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Where do managers receive occupational safety training? How to choose the right training center for organizing occupational safety training

Conducting labor safety training is one of the main responsibilities of the employer related to ensuring the safety of the employees’ work process. The training includes employee orientation and training in safe work practices. The organization of training is carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 and GOST 12.0.004-90.

The purpose of labor protection training:

  1. reduce the number of injuries at work, reduce the level of occupational diseases;
  2. ensure compliance with labor protection requirements throughout the enterprise;
  3. train employees in safe work practices.

Training is mandatory for all employees of the enterprise, including the head of the organization.

Who is responsible for conducting occupational safety training?

Labor safety training at the enterprise is organized by the head of the enterprise; in workshops, at sites and in laboratories - heads of individual departments. The timing of training is controlled by security service specialists.

The difference between briefing and occupational safety training

According to legal requirements, occupational safety training must include employee instruction and training in safe work methods. The briefing is carried out for a short time - about 2-3 hours, after which the employee is immediately questioned about mastering the skills. The survey is carried out orally, and only after successfully completing the briefing is the employee allowed to work. Instruction ensures that the employee can handle the equipment correctly and knows the technological processes and internal procedures.

Occupational safety training (in the narrow sense) is carried out during the initial acquisition of a profession by an employee. Every employee who is hired for a position undergoes it. Training is carried out within a month from the moment the employee starts work, i.e. the employee can begin to perform duties without completing it. Training programs and requirements vary for different categories of workers.

Procedure for instructing employees

When conducting occupational safety training, the following are highlighted: the following types briefing:

  1. Introductory. All employees who are hired or transferred to a new position are instructed. Instruction takes place before employees begin performing their duties.
  2. Primary. Employees who work with equipment, perform its maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair are instructed. Instruction is carried out for specialists who use electrified or other tools in their work, and who are responsible for the storage and use of raw materials and supplies.
  3. Repeated. Once every six months, employees who have undergone initial training are trained according to the same program.
  4. Unscheduled. It is carried out in the event of a change in the type of work, the introduction of new or revision of existing standards, or in the event of recorded violations or accidents.
  5. Target. It is carried out before carrying out one-time work not in the employee’s specialty, during liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, in the case of excursions to the enterprise and other public events on the territory.

After the briefing, the employee is immediately, without allocating time for preparation, asked orally about the acquired knowledge and skills. The results of the inspection are signed by the specialist who conducted the instruction and the trained employee.

Procedure for training on labor protection

Training can be carried out by the organization itself if it has a knowledge testing commission. The commission includes at least 3 people who have already undergone training and knowledge testing. The commission is created by order of the head of the organization. The commission usually includes bosses structural divisions, security service specialists, chief specialists of the enterprise.

Must be completed within a month after the employee starts working.
Employees who are transferred to another job are also required to undergo training. The duration of training, the form in which it is carried out, and the frequency are established by the employer depending on the regulations for a specific type of work. If the organization does not have a knowledge testing commission, the manager can select employees and send them for training educational institution. After passing the exam, these employees will receive a certificate that will give them the right to train other employees.

According to requirements Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 “On education in Russian Federation» to enroll in advanced training courses, it is MANDATORY to have a secondary vocational or higher education, confirmed by the corresponding diploma.

Occupational Safety and Health

What is occupational safety and health?

This term is often compared with safety precautions. Safety precautions are an option for performing work safely. Occupational safety is a broader definition - these are specific actions that make it possible to prevent employees from receiving various injuries and diseases at work in an enterprise. It is worth saying that this process helps to minimize their consequences.

Who is required to undergo training?

Specific categories of workers must undergo occupational safety training. It's about about the following categories of citizens:

  • heads of enterprises and their deputies;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • chief employees of departments and heads of branches;
  • responsible representatives of engineering and technical departments (they must organize and control the execution of work at the workplace);
  • specialists involved in testing knowledge of labor safety standards in the organization.

It is also worth mentioning that our center offers training for labor protection specialists responsible for maintaining order at various enterprises. They undergo a special training course. After completing the preparatory course, any of the students will be aware of the main provisions of labor protection in the enterprise.

It is worth noting the following, the occupational safety training course assumes that the student will study:

  • certain issues of guaranteeing occupational health and safety standards in the workplace;
  • options - how this training can be organized for employees of the enterprise;
  • how is it carried out social protection those who suffered as part of the production process.

How often is training required?

Occupational safety training must be completed once every three years (if you are a manager or specialist at an enterprise). All other employees must undergo training once a year (or their knowledge must be tested).

What is the procedure for OT training?

This program has been prepared for representatives of a wide variety of specialties. The volume is different for everyone - so that they all fulfill their official obligations competently and safely.

Based on the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, training of managers on labor protection consists of a 40-hour lecture course in the first days of work at a new place. Further, knowledge testing is required once every few years. If any innovations and changes regarding occupational safety are introduced into the existing legislation of the Russian Federation, extraordinary inspections should be carried out. Thus, the heads of these branches are required to prepare short course training in labor safety for blue-collar workers and make certain amendments to local training for working personnel.

If we talk about employees of organizations, it is worth noting the following: knowledge must be tested every year. The specialists of our training organization can determine which training program is suitable for the employees of your enterprise. In addition (if you so wish), they will determine the category of persons who need to take this course.

Occupational safety training is required in various fields production activities:

  • in the field of national economy;
  • in the field of education;
  • in trade;
  • in medecine;
  • in the housing and communal services sector;
  • in the construction industry;
  • managers and members of commissions - they must check the knowledge of working personnel;
  • workers responsible for the use of energy installations;
  • persons who use tools and equipment in their work;
  • persons performing their duties at the highest level.

The training course is lectures. The course can also be completed on a permanent basis using our modern classrooms. If this form does not suit you due to various circumstances, you can use other options. You can go distance learning(modern tools will help with this).

Our teachers are specialists with extensive experience and high level qualifications. After studying the program, you will learn:

  • how to organize labor protection actions;
  • how to prepare all the documents;
  • rules and options for certification of workers.

Occupational safety training in 2017 ends with passing a final exam and receiving a special certificate. It is certified by an authorized person of the state labor institution with his signature. The document is valid for three years.

Labor safety training for managers and specialists in Moscow can be completed with the help of our center additional education. If you have any questions or simply want to order this service, just dial our phone number (it is listed on the official website) or leave a request in the appropriate window and wait for a call back from our manager!

Managers and specialists Occupational safety

Labor protection rules when working at height

  • Workers (1 group and without group)
  • Responsible (groups 2 and 3 and without group)

Rules for working with a construction gun

  • Construction gun operator
  • Engineering and technical specifications of a construction and assembly gun

Intersectoral rules on labor protection during the operation of industrial transport (floor-mounted trackless wheeled vehicles)" (POT RM-008-99)

  • Responsible

Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and cargo placement

  • Responsible

Rules for labor protection in construction

  • Managers and specialists

Rules for labor protection in housing and communal services

  • Managers and specialists

All categories of workers must undergo occupational safety training. Violations of this legal requirement may result in severe fines. We will tell you in the article how to organize the educational process correctly.

Read in the article:

Occupational safety: training

The employer is obliged to promptly train employees in occupational safety and test their knowledge (). If an employee has not been trained in labor safety, he is not allowed to perform his duties. If this happened due to the fault of the organization, the missed time is paid for as downtime (Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Typically, the training procedure includes:

  • familiarization with safe methods and methods of performing work;
  • training in first aid rules.

In addition, the employer is obliged to organize a test of knowledge of occupational safety requirements ().

Organization of occupational safety training

Some categories of employees must study occupational safety in training organizations of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection. These include, in particular:

  • employers (company managers, entrepreneurs);
  • deputy managers supervising occupational safety issues;
  • engineering and technical specialists supervising the work;
  • service specialists, members of labor protection commissions;
  • organizers and managers of industrial practice;
  • proxies of trade unions and other representative bodies of employees (Order No. 1/29).

Today, the only training organization in Russia for federal executive authorities is the Russian Ministry of Labor. In the process of training in occupational safety, lectures, seminars, interviews, individual or group consultations are conducted, business games. In addition, you can use the elements self-study, modular and computer programs, as well as distance learning (Order No. 1/29).

Personnel training in occupational safety and health at the enterprise is carried out according to programs approved by the employer. These programs are being developed on the basis of occupational safety programs approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor on May 17, 2004.

In addition, the following documents will be required:

  • regulations on the procedure for training and testing knowledge.

At the enterprise, occupational safety training programs are developed by heads of structural units with the participation of an occupational safety specialist (service). Training programs are approved by the employer in agreement with the trade union representative (if there is one).

Training organizations, based on sample curricula and programs of the Ministry of Labor, develop and approve work curricula and programs in agreement with the relevant federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection (Order No. 1/29).

Based on exemplary curricula and Mitrud programs, organizations also develop and approve their curricula. For this purpose, sample programs are supplemented with missing thematic sections, abstracts, educational materials, which are relevant for a specific position (profession) or type of work performed. Inappropriate sections are corrected or excluded.

For development purposes own program You can use the following documents:

  • Approximate training program;
  • Sample curricula, ;
  • Sample OT training programs individual categories insured;
  • Model Program (for business managers, members of knowledge testing commissions),

When compiling training programs, interindustry rules, standard instructions and other regulatory legal acts containing occupational safety requirements are used.

The programs include information:

  • about the basics of labor protection,
  • basics of occupational safety management in an enterprise,
  • features of ensuring occupational health and safety requirements,
  • protection of victims of accidents at work, .

The specific validity period of training programs is not established by law. When local acts, labor protection rules, and other regulations change, changes must be made to them.

In addition to the program itself, you need to develop a thematic curriculum. As a basis, you can take Sample plans for training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements (). Thematic plan, as a rule, is a separate table. It indicates a list of topics studied and the number of hours on each topic.

In addition, you need to prepare exam papers for employees. They are compiled strictly according to the curriculum. The tickets should not contain topics that are not in the curriculum.

Responsibility for the quality of occupational safety training and implementation of approved programs lies with the training organization and the employer. If the organization does not have an approved curriculum(or copies of the program in which employees were trained at the training center), then the employer will not be able to confirm that employees have completed the occupational safety course. For allowing such employees to work, the inspector may impose the following fines (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation):

  • for officials – from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • for entrepreneurs – from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • Order No. 1/29). The order and frequency of this event depend on the category of employee. For managers and specialists it is carried out at least once every three years, for employees of working professions - at least once a year.

    Extraordinary examination is carried out in certain cases, for example:

    • with changes in technological processes;
    • in case of transfer or emergence of new responsibilities for an employee;
    • with a break in work for more than one year;
    • when establishing violations by the employer in labor protection;
    • with insufficient knowledge of occupational safety requirements;
    • after accidents have occurred.

    Such rules are established in Order No. 1/29.

    At the enterprise, the testing of theoretical knowledge of occupational safety requirements and practical safe work skills of blue-collar employees is carried out by their immediate work supervisors. Employees must know the requirements of the rules and instructions, and, if necessary, special safety requirements (Order No. 1/29).

    To conduct a knowledge test, a commission must be created, which must consist of at least three people. Members of the commission must be trained and pass the occupational safety exam at the training center.

    The commission may include:

    • managers of the company and structural divisions;
    • OT service specialists;
    • chief specialists (for example, technologist, mechanics, energy engineer);
    • representatives of the trade union, other representative bodies of employees (Order No. 1/29).

    The results of testing the knowledge of employee labor protection requirements are documented in a protocol, the form of which is approved. Employees who successfully pass the exam receive a certificate in a form approved by. The chairman of the commission must sign the certificate and certify it with the seal of the organization.

    If an employee does not pass the knowledge test, he is obliged to do it again no later than one month (Order No. 1/29). Training organizations test the knowledge only of those employees whom they trained (Order No. 1/29).

According to tradition, before starting anything regarding labor protection, we need to find a regulatory justification for it. So, training of workers on labor protection in an organization should be organized in accordance with the “Procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations” (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29). According to this document, all employees of the organization, not excluding its manager, are subject to training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements. In reality, of course, not everyone is able to involve the entire staff in such a total educational program. The topic of occupational safety training, in my opinion, is one of the most labor-intensive. And if everything is clear with the training of managers and specialists, then with the training of workers it is already more difficult. But more about the workers later. Here, of course, I will write about training managers and specialists.

We are already aware of the need to train all employees. But there is a category of people whom it is advisable to train first. During inspections, the labor inspectorate will require information specifically on them. So, these are: the head of the organization, a labor protection specialist, heads of structural divisions of the organization (responsible for working conditions), labor protection representatives.

Training and knowledge testing can be completed both in a specialized organization and in the organization’s own commission. In the second case, all members of the commission and its chairman must be certified by a specialized organization. Everything is clear with a specialized organization - an agreement is concluded with them, they train and organize testing of workers’ knowledge, based on the results of which they issue certificates of the established form and, as a rule, copies of protocols. If we have at least 3 employees with such certificates, we can train the rest in our organization. Training must be carried out in accordance with the requirements, which must be approved by the head of your organization. For this purpose, by order, . The results of the commission meeting are formalized. After completing the protocol, it is necessary to issue a document for each employee.

Edited 12/14/2015

There was a little time to make adjustments to this, in some places, irrelevant text. Good girl Larisa, in the comments below, opened her eyes to some provisions of Resolution 1/29, which most of us either did not read or read briefly without giving them much importance. I won’t write much (you can read a lot and in detail in the letter Federal service on labor and employment dated January 24, 2013 No. TZ/297-3-5), I will be brief - only those workers who are not responsible for working conditions and labor protection in the organization can be trained in the organization’s own commission. In general, you can train “yourself” only those who, in most cases, in most organizations, have never even thought of being trained in occupational safety.

Employee training occupational safety issues are carried out during professional training, regardless of its form (university, secondary education institution, college, training directly on the job), within the framework of the briefing system and during advanced training. Employees of blue-collar professions, in accordance with the Procedure for training on labor protection and testing the knowledge of employees of the organization, undergo the specified training and testing of knowledge within the first month after being assigned to dangerous and/or harmful work.

According to the same Procedure, when appointing managers and specialists to positions, they must undergo labor safety training with a knowledge test within a month, and once every three years - another knowledge test. In the event of a change in the technological process, replacement of equipment, changes in regulatory legal acts on labor protection, as well as after accidents and injuries, an extraordinary test of the manager’s knowledge must be carried out in the department.

Training on issues for managers and specialists of enterprises is carried out according to programs developed and approved by enterprises and training centers that have permission from governing bodies from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to conduct training and test knowledge on labor protection.

Responsibility for organizing training and testing knowledge on labor protection at the enterprise rests with its manager.

To conduct testing of knowledge on labor protection at enterprises, commissions are created by order (instruction) of their managers.

Managers and specialists (chief engineers, heads of labor protection services, etc.) undergo testing of knowledge on labor protection in commissions of higher organizations (if any) or in commissions educational institutions who have permission to conduct training and test knowledge in occupational safety, or in the regional commission for organizing training and testing knowledge in occupational safety.

Before the start of the next (extraordinary) knowledge test, special training is organized with the involvement of officials of the relevant bodies government controlled, supervision and control.

Commissions at all levels consist of a chairman, a deputy (if necessary) and commission members.

In cases of knowledge testing together with other supervisory bodies, representatives of these bodies are included in the composition of the commission for testing knowledge on occupational safety. Commissions must include no less sin people.

Testing the knowledge of managers and specialists of structural divisions is carried out taking into account their job responsibilities and the nature of production activities. The result of the inspection is a protocol in two copies and a certificate. Those who fail the test undergo a second knowledge test (for a period of no more than a month).

Occupational safety briefing

According to the Procedure for training on labor protection and testing the knowledge of employees of the organization, five types of instruction are provided: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, targeted.

Induction training All newly hired workers, temporary workers, as well as business travelers, students arriving for on-the-job training or internship are required to pass. Introductory training is carried out in order to familiarize yourself with general rules and safety measures, basic labor protection laws and internal regulations. It is carried out by a labor protection engineer according to a program approved by the manager (chief engineer).

Initial briefing at the workplace are carried out with all employees newly hired at the enterprise, transferred from one unit to another, business travelers, students arriving for internship, employees performing new work for them. The purpose of the initial briefing is to familiarize the site manager with the current labor protection instructions for a given profession, demonstrate safe work practices, etc. Instruction is carried out according to the program and instructions on occupational safety for workers approved by the chief engineer, developed for individual professions or types of work individually with a practical demonstration of safe work practices. Workers are allowed to independent work only after testing theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe work practices.

Re-briefing carried out at least once every six months. The goal is to restore labor safety rules in the memory of workers, as well as to analyze specific cases of violations from the practice of a workshop or enterprise. The instructions are given by a master or supervisor.

Unscheduled briefing carried out in the following cases:

  • upon the introduction of new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as amendments to them;
  • when changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;
  • in case of violation by workers of labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire, poisoning;
  • at the request of supervisory authorities;
  • during breaks in work - for work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed - for more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - for 60 days.

Unscheduled instruction is carried out by a master or manager individually or with a group of workers of the same profession in volume. depending on the reasons for its implementation.

Targeted briefing carried out when performing one-time work not related to direct duties in the specialty (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory, one-time work outside the enterprise, workshop, etc.); liquidation of consequences of accidents, disasters and natural Disasters; production of work for which a work permit is issued (a written order to carry out work, defining the type of work, location, conditions of work, composition of the team and persons ensuring safety), permit and other documents; conducting excursions at the enterprise.

Primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work (foreman, industrial training instructor, teacher). On-the-job training ends with a knowledge test, either by oral questioning or by means of technical means training, as well as testing acquired skills safe ways work. The knowledge is checked by the employee who conducted the instruction. Persons who demonstrate unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work independently and are required to undergo instruction again.

About the conduct of initial, repeated, unscheduled briefings, internships, and permission to work, the person who conducted the briefing makes an entry in the briefing registration log at the workplace (the log form is established by GOST 12.0.004-90) and/or in a personal card with the obligatory signature of the instructed and instructing. When registering an unscheduled briefing, indicate the reason for it. Targeted briefing with employees carrying out work under a permit, permit, etc. is recorded in the permit or other documentation authorizing the work.



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