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Brief chronological table of Maxim Gorky. Gorky M. Main dates of life and creativity. Gorky's return to his homeland

Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov)- prose writer, publicist and playwright, one of the most popular writers in Russia of his time, an active participant in the reorganization process cultural life USSR in the first post-revolutionary decades. His work, determined by the interaction of the traditions of realism, elements neo-romanticism and Marxist worldview, was elevated by Soviet ideologists to the rank of a model socialist realism . At the same time, Gorky himself was “crowned” as the founder of Soviet literature.

Life of Maxim Gorky in dates and facts

March 28, 1868- was born in Nizhny Novgorod in a carpenter's family. At three years old future writer lost his father, was left without a mother at the age of ten; He spent his childhood in the house of his despotic grandfather. Having studied for only two years, due to dire need, he was forced to go “to the people,” that is, to earn a living as a student or journeyman, mastering the simplest and lowest-paid professions. However, through chaotic self-education and thanks to his phenomenal memory, Gorky acquired extensive knowledge in various fields.

1884 - in the hope of entering the university, he arrived in Kazan, where, without becoming a student, he continued his self-education mainly in populist and Marxist circles.

End 1880 — Start 1890s spent traveling around Tsarist Russia

, visiting Ukraine, Crimea, and the Caucasus, among other places. At the same time, the writer began to appear in print with his stories. Beginning with He was arrested several times for revolutionary propaganda among workers.

1892 - published a story in the Tiflis newspaper "Caucasus" "Makar Chud-ra", signing it with the pseudonym “Maxim Gorky”. Then a number of his neo-romantic ( "Old Isergil", 1895; "Song of the Falcon" 1895, etc.) and realistic ( "Chelkash" 1894; "Konovalov" 1897, etc.) works that drew the public’s attention to the talented “writer of the people.”

1898 - a two-volume collection was published "Essays and Stories", which brought the author all-Russian fame. Soon his name became famous in Western Europe.

1899 — Gorky visited St. Petersburg and Moscow, where he met prominent representatives creative intelligentsia and became close to revolutionary circles. In the coming years, he actively helped fighters against the autocratic regime with money received from the successful sale of publications, in particular, hiring lawyers for arrested participants in protests and investing significant sums in the publication of the Leninist newspaper “Forward.”

1901— while under arrest in Nizhny Novgorod prison, he wrote "Song of the Petrel", which spread across the country with lightning speed and was perceived as a poetic call for revolution.

1902 - the play was written " At the bottom" In the same year, Gorky was elected honorary academician in the category belles lettres, but under pressure from Tsar Nicholas II this decision was annulled. As a sign of protest, the writers A.P. Chekhov and V.G. Korolenko refused the title of honorary academician awarded to them.

January 9, 1905 - participated in a peaceful demonstration of workers, which was brutally shot and caused the rise of the revolutionary movement in Russia. After the bloody massacre of the demonstrators, the writer published an appeal in which he called on “all citizens of Russia for an immediate, persistent struggle against the autocracy,” joined the Social Democratic Party and got involved in supplying weapons to the workers who fought street battles in Moscow. For his revolutionary activities, he was accused of a state crime and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Prison.

1906 — visited the United States to raise funds for the underground struggle of the Bolsheviks. During this trip, Gorky wrote the propaganda novel " Mother"(1906-1907), later recognized as the first work of socialist realism, and the play "Enemies"(1906), banned from production on the Russian stage because of its protest against the existing system. Fearing arrest in Russia, Gorky, after traveling around America, settled in Italy, on the island of Capri. There he created a cycle "Tales of Italy"(1911-1913), and also began a series of stories "Russian tales"(1912-1917) and "Across Rus'"(1912-1917).

1913 — Having fallen under an amnesty in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, the writer returned to Russia. That same year he began work on the story "Childhood"(1913-1914), which marked the beginning of an autobiographical trilogy, which also included stories "In people"(1916) and "My Universities" (1923).Material from the site

1917 - despite many years of participation in the social democratic movement, he had a sharply negative perception of both the socialist revolution itself and the events that followed it, which prompted him to actually interrupt his membership in the party. Gorky shared his critical reflections on the bloody drama that swept the country after the Bolshevik revolution in journalistic articles that made up the series "Untimely Thoughts". These articles, as well as friction in personal relations with Lenin, strengthened the writer’s political disagreements with the new government. Nevertheless, in the post-revolutionary years, Gorky devoted a lot of effort to improving the cultural life of the country and helping writers who were in danger of physical harm or starvation. Among his achievements is, in particular, the organization of the publishing house "World Literature", which published Russian translations of masterpieces by foreign authors from different eras.

1921 —not seeing an opportunity for himself to continue living and working in Russia, he went into exile. Gorky spent the first years of voluntary emigration in resorts in Germany and Czechoslovakia, then settled again in Italy, in Sorrento. Here he created a novel "The Artamovnov Case"(1925), and also wrote a significant part of the novel - epics "The Life of Klim Samgin"(1927-1936).

1931 - returned to his homeland as a leading writer of Soviet literature and launched a wide public activity: Gorky was the founder of new magazines and book series, the founder of the Literary Institute in Moscow, which was engaged in the professional training of future writers, one of the founders of the Writers' Union, which he headed in 1934 d. In his journalistic articles and essays, he fully agrees with the “official” ideological point of view on the processes of building a “new society” in the country, supporting Stalin’s policies.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Very short biography bitter
  • short biography of A.M. Gorky
  • Maxim Gorkuy biography short
  • interesting facts of Maxim Gorky
  • facts from the life of Gorky in 1899
It is no coincidence that Gorky is considered the founder of a new literary direction– socialist realism. But he did not immediately become a great writer, and the name “Gorky” did not appear in his metric. There were no writers in the family. My maternal grandfather was the owner of a dyeing shop, and my father worked at various enterprises. His father's name was Maxim Savvatyevich Peshkov, and his mother, Varvara Vasilievna, bore the surname Kashirina as a girl. The boy, who was given the name Alyosha, was born in his grandfather’s house in Nizhny Novgorod. This happened on March 16, 1868, and if we count according to the new calendar, then the date falls on the 28th of the same month. When Alyosha Peshkov was still little, the family moved to Astrakhan, where his father was given a position in the shipping company. Cholera often raged in Astrakhan. Alyosha was the first to fall ill, but recovered. His father became infected and died in 1871, and for some time the boy lived only with his mother. He did not receive a systematic education - he studied a little at a parochial school and attended college. In 1878, her mother also died due to consumption, which was very common at that time. Alyosha stayed with his grandparents. His grandmother Akulina raised him. The Kashirins were once wealthy people, but my grandfather was simply extremely stingy, and then he went broke. Gorky later wrote about all this in his book “Childhood,” which he himself called the first part of his autobiography.

Errand boy

Alexei's childhood ended the moment his grandfather sent him to work. He had to support himself. On the one hand, it was cruel, but on the other, it gave me the opportunity to feel independent and gain impressions. The twelve-year-old boy had to experience a lot. He started as a delivery boy - delivering purchases and documents to clients, mastered the profession of a baker, and for some time was a laborer and a dishwasher. The life of an “errand boy” was not sweet; a lot depended on the owners. They paid little, but for the slightest offense they were punished, including physically.

Despite hard work, Alyosha read a lot and even began to prepare for Kazan University. True, to enter higher education educational institution he failed. The hard life was brightened up by my grandmother - a very kind and gentle woman. But in 1867 she died. This affected Alyosha so much that he even tried to shoot himself. Instead of the heart, the bullet pierced the lung, and this circumstance later affected the rest of my life. Around this time, the young man became acquainted with Marxist teachings. This happened in Fedoseev’s circle. He was even arrested for possession of prohibited literature in 1888, but was quickly released - he had no other sins than a passion for reading at that time.

Years of wandering

In the early 90s. Alexey Peshkov decided to see the world. It happened very simply - he came or arrived in some city, got a job at the first job he came across, and thus lived for several months. Then he changed the place. These were what he later called his universities - in the third part of his autobiography. He moved mainly on foot. The chronological table of his movements is very large. Researchers of the writer’s work are still finding unknown archival data about his movements, although the writer himself described this period of his life in sufficient detail.

Rice. 3. and Maxim Gorky. Yasnaya Polyana. 1900

Gorky - journalist

Peshkov returned home in 1892. He appeared in one of the magazines and offered his services as an author. He liked the articles, he began working in several local newspapers at once, and even came up with a very original pseudonym.In those years he signed his materials as Yehudiel Chlamida. Those who knew Hebrew and Greek more or less decently immediately formed associations with a cloak and a sword. But Alexey did not use this name for long. Soon he took a new pseudonym, under which he became first simply famous, and then a great writer. The first publication under the name “Maxim Gorky” was published in Tiflis.
Important! The pseudonym indicated exactly what the young author was going to write - only the truth, which may be bitter.

The beginning of Gorky's career

Gorky began writing prose in the early 90s. By that time, he had already seen a lot. His first stories were romantic. If you follow the chronology, then first “Makar Chudra” appeared in 1892, the next was “Chelkash”, “Old Woman Izergil”, then “Song of the Falcon”. Some critics reproach the author that the language of these works is characterized by excessive solemnity. But this corresponded to the laws of the genre, as well as new trends that were already felt in Russian society. This was the time when Marx's teachings became very popular among both the intelligentsia and the workers. was losing ground. Proletarians became the new heroes.

Gorky felt this, so his works immediately began to enjoy success. In 1898 he published his first collection. Many writers started with poetry, but Gorky made his debut with prose and journalism. “Essays and Stories” caused a real sensation. His book was read in different circles.From that moment on, he was openly positioned as a purely proletarian writer. But representatives of other movements also treated him with respect. At this time, his debut took place as the author of monumental prose - the first novel “Three” was published. In 1896, at the editorial office of one of the Samara magazines, he met Ekaterina Volzhina. Soon they got married. A year later Maxim was born, then Katya.

Singer of the Revolution

In 1901, “Song of the Petrel” appeared, in which Gorky very briefly and accurately reflected the state of mind. Russia needed transformations, and it was already clear that they could not be achieved peacefully. Sometimes this work is perceived as a call for rebellion, although in fact it is not. Gorky simply caught the mood. However, he also participated in political activities at this time - he attended classes in Marxist circles, even helped write leaflets. For this he was once again arrested and banned from appearing in Nizhny Novgorod.

Rice. 5. M. Gorky, N. D. Teleshov and I. A. Bunin. Yalta. 1902 Big influence The writer was influenced by his acquaintance with. This happened in 1902. They quickly found mutual language and even became friends. Gorky earned the respect of many members of the intelligentsia when he exposed the provocateur Matvey Golovinsky.

Important! In the same year, Gorky was proposed to be elected a member of the Imperial Academy. A scandal broke out and the election results were annulled. In response to this, others left the Academy - in particular, Chekhov.

New dramaturgy

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Gorky began to work as a playwright. His heroes remained the same people from the city's lower classes. The play “At the Lower Depths” has not left the stage to this day, but in 1902 it was inhumanly difficult to stage it - censorship was a big hindrance. Despite the censorship cuts, the drama was still staged in one of the Moscow theaters and was a great success, after which European directors began to stage it.

First Russian Revolution

At the end of 1904, Gorky wrote another play - “Children of the Sun”. It talked about a cholera epidemic. However, the authorities considered that the content of this work was completely different and too clearly concerned modern events. For this, the author was arrested and ended up in Peter and Paul Fortress. At the same time, he met actress Maria Andreeva. Their views on many issues coincided, and Maria became the writer’s faithful companion for a decade and a half.

Gorky's books and plays were used great success and brought in a good income. By the beginning of the First Russian Revolution, he was no longer a beggar. He became one of those who systematically gave money to the Bolsheviks. However, Gorky also financed some events of other parties. “Bloody Sunday” made a difficult impression on the writer. He became convinced that the political system in Russia needed to be changed. At the end of 1905, he found himself in Moscow, and it was in his apartment that the conspirators—participants in the December uprising—gathered. When the uprising ended, Gorky again headed to the capital. And again, his apartment became the center of events - it was at his place that the Central Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party met in March 1906 (). The Bolsheviks agreed to temporarily stop armed uprisings. Such activity could not go unnoticed. Gorky could easily end up in the Peter and Paul Fortress again, so he decided to disappear for a while. To begin with, the writer went to the Grand Duchy of Finland, which was formally part of Russia, but had the rights of broad autonomy and its own laws. He hid there for some time, then he went to Europe, and then visited the States. The writer not only went sightseeing, he also had a more interesting task - to raise money for the party. In America he was received well. He met Mark Twain. Among those he managed to meet was Theodore Roosevelt. But Gorky openly supported the American trade union leaders, and for this the local press very quickly fell out of love with him. The Americans also did not like the too frivolous behavior of the Russian guest - he came to the States with Andreeva, and not with his legal wife. In creative terms, the trip also turned out to be fruitful. The first chapters of the novel “Mother” took shape on this journey. He published the book in Russia two years later, and Lenin praised it very highly.

Capri (Italy)

After his trip to the States, Gorky decided not to go home yet. He stopped in Italy, on the island of Capri, where he lived for seven years - until 1913. It was a very interesting period of his life in many respects. He constantly communicated with other emigrants, and together with Lunacharsky and several other acquaintances he created a circle of “god builders.” They wanted to understand what the new socialist spirituality was and how to instill it; they thought about the ways in which people could overcome evil and suffering, and perhaps death itself. Lenin did not understand this. Gorky reflected his spiritual quest in one of his best stories of the pre-revolutionary period, “Confession.” It was completed in 1908, and was highly appreciated by representatives of various modernist movements.

Gorky's return to his homeland

In 1913, the government declared an amnesty, since that year the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov was celebrated with extreme solemnity. Gorky was no longer in danger of being arrested, so he decided to head home. He began to focus his attention on writers from the people. Together with a group of like-minded people, he created the almanac “Shield”, designed to protect the Jews against whom pogroms began in Russia at that time. He also wrote himself - almost immediately after his return, his “Childhood” and “In People” appeared. The first story was published in 1914, the second two years later.

Rice. 8. and Maxim Gorky in the park on Red Square. 1931 His St. Petersburg apartment again became the revolutionary headquarters. Many issues were discussed, including preparations for the uprising. In 1917, Lenin and Gorky disagreed. The writer seriously condemned prominent figures, believing that the acquired power had a destructive effect on them. He wrote about this in the newspaper “ New life”, which he himself published. There he also published his “Untimely Thoughts,” which were then banned for a long time and were published again only in the 90s of the last century.Gorky reproached the Bolsheviks for violating their own declared freedoms. He was sincerely upset by the attempt on Lenin's life. After the telegram sent by Gorky and a personal meeting, their relationship was restored.

World literature

In the first years of Soviet power, with the direct participation of Gorky, the publishing house “World Literature” appeared. It was assumed that the most important works of authors from many countries would be published there. But at that moment nothing happened, because the country had not yet recovered from the devastation. During this period, he met Maria Benkendorf, she also worked for some time in the publishing house. They started whirlwind romance, which lasted for a very long time.


In 1921, Gorky decided to leave. The formal reason was lung disease, which was considered good reason. But, as some historians note, main reason emigration was executed, which Gorky tried in vain to save. At first he received treatment in Germany and finished writing “My Universities”. Then he went to Italy, this time settling in Sorrento. He did not interrupt ties with Soviet Russia, visited several times and eventually returned in 1932 at Stalin’s personal invitation.

The last years of M. Gorky's life

What reasons made him return - historians are still arguing. There is an opinion that Gorky simply ran up debts. But it’s also not worth denying that he rethought his attitude towards the Bolsheviks. He had come before, including being taken to the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, about which he wrote an enthusiastic essay. This work of his caused serious criticism in the West, so the writer had to justify himself. Contemporaries did not always understand the writer, and such biographical facts caused rejection.
Important! Shortly before his return, one of the central newspapers published his appeal to cultural masters with a call to direct their talent to serve the people and build a new society. After writing this appeal, he lost all authority among the emigrants.
Last period life at home - short but important. With his direct participation, the Writers' Union was created, he founded a new literary series, which is still published to this day, it is called “The Life of Remarkable People.”

He was received well. He was given good house in the capital and an excellent dacha. But in 1934, his son Maxim Alekseevich suddenly died, and this became a serious blow for the writer. His health had not been strong before, but now he was completely upset. Alexey Maksimovich survived his son by two years and died on June 18, 1936. Doctors named the cause as pneumonia. The funeral was held solemnly, although with scandal.The coffin was carried by Stalin and Molotov. Stalin believed that the writer had been poisoned, which he announced at the ceremony. And it cost the lives of many people. Gorky's ashes were buried near the Kremlin wall.
  • At school, Gorky behaved extremely poorly and was considered a difficult student.
  • The novel “Mother” was first published not in Russian, but in English.
  • Gorky holds the record for the number of nominations to Nobel Prize(5 times), but never received it.
  • Gorky signed some of his works not with his name and patronymic, but simply with the initials AM.
  • The city of which Gorky was a native bore his name for quite a long time.
  • Gorky was published most often in the Soviet Union, his bibliography is enormous, and his autobiographical trilogy was the most popular work.
  • Gorky is credited with saying that he would have been able to make the monarchy absolute if he had been the Russian Tsar. The question of who said this may appear in some crossword puzzle.
  • Gorky collected Japanese bone figurines, many of which have survived to this day.
Watch the video for even more facts about this interesting personality.

Bitter chronological table life and creativity Russian writer, prose writer, playwright is presented in this article.

Chronological table of Gorky

Maksim Gorky - literary pseudonym of Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov.

1876-1883 - studied at the Ilyinsky School, then at the Nizhny Novgorod Sloboda Kunavinsky Primary School, but did not complete the course.

1879 - mother died; The bankrupt grandfather put the boy into service in a shoe store.

1884-1887 — He moved to Kazan, wanted to go to university, but never became a student, and continued self-education mainly in populist and Marxist circles.

1888-1892 — In search of work, I wandered around the Volga region, Ukraine, Southern Bessarabia, Crimea, and the Caucasus. He was arrested several times for revolutionary propaganda among workers.

1892 — The first story, “Makar Chudra,” was published in the Tiflis newspaper “Caucasus” under the pseudonym M. Gorky.

1895-1896 — Stories written "Old Isergil",Song about the Falcon"Chelkash" "Konovalov"

1896 - marriage to Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina (they had 2 children - a daughter and a son)

1898 — The two-volume book “Essays and Stories” was published.

1899 — Moved to St. Petersburg. Getting to know , . The story “Foma Gordeev” has been published.

1902 — The play “At the Bottom” was created; elected honorary academician Russian Academy Sci.

1905 - joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party

1906 - visited the United States to raise funds for the underground struggle of the Bolsheviks. Fearing arrest in Russia, Gorky, after traveling across America, settled in Italy, on the island of Capri, where he lived until 1913.

1913 - Having fallen under an amnesty in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, the writer returned to Russia. Started working on the story "Childhood"

1917-1918 — A series of articles “Untimely Thoughts” has been written.

1921-1928 - not having the opportunity to live and work in Russia, he leaves for Germany, then to Italy (Sorrento). Wrote the story “The Artamonov Case.”

1928 — Return to the USSR.

1934 - Gorky holds the First All-Union Congress Soviet writers, delivers the keynote address.

June 18, 1936— Maxim Gorky died. The ashes are buried in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow.

Maxim Gorky chronological table is briefly outlined in this article, but you can expand or shorten it at your discretion.

Role and place in literature

Maxim Gorky - a prominent representative of Russian literature late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, which is known for works of revolutionary themes. He became the founder of socialist realism. Was nominated for the Nobel Prize.

Origin and early years

Maxim Gorky is the creative name of the writer, and his real name is Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. He was born in 1868 in Russia (Nizhny Novgorod).

Father - Maxim Savvatyevich Peshkov, carpenter. When the future writer was three years old, he fell ill with cholera. His father looked after him, and as a result, he also became infected. The boy survived, but Maxim Peshkov died. There is a version that the writer took the pseudonym Maxim Gorky to preserve the memory of his parent.

Mother - Varvara Vasilievna Peshkova (nee Kashirina). She came from a philistine background. In 1879 she fell ill with consumption with a fatal outcome.

Since Gorky’s parents died early, his grandparents were involved in his upbringing. He spent his childhood in the house of his grandfather, Vasily Kashirin. WITH early years the boy fell in love folk art thanks to his grandmother, who became his first guide to the world of literature. Then Gorky will remember her with tenderness, saying that “he was filled with her poems like a beehive with honey.”


Gorky's first teacher was his mother, who taught him to read. The grandfather taught the boy the basics of church literacy. Alexei went to parish school, but left due to illness. Then he completed two classes at the Sloboda elementary school. There he did not have a good relationship with the teachers. And he respected only one person - the bishop. He also attended an elementary parish school for the poor for some time. His difficult character and poverty were the reasons why the future writer did not even receive a secondary education. However, Alexey had an excellent memory and read a lot, so he could soon quote the classics. In 1884, he tried to enter Kazan University, but did not pass the selection. Having not received a good education, Gorky replaced it with self-education, although all his life he wrote with spelling errors.


Maxim Gorky was a difficult person; according to him, he was born to disagree. He traveled a lot around the country - and what he saw pushed him to the idea of ​​​​propaganda the revolution. Gorky was even arrested for this.

In 1892, Gorky’s story “Makar Chudra” was published. This was the first step towards literary fame. And in 1898, two volumes of “Essays and Stories” were published, which brought him fame.

In 1902, the writer was awarded the title of member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, but Nicholas II ordered this decision to be reversed.

In addition to revolutionary literature, Gorky wrote fairy tales for children. For example: “The Tale of Ivanushka the Fool”, “Sparrow”.

In 1906, the writer was forced to emigrate to the USA, then to Italy. But even there, Gorky continued to write works on revolutionary themes.

Major works

The result of Gorky’s first creative quest was the story “The Old Woman Izergil” (1894). This work is a harsh parable about heroism and selfishness.

The story “The Orlov Spouses” (1897) was written in the style of naturalism. The author realistically described a life that many would like not to know.

In the play “At the Bottom” (1901-1902), Maxim Gorky depicted the life of the “bottom” of society: poor, morally fallen people. The events take place in a shelter for the poor. The writer created a multi-faceted gallery of images, thereby emphasizing that this problem affected people of different ages, origin and morality. In 1904, Maxim Gorky received the Griboyedov Prize for this play. But, despite public recognition, the production of the work was not allowed on the imperial stage, but only at the Moscow Art Theater.

The novel "Mother" was written under the impression of the events of 1905 and became fundamental for socialist realism.

Last years

After emigrating, Maxim Gorky returned to his homeland only in 1932. He is actively involved literary activity. But in 1936 he died under mysterious circumstances.

Chronological table (by date)



Year of birth of Alexey Peshkov
Life in Kazan
Arrest for revolutionary views
Traveling around the country
The appearance of a son
For the first time in St. Petersburg
Title of honorary academician
Membership in the RSDLP

Theme "M. Bitter. Chronological table of life and creativity” occupies an important place in the school literature course. The writer is one of the most prominent representatives new romantic movement at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, he was the founder of socialist realism in Soviet literature. His biography is no less interesting than his works: it is full of hardships, labor, struggles that the author went through during his difficult life.

Childhood and youth

One of the most prominent Russian and Soviet writers is Gorky. A chronological table dedicated to his biography should include the main, most important stages of his life, the first of which are his childhood and teenage years. Future famous writer born in Nizhny Novgorod in 1868. He was orphaned early and was raised by a strict grandfather. Due to constant need, the boy was unable to graduate from the local school. He was forced to work constantly to earn his bread. In the 1880s he lived in Kazan, where he unsuccessfully tried to enter the university; here he became close to the populists and was even arrested.

The beginning of creativity

Gorky, whose chronological biography is the subject of this review, experienced many difficulties and hardships before he became famous as a writer. The 1890s became a new stage in his life. It was during this decade that he traveled around the country, visited the south, and began working for a clerk. But the most important thing is that his first literary experience: he writes his own stories, is published not only in newspapers hometown, but also in neighboring areas. He meets Tolstoy and Chekhov, and readers and critics pay attention to his works.


Gorky was a prominent playwright of the early 20th century. The chronological table of his life should include this new stage in his work. In the 1900s, he tried his hand at writing plays, which brought him not only all-Russian, but also European fame (“Bourgeois”, “At the Lower Depths”). These works are staged in leading theaters, and the young and talented playwright is being talked about as a new outstanding author of our time.

The table below summarizes the main milestones in M. Gorky's life.

1880sUnsuccessful attempts to get an education, work in workshops, shipyards, fight against poverty, rapprochement with revolutionary populists
1890sTraveling around the country, first publications, meeting Tolstoy, Chekhov
1900sCreation of dramatic works, literary achievements in Russia and Europe
1906-1913 Emigration, writing autobiographical works
1913-1921 Return to Russia mixed perceptions October revolution
1921-1936 Second period of emigration, return, organization of the Congress of Socialist Writers


From 1906 to 1913 the writer lived in exile. However, he showed a keen interest in the events taking place in the country, and even before leaving he became a member of the workers' party. Abroad, he writes a novel, which marked the beginning of socialist realism in literature. He was especially famous for his autobiographical works Maksim Gorky. The chronological table should also reflect this new stage in his work. The author writes a trilogy about his childhood, youth and adulthood, reproducing artistic form everything that he had to endure during the years of wandering, hardship and struggle against poverty.


The writer perceived the October revolution ambiguously. On the one hand, he was an ally of the Bolsheviks, but was critical of their policies towards the intelligentsia. He got busy social activities and thanks to his efforts and efforts, many scientists and writers escaped poverty and starvation. Maxim Gorky, whose chronological table of life is presented in the article, went abroad in the 1920s under the pretext of treatment, but in fact due to ideological differences with the party. He lived in different cities Europe, until the Soviet government invited him to return to the country.

last years of life

A chronological table of Gorky's life should include The final stage his creativity. In the 1930s, he returned to the USSR, began to work actively, and contributed to the consolidation of socialist writers. On his initiative, their first congress was held, at which this new literary movement was proclaimed dominant and the only correct one. The writer died in 1936. This event completes the chronological table. Gorky's life and work are reflected in it in brief for ease of memorization.



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