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Illustrations for Turgenev's story ferret and Kalinich. Khor and Kalinich. Viewing the contents of the Diagnostic Chart document

Slender boy. Hunter. What story was not in the boys' stories. What the boys did at night in the meadow. Hair is disheveled. Descriptions of the characters in the story. The face is small. Events in the story. What struck the author about children. Bezhin meadow. The boy was only seven years old. Ilyusha. White hair. Author.

“Bazarov and Kirsanov” - Peasantry. Bazarov. Education. Upbringing. P.P. Kirsanov. The life story of Pavel Petrovich. Fathers and Sons. Disputes between the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons.” Attitude towards others. Main lines of dispute. Ideological differences Bazarov and Kirsanov seniors. Bazarov's relationship with N.P. and P.P. Kirsanov. Ideological conflict. Test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev. Collection of material on heroes. Text assignment. Nihilism. Quarrel between P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov.

“Gerasim and the heroes of the story” - Lady. Moral superiority. Gavrila. Gerasim. The moral superiority of Gerasim over other heroes of the story. Writer's creativity. Creation of the story "Mumu". Turgenev's childhood. Kapiton. Descendant's opinion. Russian prose writer. Tatiana. Physical handicap.

“The book “Bezhin Meadow”” - Countless gold stars. Meadow. Force. Hunting equipment of Turgenev. A story about Trishka. A boy of about ten years old. Story. Stories told by boys. Face. Artistic media. Field. Turgenev hunting with Dianka. Summer evening. Artist E. Bem. I.S. Turgenev “Bezhin Meadow”. All horror stories in the story are chosen so that they harmonize and. “Turgenev draws with love and tenderness in the story “Bezhin Meadow.”

“Themes of Turgenev’s “Prose Poems”” - Prose Poems. Poems. For the literature lesson. Themes of poems. Laconism and freedom. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Poems in prose.” Bougival. Thoughts and feelings. Polina Viardot. Illustration for the poem “Threshold”. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Illustration for the poem “Old Man”. Creativity of I.S. Turgenev. A cycle united by a common tonality.

"Gerasim" - Gerasim and Tatiana. Gerasim near the lady's house. Victory or defeat of Gerasim. Gerasim is carrying water. Why did Gerasim obey the lady? Characteristics plan for the hero. He began to run, search, click. Duel in Gerasim's soul. Mumu in the lady's living room. Teach elements of the main character's characteristics. Character traits. Exhibition of drawings. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Gerasim and the servants.

7th grade

G.S. Merkin program

Lesson No. 26.

Subject. "Khor and Kalinich." Natural intelligence, hard work, ingenuity of the heroes. Complex social relations in the village as depicted by I.S. Turgenev.

Target :

    identify different but complementary sides of the nature of Russian people - social and natural;

    develop skills in expressive reading, working with illustrations, lexical work;

    to form moral and aesthetic ideas of students in the course of identifying lexical meaning the words "servility".

Equipment: literature textbooks for grade 7, workbooks, multimedia presentation.


I. Org moment.

II. Learning new material.

1.Communication of the topic, purpose, lesson plan.

2. Analysis of the content of the story “Khor and Kalinich”.

2.1. Conversation on primary perception.

Did you like the story? Why is it named like that?

Which character do you like the most? Why?

2.2. Teacher's word.

“Notes of a Hunter” depicts provincial Russia. The topic itself seems to exclude critical approaches to state Russia, not presenting any danger to the “higher spheres.” Perhaps this circumstance partly lulled the censorship. But Turgenev widens the curtain of the provincial stage, showing what is going on there, behind the scenes. The reader feels the deadening pressure of those spheres of life that hang over the Russian province, which dictate their laws to it.

2.3. Expressive reading students of the episode from the beginning to the words “...the busy partridge with its impetuous take-off amuses and frightens the shooter and the dog.”

2.4. Message from the “historian” about the Volkhov and Zhizdrinsky districts (based on materials from the story).

Volkhov district in the Oryol province (non-black earth region), Zhizdrensky - in Kaluga province (non-black earth region).

2.5. Teacher's word.

I.S. Turgenev gives an accurate description of the lifestyle and spiritual appearance of the peasants of various provinces of Russia. TO early XIX V. There were two forms of serfdom: corvee and quitrent.

Corvee - free forced labor of a dependent peasant working with personal equipment on the farm of the land owner. Corvée could include field work, transportation duties, construction and craft work, forest cutting.

Obrok - one of the duties of dependent peasants, which consists of paying tribute to the landowner in food or money.

The difference in socio-economic conditions had its own impact on the characters of the peasants of the black earth, where corvée existed, and the non-black earth provinces, where quitrent was common.

“And on the plowed ground he flogged his own woman.” The boundaries of landowners' estates, not established by strict legislative acts, were a constant cause for civil strife among the nobility, from which the serfs who were deprived of their land suffered primarily. Rich landowners, using their position, shamelessly cut land from small neighbors.

Over the centuries, an unnatural order of things has developed, entered into flesh and blood national character, left its harsh stamp even on the nature of Russia. Throughout the book, Turgenev drew a stable, repeating motif of a mutilated landscape. It first appears in “Khora and Kalinich”, where it is briefly reported about the Oryol village.

What detail in the episode indicates this?

How is the landowner Polutykin portrayed in the story? What meaning does the author’s assessment of “an excellent person” take on?

2.6. Expressive reading by students from the words “As a hunter visiting Zhizdrinsky district...” to the words “... Mr. Polutykin was, as already said, an excellent person” and from the words “And this is my office...” to the words “ ...I sold four acres of forest to the merchant Alliluyev for a favorable price.”

2.7. Message from a “literary scholar”.

“He praised the works of Akim Nakhimov and the story of Pinnu” is a laconic description of Polutykin’s wretched spiritual needs. A.N. Nakhimov (1783-1815) - satirist poet. “Pinna” is a story by AA. Markova (1810-1876). V.G. Belinsky wrote that with the death of the hero of this story, “there is one less fool in the world - the only gratifying thought that the reader can take away from this nonsense.”

It is not without reason that Polutykin is spoken of in passing: this man is so insignificant, so empty compared to the full-blooded characters of the peasants. “Great man” sounds ironic.

2.8. Message from a "historian".

At the end of the story, the phrase sounds: “Shoot your own black grouse and change the headman more often.” Through the mouth of a serf, Turgenev gives a negative assessment of the cultural and economic capabilities of the Russian nobleman. The peasant treats the landowner with disdain, considering him an empty person, completely unsuited to useful, practical activity.

Turgenev shows in the book social conflict, dramatically pits the two against each other national images world, two Russias - the official, feudal, deadening life, on the one hand, and the people's peasant, living and poetic life, on the other. And all the heroes gravitate towards one of two poles - “dead” or “alive”.

2.9. Expressive reading from the words “We went to see him...” to the words “Look, Vasya... you’re taking a master,” from the words “Here’s why: he’s a smart guy” to the words “Yes, as if it weren’t so! .."

How is Khor depicted in the story?

Khor personifies a healthy practical principle: being a quit-rent peasant, Khor lives independently of his landowner, Polutykin, his farm is well-established, he has many children. The author especially notes the active mind of his hero as an integral part of his nature.

2.10. Expressive reading by role from the words “The look of his face resembled Socrates...” to the words “You are a strong man, and you have your own mind.”

What is the meaning of the narrator's comparison of Chorus and Socrates?

Comparison is a high characteristic of the mental abilities of a serf peasant.

2.11. Student's message about Socrates.

Socrates (Socrates) (470/469 BC, Athens, - 399, ibid.), ancient Greek philosopher. Son of a sculptor; preached in the streets and squares, setting as his goal the fight against the sophists and the education of youth. He was executed (he took hemlock poison), as the official accusation stated, for introducing new deities and for corrupting youth in a new spirit. Socrates did not leave behind any writings; The most important sources of information about his life and teaching are the writings of his students - Xenophon and Plato, in most of whose dialogues Socrates appears as the main character.

Socrates was one of the founders of philosophical dialectics, understood as finding truth through conversations, that is, posing certain questions and methodically finding answers to them.

Why doesn’t Khor want to free himself from serfdom?

There is no dependence in Khor's behavior, and he is not redeemed from the serfs for some practical reasons.

2.12. Message from a "historian".

“Khor became a free people... whoever lives without a beard is the greatest Khor.”

It's about about the dramatic situation of a peasant who decided to free himself from serfdom through ransom. The “free” mule became dependent on the “beardless” bureaucratic brethren, who ruined him with extortion and extortion. By decree of Nicholas I, officials did not have the right to wear a beard, for which they received the nickname of the beardless among the people.

2.13. Expressive reading from the words “The polecat was silent, his thick eyebrows frowned...” to the words “His knowledge was extensive, but he did not know how to read.”

What meaning does the phrase take on in the context of the story: “Peter the Great was primarily a Russian man, Russian precisely in his transformations. What’s good is what he likes, what’s reasonable is what you give him, but where it comes from is all the same to him”?

This comparison, as well as the comparison of the appearance of Khor with the appearance of Socrates, gives special significance to the image of Khor.

So, behind the plot, the relationships between the characters, questions arise that are extremely concerning to the author - about man and society, about national character and history, man and state, and they are manifested in the features of the depiction of characters, and in detailed descriptions settings, places of action, biographies of characters.

Which principle predominates in the image of Khor - rational or ideal? Find the answer to the question in the text.

“Khor was a positive, practical man, an administrative head, a rationalist.” The character of the hero is based on a rational principle.

The most important means of characterizing the hero is a parallel with another character, Kalinich. They are clearly opposed as rationalist and idealist. However, in his relationship with Kalinich, the hero shows himself from a different side.

2.14. Appeal to the illustration in the textbook “Khor and Kalinich”. Artist P.P. Sokolov.

Which episode of the story is depicted in P.P.’s illustration? Sokolov? What character traits do Khor show in his relationship with Kalinich?

2.15. An expressive reading of the episode from the words “Kalinich sang quite pleasantly...” to the words “complain about his fate.”

Friendship with Kalinich reveals in the image of Khor such features as an understanding of music and nature.

What is Kalinich like in the story by I.S. Turgenev? How does the landowner Polutykin speak about him?

2.16. Expressive reading from the words “The next day we immediately after tea...” to the words “... meek and clear as the evening sky.”

The everyday life of the hero, who does not have business acumen, is poorly organized: he has no family, he has to spend all his time with his landowner Polutykin, go hunting with him, etc. At the same time, there is no servility in Kalinich’s behavior; he loves and respects Polutykin, completely trusts him and watches him like a child.

2.17. Lexical work:servility.

SLAVERY (bookish contempt). Flattering servility, sycophancy, humiliated obedience towards someone or something.

In contrast to Khoryu, Kalinich symbolizes the poetic side of the Russian national character. How does it manifest itself?

2.18. Expressive reading from the words "...they spoke to me at ease..." to the words "...and from him I learned a lot."

The poetic side of character is manifested in dreaminess, enthusiasm, disdain for material goods, kindness, love for people, desire to serve them, trust in the world, moral purity, and touching friendship with Khorem.

III. Summing up the lesson.

In “Notes of a Hunter”, the image of Khor reflects a certain type of Russian national character, testifying to the viability of a rational, solid, businesslike principle.

The image of Kalinich in “Notes of a Hunter” reveals a whole series of “free people” from the people: they cannot constantly live in the same place, doing the same thing. This type, with its poetry, spiritual gentleness, sensitive attitude to nature, is no less important for Turgenev than a reasonable and practical hero: they both represent different, but complementary sides of the nature of the Russian person. This is a harmonious unity, this is a happy union in the Russian character of the social and the natural.

How does the narrator appear in “The Choir and Kalinich”?

The narrator makes the characters sympathetic because he treats people with respect. He seeks the essence of what he saw and heard, comes to generalizations and conclusions, in a word, “explores” the life that interests him.

IV. Homework.

2.Individual tasks:

Compose a story about Nikolai Ivanovich, Morgach, Stupid, Wild Master;

Prepare the “historian’s” comments on the phrase “nicknamed Stryganika in the neighborhood...”;

Prepare a message about the songs “More than one path ran through the field...”, “I will plow the young, young one...”.

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Slide captions:

I.S. Turgenev. "MU MU"

I.S. Turgenev “Bezhin Meadow”

“...it is not surprising that the little play “Khor and Kalinich” was such a success: in it the author approached the people from a side from which no one had approached them before.” V.G. Belinsky

Vasily Grigorievich Perov. "Hunters at Rest"

Work with text

Kalinich sang quite pleasantly and played the balalaika. The ferret listened, listened to him, tilted his head to the side and began to pull him up in a plaintive voice.

Quirk is one of the duties of dependent peasants, which consists of paying the landowner in food or money.

Corvée is the free forced labor of a serf peasant working with his own equipment in a lordly (landowner) household.

... a high, knobby forehead, the same small eyes, the same snub nose. (He) was preoccupied with administrative and state issues... burst into laughter, and his small eyes disappeared completely. ...an old man - bald, short, broad-shouldered and stocky ... has raised a large family, obedient and unanimous WHO IS THIS? PETTER

WHO IS THIS? KALINYCH His good-natured dark face, marked here and there with mountain ash (He) was more touched by descriptions of nature, mountains, waterfalls, extraordinary buildings, big cities ... did not like to reason and believed everything blindly ... ... sang quite pleasantly and played the balalaika. ...there once was a wife whom he was afraid of, but there were no children at all.

Which of the characters in the story did I like? Why?

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I.S. Turgenev "Khor and Kalinich".

Complex social relations in the village

Good afternoon guys!

The lesson will be devoted to studying the story of I.S. Turgenev "Khor and Kalinich". During the lesson you will identify different but complementary sides of the nature of Russian people - social and natural.

“Notes of a Hunter” is a collection of stories by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, published in 1847-1851 in the Sovremennik magazine and published as a separate edition in 1852. The story "Khor and Kalinich" is included in this cycle. “Notes of a Hunter” depicts provincial Russia. The topic itself seems to exclude critical approaches to state Russia, not presenting any danger to the “higher spheres.” Perhaps this circumstance partly lulled the censorship. But Turgenev widens the curtain of the provincial stage, showing what is going on there, behind the scenes. The reader feels the deadening pressure of those spheres of life that hang over the Russian province, which dictate their laws to it.

"Khor and Kalinich" (story by A. Papanov), recording 1977.

At the beginning of the work we learnabout Volkhov and Zhizdrinsky districts.Volkhov district in the Oryol province (non-black earth region), Zhizdrensky - in Kaluga province (non-black earth region).

I.S. Turgenev gives an accurate description of the lifestyle and spiritual appearance of peasants in various provinces of Russia. By the beginning of the 19th century. There were two forms of serfdom: corvee and quitrent.

Corvee - free forced labor of a dependent peasant working with personal equipment on the farm of the land owner. Corvee work could include field work, carriage duties, construction and handicraft work, and wood cutting.

Obrok - one of the duties of dependent peasants, which consists of paying tribute to the landowner in food or money.

The difference in socio-economic conditions had its own impact on the characters of the peasants of the black earth, where corvée existed, and the non-black earth provinces, where quitrent was common.

“And on the plowed ground he flogged his own woman.” The boundaries of landowners' estates, not established by strict legislative acts, were a constant cause for civil strife among the nobility, from which the serfs who were deprived of their land suffered primarily. Rich landowners, using their position, shamelessly cut land from small neighbors.

Over the centuries, an unnatural order of things has developed, entered into the flesh and blood of the national character, and left its harsh stamp even on the nature of Russia. Throughout the book, Turgenev drew a stable, repeating motif of a mutilated landscape. It first appears in “Khora and Kalinich”, where it is briefly reported about the Oryol village.

  • What detail in the episode indicates this?

In the work we meet one small landowner, Polutykin.

  • How is the landowner Polutykin portrayed in the story? What meaning does the author’s assessment of “an excellent person” take on?

Not for nothing about Polutikine it is said in passing: this man is so insignificant, so empty compared to the full-blooded characters of the peasants. “Great man” sounds ironic.

At the end of the story, the phrase sounds: “Shoot your own black grouse and change the headman more often.” Through the mouth of a serf, Turgenev gives a negative assessment of the cultural and economic capabilities of the Russian nobleman. The peasant treats the landowner with disdain, considering him an empty person, completely unsuited to useful, practical activity.

Turgenev shows a social conflict in the book, dramatically pitting against each other two national images of the world, two Russias - official, serf-like, deadening life, on the one hand, and folk-peasant, living and poetic life, on the other. And all the heroes gravitate towards one of two poles - “dead” or “alive”.

In the work we meet two peasants: Khorem and Kalinich.

ferret represents a healthy practical principle: being a quit-rent peasant, Khor lives independently of his landowner, Polutykin, his farm is well-established, and he has many children. The author especially notes the active mind of his hero as an integral part of his nature.

  • What is the meaning of the narrator's comparison of Chorus and Socrates?
  • Why doesn’t Khor want to free himself from serfdom?
  • Which principle predominates in the image of Khor - rational or ideal? Find the answer to the question in the text.

The most important means of characterizing a hero is a parallel with another character, Kalinich. They are clearly opposed as rationalist and idealist. However, in his relationship with Kalinich, the hero shows himself from a different side. Friendship with Kalinich reveals in the image of Khor such features as an understanding of music and nature.

  • What is Kalinich like in the story by I.S. Turgenev? How does the landowner Polutykin speak about him?

The everyday life of the hero, who does not have business acumen, is poorly organized: he has no family, he has to spend all his time with his landowner Polutykin, go hunting with him, etc. At the same time, there is no servility in Kalinich’s behavior; he loves and respects Polutykin, completely trusts him and watches him like a child.

In contrast to Khoryu, Kalinich symbolizes the poetic side of the Russian national character. It manifests itselfin dreaminess, enthusiasm, disdain for material goods, kindness, love for people, desire to serve them, trust in the world, moral purity, in touching friendship with Khorem.

In “Notes of a Hunter”, the image of Khor reflects a certain type of Russian national character, testifying to the viability of a rational, solid, businesslike principle.

The image of Kalinich in “Notes of a Hunter” reveals a whole series of “free people” from the people: they cannot constantly live in the same place, doing the same thing. This type, with its poetry, spiritual gentleness, sensitive attitude to nature, is no less important for Turgenev than a reasonable and practical hero: they both represent different, but complementary sides of the nature of the Russian person. This is a harmonious unity, this is a happy union in the Russian character of the social and the natural.

There is another hero in the work - narrator. Heinspires sympathy among the heroes because he treats people with respect. The narrator seeks the essence of what he saw and heard, comes to generalizations and conclusions, in a word, “examines” the life that interests him.



2. Assignment according to options:

Option 1 - write a story about Nikolai Ivanovich,Morgache;

Option 2 - write a story about Stupid,Wild Master

Subject. I.S. Turgenev. "Notes of a Hunter." "Khor and Kalinich."
Objectives: to check the understanding of a story read independently; determine the writer’s attitude towards the ordinary Russian peasant, give comparative characteristics main characters; determine the place of “Notes of a Hunter” in the works of I.S. Turgenev and Russian literature; develop analytical reading skills.
Equipment: interactive whiteboard; presentation; texts, writing on the board.
During the classes
Organizational part
Entering the topic.
Teacher's word
(1 slide)
We have been meeting with the work of the great Russian writer of the 19th century I.S. Turgenev for several years now. Let's remember which of his works we are already familiar with? (on the slides are illustrations for the stories “Mumu” ​​and “Bezhin Meadow” - the children name these works).
(slide 2,3)
Individual assignment For today's lesson we were preparing a presentation on the life and work of I.S. Turgenev. Let's give the floor to your friend.
(The presentation student talks about the biography of I.S. Turgenev)
PRESENTATION No. 2 of individual work.
Student’s speech based on the prepared presentation “Biography of I.S. Turgenev”
Main part
Teacher's word
Indeed, despite the fact that Turgenev was a landowner, he was critical of serfdom. Suffice it to recall the story “Mumu”, where the example of the janitor Gerasim shows all the lawlessness of serfdom. Today we will get acquainted with another work, which is part of the series of stories “Notes of a Hunter” and is called “Khor and Kalinich”.
(slide No. 4)
The history of the series “Notes of a Hunter.” Early creativity I. S. Turgenev - these are poems, poems, several stories and plays. At the end of the 40s of the 19th century, Turgenev was already quite famous writer. But real success came with the publication of the stories “Notes of a Hunter.”
The great Russian critic V.G. Belinsky explained the increased reader’s attention to the work, saying: “it is not surprising that the little play “Khor and Kalinich” was such a success: in it the author approached the people from a side from which no one had approached him before came in." All the stories in the series “Notes of a Hunter” tell about serfs who, in their own way, moral qualities are portrayed as superior to their heartless masters.
Why do you think the cycle of stories was called “Notes of a Hunter” by Turgenev? (Turgenev was an avid hunter; hunters always have a lot of interesting stories, for censorship reasons)
(slide No. 5)
So, the first essay to appear was “Khor and Kalinich” (1747), which made a huge impression on readers.
Remind me what the term “essay” means? (Small literary work giving a short expressive description of something).
At the center of the essay “Khor and Kalinich” are two peasant characters. Turgenev created the image of Khor under the impression of meeting a real peasant, “from life”, and even sent him his sketch, which he was very flattered by. The prototype of Polutykin was the landowner N.A. Golofeev, who recognized himself and was very offended by the writer.
Why was he offended?
(slide number 6)
The story “Khor and Kalinich” begins with the author’s lengthy discussion about how the peasant of the Oryol province differs from the peasant of the Kaluga province. It seems that already at the very beginning of the story the writer wants to penetrate the secret of the Russian folk character.
(the teacher reads an excerpt from the words “Who happened to the words and scares the dog)
Turgenev specifically compares two psychological type: the sensible, practical Khor and the dreamy, poetic Kalinich. These are, as it were, two sides of the same coin, two components of a single Russian character.
Khor and Kalinich are two sides of a single national Russian character, in which a sober attitude to life coexists - and daydreaming, businesslikeness, enterprise and disdain for material well-being. Kalinich is closer to nature, Khor is closer to people, to society. The entire story is built on an antithesis - a depiction of two opposite, but complementary Russian characters.
Comparative characteristics of Khor and Kalinich. Work with text.
(slide No. 7)
Now let's turn to the main characters of the story.
Give a detailed comparative description of Khor and Kalinich. Support your opinion with text.
A) Ferret
Student presentation: The ferret is one of the main characters of the story. He is a positive, practical person, an administrative head, a rationalist. Having settled in the swamp, Khor managed to get rich. He settled down, “accumulated some money,” got along with the master and other authorities, raised a large family, obedient and unanimous. Khor spoke little, chuckled to himself, he saw right through his master. Khor stood closer to people, to society, he was occupied with administrative and state issues. His knowledge was quite extensive, in its own way, but he could not read. Khor could not live without work, he was constantly doing something: either repairing a cart, propping up a fence, or revising harnesses. He lived in an estate that rose in the middle of the forest, in a cleared and developed clearing.
This is how Turgenev gives us a description of Khor: On the threshold of the hut, I was met by an old bald, short, broad-shouldered and stocky Khor himself. I looked at this Khor with curiosity. The shape of his face was reminiscent of Socrates: the same high, knobby forehead, the same small eyes, the same snub nose.
B) Kalinich
Student speech: Kalinich too main character story, but he is not at all like his friend Khorya. Kalinich was one of the idealists, romantics, enthusiastic and dreamy people. He walked in bast shoes and managed to get by somehow. He once had a wife, whom he was afraid of, but had no children: Kalinich, unlike Khor, was in awe of his master, explained himself passionately, “although he did not sing like a nightingale, like a lively factory man.” Kalinich was gifted with such advantages that Khor himself recognized: “he charmed blood, fear, rabies, driving out worms; the bees were given to him, his hand was light.” Kalinich stood closer to nature, he was more touched by the descriptions of mountains and waterfalls than by administrative and government issues. He lived in a low hut and could not support the farm. He could read, sang well and played the balalaika. Only Khor and Kalinich liked music; it united them. Khor really loved the song “Share, you are mine, share!” and Kalinich knew this well. As soon as he starts playing, Khor begins to chime in with a plaintive voice. Here the theme of the musical talent of the Russian people manifests itself for the first time.
This is how Turgenev describes Kalinich: It was Kalinich. I liked his good-natured dark face, marked here and there with rowan berries, at first sight. Kalinich (as I learned later) every day went hunting with the master, carried his bag, sometimes his gun, noticed where the bird landed, got water, picked strawberries, built huts, ran behind the droshky; Without him, Mr. Polutykin could not take a step. Kalinich was a man of the most cheerful, meek disposition, constantly sang in a low voice, looked carefree in all directions, spoke slightly through his nose, smiling, narrowed his light blue eyes and often took his thin, wedge-shaped beard with his hand. He walked slowly, but with long steps, lightly supporting himself with a long and thin stick.
In what form of dependence on their master were Khor and Kalinich. After all, they were both serfs. Khor paid his rent to the owner, and Kalinich worked his corvée. Let's remember how these forms of duties differ.
·k - one of the duties of dependent peasants, which consists of paying the landowner in food or money. Corvée is the free forced labor of a serf peasant working with his own equipment in a lordly (landowner) household.
How was the quitrent beneficial for Khor? But as they say, it is high to God, far from the Tsar-Father.
(Slides No. 8,9)
Relationships of the main characters. Friendship of peasants.
A) the teacher's word.
We understand that the work is built on opposition. Before us are two different peasants, in character, appearance, attitude towards their owner. What was their mutual respect based on? Where we can see the relationship between Khor and Kalinich.
B) Reading the passage
(from the words “Both friends were not at all alike to each other to the words He saw a lot, knew a lot.)
Turgenev specifically shows these heroes, expressing in them best qualities Russian man. They seem to complement each other, making up one whole. Let's find in the text confirmation of the author's love for his heroes.
“I enjoyed listening to them and watching them.”
“While talking with Khorem, for the first time I heard the simple, intelligent speech of a Russian peasant”
“I was sorry to part with the old man”
“I was interested in my new acquaintances”
“The Russian man is so confident in his strength and strength that he is not averse to breaking himself: he pays little attention to his past and boldly looks forward.”
Game "Who is it?"
All of you guys have become thoroughly familiar with the text of the story; all that remains is to find out how correctly you understood the images of the main characters.
(Slides No. 10,11)

13 EMBED PowerPoint.Slide.12 1415
Creative written work
(slide No. 12)
After such active work with the text, we need to summarize. It will result in a short written work: “Which of the characters in the story did I like? Why?"
IV. The final part of the lesson.
Lesson summary
What is I.S. Turgenev’s innovation? How does I.S. Turgenev show the common people? What place do these stories occupy in 19th century literature?
(Slide No. 13)
Finish the essay-miniature.
Read the story by I.S. Turgenev “Biryuk”.



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