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Google play apps are not downloading. How to install applications without Google Play

With the spread of smartphones running Android OS, a large number of problems that the user must periodically encounter. One of these frequently encountered troubles is all sorts of difficulties with the operation of programs in the service. Google Play. They may not download or install; errors appear when trying to update already downloaded software. All this, even in isolated cases, irritates users, and if repeated constantly, it can create situations where the phone simply cannot be used normally.

If you are faced with this kind of trouble, then do not despair - in most cases, all of them are easily fixable and do not pose a serious problem.

If applications do not download

The very first thing that can cause inconvenience in using a smartphone is that if you want to download programs from the Market, it refuses to do so. Here are the possible main reasons and their solutions:

  • Problems with internet connection. Don’t rush to blame the device or operating system; comical cases often arise when the phone is connected to an inactive Wi-Fi point, mobile internet with a very poor signal or simply the gadget user forgot to enable any type of Network connection on the device;
  • Internal The device's memory is full. It often happens that smartphones with a small amount of memory quickly become filled with all sorts of files and there is simply nowhere to install new applications. You need to check how much space is available and, if necessary, free it from unnecessary programs;
  • Incorrectly installed date and time on the smartphone. Some gadget models may show outdated date and time data after a reboot or a long shutdown. This creates a conflict between the device and online service and the latter refuses to work normally.

These are the main problems that interfere with the normal operation of many Internet applications, in particular Google Play.

Updates don't work

Usually, the reasons for refusal to download, install and update programs are the same, they just appear at different stages of using the software. If problems arise with already installed applications in the form of incorrect operation or lack of updates, then the following recommendations can help:

  • Most often the main problem lies in incorrect work servicesGoogle Play. They are installed on each Android gadget as a separate application and periodically ask for updates. If the problems in question occur, then you need to try deleting the old data of this application and updating it again. This is done simply: you need to go to the phone section “ settings", find the application item and select Google Play services. Next, in the settings, select “ Uninstall updates" After this, you should go to the Play Market and update this program again;
  • Problems with accountGoogle. Fixed by registering a new account. It’s very simple: settings, accounts and then add a new Google account;
  • Another rather banal reason for most malfunctions of this kind is the device needs a reboot. Surprisingly, after this simple action Most problems disappear on their own.

These are the main causes of problems with installing and updating applications from the Play Market and options for solving them. It's simple, you just need to spend a little time and attention.

Users of Android smartphones and tablets cannot do without Google Play Market. Where else if not from it to download applications, music, games? Yes, some people use third-party resources, but they are not nearly as safe in terms of virus threats.

Problems with launching Google Play make it impossible not only to install new programs, but also to update old ones. This means that without it, the device remains defenseless (updates close vulnerabilities in applications that can be exploited by viruses and hackers). In a word, if the Play Market does not work for you, urgently take measures to eliminate this failure.

To make your task easier, we have divided the problems into several groups according to their causes and solutions.

Cache memory errors or failure in system application settings

Google Play, like many other applications, uses a cache (a special storage location for frequently used data for quick loading into memory). It contains information about the latest actions in the program. If an error creeps in, the Play Market will reproduce it until the data in the cache is updated.

To speed up this process, clear the Google Play cache manually:

  • Open Android Settings.
  • Go to the "Applications" section.
  • Find Google Play Market in the list of programs.
  • Tap the Erase Data and Clear Cache buttons.

If the Play Store still does not open, restart your device.

If you encounter errors updating installed applications, do the same with " Google Play Services«.

In addition, to download new programs and install updates to old ones, correct operation is required " Download Manager" And " Application manager. Normally, both should be in the list of running programs.

Update errors

If the problem with opening occurred immediately or a short time after installing a more recent version of Coogle Play, roll back the program to the previous installation. Along with the Market update, remove the Google Play Services update.

The uninstall updates button is located in the same menu as the clear cache options.

If there is no such button, it means that the program has never been updated (there are no previous versions).

Problems with the user's Google account

The inability to access the Play Market often occurs due to problems with the user account. Perhaps you recently changed the password for the gmail.com mailbox to which your profile is linked, or there was a failure on the Google server and Android stopped recognizing you.

To restore access to your account, connect your tablet or phone to the Internet (via a SIM card or Wi-Fi), go to “Settings” and open the accounts section. The screenshot below shows what the Gmail sync issue looks like.

If you see the same picture, open the menu of this section and tap “Sync now”.

If the error persists, delete your Google account on your phone (the button is located here) and create it again. Or get yourself another gmail.com account and log in under it.

Installation errors or corruption of the program executable file

Often the failure is manifested by constant messages “An error has occurred in the Google Play Market application.” It pops up when the user tries to launch the application or perform any action in it (search, download). And in some cases - by itself, when some of installed programs decides to check for an update in the background.

You can try to deal with this error using the methods described above. If all else fails, the following options remain:

  • Perform a system restore from backup copy(if you created it in advance, for example, in the Android gadget management program for Windows MyPhoneExplorer).
  • Remove Play Market from your device and install it again. For this you will need root rights(received in advance).
  • Perform a factory reset on your tablet or phone (Hard Reset/Wipe).

How to reinstall Play Store

  • Download or copy the Google Play Market executable file in .apk format from a properly working Android phone or tablet.
  • Enable permission to install applications from unknown sources on the problematic device. The option is located in the Security or Protection menu of the Settings app.

  • Transfer the file to the problematic device and start the installation (touch it with your finger).
  • If nothing happens or you see the message again Play error Market, open the \data\app\ directory and place the file there.

By the way, to remove the faulty copy of the Market and reinstall it, you can use the same MyPhoneExplorer. After synchronizing your phone with the program, go to the “Files” - “Applications” section, click the line highlighted in the screenshot and click the “Delete” button.

Next, click on the “Download application” icon on the top panel and specify the path to the .apk file.

Viral infection

There are modifications of malware that block the launch of the Android Market so that the user cannot download the antivirus, or even delete the original file and replace it with an infected copy. We talked about what to do in such cases in the article about ways to remove viruses on Android.

After scanning with an antivirus, when the malware is neutralized, you may have to replace the infected Play Market with a clean one.

Play Market is not installed

Today, Android smartphones without pre-installed Google services have appeared on the Russian market. In particular, products from the Chinese manufacturer Meizu, for example, Meizu M3 Note, Meizu M3 Mini and other models. Devices purchased in our country can easily correct this shortcoming by installing necessary means another application.

So, to install the Play Store on your Meizu device, tap the “Best” application icon. It contains a selection of programs available for quick download, including Google tools. Tap the Install button under the Google Services icon. After installation, reboot the device.

Application conflict

Some users learned that some Android programs may not work well with Google Play after installing Freedom. “Freedom” is an application for bypassing the official authorization service for users making purchases in game stores. Thanks to this, dishonest players have the opportunity to purchase virtual goods without paying.

If it is not possible for Freedom and Play Market to work together on your device, you will have to give up something.

Blocking Google Play Market access to network resources

Sometimes Freedom does not block the launch of the Market, but prevents it from connecting to the Internet. When trying to download something, the user sees messages: “The program was unable to contact Google servers" or "There is no network connection, please try again later."

If you have root rights, solving the problem is not difficult - just make adjustments to the system Hosts file (on Android it performs the same function as on Windows - it maps domains to IP addresses). The file is located in the \system\etc\ folder. You can get into it either through the Android root explorer (for example, “Root Explorer”), or through the already familiar MyPhoneExplorer running on a Windows machine.

Open the hosts file using a text editor, such as Notepad, and remove all entries from it except “ localhost”. Save without extension by selecting the file type - “All files”.

If network connection errors are not related to Freedom, check your security software settings. It's possible that Market's access to the network is blocked by a firewall.

Firmware corruption and hardware failure

The most difficult case. A fatal firmware failure or hardware malfunction of the device can be assumed in the following situations:

  • The problem arose after an adverse effect on the device: unsuccessful firmware update, falling, connection to a faulty charger, etc.
  • Along with the Play Market, other applications have stopped working or the failure occurs haphazardly: the program sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t.
  • There are other symptoms of a malfunction - freezes, spontaneous reboots, shutdowns, overheating, inadequate load on resources.
  • The above tips did not help solve the problem. It remained even after resetting the settings to factory settings (wipe).

There are only two ways out of this situation - reinstall the firmware yourself or entrust diagnostics and repairs to service specialists.

If you are installing an application and see an error with some number, for example, error 919, you can use the following recommendations (the error may also appear without a code).

1. Restart (turn off and turn on) your phone or tablet. In most cases, this is what helps (at least that’s what I always do).

2. Release more space in mind. Check whether your phone or tablet has enough memory to download applications from the Play Store. If programs do not take up very much, then games may require a lot free space. Remove unnecessary movies, music and applications. If you don't know how to do this, this will help you.

3. Often the cause of errors can be the Google app Play when he gets carried away and starts to show off. It is recommended to select Applications in the settings, then select Google Play Market, clear the cache and erase data.

4. If the previous advice did not produce results, you need to roll back the Play Store update to old version. To do this, select the Google Play application and click the “Uninstall updates” button. Next, go to the Play Market and try downloading the required application or game again.

5. Well, and finally, check if your Internet connection is stable. To do this, open your browser and try to access any website. If you download via 3G, disable “airplane mode” in the network access settings. If you are connecting via Wi-Fi, turn it off and on again.

In general, in any unclear situations with installing applications, try restarting the device, clearing the cache, erasing Play Store data, or clearing the memory.

Most owners of Android devices use the services of the official Play Market store from the IT giant Google, which, in general, is not surprising. Here, every user can find any content to meet their needs, be it special programs, films, music or games. However, situations are not uncommon when Google Play Market does not work on Android.

Such disruptions in the operation of the service can occur due to the most for various reasons. Now we will look at what may be causing the problem and suggest the most effective ways to eliminate it.

In fact, the reasons that provoke such an error can be very diverse, the most common are:

  • There is no connection to the internet, caused, for example, by a settings failure (smartphone, router, etc.).
  • Technical problems on the part of the Play Market itself are quite rare, but not excluded.
  • Problems with the file hosts, which is edited by the system automatically.
  • A conflict between any installed application and Google Play.
  • The date/time parameters are incorrect.
  • Other.

First, what we have to do is simply restart your smartphone. The fact is that this banal procedure can be an effective solution not only with the problem described, but also in other cases of system freezing. If rebooting the device did not have any effect, move on.

Reset updates

Quite an effective procedure. Our actions - go to “Settings”:

Open " Applications"(maybe "Application Manager"), from the list that opens we find Google Play, press. In the window that opens, click on the position “ Uninstall updates"to return the Play Store to its original state:

We reboot the gadget and try to log in. What, there is no reason for joy yet? Then let's continue.

Reset settings and clear cache

Again, through the main settings, go to “ Applications", we find " Google Play", open. First, “tap” on “ Erase data", then " Clear cache»:

We restart and try to log into Google Play. If the question “why the play market doesn’t open” is still relevant, let’s continue “dancing with a tambourine.”

Correction of GP service data

As in the third step, from “Settings” we go to “ Applications", we find " Google Services Play", erase the data and clear the cache:

Clear Google Services Framework data and cache

Let's follow the beaten path " Settings» → « Applications" In the " All"find and open" Google Services Framework" Erase data and clear cache:

Checking the operation of Google accounts

It is quite possible that for some reason this function was disabled, which was the reason why it does not work play market on android. It's easy to fix the situation. From the settings in " Applications"we need to open the tab " All", choose " Google Accounts "and, if this application is really disabled, then connect it, and at the same time (if necessary) clear the cache:

Debugging the Boot Manager

Disabling the boot manager can also be a likely problem, so to rule it out we go to “ Applications", swipe left to go to " All" and open " Download Manager" If necessary, activate it, and if the presence of a cache is detected, then clear it too:

Removing and restoring your Google account

Another effective way, which was dedicated to on our website detailed instructions" ". After the described exit procedure, .

Resolving application conflict

As mentioned above, there are applications that can block Google Play. One such program is Freedom. Advanced gamers probably understand what we're talking about. The fact is that Freedom allows you to bypass the Market license check in order to purchase for free all sorts of paid goodies in games (coins, crystals, extensions, etc.), for which the user can pay with a fake card:

Incompetent use of the application, or improper deletion of it, is one of the most common reasons for denial of application. Google work Play Market caused by changes in the file " hosts" To work with the application (installation and uninstallation). More information on how to correct the situation can be seen in a special video:

Cleaning the "hosts" file

It is worth dwelling on this point in more detail. The fact is that you probably don’t have the Freedom application installed (see above), but there may well be a problem with the file, and here’s why. The hosts file of the Android system (as well as Windows) stores a database of sites, as well as their IP addresses. And every time you open a particular site, the system will access the “hosts” file, and only after that the DNS server. That is, in fact, being in principle a primitive filter (firewall), hosts can, for security purposes, block access to almost any site, including Google Play.

That's when the need to edit it arises. For this we will need a file manager, for example, and (since we will be dealing with a system file).

Launch ROOT Explorer, find the folder system:

It contains a folder etc, go into it and set the rights R/W(Read/Write) by clicking on the corresponding button in the upper right corner:

Upon request of the Superuser rights system, we provide:

Now let's open hosts and start editing it. By default, it should contain only one line - localhost. If you see two or more lines, this means that other programs have made their changes, so we delete everything unnecessary without pity:

Correcting date and time settings

If there was a failure in this position (which could also block access to the play market), then:

  • Open " Settings»
  • In chapter " System"find the item " date and time", open.
  • Enter the correct data and save the changes.

Reset Android settings (or Hard Reset)

This is the last, so to speak, control shot from our arsenal, if you are convinced that there are no problems with the Internet connection, and all the described methods did not bring the expected result (which I very much doubt). What should we do:

  • Go to " Settings" and open " Recovery and reset", without forgetting to make a backup copy.
  • Select the item " Reset».
  • “Tap” on the field “ Reset your phone».
  • Finally, click “ Erase everything».

This procedure will delete all data on the device's internal storage, leaving the information on the memory card intact.

Perhaps this is all we wanted to talk about on the topic. Maybe you had a successful experience in solving a problem that was not described in the article, we will be grateful if you share it with our readers. Good luck!

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Many gadget users, faced with a situation in which applications from the Play Market are not downloaded, do not know what to do. Let's figure out how to rectify the situation.

Play Market is a kind of application store from Google. Using the Play Market, you can install any application on your mobile device, smartphone, tablet that has passed strict moderation testing.

Although the Play Market is quite reliable and stable software, in some cases it can malfunction and create problems that are not entirely clear to ordinary users.
To eliminate these unpleasant moments, you will need to spend a little personal time.

So, you decided to download an application from the Play Store, and you are shown an error message. Let's figure out how to eliminate this message.
There may be several reasons why applications are not downloaded from the Play Market:

  • There is not enough memory on your gadget to install the application;
  • The device is in “flight mode”;
  • Uninstalled updates;
  • Problems with your Google account;
  • Errors after updating the operating system;
  • Errors in settings;
  • Incompatibility of Play Mapket with your device.

There are a lot of options for not downloading applications from the Play Market. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

There is not enough memory on your gadget to install applications

One of the common reasons is the lack of free space required to install the application, especially if this application is quite “heavy” and requires a lot of RAM. In theory, in this case, you should be shown a message about low memory.

The solution to this problem is to clean your gadget of excess “garbage”. You can also try downloading the application to a removable device (flash drive) by specifying Right way installations. Perhaps in this case the application will download without problems.

Check that the exact time is synchronized with what is shown on your device. Even with a slight discrepancy in the time indication, Google will not want to work with the device. Correct the time, set the synchronization.
The same applies to the date, it must be indicated correctly.

The device is in “airplane mode”

Check the settings of your device, it is quite possible that you have it set to “airplane mode”, but you did not pay attention to it. In this mode, the application does not load. Uncheck the checkbox and reboot. If you have been marked this mode, then after disabling it the application should install without problems.

Uninstalled updates

You may not have installed the updates required for the correct operation of the device in a timely manner. The solution to this issue is quite simple - check for updates, update the system, reboot it.

Problems with your Google account

Sometimes there are problems related to . It’s not difficult to determine this; you need to create a new account and download the application from it. If everything worked out, then the failure was related to your account, this also happens.

Errors after updating the operating system

This error with downloading the application may occur as a result of updating the operating system. To resolve this issue, you need to do the following:

Next, for each of them you need to carry out four actions:

Then in your account settings, uncheck the synchronization box. Reboot your device. Change back all the settings you made earlier. Reboot the gadget again. At the end of these steps, the Google Store should start working.

Errors in settings

If all of the above troubleshooting methods did not produce results, then perhaps an error has crept in
to other settings on your device. In this case, returning all settings to factory settings will help.

Check in advance whether you have the synchronization checkboxes checked, this is important. Thanks to synchronization, you will not lose your data; after a reboot, it will reappear on your device.

If you have not eliminated the cause by resetting all settings to factory settings, you can also call your mobile operator and clarify the parameters required for the correct operation of the device.

Play Store incompatibility with your device

Sometimes, after various Play Store updates, the Play Store becomes incompatible with your device. In this case, you can roll back the program to the previous version.

Remove the Play Store completely from your device, clearing all traces of it. Then install previous version, if applications were previously downloaded. If this does not help, then the last resort is to reflash the operating system of the device.

Applications cannot be downloaded from the Play Store, summary

Today we looked at the reasons why applications are not downloaded from the Play Store, and we found out ways to eliminate them. Share in the comments if you have encountered such a problem and how you managed to solve it. If you know other solutions to the problem, be sure to share the information.

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