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Aquarius female love horoscope for August. True horoscope for August for Aquarius

Special changes in personal life August 2018 will not bring representatives of the sign. Relationships will develop smoothly, without strong emotional outbursts and violent passions. Nevertheless, there will be plenty of tenderness and some kind of inner peace. Lonely Aquarians will choose a passive line of behavior at the beginning of the month. They will become outside observers and will prefer to simply trust fate. This will allow Aquarius to take an internal break and accumulate strength for further developments. All the acquaintances and meetings that take place in August will not be of much interest to Aquarius; he will be more busy searching for himself. This will allow you to finally realize for yourself important points and understand what kind of person should be nearby. Representatives of the sign who are married will need strong moral support in the last month of summer. They will want to feel increased attention from their partner, which is not always possible to get. And this can shake a strong relationship a little. To prevent this from happening, the stars recommend that Aquarius not silently wait for the initiative to appear, but start talking about it with their other half. This will allow you to establish harmony in the family. The main thing is that Aquarians learn to correctly present their claims and explain the reasons that cause mental anguish and experiences. you can see the general love horoscope as of August 2018.

Aquarius Woman: Love Horoscope for August 2018

Aquarius women, who are still in a free status, will not show zeal in search of their soul mate this month. They will flirt and meet men, but only to maintain their self-esteem. They will be more attracted to a relaxed flow of personal life. And even if you have to fight with a rival for the man you like, the Aquarius woman will not do this. She will simply step aside, confident that her chosen one will choose her in any case. But here the stars advise you to still show a little initiative. A man may perceive such detachment from an Aquarius woman as absolute indifference, and therefore he himself will not want to take any steps. For married Aquarius women, August will be a quiet month when you can take care of your family and spend time with your spouse. Evening walks together and weekend trips to nature will only further strengthen the relationship and allow the partner to look at his chosen one in a new way. Fire and passion will awaken in him, thanks to which the representative of the sign will feel the most desired and loved.

Aquarius Man: Love Horoscope for August 2018

In the last month of summer, single Aquarius men will not be in the mood to build romantic relationships. At some point, they will completely stop showing interest in the opposite sex. All acquaintances will take place only on the initiative of the women themselves. But the stars advise you to take a closer look at those people with whom Aquarius men have friendly communication. Perhaps among such women there will be just the one who can awaken the extinguished fire in Aquarius. All this will happen towards the end of the month, and the rest of the time can be spent identifying own desires and aspirations. Married representatives of the sign will be immersed in themselves and their thoughts throughout August. They will become silent and too quiet. The spouse may take this the wrong way. She will begin to explain this changed behavior of her partner by saying that he has lost his former feelings for her. And this is a direct path to a quarrel and conflict, which can only grow. To prevent this from happening, a man, immersing himself in himself, should not forget about his other half. You can try to do common things or find some new hobby for the whole family.

Love horoscope for August 2018 for Aquarius

In August 2018, pleasant changes will occur in the personal life of Aquarius. Those whose hearts have been free for a long time are likely to meet their love. To maintain the existing relationship, you will need to work on yourself. Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will be eager to find their soulmate. They will register on dating sites, start getting acquainted in in social networks and flirt with attractive people of the opposite sex in companies. By the end of the month the stars promise fateful meeting. Sympathy will develop into new novel. It is possible that the chosen one will be from another city or country. The main limiting factor in the development of such relationships will be distance.

Those who have a couple will do everything at random. With their words and actions, they risk upsetting and alienating their loved one. Claims, reproaches in his direction and loud showdowns may arise. Couples who were planning to get married will postpone this decision. Due to the emotional outbursts of Aquarius, the engagement may be terminated. If you want to maintain your existing relationship, try to restrain your emotions. Family people of this zodiac sign will be unrestrained and irritable. They will become indignant over small things and blame their life partner for their problems. The further course of events will depend on the patience of the partner. If he can abstract himself from the situation and maintain balance, scandals will be prevented. The horoscope advises you to become softer towards the person who loves you.

Love horoscope August 2018 Aquarius

August for Aquarius is perfect for starting a relationship. Moreover, you can count on something promising that provides interesting opportunities. In addition, the environment will also be very suitable. If in fact this is somewhat beyond your capabilities, it is possible that this situation will serve as an incentive to continue to take more from life. Don't refuse invitations - it's worth a try. But difficulties may arise in current relationships. For example, your spouse will have something against you meeting with friends. Either with someone specific, or against such a frequency or duration of meetings. If you don’t want such prohibitions to become a habit, defend your positions right away. Then it will be much more difficult to do. With the older generation in the family, Aquarius may also experience conflict situation. You will be too demanding of them, without making allowance for the fact that at that age you cannot change a person, no matter how hard you try.

Love horoscope for August 2018 Aquarius

The love horoscope for August 2018 advises Aquarius to improve their personal life, if they did not have time to do so before. Single people can safely make new acquaintances so as not to spend this summer month in boredom. The main thing is not to rush to conclusions about your chosen one, so as not to spoil anything. Unnecessary nagging and the desire to change the partner’s character will result in worries and quarrels for Aquarius. Don’t chase the ideal and don’t create illusions. It is better to avoid romances at work in August, as they lead to gossip in the team. The horoscope recommends that Aquarius control their emotions and not take their anger out on loved ones. Your impulsiveness can lead to scandals, so be less impulsive. The love horoscope for August 2018 for Aquarius predicts an ambiguous relationship with a new lover. Disputes on the most insignificant topics, as well as a break, are possible. If you don’t want to lose everything at once - spiritual closeness and friendship, then behave correctly. Be more sincere with your partner, because real feelings cannot be preserved with tricks and cunning. Aquarius is often like an impenetrable fortress when it comes to serious relationships.

For an Aquarius in love, everything will happen according to the planned program. And the candy-bouquet period, and surprises, and romantic walks under the Moon. In general, the matter may go to the registry office, so don’t be surprised. But the horoscope advises Aquarius to get to know the chosen one better, so as not to file for a quick divorce. For a family Aquarius, the relationship with their spouse will seem insipid and uninteresting. It is possible that the passion has faded, which is why you ran away to different corners. You will have to solve numerous everyday problems, as well as invest money in the education of teenage children. The love horoscope for August 2018 promises a smooth course for Aquarius family life, after all, you yourself have put a lot of effort into such everyday life. At the end of the month, it is possible to purchase a new home or receive an inheritance. This unexpected and pleasant news will be a definite start for you towards independence in the future. On the New Moon (August 11), Aquarius should not take risks, go on dates or go on a trip with the whole family.

August 2019 will not bring any special changes in the personal life of representatives of this sign. Relationships will develop smoothly, without strong emotional outbursts and violent passions. Nevertheless, there will be plenty of tenderness and some kind of inner peace.

Lonely Aquarians will choose a passive line of behavior at the beginning of the month. They will become outside observers and will prefer to simply trust fate. This will allow Aquarius to take an internal break and accumulate strength for further developments.

All the acquaintances and meetings that take place in August will not be of much interest to Aquarius; he will be more busy searching for himself. This will allow you to finally realize important moments for yourself and understand what kind of person should be around.

Representatives of the sign who are married will need strong moral support in the last month of summer. They will want to feel increased attention from their partner, which is not always possible to get. And this can shake a strong relationship a little. To prevent this from happening, the stars recommend that Aquarius not silently wait for the initiative to appear, but start talking about it with their other half. This will allow you to establish harmony in the family.

The main thing is that Aquarians learn to correctly present their claims and explain the reasons that cause mental anguish and anxiety.

Aquarius Woman: Love Horoscope for August 2019

Aquarius women, who are still in a free status, will not show zeal in search of their soul mate this month. They will flirt and meet men, but only to maintain their self-esteem.

They will be more attracted to a relaxed flow of personal life. And even if you have to fight with a rival for the man you like, the Aquarius woman will not do this. She will simply step aside, confident that her chosen one will choose her in any case.

But here the stars advise you to still show a little initiative. A man may perceive such detachment from an Aquarius woman as absolute indifference, and therefore he himself will not want to take any steps.

For married Aquarius women, August will be a quiet month when you can take care of your family and spend time with your spouse. Evening walks together and weekend trips to nature will only further strengthen the relationship and allow the partner to look at his chosen one in a new way. Fire and passion will awaken in him, thanks to which the representative of the sign will feel the most desired and loved.

Aquarius Man: Love Horoscope for August 2019

In the last month of summer, single Aquarius men will not be in the mood to build romantic relationships. At some point, they will completely stop showing interest in the opposite sex. All acquaintances will take place only on the initiative of the women themselves. But the stars advise you to take a closer look at those people with whom Aquarius men have friendly communication.

Perhaps among such women there will be just the one who can awaken the extinguished fire in Aquarius. All this will happen towards the end of the month, and the rest of the time can be spent identifying your own desires and aspirations.

Married representatives of the sign will be immersed in themselves and their thoughts throughout August. They will become silent and too quiet. The spouse may take this the wrong way. She will begin to explain this changed behavior of her partner by saying that he has lost his former feelings for her. And this is a direct path to a quarrel and conflict, which can only grow.

To prevent this from happening, a man, immersing himself in himself, should not forget about his other half. You can try to do common things or find some new hobby for the whole family.

According to the horoscope for August, Aquarius will have an eventful personal life. The nature of the relationship will depend only on their mood and desires. So if representatives of this Zodiac Sign want to change the situation on the love front, then they will succeed. August will be a favorable time to refresh your relationship.

Lonely Aquarius will have success in their personal life. During this period of time they will be especially popular with the opposite sex. There will be many potential partners on the horizon who will want to woo them. It is quite possible that those who once long ago tried to win their heart will also return to the life of Aquarius. The love horoscope for August advises them not to rush into making a choice yet. There is no need to rush, time will put everything in its place, but for now it’s better to enjoy the situation.

Aquarians who are in a couple will begin to strive for harmony. Probably in a relationship Lately not everything was so smooth. At the level of intuition, Aquarians will feel that coldness and alienation have appeared between them and their partner. It's time to correct mistakes and make changes in your personal life. Aquarians will be able to fix everything, but to do this they will have to give in to their partner in many matters.

Married Aquarians will want peace and warmth at home. But many events in their lives will interfere with this desire. The love horoscope 2014 recommends that they forget about all the troubles, problems and worries, and give in to their mood. You shouldn’t delay moments of happiness if it’s nearby. Astrologers advise showing concern for your partner. This will make the spouses closer friend to friend.

According to the love horoscope, Aquarius in August will do everything to improve relationships with their soulmate and achieve harmony and tranquility in the couple. Everything will work out well if the representatives of this constellation are the first to take the initiative. And to attract good luck in love, do not forget to press the buttons and

18.07.2014 15:11

When the feelings of a lover subside, most women think about how to return the love of their soulmate...

A compatibility horoscope will help predict the development of relationships and determine whether your union has prospects. To...

In August, Aquarians continue to confidently move forward in many areas of life. The stars predict a successful campaign for them, and its success will directly depend on how competently Aquarians can set priorities and get rid of such a shortcoming as fussiness. Highlight the main thing and move forward. Start working only when you know what result you want to achieve. Learn to manage your time correctly and don’t try to seem nice by taking on someone else’s work. Do not try to earn authority in this way, in fact it will turn out to be cheap, it is better to focus on your own affairs and do not give your superiors reasons to criticize you.


"The quieter you go, the further you'll get!" - a wonderful motto for those who run their own business. There should be no spontaneous decisions or hasty deals in the practice of August, otherwise you will have to regret them more than once later.

It may also happen that in financial transactions you will gravitate towards unusual experiments or changes. It is still better to refuse unreliable or risky business. You will part with the income received in this way sooner than you can imagine, but the damage to your business reputation can be enormous, and you will have to wash away the stigma of a frivolous partner for a long time.

If you only dream of creating your own enterprise, then, as the stars suggest, the sign of Aquarius is most successfully implemented in banking, insurance and promotional business.

In August, art workers will not have to vegetate from idleness; their lives at the end of summer will be rich in great creative events, and the Muse will be a constant companion of such Aquarius.

The life of Aquarius in August 2020 is completely subordinated to Mars and Mercury, which is a rarity in the zodiac house. This will absolutely prevent them from living a boring and relaxed life throughout the entire month. Mars will push Aquarius forward to new achievements, and Mercury will hang on their feet with heavy fetters, interfering with movement, forcing them to question everything and act rashly. Aquarians live by feelings, and Mercury will make pragmatists out of them. But right now, healthy pragmatism will benefit the representatives of the sign. In August, Aquarius may receive an offer that is attractive from all sides, but in fact is not such, and it will be very difficult for Aquarius to refuse it. Right now, Aquarius needs to show his entire stock of rationalism, the ability to question everything, and leave emotions and feelings completely unattended. You need to weigh all the pros and cons solely on the basis of sober calculation. And if even after such an analysis this offer still seems attractive to you, decide to accept it, then do not rush to accept it and repeat the whole procedure from the beginning!

In addition, the horoscope for August 2020 recommends abandoning real estate transactions, expanding the scope of activity, changes legal address, relocations and business trips. The soft, shy and conservative Moon will not be able to withstand the influence of such giants as Mars and Mercury on your destiny. Therefore, all changes and physical movement in space are now extremely undesirable. Both the purchase and sale of real estate may turn out to be a sham, a change of job will result in complete disappointment, and business expansion may result in irreparable financial losses, and business trips will result in wasted money and will not bring the expected result.


IN love relationships everything is exactly the same. If Aquarius is confident, then he must act slowly and firmly, but if there is even the slightest doubt about his own choice, then it is better to stop and take a time out.

U married couples who have been married for a long time, the August forecast is more favorable. Their relationship now resembles a safe haven where Aquarius feels calm and protected. The only thing that can complicate the family life of Aquarius in August is some selfishness of Aquarius. The stars now advise Aquarius to care a little more about the comfort of relationships for their loved one, and think a little less about themselves. This is not at all difficult, however, it will be enough for Aquarius to take into account the opinion of a loved one more often, and less often to put his own at the forefront, and then their relationship will once again pass the test of strength successfully.

Aquarius Child

Little Aquarius may cause concern for parents due to weight fluctuations. Many Aquarius have already formed incorrect eating habits, they are guilty of overeating and do not strive to exercise or outdoor games. It is no wonder that their weight is slightly higher age standards. Start fighting this state of affairs now; excess weight makes life difficult for your child now and will continue to do so in the future. Now is the time to make the necessary adjustments to both the child’s diet and diet, because responsibility for the health and appearance the child rests on your shoulders.


For many Aquarius, advanced chronic illnesses will still force them to see a doctor. Aquarians do not want and do not know how to take care of their health, a visit to the doctor brings them to a semi-fainting state, therefore diseases, the development of which could have been prevented at the very beginning of their occurrence, are completely neglected and become chronic, worsening with each round of weakening of the immune system. Get ready to hear unpleasant things from doctors about your health status and your attitude towards it. After visiting the doctor, follow the course of treatment and all recommendations for exactly as long as the doctor asks of you.

In August 2020, give up buying and selling real estate, moving and changing your legal address.
Weigh the proposals you receive carefully.
Horoscope for September 2020 for Aquarius.

Full description on the topic: “love horoscope for an Aquarius man (guy) for the month of August 2018” from the best astrologers.

In 2018, the stars promise Aquarius a meeting that many people have been waiting for almost their entire lives, but it never happens. This year can become fateful for representatives of the sign, which will entail dramatic changes in the love sphere. For this meeting to truly become their destiny, Aquarius will have to make a lot of effort and overcome some obstacles. But then everything will happen for the best - a strong mutual feeling and a chic, happy wedding.

In the first half of the year, Aquarius will be able to establish relationships with loved ones without spending much effort on it. This is especially true for those who have a long-standing grudge against one of their close friends. Perhaps this friend will take the initiative into his own hands and offer to find out the circumstances that led to the quarrel.

However, some Aquarians will have to look for ways to reconciliation themselves. Whatever it is, everything will work out the best way– the meeting will take place and a frank conversation will reconcile the parties. But there is one caveat. If the reconciled parties are connected not only by friendship, but also by interest in a certain project, Aquarians risk appearing in an unfavorable light. A friend may think that reconciliation with him was undertaken only for the sake of resolving certain issues. Aquarians should act subtly and delicately.

The relationship with your chosen one will not change during the first 4 months of the year. For married and free Aquarius, a complete idyll will reign in a relationship supported by absolute trust. And those Aquarians who did not have a permanent partner at the beginning of the year will already enjoy the affection and care of their life partner in the spring. Moreover, the other half will find Aquarius and win his love on their own.

In the summer months, the stars will begin to test Aquarius about the strength of their feelings. However, the wards of the sign themselves will provoke the emergence of this situation - they will behave authoritarianly towards their partner, and will allow themselves some liberties. The chosen one, on the contrary, will try his best to maintain balance and stability in the relationship.

In June, the lover will have no patience left, and in this regard, he will deservedly present claims to Aquarius regarding his behavior. But Aquarius will not even think of admitting guilt; he will have a lot of arguments and refuting arguments in his defense. Until August, Aquarians will not be able to admit their mistakes - they will feel resentful and may show aggression. If they do not correct the situation, there is a high probability of a break in the relationship. You still have to make your own decision. Your future fate will depend on this.

It cannot be said that the problem will completely disappear in the fall; in any case, the situation will stabilize. Aquarius and the other half will try to improve their relationship. Spring love will return to free Aquarians, they will have a new chosen one or their previous partner will return. But, unlike the spring situation, Aquarius will have to win attention and love.

Read the love horoscope for 2018 for other zodiac signs:

  • Love horoscope for 2018 Aries
  • Love horoscope for 2018 Taurus
  • Love horoscope for 2018 Gemini
  • Love horoscope for 2018 Cancer
  • Love horoscope for 2018 Leo
  • Love horoscope for 2018 Virgo
  • Love horoscope for 2018 Libra
  • Love horoscope for 2018 Scorpio
  • Love horoscope for 2018 Sagittarius
  • Love horoscope for 2018 Capricorn
  • Love horoscope for 2018 Pisces

Aquarius should read the horoscope for August 2018 carefully, because the stars warn that this is not the time to relax and lose control of the situation. Throughout the month you will need to overcome emerging obstacles, such races can be tiring, but you need to persistently move forward, achieving your goals.

Favorable days: 7, 14, 17, 25, 28.

Unfavorable days: 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 20, 25, 30.


Aquarius uses August 2018 to improve health. He feels strong, but understands perfectly how important it is to support good shape to constantly move forward.

Astrologers advise choosing something feasible for yourself. physical exercise. You can do breathing practices. Need to pay Special attention In terms of vision, the eyes are now quite vulnerable. Prolonged exposure to the scorching sun can have a negative impact on them. Don't forget to take your sunglasses with you before leaving the house.

Aquarians who have problems with their ears should regularly visit an otolaryngologist. During this period, the possibility of developing otitis media increases significantly. In general, August will not disappoint with illnesses. Aquarians who are involved in preventive work and sports can be sure that the same situation will continue with the arrival of cold weather.


The Aquarius work horoscope for August 2018 may be upsetting. Problems and criticism can come from different sides, and not everyone is ready for this. The last month of summer can become a conflict for a representative of this sign. You need to be able to keep your emotions under control so as not to worsen the situation.

Aquarians in August will not always be able to achieve their desired goals at work. This can be prevented by mistakes they made earlier in the preparation of important documents. Despite the difficulties that arise, August will bring good profits to Aquarius. This will stimulate the search for new business partners and the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation. Aquarius will be able to successfully complete all previously planned tasks.

Some representatives of the sign may encounter intrigues from their partners. Someone will want to abandon their obligations and shift the work to someone else. In general, such an environment is unfavorable for work, but Aquarius does not need to enter into conflicts; it is better to wait on the sidelines. The need to protect one's interests cannot be ruled out.

Difficulties may arise with the registration of property and land. These moments need to be controlled, preventing outside interference. If Aquarius gives up and does not exercise control, he may be left with nothing. Astrologers do not recommend giving up, even if you really want to. You need to pull yourself together to be the winner in the end.


Problems at work will not become an obstacle to making a profit. Regular and significant income will flow into your bank account throughout the month. The maximum income can be received at the beginning and end of the month.

You shouldn't spend your entire budget on shopping. Of course, you can make pleasant purchases, but it is better to plan them carefully in advance so as not to spend everything and even more. Aquarians need to listen to their intuition. She will tell you exactly where it is profitable to invest money in order to get additional profit.

This is interesting


Aquarius may not be able to read the love horoscope for August 2018 in advance, but it’s still better to know that the stars have prepared a couple of troubles. It all starts with a feeling of lack of strength. This will negatively affect your relationship with your significant other. Aquarius will feel irritated, hence the screams and breakdowns.

Troubles in the home can instill in the soul a desire to gain more freedom. This is a kind of test of the strength of love bonds. Partners who know how to find interesting things to do together problem solvers, will be able to get closer. If the desire to satisfy one’s needs prevails, without paying attention to the other half, then the situation will become much worse.

If the scandals in the house do not subside, the couple will decide to end the relationship. This threatens litigation for property and other troubles. Astrologers strongly recommend once again assessing the scale of the problems. Perhaps you just need to take a break and then deal with it conscientiously while maintaining love.

Aquarius man

Horoscope for August 2018 Aquarius - a man should accept it as a guide to improving the quality of life. It’s worth joining a gym and choosing a suitable load. Exercises will strengthen the body, freeing thoughts from negativity.

Astrologers note that a person’s heavy workload at work has alienated him from friends and family. It's time to fix this. Free time should be spent in fun company like-minded people. We need to find time for a family picnic. The woman you love also craves attention; she needs to be pleased with a romantic date and a gift for no reason.

August is the right time to start exploring a new field of activity. Perhaps the hobby will soon begin to bring good profits, becoming additional source earnings. This period is suitable for those who have decided to radically change their lives. Fate will provide such an opportunity.

Aquarius Woman

As the horoscope for August 2018 recommends, an Aquarius woman should definitely take a vacation and go on vacation. It’s better to take trips at the end of August, and spend the first few months in joyful anticipation, completing all your work at work.

Astrologers recommend clarifying all issues within the team and not leaving unfinished projects before leaving. A beloved man will give a woman attention and warmth. This will benefit her, improving her mood and self-esteem.

Married women should not be attracted to men on the side. This can destroy a marriage in an instant. Even innocent flirting will become a reason for gossip and future disagreements in the family. It will be difficult for the spouse to prove that there was no betrayal, and that the smile addressed to the other man was of a friendly nature.

The stars, of course, know a person’s fate in advance, to some extent they control his life, but at the same time there is always a chance to change everything. You need to strive for success, happiness, love, without accumulating negativity in yourself.

(August 2018)

Relationships with the opposite sex have always been good for representatives of this sign. But it’s not always possible to achieve happiness in your personal life.

The main problem for Aquarius in the personal sphere has always been the achievement of mutual feelings. There were always many people of the opposite sex around them and, it would seem, they could choose anyone as a mate. But they don’t always succeed in getting reciprocity.

The general mood of the relationship between representatives of the sign and their halves will not change significantly. There will be problems, and there will be moments of happiness. The main task for them during this period is to take strict control of their negative emotions and claims to the partner. Sharpness – distinguishing feature Aquarius. But it is in August that there is a great chance to go too far in arguments and debates with your loved one.

Lonely representatives of the sign should also take control of their statements and harsh tone, otherwise you can scare away the person you are interested in, destroying the entire aura of mystery and charm.

To achieve successful relationships, the stars recommend that Aquarius maintain positive attitude and isolate yourself from minor troubles. Try to think less about the bad and focus on the good moments that are happening to you right now.

Love horoscope for Aquarius Women: August 2018

In August, Aquarius women should prepare to overcome some obstacles in their personal relationships. Married women should remember that if you want to feel desired and loved again, you should not hint, but directly tell your spouse about it.

Women's hints do not always reach men exactly in the interpretation that is put into them. Have a calm, even and friendly conversation about the issues that concern you most in the relationship. Try not to find fault with little things and be more tolerant of a man’s shortcomings.

For Aquarius women who have not yet found their soul mate, the stars recommend not to get hung up on dating and relationships this month. The more you think about it, the further you will push happiness away from yourself.

To get what they want, women should pay more attention to their own culture, education and self-development. Of course, appearance is important - but what you have inside is much more important for a man. Engage in self-development, dedicate free time any courses or reading books. All this will only be beneficial and will distract your attention from previous failures in your personal life.

Love horoscope for Aquarius Men: August 2018

The romantic mood that will visit Aquarius men in August will benefit their relationship with their significant other. You should not brush aside sudden impulses to go somewhere with your woman or buy her a simple souvenir.

All this is evidence of your care and love for her. Such moments will help you get rid of and forget about the problems in the couple that have accumulated recently. The peace and quiet in family life that will be established during this period will be an excellent sign that you are doing everything right.

Single Aquarius men should remember that everything is in their hands. If they have a woman who has been interesting to them for a long time, now is the most favorable period to approach her with a serious conversation or proposal.

If a free representative of the sign wants to get acquainted with beautiful girl on the street, you should cast aside doubts and get acquainted. The stars guarantee that if you put aside doubts and fears, success awaits you in the love sphere.

In August, Aquarius men may begin to be tormented by their conscience for past actions. You shouldn’t focus your attention on this if you can’t get rid of such thoughts yourself. the best option, call or write to the woman you offended and ask for forgiveness, even if several years have passed.

Other horoscopes for Aquarius for August 2018

Love horoscope for August 2018 for all signs

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According to the horoscope in August 2018, Aquarius will experience “obstacle racing.” Try not to be misled about the intentions of those around you and constantly check your mastery of the situation.

In August 2018, you are busy with socially important issues. In parallel with these problems, your many friends will come to the rescue. Their support will be invaluable.

You will begin to make common plans, achieve good results, and improve the situation. In August 2018, Aquarius’ usual activity will decrease slightly, but the feeling of anxiety will remain. There will be a desire to do something or intervene in the current situation.

In August 2018, Aquarius should not rush anywhere or make excessive efforts to achieve what they want. A series of big changes awaits you, which will primarily affect relationships with other people, both with someone individually and with society as a whole.

The solar eclipse (August 11), like a litmus test, will reveal the weakest points and critical moments in the brewing problem. In the coming months, you will have to find the origins of the trials that have befallen you and get rid of a number of karmic problems on your own. Instead of competition, try to refocus on cooperation, coexistence with people of various social backgrounds and beliefs.

Some representatives of the Aquarius sign will begin to be attracted to other cities and broader prospects in August 2018. There will be a desire to change your environment or place of residence to start new life. Take a vacation and go to a holiday home or some a nice place away from home to recuperate and prepare for a more difficult phase in life. If unexpected events occurring in your life have deprived you of joy, then pleasant holiday experiences will return us to a good mood.

In mid-August 2018, mentors will come to the rescue, organize support, and make important suggestions. Plan ahead with confidence. But so far only short-term projects are being implemented.

From the second half of August 2018, get down to business and, despite difficulties at home, promote your bold ideas and plans. You will win this steeplechase.

Favorable days: 7, 14, 17, 25, 28.

Unfavorable days: 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 20, 25, 30.

Horoscope for August 2018 Aquarius – love, family

Starting from August 2018 until the end of the year, you may feel a lack of strength and sudden changes in mood, which will be difficult to keep under control. The difficulties that arise will affect the problems of family and marital relationships.

In August 2018, Aquarius in experienced marriages will have an increased desire to gain more personal freedom, which may become a test for your relationship. If marriage partners have no mutual interest in each other's affairs and there are big complaints, then such a relationship is difficult to maintain. The stars recommend doing everything possible to save the marriage and bring love and joy back into it. Perhaps your problems are that you cannot resolve issues with real estate, property, or you have to adapt to life with your parents.

In August 2018, experienced spouses and lovers with a bunch of unresolved problems will begin “military action”, which will lead to an unexpected decision for both parties to end the relationship.

In this case, a dispute over real estate will immediately begin, which both parties can claim. The astrologer recommends thinking about how serious your disagreement is. Would you like to think it over again? In any case, crazy August 2018 for Aquarius is not best time to make categorical decisions, and it’s probably worth waiting for a calmer September. This advice is equally valid for lovers and spouses.

Children during this period will delight you with their actions, thoughts and ideas.

Aquarius health in August 2018

In August 2018, Aquarius is healthy, energetic and seems to be in a fight mood. The stars remind us of Eastern wisdom: “ Best fight– this is the one that did not take place” and they advise, if possible, to behave accordingly.

August 2018 is a favorable time for Aquarius for general strengthening programs and preventive measures. Will be useful breathing exercises, physical exercise. During this period, vision is vulnerable, so when in the open sun, do not forget about sunglasses.

Be careful, including with water procedures, especially if you have vulnerable ears, or a tendency to otitis media, for example.

Horoscope for August 2018 Aquarius – money, finances

Despite a number of professional problems, Aquarius’s money is still fine in August 2018. They will arrive regularly, and at the most large sums can be counted on August 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27.

Intuition will tell you where shopping is profitable and enjoyable, as well as how to replenish your budget, so listen to it.

Horoscope for August 2018 Aquarius – work, business

Regarding work, August 2018, and, admittedly, not the best time. Deservedly or not, you will, figuratively, of course, collect cuffs. At this time, the likelihood of conflicts increases, knowing this circumstance, try to avoid them - compromise in time. For you, as they say, it’s a small thing, but it’s nice for the person.

In August 2018, disagreements in the business sphere and mistakes made when drawing up documents or communicating will not allow Aquarius to achieve serious success in your chosen business or profession.

Resolving material problems will be a good motivation for you in developing business connections or negotiating. Despite the fact that until August 19, previously reached agreements may be violated or revised, you will be able to earn money by successfully completing previously started tasks.

In August 2018, Aquarius's successful progress in business may be hampered by the strange, uncertain position of partners or the outright hostility of opponents. Perhaps those around you have their own view of further development business, but no one will honestly say about it, and instead of an open conversation, a confusing intrigue will begin. In turn, you will also take a defensive position, but at any time you can go on the offensive. As they say, “our armored train is always on a siding.”

In addition to disagreements related to business, problems with land, real estate or other large property are also possible in August 2018. Here Aquarius needs to literally fight to the death, otherwise he can lose everything. And even if the situation in August is not at all pleasing, then you should not despair - everything will change in September, and a lot will be solved.

Tips from “Moon Today” for Aquarius for August 2018

From August 8 to 15, live by your own mind and don’t look at other people’s opinions. Show independence, do not rely on outside help and understanding.

From August 16 to 22, do not enter into open confrontation; rather, try to reach a compromise. Remember: a bad peace is better than a good quarrel! Well, if a conflict does happen, do not wash your dirty linen in public so as not to become a victim of those who like to chat about what is happening behind closed doors.

From August 23 to August 31, be prepared to be responsible for all the decisions you make. Act carefully, based on logic and common sense, and remain impartial in any situation.



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