the near future.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards “Feelings of a loved one” is a simple way to find out how your partner treats you, what he expects from your relationship and what threat exists to your love. Only three gypsy cards give the exact answer, but sometimes the decoding is veiled and in order to understand the prediction it is necessary for some time to pass and facts unknown to you to be revealed. Think about your question and choose three cards from the deck.

Online fortune telling with gypsy Tarot cards “Cockroach” is a comprehensive layout that allows you to deal with the existing problem, understand what is bothering you in life and the reasons for unpleasant, possibly recurring situations. The layout considers any unpleasant situation under the “Cockroach”: conflict, failures in love, failures in business and work, as well as personal problems. The most appropriate questions for this fortune telling: “Why is this happening to me?”, “Why is this situation in my life?”, “Who or what is to blame for my problem?” Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person in question treats you and what she thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

The “Virtual Romance” gypsy oracle layout will be useful in cases where relationships between people proceed without physical contact, through correspondence on the Internet or communicating most of the time by phone. This fortune telling will help you understand what kind of person your partner is, what his intentions are for you and your relationship, and how the relationship will develop in the future. focus and ask your question.

The gypsy oracle layout “The influence of past relationships” is used in cases where the fortuneteller has a suspicion that the partner’s past love relationships have some kind of projection on the current relationship with you. Sometimes, to get a complete picture of the relationship, it is also necessary to take into account the partner’s past relationships, in which case this alignment will help. Concentrate, make a wish for your partner or the person for whom the layout will be made and select cards from the deck.

The layout on the gypsy oracle “Square” is used to fully characterize the person of interest, as well as to clarify important moments in his life. The cards provide answers to the most interesting questions regarding personality, spirituality, positive and negative character traits, as well as what the intended person is like in relation to other people and who he really is. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate, think about the person you are interested in and select nine cards from the deck.

The gypsy oracle reading “For relationships” is necessary when questions arise regarding love and relationships. Gypsy cards will show your partner’s attitude towards you in the past, present and future, what you mean to him and how you perceive these relationships. Also, the cards give a forecast for the development of relations in the future and advice on how to behave to strengthen the union. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

The layout on the gypsy oracle “Golden Horseshoe” is ideal for analyzing the situation and predicting the near and distant future. With the help of gypsy oracle cards, you can analyze the situation and see how it will develop in the near and distant future.

The layout of the gypsy oracle “Choosing a path” is used when you need to find out what will happen if you choose one or another course of action. Before starting fortune telling, think about the situation of interest and two options for actions that you could take. Decoding the fortune telling will show the development of events in the near and distant future in the first and second cases.

The 12 month gypsy oracle spread is used to predict the events of the coming year. This fortune telling is best done before the New Year or Christmas, or before a birthday, in which case the cards give a month-by-month forecast for the coming year. If you are guessing in the middle of the year, then the past months should be assessed as events of the past.



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