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Interesting information about everything. The most interesting facts

We present to your attention quick facts about everything in the world. Such collections are interesting because you don’t have to read a long and tedious text. You can stop at any moment without losing the main idea. After all, brief facts, as a rule, take one or two sentences, no more.

In general, they are very helpful in broadening their horizons, especially for those who, due to certain circumstances, should know a little more than the average educated citizen.

Well, let's begin!

Did you know that every minute, the world's mobile operators earn more than 800 thousand dollars from sending SMS messages alone?

In 60 seconds, it emits as much energy into space as our planet cannot expend even in a year.

An interesting fact is that over the past 20 years on Earth, thermal records. This means that the planet's average temperature is rising rapidly.

Quick Facts: If a million dollars were exchanged for $1 bills, they would weigh 1 ton. Imagine that - a ton of money!

Everyone knows that India has a unique culture. So this practice is quite common there: a man marries the daughter of his older sister, that is, his niece.

About 10% of criminals commit almost 70% of the world's crimes.

Acid rain was first recorded in 1872. This happened in England.

The largest shopping and entertainment center is located in Dubai. Just think, its total area is more than 1.2 million m², and its retail area is 350,244 m².

We wrote a separate article about this, but given that we have brief facts before us, let’s just say that it is also located in Dubai. Its height is 828 meters.

Do you know where chess was invented? Of course, in India.

About 10% of the world's population are left-handed.

During the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus's heart begins to beat. After that it never stops, until death.

Surely interesting ones will surprise you very much. But again, given that this is an article with brief facts, we will say briefly and only one thing: the list of gifts given in honor of his 70th birthday was published in newspapers starting in 1949 until the leader’s death in 1953.

It sounds funny, but the thickness of the average book page is approximately half a million atoms.

One version of the origin of the word “ruble” comes down to the fact that in ancient times a silver ingot was cut into four parts, each of which was called a ruble, from the word “to chop.”

A quick and interesting fact: every month whose first day falls on a Sunday will definitely have a Friday on the 13th.

It's funny, but penguins can't walk straight without shaking their heads.

In some English-speaking countries there is: on February 29, a woman can propose to any man, and he has no right to refuse her. It’s good that there is no legal liability for refusal yet.

Most Americans regularly use the word “fuck” in their vocabulary.

What do you think is the most common color on national flags? That's right, it's red.

Many young mothers worry that their newborn baby may accidentally choke. However, the human body is designed in such a way that after birth and up to 7-9 months, a child can swallow and breathe at the same time. So there is no reason to worry.

If you liked these quick facts about everything, be sure to share them with your friends.

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Brief, most interesting facts about everything in the world and in the world: about man, from life about animals + Video. They constantly excite the public in many countries around the world. Moreover, since ancient times, people began to take an interest in their own life, comprehended the importance of culture, progress, civilization for the lives of current and subsequent generations.
This article succinctly and informatively presents original facts regarding everything that can interest inquisitive minds!

Fact #1

About the human brain

The human brain uses far from its full potential in its work, 10% out of 100%, so it is possible and useful to develop!

Fact #2

About bacteria on the toilet

The number of bacteria in a home toilet compares to their presence in restaurants, supermarkets, banknotes, on the desk or on the kitchen sink, negligible!

Fact #3

Interesting facts from Ancient Rome

Residents used as toothpaste Ancient Rome We used crushed mouse brains, previously dried according to a certain technology.

Fact #4

Foot Information

Over the course of a year, an average person produces about 20 liters of sweat on their feet.

Fact #5

Interesting facts about eating habits

Over the course of a year, on average, a person eats approximately half a kilogram of various insects that are mixed with other food, completely unaware of this fact.

Fact #6

About permanent sleeping place

Over 10 years, a mattress can double in weight due to the fact that dust mites and excrement gradually accumulated inside it over this period.

Fact No. 7

Regarding uranium deposits on our planet

There is 500 times more uranium on our planet compared to gold. (the most interesting facts about everything in the world)

Fact #8

About the specifics of mountaineering

On Mount Everest there are more than 200 corpses of former climbers who never returned alive. But those who began to conquer this mountain use the bodies of the dead as a kind of markers.

Fact #9

How hard it is to be left-handed these days

Every year, about 2,500 left-handed people die worldwide. The reason for such a sad outcome is that they used equipment designed specifically for right-handed people, which led to a fatal outcome.

Fact #10

Funny travels and their traditions

In Victorian England, all the magazines for ladies advised them to go on any trip with a pin in their mouth. This bold action protected them from being kissed by strangers.

Fact #11

About diamonds

Planet Earth is rich enough in diamonds, which would be enough to provide for every inhabitant of the earth comfortable life. The problem is that the prices for this stone are unreasonably inflated. (interesting facts about everything in the world)

Fact #12

Sharks are capable of feeling danger even before they are born. This was proven by the bite of researcher Springer, who suffered from an embryo while studying the pregnancy process of a shark.

Fact #13

Fierce and dangerous lizards

Komodo lizards are capable of attacking even such large animals as deer or wild boar. (the most interesting facts about animals)

Fact No. 14

What is a chameleon

A chameleon is not only a lizard that can change its own skin color if necessary. Its tongue is approximately 2 times the length of its body.

Fact #15

Features of human jerk running

The runner can get ahead of the car at the starting speed. But he is able to do this only in the first 10 meters of the distance.

Fact No. 16

Unprecedented popularity of US residents

Americans are such a popular nation that every fourth resident of the United States was shown on television in live or in the recording.

Fact No. 17

How can you chop nuts?

If the nut is dense enough and cannot be cracked using the traditional method, you can leave it in hot water for 48 hours. After the specified period, it will be split in this way, but patience and endurance are needed in this situation.

Fact No. 18

The density of the structure of the ancient Egyptian pyramids

The Cheops Pyramid was built using unusual technologies; it is impossible to insert even a blade between the plates of the structure. (the most interesting facts about everything in the world)

Fact No. 19

Careless drivers behind the wheel

More deer in the world die under the wheels of cars than from a stray bullet from a hunter.

Fact #20

The physiology of a rat’s body is built in such a way that even if it suddenly falls from the fifth floor apartment building, then nothing will happen to her.

Fact No. 21

About unusual hummingbirds and their movements

Hummingbirds can move backwards. This feature is unique in its essence, which no other bird possesses.

Fact No. 2 2

What can cause a canary to change color?

If you periodically feed a yellow canary with red pepper, then over time the color of its feathers will change and become bright orange.

Fact #23

About the harmful harmful effects of alcohol on Scorpio

Even if a small amount of alcohol (one drop) gets on the body of a scorpion, it can go crazy from this fact and fatally sting itself.

Fact No. 2 4

To what extent can modern aircraft reach their speed?

Almost all modern aircraft are built in such a way that they can even overcome the speed of sound.

Fact No. 25

The body of an eagle is constructed strictly according to the laws of aerodynamics. Thanks to this factor, if he loses one feather on one wing, one feather will also automatically fall out on his second.

Fact #2 6

About the dangers of frequent visits to social networks and what it can lead to

Fact #2 7

How does plastic waste harm animals?

Every year, plastic waste claims billions of lives of various marine animals and birds. They die due to ingesting plastic as food.

Fact #2 8

About strong alcoholic drink

There is a misconception that strong vodka itself is produced in Russia. Its homeland is Scotland, and the drink is called “Pincer Shanghai Strength”. The alcohol content in this vodka is 88.8%.

Fact #29

About smart people and the peculiarities of their behavior

An increased IQ in a person may be a direct consequence high degree his absent-mindedness. (the most interesting facts about a person)

Fact #30

Features of the structure of the nose in cats and cats

The nose of cats and cats has a unique structure. The fact is that each such animal has its own unique imprint.

Fact #31

An x-ray of the Mona Lisa painting showed that underneath it there are 3 other versions of paintings created by the artist originally.

Fact #32

The Chihuahua dog breed is rightfully considered to be long-lived. Average duration their life is 18 years. This threshold is easily experienced by many representatives of this animal species. (the most interesting facts about dogs)

Fact #33

Not everyone knows that frogs are designed by nature in such a way that they can survive even after they are completely frozen.

Fact #34

Human eyes remain the same in size from birth until death, without undergoing any changes regarding their parameters.

Fact #35

About the population of Japan

In Japan, the absolute majority of the population is made up of residents of this country. Statistics confirm that at least 98.4% of Japanese indigenous people live in the state.

Fact #36

Why are people afraid of being left without the Internet?

Some people are very afraid of being left without the Internet, even for a certain short period. And this feature is called nimophobia.

In our world, with developed information technologies, you can learn a lot of interesting things about virtually everything. If any fun facts from a narrow industry human activity, you can find them in any thematic books, magazines and newspapers. The Internet is also available to everyone, where users have the opportunity to find unique stories and facts.

Of course, there is still a lot in our world that humanity is not even aware of yet. And this is even despite the developed innovative technologies that society so actively uses. But everything is ahead and progress never stops, and science and the development of all spheres of human activity are inexorably moving upward!

This article presents brief, most interesting facts about everything in the world: about animals, from human life. Watch the video:

Who parks a car better - girls or men, in which country do the most big people, how much time we spend on kisses in terms of our entire lives, and what is demodex. About this and much more in a selection of interesting facts about everything in the world. We only have, stay with us and see for yourself.

Fact #1: Hawaiian women are not shy about “confessing” to men that they crave their attention. They show this with the help of flowers, which they place behind their right ear. Stronger desire- more flowers.

Fact #2: 44% of people love watching their partner's emotions while kissing. But others prefer to indulge in kisses, closing their eyelids tightly.

Fact No. 3: not all lovers rejected by their partners are able to calmly endure the breakup. 40% of them get rid of depression in the clinic.

Fact No. 4: Adults laugh on average about 15 times a day, while children laugh about 400 times.

Fact #5: It takes each of us an average of 7 minutes to fall asleep soundly.

Fact No. 6: First love ends in marriage for only 2 out of 5 people.

Fact #7: People spend an average of half a month or 20,160 minutes kissing in their entire lives.

Fact No. 8: After visiting a public toilet, only 75% of the stronger sex and 90% of the weaker sex wash their hands.

Fact No. 9: Women, not men, are better at parking a car.

Fact #10: When kissing, 65% of people prefer to tilt their heads to the right.

Fact No. 11: On average, women have sex with 4 partners in their entire lives.

Fact No. 12: People between 20 and 70 years old devote approximately 36,000 minutes or 25 days to sexual fun.

Fact No. 13: The natives of England organize tea ceremonies more often than residents of other countries. For comparison: 20 times more people in America.

Fact No. 14: a lady uses so much lipstick in 5 years that if this amount is represented in the form of a tube, then it would be equal to her height.

Fact #15: the most tall people(if we take an average) the residents of Holland are considered.

Fact No. 16: out of 10 people, 8 are sure that future relationships depend entirely on the first kiss.

Fact No. 17: If we take an average, then the people in Japan are considered the shortest in height.

Fact No. 18: ancient mountains all over the world dividing Russian land into Asia and Europe are the Ural mountains.

Fact No. 19: the higher a person’s intelligence, the higher the zinc and copper content in his hair.

Fact No. 20: Demodex live in the eyelashes of many of us - micro mites that have an oral cavity and even claws.

Fact No. 21: throughout our lives, each of us produces saliva so much that it would be enough to fill 2 swimming pools, each of medium size.

Fact No. 22: If we take an average, then in a lifetime people kiss about 2 weeks, and have sex 3,000 times.

Fact #23: Men shave 8.4 meters of stubble in their lifetime, spending 3,350 hours doing so.

Fact No. 24: of all humanity trying to meet people for sex through virtual communication, 35% of people are married.

Fact No. 25: 47% of people have nightmares at least once a month.

Fact No. 26: almost every person during his life “winds” a straight line equal to 5 earth equators.

Fact No. 27: Mostly babies 1-3 months old cry without tears.

Fact #28: It is documented that greatest number orgasms, which can be in 1 hour - 16 for one man and 134 for one woman.

Incredible facts

No matter how much knowledge you have, there is always something interesting in the world that you could learn about today.

6. The biggest wave we rode was height with 10-story building.

7. Hearing - the fastest of feelings person.

8. Since the rotation of the Earth’s axis has slowed down, dayduring the time when dinosaurs lived,lasted approximately 23 hours.

9. On Earth more plastic flamingos than real ones.

10. To cook eggs on the sidewalk, its temperature should reach 70 degrees Celsius.

11. 54 million people alive today they will die in a year.

12. Charlie Chaplin once participated in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition and took 3rd place there.

13. Most entries off-screen laughter in comedy shows was recorded in the 1950s. So many of that audience are no longer alive.

14. Antarctica – the only continent where corn is not grown.

15. Lighters were invented before matches..

16. Napoleon was not short. His height is 170 cm, which was considered average height for the French in those days.

17. Best time For nap between 13 and 14:30 hours, since at this time the body temperature drops.

18. Children do not feel salty taste until 4 months.

19. Male pandas perform handstand, when they urinate to mark a tree.

20. If only The earth would be the size of a grain of sand, The sun would be the size of an orange.

21. The Dead Sea is not completely dead. Microbes halophiles live in its salty water.

22. The first horses were the size of Siamese cats. These were the smallest horses that ever lived.

23. Only about 100 people in the world can speak Latin fluently.

There are so many interesting things in the world!
1. The fly Goniurellia tridens, discovered in the UAE, has... two more flies on its wings. In this way, the fly protects itself from predators by pretending to be a “flock of flies.”

2. The 1934 $100,000 note is the largest note issued. It was not widely used and was used for various transactions between banks.

3. There are “antivitamins” - substances that suppress the activity of vitamins in the body. For example, thiaminase contained in fish destroys beneficial vitamin B1 (thiamine), which is necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

4. A couple of years ago, Kiribati was recognized as the fattest country in the world: it has only 100,000 residents and about 82,000 of them are obese.

5. Dinosaur bones exhibited in paleontological museums around the world are not actually bones. Strictly speaking, these are stones, since the bone tissue collapsed millions of years ago, leaving behind an organic sediment. Under the influence of chemical processes, this bone sediment has turned into bone-shaped stone over the years.

6. Once a year, the fishing season comes in Honduras. Between May and July, a dark cloud appears in the sky, lightning flashes, thunder roars, and heavy rain falls for 2–3 hours. As soon as it stops, hundreds of living fish remain on the ground.

7. The “leather smell” that comes from leather products is the smell of fragrances. Real tanned leather does not smell of anything.

8. The Basenji or African non-barking dog is one of the oldest dog breeds. The uniqueness of the breed is that its representatives do not bark, but make special sounds, characteristic only of the Basenji, similar to rumbling, but these can only be heard when the dog is excited.

9. In 2003, Shelley Jackson invited everyone to become “pages” of her book. 2,095 volunteers responded to the call, with the words that make up the narrative tattooed on their bodies. The book "Skin" exists only in this form.

10. American entomologist Derek Morley described many unusual behavior in ants. For example, he noted that when an ant wakes up, it extends all six of its legs, as if stretching, and then opens its jaws, as if yawning.

11. About half a billion Chinese have never brushed their teeth. Instead of buying a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste, the Chinese resort to using twigs and green tea.

12. Fredrick J. Baur was so proud of his invention that he wanted to be buried in it. Baur died in May 2008 at the age of 89, and his children fulfilled this request - his ashes were divided between a pair of urns and ... a Pringles package.

13. In the Middle Ages, farm animals were quite often subjected to human punishment. In 1470, for example, a rooster was publicly burned for allegedly laying an egg.

14. Platinum used to be considered “wrong silver” and was thrown into rivers or seas so that it would not get underfoot. Only later, when jewelers from Spain discovered that platinum can be perfectly alloyed with gold, they began to use it as a jewelry raw material.

15. The total tension of all the strings of a tuned piano is 7 tons (7000 kg).

16. China's Jiankunzhu Mountain ("Southern Sky Pillar"), which inspired some of the landscapes in James Cameron's film Avatar, was renamed by local authorities and has since been called "Hallelujah Avatar!"

17. It’s difficult to say whether American stuntman Evel Knievel was lucky or unlucky. During his life, he performed many motorcycle stunts, but in doing so, he broke 37 different bones in his body and spent a total of three years of his life in hospitals. However, despite this, he managed to live to the age of 69!

18. Students ancient Greek philosopher Plato was once asked to define man, to which he replied: “Man is an animal on two legs, devoid of feathers.” However, after Diogenes of Sinope brought a plucked rooster to the Academy and presented it as “Plato’s man,” Plato had to add: “And with flat nails.”

19. Liquid that flows from raw meat- this is not blood. It consists mainly of water, and the presence of the protein myoglobin gives it a reddish tint.

20. To stop the illegal cutting down of Christmas trees in parks before Christmas, the authorities of some cities sprinkle trees with fox urine. It freezes outside and is not felt at all. However, if such a sprinkled Christmas tree is brought home, it begins to spread an unbearable stench that is impossible to get rid of.



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