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Ilya Prusikin - biography and personal life of the singer and blogger. Little Big: how the nastiest group in Russia came to success Hairstyle like Ilyich's

Video blogger Ilyich is a popular media personality on the Internet. He runs his own channel on YouTube video hosting.

Ilyich's real name is Ilya Prusikin. In addition to blogging, the showman is involved in acting, directing, writing music and scripts.

  • "The Guffy Guff Show"
  • film "Police Days";
  • Comedy program on YouTube called " Great Battle Rappers."

Little Big is Prusikin’s band, in which he occupies the position of frontman. The musician is also one of the creators of the popular KlikKlak channel and several times replaced Stas Davydov in episodes of the most popular show on the Runet, “This is horosho.”

Ilyich’s group “Little Big”

On official channel Ilya has more than 280 thousand active users. The blogger actively collaborates with his colleagues - Ruslan Usachev, Daniil Poperechny, Ira Smela, Eldar Dzharakhov and other popular personalities.

Where does the popular blogger and stand-up live? You can read detailed information about Ilyich’s place of residence and all his real estate below.

Blogger's primary residence

Now Ilya Prusikin lives in St. Petersburg where he is engaged in his creative activity. Under 17 frontman popular group lived with his parents in the same St. Petersburg.

In 2015, the blogger purchased his own living space - an apartment in a residential area of ​​St. Petersburg. The exact address of the building is unknown. The blogger himself refuses to name his exact place of residence due to possible persecution of inappropriate fans.

In 2014, the actor found himself in an unpleasant situation. Every apartment he rented was tracked down by fans who did not allow the popular showman access. They followed him absolutely everywhere: under the entrance, on the floors of the house.

After this incident, the guy decided to take the issue of his own privacy more seriously. Despite this, the blogger often posted his photos on Instagram from the apartment in which he lived. You can see one of them below:

Looking at the photo, we can draw conclusions that the interior of the apartment has a fairly consistent color scheme. No luxurious renovations - everything is simple and tasteful.

Ilya lives not alone, but with his girlfriend, Irina Smelaya. She is also a popular video blogger and has repeatedly appeared in vlogs and other projects of Ilya.

More than 160 thousand user profiles are subscribed to her channel. The couple announced that they were dating and living together in May last year.

In blogging circles Lately There have been repeated rumors that the blogger proposed to Ira. A few months later, in August 2016, they got married and moved to a new apartment.

In July 2017, they announced to everyone that Ira was pregnant.

Video from the new apartment:

Other property

It is known that Ilya has his own BMW car. According to popular artist, he purchased it with his own money.

Ilya posted a photo of the inside of his car on his official page on Instagram.

Accommodation in the capital

In view of my active work, Prusikin often has to visit Moscow. He can visit this city several times a month. According to the blogger, he has not yet purchased his own housing in Moscow, however, there are plans for this.

In Moscow, Prusikin prefers to stay with his blogger friends, rent a hotel room, or rent an apartment (in case the trip lasts for a long time).

Young and talented throughout the country, the scandalous video blogger and actor Ilya Prusikin was born on the border of the Russian Federation and China - in Transbaikalia. He has his own creative pseudonym “Ilyich”. Date of birth: April 8, 1985. His zodiac sign is Aries, which confirms his stamina and unpredictability in character.

  • Weight: 71 kg
  • Height: 165 cm

Also in early childhood, Ilya and his parents moved to permanent residence in a cultural corner of Russia - Saint Petersburg. The boy grew up as a cheerful and mischievous child. He was distinguished by a variety of hobbies. Prusikin played volleyball, simply adored Football, and attended an aircraft modeling club. His parents, despite his enormous passion for sports, sent him to a music school to study piano. But this is not all the achievements of young Ilyich. After finishing secondary and music school, he entered and successfully graduated from the psychology-pedagogical faculty of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture.

Personal life

In 2016, in July, the popular scandalous video blogger, Ilya Prusikin, made a statement to the whole country about his marriage to Irina Smelaya. The girl, like himself, is known for her videos, as well as as a music performer. A year after this event, the world learned that Tatarka (Irina Smelaya) was expecting her first child from Ilyich. Photos were posted on social media and quickly spread all over the Internet.

Career and achievements

Young Ilyich’s career began almost immediately after he and his parents moved to St. Petersburg. Initially, these were not very popular projects. In 2012, he began working on the synthcoms “The Great Rap Battle” and “The Guffy Guff Show.” The projects had a humorous basis, but touched upon serious hidden human problems.

Then he acted as one of the producers of the Internet series “Police Days,” where the cast included such personalities as Ilya Maddison and Sam Nickel. But the Internet videos did not bring great success and the sitcom was soon closed.
After a failed project, Prusikin, together with blogger Eldar Dzharakhov, created the famous “Klikklak”, which brought success and popularity to young people. Today the project has a huge number of subscribers and occupies a high rating on the YouTube channel.

Ilyich, having a musical education, simply could not help but try himself as a musical inspiration, which he became in 2013 for the young group Little Big. This is a rather provocative group that raises topics that are not entirely familiar to society. The clips of this music group are based on 18+ content

Ilya Prusikin today

Currently, Ilyich continues to lead his project “Klikklak”, together with Dzharakhov they launched new version"Kliklak in prison." The presentation started in April 2017.

Ilyich leads an open life and almost daily posts his photographs on social networks, where he tells fans not only about his festive events, but also shows his daily life.

Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, YouTuber and musician Ilya Prusikin, better known as Ilyich, was first released on April 8, 1985. Since childhood I was a creative child.
His parents, seeing their son's desire for art, sent him to music school. educational institution in piano class.
After receiving secondary education, Ilya studied to become a psychologist-teacher.
Already from adolescence, Prusikin was a member of various music groups. One of the first was Tenkorr, which gained some popularity in Russia. The group played in the rock genre and even released several records.

Our hero also had experience working with the groups Like A Virgin, St. Bastards and Construktorr, who played in various directions - from grunge, glam rock to new rave and hardcore.

While working as a musician, Ilya’s groups sooner or later had to release video works for their songs. As a rule, the guys made most of the videos themselves, which is where the desire for video making came from. Perhaps the first famous work Ilyich on the YouTube video hosting site became the “Guffy Guff Show”, made together with Vladimir Besedin. The project had a social and humorous overtone and was stylized as a children's program.

The Guffy Guff Show: Season 1 / Episode 1 (2011)

Later, inspired by the foreign series of videos "Epic Rap Battles", our hero launches the Russian analogue of the "Great Rap Battle" on the resource "Thank you, Eva!"

Prusikin was also one of the creators of the web series “Police Everyday Life,” in which top Russian video makers at that time starred, including Denis Kukoyaka, Sam Nickel and others.

Cop Weekdays: 1 episode, season 1 (2012)

In 2013, he began collaborating with the “Successful Group”, creating with him the association “KlikKlakBand”, where the guys rap on behalf of schoolchildren who want to seem cool.

In the same year, he created the rave group "Little Big". The peculiarity of the group is to show in a satirical manner how foreigners see the Russian people. “Little Big” gained fame far beyond Russia, thanks to the scandalous video clips for their songs, which received millions of views on the YouTube video hosting site.

LITTLE BIG - Everyday I"m drinking (2013)

Ilyich is a real old-timer in the Russian YouTube segment. He has a huge number of completed projects behind him, let’s hope that this is not the limit for the talented St. Petersburger.

Ira Smelaya I released my first video after giving birth on my channel.

Brave, also known as “ TATARKA”, shoots not only conversational videos, but also produces music videos. The “ALTYN” video, released in 2016 for Samsung, brought her wide popularity in the blogger community. In just a few months, the video managed to gain more than 18 million views, now there are more than 29 million.

In the second video for the track “U CAN TAKE” Smelaya starred with her husband - Ilya Prusikin(lead singer of the band Little Big). At the beginning of this year, information appeared that she was preparing her first album.

On November 26, Ira Smelaya and Ilyich had a son. Apparently, the young parents decided to take a creative approach to choosing a name for their first-born and called him “Dobrynya.” It will sound very brutal if, as a young man grows up, he takes his mother’s surname - “Dobrynya Ilyich Bold.”

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