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Where is Maria Maksakova's first husband? Maksakova's older children: How do they live without their mother? Maria's relationship with her teacher

The main place for discussion in the country - the Russian parliament, judging by some of the deputies, is more like a kind of club of interests, whose members help each other resolve sensitive issues. Political disagreements recede far into the background. A clear example is the mutually beneficial family union of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation deputy Denis Voronenkov and the bright representative of the United Russia faction Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs in every sense.

The famous opera singer Maria Petrovna Maksakova-Igenbergs was born in 1977 in the Bavarian capital of Munich, which probably automatically made her a German citizen. Latvian blood and German citizenship were brought into the aristocratic family of the Maksakovs by Maria’s mother, actress, People’s Artist of the RSFSR Lyudmila Maksakova, who married the physicist Peter Igenbergs, now a businessman doing business in Russia. The daughter was named Maria in honor of her grandmother, also a famous and respected singer in the past.

A brief excursion into a difficult personal life

Today, the name of Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs is certainly among the elite of the world opera stage. A soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, she has conquered the most prestigious stages on all continents with her mezzo-soprano voice, and, in fact, no one has any questions about the singer’s talent.

We are interested in something else: what prompted the hereditary servant of the muses to retrain as a servant of the people? Why did Maksakova-Igenbergs suddenly decide to dilute the impeccable reputation of a creative person with the dubious fame of a United Russia deputy?

To answer these questions, you need to take a brief excursion into the difficult personal life of Maksakova-Igenbergs. And with men, Maria Petrovna Jr., let’s say, frankly had no luck. The official marriage with communist deputy Denis Voronenkov, which was concluded quite recently, in March of this year, was preceded by two (at least) not entirely successful civil unions.

In 2011, Russian law enforcement officers, at the request of colleagues from Spain, arrested Maksakova-Igenbergs’ first common-law husband, Vladimir Tyurin. The world then learned that this gentleman was the leader of the “brotherly” organized crime group. Maksakova, exactly at that time, was running for State Duma deputy on the United Russia list from the Astrakhan region. The singer probably had to urgently erase from the information space all her interviews and other revelations where Tyurin was inadvertently mentioned. But the Internet, as you know, is an insidious thing, and a lot of previously saved pages are still floating around the Internet. Against this background, United Russia’s attempt to justify its candidate looks especially ridiculous. A refutation was then issued on the official website of the party (!): they say that Maksakova-Igenbergs never had any discrediting connections with citizen Tyurin...

Apparently, in order to smooth out the unhealthy interest of the press and finally bury the story with Tyurik, Maksakova-Igenbergs in the same year made public the name of the Azerbaijani jeweler Jamil Aliyev, who allegedly has long been her common-law husband. This information bears clear signs of a legend, especially in light of the fact that just three years later the mother of two children allegedly conceived by Aliyev married deputy Voronenkov.

It was not nostalgia that brought me to Munich, but concern for the future

Information appeared on the Internet that in September of this year Maksakova-Igenbergs and her husband Denis Voronenkov could come to Munich. Apparently, it was not Maria Petrovna’s nostalgia for the past that brought them there, but, on the contrary, concerns about the future. The couple, as reported by the New Look publication, were present at a transaction to purchase an apartment in the capital of Bavaria, and, as follows from the material, this apartment was registered not in the name of one of them, but in Voronenkov’s eldest daughter (from his first marriage), Katerina. It is known about this girl that she is registered in Moscow, on Malaya Gruzinskaya Street, lives there, but, as the same publication claims, she has not a Russian, but a Belarusian passport. This is how a family international can turn out.

On this topic

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, responded to data published by the Accounts Chamber on the low efficiency of the implementation of the federal target program in the region. The official complained about insufficient funding and close attention to his work.

An intra-family resource could also be used to withdraw money for the purchase of German real estate. The funds appear to have been transferred in cash to Maksakova's father, Peter Igenbergs, who may not only have a registered business in Germany, but also controlled assets in Russia. Through this channel the money could be transferred to a German bank. Apparently, Maria’s elder brother on her father’s side, Andi Igenbergs, was looking for an apartment for the newlyweds, and Igenbergs Sr.’s employee, Natalya von Schirach, could simultaneously resolve issues with obtaining a residence permit (and subsequently citizenship) for Voronenkov. Her husband Klaus von Schirach, a professional lawyer, could help her with this.

The last question must be of particular concern to Denis Voronenkov, since major problems began to arise in his homeland. Not long ago, information appeared that the Investigative Committee plans to open a criminal case against a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation related to the fraudulent theft of a building in Moscow. The fact that Voronenkov is a member of the anti-corruption committee in the State Duma made the situation especially poignant. The case seemed to be hushed up, but it cost the deputy a lot of nerves. For Voronenkov, this was, it must be said, the second episode of his miraculous escape from prison, largely due to his deputy status. In 2000, his name appeared in a story about mediation in the transfer of a bribe of 10 thousand dollars. Apparently, having involved the “right people”, Voronenkov managed to get the ball rolling, but times change, and – who the hell isn’t joking! - It may not work a third time. Therefore, the probable concern for the “alternate airfield” in Munich seems completely justified for Voronenkov.

Bold hairstyles and daring necklines: what else does the deputy have to his credit?

The fact that the parliamentary couple can use the Munich “airfield” in the very near future is confirmed by some facts. So, brother Andi, apparently, is already in full swing deciding on the issue of placing Maria Petrovna’s children in a school next door to the purchased apartment. Maksakova-Igenbergs herself seems to be exploring the possibility of cooperation with one of the German theaters: during a September trip, she, according to the Internet, negotiated with an agent and recorded materials for auditions. There shouldn’t be any problems with the singer’s employment in Germany, because her protectionist can be the legendary Mariinsky conductor Valery Gergiev, who recently received the position of director of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra.

On the one hand, one can only rejoice at this development of the career of a talented Russian singer, albeit with German roots. And the choice of country of residence is, of course, her personal matter. On the other hand, as long as Maksakova-Igenbergs remains a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, this cannot be her personal matter. Behind her are thousands of Russian voters, taxpayers, who, of course, can rejoice in the singer’s creative successes, but at the same time have the right to count on the conscientious fulfillment of the parliamentary duties assigned to her.

In the State Duma, Maksakova, as it seems to us, showed practically nothing, except for an increased interest in regulating sexual relations between Russians. Moreover, this interest manifested itself in initiatives of completely different directions. Maksakova-Igenbergs was one of the few deputies who advocated removing references to prohibitions on gay propaganda from laws, and at the same time she believes that children should be protected from any sexual propaganda, regardless of orientation. Apart from bright hairstyles and daring necklines, this is perhaps all that the opera singer will be remembered for in the Russian parliament.

It is therefore not at all surprising that, against the backdrop of the president’s growing ratings, Russians increasingly perceive the highest legislative body as a kind of community of people that has nothing to do with governing the country.

Connections are everything

In her numerous interviews, the singer-deputy constantly emphasizes a certain special relationship with State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin. In January 2014, a touching video appeared on the YouTube video service, where Naryshkin and Maksakova performed a song in a duet at the New Year’s Duma corporate party. And in one of the radio interviews, Maria Petrovna allegedly stated that Sergei Evgenievich personally helped her solve the problem of “dual citizenship.” Probably not in the sense that he somehow brought the situation into compliance with the law, but in the sense that, apparently, he simply turned a blind eye to it. After all, as you know, the law prohibits persons with foreign citizenship from holding key government positions in Russia, but this law, as if on purpose, leaves loopholes and discrepancies that are used by the people's representatives.

As the media wrote, Maksakova-Igenbergs could have built an equally close relationship with the head of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, Konstantin Romodanovsky, and he is almost a frequent guest in the Moscow house of Maksakova and Voronenkov. It is clear that, having such a guest, it would not be at all difficult to hide information about your “wrong” second citizenship. Connections, as they say, are everything. There is an assumption that she helped place the niece of one of the leaders of the presidential administration in the Central Music School. Of course, we could turn a blind eye to all this if we, the voters, knew for sure that Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs now serves exclusively the interests of Russia and does not think about any other homeland. But, alas, this does not seem to be the case.

Soon after the wedding, Maksakova stated that her young husband sold her seven-room apartment worth 100 million rubles and disappeared with the money. However, Khalaev’s relatives and friends are sure that the singer used her young husband for her own purposes. However, the fact that Dalhat was previously involved in real estate fraud suggests that the young lawyer is not so simple.


The vocalist's longtime friend and former neighbor Milena Deinega claims that her husband used the artist and broke her heart. "I have reliable information that Maria Maksakova is now on antidepressants. She sobs, does not go out into the world, she cries. Exclusive information is from our mutual friend, her name is Olga. She lives in the same area where Maria lives. In No one saw her in this state. She sincerely believed him. She wanted a child from him,” said a friend of the star in the studio of the Channel One program “Actually.”

However, Khalaev’s best friend Murat Kazharov denied Milena’s words, saying that everything is exactly the opposite. The opera diva fell in love with an inexperienced guy and used her for her own purposes. Murat said that his friend sincerely believed in Maria and would never have betrayed her.

Third parties were unwittingly drawn into the conflict between Maksakova and Khalaev. Murat Merzhoev, who bought the ill-fated apartment, is very dissatisfied with the current situation. An acquaintance of the buyer came to the studio and introduced himself as Ruslan Kurbanov.

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According to him, Murat was not involved in the machinations of Maria and Dalhat, he just wanted to purchase real estate. “It’s not surprising to me that Murat was able to buy it. He comes from the Republic of Ingushetia, he comes from a wealthy family. His father ran a large business in both Russia and Kazakhstan. Unfortunately, his father passed away several years ago and left an inheritance to his son,” Kurbanov told those present.

“According to my information, the apartment was sold for 45 million rubles,” continued Ruslan. “I don’t know where the figure of 100 million came from. I saw the price tag, but I spoke personally with Murat Merzhoev, he told me.”

According to Kurbanov, when completing the transaction, the parties used a well-known scheme, when the contract specifies a reduced price in order to evade taxes, and the rest of the amount is transferred in person through a receipt. Ruslan believes: after the funds ended up with Dalhat, he flew to Turkey, where, quite possibly, he met with Maria. “But if the money was transferred in cash, then it is impossible to transport it to Turkey,” reasoned an acquaintance of Merzhoev.

It is noteworthy that Dalhat's friends claim that he did not receive a single ruble. Since the bag of cash was stolen from the buyer by unknown people, and the remaining 45 million that should have been transferred to his account did not arrive, the star’s husband was simply cheated out.

The experts present at the shooting did not take sides. They suspect that Maria and Dalhat acted together.

Today, the name of Maria Maksakova again occupies the front pages of newspapers, and this is connected with events, primarily political. However, many are interested not only in this, but also in how many children Maria Maksakova has. Today, the former opera diva is the mother of three children and is pregnant with her fourth.

Maksakova’s biography cannot be called standard, just like her personal life. Even those who don’t know how many children Maria Maksakova Jr. has have probably heard that the father of the two eldest is a crime boss from those called “thieves in law.” Then Maksakova dated a famous jeweler for some time, but did not have children from him. But the third life partner managed to give the singer a wonderful baby and left her pregnant.

One of the most famous couples - Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov - also turned out to be a deputy couple. It would seem that the spouses should have had differences in political views, since Voronenkov was a member of the Communist faction, and Maksakova was a member of United Russia. However, this did not stop them from being considered one of the happiest married couples. Moreover, according to the singer herself, they got married in Jerusalem. To the question of how many children the singer Maria Maksakova has, she herself repeatedly answered in interviews - she gave her husband an heir. The son of the deputy couple Maksakova-Voronenkov was born on April 15, 2016, the boy was given the name Ivan. As for Maksakova’s older children, Voronenkov treated them very warmly; they lived with their mother and new father.

However, not everyone knows that the answer to the question of how many children opera singer Maria Maksakova has could be different. The fact is that Voronenkov’s problems with the law also affected his family. In 2015, law enforcement agencies became interested in the dubious past of a communist deputy. Of course, Maria had to be very nervous. As a result of this, she, by her own admission, lost twins, since she was pregnant at that time. You can see for yourself how many children Maksakova and Voronenkov could have had. Denis Nikolaevich had a chance to become the father of four children, given the fact that today Maksakova is pregnant again.

Problems with the law and fear for his freedom forced Voronenkov to decide to flee the country at the end of 2016. Maria Maksakova could not stay in Russia and therefore followed her husband “into exile,” leaving her parliamentary seat and vocal career. This step caused disapproval from many, including the mother of singer Lyudmila Maksakova. After all, in fact, the singer abandoned her two older children, taking only the youngest, Vanechka, with her to Ukraine.

Life in another country for a married couple could have turned out quite well if Voronenkov had not been shot dead in Kyiv on March 23, 2017. A video has already appeared on the Internet about how Maria Petrovna, seeing her husband’s body, fainted, which in her position, of course, is very undesirable. In addition to the shock from the death of her husband, the singer is now going through a rather difficult period in her life - after all, today she is left alone in Ukraine, without a family, children, or close circle.

Maria Maksakova: the singer’s personal life, husbands, children, photos

The personal life of Maria Petrovna has always interested her fans. It is known how many children M. Maksakova has, but how did it happen that she, already a mother of two children, never put on a wedding dress? The thing is that Maria Petrovna could not marry the crime boss Vladimir Tyurin - his status did not allow him to have a legal family. This, however, did not stop the couple from producing a son and daughter. First Ilya was born, and four years later Lyudmila was born. The girl was named after the famous grandmother. By the way, many are interested in how many children actress Lyudmila Maksakova has. In addition to Maria, she also has a son, Maxim, a successful entrepreneur.

After Tyurin was arrested and a criminal case was opened against him, Maria Maksakova decided to break up with him and take the children with her. Apparently, the couple settled this issue, since Tyurin did not claim that his son and daughter would subsequently remain with him.

The next man in Maksakova’s life was businessman and jeweler Jamil Aliyev. However, marriage with him also did not work out - the couple dated for a short time and soon broke up for unclear reasons. There were rumors that the reason for this was Tyurin’s threats against Aliyev. Judging by how many children the singer Maksakova has, the opera diva is quite prolific, but she did not have time to give birth to a jeweler or did not want to give birth to a child.

The marriage to Denis Voronenkov became official and the first in the star’s life. Judging by numerous photos, they were really happy. The strength of the union was not shaken even by Maksakova’s miscarriage due to nervousness. And their common son was supposed to be proof of sincere love between the spouses. It is no coincidence that Maria Petrovna left everything she had for the sudden departure to Ukraine - the opera stage, her career and her parliamentary position. Unfortunately, she also left behind two children.


Where are the children of Maria Maksakova now?

The news that Maksakova’s eldest son and daughter were essentially abandoned was received negatively by the public. Many, asking how old Maksakova’s children are and where they are now, also asked another question - how Maria Petrovna could leave them. After all, the children were raised in love and care, and this was visible even to strangers.

The singer was reluctant to talk about her elders, but she did not intend to hide them from the media. It is not difficult to find out how old Maria Maksakova’s children are today - Ilya 12, Lyudmila 8 for 2017. Both of them are quite talented, which is not surprising given the genes of their mother and grandmother.

Ilya at one time studied in an acting studio, tried himself in vocals - many note that the boy has a very good voice and perfect pitch. And then the parents decided that the boy should make a military career, and enrolled him in the Suvorov Military School. Apparently, Voronenkov insisted on this, who at one time himself graduated from such a school in Leningrad.

Luda is also a very talented child. She studies at a music school in the harp class and is involved in the gymnastics section. Since the girl was raised not only by her mother, but also by her grandmother, who usually does not mince words, there is a high probability that Lyudmila Jr. will become a prominent media person.

In the video, Lyudmila Maksakova, 8 years old, plays the harp

After Voronenkov fled to Ukraine with his wife and son, the media became interested not only in how many children Maria Petrovna Maksakova had, but also in the question of who Ilya and Lyuda were left with and who would raise them. Many were sure that their grandmother would take the children in. However, from an interview with Maria herself, it became clear with whom her eldest children now live. It turned out that their own father, Vladimir Tyurin, took them. Moreover, he insisted that Ilya leave the Suvorov School, explaining his decision by saying that he did not want additional stress for his son in connection with his mother’s escape from the country. Today Lyudmila and Ilya are with their father, and Maksakova’s youngest son Ivan is with her in Kyiv.

Maria Petrovna admitted in her interviews that she very much regretted the decision to leave her children in Moscow. However, what happened on March 23 in Kyiv may give the singer a chance to return back to her daughter and son.

Today, the media reported that former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov, who had previously moved to Ukraine with his wife Maria Maksakova, was killed in the center of Kyiv. According to journalists, the man was shot dead. This information was confirmed to correspondents by Verkhovna Rada deputy from the “Petro Poroshenko Bloc” Dmitry Belotserkovets. The area around the scene of the incident is blocked off, and law enforcement officials are currently working there.

Ilya Ponomarev: “Denis Voronenkov was killed at 11.25 at the Premier Palace.” He was coming to meet me. There are no words. The security guard managed to wound the attacker. The version is obvious - I said that Voronenkov is not a swindler, but an investigator who is mortally dangerous for Russian security forces. My deepest condolences to Maria Maksakova."

Ukrainian media: Denis Voronenkov’s security guard and the alleged killer were wounded and are in the hospital.

Lyudmila Maksakova "Life": “Well, thank you, Lord, but what else can we do with him? Thank God that in the end the person who was so mean, he is a military man, he would have been shot for treason long ago.”

Dtp.kiev.ua: six shell casings and a Makarov pistol were found at the scene.

Investigative Committee "RIA Novosti":“So far, the investigation has not received any official information about the death of Denis Voronenkov, a defendant in the criminal case. If official confirmation of his death is received, the law provides for either the termination of the criminal case on non-rehabilitating grounds with the consent of the relatives of the deceased, or in the absence of such consent, the referral of the criminal case to the court for consideration on the merits.”

Dmitry Peskov "RIA Novosti": Russian President Vladimir Putin was informed of the murder of Denis Voronenkov.

Ilya Ponomarev “To the Rain”:“The security guard managed to wound one of the attackers.”

Head of the National Police of Kyiv Andrey Krischenko “RIA Novosti”:“The killer is under guard and is receiving priority medical attention.”

A video of the crime scene has appeared on the Internet.

Kyiv police: Denis Voronenkov was killed with a TT pistol. The life of the bodyguard of the ex-State Duma deputy is not in danger. The man was hospitalized.

State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin to Life: The murder of Denis Voronenkov may be related to his business.

RIA Novosti: Maria Maksakova left the hotel in Kyiv, accompanied by security. The woman did not give comments to journalists.

Joseph Kobzon to “Interlocutor”:“I’m sure that if Masha returns to Russia, no one will persecute her... I haven’t read Lyudmila Maksakova’s commentary, but I’m sure that she couldn’t say that.”

Ekaterina Dobrynina, daughter-in-law of Lyudmila Maksakova “Life”:“Masha didn’t get in touch! I think she's in hell right now! Masha is strong, everything will fall into place.”

Media: Voronenkov’s killer is in intensive care.

Petro Poroshenko indirectly blamed Russia for what happened. During a conversation with reporters, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov denied these assumptions. “We believe that any fabrications that are already being heard about the notorious Russian trace are absurd... We hope that the killer and those who were behind these actions will be identified,” journalists quote him.

Source in law enforcement agencies "Life":“The attacker on Denis Voronenkov is a non-contact person, it is not possible to interrogate him.” The man was diagnosed with severe injuries to the head, chest and limbs. Currently he is in one of the hospitals in Kyiv.

An eyewitness account of the events to Meduza: “At first we heard three pops, and immediately after that another group and another group [of shots]. There were probably seven to ten shots in total. We often have something slamming in the city center, so we didn’t attach any importance to it - we thought someone was being hooligan. Only then did we hear sirens and we ran out. An ambulance had just arrived at the scene and one police car was parked. I saw two people lying on the asphalt. I immediately recognized Voronenkov himself.”

Stanislav Sadalsky on Instagram:“Someone said a long time ago that people tend to kill those they love. Well, the opposite is also true.”

Deputy head of the Popular Front faction Victoria Syumar in a conversation with the Ukrainian agency UNN:“We need to investigate this matter today. I think at the international level, and I would ask everyone now to invite both Interpol and the FBI.”

Businessman Otari Kobakhidze, recognized as a victim in the criminal case of Denis Voronenkov, gave a comment to Life.“Yesterday I drove up to the office and a stranger approached me and was waiting for me. He said that Denis Voronenkov would speak to me now, and handed me the phone. The interlocutor introduced himself as Voronenkov and said that he wanted to go back to Russia and surrender to the authorities. He asked me to contact him directly with the investigator and discuss this possibility,” the man said.

TV channel “112 Ukraine”: Voronenkov was shot at point blank range.

Director of the Communications Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Artem Shevchenko “Life”:“At the moment, the Kiev police have entered data into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations under the article “Premeditated Murder.”

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: “The killer had accomplices.”

Maria Zakharova: “Moscow is shocked by the information received about the murder, the daring murder today, March 23, in the center of Kyiv, of former deputy of the Russian State Duma Denis Voronenkov. “Currently available data suggests that we are talking about a prepared contract killing, which has all the signs of a demonstrative action.”

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko on air on the channel “112 Ukraine”:“The alleged killer of former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov received a through head wound and is on the verge of death.”

RIA Novosti with reference to Ukrainian media: The alleged killer of a former State Duma deputy is wanted in a case of fictitious entrepreneurship and money laundering. It is known about the man that he was born in 1988.

Head of “A Just Russia” Sergei Mironov to the TV channel “Russia 24”:“There should probably be several versions: criminal aspects, political provocation by well-known forces in Ukraine, and the past of Voronenkov’s inner circle. There are enough versions."

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko told reporters that Maria Maksakova was being interrogated.

Ukrainian media: Voronenkov's alleged killer died on the operating table.

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko:“The deceased Voronenkov was under the protection of one of the Ukrainian special services. The person who was wounded and who was able to shoot back at the killer is an active employee of one of the Ukrainian special services.”

Producer Valery Sergeev, who is well acquainted with the artist’s family, commented to Life. The man put forward another version of what happened. According to him, the singer’s ex-husband Vladimir Tyurin could regard the star’s second marriage as a betrayal.

Press Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Artem Shevchenko RBC:“The shooter was alone, but he arrived at the crime scene in a car with at least one accomplice... The attacker walked along the boulevard, then approached, said something and opened fire.”

Advisor to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko:“A complex of operational and search activities are now being carried out in order to detain the second person who took part in organizing this murder.”

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko:“Today, in fact, a decision has already been made to protect both Ponomarev and Maria Maksakova by the SBU special forces.”

TV channel “1+1”: “The operation of guard Voronenkov lasted about four hours... The man lost a lot of blood. During the operation, doctors removed a bullet, while he is in intensive care, his condition is serious, but controllable.”

Let us remind you that Maria Maksakova and her husband Denis Voronenkov left Russia in February of this year. The husband and wife left for Ukraine. According to some reports, Denis Voronenkov was put on the federal wanted list; this later became known from sources in the Investigative Committee.

Earlier, rumors appeared in the media that Maria Maksakova was preparing to become a mother. Correspondents were allegedly informed about this by sources close to the couple. The singer herself did not confirm this information.

We also note that literally a couple of hours before the incident, an interview was published Denis Voronenkova to a local publication in which he said he feared for his life.

“There is 100% mortality on Earth, and we will all die sooner or later. What matters is how and why we lived. Sometimes the “how” is more important than the “how much”. Why live in constant fear? To quote one famous film: “Will this help?” - said Voronenkov.

Life.ru: Law enforcement agencies have identified the killer of Voronenkov. He turned out to be 28-year-old Ukrainian citizen Pavel Parshov.

Maria Maksakova has long been one of the most talked about people.

Either everyone is talking about her incredible weight loss, or about the baptism of her child. However, news reports hardly mention the opera diva's older children. Maria herself speaks about them reluctantly, as if they don’t exist at all.

What are 13-year-old Ilya and 9-year-old Lyuda doing today? Who do they live with? Do they miss their mother? And why is she so offended by them?

Both Ilya and Lyuda are very talented children. The eldest son of Maria Maksakova plays the piano. The daughter plays the harp: she even participated in the “Best of All!” program. and received a lot of applause.

And this summer both visited Yalta as part of the “Music for Gourmets” project. There, Ilya performed a march from Sergei Prokofiev’s opera “The Love for Three Oranges,” Lyuda played the harp, and also read Pasternak’s poem “In everything I want to get to the very essence.”

However, the children’s performance, which would surely have melted the heart of any mother, only caused Maksakova to be angry.


“This is a vile and unpleasant story,” she said about the decision of her daughter and son to go to Crimea. According to Maria, at the age of 13 (that is the age of her eldest son), the child already clearly understands where and why he is going. “I judge by myself,” the singer added. “At his age it would have been impossible to impose this on me.”

And the performing skills of Ilya and Lyuda, in her opinion, leave much to be desired.

I had a powerful influence on them during the 12 years they lived with me. Ilya brilliantly played the piano and grand piano, and Lyusya played the harp. But since they don’t live with me, they have stopped in their development,” Maksakova believes.

She actually dedicated a lot of offensive words to her son.

I was so proud of him. He performed in Crimea a program that he brilliantly played with me in Cannes a year ago. But only much worse, slowly and with errors.

Maria also famously went over her son’s appearance, saying that he had gained a lot of weight.

After leaving the Suvorov School, Ilya again gained 12 kilograms and began to look as if nothing had happened in his life.

It’s surprising that an adult woman suddenly, in an interview, suddenly began to blame not herself, who had to leave her children in another country, but themselves. According to Maria, her son, if he really missed his mother, could fly to her in Kyiv:

If he really wants to see me, how can I stop him from doing it?


Maria's relationship with her daughter is even more difficult than with her son. While she still calls Ilya from time to time, Lyuda, apparently, does not communicate with her mother at all. And in this story, it is not the move to another country that is to blame, but Maria herself. Although she herself, of course, gives a different name.

When she left, she ran away from their father (meaning Maksakova’s common-law husband, Vladimir Tyurin. - Ed .), I realized that I had no one to count on and had to work. Then I just had Lucy. And I had a woman whom I trusted very much - such Zoya Epifanova.

I decided: since I need to travel and work a lot, I don’t need to tie my child to me. Therefore, I deliberately asked her to be closer to Lyusya. And it turned out that when it was necessary to determine the whereabouts of the children, and I said: “Zoya, our paths have diverged,” Luda followed Zoya.

Today, both Ilya and Lyuda live with their father, Vladimir Tyurin. Maria Maksakova herself has repeatedly emphasized that this is a terrible person. However, Stanislav Sadalsky, a close friend of the family, assures that Vladimir is a very good father and does everything so that his children do not need anything. They live in a mansion on Rublyovka, go to good schools, and study music.

Lyudmila Maksakova also constantly communicates with her grandchildren. The actress, by the way, was present at that concert in Yalta, which so angered her daughter. By the way, the day after the children’s performance was Ilya’s birthday. We celebrated on the open sea on a specially rented yacht. Almost all close relatives were present. Except for my own mother...


Many journalists who did joint interviews with Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov noted: it was as if the singer had been bewitched. She looked at her chosen one with such enthusiastic eyes (who, according to many, simply used her numerous connections) that at times she looked simply inadequate.

It would seem that now her lover is no longer next to Masha. However, she continues to behave very strangely. Because a mother who publicly criticizes her children and does not at all strive to meet with them, just to pick them up and pat them on the head, raises, whatever you say, quite a lot of questions. And the sympathy that was present after Maria unexpectedly became a widow disappears right before our eyes...

At the same time, Maria Maksakova has already created her own children's foundation in Ukraine, the goal of which is to find talented children in different parts of the country.

I want to attract the widest possible audience to deserving Ukrainian children,” Maria explained.

There is no doubt that the opera diva will pay a lot of attention to other people’s children...




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