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The main idea of ​​the story is poor Lisa. Poor Lisa - analysis of the work. Main idea Poor Lisa

Karamzin's story " Poor Lisa"became the key work of its time. The introduction of sentimentalism into the work and the presence of many themes and problems allowed the 25-year-old author to become extremely popular and famous. Readers were absorbed by the images of the main characters of the story - the story about the events of their lives became an occasion to rethink the features of humanistic theory.

History of writing

In most cases unusual works literature have unusual stories creation, however, if “Poor Lisa” had such a story, it was not provided to the public and was lost somewhere in the wilds of history. It is known that the story was written as an experiment at the dacha of Peter Beketov, which was located not far from the Simonov Monastery.

Data on the publication of the story are also quite scarce. “Poor Liza” was first published in the Moscow Journal in 1792. At that time, N. Karamzin himself was its editor, and 4 years later the story was published as a separate book.

Heroes of the story

Lisa is the main character of the story. The girl belongs to the peasant class. After her father's death, she lives with her mother and earns money by selling knitwear and flowers in the city.

Erasmus – main character stories. The young man has a soft character, he is not able to defend his life position, which makes both him and Lisa, who is in love with him, unhappy.

Lisa's mother is a peasant by birth. She loves her daughter and wants the girl to live her life later life without difficulties and sorrows.

We suggest following which was written by N. Karamzin.

Plot of the story

The action of the story takes place in the vicinity of Moscow. The young girl Lisa lost her father. Because of this, her family, consisting of her and her mother, began to gradually become poor - her mother was constantly sick and therefore could not work fully. The main workforce in the family was Lisa - the girl actively weaved carpets, knitted stockings for sale, and also collected and sold flowers. One day, a young aristocrat, Erasmus, approached the girl; he fell in love with the girl and therefore decided to buy flowers from Lisa every day.

However, the next day Erasmus did not come. Distressed Lisa returns home, but fate gives the girl a new gift - Erasmus comes to Lisa’s house and says that he can come for flowers himself.

From this moment a new stage in the girl’s life begins - she is completely captivated by love. However, despite everything, this love adheres to the framework of platonic love. Erasmus is captivated by the girl’s spiritual purity. Unfortunately, this utopia did not last long. Mother decides to marry Lisa off - a rich peasant decided to woo Lisa. Erasmus, despite his love and admiration for the girl, cannot claim her hand - social norms strictly regulate their relationship. Erasmus belongs to the nobles, and Lisa belongs to simple peasants, so their marriage is a priori impossible. Lisa comes on a date with Erast in the evening as usual and tells the young man about the upcoming event in the hope of support.

The romantic and devoted Erast decides to take Lisa to his house, but the girl cools his ardor, noting that in this case he will not be her husband. That evening the girl loses her purity.

Dear readers! We invite you to familiarize yourself with Nikolai Karamzin.

After this, the relationship between Lisa and Erasmus was no longer the same - the image of an immaculate and holy girl faded away in the eyes of Erasmus. The young man begins military service, and the lovers part. Lisa sincerely believes that their relationship will retain its former fervor, but the girl is in for a huge disappointment: Erasmus is addicted to playing cards and does not become a successful player - marriage with a rich old woman helps him avoid poverty, but does not bring happiness. Lisa, having learned about the wedding, committed suicide (drowned in the river), and Erasmus forever acquired a feeling of guilt for her death.

The reality of the events described

The features of the artistic construction of the plot and the description of the background of the work suggest the reality of the events taking place and the literary reminiscence of Karamzin. After the publication of the story, the vicinity of the Simonov Monastery, near which, based on Karamzin’s story, Lisa lived, became especially popular among young people. Readers also took a liking to the pond in which the girl allegedly drowned and even sweetly renamed it “Lizin.” However, there is no information about the real basis of the story; it is believed that its characters, as well as the plot, were the fruit of the author’s imagination.


A story as a genre does not imply the presence of a huge number of topics. Karamzin fully complies with this requirement and is limited in fact to just two topics.

The theme of peasant life

Using the example of Lisa’s family, the reader can become widely acquainted with the peculiarities of the life of peasants. Readers are presented with a non-generalized image. From the story you can learn about the details of the life of peasants, their everyday and not only everyday difficulties.

Peasants are people too

In literature one can often find the image of peasants as generalized, devoid of individual qualities.

Karamzin shows that the peasants, despite their lack of education and lack of familiarity with art, are not devoid of intelligence, wisdom, or moral character.

Lisa is a girl who can carry on a conversation; of course, these are not topics about innovations in the field of science or art, but her speech is structured logically, and its content makes us associate the girl as an intelligent and talented interlocutor.


The problem of finding happiness

Every person wants to be happy. Lisa and Erasmus are also no exception. The platonic love that arose between the young people allowed them to realize what it was like to be happy and at the same time what it was like to be deeply unhappy. The author in the story raises an important question: is it always possible to become happy and what is needed for this.

The problem of social inequality

One way or another, our real life is subject to some unspoken rules and social stereotypes. Most of them arose on the principle of social distribution into layers or castes. It is precisely this moment that Karamzin acutely personifies in the work - Erasmus is by origin an aristocrat, a nobleman, and Liza is a poor girl, a peasant woman. Marriage between an aristocrat and a peasant woman was unthinkable.

Loyalty in relationships

When reading the story, you understand that such sublime relationships between young people, if they were transferred to the plane of real time, would not exist forever - sooner or later the love fervor between Erasmus and Lisa would fade away - further development the public's position hampered it, and the resulting stable uncertainty provoked the degradation of romance.

Guided by the possibility of materially improving his situation, Erasmus decides to marry a rich widow, although he himself promised Lisa to always love her. While the girl faithfully awaits the return of her lover, Erasmus cruelly betrays her feelings and hopes.

The problem of urban orientation

Another one global problem, which was reflected in Karamzin’s story, is a comparison of the city and the village. In the understanding of city residents, the city is the engine of progress, newfangled trends and education. The village is always presented as something backward in its development. The villagers, accordingly, are also backward in all understandings of this word.

Villagers also note differences between residents of cities and villages. In their concept, the city is the engine of evil and danger, while the village is a safe place that preserves the moral character of the nation.


The main idea of ​​the story is to expose sensuality, morality and the influence of emerging emotions on a person’s fate. Karamzin leads readers to the concept: empathy is an important part of life. Compassion and humanity should not be deliberately abandoned.

Karamzin argues that a person’s morality is a factor that does not depend on class and position in society. Very often people with aristocratic ranks are lower in their moral development than simple peasants.

Direction in culture and literature

The story “Poor Liza” is indicated by the peculiarities of the direction in literature - sentimentalism was successfully embodied in the work, which was successfully embodied in the image of Liza’s father, who, according to Karamzin’s description, was ideal person within their social unit.

Lisa's mother also has multiple traits of sentimentalism - she experiences significant mental suffering after her husband leaves, and is sincerely worried about the fate of her daughter.

The main mass of sentimentalism falls on the image of Lisa. She is depicted as a sensual person who is so absorbed in her emotions that she is unable to be guided critical thinking- after meeting Erasmus. Lisa is so absorbed in new romantic experiences that apart from these feelings she does not take any others seriously - the girl is not able to sensibly evaluate her life situation, she cares little about her mother’s experiences and her love.

Instead of love for her mother (which was previously inherent in Lisa), now the girl’s thoughts are occupied by love for Erasmus, which reaches a critical egoistic apogee - Lisa perceives the tragic events in her relationship with a young man as an irrevocable tragedy of her whole life. The girl does not try to find a “golden mean” between the sensual and logical - she completely surrenders to emotions.

Thus, Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza” became a breakthrough of its time. For the first time, readers were provided with an image of heroes that was as close to life as possible. The characters do not have a clear division into positive and negative. In every hero you can find positive and negative qualities. The work reflects the main social topics and problems that are essentially philosophical problems outside of time - their relevance is not regulated by the framework of chronology.

  • Category: Collection of essays grades 5-11

N. M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza” was one of the first sentimental works Russian literature of the 18th century. Its plot is very simple - the weak-willed, although kind, nobleman Erast falls in love with the poor peasant girl Lisa. Their love ends tragically: the young man quickly forgets about his beloved, planning to marry a rich bride, and Lisa dies by throwing herself into the water. But the main thing in the story is not the plot, but the feelings that it was supposed to awaken in the reader. Therefore, the main character of the story is the narrator, who talks with sadness and sympathy about the fate of the poor girl. The image of a sentimental narrator became a discovery in Russian literature, since previously the narrator remained “behind the scenes” and was neutral in relation to the events described. “Poor Lisa” is characterized by short or extended lyrical digressions, at every dramatic turn of the plot we hear the author’s voice: “my heart is bleeding...”, “a tear is rolling down my face.”

It was extremely important for the sentimentalist writer to appeal to social issues. He does not accuse Erast of Lisa’s death: the young nobleman is as unhappy as a peasant girl. But, and this is especially important, Karamzin was perhaps the first in Russian literature to inspire “ living soul" as a representative of the lower class. “And peasant women know how to love” - this phrase from the story became popular in Russian culture for a long time. This is where another tradition of Russian literature begins: sympathy to the common man, its joys and troubles, the protection of the weak, the oppressed and the voiceless - this is the main moral task of the artists of the word.

“Poor Liza” immediately became extremely popular in Russian society. Humane feelings, the ability to sympathize and be sensitive turned out to be very consonant with the trends of the time, when literature moved from civil themes, characteristic of the Enlightenment, to the topic of personal, private life of a person and the main object of its attention became inner world an individual.

Karamzin made another discovery in literature. With “Poor Lisa”, such a concept as psychologism appeared, that is, the writer’s ability to vividly and touchingly depict the inner world of a person, his experiences, desires, aspirations. In this sense, Karamzin prepared the ground for writers of the 19th century century.

The 18th century, which glorified many wonderful people, including the writer Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. Towards the end of this century, he published his most famous creation - the story “Poor Lisa”. It was this that brought him great fame and enormous popularity among readers. The book is based on two characters: the poor girl Lisa and the nobleman Erast, who appear during the course of the plot in their attitude to love.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin made a huge contribution to cultural development fatherland at the end of the 18th century. After numerous trips to Germany, England, France and Switzerland, the prose writer returns to Russia, and while relaxing at the dacha of the famous traveler Pyotr Ivanovich Beketov, in the 1790s he undertakes a new literary experiment. The local surroundings near the Simonov Monastery greatly influenced the idea of ​​the work “Poor Liza,” which he nurtured during his travels. Nature was of great importance to Karamzin; he truly loved it and often exchanged the bustle of the city for forests and fields, where he read his favorite books and immersed himself in thought.

Genre and direction

“Poor Liza” is the first Russian psychological story that contains the moral disagreement of people of different classes. Lisa’s feelings are clear and understandable to the reader: for a simple bourgeois woman, happiness is love, so she loves blindly and naively. Erast’s feelings, on the contrary, are more confused, because he himself cannot understand them. At first, the young man simply wants to fall in love, just like in the novels he read, but it soon becomes clear that he is not capable of living with love. City life, full of luxury and passions, had a huge impact on the hero, and he discovers carnal attraction, which completely destroys spiritual love.

Karamzin is an innovator; he can rightfully be called the founder of Russian sentimentalism. Readers received the work with admiration, since society had been wanting something like this for a long time. The public was exhausted by the moral teachings of the classicist trend, the basis of which is the worship of reason and duty. Sentimentalism demonstrates the emotional experiences, feelings and emotions of the characters.

About what?

According to the writer, this story is “a very simple fairy tale.” Indeed, the plot of the work is simple to the point of genius. It begins and ends with a sketch of the area of ​​the Simonov Monastery, which evokes in the narrator’s memory thoughts about the tragic turn in the fate of poor Lisa. This is a love story between a poor provincial woman and a wealthy young man from the privileged class. The lovers' acquaintance began with the fact that Lisa was selling lilies of the valley collected in the forest, and Erast, wanting to start a conversation with the girl he liked, decided to buy flowers from her. He was captivated by Lisa's natural beauty and kindness, and they began dating. However, the young man soon became fed up with the charm of his passion and found a more profitable match. The heroine, unable to withstand the blow, drowned herself. Her lover regretted this all his life.

Their images are ambiguous; first of all, the world of a simple natural person, unspoiled by city bustle and greed, is revealed. Karamzin described everything in such detail and picturesquely that readers believed in this story and fell in love with his heroine.

The main characters and their characteristics

  1. The main character of the story is Lisa, a poor village girl. IN early age she lost her father and was forced to become a breadwinner for her family, agreeing to any job. The hardworking provincial woman is very naive and sensitive, she sees in people only good features and lives by his emotions, following the call of his heart. She looks after her mother day and night. And even when the heroine decides to take a fatal act, she still does not forget about her family and leaves her money. Lisa’s main talent is the gift of love, because for the sake of her loved ones she is ready to do anything.
  2. Lisa's mother is a kind and wise old woman. She experienced the death of her husband Ivan very hard, as she loved him devotedly and lived happily with him for many years. The only joy was her daughter, whom she sought to marry to a worthy and wealthy man. The character of the heroine is internally whole, but a little bookish and idealized.
  3. Erast is a rich nobleman. He leads a riotous lifestyle, thinking only about fun. He is smart, but very fickle, spoiled and weak-willed. Without thinking that Lisa is from a different class, he fell in love with her, but still he is unable to overcome all the difficulties of this unequal love. Erast cannot be called negative hero, because he admits his guilt. He read and was inspired by novels, was dreamy, looking at the world with rose-colored glasses. Therefore, his real love did not withstand such a test.
  4. Subjects

  • The main theme in sentimental literature is the sincere feelings of a person in a collision with indifference real world. Karamzin was one of the first to decide to write about the spiritual happiness and suffering of ordinary people. He reflected in his work the transition from a civil theme, which was common during the Enlightenment, to a personal one, in which the main subject of interest is spiritual world individual. Thus, the author, having described in depth the inner world of the characters together with their feelings and experiences, began to develop such literary device as psychologism.
  • Theme of love. Love in “Poor Liza” is a test that tests the characters’ strength and loyalty to their word. Lisa completely surrendered to this feeling; the author exalts and idealizes her for this ability. She is the embodiment of the feminine ideal, the one who completely dissolves in the adoration of her beloved and is faithful to him until her last breath. But Erast did not pass the test and turned out to be a cowardly and pathetic person, incapable of self-sacrifice in the name of something more important than material wealth.
  • Contrast between city and countryside. The author gives preference to rural areas; it is there that natural, sincere and kind people who do not know temptation are formed. But in big cities they acquire vices: envy, greed, selfishness. For Erast, his position in society was more valuable than love; he was fed up with it, because he was not capable of experiencing a strong and deep feeling. Lisa could not live after this betrayal: if love died, she follows her, because she cannot imagine her future without her.
  • Problem

    Karamzin in his work “Poor Liza” touches on various problems: social and moral. The problems of the story are based on opposition. The main characters vary both in quality of life and in character. Lisa is a pure, honest and naive girl from the lower class, and Erast is a spoiled, weak-willed, thinking only about his own pleasures, young man belonging to the nobility. Lisa, having fallen in love with him, cannot go a day without thinking about him, Erast, on the contrary, began to move away as soon as he received what he wanted from her.

    The result of such fleeting moments of happiness for Lisa and Erast is the death of the girl, after which the young man cannot stop blaming himself for this tragedy and remains unhappy for the rest of his life. The author showed how class inequality led to an unhappy ending and served as a reason for tragedy, as well as what responsibility a person bears for those who trusted him.

    the main idea

    The plot is not the most important thing in this story. The emotions and feelings that awaken during reading are worthy more attention. The narrator himself plays a huge role, because he talks with sadness and compassion about the life of a poor rural girl. For Russian literature, the image of an empathic narrator who can empathize with the emotional state of the heroes turned out to be a revelation. Any dramatic moment makes his heart bleed and also sincerely shed tears. Thus, main idea The story “Poor Liza” is that you should not be afraid of your feelings, love, worry, and sympathize to the fullest. Only then will a person be able to overcome immorality, cruelty and selfishness. The author starts with himself, because he, a nobleman, describes the sins of his own class, and gives sympathy to a simple village girl, calling on people of his position to become more humane. The inhabitants of poor huts sometimes outshine the gentlemen from ancient estates. This is Karamzin’s main idea.

    The author's attitude towards the main character of the story also became an innovation in Russian literature. So Karamzin does not blame Erast when Liza dies, he demonstrates social conditions, which caused the tragic event. Big city influenced the young man, destroying him moral principles and making him corrupt. Lisa grew up in the village, her naivety and simplicity played with her cruel joke. The writer also demonstrates that not only Lisa, but also Erast was subjected to the hardships of fate, becoming a victim of sad circumstances. The hero experiences feelings of guilt throughout his life, never becoming truly happy.

    What does it teach?

    The reader has the opportunity to learn something from the mistakes of others. The clash of love and selfishness is a hot topic, since everyone has experienced unrequited feelings at least once in their life, or experienced betrayal loved one. Analyzing Karamzin's story, we gain important life lessons, become more humane and more responsive to each other. The creations of the era of sentimentalism have a single property: they help people to enrich themselves mentally, and also cultivate in us the best humane and moral qualities.

    The story “Poor Lisa” gained popularity among readers. This work teaches a person to be more responsive to other people, as well as the ability to be compassionate.

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What is the main idea of ​​the work and what words from the text can it be expressed? The Tale of Poor Lisa


The main idea of ​​“Poor Lisa” is an unspoiled, pure person who, following his feelings, which is the only true option for him, faces the tragedy of the real world. "And peasant women know how to love"

After the Civil War, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Constitutional Amendments were passed with the intent of establishing equality under the law for freed slaves, or so the story goes. The fact is that slavery was - and still is - completely legal in the United States, just in a completely different form. The institution of slavery, as we understand it, has actually survived evolution. Instead of outright enslavement of blacks, with an entire apparatus used to keep slaves in their condition, certain elements of the state apparatus were phased in over time to enslave blacks, namely the legal and penal systems.

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the main idea of ​​the work is poor Lisa

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  1. Sentimentalism is based on a new view of man as a sensitive being, and a new idea for literature about his happiness. You can get a complete picture of sentimentalism by reading Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza.”

    Lisa is a child of nature and patriarchal upbringing, the ideal of a “natural person”. She is pure, naive, unselfish: “...only Liza, not sparing her tender youth, not sparing her rare beauty, worked day and night - weaving canvas, knitting stockings, picking flowers in the spring...”

    When the 13th Amendment was discussed, many in Congress were not thinking about slaves, but rather about white labor, as Senator Henry Wilson said: The same influences that go to restrain and suppress the rights of the poor black man, restrain and oppress the poor white laborer . Senator Richard Yates from Illinois was very cruel, saying that “had never had blacks in the brain” when discussing the amendment. Such concepts are absurd! Wilson is right to the extent that he argues that both slave and white labor are oppressed by the same system; both are oppressed by being manipulated and played by the elites of the North and South.

    The village itself and the entire nature surrounding it is a center of moral purity, including the main symbol of the purity of love, in my opinion, in Karamzin’s works are flowers: “... you had fun with them in the morning, and a pure, joyful soul shone in your eyes, like like the sun shines in the drops of heavenly dew.” All this proves such a feature of sentimentalism - the cult of innate moral purity and purity.

    However, Wilson ignores the fact that white labor was far less oppressed than black slave labor because white workers were considered human beings deserving at least a minimal degree of dignity and respect, rather than being viewed and treated less than animals. White workers were free to do as they pleased without worrying about having papers on their person to prove their freedom.

    Therefore, the passage of the 13th Amendment must be seen in the context of economic competition between black slave owners and free white labor. The South's economy was built around slave labor, and the ability to have slaves produce more than they were "worth", seeing how slaves were viewed as not just common property, but long-term economic investments that helped the Southern plantation elite However, due to by the existence of slavery, white labor indirectly suffered, since not only did they lose the income they had been making when slavery was first introduced - in addition to any potential future income - but, in addition, white labor was unable to make progress in the South since slavery provided a source of labor that was less expensive in the long run.

    Also in this work, the rich spiritual world of the common people is clearly shown - one of the main discoveries of sentimentalism. Rudeness and bad manners of souls are not always the lot of the poor, Karamzin shows us. Both natures are capable of rich emotional experiences: “She loved to talk with him about her late husband, about how she first met her dear Ivan, how he fell in love with her and in what love, in what harmony he lived with her.”

    Senator Henry Williams illustrates these points and other problems that white labor had with slavery. Slavery was evil because it destroyed much of the richest land in the south; it degraded labor and the meaning of labor for poor white workers in the South; he robbed the south of culture, humiliating the efforts of the workers; and this allowed southern aristocrats to further insult northern white workers by denigrating their labor efforts as crabs and evils. It was the connection between labor and slavery in the minds of southern aristocrats who disparaged the efforts of hardworking northern workers.

    Karamzin’s work “Poor Liza” contains all the features of sentimentalism. Reading this book, we, together with the characters, experience the feelings that surround them.

  2. But he fell in love with her when Lisa was supposedly a peasant. This is big, unselfish love.
  3. Karamzin's story Poor Liza, written in 1792 and dedicated to the theme of love, the story of two loving hearts, gained particular popularity among his contemporaries. His heroes seek happiness in love, but they are surrounded by a big and cruel world with its inhuman and terrible laws. This world deprives Karamzin’s heroes of happiness, makes them victims, brings them constant suffering and dooms them to death.

    Lisa lived with her mother in the Moscow region, in a small house on the banks of the Moscow River, not far from the Simonov Monastery. Both the mother and the late father tried to instill in their daughter high moral qualities. Since childhood, she was taught that nothing in this life comes for free, you need to achieve everything yourself. They themselves adhered to the same principles: their father loved work, plowed the land well and always led sober life, and the mother remained faithful to her husband’s memory and continued to shed tears for him for many years, for even peasant women know how to love! Liza, brought up in strictness, worked day and night, weaving canvas, knitting stockings, picking flowers in the spring, and in the summer she took berries and sold all this in Moscow.

    Thus, slavery brought white workers down in two ways: one, by direct competition with slave labor in the South, and two, by linking all the industrious efforts of the workers with the slaves of degraded slaves. Thus, the only way defeating white labor in the fight for rights such as fair wages and regular working hours is abolition. White labor had a direct interest in the abolition of slavery. However, there was a difference of opinion in the minds of southern elites who wanted to continue slavery, but in different terms.

    We see that the author’s ardent sympathies invariably accompany the heroine, and he is on her side in resolving the main conflict. A simple peasant girl with a selfless character (with all the respect and love for her mother, Liza never told her about her relationship with Erast) fell in love with a kind but spoiled gentleman who was unable to think about the consequences of his actions. Her feelings were unusually deep, constant, and most importantly, selfless. Lisa understood perfectly well that she could never become the wife of her loved one, because he was a gentleman, but, despite this, she continued to selflessly love Erast, completely surrendering to him, she only lived and breathed for him... and she placed her happiness in his pleasure, without thinking at all About Me.

    Before discussing Southern elites, we first need to examine them in the context of the post-Civil War Southern economy. It was completely in ruins; In fact, it could be argued that he was destroyed and destroyed in almost every way imaginable. The entire economy of the South was built on the institution of slavery and agriculture. With the end of the Civil War, not only did the Southern economy suffer from the emancipation of black slaves, but the land was deeply damaged and damaged, thereby creating an immediate economic problem.

    However, in the midst of all this, an opportunity has arisen to refocus and reconstruct the economy around a new source of labor, as cheap labor will certainly be needed to rebuild the region. It is also necessary to study the social order. While slaves were now free and free to do as they pleased, there was still deep-seated racism in the minds of Southern whites. The fact that blacks fought in the Civil War did not mean a sudden change in the perception of blacks; rather, to the southern elites, they still viewed blacks as inferior and only good for labor, seeking to perpetuate the slave system within a new industrial structure that would transcend the broken agricultural structure.

    Karamzin described the relationship between Lisa and Erast in pastoral, idyllic tones, emphasizing that the tragic end of their relationship was the result of the prevailing circumstances and the frivolous nature of the protagonist, and the reason was not at all social inequality. Erast is a rather rich nobleman with a kind nature, but a weak and flighty heart. He led a distracted life, thinking only about his own pleasure. At first, Erast thought only about pure joys and wanted to live with Liza like brother and sister, but he overestimated his strength. Then, as usual, fed up with the boring relationship, he wanted to free himself from it. For Lisa, the loss of Erast was tantamount to the loss of Life. Existence without Erast makes no sense for her, so she commits suicide.

    This new system was to be found in the leasing contract. He argued that Blue River could build its own trail in the nearby Jones Valley using slave labor. However, in Milner's mind this slave labor must be controlled by whites.

    He took these prisoners and put them in the coal mines, treating them barbarously. Records of Milner's various mines and slave farms in southern Alabama, some of which belonged to one of his business partners - a cousin investor in the Bibb Steam Mill - tell stories of black women, naked and whipped, from hundreds of people starved, altered and beaten , from workers, constantly lice-ridden and barely dressed.

    There is drama not only for Lisa, but also for Erast. After all, condemning yourself to moral torment for the rest of your life is no less a punishment than being condemned by others. The words of the author himself speak about Erast’s spiritual drama: Erast was unhappy until the end of his life. Having learned about Lizina’s fate, he could not console himself and considered himself a murderer. Karamzin does not consider his hero typical: People do a lot of evil, no doubt, but there are few villains; delusion of the heart, recklessness, lack of enlightenment due to bad deeds...

    Black Americans, many of whom were former slaves, were essentially enslaved, but in the context corporate structure, characterized by the union of the state and the corporation. Moreover, the judicial system was heavily involved in allowing this to happen, from laws passed on to sheriffs selling convicts to companies.

    To allow the convict leasing system to exist, and for blacks to be reduced to their former status as a source of labor, targeted laws were required to limit the rights of "newly freed" blacks. The goal was to criminalize black life to the point where blacks could be incarcerated for the most frivolous of crimes. Such laws took the form of "Black Codes".

    The Russian public, accustomed in old novels to consoling endings in the form of weddings, who believed that virtue is always rewarded and vice is punished, met for the first time in this story the bitter truth of life.

  4. Karamzin wanted to show “that even peasant women can love”
  5. Karamzin, as a follower of naturalism and the sentimental tradition, shared the real, natural world; feeling was the main thing for him, in contrast to the classical tradition, for which reason was the dominant principle. Karamzin affirmed the cult of feelings, sensitivity, and compassion. So the main idea of ​​the work “Poor Liza” is the unspoiled, pure man, who, following his feelings, which is the only true option for him, is faced with the tragedy of the real world. But we should not forget that the work is, first of all, entertaining in nature, and the world in which Lisa, her mother and Erast live is idyllic and it is impossible to apply the parameters of real, objective reality to it.
  6. the main idea is that peasant women know how to love! Moreover, the very title of the work is ambiguous: on the one hand, “Poor Liza,” because she has no money, and on the other, because her loved one did this to her. In short, you can talk for hours...

Sentimentalism as a movement in literature arose in the 18th century. The main features of sentimentalism are the writers’ appeal to the inner world of the characters, the depiction of nature; The cult of reason was replaced by the cult of sensuality and feeling.

The most famous work of Russian sentimentalism is N. M. Karamzin’s story “”. The theme of the story is the theme of death. The main characters are Lisa and Erast. Lisa is a simple peasant woman. She was brought up in a poor but loving family. After the death of her father, Lisa remained the only support for her old sick mother. She earns her living through hard physical labor (“weaving canvas, knitting stockings”), and in the summer and spring she picked flowers and berries for sale in the city. Erast is “a fairly rich nobleman, with a fair amount of intelligence and kind hearted, kind by nature, but weak and flighty.” Young people meet by chance in the city and subsequently fall in love. At first, Erast liked their platonic relationship; he “thought with disgust... about the contemptuous voluptuousness with which his feelings had previously reveled.” But gradually the relationship developed, and a chaste, pure relationship was no longer enough for him. Liza understands that she is not suitable for Erast. social status, although he claimed that “he would take her to him and live with her inseparably, in the village and in the dense forests, as in paradise.” However, when the novelty of sensations disappeared, Erast switched to Lisa: dates became less and less frequent, and then a message followed that he needed to go to work. Instead of fighting the enemy, in the army Erast “played cards and lost almost all his estate.” He, having forgotten all the promises given to Lisa, marries someone else in order to improve his financial situation.

In this sentimental story, the actions of the characters are not so important as their feelings. The author is trying to convey to the reader that people of low origin are also capable of deep feelings and experiences. It is the feelings of the heroes that are the object of his close attention. The author describes Lisa’s feelings in particular detail (“All the veins in her began to beat, and, of course, not from fear,” “Liza sobbed - Erast cried - left her - she fell - knelt down, raised her hands to the sky and looked on Erast... and Liza, abandoned, poor, lost her feelings and memory").

The landscape in the work not only serves as a backdrop for the development of events (“What a touching picture! The morning dawn, like a scarlet sea, spread across the eastern sky. Erast stood under the branches of a tall oak tree, holding in his arms his poor, languid, sorrowful friend, -the second, saying goodbye to him, said goodbye to her soul. The whole nature remained in silence"), but also shows the author’s attitude towards the depicted. The author personifies nature, making it even to some extent a participant in events. The lovers “saw each other every evening... either on the river bank, or in a birch grove, but most often under the shade of hundred-year-old oak trees... There, often the quiet moon, through the green branches, silvered Liza’s blond hair with which she played marshmallows and the hand of a dear friend; often these rays illuminated a brilliant tear of love in the eyes of the tender Lisa... They hugged - but the chaste, shy Cynthia did not hide from them behind a cloud: their embrace was pure and immaculate.” In the scene of Lisa’s fall from grace, nature seems to protest: “... not a single star shone in the sky - no ray could illuminate the errors... The storm roared menacingly, rain poured from the black clouds - it seemed that nature was lamenting about the lost Liza innocence."

The main theme in the works of sentimentalist writers was the theme of death. And in this story, Lisa, having learned about Erast’s betrayal, committed suicide. The feelings of a simple peasant woman turned out to be stronger than the feelings of a nobleman. Lisa does not think about her mother, for whom the death of her daughter is tantamount to her own death; that suicide is a great sin. She is disgraced and cannot imagine life without her lover.

Erast’s actions characterize him as a flighty, frivolous person, but still, until the end of his life, he was tormented by a feeling of guilt for the death of Lisa.

The writer reveals the inner world of his characters through a description of nature, internal monologue, the narrator's reasoning, description of the relationship between the characters.

The title of the story can be interpreted in different ways: the epithet “poor” characterizes main character Liza's social status means that she is not rich; and also that she is unhappy.



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