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Characteristics of the ball from Bulgakov's story The Heart of a Dog. The image of Sharikov and the phenomenon of Sharikovism in M.A. Bulgakov’s story “Heart of a Dog. The finest hour of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

Consider the image of Sharikov from the story " dog's heart". Bulgakov in this work does not just talk about the unnatural experiment carried out. Mikhail Afanasyevich describes new type a person who appeared not in a scientist’s laboratory, but in Soviet reality in the post-revolutionary years. An allegory of this type is the image of Sharikov in the story “The Heart of a Dog.” The plot of the work is based on the relationship between a major scientist and Sharikov, a man artificially created from a dog.

Assessment of life by the dog Sharik

The first part of this story is based largely on internal monologue a stray half-starved dog. He evaluates street life in its own way, gives a description of the characters, morals, and life of Moscow during the NEP era with many teahouses, shops, taverns on Myasnitskaya with clerks who hated dogs. Sharik is able to appreciate affection and kindness, and sympathize. He, oddly enough, understands the social structure well new country. Sharik condemns the new masters of life, but knows about Preobrazhensky, an old intellectual from Moscow, that he will not “kick” a hungry dog.

Implementation of Preobrazhensky's experiment

In the life of this dog, a happy accident occurs, in her opinion - a professor takes her to his luxurious apartment. It has everything, even a few “extra rooms”. However, the professor does not need the dog for fun. He wants to carry out a fantastic experiment: after transplanting a certain part, a dog will have to turn into a human. If Preobrazhensky becomes Faust, creating a man in a test tube, then his second father, who gave Sharik his pituitary gland, is Klim Petrovich Chugunkin. Bulgakov very briefly characterizes this man. His profession is playing around taverns on the balalaika. He is poorly built, the liver is dilated as a result of drinking alcohol. Chunugkin died in a pub from a stab in the heart. The creature that appeared after the operation inherited the essence of its second father. Sharikov is aggressive, swaggering, insolent.

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

Mikhail Afanasyevich created bright image Sharikov in the story "Heart of a Dog". This hero is devoid of ideas about culture, about how to behave with other people. After some time, a conflict brews between the creation and the creator, Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, who calls himself a “homunculus,” and Preobrazhensky. The tragedy is that a “man” who has barely learned to walk finds reliable allies in his life. They provide a revolutionary theoretical basis for all his actions. One of them is Shvonder. Sharikov learns from this hero about what privileges he, a proletarian, has in comparison with Preobrazhensky, a professor. In addition, he begins to understand that the scientist who gave him a second life is a class enemy.

Sharikov's behavior

Let’s add a few more touches to the image of Sharikov in Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog.” This hero clearly understands the main credo of the new masters of life: steal, plunder, steal what others have created, and most importantly, strive for equalization. And the dog, once grateful to Preobrazhensky, no longer wants to put up with the fact that the professor settled “alone in seven rooms.” Sharikov brings a paper according to which he should be allocated an area of ​​16 square meters in the apartment. m. Morality, shame, and conscience are alien to the polygraph. He lacks everything else except anger, hatred, meanness. He's getting looser and looser every day. Polygraph Poligrafovich commits outrages, steals, drinks, and molests women. This is the image of Sharikov in the story “Heart of a Dog”.

The finest hour of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

The new job becomes his finest hour. A former stray dog ​​makes a dizzying leap. She turns into the head of the department for cleaning Moscow from stray animals. This choice of profession by Sharikov is not surprising: people like them always want to destroy their own. However, Polygraph does not stop there. New details complement the image of Sharikov in the story “Heart of a Dog.” Short description His further actions are as follows.

The story of the typist, the reverse transformation

Sharikov appears some time later in Preobrazhensky’s apartment with a young girl and says that he is signing with her. This is a typist from his department. Sharikov declares that Bormental will need to be evicted. In the end, it turns out that he deceived this girl and made up many stories about himself. The last thing Sharikov does is inform on Preobrazhensky. The sorcerer-professor from the story that interests us manages to turn a man back into a dog. It’s good that Preobrazhensky realized that nature does not tolerate violence against itself.

Sharikovs in real life

IN real life, alas, balls are much more durable. Arrogant, self-confident, with no doubt that everything is permitted to them, these semi-literate lumpen people have brought our country to a deep crisis. This is not surprising: violence over progress historical events, neglect of the laws of social development could only give rise to the Sharikovs. The polygraph in the story turned back into a dog. But in life he managed to go a long and, as it seemed to him and suggested to others, a glorious path. He poisoned people in the 30-50s, just like once stray animals were once in his line of work. He carried suspicion and dog anger throughout his entire life, replacing with them dog loyalty, which had become unnecessary. This hero, having entered rational life, remained at the level of instincts. And he wanted to change the country, the world, the universe in order to make it easier to satisfy these animal instincts. All these ideas are conveyed by the creator of the image of Sharikov in the story “Heart of a Dog.”

Human or animal: what distinguishes ballers from other people?

Sharikov is proud of his low origins and his lack of education. In general, he is proud of everything low that is in him, since only this raises him high above those who stand out in mind and spirit. People like Preobrazhensky need to be trampled into the dirt so that Sharikov can rise above them. The Sharikovs outwardly do not differ in any way from other people, but their non-human essence is waiting for the right moment. When it comes, such creatures turn into monsters, waiting for the first opportunity to seize their prey. This is their true face. The Sharikovs are ready to betray their own. For them, everything holy and lofty turns into its opposite when they touch it. The worst thing is that such people managed to achieve considerable power. Having come to her, the non-human strives to dehumanize everyone around him so that it becomes easier to manage the herd. All human feelings displaces them

Sharikovs today

One cannot help but turn to modern times when analyzing the image of Sharikov in the story “Heart of a Dog.” Short essay According to the work, the final part should contain a few words about today's ballgames. The fact is that after the revolution in our country all the conditions were created for the emergence a large number of similar people. The totalitarian system greatly contributes to this. They have penetrated all areas public life, they still live among us. The Sharikovs are able to exist, no matter what. The main threat to humanity today is the heart of a dog along with the human mind. Therefore, the story, written at the beginning of the last century, remains relevant today. It is a warning to future generations. It sometimes seems that Russia has become different during this time. But the way of thinking, the stereotypes, will not change in 10 or 20 years. It will take more than one generation before the Sharikovs disappear from our lives, and people become different, devoid of animal instincts.

So, we looked at the image of Sharikov in the story “Heart of a Dog”. Summary works will help you get to know this hero better. And after reading the original story, you will discover some details of this image that we have omitted. The image of Sharikov in the story by M.A. Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog" is a great artistic achievement of Mikhail Afanasyevich, like the entire work as a whole.

In the story “Heart of a Dog” by M.A. Bulgakov does not just describe the unnatural experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky. The writer shows a new type of person who arose not in the laboratory of a talented scientist, but in the new, Soviet reality of the first post-revolutionary years. The basis of the plot of the story is the relationship between a major Russian scientist and Sharik, Sharikov, a dog and an artificially created man. The first part of the story is based mainly on the internal monologue of the half-starved street dog. He evaluates in his own way the life of the street, life, customs, characters of Moscow during the NEP, with its numerous shops, teahouses, taverns on Myasnitskaya “with sawdust on the floor, evil clerks who hate dogs.” Sharik knows how to sympathize, appreciate kindness and affection and, oddly enough, perfectly understands the social structure new Russia: he condemns the new masters of life (“I am now the chairman, and no matter how much I steal, it’s all on a woman’s body, on cancerous necks, on Abrau-Durso”), and about the old Moscow intellectual Preobrazhensky he knows that “this one will not kick.”

In Sharik’s life, in his opinion, a happy accident occurs - he finds himself in a luxurious professor’s apartment, which, despite the widespread devastation, has everything and even “extra rooms.” But the professor doesn’t need the dog for fun. A fantastic experiment is planned on him: by transplanting part of the human brain, the dog should turn into a human. But if Professor Preobrazhensky becomes the Faust who creates man in a test tube, then the second father - the man who gives the dog his pituitary gland - is Klim Petrovich Chugunkin, whose description is given extremely briefly: “Profession - playing the balalaika in taverns. Vertically challenged, poorly built. The liver is dilated (alcohol). The cause of death was a stab in the heart in a pub.” And the creature that emerged as a result of the operation completely inherited the proletarian essence of its ancestor. He is arrogant, swaggering, aggressive.

He is completely devoid of ideas about human culture, about the rules of relationships with other people, he is absolutely immoral. Gradually, an inevitable conflict is brewing between the creator and the creation, Preobrazhensky and Sharik, or rather, Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov, as the “homunculus” calls himself. And the tragedy is that a “man” who has barely learned to walk finds reliable allies in life who provide a revolutionary theoretical basis for all his actions. From Shvonder, Sharikov learns about what privileges he, a proletarian, has in comparison with a professor, and, moreover, begins to realize that the scientist who gave him human life, is a class enemy. Sharikov clearly understands the main credo of the new masters of life: rob, steal, take away everything that was created by other people, and most importantly, strive for universal equalization. And the dog, once grateful to the professor, can no longer come to terms with the fact that he “settled alone in seven rooms,” and brings a paper according to which he is entitled to an area of ​​16 meters in the apartment. Sharikov is alien to conscience, shame, and morality. He has no human qualities, except for meanness, hatred, malice... Every day he becomes more and more unruly. He steals, drinks, acts outrageously in Preobrazhensky’s apartment, and molests women.

But Sharikov’s finest hour becomes his new job. Sharik makes a dizzying leap: from a stray dog ​​he turns into the head of a department for cleaning the city from stray animals.

And this choice of profession is not surprising: the Sharikovs always strive to destroy their own. But Sharikov doesn't stop on what has been achieved. After some time, he appears in an apartment on Prechistenka with a young girl and declares: “I’m signing with her, this is our typist. Bormental will have to be evicted...” Of course, it turns out that Sharikov deceived the girl and made up many stories about himself. And the last chord of Sharikov’s activity is the denunciation of Professor Preobrazhensky. In the story, the sorcerer-professor manages to reverse the transformation monster man into an animal, into a dog. It’s good that the professor understood that nature does not tolerate violence against itself. But, alas, in real life the Sharikovs turned out to be much more tenacious. Self-confident, arrogant, no doubters in their sacred rights to everything, the semi-literate lumpen brought our country to the deepest crisis, for violence over the course of history, neglect of the laws of its development could only give birth to the Sharikovs. In the story, Sharikov again turned into a dog, but in life he walked a long and, as it seemed to him, and it was suggested to others, a glorious path, and in the thirties and fifties he poisoned people, as he once did in the line of duty to stray cats and dogs. Throughout his life he carried the dog's anger and suspicion replacing with them the dog's loyalty that had become unnecessary. Having entered intelligent life, he remained at the level of instincts and was ready to change the entire country, the entire world, the entire universe so that these animal instincts would be easier to satisfy.

He is proud of his low origins. He is proud of his low education. In general, he is proud of everything low, because only this raises him high above those who are high in spirit and mind. People like Preobrazhensky must be trampled into the dirt so that Sharikov can rise above them. Outwardly, the Sharikovs are no different from people, but their non-human essence is just waiting for the moment to manifest itself. And then they turn into monsters, who, at the first opportunity to grab a tasty morsel, throw off the mask and show their true essence. They are ready to betray their own. Everything that is highest and holy turns into its opposite as soon as they touch it. And the worst thing is that the Sharikovs managed to achieve enormous power, and when coming to power, the non-human tries to dehumanize everyone around him, because non-humans are easier to control, all human feelings are replaced by the instinct of self-preservation. In our country, after the revolution, all conditions were created for the appearance of a huge number of balls with dog hearts. The totalitarian system greatly contributes to this. Probably due to the fact that these monsters have penetrated into all areas of life, that they are still among us, Russia is now going through difficult times. It’s scary that the aggressive Sharikovs, with their truly dog-like vitality, can survive no matter what. The heart of a dog in alliance with the human mind is the main threat of our time. That is why the story, written at the beginning of the century, remains relevant today and serves as a warning to future generations. Sometimes it seems that our country has become different. But the consciousness, stereotypes, and way of thinking of people will not change in ten or twenty years - more than one generation will change before the Sharikovs disappear from our lives, before people become different, before the vices described by M.A. disappear. Bulgakov in his immortal work. How I want to believe that this time will come!..

In the story “Heart of a Dog,” M. A. Bulgakov not only describes the unnatural experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky. The writer shows a new type of person who arose not in the laboratory of a talented scientist, but in the new, Soviet reality of the first post-revolutionary years.
The basis of the plot of the story is the relationship between a major Russian scientist and Sharik, Sharikov, a dog and an artificially created man. The first part of the story is based mainly on the internal monologue of a half-starved street dog. He evaluates it in his own way

Street life, life, customs, characters of Moscow during the NEP, with its numerous shops, teahouses, taverns on Myasnitskaya “with sawdust on the floor, evil clerks who hate dogs.” Sharik knows how to sympathize, appreciate kindness and affection and, oddly enough, perfectly understands the social structure of the new Russia: he condemns the new masters of life (“I am now the chairman, and no matter how much I steal, it’s all female body, on cancerous necks, on Abrau-Durso”), and about the old Moscow intellectual Preobrazhensky knows that “this one will not kick.”
In Sharik’s life, in his opinion, a happy accident occurs - he finds himself in a luxurious professor’s apartment, which, despite the widespread devastation, has everything and even “extra rooms.” But the professor doesn’t need the dog for fun. A fantastic experiment is planned on him: by transplanting part of the human brain, the dog should turn into a human. But if Professor Preobrazhensky becomes the Faust who creates man in a test tube, then the second father - the man who gives the dog his pituitary gland - is Klim Petrovich Chugunkin, whose description is given extremely briefly: “Profession is playing the balalaika in taverns. Small in stature, poorly built. The liver is dilated (alcohol). Cause of death: stabbed in the heart in a pub.” And the creature that emerged as a result of the operation completely inherited the proletarian essence of its ancestor. He is arrogant, swaggering, aggressive. He is completely devoid of ideas about human culture, about the rules of relationships with other people, he is absolutely immoral. Gradually, an inevitable conflict is brewing between the creator and the creation, Preobrazhensky and Sharik, or rather, Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov, as the “homunculus” calls himself. And the tragedy is that a “man” who has barely learned to walk finds reliable allies in life who provide a revolutionary theoretical basis for all his actions. From Shvonder, Sharikov learns about the privileges he, a proletarian, has compared to a professor, and, moreover, begins to realize that the scientist who gave him human life is a class enemy. Sharikov clearly understands the main credo of the new masters of life: rob, steal, take away everything that was created by other people, and most importantly, strive for universal equalization. And the dog, once grateful to the professor, can no longer come to terms with the fact that he “settled alone in seven rooms,” and brings a paper according to which he is entitled to an area of ​​16 meters in the apartment. Sharikov is alien to conscience, shame, and morality. He has no human qualities, except for meanness, hatred, malice... Every day he becomes more and more unruly. He steals, drinks, acts outrageously in Preobrazhensky’s apartment, and molests women. But Sharikov’s finest hour is his new job. Sharik makes a dizzying leap: from a stray dog ​​he turns into the head of a department for cleaning the city from stray animals. And this choice of profession is not surprising: the Sharikovs always strive to destroy their own.
But Sharikov does not stop there. After some time, he appears in an apartment on Prechistenka with a young girl and declares: “I’m signing with her, this is our typist. Bormental will have to be evicted...” Of course, it turns out that Sharikov deceived the girl and made up many stories about himself.
And the last chord of Sharikov’s activity is the denunciation of Professor Preobrazhensky.
In the story, the sorcerer-professor manages to reverse the transformation of a human monster into an animal, into a dog. It’s good that the professor understood that nature does not tolerate violence against itself. But, alas, in real life the Sharikovs turned out to be much more tenacious. Self-confident, arrogant, not doubting their sacred rights to everything, semi-literate lumpens brought our country to the deepest crisis, because violence against the course of history, disregard for the laws of its development could only give birth to the Sharikovs.
In the story, Sharikov again turned into a dog, but in life he walked a long and, as it seemed to him, and it was suggested to others, a glorious path, and in the thirties and fifties he poisoned people, as he once did in the line of duty to stray cats and dogs. Throughout his life, he carried dog anger and suspicion, replacing with them the dog’s loyalty that had become unnecessary. Having entered intelligent life, he remained at the level of instincts and was ready to change the entire country, the entire world, the entire universe so that these animal instincts would be easier to satisfy. He is proud of his low origins. He is proud of his low education. In general, he is proud of everything low, because only this raises him high above those who are high in spirit and mind. People like Preobrazhensky must be trampled into the dirt so that Sharikov can rise above them.
Outwardly, the Sharikovs are no different from people, but their non-human essence is just waiting for the moment to manifest itself. And then they turn into monsters, who, at the first opportunity to grab a tasty morsel, throw off the mask and show their true essence. They are ready to betray their own. Everything that is highest and holy turns into its opposite as soon as they touch it. And the worst thing is that the Sharikovs managed to achieve enormous power, and when coming to power, the non-human tries to dehumanize everyone around him, because non-humans are easier to control, all human feelings are replaced by the instinct of self-preservation.
In our country, after the revolution, all conditions were created for the appearance of a huge number of balls with dog hearts. The totalitarian system greatly contributes to this. Probably due to the fact that these monsters have penetrated into all areas of life, that they are still among us, Russia is now going through difficult times. It’s scary that the aggressive Sharikovs, with their truly dog-like vitality, can survive no matter what.
The heart of a dog in alliance with the human mind is the main threat of our time. That is why the story, written at the beginning of the century, remains relevant today and serves as a warning to future generations. Sometimes it seems that our country has become different. But consciousness, stereotypes, the way of thinking of people will not change in either ten or twenty years - more than one generation will change before the Sharikovs disappear from our lives, before people become different, before the vices described by M. A. Bulgakov disappear in his immortal work. How I want to believe that this time will come!..

You are currently reading: The image of Sharikov in M. A. Bulgakov’s story “Heart of a Dog”

While studying the works of Mikhail Bulgakov, schoolchildren read the story “The Heart of a Dog.” One of the key characters in this work is Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. The entire ideological and plot content of the story is concentrated on this image. So, before us is Sharikov’s characterization. "Dog's heart". Essay by a 9th grade student.

Mikhail Bulgakov wrote his story “Heart of a Dog” in 1925. But readers were able to get to know her only after more than 60 years - in 1987. And this is not surprising - after all, the author makes fun of this work Soviet reality, which he, like many representatives of the intelligentsia of that time, did not like very much.

The main characters of the story are Professor Preobrazhensky and Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. The first image evokes sympathy and respect. Preobrazhensky is a very smart, educated, well-mannered and decent person. But the characterization of Sharikov in the story “Heart of a Dog” is extremely negative.

Polygraph Poligrafovich was born as a result of an experiment by a professor who conducted experiments in the field of rejuvenation of the human body. Preobrazhensky performed a unique operation, transplanting the brain of a deceased man into the yard dog Sharik. As a result, the dog turns into a human. They named him Poligraf Poligrafovich.

Sharikov took the worst from his “donors”. From the mongrel - the ability to snarl, run after cats, catch fleas, etc. From a convicted thief, hooligan and alcoholic - the corresponding traits: laziness, arrogance, stupidity, cruelty. The result was an explosive mixture that horrified Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Dr. Bormental. They were shocked and upset by their creation. And no matter how much they try to instill in him traits normal person, they didn't succeed.

But society accepted Sharikov quite calmly. He even received a responsible position and enjoyed authority in his circle. This made Polygraph Poligrafovich more and more arrogant and cruel. Seeing that his behavior did not cause condemnation from society, but on the contrary, Sharikov became an even greater moral monster than he was initially.

As a result, Preobrazhensky could not stand it and returned the unleashed monster to the dog’s body. But what did Bulgakov want to tell the reader with all this? In my opinion, the image of Sharikov in the work symbolizes all those who came to power through the revolution. Uneducated, narrow-minded, lazy and arrogant people imagined themselves to be the masters of life, and turned a normal country into a ruin. In the science fiction story, the professor managed to “put the genie back into the bottle.”

But in real life this, alas, is impossible. Therefore, each person must think through his actions very well. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Measure twice, cut once.” Otherwise, monsters like Sharikov may be born. And it's truly scary!

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov is the central figure of M. A. Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog,” the result of a bold experiment by Professor Preobrazhensky, who transplanted the pituitary gland of the alcoholic Klim Chugunkin, who was killed with a knife in a pub, to the yard dog Sharik. This operation had truly catastrophic consequences, turning an intelligent and, in its way, tactful dog into a vile boor, living next to him turned out to be completely impossible.

M.A. Bulgakov embodied in the image of Sharikov all the most disgusting features of the so-called “new” man, whom the Soviet government extolled. Even the choice of an intricate name - Poligraf Poligrafovich in combination with a “hereditary” surname, which was characteristic feature of that time, evoked a sarcastic smile from the author. Sharikov inherited from Klim Chugunkin all the worst that was in this man, from his appearance to his character, habits and worldview.

The appearance of the “new man” was also repulsive. Short, with a very low forehead, barely noticeable between bushy eyebrows and a brush of coarse hair on his head, dressed tastelessly and sloppily, but with pretension, Poligraf Poligrafovich, nevertheless, was very pleased with himself. Who he was dissatisfied with was his creator, Professor Preobrazhensky, who tried to teach him to behave decently in society, constantly pulled him back, told Sharikov that he was a fool and limited him with various prohibitions.

However, Poligraf Poligrafovich very quickly found himself an ally in the fight against the “tyranny” of the professor. It turned out to be the manager of the housing association Shvonder, who had long dreamed of “squeezing out” Professor Preobrazhensky and taking away his “extra” living space. For this Sharikov could not have come at a more opportune time. Shvonder began to educate him in the spirit of demagoguery of Soviet propaganda, and this “education” quickly bore fruit. Considering conscience, morality, shame, and compassion to be “relics,” the new masters of life instead demonstrate anger, hatred, meanness, and the desire to take away and divide everything that was not created by them.

Every day Sharikov’s behavior became uglier. He drinks, is rude, riots, steals, molests women, depriving all the inhabitants of the apartment of peace and peace of mind.

The pinnacle of Sharikov’s “human” career is his appointment as head of the department for clearing the capital of stray animals. This is the very case when work brings true pleasure: “We strangled these cats, strangled them!”

The last straw that broke Professor Preobrazhensky’s patience was Sharikov’s statement that he wanted to sign with the typist and live with her in the professor’s apartment. To get rid of Preobrazhensky, he writes a denunciation against the professor, after which he turns him back into a dog.

Unfortunately, in real life getting rid of “balloons” is not so easy. How many of us are there - spitting on the floor, swearing, not burdened by education and moral standards, considering their behavior to be the only possible and correct one. I wish they could all have the pituitary glands of smart, well-mannered dogs transplanted!

Essay about Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

Mikhail Bulgakov's story “The Heart of a Dog” is the story of an experiment to transform a dog into a human.

A successful professor, Philip Filippovich Preobrazhensky, with his assistant Doctor Bormental, in a luxurious Soviet apartment, performs a complex operation to transplant part of the human brain into a dog.

This is how the story of a new man begins.

The key figure in Bulgakov's story is Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov.

At first he is an unhappy, hungry and tortured street dog. He's just looking for somewhere to get food and a quiet place to lick his wounds. Like any living creature, he wants warmth and affection. And here's a happy accident! “The Magician and Magician from a Dog’s Fairy Tale” appears - this is exactly what the professor looks like in the eyes of the mongrel. He picks up a good-natured dog, but not to give him a home and care. Sharik is destined to become the object of the professor's experiment.

After performing a pituitary gland transplant operation, Preobrazhensky and Bormenthal observe changes in the dog’s physiology, the gradual transformation of the dog into a human being.

Throughout the entire story, Sharikov’s formation as a citizen occurs. Gradually he transforms from an ordinary stray dog ​​into a personality. And now he is no longer an ordinary mongrel Sharikov, but a new citizen Sharikov.

This new person, albeit a “laboratory creature”. And like anyone else, he wants to have his own name, rights and freedoms. Wants to be a citizen in the Soviet state. He does not make a respectable citizen, but he tries to develop: he demands documents and even gets a job catching stray animals.

Sharikov displays the character traits of Chugunkin, whose pituitary gland was transplanted into the dog. Chugunkin is a very immoral type - a thief and a repeat offender. These traits make Bulgakov’s character not the most pleasant person. Sharikov behaves outrageously, uses foul language, pesters women, and drinks. The professor does not lose hope of re-educating his ward, but Polygraph's behavior only gets worse. Preobrazhensky realizes that the experiment was unsuccessful when Sharikov writes a denunciation against him and threatens to kill him.

Philip Philipovich had no idea that the experiment would turn out this way. Sharikov becomes a problem for the professor. Preobrazhensky performs another operation and reverses the transformation of Polygraph Sharikov into a good-natured dog.

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov is a rather ambiguous figure. He is no longer a kind street dog, but he is no longer Klim Chugunkin. He is an incredible symbiosis of dog and man, a failed experiment.

After all, an ordinary stray dog ​​did not want to become a human. “I may not have given my permission for the operation,” says Sharikov.

Did Professor Preobrazhensky have the right to control the destinies of living beings? An experiment for the benefit of science that crossed the boundaries of moral principles. That is why the story “Heart of a Dog” remains relevant today.

Sharik in Bulgakov's story Heart of a Dog

In the story by Bulgakov M. A “Heart of a Dog” is not just we're talking about about the professor's experiment. Bulgakov draws attention to the first type of person who appeared in the scientists’ laboratory. The whole essence of the story is based on the relationship between one scientist and Sharik, an unnaturally appearing man and a dog. At first the story is about speech inside a hungry yard dog. He draws conclusions about life on the street, its way of life, the nature of Moscow morals, its restaurants and shops. He values ​​kindness and affection, he is a very sympathetic dog.

At what moment a complete revolution appears in Sharik’s life; he lives with a professor, where there are a huge number of rooms. But the professor needs the dog for his experiment. Preobrazhensky transplants into the dog the brain of a man who in the past was Chugunkin, played the balalaika, led a riotous lifestyle, for which he was killed. As a result of the experiment, everything worked out for the professor, Sharik became a man, but he took the genes of his ancestor, he was arrogant, boorish, ill-mannered, inadequate, not knowing anything at all, and not understanding about human relationships.

Disagreements began between the professor and Sharikov. The whole essence of the problem lies in the fact that a barely successful person finds support in society in order to resist his creator. And they convince Sharikov that the Professor is his number one worst enemy. It got to the point that Sharikov brought him a paper stating that he has a share in his apartment.

He personally understands the main worldview of the new masters of life: do what you want, steal, destroy everything that others have done, but the main thing is to be like others. And yet, the ungrateful former dog brought the professor a paper stating that he was entitled to some share in his apartment. Qualities such as moral principles, shamefulness, or conscience are alien to Sharikov.

The further he went, the worse he behaved, he drank, had fun, brought anyone to the professor's house, rowded there as he wanted. But the point was that he found himself a job as the head of cleaning the city from stray animals. But this is not surprising, he always tried to set up his own people. At one point he brought a girl into the apartment and said that he wanted to marry her. The professor told Sharikov’s past, the girl, sobbing, naturally did not know anything, he deceived her by inventing various legends about himself. In the story, Preobrazhensky managed to return everything to normal; he turned the dog Sharik from the man Sharikov. And life went on as usual.

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    One of the characters in the work is Varvara Morozova. Varya worked as a nurse in the field hospital of a partisan detachment

  • Analysis of the legend of Danko from the story of Gorky's Old Woman Izergil

    In the story of Maxim Gorky, Old Woman Izergil, a vivid example of love for people and self-sacrifice is the legend of Danko. The work itself is filled deep meaning, like most of the works of this author



Presentation on the topic of the chemical composition of water

Presentation on the topic of the chemical composition of water

Lesson topic. Water is the most amazing substance in nature. (8th grade) Chemistry teacher MBOU secondary school in the village of Ir. Prigorodny district Tadtaeva Fatima Ivanovna....

Presentation of the unique properties of water chemistry

Presentation of the unique properties of water chemistry

Epigraph Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. It is impossible to describe you, they enjoy you without knowing what you are! You can't say that you...

Lesson topic "gymnosperms" Presentation on biology topic gymnosperms

Lesson topic

Aromorphoses of seed plants compared to spore plants Aromorphoses are a major improvement, the boundary between large taxa Process...

Man and nature in lyrics Landscape lyrics by Tyutchev

Man and nature in lyrics Landscape lyrics by Tyutchev

*** Human tears, oh human tears, You flow early and late. . . Flow unknown, flow invisible, Inexhaustible, innumerable, -...

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