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Characteristics of Lensky in the first chapter. Essay “Description of Lensky’s character in the novel “Eugene Onegin. Friendship with Onegin and romantic ideals

Among him famous works We can highlight the novel in verse by Eugene Onegin, where, in addition to the main character, Vladimir Lensky plays an important role. Let's look at our characterization of Lensky from the novel Eugene Onegin, using quotes from the work.

Vladimir Lensky brief description

In general, when creating the image of Onegin, the writer revealed the theme of disappointment with reality that progressive youth experienced, but having met Vladimir Lensky on the pages of the novel, we see a completely different image. He was a lively and sincere character. You can even call it ideal person.

From brief information, which the author gives about Lensky’s past, we understand that he is from the nobility and was born on the Krasnogorye estate. But most of his life was spent in Germany under the skies of Schiller and Goethe. Under the influence of their creativity, Lensky’s soul was also ignited. And when he arrived from foggy Germany, bringing the fruits of his learning, he became an enviable half-Russian groom in his homeland.

Lensky immediately stands out from secular society. He does not like the feasts that young people love so much, so he constantly runs away from the noisy crowd. Wanting to find like-minded people, he comes to Onegin’s house, where two opposites begin. As Pushkin writes, they were ice and fire, people with different views on life, where Lensky was a romantic, while Onegin was a pragmatist. But these opposites attracted each other, and therefore a friendship began between the young people, which Lensky treasured very much.

Being a romantic, Lensky often lived in his own world, not seeing the essence of things from their depths, therefore, having fallen in love with Olga, he saw only her beautiful eyes and slender figure, but did not notice her frivolous nature. After all, in essence, she was like other girls in secular society. However, Lensky believes in love, just as he believes in the power of friendship, so he took Onegin’s joke very seriously. Unable to forgive his friend's advances, he challenges him to a duel, where he dies.

In general, having become acquainted with Pushkin’s novel and having met Vladimir Lensky on the pages of the work, we saw in his image a romantic, a dreamer and an ardent young man. The young man was not corrupted by the world and society; he is simple-minded, naive, bashful and even timid. This is a person who believes in goodness and a bright feeling of love. He values ​​friendships.

The image of Lensky is tragic. This is the tragedy of a dream in a collision with reality. In the character of Lensky, Pushkin emphasizes a naive and trusting perception of life. In contrast to Onegin, he was full of faith in people, in goodness, in life. But Pushkin gives Lensky’s faith in friendship, in love, in goodness as “youthful fervor and youthful delirium.” Onegin’s skeptical mind perceives the “poet’s passionate conversation” “with a smile,” condescendingly:

He's a cooling word
I tried to keep it in my mouth...

Lensky's faith in the perfection of the world is based on ignorance of life, his idealistic idea of ​​it. His dreaminess, enthusiasm, sincerity, pristineness, tenderness, gullibility - all these traits that arouse sympathy for him are the fruit of his naivety and unpreparedness for life.

In isolation from reality, in the inability to engage in real life, to find a place in it - the whole image of Lensky, a dreamer and idealist, an admirer of “Kant and the poet,” with “a soul straight from Göttingen.” In the very upbringing and education of Lensky, Pushkin emphasizes his isolation from the concrete world: He is from Germany, a foggy Spirit, ardent and rather strange, Bringing the fruits of learning: Always an enthusiastic speech
Freedom-loving dreams, And shoulder-length black curls.

At his first encounter with life, Lensky collapses. Onegin's joke is perceived tragically by him and leads him to death; after his death, Olga, poeticized by him, is very prosaically consoled by the uhlan. All of it is short-lived life path and the tragic end are perceived as a contradiction between dreams and reality. Not knowing life, not understanding it, perceiving it not critically, but naively and illusorily, Lensky could not resist it.

Lensky, as an enthusiastic admirer of the lofty principles of life, was doomed to death and, vice versa. Living Lensky, due to the softness of his nature, inevitably had to be dragged into the same swamp of inertia and vulgarity:

Or maybe even that: a poet
The ordinary one was waiting for his destiny.

It is no coincidence that in Lensky’s elegy “Where. “Where have you gone?” Pushkin gives the typical features of sentimental poetry, emphasizing in it the very character of Lensky as a poet.

So he wrote darkly and sluggishly, although there is no romanticism here
(What we call romanticism, I don’t see...]

These ironic lines of Pushkin characterize his attitude towards sentimentalism as a certain literary movement. In the depiction of Lensky, the author’s ironic attitude towards him plays a very significant role, and his portrait is more associated with
the latter, the second version of his future, than the great path of the national poet, which is why Lensky’s death is perceived less tragically. Lensky could not resist life, could not be a “creator of life” due to the instability of his character. Death makes him poetic, but life would undoubtedly vulgarize him.

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In the novel “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin, the image of Vladimir Lensky stands out sharply against the general background. His personality seems to be taken out of the context of modern times, as Lensky has distinctive differences compared to other characters in the novel. He seems too perfect a person in every way.

Childhood and elements of Lensky's biography

Alexander Sergeevich pays little attention to Lensky’s past, so we have to talk about some facts of his biography using some hints from the author. In detail, we meet Lensky during his 18th birthday. This is an attractive young man noble origin. His estate is located in Krasnogorye. He is very educated and well-mannered person. Lensky spent a long time abroad - this state of affairs was associated primarily with his studies. Vladimir studied at the University of Göttingen in Germany: “He brought the fruits of learning from foggy Germany.”

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Based on the fact of his long stay abroad, Onegin calls Lensky half-Russian.
Little is also known about Lensky’s appearance - Pushkin characterizes him as a handsome, attractive young man with long curly hair.

Vladimir Lensky and Evgeny Onegin

The friendship of Vladimir Lensky and Evgeny Onegin looked like a very strange phenomenon due to the too significant differences between these heroes. Yes, one cannot help but admit that there are similarities between them. So, for example, both of them were aristocrats by birth, both were educated and smart people, their knowledge actually allowed them to be the philosophers of their time.

Both Lensky and Onegin were left orphans early. Neither the image of Lensky nor the image of Onegin is devoid of nobility, which, however, in the case of Onegin is lost among his negative qualities. Both characters are strange within the framework of their contemporary society, and although their strangeness manifests itself in different guises, it is impossible to exclude such a similar element as the comparable element in the comparison - society and its generally accepted paradigms.

The distinctive character traits of Vladimir and Evgeny are much more significant: this is their attitude towards social life, and faith in friendship and love, distinctive feature These heroes are both the romantic composition of Lensky’s personality and the pragmatic one of Onegin. Such significant differences, it would seem, should have alienated the heroes and provoke antipathy towards each other, but the opposite happened: such significant differences allowed the heroes to discuss different philosophical topics, in addition, the absence of other candidates for communication significantly brought these seemingly antonymous characters closer together.

Personality characteristics of Vladimir Lensky

Vladimir Lensky has a significant set of positive qualities, which allow him to stand out among the general mass of aristocrats.

First of all, Lensky is a romantic from head to toe, this is especially evident in his attitude towards his beloved Olga Larina: “A poet, a thoughtful dreamer.”

In addition, Vladimir has a lofty attitude towards women in general - he considers them a priori unusual and unique creatures. When communicating with representatives of the fair sex, Lensky experiences some timidity - he feels awkward, out of place in the company of women, often he does not know how to act towards them, and how to conduct a conversation correctly.

Dear readers! We invite you to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of Tatyana Larina, whose image is described in the poem by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”.

Lensky is a homebody, he does not like being in secular society, he does not understand the passion for dinner parties and balls.

Lensky is pure and open man, he is full of positivity, optimism and faith in the best: “He sang the faded color of life.”

In his soul, he is still just a child, full of youthful maximalism and idealism. “He believed that his friends were ready to accept shackles for his honor.”

Such a positive set of qualities is also not without a fly in the ointment - Lensky is ardent, quick-tempered and impulsive person, such qualities, at first glance, should not have recreated his fame bad person, but in the case of Lensky they became a significant drawback, since they do not allow the young man to think sensibly in situations that are exciting for him.

Vladimir Lensky and Olga Larina

From a very young age, Vladimir Lensky was familiar with the Larins, in particular with their daughters, Tatyana and Olga. Vladimir had tender feelings for youngest daughter for a long time, so soon, after returning from Germany, he became the girl’s official groom.

Olga Larina was very beautiful girl, by the standards of modern aristocratic society, her skin was fair and her cheeks were rosy. Her round face was framed by lovely golden curls. This fabulous image was complemented by expressive blue eyes. By nature, the girl was cheerful and optimistic, which made her stand out against the background of the sad Tatyana. However, her image is not without a fly in the ointment - Olga was a frivolous and frivolous coquette.

Onegin was surprised for a long time that such a man as Lensky chose not Tatyana as his wife, but her sister. However, Vladimir’s heart, no matter what, was captured by Olga.

It is to Olga that Lensky dedicates his poems; all his thoughts were occupied exclusively by Olga. The relationship with Olga became, apparently, the greatest joy in Vladimir’s life, but at the same time it also became the cause of the greatest tragedy in his life.

“Unspoken relationship” between Lensky and Tatyana

The relationship between Lensky and Tatyana among philologists and literary scholars is often called “village history.” This story is quite unusual compositionally, although this is not immediately noticed by the reader. The relationships of young people are full of “unspoken places”, ambiguities, omissions, changes in intonation, breaks, unexpected transitions from one subject to another, etc. Of course, the question may arise: but what kind of relationship between Vladimir and Tatyana are we talking about when Lensky is in love with Olga? But so, the relationship still existed, and they are sometimes called “behind-the-scenes plot.” Literary scholars have come to the general opinion that the Tatyana-Lensky line expresses the polyphony of Pushkin’s novel. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Potential "love triangle"

« Love triangle", as is known, is quite common literary plot. However Pushkin's novel It is notable for the fact that such a plot here is potential. The “Triangle” is brewing, but the design of this geometric figure Onegin's appearance interferes. Lensky is certainly in love with Olga. However, the young man is well aware of Tatyana’s merits, as well as the fact that this girl can become a better wife than Olga. This is, in particular, the opinion of Yuri Lotman, a specialist in semiotics, philosopher and culturologist, who also analyzed Pushkin’s work. According to the researcher, Vladimir and Tatyana have much more in common than Vladimir and Olga: this is their range of interests, their mental makeup, and their special “poetry.” And, it’s true, Lensky is similar to the elder Larina: philosophical nature (for example, Pushkin writes about young man: “The purpose of our life for him was a tempting riddle, he puzzled over it and suspected miracles”), purity, not being corrupted by social events, naivety, gullibility, innocence, modesty and timidity. Lensky is, of course, a romantic. The hero believes in high things, eternal feelings, in love, friendship.

In the village, Lensky did not have many friends, and especially not people who understood the young man’s worldview and worldview. A rare person The one who understood Lensky turned out to be Tatyana. Lotman emphasizes that Larina’s company must have been greatly valued by Lensky. The girl had a keen sense of poetry, noticed the beauty of landscapes and nature in general - just like Vladimir. However, Pushkin is silent about the fact that some kind of spark slipped between the young people, or that Tatyana was interested in Lensky’s work, as well as vice versa. But in " village history"Pushkin refers to the communication between Tatyana and Vladimir seven times. Let's see what these cases are.

Pushkin about the possible Tatyana-Lensky line

The first time the author mentioned this line was in Onegin’s conversation with Lensky, when the first remarked that he would choose Tatyana. To this, Vladimir - surprisingly - said nothing. Although Onegin managed to dub Olga, Lensky’s chosen one, “a stupid moon in this stupid firmament.” Even Nabokov, Pushkin’s colleague from another century, was surprised by Lensky’s dry reaction to such tactlessness on Onegin’s part. The other two mentions are less expressive than the first. Although, perhaps, Evgeniy’s confidence that Lensky will come to Tatiana’s name day deserves attention. Although, it would seem, why should this holiday - intended for a narrow family circle - concern Lensky?

...Tatiana's name day
On Saturday. Olenka and mother
They told me to call, but there is no reason
You shouldn’t come when called...

However, it seems to us that in this case the fantasy of literary scholars was more likely to run wild than Pushkin really wanted to make a hint. But the next episode is already quite interesting. Tatyana dreams that Evgeny is quarreling with Vladimir. Two friends, two comrades - why should Lensky and Onegin quarrel? At the same time, the author mentions reproaches to Tatyana. Probably, Tatyana’s unconscious (if we turn to the concept of the Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud) made itself known: the girl perceived Lensky and Onegin as rivals.

The fifth mention is dance. At Larina’s name day, Vladimir danced the first dance with the hero of the occasion. This moment is special for one reason: this dance was the last for Lensky - after this the hero was killed in a duel. Of course, one can argue here why Vladimir invites Tatyana. We can say that Olga was already invited (earlier). However, this version still seems unconvincing. The sixth case of mention of possible hidden feelings Between Tatyana and Lensky it’s quite curious:

If only he knew what a wound
My Tatiana’s heart was burning!
If only Tatyana knew,
When would she have known
What tomorrow Lensky and Evgeniy
They will argue about the grave canopy;
Oh maybe her love
I would unite my friends again!
But this passion and by chance
No one has opened it yet.
Onegin was silent about everything;
Tatyana was pining away in secret;
Only the nanny could know
Yes, I was slow-witted...

What exactly seems suspicious to literary scholars in this fragment? Firstly, the presence of the heroine in this episode, because when Lensky saw Olga, Tatyana was not there. At the same time, despite the fact that Olga served as the reason for the duel, the author says nothing about the girl herself. And the nanny guessed that Tatyana was in love with Onegin (the writer directly mentions this in the text). In addition, Evgeny refuses the girl, which means he becomes an “enemy element” for the Larin family circle. Then why would Tatyana’s love - bitter, non-reciprocal - unite friends? Very strange. Finally. The seventh mention completely mystifies the text, because experts assume literalism in the phrase “his brother.” This phrase refers to Tatiana and the fact that the girl should hate Evgeniy - “the killer of her brother.” The reader knows that the mother of the Larin sisters married an unloved man, and therefore often pushed her husband around. There are even versions that Lensky, indeed, could be Tatyana’s brother – on his mother’s side – given that she probably sometimes cheated on her husband. However, these are just versions.

Duel with Onegin

Lensky's impulsiveness and emotionality played into this character cruel joke: at Tatyana Larina’s name day celebration, Onegin pays too much attention to Olga, Lensky’s fiancée. In retaliation for the fact that Vladimir dragged him to the Larins against his will, Onegin dances and flirts with Olga. The frivolous and frivolous girl willingly accepts Evgeniy’s advances, which bewilders her fiancé. Offended by Onegin's behavior, Lensky leaves the holiday prematurely and then challenges Onegin to a duel. Evgeniy understands the absurdity of the duel, but does not take drastic measures to avoid it - Evgeniy commits some unacceptable violations of the rules of the duel, but this does not stop Lensky. The duel ended tragically for Lensky - despite the fact that Onegin did not set Lensky’s death as his goal, by chance it happened just like that. Vladimir died on the spot. Eugene was amazed by what happened, since he did not expect such an outcome of events, but it was impossible to turn back time - what happened happened.

The image of Vladimir Lensky is generally positive - he is endowed with a lot of positive qualities and is good in every sense of the word. However, adherence to principles and inability to clarify what happened leads to his death.

Onegin, as we see, in some sense is the antipode of the positive Lensky. At the party on the occasion of Tatiana’s name day, Onegin is bored, the hero doesn’t like the guests either, and Lensky is annoying. Why is Evgeny so overly attentive to Olga? Just out of boredom, because he wants to anger, tease his friend - Vladimir. They say that the duel that followed the heated quarrel between the heroes could have been prevented. And the key to a peaceful resolution of the conflict is Evgeniy’s apology. However, the obstinate young man, of course, did not ask for forgiveness. Onegin is surprisingly worried about his reputation, fearing that these events will ruin his reputation. The young man seems to be too dependent on the opinions of “high society.” Thus, wanting to save his supposed honor, to stay afloat in the whirlwind of intrigues of this very “high society,” Onegin risks the life of his comrade, because “wildly secular enmity is afraid of false shame.” A certain Zaretsky, a young man of “dubious honor,” was chosen as a second. The doubtfulness of this hero played a role: Zaretsky did not even talk about reconciliation, although this is the direct responsibility of the seconds.

I was bored on my estate, Lensky came to the neighboring village. This was a man of a different mental make-up than Eugene: a student of German idealistic philosophy (“with a soul straight from Göttingen”), a poet whose soul was ignited by poetic fire Schiller and Goethe. He brought a lot of strange things to the wilderness of the Russian province:

Freedom-loving dreams
The spirit is ardent and rather strange,
Always an enthusiastic speech
And shoulder-length black curls.

Lensky belonged to the category of those “beautiful-souled” young men, of whom there were many in Germany at that time, and who received the nickname there: “die schöne Seele” (“beautiful soul”). Lensky's heart was pure; he was full of faith in the sincerity of friendship and the purity of love. He was a mystic dreamer, believed in the affinity of souls, in the divine calling of the chosen ones to bring light into the life of the earth. In his poetic experiments, Lensky sang only pure, sublime feelings. Both his moral character and the motives of his work are surprisingly reminiscent of Zhukovsky:

He sang separation and sadness,
And something, and the foggy distance,
And romantic roses.
He sang those distant countries
Where long in the bosom of silence
His living tears flowed...
He sang the faded color of life,
Almost eighteen years old.

But Evgeny, fed up with ladies' novels, rejected the love that Tatyana expressed for him in the famous poetic letter. He stopped visiting the Larins, retired to his village, where he led a calm, selfish existence, imitating his model, Byron, in his lifestyle. One day, Lensky convinced him to come to the Larins for Tatiana’s name day, assuring him that there would be no guests. Onegin appeared and was unpleasantly surprised at the sight of a whole bunch of neighboring landowners. Onegin was infuriated by the prospect of playing the role of a “groom” in their eyes and becoming the subject of new gossip and gossip. To take revenge for the deception, he decided to tease Lensky and began to court Olga. The impressionable and gullible Lensky saw Onegin’s deep deceit in this and challenged him to a duel. Lensky chose Zaretsky, an old breter, as his second. This challenge came as a surprise to Onegin. He realized that he was wrong before Lensky, but, having grown up in a sense of fear of the judgment of society, he had the weakness of being afraid of what his neighbors, whom he himself despised in his soul, would say about him:

And so, public opinion,
Spring of honor, our idol
And this is what the world revolves on

the poet exclaims bitterly.

Wild-secular feud
Afraid of false shame!

Duel of Onegin and Lensky. Artist I. E. Repin, 1899

Vladimir Lensky is one of the main characters in the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. Lensky is a kind of antipode to Eugene Onegin - he is naive, romantic, dreamy and sincere and has not yet lost his youthful ardor, and life has not yet had time to tire him.

Lensky is only 18 years old:

“...He sang the faded color of life / At almost eighteen years old...”

He is handsome:

“... A handsome man, in the full bloom of his years...”
“...And shoulder-length black curls...”

Orphaned early, Lensky spent almost his entire life in Germany, where he received an excellent education and rather liberal views:

“A fan of Kant and a poet.
He's from foggy Germany
He brought the fruits of learning:
Freedom-loving dreams
The spirit is ardent and rather strange,
Always an enthusiastic speech...”

Perceiving the world completely differently, they still become friends with Onegin, who has already become tired of society and said goodbye to his youthful dreams. Although their views on everything in the world are completely opposite and any conversation develops into an argument, a real strong friendship arises between them:

“They got along. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different from each other.”

Just like Onegin, Lensky does not fit into local society with its petty-bourgeois views. And in general he doesn’t like to go out; home comfort is closer to him:

“...I hate your fashionable world; / My home circle is dearer to me...”
“...The lords of the neighboring villages / He did not like the feasts; / He ran away from their noisy conversation...”

Vladimir Lensky lives in his ideal world, believes in goodness and nobility, in a higher purpose. Due to his youth, he had not yet had time to realize the falsity of his romantic ideals and the burden of life's realities. He believes in true love and friendship:

“He believed that the soul was dear
Must connect with him...
That there are those chosen by fate,
People's sacred friends;
That their immortal family
Irresistible rays
Someday it will dawn on us
And the world will be blessed.”

He also idealizes his beloved Olga, with whom he fell in love as soon as he noticed “her eyes as blue as the sky, her smile, her flaxen curls, her movements, her voice, her light figure...” But he was never able to consider her real nature as a frivolous simpleton, a completely ordinary person.

He loves her with all the fervor of an 18-year-old boy:

“Oh, he loved, as in our summer
They no longer love; as one
The Mad Soul of the Poet
Still condemned to love...”

Noble, but very naive ideals lead our hero to a tragic ending. So, he perceives Onegin’s unsuccessful joke as a personal insult, treason and betrayal and causes best friend for a duel. Lensky dies in a duel:

“Onegin fired... They struck
Time clock: poet
Silently drops the pistol."

His death is very symbolic. It clearly demonstrates that a poet, dreamer, romantic, who has not yet learned reality, must die when confronted with real life.



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