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Samsung brand history

In 1938, in the small South Korean town of Daegu, a small entrepreneur who traded rice, together with his partner, decided to found a company with a starting capital of only $2,000. An enterprise called “Samson” meant “Three Stars” in translation and was created with the aim of expanding the business.

Beginning of Byong Chul Lee's business

At the beginning of the last century, Chhun Li was engaged in producing flour from rice and selling it in one of his shops. Although at that time Korea was captured by Japan, the small entrepreneur still managed to make his favorite business effective.

Then the businessman decided to organize the supply of food products, which he bought from local producers and fishermen, to neighboring Manjuria and China. For these purposes, he had to open an export company with a staff of 50 people.

Over time, the list of food products Lee exported abroad expanded significantly, since in 1939 the businessman managed to buy a small brewery. Now rice vodka and wine products began to be supplied to other countries, especially America.

Second World War had virtually no impact on the entrepreneur’s trade. After its completion, the owner of the factories began to resell sewing machines, steel and fertilizers for plants. Just in 1948, Lee's company received a change in its name, which now sounded American - Samsung Trading Co.

Prerequisites for the production of household appliances

In 1950–1953, a war broke out in Korea between the communist North and the pro-American South, which virtually destroyed Chul Lee's business. But thanks to the fact that the founder of Samsung did not give up and took advantage of the support of the government (the businessman was friends with the President of South Korea himself), it was possible to revive the brand from the hell.

In the middle of the last century, Samsung has been engaged in:

  • textile production;
  • sugar production;
  • insurance business;
  • fertilizer production;
  • and even has its own newspaper, Joong-Ang.

Samsung Corporation began to prosper due to benefits and government orders from the government. Another interesting fact is that hospitals, schools and hotels began to be built throughout the country thanks to the support of a world-famous brand. The construction of the famous skyscraper in the UAE, Burj Khalifa, and the twin towers in Malaysia also did not happen without the support of the company.

You can also watch the history of Samsung's development in the video.

What makes a business successful?

Developed intuition and lightning-fast reaction of the company owner are precisely those qualities of a manager due to which it was possible to build and keep afloat one of the largest brands producing electrical equipment. And now, even 80 years after its founding, Lee’s followers are able to sense the approach of change and are improving their production by introducing new technologies.

Having determined that technology is the future, the corporation's management decides to produce refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, cameras and microwaves. In 1983, the first personal computer was released.

Being forward-looking managers, the government of the concern supplies equipment to America and European countries. Thus, managed to get 1/5 of the total South Korean export and become a leader, outperforming its competitor, Sony (according to British researchers, in 2005 the Samsung brand for the first time exceeded the value of the Sony corporation).

Financial indicators of the Samsung company

Overall volume products sold in 1994 amounted to over 5 billion dollars. And in 1995, goods in approximately this equivalent were exported to other countries.

As of 2017, the value of Samsung Corporation is estimated at $23.4 billion, which was achieved thanks to exports and a successful marketing policy. There has been a rapid increase in brand value over the past 10 years - by 280%.


In 1969, the company opened a joint venture with Sanyo to produce black and white televisions. After some time, Sanyo is absorbed by his ally, - new company became known as Samsung Electronics.

Competitors in the sale of household appliances are TM Sony, LG, Zanussi and many others. According to Forbes Global magazine, the Samsung brand was awarded the title of the best manufacturer of home appliances in 1999.

One of the main directions of the company is the sale of telecommunications equipment. So, 10 years ago the company's share for the sale of LCD TVs in European markets and North America amounted to 11.7%, which outpaced the sales of branded goods Philips, LG, TTE and Sony.

When releasing smartphones and computer equipment and the corporation competes with such famous brands as Apple, Lenovo, HTC and others. The brand's smartphones cannot boast high status, since the Vertu brand is actively occupying a position in the sale of premium gadgets.

Marketing policy of the company

After the death of Chul Lee in 1987, the Samsung concern was headed by his son Kun Hee., who decided not to focus on the scale of production. He stopped producing cheap goods that were of low quality, and began to focus on modern technologies, ahead of time.

The choice was made in favor of quality. And now the Kun Hee company can boast of both mass production and high technology.

Kun Hee is a real reformer who not only restructured the company, but also completely rebuilt marketing policy. Thus, to promote a product:

  • the logo was rebranded (red stars were converted into a blue ellipse with the name of the corporation);
  • a large-scale advertising campaign was implemented around the world;
  • Among competitive advantages, preference was given not to quantity, but to quality;
  • changed the company’s mission, and also introduced the principle “do not spare money on promotion, but at the same time, spend it with maximum efficiency”;
  • segmented the market into 3 categories of users (with limited, standard and increased requirements for technology);
  • engaged in active support of the social sphere around the world, which increased brand awareness (the Olympic Committee, Chelsea FC and other projects are sponsored);
  • began to allocate huge funds to scientific research and improvement of technical characteristics.

Brand in Russia

In 2007, during the international economic forum in St. Petersburg, a cooperation agreement was signed and eventually implemented between representatives of the Samsung corporation and the administration of Kaluga. Thus, factory buildings were erected on the territory of the regional industrial park, which are now managed by the joint venture Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga. The plant, on an area of ​​43 hectares, launched its first workshop for the production of equipment in 2008.

Since 2009, a distribution center for the Samsung concern and a SERK plant have been operating on the basis of the Vorsino industrial park. The consolidated volume of investment in the joint venture amounted to 3.5 billion rubles.

The corporation does not forget about social sphere, providing financial support to the Hermitage, the Olympic Committee and the Bolshoi Theater.

Samsung today

In the 4th quarter of 2016, the company's total income increased by 50% compared to the same period in 2015 (amounted to over $7 billion for the period). There is also an increase in income from the sale of smartphones Galaxy Note 7 and Galaxy S7.

The corporation is one of the top 5 companies that are increasing their financial potential at a rapid pace.

An impressive staff of about 150 thousand personnel, and the opening of its representative offices in 62 countries, testifies to the skillful conduct of business. It should also be noted that the brand is highly recognized, which currently stands at about 98%.

It is thanks to the success of the Samsung company that the Korean town of Suwong, where the brand's headquarters is located, is now popularly called Samsung-City.

Thus, thanks to the focus on the intuition of owners and managers, modern technologies and thoughtful marketing policies, Samsung Electronics takes a leading position among well-known manufacturers of household appliances and electronics.

More than 50 interesting facts You can see about the company in the video.

On March 1, 1938, in the South Korean town of Daegu, local entrepreneur Byong Chul Lee, who traded rice, founded together with his Chinese partners new company in order to expand his then business. The starting capital at that time was $2000. It is from this moment that it begins history of Samsung, which means "Three Stars" and is pronounced "Samson" in South Korean.

At first, Li's organization exported rice, sugar, noodles and dried fish to China and Manchuria. Already in 1939, the company acquired a brewery, after which wine and rice vodka were added to the range.

Thanks to Byong Chul Lee's commercial sense, intuition and managerial talent, things were going very well; The staff and sales volumes increased. Even the Second World War could not have a significant impact negative influence for his business. After its completion, sewing machines, steel and fertilizers were added to the product catalog. And in 1948, Lee and his partners decided to be called the then fashionable name in the American style, Samsung Trading Co.

Korean War and years after it

Period 1950-1953 became a very severe test for the company. Its main production lines and warehouses were destroyed, and the business itself was virtually destroyed. But its creator went down in history because he did not give up and managed to achieve the impossible: Samsung was literally reborn from the ashes. It was important to find the strength to continue activities, and this could not have happened without the support of the South Korean government, which relied on large concerns (chaebols) to restore the post-war economy. Effective measures in the form of benefits, loans and government orders did their job: Samsung Trading Co became one of the leading corporations in the country.

In the 60-70s, Lee's business expanded noticeably: a powerful fertilizer factory was built, participation in the South Korean insurance system was developed, a newspaper was established; The construction of hospitals, hotels, universities and even ships also begins. And all this under a well-known brand.

Interesting fact: The construction of the Burj Khalifa tower in the UAE (the tallest building in the world), the twin towers in Malaysia and a number of other unique objects, including a large-capacity ship of the same name - all this is the merit of Samsung Corporation.

Start of production of household appliances

In 1969, the first English-language logo for the Korean monster of the global economy was created. At the same time, a division for the production of black and white televisions was opened together with Sanyo. In 1973, this partnership became fully controlled by Samsung Trading Co. and subsequently, after the transformation, became known as Samsung Electronics Corporation.

In subsequent years, their product line was replenished with the following types of goods:

  • 1974 – refrigerators and washing machines;
  • 1977 – color televisions;
  • 1979 – video recorders, cameras and microwave ovens;
  • 1983 – personal computers;
  • 1991 – cell phones;
  • 1999 – smartphones.

The corporation managed to become the first in Korea, accounting for a fifth of the country's total exports. In 1978, a representative office of the company was opened in America. Thus began the path to conquering world leadership.

Interesting fact: More than 70% of the concern's sales come from electronics. Today, the corporation's leading division, Samsung Electronics, is a world leader in the production of household appliances and electronics. And the Samsung Heavy Industry division, engaged in shipbuilding, occupies an honorable second place in the world.

The year 1986 was marked by the awarding of the " Best company of the Year,” as well as the release of the 10 millionth color TV. At the same time, the company's sales offices were opened in Canada and Australia, and research laboratories began operating in California and Tokyo.

Interesting fact: According to British research companies, back in the summer of 2005, the total value of the Samsung brand for the first time exceeded that of Sony.

History of the company's mobile line

Smartphones from this corporation cannot boast of a high price and the status of the “premium” segment of the telephone market. This place is honorable and has been occupied for a long time by the company Vertu, which almost went bankrupt. We wrote material about her

In 1994, the total volume

The corporation's sales exceeded $5 billion, and in 1995, export turnover already exceeded $5 billion.

In 1997, Samsung released a CDMA mobile phone weighing just 137 grams - the lightest in the world.

Since 1998, the corporation has occupied a leading global position in the production of LCD monitors. Mass production began at the same time digital TVs. And just a year later, in 1999, Forbes Global magazine awarded Samsung the honorary title of “Best Household Appliances Company.”

Interesting fact: In Russia, the first Samsung production facility opened in Kaluga in 2008. An area of ​​47.3 hectares was allocated for the industrial complex. The total investment amounted to 3.5 billion rubles.

After the death of the corporation's founder in 1987, it was headed by his son Lee Kun-hee.

He revised the then concept of large-scale production of budget-quality products, focusing not on their cheapness and mass production, but on high-quality innovative products that are ahead of market trends. This decision turned out to be very successful and subsequently significantly increased the brand’s image in the world. As a result, having made a choice between quantity and quality in favor of the latter, the corporation only benefited, and now can boast of both.

Interesting fact: Thanks to the worldwide fame and popularity of the brand, the city of Suwon, where the corporation's headquarters has been located since 1973, is popularly called Samsung-City.

Video: History of Samsung Corporation in 100 seconds

March 10th, 2018

The image shows a warehouse in Daegu, where Samsung's history began.

Few people probably know that Samsung began as a shop selling vegetables. The founder of the company is Lee Byong Chul. Lee's store sold vegetables and herbs grown in nearby fields. The company brought in good money - so Lee decided to move to Seoul, where he started processing sugar and later founded a textile factory. Lee tried to make the word “diversification” his slogan. Samsung was involved in many things - insurance business, security, retail trade.

Now Samsung, in addition to producing a variety of electronics, is engaged in the production of polymers, oil refining, makes tankers, military equipment and even passenger cars (which are called Samsung). The company is also involved in finance, insurance, textile production, and owns a chain of hotels, resorts and amusement parks.

Let's remember how it all happened.

The ability to balance on a knife's edge, instantly respond to changes and be always on the alert - these are the distinctive qualities Samsung. Many Korean companies sank, unable to withstand all sorts of “purges” and persecutions, but Samsung not only survived, but also became a transnational corporation.

Based on the biography of Samsung founder Lee Byong Chul, you can make an action movie in the spirit of Jackie Chan. Li Biong called his small trading company in 1938 “ Three Stars» ( Samsung Trading Company). It is said that this was done in honor of Li's three sons.

Samsung Group "Three Star" logo (late 1980s - 1992)

None high technology this company had no idea then, quietly supplying rice, sugar and dried fish to China and Manchuria. It was seen as a protest against dependence on Japan, and Samsung gained a reputation as a patriotic entrepreneur. During World War II, the United States landed on the Korean Peninsula and liberated South Korea from the Japanese. By this time, Li Biong was operating a large production plant rice vodka and beer. This product sold well American army and Li Biong's business went uphill. In 1950, a war broke out on the Korean Peninsula between the communist North and the pro-American South. And for this, the North Korean communists put the name of Lee Byong Chul on the hit list as an accomplice of the puppet regime.

If Lee hadn't smelled the heat, reinvested all the profits, and turned all the proceeds into cash, Samsung would have died. How the money stuffed into a wine box survived is a separate story. The car in which they were transported was confiscated, the house in which they were hidden was completely burned down, and the wooden box was only charred! And Samsung, as they say, has risen from the ashes.

The second time Lee was put on the execution list was under Park Chung Hee. Formally, for illegal enrichment from government supplies and economic sabotage, but in reality for rubbing shoulders with the Japanese, trying to learn from the experience of the zaibatsu (chaebol in Korean, but in ours something like a powerful clan).

After a sincere conversation with General Lee, not only was he not shot, but he was appointed head of the entrepreneurs of Korea. Samsung has become a concern that accepts government orders and enjoys all kinds of subsidies and benefits.

In the 60s, the Lee family expanded its business: it built Asia's largest fertilizer production, founded the Joong-Ang newspaper, built ships, hotels, universities and hospitals, and created a citizen insurance system.

In 1965, South Korea restored diplomatic relations with Japan. Lee Byong Chul reached an agreement with the Japanese leadership on technological support radio-electronic industry, which was emerging at that time in South Korea. As a result, in 1969, together with the Japanese company Sanyo, it was created Samsung - Sanyo-Electronics (SEC). It began to specialize in the production of semiconductors and a few years later became the property of Samsung. In 1970, cooperation with Sanyo Electric led to the merger of companies and the creation of a corporation Samsung Electronics.

In general, everything that happened before the 70s somehow loosely correlates with the image of a modern corporation, and its real predecessor can rightfully be called Samsung-Sanyo Electronics - the first joint Korean-Japanese venture. True, cooperation with those same zaibatsu turned out to be not the most successful - the Japanese were clamping down Newest technologies and they only shared outdated ones, and the prices for components were raised. This is one of the reasons for removing Sanyo from the company name - the Koreans simply learned to make semiconductors themselves.

Since August 1973, the company's main office began to be located in Suwon (South Korea), and in November the construction of a plant for the production of household appliances was completed. At the same time, the Korean company Semiconductor Co. joins the corporation, resulting in mass production washing machines and refrigerators.

In 1977, the company's export volumes exceeded 100 million US dollars. In 1978, Samsung's first representative office opened in the United States. In 1979, the first consumer video recorders were released. However, half the cost of the product had to be given to the Japanese for the use of their technology and design. In addition, in other countries, Samsung products were sold under other brands or at very low prices.

As a result of the economic crisis that swept South Korea in the late 70s, Samsung Electronics began to generate losses. In response to this, Lee Kun-hee, the son of the company's founder, decided to reform the company. He reduced the number of subsidiaries, stopped subsidizing divisions, and put the quality of products at the forefront. These changes had a positive impact on financial condition company - Samsung Electronics' revenues increased again. At this time she joined the company Korea Telecommunications Co, which was renamed Samsung Semiconductor & Telecommunications Co.

By the end of the 70s, Samsung Electronics had become the flagship enterprise of the Lee empire, and in the late 80s there was an economic crisis in Korea, and the company became unprofitable.

Samsung again had every chance to cease to exist, but this did not happen, since Lee the Second (Kun Hee) developed a rescue plan long before the crisis. Everything was planned to change, with the exception of wives and children. The key point During perestroika there was a shift in priorities - quality became more important than quantity. Perestroika lasted 10 years and was crowned with success. One after another, companies went bankrupt: Hanbo, Daewoo, Huyndai, while Samsung increased exports and established itself in the global high-tech market.

Samsung announced its first computer in 1983

In 1983, Samsung Electronics launched its first personal computers (Model: SPC-1000). In the same year, the following were released: a 64M DRAM chip with a memory capacity of 64 MB; a player that could read regular CDs, CD-ROM, VIDEO-CD, PHOTO-CD, CD-OK. In 1984, a sales office was opened in England, a production plant was built audio and video equipment in the USA, as well as a production plant microwave ovens(2.4 million pieces per year).

In 1986, Samsung Electronics received the title of " Best Company of the Year» from the Korean Management Association. In the same year, the company produced its ten millionth color television, opened sales offices in Canada and Australia, and research laboratories in California and Tokyo. From 1988 to 1989, company representative offices were opened in France, Thailand and Malaysia. By 1989, Samsung Electronics ranked 13th in the world in the production of semiconductor products. In the fall of 1988, the corporation merged with Samsung Semiconductor & Telecommunications Co.

In the 90s, Samsung Electronics intensively expanded its activities. In order to improve the management structure, a unified presidential management system was introduced at Samsung Electronics in December 1992. In 1991-1992, the development of the personal mobile devices, and also developed mobile phone system. In 1994, sales reached 5 billion US dollars, and in 1995, export volume exceeded 10 billion US dollars.

The year 1995 can be called a turning point in the history of Samsung - the beginning of the company's transformation into a high-quality brand. The symbol of this moment is a photograph in which 2,000 employees smash defective Samsung products - 150 thousand faxes, mobile phones and other devices - to smithereens. Samsung Group survived the last Asian crisis in 1997 with a new president, Jong-Yong Yun. Sacrificing his tail to save his life, Yun liquidated dozens of secondary businesses, fired a third of the staff, breaking the practice of lifetime employment, and bet on emerging digital technologies.

As you can see, while other companies were engaged in research and one after another released the world's first new products - a compact disc, a transistor radio, a video camera, etc., Samsung survived, struggled with difficulties and developed. So it’s impossible to say about this company that some distant year it came up with something innovative and everyone loved it. Samsung's hit products come precisely from the current millennium.

It’s even hard to imagine that this company once produced b/w TVs and other goods at “reasonable” prices. Today, Samsung has become one of the most innovative and successful players in the consumer electronics and semiconductor market. It is the world's leading manufacturer of memory chips, flat panel displays and color televisions.

The company was a pioneer in the development of SDRAM, the ultra-fast memory chips used in personal computers, and a special memory chip used in the Sony PlayStation 2 video game console. A camera phone the size of a credit card! A third generation phone that receives satellite TV programs! The smallest multifunction printer in the world! And what’s most amazing is that in the summer of 2005, Samsung’s brand value surpassed Sony’s for the first time! This was calculated by one of the British research companies.

By 1998, Samsung Electronics had the largest share of the LCD monitor market and began mass production of digital TVs.

In January 1999, Forbes Global magazine awarded Samsung Electronics annually awarded prize Best Consumer Electronics Company».

In the TV market, Samsung definitely surpassed not only Sony, but also Philips, and did so back in 2003. At the CeBIT exhibition in 2004, Samsung wiped everyone's noses by presenting the world's largest 102-inch plasma panel (more than two meters!), Even the head of Oracle Larry Ellison signed up for the queue. LCD TVs of new models were appreciated by magazines and experts, noting this in various nominations such as “Best Buy” and “5 points.” And the LN-57F51 BD LCD TV was even called a representative new era TVs. Of course, with it you don’t even need to darken the room, since the picture quality does not depend on the ambient lighting.

Hardly a week has passed since Samsung announced something remarkable. Like the world's first mobile phone with a built-in five-megapixel camera (now this is of course no longer shocking) or the same.

No company has such a range of proprietary technologies as Samsung. A bit boastful, but it seems to be true, since Samsung is a real manufacturing company, and not a sticker of labels on other people's products. Suffice it to say that Samsung is the only company in the world that produces laptops and monitors in its own factories, without using the services of OEM suppliers.

But Samsung is not only a high-tech factory, as it might seem, but also a recognized R&D center.

Byong Chul Lee, founder of Samsung Trading Co

Byong Chul Lee died in 1987 from lung cancer. In one of the Samsung offices in honor of of blessed memory its founder has a commemorative bust made of bronze and marble.

Commemorative bust of the company's founder

From the date of Byong Chul Lee's death to the present (with a break in 2008-2010), the board of directors of Samsung has been headed by younger son founder - Lee Gong Hee. His appointment to the post of head of the board of directors went against everyone Eastern traditions, according to which the eldest son inherits most of the family property.

Founder's son - Lee Gun Hee

At the end of 2012, Lee Gun Hee appointed his son Jay Lee to the post of deputy board of directors, effectively recognizing him as the heir to the Samsung empire.

Jay Lee - heir to the Samsung empire

The post of CEO and Vice President of Samsung Electronics Co is occupied by Kwon Oh Hyun, who took office by decision of the company's board of directors on June 8, 2012.

Kwon o Hyun - CEO and vice presidentSamsung Electronics Co

Today Samsung Electronics is transnational corporation with offices in 47 countries and 70 thousand people working in them. The company occupies a leading position in the production of semiconductor and telecommunications equipment, as well as in the field of digital convergence technologies. The company consists of four main divisions: Digital Media Network Business, Device Solution Network Business, Telecommunication Network Business and Digital Appliance Network Business. In 2005, the company's sales were $56.7 billion and its net profit was $7.5 billion.

But look how history could have turned out. After all, Samsung could be the first to buy Android!

Let's remember 2005. There are no smartphones yet (at least as we know them now), operators control all the content, there is complete confusion with operating system versions, and what works on Motorola is unlikely to run on Samsung. Application developers are running away from smartphones like they're on fire, and those who want to do it are forced to literally write new code for each model separately, often more than 100 options at once.

Revolution, however, is in the air. Andy Rubin begins working on an operating system that was first intended for digital cameras, but then expanded to smartphones. He started as an engineer at Carl Zeiss, but then worked on operating systems for pocket computers. He had the experience and support of several other engineers. In October 2003, he launched the Android project, but a year later the startup ran out of money and began searching for investors.

We all know now that eventually Ruby comes to Google and everyone lives happily ever after. But few people know that at first Rubin went with the newborn Android to Samsung. The entire team of eight Android engineers flew to Seoul to meet with what was then the largest phone manufacturer.

Rubin had a meeting with 20 Samsung executives to introduce Android, but instead of enthusiasm or just questions, the response was silence.

What kind of army do you want to create this with? You only have six people. Are you high? - that's what they said. They made fun of me in the meeting room. This happened two weeks before Google bought us,” Rubin writes.

In early 2005, Larry Page agreed to meet with Andy and after the presentation of Android, he not only agreed to help with money - he decided that Google would buy Android. The entire mobile industry was changing before our eyes, and Page and Brin watched this with concern, fearing that giants like Microsoft would seize the initiative.

The history of the Rubik's Cube and how it developed

On September 4, 2008, the opening ceremony of the Samsung LCD and plasma TV plant in Kaluga took place. The Russian Samsung plant produces almost the entire range of TV models and monitors. Last week we chistoprudov And ottenki_serogo We saw how TVs are made.

In Russia, Samsung is known primarily as a manufacturer of electronics and household appliances. Despite the fact that more than 70% of the group's sales come from the electronics industry, Samsung has made a mark in almost all business sectors. Samsung cars drive around Korea, there is a Samsung bank and insurance companies, there is a Samsung amusement park, hotels, advertising and construction companies.

01. But let's return to TVs. If you see a Samsung TV in a store that was not made in Russia, then you know that they are selling you old stuff. All Samsung TVs are now made in Russia. They don’t just collect, they actually do. Let's start with the cases.

02. To begin with, bags of components for the production of plastic panels arrive from Korea.

03. This is where the whole thing is mixed, melted, and then hot plastic under pressure is fed through tubes to the workshop for stamping TV parts.

04. These are molds for the production of TV cases. Here they wait in the wings; if necessary, they will install them on the machine and cast parts.

05. Crane beams are used to install molds. The weight of one mold can reach several tons.

06. And here are the machines in which the molds are installed. Hot plastic comes here under pressure, under pressure it is pumped into a mold and a part is obtained

07. Typically, a TV body consists of a back cover and a front frame.

08. It takes about 2 minutes to produce one part; in total, I counted 15 machines for casting parts at the factory. All of them are of the same type and work with replaceable molds.


10. All production is automated, workers only monitor the equipment.

11. Sometimes you have to twist something)

12. Here is the opened mold.



16. And now the part is ready.

17. The robot puts it on the belt and it goes to the next workshop.

18. These are the remains of plastic from the channels through which it was fed. They are sent to recycling, where they will be crushed into small granules and used for internal parts of televisions.

19. Suddenly, the worker opened a door and pulled out a large, hot piece of plastic.

20. This is a workshop in which plastic panels of a TV or monitor are equipped with the necessary fittings, logos are stamped, etc.

21. The girl takes a panel from the tape and places it on the machine that makes logos.

22. This pink pad puts the Samsung logo on the faceless plastic. All other logos and necessary markings are affixed in the same way.

23. Here the panels are checked for defects. It could be anything - a crack, underfill, scratch, gas bubbles, flow marks, stains, etc. If a defect is detected, the panel is rejected.

24. To avoid scratching the front panel, it is immediately covered with a protective film.

25. Where would a Russian factory be without a hammer?)


28. Line High Quality, nothing to say)

29. And now the finished panel is sent to the warehouse.

30. All components are stored in the warehouse in special containers.

31. Each container has wheels; as needed, robots deliver these containers to people on conveyors.

32. Here is a robot carrying matrices to production. Robots recognize the road by colored stripes on the floor. While the robot is moving, idiotic music plays.

33. And this is a workshop for the production of microcircuits. Everything happens here automatically.

34. Quality control table.

35. Now a little about the traditions at the plant. What surprised me most were the slogans in the workshops, written in the best traditions of the Soviet era. They cause nothing but laughter among the workers, but the Koreans probably think that they will help the Russian natives to work. I will quote some of them:

The quality of SERK products starts with us!!! (Sirk is Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga)
- Our will cannot be broken: we poured, we poured and we will pour!!!
- Work with dedication, no one will do it better than you.
- Drive lazy people out of production, they are ruining our cars!
- We will increase productivity to 700,000, reducing waste!
- YES to Quality at Cell, NO to Defects!
- Work time- time to work!

36. As you can see, everything was done to ensure that the workers did not get bored. By the way, almost all the plant workers are young people. Salary on the assembly line is 25,000, plus a benefits package, career prospects.

37. In general, the plant is very cool, perfectly clean, nice young people, everything is automated, I can’t even believe it inside, this is the Kaluga region, not Korea. So that no one would be forgotten, the plant decided to make a pen for workers in the style of a cheap provincial eatery. The brightest example Russian bad taste.

38. A similar situation is happening at the stands. A week ago, Lebedev said very well about the design of internal booklets and presentations - http://tema.livejournal.com/575868.html

39. A secret card is a bonus. Competitors' factories are marked with a red pin. Employees' names are also duplicated in Korean on their badges.

The continuation of the story about how to assemble a TV will be this afternoon at the magazine Dima Chistoprudov , you will learn how parts are assembled into a finished product.

Samsung is an entire industrial concern. The giant was founded back in 1938.

In 1938, Korean entrepreneur Lee Byung-chul succeeds in registering the Samsung Trading Company trademark. At first, his company exported rice, sugar and dry fish from Korea to China and Manchuria.

The name Samsung is not Korean. Lee Byung-chul named his enterprise this way because he had far-reaching plans. At the onset of the 50s, the ambitious Korean planned to develop a partnership with the countries of North America.

During World War II, when American troops landed in Europe, Samsung began supplying the American military with rice vodka and beer. However, the brutal Korean War that broke out in the 50s stopped the company's growth. The alcohol sales business was curtailed, and many factories were simply destroyed.


After graduation Korean War the new government began to carry out large-scale economic reforms. In order to boost the country's economy, it was decided to provide the largest entrepreneurs with government orders. They were also provided with huge tax and legal benefits. It was during this period that such Korean giants as Daewoo, Hyundai, Goldstar (LG) were created.

Each company had its own specialization. Daewoo was engaged in the production of cars, Hyundai - in construction, Samsung began to produce electronics, LG began to produce a variety of electronics.

The company made another breakthrough when in 1969, after merging with Sanyo, it began producing the first black and white televisions. At that time, only 2% of Koreans had televisions at home.

The merger of the two companies became the basis for the creation of a large division - Samsung Electronics.

However, already in the 80s the company had to endure a major crisis. The economic downturn of the eighties almost cost the company collapse.

Samsung had to get rid of several non-core divisions and also reduce the number of subsidiaries.

Big changes

The next chapter in the company's history began with the arrival of a new leader, Lee Gon-hee. He proposed a major range of reforms, which involved a complete restructuring of the company and a change in all management principles.

The company also faced a complete change in marketing. The company strategy and logo were completely redesigned. It was then that the world saw the modern Samsung logo.

Today, all students who are studying to become advertisers are talking about the Samsung rebranding as one of the most successful in history. Stunning design and a large-scale advertising campaign around the world did their job. Now the Samsung logo is considered the most recognizable in the world.

In 1983, the company began producing personal computers. In 1992–1993, the company's developers completed work on the first personal mobile devices.

According to marketing research conducted by international agencies, Samsung is in 21st place in terms of total brand value. The Samsung brand is valued at almost $17 billion.

Samsung Group has many divisions that are engaged in the production of microelectronics, chemical industry, construction, etc.

The structure of the company is a full (closed) production cycle of various electronics.

According to research, Samsung ranks first in the US in sales mobile phones. The company is a leader in the European mobile phone market and is ahead of its main competitor, the Swedish company Nokia.



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