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Venetian art of the 16th century presentation. Venetian painting. Venus and Adonis

10th grade student S. Monko

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Features of the art of the Renaissance The presentation was made by a student of the 10th grade of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 Stanislav Monko

Renaissance (Renaissance) Renaissance - from French “Renaissance” Revival of antiquity An era of intellectual and artistic flowering that began in Italy in the 14th century, reaching its peak in the 16th century

Ideas of the Renaissance: Humanism (the humanistic ideal of a free, developed individual, capable of self-improvement) The idea of ​​national art Utopia (the image of an ideal world)

The great ancient experience of philosophy and art has been revived, and above all, the idea that “man is the measure of all things.” Renaissance literature painting architecture

Literature of the Renaissance The main representatives of the Renaissance in literature: Dante Alighieri Francesco Petrarch William Shakespeare Miguel de Cervantes

Development of genres during the Renaissance Early: Middle: Late: sonnet novel essay short story drama

Dante Alighieri (1265 – 1321) Italian poet, creator of Italian literary language. The pinnacle of Dante's work is the poem "The Divine Comedy" (published in 1472) in three parts ("Hell", "Purgatory", "Paradise")

Francesco Petrarch (1304 – 1374) Italian poet, humanist, researcher of antiquity. Petrarch is the founder of the humanistic culture of the Renaissance, along with Dante, the creator of the Italian literary language. Francesco Petrarch is the creator of sonnets.

Aphorisms and quotes by Francesco Petrarch To be able to express how much you love means to love little. He who has many vices has many rulers. Seeking power for peace and security means climbing a volcano in order to shelter from a storm.

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) English playwright, poet of the Renaissance.

Genres of Shakespeare's works: Chronicles (“Richard II”) Comedies (“The Taming of the Shrew”) Tragedies (“Romeo and Juliet”) Tragicomedies (“Pericles, Prince of Tire”)

Miguel de Cervantes(1547- 1616) Greatest Writer Spain. The author of one of the first novels in the modern sense " Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha"

Renaissance painting The main representatives of Renaissance painting: Leonardo da Vinci Vecellio Titian Albrecht Durer

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) Italian painter, sculptor, scientist, engineer and architect of the Renaissance.

Famous works of Leonardo da Vinci “La Gioconda” “Lady with an ermine”

Vecellio Titian (1485 – 1576) “The King of Painters and the Painter of Kings” was called Titian Vecellio, one of the greatest masters of world painting. His art is the most striking phenomenon of the Venetian school Italian Renaissance.

The famous works of Titian Vecellio “Penitent Mary “Flora” Magdalene”

Albrecht Durer (1471 – 1528) German painter and schedule. The founder of the art of the German Renaissance.

Famous works of Albrecht Durer “Young Venetian “Madonna and Child” woman”

Renaissance architecture

Features of architecture Revival architecture grew in the fight against the old gothic architecture. The main principles: symmetry of plans and compositions of buildings and uniform distribution, placement at equal intervals from each other of all facade elements. Internet resources: 1.Wikipedia; 2. http://smallbay.ru/renessitaly.html

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 The Venetian school is fundamental in the pictorial art of Italy. It flourished in the 15th-16th centuries. The masters of the Venetian school largely followed the traditions of the Renaissance. The paintings of these artists are very picturesque, distinguished by their extraordinary plasticity and colorfulness.  The Venetian school originated in the depths of the 14th century. She combined the features of Byzantine and Gothic painting. The works of the early masters of the Venetian school are distinguished by the fact that the images were flat, the backgrounds were somewhat abstract, there was an ornament, the colors were clean and bright.

 The most famous representatives of the Venetian school were Paolo and Lorenzo Veneziano..  In the 15th century, the Venetian school turned to the traditions of the Renaissance.

Giovanni Bellini Giovanni Bellini (c. 1430–1516), second son of Jacopo Bellini, is the largest artist of the Venetian school, who laid the foundations of High Renaissance art in Venice.

Portrait of Doge Leonardo Loredan as a Venetian artist The portrait of Doge Leonardo Loredan was officially commissioned by Bellini of the Republic. In this work, the Doge is depicted almost frontally - contrary to the existing tradition of depicting the faces of those portrayed in profile, including on medals and coins.

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Sleeping Venus in this work with great humanistic completeness and almost ancient clarity revealed the ideal of the unity of the physical and spiritual beauty of man. Surprisingly chaste, despite her nakedness, “Sleeping Venus” is in the full sense an allegory, a symbolic image of Nature.

Thunderstorm  . The main character in this picture is a thunderstorm. The artist dedicated the background to the shine of a lightning-shaped arrow, which flashed like a snake in the air. Immediately on the right and left, the foreground displays female and male figures. A woman feeds a child. She barely has any clothes on. The picture is full of diversity. Wildlife makes itself felt everywhere http://opisanie-kartin.co m/opisanie-kartiny-dzhordz hone-g

Titian Titian “Self-Portrait” (circa 1567) Titian Veceillio is an Italian Renaissance painter. He painted paintings on biblical and mythological subjects, as well as portraits. Already at the age of 30 he was known as the best painter in Venice. Titian was born into the family of statesman and military leader Gregorio Vecellio. The exact date of his birth is unknown. At the age of 10 or 12, Titian came to Venice, where he met representatives of the Venetian school and studied with them. First works

Earthly and Heavenly Love  The plot of the painting still causes controversy among art critics. According to the 19th-century Viennese art historian Franz Wickhoff, the scene depicts a meeting between Venus and Medea, who is persuaded by the goddess to help Jason. According to another version, the plot is borrowed from Francesco Colonna's book, Hypnerotomachia Poliphilus, popular at that time.  Against the backdrop of a sunset landscape, a richly dressed Venetian woman sits at the source, holding a mandolin with her left hand, and a naked Venus holding a bowl of fire. According to S. Zuffi, a dressed girl personifies love in marriage; The color of her dress (white), the belt, the gloves on her hands, the myrtle wreath crowning her head, her flowing hair and roses indicate marriage. In the background there is a pair of rabbits - a wish for large offspring. This is not a portrait of Laura Bagarotto, but an allegory of a happy marriage.  / /

Bacchus and Ariadne  Ariadne, abandoned by Theseus on the island of Naxos, came to console Bacchus. Titian depicts the moment of the first meeting of the heroes. Bacchus emerges from the forest thicket with his numerous retinue and rushes towards Ariadne, who is frightened of him. In this compositionally complex scene, all the characters and their actions are explained by ancient texts. Bacchus' retinue performs their rituals: one satyr demonstrates how snakes are entwined around him, another swings a calf's leg, and a baby satyr drags the animal's head behind him.

Penitent Mary Magdalene  Tiziano Vecellio wrote his work “Penitent Mary Magdalene” to order in the 60s of the 16th century. The model for the painting was Julia Festina, who amazed the artist with her shock of golden hair. The finished canvas greatly impressed the Duke of Gonzaga, and he decided to order a copy of it. Later, Titian, changing the background and posing of the woman, wrote a couple more similar works.

Saint Sebastian  “Saint Sebastian” is one of the best works of the painter. Titian's Sebastian is a proud Christian martyr who, according to legend, was shot with a bow on the orders of Emperor Diocletian for refusing to worship pagan idols. Sebastian's powerful body is the embodiment of strength and defiance; his gaze does not express physical torment, but a proud challenge to his tormentors. Titian achieved a unique effect of shimmering color not only with the help of a color palette, but also using the texture of paints and the relief of strokes

“Behold the Man” This painting is considered Titian’s masterpiece. It is written on a gospel plot, but the artist skillfully transfers the gospel events into reality. Pilate stands on the steps of the stairs and, with the words “behold the man,” betrays Christ to be torn to pieces by the crowd, which includes warriors and young men of a noble family, horsemen and even women with children. And only one person realizes the horror of what is happening - the young man on the left 1543). Canvas, oil. 242x361 cm. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

The Last Supper The painting was painted specifically for the Venetian church of San Giorgio Maggiore, where it remains to this day. The bold composition of the painting helped to skillfully depict earthly and divine details. The subject of the canvas is the Gospel moment when Christ breaks bread and pronounces the words: “This is My body.” The action takes place in a poor tavern,

Paolo Veronese Aolo Veronese was born in 1528 in Verona. He was the fifth son in the family. He studied with his uncle, the Venetian artist Badile, and worked in Verona and Mantua. In 1553, Veronese was engaged in decorating the Doge's Palace. At the age of 27 he was called to Venice to decorate the sacristy of the Stasenko Church. In 1560, Veronese visited Rome, where he painted Saint Veronica in the village of Maser near Vicenza. In 1566 he married the daughter of his teacher Antonio Badile. In 1573, Veronese was accused by the Inquisition, but managed to acquit himself and was forced only

Lamentation of Christ He made the composition laconic and simple, which enhanced the expressiveness of the three figures that make it up: the dead Christ, the Mother of God bending over him and the angel. Subtle, muted colors are combined into a beautiful range of greenish, lilac-cherry, gray-white tones, softly shimmering in the light and seeming to fade in the shadows. Veronese painted the Lamentation for the Church of San Giovanni e Paolo in Venice between 1576 and 1582. In the first half of the 17th century he bought it

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