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Education is very important for every person. Every sane girl will eventually need the ability to teach someone something - otherwise how will she prepare her children for adult life? And if a person masters the basics of teaching, then his students will become more than diligent, right? That is why teacher flash games are useful for every girl. They develop a person, give him excellent mental food and completely prepare him for more responsible times. So why don't you dear ladies, don't play flash teacher games for girls online and free?

Some of you will probably truly become excellent teachers and educators. You will teach children the most important sciences - mathematics, languages, science and other subjects. And you will certainly need certain skills in this regard, which you cannot do without in the difficult profession of a teacher. Where can you buy them? Exactly in flash games! Here you can catch up on your experience, become smarter and begin to understand how you can educate a student well. And if you ever have to put it on again school uniform, go back to school and teach children, you probably kind words you will remember the times when you could flash games teacher for girls to play online and for free.

Again, in these games you are not only teaching someone, you are basically learning how to learn. If this works out well, it will be much easier for you to communicate with other people in life - you will be able to easily find relationships with them. mutual language. How loving mother you will educate your children, give them the first knowledge in their lives. And therefore the first learning experience is more than important. If you go through multi-level flash games, where there is a built-in system of bonuses, where it is very interesting and fun, you will be able to continue teaching children and adults everything they need. And this is the real truth.

Teacher play online for free:

Guys love to play pranks even in high school. Their jokes become less childish, but that doesn't make them any less funny. Especially often it goes to inexperienced...

Physics teachers are exposed to all the laws of physics. They can't challenge them at all. It will either be very difficult for them or completely pointless. They chose it themselves...

It happens that teachers' patience runs out abruptly. At first the teacher speaks in a calm voice. Then he starts to raise it a little. When school students...

Are you done Pedagogical University. We studied there for five years and graduated as a mathematics teacher. So you sat all summer in front of a mountain of advertisements in search of...

Today you have a good opportunity to be in the teacher’s shoes! No, the teacher will not take the place of the student, but this is the only way you can get one. Looking at...

Learning is light, but so is lots of fun time spent in schools. Children have time to have fun both during breaks and right in class. Some even...

The young girl finished her studies at the university and is now returning to her school. No, she won’t study here again in the second round, she completed her training as a teacher and...

Table games, indoor games, word games, didactic games in primary school

Simple games

When it’s raining outside and you can’t go for a walk, you can play these simple games.

Russian folk game "Mouse"

The players stand in a circle. Place your palms together. One of the drivers takes a small object (“mouse”), holds it between his palms, walks in a circle, puts his palms in the palms of the players and quietly passes the “mouse” to someone. He stands next to the other driver: he must guess who has the “mouse”.

Game "At the edge of the forest"

Make a painting “If I were a tree.” Children, raising their hands up, freeze for a few seconds, imagining that they are trees and their roots have grown into the ground.

Didactic game “Choose a word”

On a bright sunny frosty day, what does snow look like to you? (Sparkling, sparkling, shiny, silvery, crispy, cold.) What do snowflakes do? (They flutter, spin, fly.) When it snows, what is this phenomenon called? (Snowfall.)


In the center is a blindfolded bird catcher. “Birds” children walk around the “bird catcher” with the words:

In the forest, in the little forest,

On the ground, on the oak tree

The birds sing merrily:

“Ah, the birdcatcher is coming!

He will take us into captivity.

Birds, fly away!

The “bird catcher” claps his hands, the children freeze. He starts searching. The one he finds imitates the call of the bird he has chosen. The Birdcatcher guesses the name of the bird and the name of the child.

Game "Flowers"

Children are divided into two teams. Each child comes up with the name of the flower for himself and quietly tells the teacher. The teams are pitted against each other.

Team of children: hello, “flowers”!

Team "flowers": hello, children. Guess our names.

Children take turns listing the names of flowers; the guessed “flowers” ​​move aside. When all the flowers have been guessed, the game is over, you can change roles.

Game "Finish the sentence"

Children take turns continuing the sentences.

Antoshka is standing on one...

Vanya has two... and the mushroom....

The table and the chair have four...

The table has long legs, the sofa...

The mushroom has a big cap, the nail...

Under the pines, under the fir trees, a ball of...

A hedgehog has hedgehog needles, a pine tree...

Pine and Christmas trees have needles all year round -

You can prick yourself with a needle, it...

Tanya irons...

Tanya stroked her hand...

I have big hand, and Lena has a small one...

Tanya writes in her notebook...

The glass doesn't have..., but the cup has...

The pan has two...

You can hold a cup by the handle...

The iron, the refrigerator have a handle...

Game “It happens - it doesn’t happen”

The goal of the game is to teach people to reason, to give reasons for their agreement or disagreement with their partner’s statements.

Vaska the cat stole the sour cream. It happens? He ate it and barked contentedly: aw-aw! It happens? How does it happen?

The dog Arapka heard the cat Vaska and meowed: “Meow-meow! And I want sour cream!” It happens?

Vaska the cat catches fish. He climbed a pine tree and caught perches in the hollow. The perches sit in the nest and squeak: pee-pee-pee. It happens?

Papa perch teaches perch to fly. Perches fly quickly. And the cat Vaska flies even faster. It happens?

The dog Arapka loves to eat. He hunts mice and rats. The dog Arapka will lie down near the hole and keep watch. It happens? Mice live in the oven. They eat firewood and coals. They come out of the oven so white, so clean. The dog Arapka catches mice with a fishing rod and fries them in the refrigerator. It happens?

Game “Which one? Which? Which?"

Choose as many definitions for the word as possible, and do not repeat what has been said. They show a picture with an object, for each word - a chip. For example: an apple - juicy, round, red, large, plump, ripe... Pear, fox, squirrel, hedgehog...

"Restore the words"

There are several recorded in unusual ways words have the same syllables - the first and the last. What are these words? Restore them.

**but** **tush** **ri** **at** **x** **treat**

(Thorn, reel, queen, speaker, ottoman, ring.)

"Collect the words"

Children can prepare everything they need for this game themselves. First you need to take old magazines and cut out the article titles that are written in capital letters. Then these headings are cut into syllables and placed in a candy box or glued in a loose order onto whatman paper in AZ format. You can take syllables from the box and make words from them. This is not only beautiful, since the words are colored, the letters are of different sizes and varied in spelling, but it is also very interesting.

"Write in the vowels"

This ifa is held for a while. Several people or the whole group can participate (the teacher just needs to think about how to provide all students with blank cards, or simply make a large common blank on the board or whatman paper). In 2-3 minutes, children must reconstruct as many words as possible by inserting vowels:

m - k - (flour)

l - t - (summer or lotto)

m — — k (lighthouse)

l - m - n (lemon)

d - r - g - (road)

- kn - (window)

st - k - n (glass)

s - r - k - (forty)

d - b (oak)

z - g - dk - (riddles)

h - d - s - (miracles)

b - m - d - (paper)

Game "Confusion"

And children really like this game. The words are in their right places, but the letters in them are mixed up. Put all the letters in their place and read the names of children's books you know.

rti dyameved (“Three bears.”)

who is in pohsaga (“Puss in Boots.”)

dortok boyilit (“Doctor Aibolit.”)

tyr ponroseka (“The Three Little Pigs.”)

hamu-kotsohatu (“Tsokotuha fly.”)

fenorido reog (“Fedorino’s grief.”)

Game "Five words starting with the letter "l" from four letters"

Think of five four-letter L words. For example, the word "summer"

l*** l*** l*** l*** l*** ( Possible options: moon, lotto, linden, magnifying glass, fox.)

Game “Which fruits grow on which tree?”

Identify a tree by its fruit and complete the sentence.

Acorns grow on... (oak tree).

Apples grow on... (apple tree).

Cones grow on... (spruce and pine).

Bunches of rowan grow on... (rowan).

Game “Replace the phrase with an attribute word”

What leaf? What fruits?

Birch leaf - birch",

Oak leaf -

Linden leaf -

Aspen leaf -

Maple Leaf -

Willow leaf -

Poplar leaf -

Pine cone -

Spruce cone -

Rowan berries -

Game "Fourth wheel" (plants)

Highlight the extra word and explain your choice.

Maple, rowan, spruce, tulip;

birch, oak, rose hip, poplar;

apple tree, currant, bird cherry, rowan;

aspen, linden, oak, spruce;

pine, poplar, rowan, willow;

linden, aspen, maple, apple tree.

Word game (trees)

Clap your hands when you hear a word that matches the word “birch” (oak, linden, aspen... apple tree). Explain each word choice.

Dictionary: acorn, spruce forest, birch bark, resin, apple, unpretentious, light-loving, powerful, honey plant, pine tree, shade-tolerant, “thin tree”, dark-stemmed, cone, fluff, oak grove, slender, berries, tall, white-trunked, amber, Antonovka, frost-resistant, stocky, coniferous tree, deciduous tree.

Commentary for adults. After the game, to activate children’s memory and speech, you can offer them the following task.

Remember what words you have heard that are suitable for birch (oak, linden, aspen... apple tree).

"Bird Voices"

Guess which bird makes these sounds.

Kar-kar! (Crow.)

Chik-chirp, chiv-chik! (Sparrow.)

Cha-cha-cha! (Magpie.)

Kurly-kurly! (Crane.)

Sviri-svir! (Waxwing.)

Tsok-tsek, tsok-tsek! (Crossbill.)

Cuckoo! (Cuckoo.)

Rum-rum-rum! (Bullfinch.)

Blue-blue-blue! (Tit.)

Game "Finish the sentences"

The sparrow is small, and the crane...

The crow is big, and the tit...

The owl sleeps during the day and hunts...

The tit has a short tail, and the wagtail...

The woodpecker has a long beak, and the bullfinch...

The duck is gray, and the swan...

Word game (birds)

Clap your hands when you hear a word suitable for the word "sparrow" (crow, woodpecker, tit... duck). Explain each word choice.

Vocabulary: cooing, small, lively, forest, gray, flies, dexterous, red-breasted, swims, agile, quacks, city, jumps, cheerful, swamp, gray, chirps, brave, omnivorous, smart, hollow, big, lively, birdhouse, restless, long-tailed, cheerful, chirping bird, icebreaker, predatory, snow-white, white-sided, long-legged, croaking, small, dancing, agile, diving, hunting, wintering bird, migratory bird.

We know how sometimes (or rather, very often) you don’t want to go to school. But some aspects of life are integral and there are reasons for this. How to turn studying into exciting activity, and not into a depressing process? The answer is to play flash games “School” to have a fun and useful time.

IN this section We have combined several different game genres that are suitable for both schoolchildren and schoolgirls. Each flash is unique in its own way, which means that any user can find a game to their liking. But despite the differences in genre, each of them has a colorful style, interesting characters, soundtrack and addictive gameplay.

Here you can find games of both educational and entertaining nature, as well as simple and entertaining ones. Let's give an example. Many girls love the dress-up genre. After all, selecting looks from a collection of stylish items and creating fashionable images is in our blood. Now you can choose a simple outfit for school for Disney princesses. They also gnaw on the granite of science, but they do it lightly.

If we talk about games of a cognitive and educational nature, we note the flash game Learn English Words with Pictures. It allows you to expand lexicon foreign words. Here you will have training in spelling mode, learning new words and pronunciation. And the entire gameplay takes place on a positive note, which brings joy from learning.

No matter how trivial it may sound, learning something new is really interesting. This way you become wiser, interesting and relaxed individuals and more prepared for life, plus keep your brain in shape. Such qualities will always come in handy in life.

Back to school

Adults think that school years carefree and children have no problems - know:

  • go to your classes without being late,
  • write in notebooks,
  • Read textbooks at home to reinforce the material you have covered.

Sometimes it seems that these adults themselves have never studied at school and do not know how many troubles await students around the next corner, in any office or lesson. School program With each passing year it becomes more and more intense, in each subject they ask so much as if there were no other lessons, the demands have increased, and the teachers are not always fair. Even among classmates you need to have authority. Not all students cope with multifaceted development and at some point give in.

Entertaining games School

But even if nothing like this happened to you and you continue to study well, your behavior is excellent and your parents are proud of you, you probably have your own difficulties that you have to fight with every day. School games offer an interesting look at your school years, in which you may recognize yourself. Every student knows how much they dislike those who refuse to help their classmates in regular lessons, independent, laboratory and tests. In virtual school, you can increase your popularity score by helping your friends with one of these jobs, sending them cheat sheets if they have difficulty solving a problem. You will see yellow or red exclamation marks above the heads of those students who have encountered a problem. Select a square of the same color and click to send a note to a friend. But the teacher walks around the class, making sure that this does not happen. Try not to give away your actions and then your rating will grow up. Everyone knows that in some schools there are groups of children who are united by interests. This phenomenon is especially developed in American schools, where you and I will go to play school games.

Choose your team and protect your territory. When you see a stranger crossing it, choose a representative from your gang and send him to a skirmish. On the miniature map you will see red dots - these are subjects that are your potential targets. We don’t promise that victory will be yours, but anything is possible. There are many interesting, truly original proposals to choose from in this section. Anyone who enjoys tidying up can use their design ideas to transform their classroom. In adventure games you will have to help careless students collect scattered textbooks along the road, fighting off hooligans. You will also have to become one of the athletes' support team and attend several rehearsals to learn a new number. And for those who are just going to school for the first time, it will be useful to get acquainted with how lessons are taught at school. Complete all the teacher's tasks and get your game points, which are real life will turn into ratings. You also have to take care of a new fashionable outfit and necessary supplies for lessons, to return in September renewed, especially beautiful and ready for fresh exploits in extracting useful knowledge from the granite of numerous sciences.



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