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“The city no longer exists”: what is known about the earthquake in Italy

On Monday evening, an earthquake occurred on the Italian island of Ischia, which led to destruction in several settlements, there were injured and missing.

According to the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Italy (Ingv), an earthquake of magnitude 4.0 occurred at 20:58 (21:58 Moscow time). Its epicenter was located in the immediate vicinity of the western coast of the island in the sea at a depth of approximately 10 km.

Destruction was recorded in two resort towns - Casamicciola Terme and Lacco Ameno, which are located on the northern coast of the island.

According to eyewitnesses, hesitation earth's surface were clearly felt in various settlements of the island and caused panic among residents and numerous tourists vacationing in Ischia. The situation was aggravated by a complete blackout that occurred at that moment in the port of Ischia.

An ancient church collapsed in Casamicciola Terme. An elderly woman passing by was killed by one of the pieces of her façade. In the same locality, a residential building collapsed. Seven people were trapped under its ruins. Among them are three small children. Rescuers managed to extract three people from under the rubble of the building - two men and one woman, including the father of the children who remained under the rubble.

Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Maya Lomidze said that Ischia is one of the most popular Italian destinations on the Russian market. According to her, according to ATOR, there are no Russian citizens among the victims. Tour operators have not yet received any complaints or concerned calls from Russian tourists. However, she added that this is not final data. According to her, the information requires constant clarification.

According to a representative of the Russian Embassy, ​​diplomats contacted the competent authorities of Italy and tried to find out whether there were Russian citizens among those affected by the earthquake on the island of Ischia. So far the Italians do not have such information. The Russian embassy maintains constant contact with the Italian authorities.

Ischia is an island of volcanic origin, in the center of which is the extinct volcano Epomeo. It was thanks to geological features that thermal springs were formed there. In antiquity, numerous earthquakes and eruptions occurred on the island, the last strong earthquake registered in Ischia in 1883. Then the magnitude of the shock was 5.8, more than 2 thousand people became victims of the disaster.

According to experts, the magnitude of 3.6 is small for Italy. However, the danger lies in the fact that Ischia is located in close proximity to the active and dormant volcano Vesuvius, and also opposite a special zone called the Phlegrean Fields. This is a concentration of underwater volcanoes considered extinct, the eruptions of which lead to the phenomenon of bradyseism (local change in sea level).

MOSCOW, August 24 – RIA Novosti. A powerful earthquake occurred in central Italy; according to preliminary data, more than ten people were killed.

After the tremors, a landslide was recorded, as a result of which the city of Amatrice was destroyed. According to the mayor, half the population center has “disappeared.”

What's happened?

The heaviest impact of the disaster occurred in the province of Rietti (metropolitan area of ​​Lazio). The first shock in the area of ​​​​the city of Akkumoli was recorded here at 3.36 (4.36 Moscow time), after which several more movements of the earth's crust followed.

According to the European seismological center EMSC, the magnitude of the earthquake was 6.1. The US Geological Survey (USGS) estimated the strength of the tremors at 6.2.

The earthquake was felt by residents of many Italian cities, and the shock wave reached the capital of the country, Rome.

Half the city has disappeared

According to preliminary data, the city of Amatrice, which is home to about three thousand people, suffered the most. According to Mayor Sergio Pirozzi, the situation was complicated by a landslide that followed the earthquake.

"The roads leading in and out of the city are blocked. Half the city has disappeared. People are under rubble," Pirozzi said on state television channel RAI.

Now special equipment has been sent to Amatrice to clear the rubble.

Serious damage was also recorded in other cities, and there were injuries, the head of the national service told reporters. Civil Defense Fabrizio Curcio. According to incoming data, populated areas have been damaged in at least three provinces: Ascoli Piceno, Fermo and Macerata (Marche region).

Russia offered its assistance to the Italian authorities in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake.

What is known about the dead?

There is still little information about the earthquake victims. Authorities confirmed the death of six people, two of them residents of the town of Arquata del Tronto in the Marche region. At the same time, media reported that at least 14 people were killed.

In Italy, they compared the current earthquake with the disaster in L'Aquila in 2009The epicenter of the earthquake, which occurred on Wednesday night, was near the city of Accumoli in the capital region of Lazio at a depth of about four kilometers from the earth's surface.

In Akkumoli, six people were among the dead, with several people remaining under the rubble.

Five people died in the destruction of Amatrice, but this figure could still rise. Local authorities call the situation "dramatic."

“I hear moans and screams and I can’t do anything. People are under destroyed houses. We need specialists to extract people from the rubble,” said the city’s mayor, Sergio Pirozzi.

Two more people became victims of the disaster in Arquata del Tronto, and in the town of Pescara del Tronto a child died, whose parents are still under the rubble.

The Russian embassy in Italy told RIA Novosti that there is no data on casualties among Russians yet.

About major earthquakes in the world in 2016

The number of victims of a powerful earthquake is growing in Italy. On this moment 24 deaths are known. Many people remain under the rubble. The disaster struck the central part of the country - the magnitude at the epicenter was 6. One way or another, the tragedy affected four areas: roads, bridges were destroyed and some areas were extremely difficult to reach. Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. In a telegram Russian President also said that our country is ready to provide assistance in eliminating the consequences of the disaster.

In terms of the scale of destruction, the current earthquake is already being compared to the one that practically wiped out the city of L'Aquila in 2009. After last night, several cities in the heart of Italy are already in ruins. Almost immediately after the emergency, the words of the mayor of Amatrice sounded like a sentence - half of the city had disappeared. And this is not a play on words. For comparison: photos of streets before and after the earthquake. In neighboring Akkumoli it is even worse. At dawn it became clear that three-quarters of the buildings had been destroyed. That is, there could be over a thousand people under the rubble in these two cities alone.

“First I saw one wall collapsing, then another one collapsed. Then the ceiling began to fall, but I managed to escape,” says local resident Maria Gianni.

"I do not know what to say. We have experienced a terrible tragedy. We can only hope that there will be few casualties. Still, we must show courage and cope with this grief,” says priest Savino D’Amelio.

Moans and screams can be heard from under the rubble. Whole families were buried. In the town of Pescara del Tronto, two small children were rescued from the ruins. Boys four and seven years old. The grandmother they were visiting is still under the ruins. The woman is alive and they hope to rescue her soon. There are about 100 missing people in this town alone.

No one can yet give exact data on the dead. Experts make disappointing forecasts - the number of victims could number in the hundreds. It is possible that foreigners may be among the dead. Lazio, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo - the areas that took the brunt of the blow, have always attracted tourists with their picturesque landscapes and medieval architecture. As stated by Rostourism, there should not be centralized groups of our vacationers in the emergency zone, but it is possible that there could be individual travelers there. There is no data on dead or injured among Russians. Our diplomats are checking the information.

The earthquake was so powerful that its echoes were felt hundreds of kilometers away. The echo of the tremors reached Rome. Local authorities are asking the capital for help. But how soon she will come is unknown. The earthquake caused a chain reaction. There was a landslide and the roads were blocked. It's not clear what's wrong with the bridges. Rescuers simply cannot reach the victims. In Accumoli, the mayor admitted that emergency services were only able to arrive on the scene three and a half hours after the first call for help. It may have cost someone their life.

“The rescuers are doing everything they can. We still can't get into the hard-hit areas. The military will be involved in the work,” said Fabrizio Curcio, head of the National Civil Defense Service.

An emergency headquarters has been created and hotlines have been opened. The real scale of the destruction obviously remains to be assessed. Other countries, including Russia, offered assistance to Italy. Our rescuers, who worked in the most difficult situations and were equipped with the most modern technology, are already ready to take off. Seismologists, meanwhile, report that new tremors are being recorded in the affected regions.

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Many buildings in the Perugia area have been destroyed to the ground

At least 120 people were killed and hundreds more were injured in a magnitude 6.2 earthquake that struck central Italy, southeast of the city of Perugia, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said.

In addition, in the Akkumoli commune alone, 150 people are listed as missing. Currently, rescuers continue to clear the rubble and search for survivors. Most of the dead and injured lived in the regions of Umbria, Lazio and Marche.

The earthquake occurred at 3:36 local time (4:36 Moscow time) Wednesday morning.

The communes of Norcia and Accumoli, the cities of Amatrice and Pescara del Tronto were closest to the epicenter. Tremors were also felt in Rome.

The Russian Embassy in Rome does not have information about dead or injured Russians, diplomatic attache Maria Kuchuk told the BBC.

“We have sent a request to the Italian Department of Civil Protection and are waiting for an official response from the Italian side. So far there is no information about Russian citizens among the dead or injured. We are in constant contact with the Italian authorities,” she added.

Illustration copyright AP/Google Image caption Photos of Amatrice before and after the earthquake Illustration copyright Reuters/Google Image caption House in Amatrice Illustration copyright EPA/Google Image caption Pescara del Tronto before and after the earthquake

"Half the city is gone"

The mayor of Amatrice told a local radio station that some buildings in the city center had collapsed, leaving people trapped under the rubble.

He also said that the earthquake left the city without power supply. According to Sergio Perozzi, "half the city has disappeared."

"The roads into the city are blocked [by rubble]. People are under rubble. There was a landslide and the bridge may collapse," he said in an interview with local radio station RAI.

Illustration copyright EPA Image caption The communes of Norcia and Accumoli, the cities of Amatrice and Pescara del Tronto were closest to the epicenter. Illustration copyright AFP Image caption People remain under the rubble of collapsed buildings

The newspaper La Repubblica reports that buildings in Rome shook for 20 seconds.

A family of four was found buried under rubble in the town of Accumoli, city mayor Stefano Petrucci told RAI.

Police say two people were killed in the nearby village of Pescara del Tronto.

Image caption Diagram showing the scale of destruction caused by the earthquake

Are there any Russians in the disaster zone?

Organized groups of tourists from Russia in the Amatrice area, where it happened powerful earthquake, should not be, said Svetlana Sergeeva, adviser to the head of the Federal Tourism Agency, on Wednesday.

“This is a high-mountainous region of Italy, it is not a popular holiday destination among Russians. Perhaps there could be independent tourists from Russia there, but this is unlikely. The Federal Tourism Agency is in constant contact with the Russian Embassy in Italy, keeping the situation under control,” Sergeeva said in Interfax interview.

"The ceiling fell, I covered myself with a pillow"

The first reports were of a magnitude 6.4 earthquake. Then came repeated aftershocks.

“The bed began to practically jump up and down and from one side of the room to the other. The chandelier was swinging. I got up and immediately fell! We are about 80 kilometers from the place where the greatest damage was. But even here the earthquake was felt strongly,” she said BBC News Silvana Hembree, visiting her 90-year-old mother.

Illustration copyright Reuters Image caption The earthquake occurred at 3:36 local time

Maria Gianni tried to cover herself with a pillow from debris falling from the walls and ceiling.

“On one side, a whole wall fell down, but didn’t hit me. On the other side, a wall also fell... very, very close to me. But, fortunately, it didn’t hit me. Then the ceiling fell on me. I just managed to cover my head with a pillow. And “Fortunately, nothing hit me,” Maria Gianni told AP

The USGS says that based on past earthquakes of similar magnitude, the damage could be significant.

Illustration copyright Reuters Image caption The mayor of Amatrice speaks of serious damage Illustration copyright Reuters Image caption Nothing remains of some houses in Amatrice

In 2009, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in the L'Aquila region, which was also felt in Rome, killed more than 300 people.

Analysis. Jonathan Amos, BBC columnist

Earthquakes in the Apennines are not uncommon. For many centuries, thousands of people became victims of destructive tremors here. stronger than that what the people of Italy felt early morning on Wednesday.

Of course, buildings have become more resilient and people are much better prepared for such natural disasters.

In general, the seismic “weather” of the Mediterranean depends on the collisions of two tectonic plates - African and Eurasian.

But the mechanics of the current earthquake are much more complex.

The Tyrrhenian Sea, which lies to the west of Italy and separates it from the islands of Sardinia and Corsica, is slowly expanding.

According to scientists, this increases pressure on the fault running along the Apennine mountain range. On the other hand, pressure is exerted by movement in the east, in the Adriatic, where the plate “goes” under Italy.

The result is one of the largest faults that runs along the mountain range, with a series of smaller diverging faults.

The cities of Perugia and L'Aquila are located on such a fault.

It is noted that underground tremors were recorded at 03:11 UTC 138 km north of Rome. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 9 km.

National Civil Defense officials are currently on the ground investigating whether the earthquake caused damage. Tremors in central Italy, where in the summer of 2016 happened devastating earthquake has caused huge concern on social media.

By the way, even then the expert predicted repeated tremors in the coming weeks - the disaster, according to him, could cause new shifts. His forecast was completely confirmed: in October, the same region of Italy was shaken twice. Fortunately, the second time there were no casualties, although the residential infrastructure villages nearby from Perugia suffered greatly.

Seismologists recorded tremors at 05.11 (06.11 Kyiv time). The epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of about 9 kilometers from the earth's surface. nearby surfaces from the village of Muccia in the Marche region. The first earthquake was followed by several aftershocks with a magnitude greater than 2.0.

The underground vibrations were felt by residents of cities and towns in two regions - Marche and Umbria. Civil Defense officials have gone to the scene to determine whether the tremors caused damage.

“It is shaking mainly in central Italy, in the region of the Apennine Mountains, which stretch from north to south. The most dangerous place is in the outback, away from tourist spots. But in Rome and on the coast, tremors can only be felt: furniture moves, chandeliers sway, seismologist Igor Shemchuk explained to Vesti. — It is unrealistic to predict the next earthquake in Italy; it is maturing very deeply. But you can protect houses and people from harm: you need to build special supports and make buildings in dangerous areas more stable.”

The National Institute of Geophysics and the earthquake of magnitude 4.7 that occurred on Tuesday in central Italy.

Tremors were recorded 138 kilometers north of Rome. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of nine kilometers. After the first shock, several aftershocks with a magnitude greater than 2.0 occurred.

Earthquake in Italy 2018 magnitude. Everything that is known at the moment.

As reported, 39 people were injured as a result of an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 in the southeastern province of Adiyaman on the morning of April 24.

The seismic event, the epicenter of which was located near the village of Muccia in the Marche region, occurred at 06:11 Moscow time. The first earthquake was followed by several aftershocks with a magnitude greater than 2.0.

Registered Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications. Certificates of registration EL No. FS 77 - 70162 dated June 16, 2017, EL No. FS 77 - 70194 dated June 21, 2017

Seismologists recorded tremors at 05.11 (06.11 Kyiv time). The epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of about 9 kilometers from the earth's surface near the village of Muccia in the Marche region.

Recorded at 5:11 (6:11 Moscow time). The epicenter of the earthquake lay at a depth of about 9 km from the earth's surface in the area of ​​the village of Muccia in the Marche region. After the first earthquake, several aftershocks with a magnitude greater than 2.0 occurred.

Earthquake in Italy 2018 victims. Detailed data.

The epicenter of the tremors was recorded at a depth of nine kilometers in the area of ​​the village of Muccia in the Marche region. The earthquake was followed by several aftershocks with a magnitude greater than 2.0.

Let us recall that in 2016 a series of earthquakes occurred in central Italy. The strongest of them was recorded on October 30, its magnitude was 6.5. The four Italian regions that suffered the most were Marche, Umbria, Lazio and Abruzzo.

MINSK, April 10 – Sputnik. An earthquake of magnitude 4.7 struck central Italy on Tuesday morning, the country's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology reported.

As Vesti wrote, at the very end of March, an earthquake of magnitude 5.2 occurred off the coast of Japan. The epicenter of the tremors was located 233 km from the island of Io. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 35.8 km. Earlier, an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.9 occurred in western Turkey. Other data on the earthquake from the services are identical: the epicenter of the tremors was at a depth of 5 km, 191 km from Izmir.

A major earthquake occurred in the above provinces in the summer of 2016. Then large-scale destruction occurred and hundreds of people died, more than 4.5. The country's authorities estimated the damage from the earthquake at four billion euros.

Italy is more than others European countries prone to earthquakes. The reason is the complex structure of the Apennine Peninsula at the junction of tectonic plates, which periodically collide with each other underground, which leads to disasters.

Kyiv, April 10 - RIA Novosti Ukraine. An earthquake of magnitude 4.7 struck central Italy early Tuesday morning, Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Ingv) said.



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