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Fortune telling for marriage and love on cards and paper: a selection of the most accurate methods. Online marriage fortune telling - find out your marriage date

At all times, people wanted to know what awaits them in the future. This is especially true for women who dream of a wedding with their beloved prince. It is for them that this small selection has been prepared, consisting of several methods of fortune telling for a wedding using cards.

Option 1

This is fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wedding wish. Take a deck of cards (36 cards) and make your wish. After this, immediately mix the cards well and lay them out on a flat surface into five piles (face down). Last card, remaining in your hands, is opened and placed on the table. This map is the basic one.
Open the first pile on the left and remove from it cards of any suit, except the suit of the base card and cards of this suit with a value less than ten. Set this pile aside when you reach a card higher than the tenth suit of the base card.

The same must be done with each subsequent stack, then collect them into one large one, laying the stacks in order, on top of each other.

Next, you need to decompose this pile (without shuffling) into four piles, while removing cards of other suits and cards of the base suit under ten until you come across a card of the suit of the base card with a value higher than ten.
The next step is to divide the resulting pile into three piles. Do the same as you did the two previous times and the final action is to split the stack into two.
Result: if you end up with five cards of the base suit in your hands, then your wish will come true 100%, which means the wedding is just around the corner; if there are unwanted cards left, then something is definitely preventing the fulfillment of your desire, according to the designation of the dignity of each card. Those. if you still have a six, seven or eight, then the road (6), meeting (7) or conversation (8) is interfering. If you have a nine, ten or jack in your hands, then the wedding is being postponed due to: 9-lack of interest on your part, 10-inappropriate life circumstances and B-troubles. Well, if you hold a queen, king or ace, then you are disturbed by: D - another woman, K - another man, Ace - work or other responsibilities.

Option 2

Fortune telling for a wedding in French. Take a deck of cards (36 pieces) and remove sixes of all suits from it. Then mix the remaining cards well and arrange them into 5 piles of 6 cards each (face down). You should have 2 cards left in your hands, which you need to put 1 on top of the first pile, 2 on top of the fifth pile.
Take the first pile and remove all the cards from it until you get a queen or king - at this point the pile should be put aside. Do the same with the remaining piles, and then one by one, fold all the resulting piles into one large one.

Now the resulting stack must be again divided into five different ones (without mixing!) and remove all the cards from them according to the method described above. If the resulting deck contains only kings and queens, all the cards need to be opened and looked at: if the king and queen of the same suit are lying next to each other, then the wedding will take place in the near future and the marriage will be successful!

Option 3

This option involves fortune telling for a wedding using a deck consisting of 52 cards. Determine the card that will represent you in fortune telling: the queen of hearts is suitable for women, the queen of diamonds is suitable for young girls.

Now mix the cards well and select 20 cards, then check if your card (queen) is among these twenty cards. If the lady is among these cards, then rest assured that the wedding will take place soon. If she is not among them, then there will be no wedding in the coming year.

This fortune telling can be continued if desired. Choose any of the 20 cards and insert it back into the deck, take out your card from the remaining cards and mix it with the selected twenty. Then you need to lay out the letter “T” from the cards. There will be several such letters, since you need to lay out all 20 cards, and one letter consists of three cards laid out from the left hand in the upper horizontal part and two cards laid out vertically under the middle card.

Now you need to find your card. To do this, open each letter in turn. If it is in the first letter, then the wedding is just around the corner, if in the second, then there will be no wedding in the near future, in the third - the wedding is still far away, in the fourth - there will never be a wedding, but if in the fifth letter, then there will be a wedding it won’t, but intimate relationships with your partner will be permanent.

Option 4

You will need a deck of 36 cards. Make a wish and shuffle the entire deck well. Next, you need to put the top fifteen cards face down and take out all the aces that are among them. Shuffle the remaining cards with the rest of the deck. Then put fifteen cards face down again and take out the aces that are among them. Stir again. After the third layout, all aces must already be selected. In this case, the wedding will take place in the near future.

Option 4. Another way

Remove all sixes from the deck (36 cards), make a wish and thoroughly shuffle the remaining cards. Now lay out the cards as in the previous method, but not 15, but 13 cards face down. Lay out cards exactly as many times as necessary so that all the aces are selected from the deck. Analyze the result as follows: the wish will come true if the Ace of Hearts is found first; the wedding will take place, but it will not be so easy if the ace of diamonds was found first; the wish will come true only if you have to overcome a lot of obstacles - if the first to come across is the ace of clubs; the wish will not come true if the ace of spades comes first.

Option 5

This method of fortune telling is suitable for girls who want to marry a certain man.

So, you will need a deck of cards (36 pcs). Before you start guessing, you need to guess the name of the chosen one. Next, you need to remove all the sixes, and shuffle the remaining cards well. Then get the queen and king of hearts from them. The king must be placed at the bottom of the deck, the queen must be placed at the top. Now you need to turn the lady face down, put it on the table, and next to it open the card that was under it in the deck. After this, open the entire deck and remove cards that are combined as follows: the middle card of three cards of the same rank (three kings, for example) or the same suit (for example, three spades), if they come in a row; any one or two cards if they lie between cards of the same value or suit.

So you should get the whole deck laid out. If in the end only the queen and king you chose remain on the table, then there will be a wedding with your loved one!

Option 6

Take a deck of 36 cards and remove all sixes from it. Pull six cards from the remaining deck in random order and place them face down on the table. Now make a wish and take out any card from the remaining deck. After this, the remaining cards must be laid out face down in a pyramid. Pyramid: top row horizontally – 1 card, next row – 2 cards, next row – 3 cards, etc. The last (bottom) row should consist of six cards.

The result is interpreted as follows: the wish will not come true if the card you have chosen is in the first row, consisting of one card; the wish is unlikely to come true if she is in the second row; it will almost certainly come true if your card is in the third or fourth row; the wish will be fulfilled by 50% if she is in the fifth row; your wish will definitely come true if your card is in the sixth row.

This list of wedding fortune telling options is far from complete, but all of these options are very popular among girls dreaming of getting married. Therefore, we are sure that at least one of them will interest you and will give you only positive emotions! Good luck!

IN different cultures exists a large number of fortune telling for marriage. Young girls have always been concerned about the depth of relationships with young people, which a special fortune telling for a wedding could tell about. For this purpose, various available materials were often used: wax, candles, water, cereals. Fortune telling on a ring for marriage was popular. Sometimes girls even turned to gypsy tarot. All this made it possible to identify love lurking around the corner.

Folk fortune telling on a ring for marriage is given below. You will need to use a thread, a ring and a glass of water and you will be able to predict future love without help.

  • Tie the thread to the ring. Concentrate on the question of marriage or love.
  • Hold the ring 1-2 cm above the water and say your question out loud.
  • If the answer is yes, the ring will spin. If negative, stand still.

Fortune telling for marriage

Engagement year

The first fortune telling for marriage is fortune telling by date of birth. To find out about your upcoming love and the date of your marriage, calculate your birthday number.

For example: 21 = 2 + 1 = 3 If your birthday falls on a date before the tenth, there is nothing to add, the number remains in its original form.

Using the same principle, add up the numbers for the expected year of marriage.

For example: 2017 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 According to the table below, compare the number of your birthday with the number opposite - this is the number of a prosperous year for marriage.

Birthday Year of marriage
1 1, 4, 5, 7
2 1, 5, 6, 8
3 3, 6, 7, 9
4 1, 4, 7, 8
5 2, 5, 7, 9
6 1, 3, 6, 9
7 1, 2, 4, 8
8 1, 2, 6, 8
9 2, 3, 6, 7

When analyzing the full date of birth, pay attention to the number of certain digits.

3, 6, 8, 9 - in the date of birth they speak of a long absence of marriage or relationship. This is due to the freedom-loving properties of these numbers. A person with this date of birth need not worry about problems in marriage - the delay is natural, everything will come with time.

2 - relationship magnet. The more of them there are in the date of birth, the greater the likelihood of meeting love.

Love is on the cards

But if there can be several marriage dates, which one is really yours? To do this, you will need a full or partial deck of playing cards.

  1. Focus on the question: “When will I get married?” and shuffle the deck.
  2. Draw 9 cards and divide them into three equal piles: day, month, year.
  3. Sum the numbers in each pile to a prime number. Jack = 1, Queen = 2, King = 3, Ace = 11. If the day’s pile contains the number 31, proceed to calculating the month. If 32 or more, add it up to get a prime number (32 = 3 + 2 = 5).
  4. The maximum day of the month is 12.
  5. The sum of the numbers in the year stack will give us the last two digits of the year. If a number from 1 to 14 is rolled, pull out an additional card and add it to the existing numbers of the year, since 2000–2014 are already in the past.

If you are not faced with the problem of the absence of a partner and you suffer only from ignorance of his intentions, then you will need fortune telling for marriage using the gypsy tarot. All you need is a deck of 36 playing cards that can be found in any home.

What is tarot? Any object is a projection of our mind. All people are united by a thin thread. Subconsciously, we know not only about the feelings of our partner, but even about the feelings of a person whom we do not yet know.

We know both the past and the future, and the tarot only helps bring this subconscious into the conscious.

Fortune telling for marriage can be different. Here's one of them.

  1. Draw 4 jacks from the deck gypsy tarot. If you wish to marry one specific person, designate him as the jack of hearts, and the other jacks will be other partners from the future or past. If there are more than four options, guess in several stages, nominating three specific people, and the fourth jack as “other”. In the next setup, assign the Jacks as the remaining potential partners, also leaving one as the “mysterious stranger.”
  2. Place the jacks face down in a single line in any order.
  3. After thoroughly shuffling the rest of the deck, place one tarot card under each jack, face down. Repeat the procedure until a stack of eight cards is lined up under each betrothed.
  4. Take the first pile and look for paired cards in it. If there is a pair, put it under the jack. Process each stack.
  5. Shuffle the stacks together and repeat steps 3-4. The procedure is carried out only four times!
  6. Proceed to the interpretation of the cards collected in pairs.

Fortune telling with tarot cards

  • Aces: a person values ​​and loves you very much and you can count on an engagement ring.
  • Kings: be careful, this guy is very jealous of your partner and it’s better not to share unnecessary information with him. If this is your partner, is he with you out of greed?
  • Ladies: either he is cheating, or you are not his lifelong dream...
  • Tens: The guy has interest and desire for you and needs your relationship.
  • Nines: He feels tenderness and love for you. Most likely, he will offer you an engagement ring.
  • Eights: it looks like you will have frequent showdowns. Either you will have to get used to it, or you will break up due to misunderstanding.
  • Sevens: He enjoys courting you, but is he ready for marriage? If this is not your partner, he really wants to become one.
  • Sixes: you are brought together by friendships, and even without marriage ties, you are tightly connected to each other.

Most girls dream of a family. Meet your destiny, your prince, give birth to his children and share with him the long road of a happy life.

Many representatives of the fairer sex begin to rush things in order to find out when their lucky day will come. After all, love and marriage are often the most important female values. One of the right ways to achieve results in this is fortune telling for marriage. For this purpose, you can turn to professionals or do everything yourself.

Rules for conducting rituals

To find out when heaven has assigned your marriage date, you should use fortune telling. This could be playing cards or Tarot, a birth result, a ring or other methods. The main thing is complete trust in certain forces and adherence to conventions.

  • Firstly, any magical manipulations must be performed during the full moon.
  • Secondly, before such things it is recommended to fast for a day or two.
  • Thirdly, you can’t tell anyone about this. “You have to hide happiness,” our grandmothers and great-grandmothers said.
  • Fourthly, it is best to organize the process in a bathhouse or a wooden hut, then the relationship with the other world will be much stronger.
  • Fifthly, look for answers on special days: on Christmas Eve, on Christmastide, on Midsummer, on Krasnaya Gorka (a symbol of the birth of love), or at least on the full moon. Your own birthday too good time for divination.

Fortune telling for the year of marriage

For the procedure you will need:

  • Pea grains.
  • Wooden blocks.

Before midnight, pour peas into a basin, place exactly 33 candles around it and light them. You need to cut out numbers from 1 to 12 on the blocks and randomly put them in the cereal. Mix everything well with the words:

“I circle, I tell fortunes, I’ll tell you my fate, I want to know when I get married.”

Exactly at midnight you need to find with eyes closed a strip with a number - this will not be the year of marriage, but the answer to the question: “In how many years will you get married?” If you pulled out several blocks at once , shuffle them and choose, with your eyes closed, one that will tell you the exact answer. Ask questions out loud; if you don’t have wooden pieces at hand, write them on paper.

When I get married? The ring and the thread will answer

Girls in Rus' often used rings for fortune telling. You will need:

  • Ring.
  • Thread.
  • Cup

It should be red wool and tie a ring to it. You can’t use someone else’s, it’s better to buy a thin ring from the church. Wind the ring on a thread, mentally asking the question about marriage, release the thread and ring with the words:

“Turn and spin the ring, find my heart. In how many years will the betrothed and I be together?

The number of times the metal hits the glass, after so many years you will be destined to get married. You can also ask any questions with a “yes” or “no” answer. One ringing blow will be “yes”, several in a row will be “no”.

Find out your fate by date of birth

For example, your date of birth is 08/08/2008. It follows 0+8+0+8+2+0+0+8=26, break the number: 2+6=8. The last numbers will be the answer to the questions. For example: in 26 months you will get married, and 8 months after that you will become pregnant. But the date of birth is also a fateful prediction, which is interpreted according to the answers.

  1. People who have one in their destiny always strive to be first in everything; they rarely connect their lives with happy marriage, career growth, money and work in general are important to them.
  2. Deuce makes it possible to establish a good relationship with relatives and friends. People whose birth number is 2 are kind, sympathetic and cheerful by nature. Everyone loves them.
  3. Nature most often bestows three creative people who are glorified only after the end of their lives. They are talented, but melancholic and cannot make it on this earth.
  4. Four, the sign of all workaholics. Unfortunately, they rarely ask for monetary compensation for their work due to their modesty. But, one way or another, work comes first for them.
  5. Five makes people gravitate towards change, constant desire new sensations and adventures. They make good artists, writers and even swindlers. They achieve their goal and give up because they lose interest. But with a good leader (companion), they can be useful.
  6. Six is ​​given to kind, open and balanced people who love to absorb new knowledge. They are family-oriented and hospitable. Perhaps this trait will not be revealed to them immediately, but with age.
  7. Seven gives people excellent intuition, the gift of foresight and even mystical capabilities. Not everyone is able to develop such abilities. Many, under this pressure, begin to drink, get sick, join sectarians, or go crazy. Money eight. Those born with it can sleep peacefully: they have a natural flair for money transactions and transactions. But there are also disadvantages: terrible stinginess.
  8. Eight is always among good, family people who are ready and able to adapt to any changes in life. They are strong and confident.
  9. Nine gives the owner natural luck. But not everyone can take advantage of this quality, because a person is also given caution, and sometimes fear. Not everyone can combine this.

Marriage fortune telling with Tarot cards

You can guess regardless of the presence of a groom; they will tell you not only the timing of the marriage, but also the state of the future family life.

10 Tarot card spread

Before starting the procedure, you need to place 12 red candles (the number of months in a year) in a wide circle at midnight and light them clockwise. Divide the cards into arcana, major in one direction and minor in the other. From the deck of elders, lay out the outer circle of five pieces at random, remembering exactly which layout you started with. In the inner circle, lay out five folds from the deck of the minor arcana.

The external one will give information about marriage (dates, related facts), you need to take cards only with your left hand. Take internal information about life in it (advice, options) only with your right hand. This truthful fortune telling will give the girl the necessary advice on how to make her marriage better, how to speed up the approach of the wedding. Take turns in one place and another, clockwise from the first card you laid out.

Choose in turn one from the left circle, the second from the right. Before asking questions, you should focus on the topic itself or on a specific person.

External, use only the minor arcana:

  • Will I be able to get married this year?
  • What will my future spouse be like?
  • Under what conditions will a meeting with your spouse take place?
  • What will the relationship be like?
  • Are my future spouse and I suitable for each other?

Internal, use only the major arcana:

  • What should you do to speed up your marriage proposal?
  • How to behave while waiting for a man?
  • What prevents you from marrying him?
  • How to stabilize relationships?
  • How will relationships in family life go and how will they end?

Accurate fortune telling with playing cards (36 cards)

For this fortune telling, you will need a deck of 36 cards, which should be divided into numbers and pictures, shuffle each of the decks, concentrating on your question about marriage.

Course of action

Lay out the cards according to your date of birth, for example, if it is December 27, 1998, then:

  1. In the first row you place only digital cards: 27=2+7=9 pieces.
  2. In the second row you put again with numbers: 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 pieces.
  3. The third row you put only pictures: 1998=1+9+9+8=(27)2+7=9 pieces.

Then look and add up the meaning of the cards:

Top row. The number should be no more than 12, like the months of the year; if more, we add it up again. This will be the month of marriage.

Count as in the picture: sixes are 6, sevens are 7, and so on. Then everything is summed up to the desired state. Let's say that in the top row, as mentioned, you have 9 cards: 7+8+6+7+9+6+10+10+7=(70)7+0=7. In the seventh month there is a wedding.

Second row. A number greater than 10 will answer how many years later you will get married. For example: 10+10+8=(28)2+8=10. In 10 years your wedding will take place, so you will find out how many years it will take place.

Third row. It is interpreted according to the meanings of the pictures: how happy you will be in your marriage. For example, you have 9 cards, you should carry out a “revision”: leave the repeating plots, remove the rest. Then again remove the smaller number of repetitions, leave the larger number and look at the value.

Meaning in fortune telling

  • Jack - troublesome relationships. Red is love troubles, black is useless, quarrelsome.
  • Lady - a marriage, red - a man dominates a marriage, black - a woman.
  • King - Stability in marriage. Red – everything depends on relationships. Black - it all depends on your financial situation.
  • Ace – reliability, loyalty. Red - a faithful man, a reliable family, black - the man will be a wanderer and will bring suffering to the woman.

True prediction by thread and needle

This is a variety; many girls used it to accurately find out the number of children and age of marriage. Prepare a needle and red thread, mentally asking a question. Raise it above your palm and freeze; it will sway. If the movements go in a circle, the answer is yes, if the movements go in a cross, the answer is no.

Before each new question, you should give your hand a rest. So you can ask about when you are going to marry your loved one, specifically the one with whom you are already in a relationship, or in how many years the unknown future husband will meet.

How to find out about marriage by hand?

This accurate fortune telling, which was known long before you and I were born. Each dash and line on the palm has its own special meaning. By looking at your hand you can learn about fate, health and even the number of marriages. The marriage lines lead from the edge of the palm to the mound of Mercury; they can be clearly seen when the arm is bent. There will be straight lines and broken lines. Straight ones are marriage, and broken ones are serious relationships, without legal consolidation of the union. Watch the lines on right hand. The absence of such does not mean that there will be no husband or wife at all, but only about the prudent and pragmatic personality of the owner of this very hand.

Free gypsy fortune telling

You'll need a pair fortune telling bones and interpretation of answers. It is better to purchase them in specialized stores and store them in a wooden box. Playing with them is strictly not recommended, as is giving someone else's hands. Things endowed with magic must be personal.

"Not really"

An ancient fortune telling with bones, in which you need to clearly pose the question. An example of an inaccurate question: “Will I marry the person I think about?”

An example of an exact question: “Will I get married this year?” You need to throw the dice over your left shoulder, shaking them well. The numbers are summed up: even means “Yes”, odd means “No”.

New Year's dice predictions

A prediction about what this year will be like. It can be done both on the holiday itself and within 40 days after it. You will need a pair of dice marked with the numbers 1 to 6. Shake them for at least 30 seconds before throwing them and throw them over your left shoulder. Let’s say the number 1 comes up on one of them and 1 on the other, we add it up, we get 2, let’s see what we are destined to do based on the answers below. If you roll 2 and 2, look at prediction number 4 accordingly; 2 and 3 at number 5 and so on.

What does the sum of two dice predict:

  • Two – A big gift awaits you this year.
  • Three - They confess their love to you in the middle of the year.
  • Four - The person is not worthy of you, this year you need to make a choice. Don’t sacrifice yourself, then good changes await you at the end of the year.
  • Five - Do not abuse the trust of your loved one, this year you still have to marry him, because he is preparing a proposal.
  • Six - An intimate relationship awaits you, without love.
  • Seven – Love is impossible this year.
  • Eight - In the near future you will meet your destiny, but the year will not be easy, try to hold on to it.
  • Nine – The person who dreams about you is not the one you dream about, but it’s worth thinking about. Otherwise, the year will pass in dreams.
  • Ten - Good year for love, meet more often, he is fateful.
  • Eleven - In the middle of the year, separation from your loved one awaits you, perhaps due to betrayal and perhaps even yours.
  • Twelve - A good year for marriage, hurry up.

Fortune telling for a new marriage

Unfortunately, there are a lot of divorces these days, but this does not give a reason not to think about a second marriage. We suggest using the power of other worlds that answer your question: “Will I get married again?” You will need:

  • Peas or beans.
  • Ring with stone.
  • Thread, wool.

Place the peas in a circle in piles (numerology from one to ten), you should get a small circle. Tie the thread to the ring so that the stone is on the side and not at the bottom. It is convenient to lean your elbows on the table, make as many circles with a thread as full years while asking the question:

“My ring is spinning like a wheel, like the disk of the sun in the sky, screw me a ring in how many years will I be able to get married again?”

Stop turning and wait until the ring stops. At which number of peas the stone is directed, after so many years the girl will get married. If the stone ends up between the embankment, then the figure is approximate. You can finish and write everything mathematical values, but it's better to stick to the old rules.

Each person has his own personal number. It depends on him what year you get married.

For example, you were born on January 19, 1987. Personal number – 1+9+1+1+9+8+7=36=3+6=9. Below is a key that will help you predict your marriage year.

  • A one indicates that the wedding will be celebrated in years ending with 1, 5 and 7.
  • Two is a sign that an important year for the family will end with the numbers 2, 4 and 8.
  • Three is a number that says that the ideal year in terms of starting a family will be the year with the last digit - 3, 6 or 9.
  • When you calculated it, did you get a four? Guide to numbers – 4, 6, 9.
  • The personal number “five” promises a wonderful year for marriage, in which at the end there is either 5, or 8, or 0.
  • The number six means that only 6, 9 and 0 can be considered your numbers for marriage.
  • If your number is seven, then look forward to a wedding year ending in 1, 3 and 7.
  • Eight predicts the years of marriage with the last digit being 2, 5 and 8.
  • If a nine is rolled, then the wedding years will end with 3, 7 and 9.

What is the wedding number?

If you already have a loved one, then you can conduct fortune telling based on the birth dates of both. To do this, you need to calculate your personal number and your lover, the difference will be the answer to what date you are most likely to get married.

So, if you were born on January 19, 1987, then 1+9+1+1+9+8+7=36=9, he was born on April 15, 1985, his personal number is 1+5+4+1+9+8 +5=33=6. Find the difference: 9-6=3. Your wedding will take place on the 3rd or 13th, or 23rd, or 30th, or 31st.

What month is the wedding

This fortune telling will help you find out the month of your wedding. To do this, you need to add the number of letters in your full name to your personal number.

For example, your personal number is 9 (date of birth - January 19, 1987), and your name consists of 5 letters (Irina). We add the resulting numbers 9 and 5 - we get 14. We bring it to a single digit - 1 + 4 = 5, which means there is a great chance of getting married in May. If, when added, the result is 10, 11 or 12, then they do not need to be made simple, since these numbers mean October, November, December.

How soon will I get married?

For thousands of years, people have conducted research to identify patterns in this world, systematize data and knowledge, with the help of which they tried to predict the course of events. It was during such manipulations that science was born. Numerology gives you a chance, based on information about your date of birth, to lift the veil of the future and find out your destiny.

Happiness for a woman is home, family and a loved one nearby, so among fortune-telling the most popular topic is wedding. To find out the future, many turn to professional fortune tellers, but this is not necessary. However, you can guess by date of birth for marriage at home.


Calculations are carried out adhering to the following rules.

  1. Believe in what you are doing and in the forces that help you look beyond the veil of the future.
  2. It is advisable to carry out magical procedures during the full moon.
  3. Before fortune telling, it is better to fast for a day or two.
  4. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.
  5. True and obtained in baths or wooden houses. Natural material is the best conductor between worlds.
  6. The most favorable period is holidays, birthday or full moon.

To find out the future, use simple methods calculations or complex. For simple ones, you will need a blank white sheet and a writing medium, and for complex ones, a calculator. You will also need a manual for the procedure and a table with information on the interpretation of the obtained values.

Fortune telling by date of birth for marriage

Method one - calculate the probability of a wedding

You will need to do some arithmetic.

Take the fortuneteller’s date of birth and the year for which you need to calculate the probability of a wedding. After this, multiply the numbers together.
10/25/1988, let's calculate the probability for 2018

25*10*1988*2018 = 1 002 946 000

The probability of marriage is assessed by the presence of eights (the last digit of the desired year) in the result. In our example there is no such probability.

Method two - when will I get married?

Will need Blank sheet, pencil and attention.

Write your first and last name on the paper and count the number of letters.

➦ For example:

  1. Utinovina Ekaterina – 17 letters. We reduce it to a simple number: 1+7=8.
  2. We write down the date on which the fortune telling is performed: December 21, 2017: 2+1+1+2+2+0+1+7=16 ⟹ 1+6=7.
  3. We add the two resulting numbers: 8+7=15 ⟹ 1+5=6. The fortune telling number is 𝟞.

After this, we look at the meaning of the result obtained in the following transcript.

  • 𝟙 - Portends a very quick marriage, but either a marriage of convenience, or due to pregnancy or for other reasons. The union may be long-lasting, or it may not, everything is in your hands.
  • 𝟚 – The expected event will occur in 1-1.5 years. Show patience and wisdom, and then the union will be happy.
  • 𝟛 - This number does not foretell a quick marriage, but when it happens, you will be the most happy man in the world.
  • 𝟜 – You don’t know why you want to get the information you are looking for, because you yourself are not eager to get married.
  • 𝟝 – It all depends on the fortuneteller. If there is a desire, the event will happen soon.
  • 𝟞 – A person is looking for an ephemeral ideal that does not exist. Don't look for people without flaws - they don't exist.
  • 𝟟 – It is possible to conclude an alliance at any time, but do not rush things, there are other goals that require attention.
  • 𝟠 – After my friend’s marriage, the wedding will take place soon.
  • 𝟡 - The fortuneteller is one of those people who get married late. The reason lies within themselves.

☞ Video story

What age will I get married by date of birth?

First method

  1. Date of birth: 10/25/1988. We calculate the number of birth (Nr). Chr = 2+5+1+0+1+9+8+8=34 ⟹ 3+4=7.
  2. Let's find out the meaning of each coming year - the number of the year (Ng). For example: 2018 ⟹ 2+0+1+8=11 ⟹ 11=1+1=2; 2019 ⟹ 2+0+1+9=12 ⟹ 1+2=3; 2020 ⟹ 2+0+2+0=4, etc.
  3. We determine the date according to table 1.

Where: Chr – number of birth; Chg – number of the year

Table 1.

date date date
1 One, four, five and seven4 One, four, seven and eight7 One, two, four and eight
2 One, five, six and eight5 Two, five, seven and nine8 One, two, six and eight
3 Three, six, seven, nine6 One, three, six and nine9 Two, three, six and seven

According to the data from the table, it can be seen that the birth number 𝟟 corresponds to years with Hg equal to 𝟙, 𝟚, 𝟜 or 𝟠 - this is 2018; 2020, 2021 and 2024, 2028, etc. It is believed that marriages created in these years are the most durable.

Second method

  1. Find out the number of the name by adding the number of letters in the first and last names (Chi) ⟹ Chizhova Anna ⟹ 6+4=10 ⟹ 1+0=1.
  2. We calculate the value of the number we are guessing at Ch 12/22/2017 = 2+2+1+2+2+0+1+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 9.
  3. We print the sum of two numbers Chi+Chg ⟹ 1+9=10 ⟹ 1+0=1. The result obtained corresponds to an ideal year for a wedding. We add the number 𝟙 to the end of the year - 2021, 2031, etc.

Fortune telling how many marriages there will be

To find out how many marriages a woman will have, it is enough to divide the number of her month of birth by 2 (we give the number in simple form). For example, if she was born in November (10th month = 1+0=1), there will be one marriage.

To determine the characteristics of family life, we define several required quantities.

Marriage number (Nb) = Chi (name number) + Zhp (number life path)

Chi is calculated as follows: find out what number each letter in the first and last name corresponds to. The table will help with this.

A, I, S, B, K1 G, L, F, E4 Yo, O, Shch, Ch, K7
B, J, T, S2 D, M, X, Yu, K5 F, P, W8
B, K, U, L3 E, N, C, Z6 Z, R, Shch9

➦ For example:

Yana Belova ⟹ 6+6+1+2+6+4+7+3+1=36 ⟹ 3+6=9

We look for the date of birth by adding the numbers of the date of birth.

➦ For example: 11/15/1988

  • 1+5=6
  • 1+1=2
  • 1+9+8+8=26 ⟹ 2+6=8
  • 6+2+8=16 ⟹ 1+6=7

Bw (number of defects) = Chi + Chzhp ⟹ 9+7=16 ⟹ 1+6=7

☞ Meaning and interpretation of characteristics of family life

B&WFor womenFor men
1 Headship in the familyLoyalty to work
2 Boring marriageShowing concern for the family
3 Comfort, home, fidelityEntertainment
4 Smoothing out or ending conflictsEqual position in the family of both spouses
5 Talks about success in career and businessCarefree life
6 Fickle behavior, rash actionsThe desire for comfort and homeliness
7 Showing care and affectionHaste in everything and incompleteness
8 Attacks of jealousy and anxietyCunning, lying and dishonesty
9 Loyalty and finding loveMelancholy and sadness
  1. Consider your own state of mind and the health of your body before fortune telling. You should be in good shape and feel energized.
  2. It is better to tell fortunes on Friday night - this day is ruled by Venus, and at night the world of spirits is as open as possible.
  3. During the procedure, maintain silence, preferably alone and without distractions. Concentrate completely on the process.
  4. Truthful or days of power.
  5. Don't guess more than three times a year.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

  1. There was no mood, we didn’t feel a connection with another world.
  2. The procedure was carried out under conditions of stress or emotional upsurge.
  3. They were looking for confirmation of expectations, not truth.
  4. An overly dynamic or stagnant life.
  5. They guessed too often.
  6. Not very interested, and desire is at a low level.
  7. You don't trust the result or don't believe in it.

For many centuries girls have dreamed of happy marriage and love. During the development of civilization, a lot of ways to find out the future appeared - numerology, fortune telling playing cards and Tarot, ritual or not – there are many methods to look beyond the edge. However, remember that whether the prediction comes true or not depends only on you. Your destiny is in your hands.



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