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Racing car games with big engines. Car games around the city

There is no doubt that car racing games are the most popular version of all simulators. The first games of this genre appeared back in 1974 on bulky slot machines, which became widespread first in America, then in Japan, and then in some European countries. True, such machines never reached Russia. The very first game in which gamers had to fight computer opponents for speed was Speed ​​Race.

Of course, the graphics of that time, by our standards, were simply terrible, FPS was 2-3, and all objects consisted entirely of huge pixels. The gameplay itself was also extremely primitive, the cars were viewed from above the map and there was no talk of any 3D. But the control was quite interesting and was carried out using the steering wheel and two pedals - gas and brake. However, despite this, Speed ​​Race became the standard of the time and the trendsetter of the genre.

First stage of development

By the 1980s, there were already a lot various games racing, and the graphics and gameplay got better and better every year. At this time, car racing gradually began to lose some of its popularity to racing on other vehicles, such as motorcycles, boats and even spaceships. Already by 1981, the first games appeared with pseudo 3D graphics and views either from the driver’s cab or from the rear of the car. At the same time, the first mini maps appeared, located in the corners of the monitors and showing the location of the racing car. The tracks themselves have become much more saturated with obstacles that impede the movement of cars - turns, tires and uneven surfaces.

Screenshot from GRID 2 by Codemasters.

The composition of the tracks also changed - wet and snowy roads appeared, and not only the graphical component changed, but also the physics, so gamers had to adapt to each type of track. The controls themselves remained the same - the steering wheel and pedals, but their information content and realism increased significantly, although those races still could not be called even remotely realistic simulators of real driving. By the end of the 1980s, the first online racing competitions appeared, using a network of several slot machines connected together.


The 1990s can be called a real boom for this genre. At this time, personal computers became widespread and became available to almost everyone, thanks to which the gaming industry moved from slot machines to the computer world. Car racing games have begun to develop at an even faster pace than before. At this time, already on disks, the first 3D games appeared, the graphics in which were significantly superior to those in slot machines, and the gameplay itself improved significantly and became much more realistic and similar to real control of a car. By the mid-90s, a legendary series called The Need for Speed ​​appeared, winning the hearts of many gamers around the world. By the end of the 90s, almost everyone could play racing cars, because at that time the first game consoles appeared, which compared to personal computers low prices, thanks to which they are accessible even to poor families.

Screenshot from Test Drive Unlimited 2, Eden Games and Atari.

Subsequently, the genre underwent mainly cosmetic changes, the graphics became better, the gameplay was more realistic, and steering wheels and pedals connected to computers became widespread and made it possible to get even more pleasure from car racing. Several legendary series appeared - Gran Turismo, Grid, and the already well-known The Need for Speed ​​developed every year, showing more and more realistic cars, as well as adding the possibility of upgrading cars and tuning. Online car racing games for boys and girls are also gradually developing, although not at the same pace as computer games. For example, thanks to the JAVA engine, Unity 3D, which appeared quite recently, but has already largely replaced it, many beautiful 3D racing games with very high-quality graphics and realistic gameplay were released.

The most popular racing series

  • GRID - two games were released under the banner of this series, the first of which became an excellent simulator, superior to other similar projects. And the main feature of the first part was not the beautiful graphics, but the most realistic and closest to reality controls. In the second part of GRID, the main emphasis was placed on realistic graphics, but the controls also became even closer to reality. Also, even more famous car brands were added to the second part.
  • Need for Speed ​​is the most popular and famous series racing. The number of which has already exceeded 20. One, and sometimes two new parts are released annually. In Need for Speed, everything is focused not only on beautiful graphics, but also on the plot, as well as on interesting tasks, but there is clearly a lack of realism in driving a vehicle. Quite recently, the first film based on this famous series was released on cinema screens.
  • Colin McRae Rally is another famous series, the first part of which appeared back in 2000. The main advantage of these games is their aggressive driving style. There are no rules here and you can do whatever you want in order to win. The latest part of Colin McRae Rally, called Dirt: Showdown, was released in mid-2012.
  • Test Drive Unlimited is the most famous city car racing game. Here you will have an entire city island at your disposal, which is an exact copy of the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands. Unlike other series, here you can safely move around the city and its surroundings, completing missions and competing with your rivals. The actions of the second part, called Test Drive Unlimited 2, move to the territory of the island of Ibiza.

Moreover, our new games Cars around the city do not involve complex races, sharp turns and burning tires - everything that can make the fair sex nervous. Well, in the vastness of modern megacities, young ladies who are car enthusiasts feel more than confident and hold the road in no way worse than men. To be convinced of this, just invite a couple of pretty classmates or classmates to visit and invite everyone to play cars together around the city.

It is still unknown who will ultimately win. It is very possible that the girls’ team will “make” the men’s team. However, even if this happens, it doesn’t matter. You can always tell the girls that you gave in to them because you didn’t want to upset them, or because you really like them. The last option, by the way, is a win-win. As soon as you put something like this on the girls, they will start to get embarrassed, blush and forget about who actually won while playing in cars around the city. But before the conversation turns into a romantic direction, you still need to live and play virtual trips around the city at least several times. Therefore, we remind you of the rules.

Common sense and care

Immediately after starting the game, you will be driving a car around the city for a while; there are no training levels provided. The task is simple: pick up passengers on the streets and deliver them to the desired addresses. A passerby who this moment a car is required, highlighted in green on the screen. You are required to drive up to him, find out where he needs to go, find the specified address on the city map and get there without incident. As a rule, grateful passengers leave a generous fare. The winner is the one who earns the most money in the allotted time.

But the process is complicated by the fact that in addition to searching for passengers, you will have to do other things: drive to work, sometimes give your boss a lift, visit a service station, etc. This kind of fuss takes up a lot of time, because of it, playing games about driving a car around the city is like going through a multi-level quest. You will have to learn not only to manage the allocated gaming minutes as rationally as possible, but also to be extremely attentive: follow the map so as not to get lost on unfamiliar streets, and strictly follow all traffic rules so as not to be fined by the police.

Racing games are the pioneers of all currently existing areas of this topic and computer toys in general. Along with solitaire card games, they paved the way for modern products that are now strikingly different from their predecessors.

Realistic car racing game

If the first developments were made in flat graphics and were not colorful, today there is a variety from high technologies to flash games. Believable simulators are based on racing events that took place in real life. In them you can choose a car and crew, make an upgrade and go on tracks that exactly repeat the geography of real ones. In such simulators everything is maintained in accordance with existing rules races, the driver sees the situation from a first-person perspective, but can switch to a third-party view. The steering is so sensitive that it’s easy to fly off the road at the slightest roll or lack of grip. To protect yourself and increase your chances of winning, there are pit stops where your car gets immediate tire replacements and minor repairs if necessary. The judges carefully ensure that the rules are not broken, and the spectators actively cheer for their rider, chanting his name from the stands. Another version of the game's car racing is less complicated. Children are happy to turn to this section and participate in races where the main task- win them. Sometimes flash games include the task of calling for repairs, but mostly additional conditions games involve collecting certain items on the track, for example, spare parts that increase the vitality of the car. They do not need to be used separately, because they work as bonuses and automatically multiply the level of the vehicle or the game account.

Choosing your own path

Once on our website, you have the opportunity to play car racing games for free. These can be classic races along a winding track, which is visible in the corner of the monitor to control progress; off-road racing; as well as along the city streets. Each time there are new racing conditions and a new way of playing.

Village races for boys

In the countryside, special colors open up before you, but difficulties will not keep you waiting. Imagine how difficult it is to reach your goal when stupid chickens, frightened artiodactyls, washed-out ditches and newly formed hills are trying to throw themselves under the wheels. There are always logs and agricultural machinery on the way.

Criminal car racing

No less excitement is brought into the process by proposals to play car races in pursuit of criminals or vice versa - running away from the servants of Themis. In this case, your conditions change radically and now you do not need to adhere to the rules established by the judges. Moreover, you will mercilessly disturb the tranquility of the urban prairies, knocking over garbage cans along the way, crossing pedestrian crossings at full speed, not looking at the color of the traffic lights, flying over bridges and driving into public transport stops, descending into underground garages and weaving through them as if in labyrinth of the Minotaur. If your middle name is danger like Online Games Car racing will fit perfectly into your leisure time.

Games for the youngest racers

But not everyone is ready for such a dynamic development of events. The youngest racers are at the very beginning of mastering computer toys and are just developing their control skills. To satisfy their craving for the unknown, we have prepared online car games where they can control models using kitchen table, carefully avoiding cutlery and bread crumbs, and will also end up in the children's room and try to take their car to the toy garage.

Main types of racing

  • Circuit racing is the driving of cars on a closed track. It curves, replete with turns, and the driver circles it several times.
  • Endurance racing.
  • Rally - when a driver drives a route from point to point.
  • The trophies involve mainly SUVs, but motorcycles and cars can also participate. The route is specially chosen to be difficult to pass: forest, hills, potholes, swamps.
  • Autocross is especially popular. These are spectacular competitions in which drivers compete not against time, but against each other. Cars can touch each other, and obstacles on the route add spectacle to the action.
  • Figured driving is called autoslalom.
  • The car trial takes place on short but difficult roads.
  • Drag racing is the acceleration of cars in a straight line 402 meters long.
  • In drifting, drivers demonstrate the ability to control a car in a skid.
  • Karts are small cars with a motorcycle seat and an engine mounted on a frame.

Speed, like flight, has always attracted man. Adrenaline, mortal danger, the drive of driving - all this attracted extreme sports enthusiasts not only in the automobile era, but also since the time of the domestication of the first riding animals. Now the gaming industry fully quenches the thirst of those who want to drive at breakneck speeds. The games turn car racing into an exciting attraction without risking your life, but with almost the same sensations as driving a real car. The popularity of the genre not only leads to a variety of gaming offerings. Flash games may well provide the user with what he needs - adrenaline, the spirit of danger and competition. Online car racing games very often have something in common with well-known formats. Or they simply offer the user their own unique game format. Who doesn’t remember the famous Micromachines? Admit it, you didn’t just like to run away from the police in a fashionable car? As children, many of us really liked to go around the track around a pencil and a tablespoon, and jump over the bathtub, remember? Modern teenagers they no longer remember the excitement of a simple race in a car, where they had to overtake other racers, avoiding collisions. They think that this format is for small flash games. But once upon a time this was the pinnacle of the gaming world!

Online car games are a continuation of that good tradition of simple two-dimensional programs. But don't think that these are primitive games. No, there are also unique online car racing games made in the style of 3D graphics. They have a completely modern interface and can bring no less joy than their “big brothers”. Car games always make them especially exciting and exciting. That is why everyone should try to play one of them at least once.

Go ahead, get behind the wheel!

In the gaming reality, car lovers will find a great variety of cars. This:

  • serial cars
  • all-terrain jeeps
  • sports racing cars

And they behave differently there: during one game the cars race against each other, in another they cover some distance against time, in the third they master the art of parking. In racing games, several participants with approximately equal characteristics start the race. You control one of the cars, trying to get it to the finish line first. The gameplay can be done in different styles: you follow the car from above and see a large part of the track, or the entire distance. This option is used in many circuit races, games with driving in a limited urban location or along long country roads. It gives an excellent overview of what is happening on the course, but the control method may seem awkward, although after a short adaptation and perhaps a few mistakes, you will easily become a champion in this type of competition. Another type of view often used in large racing games is where you look at the road from behind your car. This makes it easier to see all approaching obstacles and bonuses, making it easier to overtake rivals and block their overtaking. Such races offer different types tracks: city streets filled with other cars and pedestrians, specialized high-speed tracks, off-road...

Hone your skills by playing Car games

Some game machines are programmed to show on the side. Among flash games you can find many races of this type. There is no way to make turns here, and cars only drive back and forth. But along the way, the driver encounters many obstacles: steep ascents and descents, bumps, abysses. The car you are driving can easily flip over if you lose balance during a jump or bounce too much on a pothole. You need to adjust its tilt by lowering and raising the front and rear of the car. Often such games set the task only for carefully passing the track - it is enough not to crash in order to win at the level. Although there may be additional conditions: to deliver some cargo to the finish line and not lose it due to the shaking of the truck.

Car games offer many opportunities to improve your car. To do this, you can collect bonuses on the track, such as turbo acceleration, repairs after destruction. But such artifacts will most likely be temporary, and for more global changes you need to go to the virtual store and install a new engine, tires, improve aerodynamics, and brakes on the car. The most advanced games for boys offer to replace cars: in some games, money for this is given for bonuses collected in the race, while in others, rewards are spent for winning prizes in the competition.

Speed ​​and drive are two incomprehensible and elusive phenomena that have attracted man throughout the history of his species. From fast running and horses to sports cars and supersonic fighter jets, people dream of speeding up for at least a few seconds. For them, this attraction is as natural as eating and breathing. Men, as a rule, are subject to the need for speed. But the fair half of people do not really approve of this not entirely safe hobby. Very often you can hear stories about how a man wants to travel on his own, and not with his wife. Because his wife does not allow him to accelerate to the speed at which he becomes interested in driving. Although the essence of such a division cannot be proven, because many modern women also obsessed with speed. But a car is an expensive pleasure. Especially in our country. It’s one thing to buy it - you can save it or borrow it, but it’s quite another thing to “feed it”. After all, a car, regardless of frequency of use, “eats” considerable amounts of money. Motorists say that some cars are easier and cheaper to keep on the road than in a garage. Well, everyone knows what kind of income we have in our country. So many people have to drain their thirst for adrenaline in computer simulators.

Car racing games are exactly the genre that such people choose most often. And not everyone needs powerful simulators. Very a large number of people just want to ride in a symbolically drawn car. Flash options were created for them famous games. Well, those who have been playing for a long time know that in the world of 2D racing there are excellent authentic racing simulators. What are the famous micro-machines worth? In general, racing can be considered one of the first gaming simulators, along with flight simulators. And it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to tell you which genre appeared first. What remains unchanged is that auto racing will continue to develop.

Even if all the traffic cops in the world disappear and everyone has their own car, many will prefer gaming racing to real racing - it’s both safer and more exciting. Yes and in virtual reality There are so many settings options that in reality all of this will never become available. And that's good, by the way. It’s unlikely that anyone would be happy with survival races with machine guns in cars and missiles under the hood. All these fun things are good only on a computer screen. And the largest collection of racing games is on this page. Click on any game - they are all free and hosted on our server. This means that they are almost always available!

After cars became a part of our lives, they invariably excite the blood and thoughts of many boys who dream of becoming great racers, racing in a sports car along intricate tracks, winning prizes and cups, feeling the excitement of speed and racing. IN real life Such adventures are not available to everyone, but in the space of computer entertainment, anyone can realize such fantasies. Car racing games are offered with different tracks, cars, and competition conditions. Do you want a big SUV that can easily travel off-road, jump over wide chasms, and climb steep ledges? Or do you prefer a unique supercar that reaches incredible speed in just a few seconds and, like a nimble fox, overtakes all competitors? Car racing games for free allow you to experience both models of real cars and futuristic inventions that exist only in the imagination of the game creators. Many car enthusiasts will be pleased to drive, for example, a classic car from the 70s, feel its capabilities and characteristics controls - in reality, such cars cost a lot of money, and often it is simply impossible to buy them, but their copies run circles in numerous racing simulators and even a small child can drive them. You can play car racing in virtual projections of real tracks or city streets. For example, fans of NASCAR racing can participate in the game championship and drive along tracks that accurately replicate the stages of real competitions. And lovers of architectural masterpieces can move to the most beautiful cities in the world and participate in exciting races passing through their streets. For mini-games, unrealistic landscapes and non-existent tracks are often created. Cars may end up on the surface of a distant planet or in a fantastic forest. Online car racing games may require the player to be able to cope with difficult road surfaces. Will it be possible to keep the car on the track if the entire road surface is covered with a layer of ice or snow? Will it be possible to reach maximum speed if there are dangerous obstacles here and there along the road: debris from other cars, barrels, oil stains, potholes? Online car games are available in this section of the site. This can be a game in single player mode, in which you need to fight with a computer program, or a multiplayer version with the ability to connect a second player - then you can compete in racing skills with your friends. The goals in the games are also different. This could be a battle for first place at the finish line, or a race against time in which you need to get to the end of the distance in a limited time.

Some people love the feeling of speed while being in the cabin while driving, others just like to be next to their father, who is tinkering under the hood of his iron horse. Completely covered in fuel oil from head to toe, with their hands and faces dirty, the guys strive with irrepressible passion for this 4-wheeled miracle. It's like there's a special gift chest hidden for them in the middle of the engine or something. How can this be explained? One conclusion definitely comes to mind - in order to become a real driver in the future and conquer the full power of an unknown vehicle.

Manufacturers of flash games did not limit the writers creating the main storyline, only using the “start - catch up - win” principle. Our selection includes options where, in addition to racing tracks, you will feel like a garage mechanic. The variety of colors and technical equipment of the selected car in such games is limited solely by your imagination. Well, don’t forget that further modernization directly depends on the number of successfully completed races and receipt of prize bonuses. Before choosing this or that part, think about what kind of road and surrounding weather the next race will be like and make an informed choice based on this.

Be extremely careful

The main difference is flash games racing cars online is to control the “iron horse”. You are the main participant along with a friend sitting next to you, who, in turn, is your opponent. In this case, the camera view is inside the cabin, this is how the genre is designated, where the action takes place from the first person. A striking example are the following stories:

  • “Powerful Engines”, “Motorcycle and Car Racing 2” and others.

Another case is when you and your opponent are behind the chosen car and controlling it. This view is called third person - try playing:

  • “Super Kart Mario”, “Formula Racer 2012”, etc.

In fact, the choice before you is quite impressive. About 160 flash games with big amount 3D animation (compared to other genres). All of them are available to you in the section online car racing games for free and without any downloads. Play directly in your browser!

It doesn't matter which look you particularly like; in the first and second cases, it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to current events. This could be a well-timed keystroke in a drag race or a masterful drift performance. Remember, you are pursuing one single goal - to defeat the comrade sitting next to you in a friendly competition and get a sea of ​​​​positive charge. If you have a large group of people, organize mass flights, and then no one will be bored alone - everyone will begin to empathize with each other.

Tractor races, sprint races or even chases

Choose the one you and your opponents like car racing game online to your own taste! Because this is a very flexible genre that allows you to develop the gameplay, which has already become a classic, in a completely new plot interpretation. Ultimately, you and the company will decide for yourself who you will become for a while: police or bandits, professional racers, fairy-tale characters or collective farm tractor drivers. How will you like dynamic battles on the Formula 1 tracks or, conversely, calm rides on forklifts around the warehouse? All you have to do is become the fastest of all! Progress, develop, and no nails, no wands for you!



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