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Where is the deepest well in the world? Interview with one of the workers of the Kola superdeep well. Photo of the Kola well

At a depth of 410-660 kilometers below the surface of the Earth, there is an ocean of the Archean period. Such discoveries would not have been possible without the ultra-deep drilling methods developed and used in the Soviet Union. One of the artifacts of those times is the Kola over deep well(SG-3), which even 24 years after the cessation of drilling remains the deepest in the world. Why it was drilled and what discoveries it helped make, says Lenta.ru.

The Americans were the pioneers of ultra-deep drilling. True, in the vastness of the ocean: in the pilot project they used the Glomar Challenger vessel, designed precisely for these purposes. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union was actively developing an appropriate theoretical framework.

In May 1970, in the north of the Murmansk region, 10 kilometers from the city of Zapolyarny, drilling of the Kola superdeep well began. As expected, this was timed to coincide with the centenary of Lenin’s birth. Unlike other ultra-deep wells, SG-3 was drilled exclusively for scientific purposes and even organized a special geological exploration expedition.

The drilling location chosen was unique: it is on the Baltic Shield in the Kola Peninsula area that ancient rocks come to the surface. The age of many of them reaches three billion years (our planet itself is 4.5 billion years old). In addition, there is the Pechenga-Imandra-Varzuga rift trough - a cup-like structure pressed into ancient rocks, the origin of which is explained by a deep fault.

It took scientists four years to drill a well to a depth of 7263 meters. So far, nothing unusual has been done: the same installation was used as for oil and gas production. Then the well stood idle whole year: The rig was modified for turbine drilling. After the upgrade, it was possible to drill approximately 60 meters per month.

The depth of seven kilometers brought surprises: alternation of hard and not very dense rocks. Accidents became more frequent, and many cavities appeared in the wellbore. Drilling continued until 1983, when the depth of SG-3 reached 12 kilometers. After this, the scientists gathered a large conference and talked about their successes.

However, due to careless handling of the drill, a five-kilometer-long section remained in the mine. They tried to get her for several months, but were unsuccessful. It was decided to start drilling again from a depth of seven kilometers. Due to the complexity of the operation, not only the main trunk was drilled, but also four additional ones. It took six years to restore the lost meters: in 1990, the well reached a depth of 12,262 meters, becoming the deepest in the world.

Two years later, drilling was stopped, the well was subsequently mothballed, and in fact abandoned.

Nevertheless, many discoveries were made at the Kola superdeep well. Engineers have created an entire system of ultra-deep drilling. The difficulty lay not only in the depth, but also in the high temperatures (up to 200 degrees Celsius) due to the intensity of the drills.

Scientists not only moved deeper into the Earth, but also lifted rock samples and cores for analysis. By the way, it was they who studied the lunar soil and found that its composition almost completely corresponds to the rocks extracted from the Kola well from a depth of about three kilometers.

At a depth of over nine kilometers they came across deposits of minerals, including gold: in the olivine layer there is as much as 78 grams per ton. And this is not so little - gold mining is considered possible at 34 grams per ton. A pleasant surprise for scientists, as well as for the nearby plant, was the discovery of a new ore horizon of copper-nickel ores.

Among other things, the researchers learned that granites do not transform into a super-strong basalt layer: in fact, behind it were Archean gneisses, which are traditionally classified as fractured rocks. This produced a kind of revolution in geological and geophysical science and completely changed traditional ideas about the interior of the Earth.

Another pleasant surprise is the discovery at a depth of 9-12 kilometers of highly porous fractured rocks, saturated with highly mineralized waters. According to scientists, they are responsible for the formation of ores, but previously it was believed that this occurs only at much shallower depths.

Among other things, it turned out that the temperature of the subsoil was slightly higher than expected: at a depth of six kilometers, a temperature gradient of 20 degrees Celsius per kilometer was obtained instead of the 16 expected. The radiogenic origin of the heat flow was established, which also did not agree with previous hypotheses.

In deep layers more than 2.8 billion years old, scientists have found 14 species of fossilized microorganisms. This made it possible to shift the time of the emergence of life on the planet one and a half billion years ago. Researchers also found that at depths there are no sedimentary rocks and there is methane, burying the theory forever biological origin hydrocarbons.

In the 50-70s of the last century, the world changed at incredible speed. Things have appeared that are difficult to imagine today’s world without: the Internet, computers, cellular communications, the conquest of space and the depths of the sea. Man was rapidly expanding the spheres of his presence in the Universe, but he still had rather rough ideas about the structure of his “home” - planet Earth. Although even then the idea of ​​ultra-deep drilling was not new: back in 1958, the Americans launched the Mohole project. Its name is formed from two words:

Moho- a surface named after Andrija Mohorovicic, a Croatian geophysicist and seismologist who in 1909 identified the lower boundary of the earth’s crust, on which there is an abrupt increase in the speed of seismic waves;
Hole- well, hole, opening. Based on assumptions that the thickness of the earth's crust under the oceans is much less than on land, 5 wells were drilled near the island of Guadelupe with a depth of about 180 meters (with an ocean depth of up to 3.5 km). Over five years, researchers drilled five wells, collected many samples from the basalt layer, but did not reach the mantle. As a result, the project was declared a failure and the work was stopped.

"Dr. Huberman, what the hell did you dig up down there?" - a remark from the audience interrupted the report of a Russian scientist at a UNESCO meeting in Australia. A couple of weeks earlier, in April 1995, a wave of reports about a mysterious accident at the Kola superdeep well swept across the world.

Allegedly, on approaching the 13th kilometer, the instruments recorded a strange noise coming from the bowels of the planet - the yellow newspapers unanimously assured that only the cries of sinners from the underworld could sound like that. A few seconds after the terrible sound appeared, an explosion occurred...

Space under your feet

In the late 70s - early 80s, getting a job at the Kola Superdeep Well, as residents of the village of Zapolyarny in the Murmansk Region affectionately call the well, was more difficult than getting into the cosmonaut corps. Out of hundreds of applicants, one or two were chosen. Along with the employment order, the lucky ones received a separate apartment and a salary equal to double or triple the salary of Moscow professors. There were 16 research laboratories operating at the well simultaneously, each the size of an average factory. Only the Germans dug the earth with such tenacity, but, as the Guinness Book of Records testifies, the deepest German well is almost half as long as ours.

Distant galaxies have been studied by humanity much better than what is located under the earth’s crust a few kilometers away from us. Kola Superdeep - a kind of telescope in the mysterious inner world planets.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that the Earth consists of a crust, mantle and core. At the same time, no one could really say where one layer ends and the next begins. Scientists did not even know what these layers actually consist of. Some 40 years ago they were sure that the granite layer begins at a depth of 50 meters and continues up to 3 kilometers, and then there are basalts. The mantle was expected to be encountered at a depth of 15–18 kilometers. In reality, everything turned out completely different. And although school textbooks still write that the Earth consists of three layers, scientists from the Kola Superdeep Site have proven that this is not so.

Baltic shield

Projects for traveling deep into the Earth appeared in the early 60s in several countries at once. They tried to drill wells in places where the crust should have been thinner - the goal was to reach the mantle. For example, the Americans drilled in the area of ​​the island of Maui, Hawaii, where, according to seismic studies, ancient rocks are exposed ocean floor and the mantle is located at a depth of approximately 5 kilometers under four kilometers of water. Alas, not a single ocean drilling site has penetrated deeper than 3 kilometers.

In general, almost all projects of ultra-deep wells mysteriously ended at a depth of three kilometers. It was at this moment that something strange began to happen to the drills: either they found themselves in unexpected super-hot areas, or as if they were being bitten off by some unprecedented monster. Only 5 wells broke through deeper than 3 kilometers, 4 of which were Soviet. And only the Kola Superdeep was destined to overcome the 7-kilometer mark.

Initial domestic projects also involved underwater drilling - in the Caspian Sea or on Lake Baikal. But in 1963, drilling scientist Nikolai Timofeev convinced State Committee according to science and technology of the USSR is that it is necessary to create a well on the continent. Although it would take much longer to drill, he believed, the well would be much more valuable with scientific point view, because it was in the thickness of the continental plates that the most significant movements of earth rocks took place in prehistoric times. The drilling point was not chosen on the Kola Peninsula by chance. The peninsula is located on the so-called Baltic Shield, which is composed of the most ancient rocks known to mankind.

A multi-kilometer section of the layers of the Baltic Shield is a visual history of the planet over the past 3 billion years.

Conqueror of the Depths

The appearance of the Kola drilling rig can disappoint the average person. The well is not like the mine that our imagination pictures. There are no descents underground, only a drill with a diameter of a little more than 20 centimeters goes into the thickness. The imaginary section of the Kola superdeep well looks like a tiny needle piercing the earth's thickness. A drill with numerous sensors, located at the end of a needle, is raised and lowered over several days. You can’t go faster: the strongest composite cable can break under its own weight.

What happens in the depths is not known for certain. Temperature environment, noise and other parameters are transmitted upward with a minute delay. However, drillers say that even such contact with the underground can be seriously frightening. The sounds coming from below really look like screams and howls. To this we can add a long list of accidents that plagued the Kola Superdeep when it reached a depth of 10 kilometers. Twice the drill was taken out melted, although the temperatures at which it can melt are comparable to the temperature of the surface of the Sun. One day, it was as if the cable had been pulled from below and was torn off. Subsequently, when they drilled in the same place, no remains of the cable were found. What caused these and many other accidents still remains a mystery. However, they were not the reason for stopping drilling in the Baltic Shield.

12,226 meters of discoveries and a little devilry

“We have the deepest hole in the world - so we must use it!” - David Guberman, the permanent director of the Kola Superdeep Research and Production Center, exclaims bitterly. In the first 30 years of the Kola Superdeep, Soviet and then Russian scientists broke through to a depth of 12,226 meters. But since 1995, drilling has been stopped: there was no one to finance the project. What is allocated within the framework of UNESCO's scientific programs is only enough to maintain the drilling station in working condition and study previously extracted rock samples.

Huberman recalls with regret how many scientific discoveries took place at the Kola Superdeep. Literally every meter was a revelation. The well showed that almost all of our previous knowledge about the structure of the earth's crust is incorrect. It turned out that the Earth is not at all like a layer cake. “Up to 4 kilometers everything went according to theory, and then the end of the world began,” says Huberman. Theorists promised that the temperature of the Baltic Shield would remain relatively low to a depth of at least 15 kilometers.

Accordingly, it will be possible to dig a well up to almost 20 kilometers, just up to the mantle. But already at 5 kilometers the ambient temperature exceeded 70 ºC, at seven - over 120 ºC, and at a depth of 12 it was hotter than 220 ºC - 100 ºC higher than predicted. Kola drillers questioned the theory of the layered structure of the earth's crust - at least in the interval up to 12,262 meters.

At school we were taught: there are young rocks, granites, basalts, mantle and core. But the granites turned out to be 3 kilometers lower than expected. Next there should have been basalts. They weren't found at all. All drilling took place in the granite layer. This is a very important discovery, because all our ideas about the origin and distribution of minerals are connected with the theory of the layered structure of the Earth.

Another surprise: life on planet Earth turns out to have arisen 1.5 billion years earlier than expected. At depths where it was believed that there was no organic matter, 14 species of fossilized microorganisms were discovered - the age of the deep layers exceeded 2.8 billion years. For more great depths, where there are no longer sedimentary rocks, methane has appeared in huge concentrations. This completely and completely destroyed the theory of the biological origin of hydrocarbons such as oil and gas


There were almost fantastic sensations. When the Soviet automatic space station brought 124 grams of lunar soil to Earth in the late 70s, Kola researchers scientific center They found that it is exactly like samples from a depth of 3 kilometers. And a hypothesis arose: the Moon broke away from the Kola Peninsula. Now they are looking for where exactly.

The history of the Kola Superdeep is not without mysticism. Officially, as already mentioned, the well stopped due to lack of funds. Coincidence or not, it was in 1995 that a powerful explosion of unknown origin was heard in the depths of the mine. Journalists from a Finnish newspaper broke through to the residents of Zapolyarny - and the world was shocked by the story of a demon flying out of the bowels of the planet.

“When UNESCO began to ask me about this mysterious story, I did not know what to answer. On the one hand, it's bullshit. On the other hand, I, as an honest scientist, could not say that I know what exactly happened to us. A very strange noise was recorded, then there was an explosion... A few days later, nothing like that was found at the same depth,” recalls academician David Guberman.

Quite unexpectedly for everyone, Alexei Tolstoy’s predictions from the novel “Engineer Garin’s Hyperboloid” were confirmed. At a depth of over 9.5 kilometers, a real treasure trove of all kinds of minerals, in particular gold, was discovered. A real olivine belt, brilliantly predicted by the writer. It contains 78 grams of gold per ton. By the way, industrial production is possible at a concentration of 34 grams per ton. Perhaps in the near future humanity will be able to take advantage of this wealth.

Back in 1990, in the southern part of Germany, a group of scientists decided to look into the depths of our planet at the junction of two tectonic plates that collided more than 300 million years ago, when the continent was formed. The final goal of the scientists was to drill one of the deepest wells in the world, up to 10 km.

Initially, it was assumed that the well would become a kind of “telescope”, which would make it possible to learn more about the depths of our planet and try to learn about the Earth’s core. The drilling process took place as part of the Continental Deep Drilling program and lasted until October 1994, when the program had to be curtailed due to financial problems.

The well was named Kontinentales Tiefbohrprogramm der Bundesrepublik, abbreviated KTB, and by the time the program was closed it had been drilled to more than 9 km, which did not add enthusiasm to the scientists. The drilling process itself was not easy. For 4 years, scientists, engineers and workers had to face a whole bunch of difficult situations and quite complex tasks. For example, the drill had to pass through rocks heated to a temperature of about 300 degrees Celsius, but even under such conditions, the drillers still managed to cool the hole with liquid hydrogen.

However, despite the fact that the program was curtailed, scientific experiments they did not stop and carried them out until the end of 1995, and it is worth noting that they were carried out not in vain. During this time, it was possible to discover new, rather unexpected facts about the structure of our planet, new temperature distribution maps were compiled and data on the distribution of seismic pressure were obtained, which made it possible to create models of the layered structure of the upper part of the Earth's surface.

However, scientists saved the most interesting for last. Dutch scientist Lott Given, who, together with acoustic engineers and scientists from the Geophysical Research Center (Germany), did what many had dreamed of - almost in the literal sense of the word, he “heard the heartbeat” of the Earth. To do this, he and his team needed to carry out acoustic measurements, with which the research team recreated the sounds that we could hear at a depth of 9 kilometers. However, now you can hear these sounds too.

Despite the fact that KTB is on this moment Considered the deepest well in the world, there are several similar wells, which, however, have already been sealed. And among them, a well stands out, which during its existence has managed to acquire legends; this is the Kola super-deep well-well, better known as the “Road to Hell”. Unlike other competitors of KTB, the Kola well reached 12.2 km in depth and was considered the deepest well in the world.

Its drilling began in 1970 in the Murmansk region ( Soviet Union, now Russian Federation), 10 kilometers west of the city of Zapolyarny. During drilling, the well experienced several accidents, as a result of which workers had to concrete the well and start drilling from a much shallower depth and at a different angle. It is interesting that it is with a series of accidents and failures that haunt the group that the reason for the emergence of the legend that the well was drilled all the way to the real Hell is associated.

As the text of the legend says, after passing the 12 km mark, scientists were able to hear the sounds of screams using microphones. However, they decided to continue drilling and while passing the next mark (14 km), they suddenly came across voids. After the scientists lowered the microphones, they heard the screams and moans of men and women. And after some time, an accident occurred, after which it was decided to stop drilling work

And, despite the fact that the accident really happened, scientists did not hear any screams of people, and all the talk about demons was nothing more than fiction, said David Mironovich Guberman, one of the authors of the project, under whose leadership the well was drilled.

After another accident in 1990, upon reaching a depth of 12,262 meters, drilling was completed, and in 2008, the project was abandoned and the equipment was dismantled. Two years later, in 2010, the well was mothballed.

Note that projects such as drilling wells such as KTV and Kola are for geologists at the moment the only way and the opportunity to explore the planet's interior.

Many scientific and industrial works involve drilling underground wells. The total number of such objects in Russia alone is hardly calculable. But legendary Kola superdeep has remained unsurpassed since the 1990s, extending more than 12 kilometers deep into the Earth! It was drilled not for economic gain, but out of purely scientific interest - to find out what processes are occurring inside the planet.

Kola superdeep well. First stage drilling rig (depth 7600 m), 1974

50 candidates per position

The most amazing well in the world is located in the Murmansk region, 10 kilometers west of the city of Zapolyarny. Its depth is 12,262 meters, the diameter of the upper part is 92 centimeters, the diameter of the lower part is 21.5 centimeters.

The well was laid in 1970 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin. The choice of location was not accidental - it is here, on the territory of the Baltic Shield, that the oldest rocks, which are three billion years old, come to the surface.

WITH late XIX century, the theory has been known that our planet consists of a crust, mantle and core. But where exactly one layer ends and the next begins, scientists could only guess. According to the most common version, granites go down up to three kilometers, then basalts, and at a depth of 15-18 kilometers the mantle begins. All this had to be tested in practice.

Underground exploration in the 1960s resembled a space race, with leading countries trying to get ahead of each other. It was suggested that at great depths there are rich deposits of minerals, including gold.

The Americans were the first to drill ultra-deep wells. In the early 1960s, their scientists discovered that the Earth's crust was much thinner under the oceans. Therefore, the area near the island of Maui (one of the Hawaiian Islands), where the earth’s mantle is located at a depth of approximately five kilometers (plus a 4-kilometer layer of water), was chosen as the most promising place for work. But both attempts by US researchers ended in failure.

The Soviet Union needed to respond with dignity. Our researchers proposed creating a well on the continent - despite the fact that it took longer to drill, the result promised to be successful.

The project became one of the largest in the USSR. There were 16 research laboratories working at the well. Getting a job here was no less difficult than getting into the cosmonaut corps. Ordinary employees received triple salary and an apartment in Moscow or Leningrad. Not surprisingly, there was no staff turnover at all, and at least 50 candidates applied for each position.

Space sensation

Drilling to a depth of 7263 meters was carried out using a conventional serial installation, which at that time was used in oil or gas production. This stage took four years. Then there was a year-long break for the construction of a new tower and installation of a more powerful Uralmash-15000 installation, created in Sverdlovsk and called “Severyanka”. Its work used the turbine principle - when not the entire column rotates, but only the drilling head.

With every meter passed, the excavation became more difficult. Previously it was believed that the temperature of the rock, even at a depth of 15 kilometers, would not exceed 150 °C. But it turned out that at a depth of eight kilometers it reached 169 °C, and at a depth of 12 kilometers it reached 220 °C!

The equipment quickly broke down. But the work continued without stopping. The task of being the first in the world to reach the 12-kilometer mark was politically important. It was solved in 1983 - just in time for the start of the International Geological Congress in Moscow.

Congress delegates were shown soil samples taken from a record depth of 12 kilometers, and a trip to the well was organized for them. Photos and articles about the Kola Superdeep Pit circulated in all the world's leading newspapers and magazines, and postage stamps were issued in its honor in several countries.

But the main thing is that a real sensation was prepared especially for the congress. It turned out that rock samples taken at a 3-kilometer depth of the Kola well are completely identical to lunar soil (it was first delivered to Earth by the Soviet automatic space station Luna-16 in 1970).

Scientists have long assumed that the Moon was once part of the Earth and was torn away from it as a result of a cosmic catastrophe. Now it was possible to say that the breakaway part of our planet, billions of years ago, came into contact with the area of ​​​​the current Kola Peninsula.

Ultra-deep well became a real triumph of Soviet science. Researchers, designers, even ordinary workers were honored and awarded for almost a whole year.

Kola superdeep well, 2007

Gold in the deep

At this time, work on the Kola superdeep mine was suspended. They were resumed only in September 1984. And the very first launch led to a major accident. The employees seemed to have forgotten that changes were constantly taking place inside the underground passage. The well does not forgive stopping work - and forces you to start all over again.

As a result, the drill string broke, leaving five kilometers of pipes deep. They tried to get them, but after a few months it became clear that this would not be possible.

Drilling work began again from the 7-kilometer mark. They approached a depth of 12 kilometers for the second time only six years later. In 1990, the maximum was reached - 12,262 meters.

And then the operation of the well was affected by both failures on a local scale and events taking place in the country. The capabilities of the existing technology were exhausted, and government funding decreased sharply. After several serious accidents, drilling was stopped in 1992.

The scientific significance of the Kola Superdeep is difficult to overestimate. First of all, work on it confirmed the guess about rich deposits of minerals at great depths. Of course, precious metals are in pure form were not found there. But at the nine-kilometer mark, seams with a gold content of 78 grams per ton were discovered (active industrial mining is carried out when this content is 34 grams per ton).

In addition, the analysis of ancient deep rocks made it possible to clarify the age of the Earth - it turned out that it is one and a half billion years older than was commonly thought.

It was believed that at super depths there is no and cannot be organic life, but in soil samples raised to the surface, which were three billion years old, 14 previously unknown species of fossilized microorganisms were discovered.

Shortly before its closure, in 1989, the Kola Superdeep Pipe again became the center of international attention. The director of the well, academician David Guberman, suddenly began to receive calls and letters from all over the world. Scientists, journalists, and simply inquisitive citizens were interested in the question: is it true that an ultra-deep well has become a “well to hell”?

It turned out that representatives of the Finnish press talked with some employees of the Kola Superdeep. And they admitted: when the drill passed the 12-kilometer mark, strange noises began to be heard from the depths of the well. The workers lowered a heat-resistant microphone instead of the drill head - and with its help they recorded sounds reminiscent of human screams. One of the employees put forward the version that this the cries of sinners in hell.

How true are such stories? Technically, placing a microphone instead of a drill is difficult, but possible. True, the work to lower it may take several weeks. And it would hardly have been possible to carry it out at a sensitive facility instead of drilling. But, on the other hand, many well employees actually heard strange sounds that regularly came from the depths. And no one knew for sure what it could be.

At the instigation of Finnish journalists, the world press published a number of articles claiming that the Kola superdeep is “the road to hell.” Mystical meaning began to be attributed to the fact that the USSR collapsed when the drillers were excavating the “unlucky” thirteen thousand meters.

In 1995, when the station was already mothballed, an incomprehensible explosion occurred in the depths of the mine - if only for the reason that there was nothing there to explode. Foreign newspapers reported that through a passage made by people, a demon flew from the bowels of the Earth to the surface (the publications were full of headlines like “Satan escaped from hell”).

Well director David Guberman honestly admitted in his interview: he does not believe in hell and demons, but an incomprehensible explosion actually took place, as did strange noises reminiscent of voices. Moreover, an examination carried out after the explosion showed that all the equipment was in perfect order.

Kola superdeep well, 2012

The well itself (welded), August 2012

Museum for 100 million

For a long time, the well was considered mothballed; about 20 employees worked on it (in the 1980s their number exceeded 500). In 2008, the facility was completely closed and some of the equipment was dismantled. The above-ground part of the well is a building the size of a 12-story building, now it is abandoned and is gradually collapsing. Sometimes tourists come here, attracted by legends about voices from hell.

According to employees of the Geological Institute of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which previously owned the well, its restoration would cost 100 million rubles.

But we are no longer talking about scientific work at depth: on the basis of this facility, one can only open an institute or other enterprise for training offshore drilling specialists. Or create a museum - after all, the Kola well continues to be the deepest in the world.

Anastasia BABANOVSKAYA, magazine "Secrets of the 20th Century" No. 5 2017



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